SENTENCE: The amazing performances of this ensemble--and the terrific production values-- make you eventually forget the weakness of McKee 's miscasting . VERB: forget POLAR NOUN: weakness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: forget the weakness of McKee 's miscasting PARSE: (VP (VB forget) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN weakness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP McKee) (POS 's)) (NN miscasting))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Musicians always use their art as a way to exorcise their inner demons . VERB: exorcise POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: exorcise inner demons PARSE: (VP (VB exorcise) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ inner) (NNS demons)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He has trouble with Los Angeles and does much to undo the pretense without being didactic or overweening . VERB: undo POLAR NOUN: pretense GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: undo the pretense PARSE: (@VP (VB undo) (NP (DT the) (NN pretense))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: What is new here , is that the authors break the mold of "work on eliminating your weaknesses . " VERB: eliminate POLAR NOUN: weakness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: eliminating weaknesses PARSE: (S (VBG eliminating) (NP (PRP$ your) (NNS weaknesses))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This album will leave you craving for more and luckily AK has put out a good 7 or 8 other records . VERB: leave POLAR NOUN: craving GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: leave you craving for more PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB leave) (NP you)) (NP (NP craving) (PP (IN for) (NP more)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: ***** It was a little captive cat Upon a crowded train His mistress takes him from his box To ease his fretful pain . VERB: ease POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: ease fretful pain PARSE: (VP (VB ease) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ fretful) (NN pain)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Others will use means that will destroy the evil using the methods used by the evil men . VERB: destroy POLAR NOUN: evil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: destroy the evil using the methods used by the evil men PARSE: (VP (VB destroy) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN evil)) (VP (VBG using) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS methods)) (VP (VBN used) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ evil) (NNS men))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He made a calculated move to end the Palestinian terror in Lebanon . VERB: end POLAR NOUN: terror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: end the Palestinian terror PARSE: (@VP (VB end) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ Palestinian) (NN terror)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Liberals regularly praise Castro and minimize the brutality of his regime , usually remarking on their health care system . VERB: minimize POLAR NOUN: brutality GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: minimize the brutality of regime PARSE: (@VP (VB minimize) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN brutality)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN regime))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I am in agreement with those who deny this recording a fifth star due to the presence of the atrocious Revelation . VERB: deny POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: deny this recording a fifth star due to the presence of the atrocious Revelation PARSE: (S (VBP deny) (S (NP this) (VP (@VP (VBG recording) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ fifth) (NN star)))) (PP (JJ due) (@PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN presence)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ atrocious) (NN Revelation)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This film is a such a startling comparison to modern life that it will stop all temporal arrogance . VERB: stop POLAR NOUN: arrogance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stop all temporal arrogance PARSE: (VP (VB stop) (NP (DT all) (@NP (JJ temporal) (NN arrogance)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The lower fidelity and lack of random access enhance rather than diminish one 's listening pleasure , I find . VERB: diminish POLAR NOUN: pleasure GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: diminish one 's listening pleasure PARSE: (VP (VB diminish) (S (NP (PRP one) (POS 's)) (VP (VBG listening) (NP pleasure)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I found it really creapy that a man would have a dream/vision of God telling him to kill demons . VERB: kill POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: kill demons PARSE: (VP (VB kill) (NP demons)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I extract some pleasure from it . VERB: extract POLAR NOUN: pleasure GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: extract some pleasure PARSE: (@VP (VBP extract) (NP (DT some) (NN pleasure))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Most of the cast seem to be having a great time but too many jokes fall flat . VERB: fall POLAR NOUN: joke GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: too many jokes fall flat PARSE: (S (NP (ADJP (RB too) (JJ many)) (NNS jokes)) (VP (VBP fall) (ADJP flat))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I continue to devour the B5 myth at an unhealthy rate . VERB: devour POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: devour the B5 myth PARSE: (@VP (VB devour) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN B5) (NN myth)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: All in all , it was a good book , it just seemed to lack her usual passion . VERB: lack POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: lack usual passion PARSE: (VP (VB lack) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ usual) (NN passion)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Also , the secret world controllers could have made the Jews look collectivly responsible so that they could debunk their opponents as "racist . " VERB: debunk POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: debunk opponents PARSE: (@VP (VB debunk) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS opponents))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Clark considers this "base " because it tends to resist the global hegemony of liberalism and feminism . VERB: resist POLAR NOUN: hegemony GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: resist the global hegemony of liberalism and feminism PARSE: (VP (VB resist) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ global) (NN hegemony))) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NN liberalism) (CC and)) (NN feminism))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: That said , I am glad to see that Ms. Sebold decided to ignore the stereotypes and be her own woman . VERB: ignore POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: ignore the stereotypes PARSE: (VP (VB ignore) (NP (DT the) (NNS stereotypes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Even the slightest hint of a mistake would cost her her uniqueness , her stardom....a perverse triumph for all bathtube singers . VERB: cost POLAR NOUN: triumph GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: cost her uniqueness stardom a perverse triumph for all bathtube singers PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB cost) (NP her)) (NP (@NP (NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ her) (NN uniqueness)) (, ,)) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN stardom))) (: ...)) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ perverse) (NN triumph))) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT all) (@NP (NN bathtube) (NNS singers))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But once you overcome the fear , you will most likely discover joy . VERB: overcome POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: overcome the fear PARSE: (VP (VBP overcome) (NP (DT the) (NN fear))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Two emotionally stunted adolescent girls escape their pain by creating a medieval/romance novel other-world for themselves . VERB: escape POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: escape pain PARSE: (@VP (VBP escape) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN pain))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Like God was going to protect them from crooks . VERB: protect POLAR NOUN: crook GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: protect them from crooks PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB protect) (NP them)) (PP (IN from) (NP crooks))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A sex abuse review panel should be created to root out false accusations and eliminate the use of "hired gun " psychological experts . VERB: root_out POLAR NOUN: accusation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: root out false accusations PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB root) (PRT out)) (NP (JJ false) (NNS accusations))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Somehow , though , he manages to overlook the curious lack of Heydrich 's name on the list of the persons attending . VERB: overlook POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: overlook the curious lack of Heydrich 's name PARSE: (@VP (VB overlook) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ curious) (NN lack))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Heydrich) (POS 's)) (NN name))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The parents recapture the joy they used to feel at this time of year , and pass that joy to their daughter . VERB: pass POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pass that joy PARSE: (@VP (VB pass) (NP (DT that) (NN joy))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Goodbyes especially for this CD hold lingering regret . VERB: hold POLAR NOUN: regret GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hold lingering regret PARSE: (VP (VBP hold) (NP (VBG lingering) (NN regret))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Anyone know knows anything about boxing would dismiss this as utter nonsense . VERB: dismiss POLAR NOUN: nonsense GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dismiss this as utter nonsense PARSE: (VP (VB dismiss) (NP (NP this) (PP (IN as) (NP (JJ utter) (NN nonsense))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It makes you think of the breakup of TBS and how it freed this great talent to go on his own . VERB: free POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: freed this great talent PARSE: (@VP (VBD freed) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ great) (NN talent)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Any child reading this book will quickly lose patience with it , it has so many slow sections . VERB: lose POLAR NOUN: patience GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: lose patience PARSE: (@VP (VB lose) (NP patience)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: However a few days later when I had a moment to crack open the covers and began reading , the glee faded . VERB: fade POLAR NOUN: glee GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the glee faded PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (NN glee)) (@S (VP faded) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I guess I 'll have to wait for the next books in the series to unravel the mysteries the first books hint at . VERB: unravel POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: unravel the mysteries the first books hint at PARSE: (VP (VB unravel) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS mysteries)) (SBAR (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ first) (NNS books))) (VP (VBP hint) (PP at))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The magnificent blend of humor and drama has the power to banish all doldrums in life and this film does just that and more . VERB: banish POLAR NOUN: doldrums GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: banish all doldrums PARSE: (@VP (VB banish) (NP (DT all) (NNS doldrums))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The Baloney Detection Kit includes several tools that can be used to help winnow out the truth ( Dr. VERB: winnow_out POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: winnow out the truth PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB winnow) (PRT out)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN truth)) (PP (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP Dr.)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Sometimes we are asked to suspend our disbelief to a greater extent than normal . VERB: suspend POLAR NOUN: disbelief GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: suspend disbelief PARSE: (@VP (VB suspend) (NP (PRP$ our) (NN disbelief))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The brutal work in the cotton fields becomes real and a perfect setting to display human passions that flare and wreck havoc. VERB: wreck POLAR NOUN: havoc GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: flare and wreck havoc PARSE: (S (@VP (@VP (VBP flare) (CC and)) (VBP wreck)) (NP havoc)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Now I know what you 're thinking but let me allay your fears . VERB: allay POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: allay fears PARSE: (VP (VB allay) (NP (PRP$ your) (NNS fears))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Well , it would be " stupid " to pass up this golden opportunity to own some Rambo on DVD. VERB: pass_up POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pass up this golden opportunity to own some Rambo on DVD PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB pass) (PRT up)) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ golden) (@NP (NN opportunity) (S (TO to) (VP (@VP (VB own) (NP (DT some) (NNP Rambo))) (PP (IN on) (NP DVD)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Naturally , she and her friends avert the catastrophe . VERB: avert POLAR NOUN: catastrophe GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: avert the catastrophe PARSE: (VP (VBP avert) (NP (DT the) (NN catastrophe))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I have still been a bit wary to use it to hack at bones , but I think that fear will go away . VERB: go_away POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fear will go away PARSE: (S (NP fear) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB go) (ADVP away)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In Episode ... 5 : Our heroes defeat a water monster and reach the legendary spring of Eterna . VERB: defeat POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: defeat a water monster PARSE: (VP (VB defeat) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN water) (NN monster)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: However I think they are more about traveling to solve the mystery . VERB: solve POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: solve the mystery PARSE: (VP (VB solve) (NP (DT the) (NN mystery))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Hero 's mother was cruel to abandon Hero . VERB: abandon POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: abandon Hero PARSE: (VP (VB abandon) (NP Hero)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This book is marketing speak meant to lessen privacy concerns of individuals so that companies have greater access to personal data to market/program consumers . VERB: lessen POLAR NOUN: concern GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: lessen privacy concerns of individuals PARSE: (@VP (VB lessen) (NP (NP (NN privacy) (NNS concerns)) (PP (IN of) (NP individuals)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Once you get the battery charged and start playing though , all that frustration will disappear . VERB: disappear POLAR NOUN: frustration GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: all that frustration will disappear PARSE: (@S (NP (NP all) (NP (DT that) (NN frustration))) (@S (VP (MD will) (VP disappear)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Before my actual review is even to begin , I feel compelled to dispel nonsense about Sarah 's supposed lip-synching . VERB: dispel POLAR NOUN: nonsense GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dispel nonsense PARSE: (@VP (VB dispel) (NP nonsense)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Only Intelligently orchestrated evolution could bypass the lack of natural mechanism and the mathematical roadblocks to neo-Darwinian theory . VERB: bypass POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bypass the lack of natural mechanism and the mathematical roadblocks PARSE: (@VP (VB bypass) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN lack)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP (JJ natural) (NN mechanism)) (CC and)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ mathematical) (NNS roadblocks))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book has , therefore , been the most felicitous way to rectify my own ignorance . VERB: rectify POLAR NOUN: ignorance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: rectify own ignorance PARSE: (VP (VB rectify) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ own) (NN ignorance)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Its cover includes Jesus ' command : " Heal the sick , raise the dead , cleanse the lepers , cast out demons . " VERB: cast_out POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cast out demons PARSE: (S (@VP (VBD cast) (PRT out)) (NP demons)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Therefore I had to delete a star . VERB: delete POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: delete a star PARSE: (VP (VB delete) (NP (DT a) (NN star))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I 'd like to give it five stars , but I simply have to take off one star for the missing artwork . VERB: take_off POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: take off one star for the missing artwork PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB take) (PRT off)) (NP (NP (CD one) (NN star)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (@NP (VBG missing) (NN artwork)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Enough evidence is also presented to cast away any doubts as to the fate of Hitler and indeed Martin Bormann . VERB: cast_away POLAR NOUN: doubt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cast away any doubts PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB cast) (PRT away)) (NP (DT any) (NNS doubts))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Through the setting he describes , he manages to cast reasonable doubt as to how evil the "witch " really was . VERB: cast POLAR NOUN: doubt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cast reasonable doubt PARSE: (@VP (VB cast) (NP (JJ reasonable) (NN doubt))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Hopefully it will quench my Ikkitousen thirst . VERB: quench POLAR NOUN: thirst GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: quench Ikkitousen thirst PARSE: (VP (VB quench) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (NNP Ikkitousen) (NN thirst)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: So Ray Bolger must fly to New York as quickly as possible to straighten out this mess . VERB: straighten_out POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: straighten out this mess PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB straighten) (PRT out)) (NP (DT this) (NN mess))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Ok to clear up this confusion , I called Zojirushi . VERB: clear_up POLAR NOUN: confusion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: clear up this confusion PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB clear) (PRT up)) (NP (DT this) (NN confusion))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It would bring one a lot of hassle to extricate oneself from misunderstandings arising from charming such people . VERB: extricate POLAR NOUN: misunderstandings GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: extricate oneself from misunderstandings arising from charming such people PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB extricate) (ADVP oneself)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP misunderstandings) (VP (VBG arising) (PP (IN from) (NP (JJ charming) (@NP (JJ such) (NNS people)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Norah Jones ' smooth voice and soft jazz piano work could soothe any savage beast . VERB: soothe POLAR NOUN: beast GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: soothe any savage beast PARSE: (VP (VB soothe) (NP (DT any) (@NP (JJ savage) (NN beast)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book can pull you out of confusion . VERB: pull_out POLAR NOUN: confusion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pull you out of confusion PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB pull) (NP you)) (ADVP (IN out) (PP (IN of) (NP confusion)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The hints of romance were nice to break up the seriousness of the novel . VERB: break_up POLAR NOUN: seriousness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: break up the seriousness of the novel PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB break) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN seriousness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN novel))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Honoria learns that love can conquer irrational fears and makes some risks completely worthwhile . VERB: conquer POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: conquer irrational fears PARSE: (VP (VB conquer) (NP (JJ irrational) (NNS fears))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In all of them , it was Jabez who was praying to avoid pain by keeping away from harm . VERB: keep_away POLAR NOUN: harm GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: keeping away from harm PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG keeping) (ADVP away)) (PP (IN from) (NP harm))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The discerning reader must read through the anti and the pro in order to divest the apparent truth . VERB: divest POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: divest the apparent truth PARSE: (VP (VB divest) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ apparent) (NN truth)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Meanwhile , the doctors turn off Eigil 's life support , and he wakes up ... VERB: turn_off POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: turn off Eigil 's life support PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB turn) (PRT off)) (NP (NP (NNP Eigil) (POS 's)) (@NP (NN life) (NN support)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: As Loewen accurately states , American social studies textbooks omit or downplay our nation 's shortcomings . VERB: omit POLAR NOUN: shortcoming GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: omit or downplay nation 's shortcomings PARSE: (VP (@VP (VP omit) (CC or)) (VP (VBP downplay) (NP (NP (PRP$ our) (@NP (NN nation) (POS 's))) (NNS shortcomings)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You feel that the director is trying to compensate the lack of real heart or originality with eye candy and overblown orchestrations . VERB: compensate POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: compensate the lack of real heart or originality PARSE: (@VP (VB compensate) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN lack)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ real) (@NP (@NP (NN heart) (CC or)) (NN originality)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The only thing is that on the tour they tried to replace Geri 's great laugh at the end with Victoria . VERB: replace POLAR NOUN: laugh GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: replace Geri 's great laugh PARSE: (@VP (VB replace) (NP (NP (NNP Geri) (POS 's)) (@NP (JJ great) (NN laugh)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You simply have to take out your frustration somewhere and relax a bit . VERB: take_out POLAR NOUN: frustration GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: take out frustration PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB take) (PRT out)) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN frustration))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In addition , viewers are forced to withstand chessy plot cliche 's . VERB: withstand POLAR NOUN: cliche GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: withstand chessy plot cliche PARSE: (@VP (VB withstand) (NP (NN chessy) (@NP (NN plot) (NN cliche)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book does a lot to break taboos about discussing certain things and brings some wrongly hidden facts into the light of day . VERB: break POLAR NOUN: taboo GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: break taboos PARSE: (@VP (VB break) (NP taboos)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: No, Calvinists ' central belief is that God graciously sent his only begotten Son to atone for the sins of mankind . VERB: atone POLAR NOUN: sin GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: atone for the sins of mankind PARSE: (VP (VB atone) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS sins)) (PP (IN of) (NP mankind))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Carla Olson sings forcefully , but is able to hold back from overkill when called upon to harmonise with Clark . VERB: hold_back POLAR NOUN: overkill GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hold back from overkill PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB hold) (PRT back)) (PP (IN from) (NP overkill))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Wilson weakly pretends to concur , but his thesis here ultimately pleads that we reject such clear-eyed humility . VERB: reject POLAR NOUN: humility GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reject such clear-eyed humility PARSE: (VP (VBP reject) (NP (JJ such) (@NP (JJ clear-eyed) (NN humility)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The victim 's point of view rarely gets a look in , possibly because it might interfere with sympathy for the murderers . VERB: interfere POLAR NOUN: sympathy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: interfere with sympathy for the murderers PARSE: (VP (VB interfere) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP sympathy) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NNS murderers)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Such quibbles will only spoil your enjoyment and are beside the point anyway . VERB: spoil POLAR NOUN: enjoyment GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: spoil enjoyment PARSE: (VP (VB spoil) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN enjoyment))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Merrill Lynch 's first responses seemed to include a sincere effort to resolve the complaints to the satisfaction of all . VERB: resolve POLAR NOUN: complaint GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: resolve the complaints PARSE: (@VP (VB resolve) (NP (DT the) (NNS complaints))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Stachel and Pell , opportunistic louts on the make , leverage their celebrity to undermine traditional martial virtues represented by Heidemann and Saville . VERB: undermine POLAR NOUN: virtue GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: undermine traditional martial virtues PARSE: (VP (VB undermine) (NP (JJ traditional) (@NP (JJ martial) (NNS virtues)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The self-deprecation goes a long way to mitigate his lack of appeal . VERB: mitigate POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: mitigate lack of appeal PARSE: (VP (VB mitigate) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NN lack)) (PP (IN of) (NP appeal)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: There are long passages which might be fascinating to a medieval studies professor , but leave the average intelligent reader stifling a yawn . VERB: stifle POLAR NOUN: yawn GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stifling a yawn PARSE: (S (VBG stifling) (NP (DT a) (NN yawn))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Like so many other athletes in his time Delahanty lived for today rather than postpone immediate gratification for a greater future reward . VERB: postpone POLAR NOUN: gratification GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: postpone immediate gratification PARSE: (@VP (VB postpone) (NP (JJ immediate) (NN gratification))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In search of another roommate to lower the rent burden , the two run across Jack Tripper passed out in their bathtub . VERB: lower POLAR NOUN: burden GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: lower the rent burden PARSE: (VP (VB lower) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN rent) (NN burden)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I 'm much younger than te authr , and I like writing like him , so the 1 sta reviews hurt my confidence . VERB: hurt POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hurt confidence PARSE: (VP (VB hurt) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN confidence))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Clarissa must learn to curb her recklessness and to let her kindness bloom . VERB: curb POLAR NOUN: recklessness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: curb recklessness PARSE: (VP (VB curb) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN recklessness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Sad to say , perhaps we should forgo the truth because of the effects it would have on everyone . VERB: forgo POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: forgo the truth PARSE: (@VP (VB forgo) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It was only a matter of time that someone would deflate the McCarthy myth . VERB: deflate POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: deflate the McCarthy myth PARSE: (VP (VB deflate) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP McCarthy) (NN myth)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It took Toni and her love to quell that fear . VERB: quell POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: quell that fear PARSE: (VP (VB quell) (NP (DT that) (NN fear))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It also kept those cool white counter slashes which let you decimate foes . VERB: decimate POLAR NOUN: foe GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: decimate foes PARSE: (VP (VB decimate) (NP foes)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He could leave out strides and be 2' over the biggest oxer . " VERB: leave_out POLAR NOUN: stride GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: leave out strides PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB leave) (PRT out)) (NP strides)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Ross uses Michelangelo 's own letters and other primary material to demolish myths associated with the painting . VERB: demolish POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: demolish myths associated with the painting PARSE: (VP (VB demolish) (NP (NP myths) (VP (VBN associated) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN painting)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: WTW will likely repel Bush partisans , but it ought to frighten those who take the Constitution 's separation of powers seriously . VERB: repel POLAR NOUN: partisan GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: repel Bush partisans PARSE: (VP (VB repel) (NP (NNP Bush) (NNS partisans))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: PLOT : The story gets the audience cheering when a villian dies , and weeping when heroes die . VERB: die POLAR NOUN: villian GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: a villian dies PARSE: (S (NP (DT a) (NN villian)) (VP dies)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: However , receiving this book as a Christmas gift was a wonderful way to supplant those desires for the time being . VERB: supplant POLAR NOUN: desire GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: supplant those desires for the time being PARSE: (VP (VB supplant) (NP (NP (DT those) (NNS desires)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN time) (VBG being)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He tells it like it is and has the experience and knowledge to back up his accusations . VERB: back_up POLAR NOUN: accusation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: back up accusations PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB back) (PRT up)) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS accusations))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A better world will unfold as hate ranges war with its own angry shadow ; the catharsis will expunge our prejudices . VERB: expunge POLAR NOUN: prejudice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: expunge prejudices PARSE: (VP (VB expunge) (NP (PRP$ our) (NNS prejudices))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Like most skiers (older ones at least ) , a couple of bad , off days can blow your confidence . VERB: blow POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: blow confidence PARSE: (VP (VB blow) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN confidence))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Until then , be pleased to restrain yourselves from purely speculative and totally unproductive criticism of science . VERB: restrain POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: restrain yourselves from purely speculative and totally unproductive criticism of science PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB restrain) (NP yourselves)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (ADJP (@ADJP (ADJP (RB purely) (JJ speculative)) (CC and)) (ADJP (RB totally) (JJ unproductive))) (NN criticism)) (PP (IN of) (NP science))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: One can easily check out the benefit of excluding the Joker by doing a divination about it . VERB: exclude POLAR NOUN: joker GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: excluding the Joker PARSE: (@VP (VBG excluding) (NP (DT the) (NN Joker))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: However , women were still obligated to be domestic to impede desertion . VERB: impede POLAR NOUN: desertion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: impede desertion PARSE: (VP (VB impede) (NP desertion)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: One moment they could fight off powerful foes in an apparently deserted city , the next moment they were fleeing from mundane pursuers . VERB: fight_off POLAR NOUN: foe GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fight off powerful foes PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB fight) (PRT off)) (NP (JJ powerful) (NNS foes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I think with Shark Trouble , Peter Benchley is trying to repair the public relations disaster of the great white shark . VERB: repair POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: repair the public relations disaster of the great white shark PARSE: (VP (VB repair) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ public) (@NP (NNS relations) (NN disaster)))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ great) (@NP (JJ white) (NN shark))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It will take me a few months to rid myself of the awful stench of this book . VERB: rid POLAR NOUN: stench GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: rid myself of the awful stench of this book PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB rid) (NP myself)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ awful) (NN stench))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN book)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The Shogunate has dispatched its most lethal assassin to kill all three of them before they meet up with Fuu 's father . VERB: dispatch POLAR NOUN: assassin GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dispatched most lethal assassin PARSE: (@VP (VBN dispatched) (NP (PRP$ its) (@NP (ADJP (RBS most) (JJ lethal)) (NN assassin)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Bruce Wayne , by this point a young man , comes back to Gotham City and begins to purge it of evil . VERB: purge POLAR NOUN: evil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: purge it of evil PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB purge) (NP it)) (PP (IN of) (NP evil))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: as they get older and life becomes more complicated they all battle their own demons . VERB: battle POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: battle own demons PARSE: (VP (VBP battle) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ own) (NNS demons)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I can just recommend you to skip this solo mistake . VERB: skip POLAR NOUN: mistake GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: skip this solo mistake PARSE: (VP (VB skip) (NP (DT this) (@NP (NN solo) (NN mistake)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A software and hardware matrix would have been helpful , too , to reduce the confusion you get with Cisco 's myriad of configurations . VERB: reduce POLAR NOUN: confusion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: reduce the confusion you get with Cisco 's myriad of configurations PARSE: (VP (VB reduce) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN confusion)) (SBAR (NP you) (VP (VBP get) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NP (NNP Cisco) (POS 's)) (JJ myriad)) (PP (IN of) (NP configurations)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: With that aside there ultimately ends up being a good number of other things beneath the surface that serve to hinder overall enjoyment . VERB: hinder POLAR NOUN: enjoyment GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hinder overall enjoyment PARSE: (VP (VB hinder) (NP (JJ overall) (NN enjoyment))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But the film suffers from several shortcomings that detract from it 's initial promise . VERB: detract POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: detract from it 's initial promise PARSE: (S (VBP detract) (SBAR (IN from) (S (NP it) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (JJ initial) (NN promise)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Allegations fly , and a systematic campaign against him begins . VERB: fly POLAR NOUN: allegation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Allegations fly PARSE: (S (NP Allegations) (VP fly)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She needed to shatter the myths and notions of what people assume a daughter of Malcolm X to be . VERB: shatter POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shatter the myths and notions of what people assume a daughter of Malcolm X to be PARSE: (VP (VB shatter) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NNS myths) (CC and)) (NNS notions))) (PP (IN of) (SBAR (WHNP what) (S (NP people) (VP (VBP assume) (S (NP (NP (DT a) (NN daughter)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Malcolm) (NN X)))) (VP (TO to) (VP be))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It is also used today with great effect in one party states to neutralize opposition . VERB: neutralize POLAR NOUN: opposition GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: neutralize opposition PARSE: (VP (VB neutralize) (NP opposition)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The film is fortunate to have Streep on hand , as she does much to alleviate weaknesses elsewhere . VERB: alleviate POLAR NOUN: weakness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: alleviate weaknesses PARSE: (@VP (VB alleviate) (NP weaknesses)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: These goodies can be used to blow things up and fend off opponents , of course . VERB: fend_off POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fend off opponents of course PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB fend) (PRT off)) (NP (@NP (NP opponents) (, ,)) (PP (IN of) (NP course)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Wagner is a genius , and to degrade his masterpieces into a "best of " compilation is horrible . VERB: degrade POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: degrade masterpieces PARSE: (@VP (VB degrade) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS masterpieces))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Smiley 's successor asks him to clean up all the loose ends , actually to bury the whole mess . VERB: bury POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bury the whole mess PARSE: (VP (VB bury) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ whole) (NN mess)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The more they write , the more they erode the praise for their earlier works . VERB: erode POLAR NOUN: praise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: erode the praise for earlier works PARSE: (VP (VBP erode) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN praise)) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJR earlier) (NNS works)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's a plan to strip you of more liberty , while further empowering Uncle Sam and big corporations . VERB: strip POLAR NOUN: liberty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: strip you of more liberty PARSE: (@VP (VB strip) (NP (NP you) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJR more) (NN liberty))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I would suggest you stop discharging your everlasting frustration and illogical persistence and zip yourself just in the maze of your mind . VERB: discharge POLAR NOUN: frustration GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: discharging everlasting frustration and illogical persistence and zip yourself PARSE: (@VP (VBG discharging) (S (NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ your) (@NP (JJ everlasting) (NN frustration))) (CC and)) (NP (JJ illogical) (@NP (@NP (NN persistence) (CC and)) (NN zip)))) (NP yourself))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Many film texts are dry treatises that absolutely drain the rollercoaster vicseral joy that a film can bring . VERB: drain POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: drain the rollercoaster vicseral joy PARSE: (@VP (VBP drain) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ rollercoaster) (@NP (JJ vicseral) (NN joy))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I hardly anytime would give " 5 " stars to any products , but this just blew my doubts and misunderstanding out to pieces . VERB: blow_out POLAR NOUN: doubt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: blew doubts PARSE: (@VP (VBD blew) (NP (PRP$ my) (NNS doubts))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: These three aspects of the book are tied together quite well to explain how religious faith can turn cold and brutal . VERB: turn POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: religious faith can turn cold and brutal PARSE: (S (NP (JJ religious) (NN faith)) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB turn) (ADJP (@ADJP (JJ cold) (CC and)) (JJ brutal))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Well for goodness sakes smooth those obstacles out and deliver us this DVD. VERB: smooth_out POLAR NOUN: obstacle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: smooth those obstacles PARSE: (@VP (VB smooth) (NP (DT those) (NNS obstacles))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He championed THOUGHT as the means to combat Mediocrity and the Sheep Mentality . VERB: combat POLAR NOUN: mediocrity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: combat Mediocrity and the Sheep Mentality PARSE: (VP (VB combat) (NP (@NP (NP Mediocrity) (CC and)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Sheep) (NN Mentality))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: So just shut out the criticism and enjoy the movie . VERB: shut_out POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shut out the criticism PARSE: (@VP (VBN shut) (PP (IN out) (NP (DT the) (NN criticism)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Fred Williamson meets his recently returned Father outside the cemetery and struggles to drop his resentment and relate Son-to-Father . VERB: drop POLAR NOUN: resentment GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: drop resentment PARSE: (VP (VB drop) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN resentment))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: NSync have always tried to separate themselves from the pack , and this CD erases any doubts about their success . VERB: erase POLAR NOUN: doubt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: erases any doubts about success PARSE: (VP (VBZ erases) (NP (NP (DT any) (NNS doubts)) (PP (IN about) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN success))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: What could have been a movie with a passable plot but great martial arts work turned out a disaster . VERB: turn_out POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: turned out a disaster PARSE: (S (@VP (VBN turned) (PRT out)) (NP (DT a) (NN disaster))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I will let Bastiat speak from the grave and refute this lie since he predicated critics would make similar claims . VERB: refute POLAR NOUN: lie GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: refute this lie PARSE: (@VP (VB refute) (NP (DT this) (NN lie))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Here , Kim basically tells all the haters to shut up , just as Missy was doing in " Gossip Folks " . VERB: shut_up POLAR NOUN: hater GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: all the haters to shut up just as Missy was doing in Gossip Folks PARSE: (S (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (NNS haters))) (VP (TO to) (VP (@VP (@VP (VB shut) (PRT up)) (, ,)) (SBAR (RB just) (@SBAR (IN as) (S (NP Missy) (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG doing) (PP (@PP (IN in) ('' '')) (NP (NNP Gossip) (NNS Folks))))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The lovers split , both personally and professionally . VERB: split POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The lovers split both personally and professionally PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NNS lovers)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD split) (, ,)) (ADVP (DT both) (@ADVP (@ADVP (RB personally) (CC and)) (RB professionally)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This might tend to sap your confidence . VERB: sap POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sap confidence PARSE: (VP (VB sap) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN confidence))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Truman was right to approve the plan quickly and override the scientists ' objections . VERB: override POLAR NOUN: objection GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: override the scientists ' objections PARSE: (VP (VB override) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNS scientists) (POS '))) (NNS objections))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Macon is forced to totally examine these relationships and to squeeze insight out of them to determine where he should go with his life . VERB: squeeze_out POLAR NOUN: insight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: squeeze insight PARSE: (@VP (VB squeeze) (NP insight)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It speaks of Oliver 's ability to subjugate his own ego and serve the message . VERB: subjugate POLAR NOUN: ego GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: subjugate own ego PARSE: (VP (VB subjugate) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ own) (NN ego)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Janet and her millions of followers belie the negative stereotypes that the biased , left leaning media tries to hang on all pro-life people . VERB: belie POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: belie the negative stereotypes PARSE: (@VP (VBP belie) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ negative) (NNS stereotypes)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He 's a brilliant author with a deft hand for weaving a story to divert the attention from the truths at hand . VERB: divert POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: divert the attention from the truths at hand PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB divert) (NP (DT the) (NN attention))) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS truths)) (PP (IN at) (NP hand))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I am able to dissolve fear . VERB: dissolve POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dissolve fear PARSE: (VP (VB dissolve) (NP fear)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I sent them away in shame , as viewing this disk would strangle appreciation for opera forever . VERB: strangle POLAR NOUN: appreciation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: strangle appreciation for opera PARSE: (@VP (VB strangle) (NP (NP appreciation) (PP (IN for) (NP opera)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Unless , like some of my friends , you need to pull a joke on someone . VERB: pull POLAR NOUN: joke GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pull a joke PARSE: (@VP (VB pull) (NP (DT a) (NN joke))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The forces that conspire to thwart their love are more complex than simple snobbery or class-distinction . VERB: thwart POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: thwart love PARSE: (VP (VB thwart) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN love))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She is in love , and she wants to spare any child of hers the pain of illegitimacy . VERB: spare POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: spare any child of hers the pain of illegitimacy PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB spare) (NP (NP (DT any) (NN child)) (PP (IN of) (NP hers)))) (NP-TMP (NP (DT the) (NN pain)) (PP (IN of) (NP illegitimacy)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Summary : Godzilla , Rodan and Mothra team up to overthrow a three-headed dragon from space . VERB: overthrow POLAR NOUN: dragon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: overthrow a three-headed dragon PARSE: (@VP (VB overthrow) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ three-headed) (NN dragon)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It has edge when she wants to give it edge , with a sort of cutting fury that spits out rage and ecstasy . VERB: cut POLAR NOUN: fury GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cutting fury that spits out rage and ecstasy PARSE: (S (VBG cutting) (NP (NP fury) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (@VP (VBZ spits) (PRT out)) (NP (@NP (NN rage) (CC and)) (NN ecstasy)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Perhaps this recording will remedy the lack . VERB: remedy POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: remedy the lack PARSE: (VP (VB remedy) (NP (DT the) (NN lack))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In a direct connection with Isaac Asimov the robots are regulated by the laws of robotics which preclude any harm to humans . VERB: preclude POLAR NOUN: harm GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: preclude any harm PARSE: (@VP (VBP preclude) (NP (DT any) (NN harm))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I actually expected Zara to inflict more harm on her master than just injure his pride emotionally . VERB: injure POLAR NOUN: pride GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: injure pride PARSE: (@VP (VB injure) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN pride))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: After some 200 pages , my attempts to shake off growing annoyance at the author 's cynicism and derision faltered . VERB: shake_off POLAR NOUN: annoyance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shake off growing annoyance at the author 's cynicism and derision PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB shake) (PRT off)) (NP (NP (VBG growing) (NN annoyance)) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN author) (POS 's))) (@NP (@NP (NN cynicism) (CC and)) (NN derision)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: So I amend my harsh criticism and I love the DVD. VERB: amend POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: amend harsh criticism PARSE: (VP (VBP amend) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ harsh) (NN criticism)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He is a shape that exists only to oppose the Joker . VERB: oppose POLAR NOUN: joker GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: oppose the Joker PARSE: (VP (VB oppose) (NP (DT the) (NNP Joker))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: mindmeld virtual environments ) to assuage social guilt , the possibility of cartharsis through simulated acts of murder . VERB: assuage POLAR NOUN: guilt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: assuage social guilt the possibility of cartharsis PARSE: (@VP (VB assuage) (NP (@NP (NP (JJ social) (NN guilt)) (, ,)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN possibility)) (PP (IN of) (NP cartharsis))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: To suppress his thirst for blood , Blade uses a special serum . VERB: suppress POLAR NOUN: thirst GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: suppress thirst PARSE: (@VP (VB suppress) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN thirst))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The only way to lift the curse is to convince a man to mate with them . VERB: lift POLAR NOUN: curse GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: lift the curse PARSE: (VP (VB lift) (NP (DT the) (NN curse))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They appreciate a woman who can bring some money into the household and relieve them of the stress of all that responsiblity . VERB: relieve POLAR NOUN: stress GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: relieve them of the stress of all that responsiblity PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB relieve) (NP them)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN stress)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP all) (PP (IN that) (NP responsiblity))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: All three attempted to recover the 1918 virus from the lung tissue of victims that died from the disease . VERB: recover POLAR NOUN: virus GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: recover the 1918 virus PARSE: (@VP (VB recover) (NP (DT the) (@NP (CD 1918) (NN virus)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Perhaps I should leave off writing book reviews for fear of offending vulnerable sensitivities . VERB: offend POLAR NOUN: sensitivity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: offending vulnerable sensitivities PARSE: (S (VBG offending) (NP (JJ vulnerable) (NNS sensitivities))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The middle portion of the book is taken up with their adventures , as they evade their Portuguese foes and the French army . VERB: evade POLAR NOUN: foe GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: evade Portuguese foes and the French army PARSE: (VP (VBP evade) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (NNP Portuguese) (@NP (NNS foes) (@NP (CC and) (@NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ French) (NN army)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Here 's a call to everyone to put aside their fears and prejudices and give themselves over to love . VERB: put_aside POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: put aside fears and prejudices PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB put) (PRT aside)) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (@NP (NNS fears) (CC and)) (NNS prejudices)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They were able to discard old fears and really share themselves . VERB: discard POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: discard old fears PARSE: (VP (VB discard) (NP (JJ old) (NNS fears))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The need to retreat every so often from the sheer hard grind of trying to accomplish the task she set herself . VERB: retreat POLAR NOUN: grind GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: retreat every so often from the sheer hard grind of trying to accomplish the task she PARSE: (VP (VB retreat) (PP (ADVP (DT every) (@ADVP (RB so) (RB often))) (@PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ sheer) (@NP (JJ hard) (NN grind)))) (PP (IN of) (S (VBG trying) (S (TO to) (VP (VB accomplish) (S (NP (DT the) (NN task)) (NP she)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You are the Master Chief , trying to stop the Covenent , an evil alien race from exterminating humankind . VERB: exterminate POLAR NOUN: humankind GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: exterminating humankind PARSE: (S (VBG exterminating) (NP humankind)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It seemed to deprive them of any individual personality , and to rather make them simply appendages of himself . VERB: deprive POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: deprive them of any individual personality PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB deprive) (NP them)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT any) (@NP (JJ individual) (NN personality))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He seems to disrupt the stoic confidence that Batman brings to battle . VERB: disrupt POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: disrupt the stoic confidence that Batman brings to battle PARSE: (VP (VB disrupt) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ stoic) (NN confidence))) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (NP Batman) (VP (VBZ brings) (PP (TO to) (NP battle))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: To earn that answer , Batman must subdue a seemingly unstoppable monster . VERB: subdue POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: subdue a seemingly unstoppable monster PARSE: (VP (VB subdue) (NP (DT a) (@NP (ADJP (RB seemingly) (JJ unstoppable)) (NN monster)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: On using Allen 's system , I unreservedly withdraw my skepticism . VERB: withdraw POLAR NOUN: skepticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: withdraw skepticism PARSE: (VP (VB withdraw) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN skepticism))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: So I have to manually turn down sensitivity to effectively use it . VERB: turn_down POLAR NOUN: sensitivity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: turn down sensitivity PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB turn) (PRT down)) (NP sensitivity)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Store your litecubes in the refrigerator to slow the battery 's decay . VERB: slow POLAR NOUN: decay GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: slow the battery 's decay PARSE: (VP (VB slow) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN battery) (POS 's))) (NN decay))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: That 's right : I 'm willing to sacrifice my artistic integrity , and sell Dilbert 's body , to get the job done . VERB: sacrifice POLAR NOUN: integrity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sacrifice artistic integrity PARSE: (VP (VB sacrifice) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ artistic) (NN integrity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: To erase this identity and stamp out "popish superstition , " Protestant reformers , especially the Puritans , changed the meaning of common symbols . VERB: stamp_out POLAR NOUN: superstition GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stamp out popish superstition Protestant reformers PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB stamp) (PRT out)) (NP (`` ``) (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (JJ popish) (NN superstition)) (, ,)) ('' '')) (NP (JJ Protestant) (NNS reformers))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Naturally he must foil these underhanded crooks and bring back recruits to his depleted regiment back in Spain . VERB: foil POLAR NOUN: crook GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: foil these underhanded crooks PARSE: (VP (VB foil) (NP (DT these) (@NP (JJ underhanded) (NNS crooks)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Woman returns home to California , her wounds heal quickly , and with the advent of the full moon , changes into a Wolf . VERB: heal POLAR NOUN: wound GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: wounds heal quickly and with the advent of the full moon changes into a Wolf PARSE: (@S (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS wounds)) (@S (VP (@VP (@VP (VP (VBP heal) (ADVP quickly)) (, ,)) (CC and)) (VP (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN advent)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ full) (NN moon)))))) (@VP (, ,) (NP (NP changes) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (NNP Wolf))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: L&SD clearly illustrates how we become self-deceived and , more importantly , how we can remove ourselves from this predicament . VERB: remove POLAR NOUN: predicament GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: remove ourselves from this predicament PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB remove) (NP ourselves)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT this) (NN predicament)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Like anyone in a situation like this , he desires to cast his burden off , but gathers the courage to continue . VERB: cast_off POLAR NOUN: burden GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cast burden PARSE: (@VP (VB cast) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN burden))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They simply faded or cut off one master when it reached its capacity and started a new one on the other machine . VERB: cut_off POLAR NOUN: master GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: cut off one master when it reached capacity and started a new one PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD cut) (PRT off)) (NP (NP (CD one) (NN master)) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP it) (VP (@VP (VP (VBD reached) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN capacity))) (CC and)) (VP (VBD started) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ new) (CD one))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Easy to read , the authors use very simple logic and examples ( full of quotes ) to disprove common myths about anti-Semitism . VERB: disprove POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: disprove common myths PARSE: (@VP (VB disprove) (NP (JJ common) (NNS myths))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I was able to kick out my inner critic and let my imagination knock over the blocks that had been running my inner dialog . VERB: kick_out POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: kick out inner critic PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB kick) (PRT out)) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ inner) (NN critic)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Mason learns of facts that lead to the questioning of a witness , and the truth comes out to free his client . VERB: come_out POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the truth comes out to free client PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (NN truth)) (VP (@VP (VBZ comes) (PRT out)) (S (TO to) (VP (VB free) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN client)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The religious revival emphasized the perfectibility of mankind , and the need to abolish wickedness . VERB: abolish POLAR NOUN: wickedness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: abolish wickedness PARSE: (VP (VB abolish) (NP wickedness)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: There 's a Biblical account of Daniel where he asked the Lord to turn away His anger and let His face shine on Jerusalem . VERB: turn_away POLAR NOUN: anger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: turn away anger PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB turn) (PRT away)) (NP (PRP$ His) (NN anger))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Ill say this is a great lesson to anybody that seeks advice to give up stress , depresion , or sadness . VERB: give_up POLAR NOUN: stress GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: give up stress depresion or sadness PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB give) (PRT up)) (NP (NN stress) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (NN depresion) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (CC or) (NN sadness))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Ridley 's grade : A- ( I thought about a B+ , but I would hate to risk discouraging talent . ) VERB: risk POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: risk discouraging talent PARSE: (VP (VB risk) (S (VBG discouraging) (NP talent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Indeed , few dramatic events disturb the novel 's languor until the final 35 or so pages of the 350-page-long Portuguese version . VERB: disturb POLAR NOUN: languor GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: disturb the novel 's languor PARSE: (@VP (VBP disturb) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN novel) (POS 's))) (NN languor))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: To pay the 'blood ' debt his proposes to help Julia Linley , cousin to the man whose blood brought down the curse . VERB: bring_down POLAR NOUN: curse GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: brought down the curse PARSE: (S (@VP (VBD brought) (PRT down)) (NP (DT the) (NN curse))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Henderson himself gets involved to help O'Brien take down this madman . VERB: take_down POLAR NOUN: madman GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: take down this madman PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB take) (PRT down)) (NP (DT this) (NN madman))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But then I decided to swallow my disappointment and saw it again with hope of finding something , and I did . VERB: swallow POLAR NOUN: disappointment GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: swallow disappointment PARSE: (VP (VB swallow) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN disappointment))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: On my off hours , away from corporate America , I used to like to fly to get away from the grind of work . VERB: get_away POLAR NOUN: grind GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: get away from the grind of work PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB get) (ADVP away)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN grind)) (PP (IN of) (NP work))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It does soften flash glare , especially for closeups . VERB: soften POLAR NOUN: glare GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: soften flash glare PARSE: (@VP (VB soften) (NP (NN flash) (NN glare))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book , written by someone who should know , will dissipate any stereotypes the reader may have about harem life . VERB: dissipate POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dissipate any stereotypes the reader may have about harem life PARSE: (VP (VB dissipate) (NP (NP (DT any) (NNS stereotypes)) (SBAR (NP (DT the) (NN reader)) (VP (MD may) (VP (VB have) (PP (IN about) (NP (NN harem) (NN life)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The enclosed-ear design certainly helps to block out other distractions . VERB: block_out POLAR NOUN: distraction GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: block out other distractions PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB block) (PRT out)) (NP (JJ other) (NNS distractions))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: So , while you are busy trying to finish off your original opponent , the other one goes untouched . VERB: finish_off POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: finish off original opponent PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB finish) (PRT off)) (NP (PRP$ your) (@NP (JJ original) (NN opponent)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It is sometimes preferable to go back and clean out several dungeons to raise experience levels before tackling a tough boss . VERB: clean_out POLAR NOUN: dungeon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: clean out several dungeons PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB clean) (PRT out)) (NP (JJ several) (NNS dungeons))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: One complaint that is common is you feel like you have to tear off the head support in order to remove it . VERB: tear_off POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: tear off the head support in order PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB tear) (PRT off)) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN head) (NN support))) (PP (IN in) (NP order)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He thinks that hyperbole is funny and can substitute for insight . VERB: substitute POLAR NOUN: insight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: substitute for insight PARSE: (VP (VB substitute) (PP (IN for) (NP insight))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: You have to work around it so that gradually the abyss closes . " VERB: close POLAR NOUN: abyss GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the abyss closes PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (NN abyss)) (VP closes)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: North American readers often balk at the " culture shock " of Australian conditions and language . VERB: balk POLAR NOUN: shock GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: balk at the culture shock of Australian conditions and language PARSE: (VP (VBP balk) (PP (IN at) (NP (@NP (NP the) ('' '')) (PP (NP (NN culture) (@NP (NN shock) ('' ''))) (@PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP (JJ Australian) (NNS conditions)) (CC and)) (NP language))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It is uncool to coerce kidnapping on the public in order to stem criticism of enormities . VERB: stem POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stem criticism of enormities PARSE: (VP (VB stem) (NP (NP criticism) (PP (IN of) (NP enormities)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He even addresses a businessmen 's club extolling Japan 's desire to oust Western imperialists from Asia . VERB: oust POLAR NOUN: imperialist GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: oust Western imperialists PARSE: (@VP (VB oust) (NP (JJ Western) (NNS imperialists))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Behe 's book and its popularity will only further hamper the opportunity for our children to learn about life . VERB: hamper POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hamper the opportunity PARSE: (@VP (VB hamper) (NP (DT the) (NN opportunity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: People judge whatever and whomever they see and shut themselves off from their own insincerity . VERB: shut_off POLAR NOUN: insincerity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: see and shut themselves off from own insincerity PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (@VP (VBP see) (CC and)) (VBP shut)) (NP themselves)) (ADVP (RP off) (PP (IN from) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ own) (NN insincerity)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The answer to that question is that you can repudiate nationalism all you want--until some nation that believes in it attacks you . VERB: repudiate POLAR NOUN: nationalism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: repudiate nationalism all you want until some nation that believes in it attacks you PARSE: (VP (VB repudiate) (NP (NP nationalism) (SBAR (WHNP all) (S (NP you) (VP (@VP (VBP want) (: --)) (SBAR (IN until) (S (NP (NP (DT some) (NN nation)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBZ believes) (PP (IN in) (NP it))))) (VP (VBZ attacks) (NP you))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The candidate is trying to protect the doctor who violated his confidences . VERB: violate POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: violated confidences PARSE: (S (VBD violated) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS confidences))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I look forward to reading her next book-hoping that she 'll eschew the cheap tricks in favor of great characters and a stronger plot . VERB: eschew POLAR NOUN: trick GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: eschew the cheap tricks PARSE: (@VP (VB eschew) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ cheap) (NNS tricks)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: From this perch they would sweep aside all who disagree and utterly squelch dissent within their own ranks . VERB: squelch POLAR NOUN: dissent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: squelch dissent within own ranks PARSE: (@VP (VBP squelch) (NP (NP dissent) (PP (IN within) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ own) (NNS ranks)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A message to Americans that eat up the media 's nonsense VERB: eat_up POLAR NOUN: nonsense GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: eat up the media 's nonsense PARSE: (S (@VP (VBP eat) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNS media) (POS 's))) (NN nonsense))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They need to fire all the idiots , and corporate sell-outs , and create a quality writing team . VERB: fire POLAR NOUN: idiot GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fire all the idiots and corporate sell-outs PARSE: (VP (VB fire) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (NNS idiots))) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP (JJ corporate) (NNS sell-outs))) (, ,))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Prettily put , but you could negate every sentiment and declare the result with just as much authority . VERB: negate POLAR NOUN: sentiment GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: negate every sentiment PARSE: (VP (VB negate) (NP (DT every) (NN sentiment))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's also very hard to clog the Shark , and handles any type of dust , dirt , or morsel with aplomb . VERB: clog POLAR NOUN: shark GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: clog the Shark PARSE: (VP (VB clog) (NP (DT the) (NNP Shark))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Some of these answers and explanations really make you scratch your head frustration and disbelief . VERB: scratch POLAR NOUN: frustration GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: scratch head frustration and disbelief PARSE: (VP (VB scratch) (NP (PRP$ your) (@NP (NN head) (@NP (@NP (NN frustration) (CC and)) (NN disbelief))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It can be turned off to decrease battery drain . VERB: decrease POLAR NOUN: drain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: decrease battery drain PARSE: (VP (VB decrease) (NP (NN battery) (NN drain))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Simple , clear and direct to the point on how to reverse this lethal curse . VERB: reverse POLAR NOUN: curse GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: reverse this lethal curse PARSE: (VP (VB reverse) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ lethal) (NN curse)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It is ideal for the owner of a problem dog , or even someone who just wishes to forestall difficulties with their companion . VERB: forestall POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: forestall difficulties PARSE: (@VP (VB forestall) (NP difficulties)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Since last September , days can seem dark , and hope for a better world can wane . VERB: wane POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hope for a better world can wane PARSE: (S (NP (NP hope) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJR better) (NN world))))) (VP (MD can) (VP wane))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Also disregard the fools who complain about the special features . VERB: disregard POLAR NOUN: fool GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: disregard the fools who complain about the special features PARSE: (VP (VB disregard) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS fools)) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (VBP complain) (PP (IN about) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ special) (NNS features)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Life will bring permanemnt pain , without hope that the agony of depression will ever subside . VERB: subside POLAR NOUN: agony GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the agony of depression will ever subside PARSE: (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NN agony)) (PP (IN of) (NP depression))) (VP (@VP (MD will) (ADVP ever)) (VP subside))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book seems to be a poor attempt to salve regret . VERB: salve POLAR NOUN: regret GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: salve regret PARSE: (VP (VB salve) (NP regret)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: :-) Romantics should go out and buy this NOW. VERB: go_out POLAR NOUN: romantic GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Romantics should go out and buy this NOW PARSE: (ROOT (NP (CD :--RRB-) (NNS Romantics)) (@S (VP (MD should) (VP (@VP (VP (VB go) (PRT out)) (CC and)) (VP (@VP (VB buy) (NP this)) (ADVP NOW)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I had to leave off a star because I was crushed at the anticlimactic end to the search for Khatovar . VERB: leave_off POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: leave off a star PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB leave) (PRT off)) (NP (DT a) (NN star))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: To say more might preempt the excitement you will surely experiece when this disc hits your ears ... VERB: preempt POLAR NOUN: excitement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: preempt the excitement PARSE: (VP (VB preempt) (NP (DT the) (NN excitement))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Hunger and coldness sometimes weaken her determination but she endure them . VERB: weaken POLAR NOUN: determination GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: weaken determination PARSE: (VP (VB weaken) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN determination))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The environmental movement is too important to recoil from criticism like this . VERB: recoil POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: recoil from criticism like this PARSE: (VP (VB recoil) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP criticism) (PP (IN like) (NP this))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But it is also true that films just deviate from the truth . .so the film is just an adaptation of the truth . VERB: deviate POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: deviate from the truth PARSE: (VP (VBP deviate) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN truth)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I connect them to one power source so they turn on together and keep the mess down to a minimum . VERB: keep_down POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: keep the mess PARSE: (@VP (VB keep) (NP (DT the) (NN mess))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The good guys use curses that temporarily disable their opponent . VERB: disable POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: disable opponent PARSE: (VP (VBP disable) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN opponent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This is a wonderful collection of Baroque pieces that will truly relax and wash away stress and tension . VERB: wash_away POLAR NOUN: stress GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: wash away stress and tension PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB wash) (PRT away)) (NP (@NP (NN stress) (CC and)) (NN tension))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Proverbs 15 :24-" The path of life ( leadeth ) upward for the wise , that he may depart from hell beneath . " VERB: depart POLAR NOUN: hell GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: depart from hell PARSE: (@VP (VB depart) (PP (IN from) (NP hell))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Unfortunately , Mr. Dean will unintentionally sabotage her hopes with well timed fire breathing madness . VERB: sabotage POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sabotage hopes PARSE: (@VP (VB sabotage) (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS hopes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: ICANN ... please shut these idiots down . VERB: shut_down POLAR NOUN: idiot GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shut these idiots PARSE: (@VP (VBN shut) (NP (DT these) (NNS idiots))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They also seem to dodge the technical difficulties countermeasures can present . VERB: dodge POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dodge the technical difficulties countermeasures can present PARSE: (VP (VB dodge) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ technical) (NNS difficulties))) (SBAR (NP countermeasures) (VP (MD can) (VP present))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Also , there are issues with map scrolling which cripple enjoyment of the game . VERB: cripple POLAR NOUN: enjoyment GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: cripple enjoyment of the game PARSE: (S (VBP cripple) (NP (NP enjoyment) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN game))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Harris finds many reasons to pass over the absurdities in the other religions , like Judaism and Buddhism . VERB: pass_over POLAR NOUN: absurdity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pass over the absurdities in the other religions PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB pass) (PRT over)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS absurdities)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ other) (NNS religions)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Now that I have put forth a few important points to discourage prejudice , I will discuss the merit of the film itself . VERB: discourage POLAR NOUN: prejudice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: discourage prejudice PARSE: (VP (VB discourage) (NP prejudice)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Others respond pathetically , refusing easy opportunities to leave abusive situations . VERB: refuse POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: refusing easy opportunities PARSE: (@VP (VBG refusing) (NP (JJ easy) (NNS opportunities))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: so please , shut your anti-american rants , please . VERB: shut POLAR NOUN: rant GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shut anti-american rants PARSE: (VP (VB shut) (NP (PRP$ your) (@NP (JJ anti-american) (NNS rants)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Peters uses quotes from Arab leaders themselves to rebut lies and misconceptions about the " Arab-Israeli" conflict and to support her arguments .... VERB: rebut POLAR NOUN: lie GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: rebut lies and misconceptions PARSE: (@VP (VB rebut) (NP (@NP (NNS lies) (CC and)) (NNS misconceptions))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This is the wish of the elders , that the confusion and misrepresentation cease . " VERB: cease POLAR NOUN: confusion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the confusion and misrepresentation cease PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN confusion) (CC and)) (NN misrepresentation))) (VP cease)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I suggest you shelve those ideals , and the idiots who rave this is the best game ever . VERB: shelve POLAR NOUN: ideal GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: shelve those ideals PARSE: (VP (VB shelve) (NP (DT those) (NNS ideals))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The plot for this turkey is lifted wholesale from the last movie , but differs just enough to extinguish all hope . VERB: extinguish POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: extinguish all hope PARSE: (VP (VB extinguish) (NP (DT all) (NN hope))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The final passage ends on a note of hope , but is insufficient to redress the imbalance . VERB: redress POLAR NOUN: imbalance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: redress the imbalance PARSE: (VP (VB redress) (NP (DT the) (NN imbalance))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: So many artists today think that they need to get something out right now for their fame might burn out . VERB: burn_out POLAR NOUN: fame GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fame might burn out PARSE: (S (NP (PRP$ their) (NN fame)) (VP (MD might) (VP (VB burn) (PRT out)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He was foolish growing up , and his guru had to cut down his ego numerous times . VERB: cut_down POLAR NOUN: ego GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cut down ego PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB cut) (PRT down)) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN ego))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But many events occur to both raise Lord Danville 's estimation of Laura and yet dash her own hopes for bettering herself . VERB: dash POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: dash own hopes PARSE: (@VP (VB dash) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ own) (NNS hopes)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Dyer 's refusal to give anyone else credit took away from my enjoyment of this book . VERB: take_away POLAR NOUN: enjoyment GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: took away from enjoyment of this book PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD took) (ADVP away)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN enjoyment)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN book)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Here I would say that the reader would do well to cast aside such prejudices before judging the value of the work itself . VERB: cast_aside POLAR NOUN: prejudice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cast aside such prejudices PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB cast) (ADVP aside)) (NP (JJ such) (NNS prejudices))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The scope of Brooks ' thesis allows him to sidestep those three concerns . VERB: sidestep POLAR NOUN: concern GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sidestep those three concerns PARSE: (VP (VB sidestep) (NP (DT those) (@NP (CD three) (NNS concerns)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Vs mode is the best feature where you can litter the road with your cargo to slow down your opponent VERB: slow_down POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: slow down opponent PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB slow) (PRT down)) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN opponent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: hopefully this will detain her critics far and wide . VERB: detain POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: detain critics PARSE: (@VP (VB detain) (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS critics))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This film is filled with network propaganda and attempts to absolve the network from any blame regarding the cancellation of Star Trek . VERB: absolve POLAR NOUN: blame GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: absolve the network from any blame regarding the cancellation of Star Trek PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB absolve) (NP (DT the) (NN network))) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT any) (NN blame)) (PP (VBG regarding) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN cancellation)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Star) (NNP Trek)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But that would be unfair , and once could level the same criticism at Jules Verne and H.G. Wells without really getting anywhere . VERB: level POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: level the same criticism PARSE: (@VP (VB level) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ same) (NN criticism)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Before long , envy , lust and greed explode and create a sinister world of obsession and murder . VERB: explode POLAR NOUN: envy GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: envy lust and greed explode and create a sinister world of obsession and murder PARSE: (@S (NP (NN envy) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (@NP (NN lust) (CC and)) (NN greed)))) (@S (VP (@VP (VP explode) (CC and)) (VP (VBP create) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ sinister) (NN world))) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NN obsession) (CC and)) (NN murder)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Our ability to defer gratification and make choices are what make up our character and personality and each of us our unique " color" . VERB: defer POLAR NOUN: gratification GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: defer gratification PARSE: (VP (VB defer) (NP gratification)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This book is an excellent example of how to devastate an opponent by using a hidden straw man approach . VERB: devastate POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: devastate an opponent PARSE: (@VP (VB devastate) (NP (DT an) (NN opponent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: My wife and I have used the book to defuse disagreements , to stimulate an evening of ( god forbid ! ) wonderful conversation . VERB: defuse POLAR NOUN: disagreement GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: defuse disagreements PARSE: (VP (VB defuse) (NP disagreements)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: By repressing our fear , we give it power to take hold . VERB: repress POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: repressing fear PARSE: (S (VBG repressing) (NP (PRP$ our) (NN fear))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A great chapter on self talk and how it can frustrate adult stress . VERB: frustrate POLAR NOUN: stress GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: frustrate adult stress PARSE: (VP (VB frustrate) (NP (JJ adult) (NN stress))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I hate to dampen the enthusiasm surrounding the debut novel of a fellow UCG head but I will . VERB: dampen POLAR NOUN: enthusiasm GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: dampen the enthusiasm surrounding the debut novel of a fellow UCG head PARSE: (VP (VB dampen) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN enthusiasm)) (VP (VBG surrounding) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN debut) (NN novel))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ fellow) (@NP (NNP UCG) (NN head))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A quick re-read will quash any doubts . VERB: quash POLAR NOUN: doubt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: quash any doubts PARSE: (VP (VB quash) (NP (DT any) (NNS doubts))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I thought it was so interesting that after a failed attempt to drive the demons out . VERB: drive_out POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: drive the demons PARSE: (@VP (VB drive) (NP (DT the) (NNS demons))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It would take years of dedicated effort to exhaust the richness of this book . VERB: exhaust POLAR NOUN: richness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: exhaust the richness of this book PARSE: (VP (VB exhaust) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN richness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN book))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: So everyone quit your pseudo-intelligent criticism on the little details that make With Teeth a percent under 100 . VERB: quit POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: quit pseudo-intelligent criticism PARSE: (@VP (VB quit) (NP (PRP$ your) (@NP (JJ pseudo-intelligent) (NN criticism)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: timely invitation to jettison liberal shame VERB: jettison POLAR NOUN: shame GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: jettison liberal shame PARSE: (VP (VB jettison) (NP (JJ liberal) (NN shame))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Here , Finkelstein offers a fresh slant on how definitions of anti-Semitism have been stretched by pro-Israel lobbyists to muzzle criticism of Israel . VERB: muzzle POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: muzzle criticism of Israel PARSE: (VP (VB muzzle) (NP (NP criticism) (PP (IN of) (NP Israel)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's cheaply made , the charms do fall off left and right . VERB: fall_off POLAR NOUN: charm GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the charms do fall off left and right PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (NNS charms)) (@S (VP (VBP do) (VP (@VP (VB fall) (PRT off)) (ADJP (@ADJP (JJ left) (CC and)) (JJ right)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: So put away the prejudices against up-to-date music and give an open listen . VERB: put_away POLAR NOUN: prejudice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: put away the prejudices against up-to-date music PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB put) (PRT away)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS prejudices)) (PP (IN against) (NP (JJ up-to-date) (NN music))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Assumptions can cloud the truth VERB: cloud POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: cloud the truth PARSE: (VP (VB cloud) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: All the non-believers need to hush the fuss and dig on this . VERB: hush POLAR NOUN: fuss GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hush the fuss and dig on this PARSE: (VP (VB hush) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN fuss) (CC and)) (NN dig))) (PP (IN on) (NP this)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Sometimes using your humor to disarm a bully is just what is needed . VERB: disarm POLAR NOUN: bully GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: disarm a bully PARSE: (VP (VB disarm) (NP (DT a) (NN bully))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She still refuses to flinch from agonies of the heart and flesh , honor and duty . VERB: flinch POLAR NOUN: agony GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: flinch from agonies of the heart and flesh honor and duty PARSE: (VP (VB flinch) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP agonies) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN heart)) (CC and)) (NP (NN flesh) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (@NP (NN honor) (CC and)) (NN duty))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The only time boxing is in the movie is to show how he used it to excise "inner demons " . VERB: excise POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: excise inner demons PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB excise) (`` ``)) (NP (JJ inner) (NNS demons))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He runs around town killing people who upset his lovers . VERB: upset POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: upset lovers PARSE: (S (VBD upset) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS lovers))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Spenser risks his life and sets aside scruples to help Hawk revenge a near fatal attack . VERB: set_aside POLAR NOUN: scruples GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sets aside scruples to help Hawk revenge PARSE: (VP (VBZ sets) (S (NP (ADVP aside) (NNS scruples)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB help) (NP (NN Hawk) (NN revenge)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: ( ...)you can breach this confidence and learn what Bremer was telling the president behind closed doors . VERB: breach POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: breach this confidence PARSE: (VP (VB breach) (NP (DT this) (NN confidence))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A consistantly winning strategy is to possess a high level (8-10 ) Dark Angel and trash your opponents Dungeon Heart . VERB: trash POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: trash opponents PARSE: (VP (VB trash) (NP (PRP$ your) (NNS opponents))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I 'd strongly recommend this book to anyone who wants to exchange exceptional wedding promises . VERB: exchange POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: exchange exceptional wedding promises PARSE: (VP (VB exchange) (NP (JJ exceptional) (@NP (NN wedding) (NNS promises)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The practice was a constant temptation to Israelites to forsake their faith in YHWH. VERB: forsake POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: forsake faith PARSE: (@VP (VB forsake) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN faith))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: hey puffy , stop holding your talent down with your non-creativity . VERB: hold_down POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: holding talent PARSE: (@VP (VBG holding) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN talent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The sharp things on it make it so it wears down the opponent over time , and make it hard to break . VERB: wear_down POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: wears down the opponent over time PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ wears) (PRT down)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN opponent)) (PP (IN over) (NP time)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You 'll move toward a perspective in which whatever happens physically , the emotional turmoil surrounding it will settle . VERB: settle POLAR NOUN: turmoil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the emotional turmoil surrounding it will settle PARSE: (@S (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ emotional) (NN turmoil))) (VP (VBG surrounding) (NP it))) (VP (MD will) (VP settle))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Still , the wanton barbarity of his crimes would seem to abrogate any hope of redemption . VERB: abrogate POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: abrogate any hope of redemption PARSE: (VP (VB abrogate) (NP (NP (DT any) (NN hope)) (PP (IN of) (NP redemption)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Years later , a small group of Tiganese rebels begin a campaign to bring their name back to the Palm and expel both tyrants ... VERB: expel POLAR NOUN: tyrant GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: expel both tyrants PARSE: (VP (VB expel) (NP (DT both) (NNS tyrants))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You are also allowed to blow off limbs certain monsters which adds to the realism . VERB: blow_off POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: blow off limbs certain monsters which adds to the realism PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB blow) (PRT off)) (NP (@NP (NP limbs) (NP (JJ certain) (NNS monsters))) (SBAR (WHNP which) (S (VBZ adds) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN realism))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Ultrasound provides deep massage to block and manage pain or maximize blood flow . VERB: block POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: block and manage pain PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VB block) (CC and)) (VB manage)) (NP pain)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I hope this review prevents somebody else from the frustration that I experienced trying to get this to work . VERB: prevent POLAR NOUN: frustration GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: prevents somebody else from the frustration PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBZ prevents) (NP (NN somebody) (RB else))) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN frustration)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You can also try to stymie your opponent by playing monsters , phobias and other events on their hapless investigators . VERB: stymie POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stymie opponent PARSE: (@VP (VB stymie) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN opponent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The producers of the show have eternally messed up the author 's masterpiece of the legendary manslayer who stop 's killing . VERB: mess_up POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: messed up the author 's masterpiece of the legendary manslayer who stop 's killing PARSE: (VP (VBN messed) (PP (IN up) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN author) (POS 's))) (NN masterpiece)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ legendary) (NN manslayer))) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (VBP stop) (S (NP 's) (VP killing))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I actually believe that they set up the entire CD to counteract their previous fame . VERB: counteract POLAR NOUN: fame GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: counteract previous fame PARSE: (VP (VB counteract) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ previous) (NN fame)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They help you ward off disaster with many how-not-to tips . VERB: ward_off POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: ward off disaster with many how-not-to tips PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB ward) (PRT off)) (NP (NP disaster) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ many) (@NP (JJ how-not-to) (NNS tips)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The wars and occupations are signs of their desperation and last minute attempts to delay their demise with democracy that has long been dead . VERB: delay POLAR NOUN: demise GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: delay demise PARSE: (@VP (VB delay) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN demise))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: There seems to be a trend in pulp fiction to blunt accusations of cardboard-two dimensionalism by giving an obligatory problem to each character . VERB: blunt POLAR NOUN: accusation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: blunt accusations of cardboard-two dimensionalism PARSE: (@VP (VB blunt) (NP (NP accusations) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN cardboard-two) (NN dimensionalism))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I Barring this irritation I would give this game almost like 9.5 over 10 . VERB: bar POLAR NOUN: irritation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Barring this irritation PARSE: (PP (VBG Barring) (NP (DT this) (NN irritation))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Extensive references to original and contemporary Islamic sources and historical events can often arrest any bigoted criticism . VERB: arrest POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: arrest any bigoted criticism PARSE: (VP (VB arrest) (NP (DT any) (@NP (JJ bigoted) (NN criticism)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: What does happen is that its opponents gradually die out and that the growing geneneration is familiarized with the idea from the beginning . " VERB: die_out POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: opponents gradually die out PARSE: (S (NP (PRP$ its) (NNS opponents)) (@S (ADVP gradually) (VP (VBP die) (PRT out)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It then becomes Frankenstein 's only goal in life to eradicate the menace he created . VERB: eradicate POLAR NOUN: menace GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: eradicate the menace he created PARSE: (VP (VB eradicate) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN menace)) (SBAR (NP he) (VP created)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: " 24 " always seemed to puncture stereotypes of dramitic television . VERB: puncture POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: puncture stereotypes of dramitic television PARSE: (VP (VB puncture) (NP (NP stereotypes) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ dramitic) (NN television))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: *** I ran out of lil ' yellow stars to check so had to add a few here . VERB: run_out POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: ran out of lil yellow stars to check so PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD ran) (ADVP out)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP lil) ('' ')) (SBAR (WHNP (ADJP yellow) (NNS stars)) (S (TO to) (VP (VB check) (ADVP so))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I 'm mainly writing this to bump the idiot below me down a notch . VERB: bump POLAR NOUN: idiot GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bump the idiot PARSE: (@VP (VB bump) (NP (DT the) (NN idiot))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Many will fight against it , use flawed logic , and outright lie to tear Truth down . VERB: tear_down POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: tear Truth PARSE: (@VP (VB tear) (NP Truth)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A mixed down version of this album would nullify these wonders . VERB: nullify POLAR NOUN: wonder GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: nullify these wonders PARSE: (VP (VB nullify) (NP (DT these) (NNS wonders))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: However , I would forfeit my desire for colour plates in light of the affordable price ( appx . VERB: forfeit POLAR NOUN: desire GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: forfeit desire PARSE: (@VP (VB forfeit) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN desire))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And I tell you , 100 % of the time my fears quickly vanish . VERB: vanish POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: 100 of the time fears quickly vanish PARSE: (@S (NP (NP (CD 100) (NN %)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN time)) (NP (PRP$ my) (NNS fears))))) (@S (ADVP quickly) (VP vanish))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I am greatly indebted to Thomas Cleary for helping to clear away delusions , his analysis of these koans are remarkable for there insight . VERB: clear_away POLAR NOUN: delusion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: clear away delusions PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB clear) (PRT away)) (NP delusions)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Your immediate family will try , but eventually their patience and resources will also expire . VERB: expire POLAR NOUN: patience GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: patience and resources will also expire PARSE: (@S (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (@NP (NN patience) (CC and)) (NNS resources))) (VP (@VP (MD will) (ADVP also)) (VP expire))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They basically bungle their wishes , but they are granted a son to raise . VERB: bungle POLAR NOUN: wish GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bungle wishes PARSE: (VP (VBP bungle) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS wishes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Nature scenes melt in and out of the screen at the end and the music pulls you away from any daily concerns . VERB: pull_away POLAR NOUN: concern GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pulls you away from any daily concerns PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ pulls) (NP you)) (ADVP (RB away) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT any) (@NP (JJ daily) (NNS concerns)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You pull out the little drawer and throw the mess away . VERB: throw_away POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: throw the mess PARSE: (@VP (VB throw) (NP (DT the) (NN mess))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He 's taking something of a break from his work , to exorcize personal demons . VERB: exorcize POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: exorcize personal demons PARSE: (VP (VB exorcize) (NP (JJ personal) (NNS demons))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He shows us how to reignite love and devotion , which consume the ego . VERB: consume POLAR NOUN: ego GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: consume the ego PARSE: (S (VBP consume) (NP (DT the) (NN ego))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In other words , Harvard is attempting to correct for general social injustice . VERB: correct POLAR NOUN: injustice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: correct for general social injustice PARSE: (VP (VB correct) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ general) (@NP (JJ social) (NN injustice))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Now the people of China will lead the world and we owe it to them - and civilization - to renounce deceit . VERB: renounce POLAR NOUN: deceit GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: renounce deceit PARSE: (VP (VB renounce) (NP deceit)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The weapons themselves are great , with a large variety including some that can shoot through walls and some that can disintegrate your opponent . VERB: disintegrate POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: disintegrate opponent PARSE: (VP (VB disintegrate) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN opponent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They are writing their reviews in response to a website trying to ban the biblical chastisement of children . VERB: ban POLAR NOUN: chastisement GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: ban the biblical chastisement of children PARSE: (VP (VB ban) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ biblical) (NN chastisement))) (PP (IN of) (NP children)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This marred my enjoyment of the set and found me rushing for the skip button everytime his aria appeared . VERB: mar POLAR NOUN: enjoyment GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: marred enjoyment of the set PARSE: (VP (VBD marred) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN enjoyment)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN set))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But after they lose one another there passion for the game dwindles . VERB: dwindle POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: passion for the game dwindles PARSE: (@S (NP (NP passion) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NN game)))) (@S (VP dwindles) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Finally their perpetrator is cornered , and we all go into the room where they satisfyingly seduce , dissect and draw out a confession . VERB: draw_out POLAR NOUN: confession GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: seduce dissect and draw out a confession PARSE: (@VP (@VP (@VP (@VP (@VP (VBP seduce) (, ,)) (VBP dissect)) (CC and)) (VBP draw)) (PP (RP out) (NP (DT a) (NN confession)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Perhaps he is a Vampire , a space alien , or even a demon from Hell sent to subvert the truth of Judaism . VERB: subvert POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: subvert the truth of Judaism PARSE: (VP (VB subvert) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN truth)) (PP (IN of) (NNP Judaism)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Howard says to Jamie that he will make up fo rhis neglect and asks him what does he especially want for Christmas . VERB: make_up POLAR NOUN: neglect GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: make up fo rhis neglect PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB make) (PRT up)) (NP (NN fo) (@NP (NN rhis) (NN neglect)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book will certainly abate the anxiety and fears of any woman who just finds out she is pregnant . VERB: abate POLAR NOUN: anxiety GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: abate the anxiety and fears of any woman who just finds out she is pregnant PARSE: (VP (VB abate) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN anxiety) (CC and)) (NNS fears))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT any) (NN woman)) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (ADVP just) (VP (@VP (VBZ finds) (PRT out)) (SBAR (NP she) (VP (VBZ is) (ADJP pregnant)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Robbie Willaims continues to baffle the music critics with another tight , thoughtful and inspired set of songs . VERB: baffle POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: baffle the music critics PARSE: (@VP (VB baffle) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN music) (NNS critics)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Tension , suspense , action and good old-fashioned skullduggery propel the flight to elude the assassins and uncover the mastermind behind the conspiracy . VERB: elude POLAR NOUN: assassin GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: elude the assassins PARSE: (VP (VB elude) (NP (DT the) (NNS assassins))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Scene by scene , reel by reel , we watch their illusory greatness crumble . VERB: crumble POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: illusory greatness crumble PARSE: (SBAR (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ illusory) (NN greatness))) (VP crumble)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This album made me put down my new found love for trance and kick the dog . VERB: put_down POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: put down new found love for trance PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB put) (PRT down)) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (JJ new)) (VP (VBN found) (NP (NP love) (PP (IN for) (NP trance)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Gertz digs deep into secret documents to interrupt this sentiment with announcements of covert US-China concerns . VERB: interrupt POLAR NOUN: sentiment GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: interrupt this sentiment PARSE: (@VP (VB interrupt) (NP (DT this) (NN sentiment))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: There are a few moves that only give damage and other moves are used to specifically knock off your opponent . VERB: knock_off POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: knock off opponent PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB knock) (PRT off)) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN opponent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: There 's also a good bit of hilarity and an infectious appreciation of what "foolishness " can do to lighten our burdens . VERB: lighten POLAR NOUN: burden GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: lighten burdens PARSE: (VP (VB lighten) (NP (PRP$ our) (NNS burdens))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I clip the little sucker to my tool belt . VERB: clip POLAR NOUN: sucker GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: clip the little sucker PARSE: (@VP (VBP clip) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ little) (NN sucker)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The bottom line : I completely rescind my initial skepticism regarding the title of this book . VERB: rescind POLAR NOUN: skepticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: rescind initial skepticism regarding the title of this book PARSE: (VP (VBP rescind) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ initial) (NN skepticism))) (PP (VBG regarding) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN title)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN book))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Despite its " R" rating , Sony still felt it necessary to defile this masterpiece of a movie through pointless edits . VERB: defile POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: defile this masterpiece of a movie PARSE: (@VP (VB defile) (NP (NP (DT this) (NN masterpiece)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN movie))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Like Kissinger ducking war-criminal accusations by Hitchens , these usually combative and litigious billionaires hope to quietly bury this brilliant book . VERB: duck POLAR NOUN: accusation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: ducking war-criminal accusations PARSE: (@VP (VBG ducking) (NP (JJ war-criminal) (NNS accusations))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The mirage would fade away as the graffiti strewn landscape came into focus . VERB: fade_away POLAR NOUN: mirage GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The mirage would fade away as the graffiti strewn landscape came into focus PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN mirage)) (@S (VP (MD would) (VP (@VP (VB fade) (ADVP away)) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NN graffiti)) (VP (VBN strewn) (NP landscape))) (VP (VBD came) (PP (IN into) (NP focus))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This long-suffering wife whines throughout the novel , mainly because of her husband , whom she has finally screwed up her courage to leave . VERB: screw_up POLAR NOUN: courage GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: screwed up courage PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBN screwed) (PRT up)) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN courage))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I can recommend this film to any one who can shun the ridiculous bias which overflows in leftish circles ... VERB: shun POLAR NOUN: bias GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shun the ridiculous bias which overflows in leftish circles PARSE: (VP (VB shun) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ ridiculous) (NN bias))) (SBAR (WHNP which) (S (VBZ overflows) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ leftish) (NNS circles))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Haters , settle down . VERB: settle_down POLAR NOUN: hater GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Haters settle down PARSE: (ROOT (NP Haters) (@S (, ,) (@S (VP (VB settle) (PRT down)) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I had only heard about this photo and I want to publicly thank Mr. Canal for sharing it in SILENCING THE LONE ASSASSIN. VERB: silence POLAR NOUN: assassin GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: SILENCING THE LONE ASSASSIN PARSE: (S (VBG SILENCING) (NP (DT THE) (@NP (JJ LONE) (NN ASSASSIN)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Equally important , Demos helps overturn the longstanding stereotype of Puritans . VERB: overturn POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: overturn the longstanding stereotype of Puritans PARSE: (VP (VB overturn) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ longstanding) (NN stereotype))) (PP (IN of) (NP Puritans)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Now , more than ever , real America needs to take back our colleges and drive the freaks back into the gutter . VERB: drive_back POLAR NOUN: freak GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: drive the freaks PARSE: (@VP (VB drive) (NP (DT the) (NNS freaks))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The instructions reccomend that you empty the slime out after using . VERB: empty POLAR NOUN: slime GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: empty the slime PARSE: (@VP (VBP empty) (NP (DT the) (NN slime))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Carlin also targets those whose supplies of time and money are so excessive that they turn to round-the-world balloon flights to stave off boredom . VERB: stave_off POLAR NOUN: boredom GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stave off boredom PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB stave) (PRT off)) (NP boredom)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In the " Star Wars " prequels , CGI and digital graphics have come to totally displace the drama . VERB: displace POLAR NOUN: drama GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: displace the drama PARSE: (@VP (VB displace) (NP (DT the) (NN drama))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Commercial rockers need to loosen up and lay off the depression kick . VERB: lay_off POLAR NOUN: kick GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: lay off the depression kick PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD lay) (PRT off)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN depression) (NN kick)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This fusion by placing them ontop of one another is stupid , hald the time you waste a monster by making a false fusion . VERB: waste POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: waste a monster PARSE: (@VP (VBP waste) (NP (DT a) (NN monster))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Royce was a perfect match for her as his rage and terror break down as he comes to realize his love for her . VERB: break_down POLAR NOUN: rage GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: rage and terror break down as he comes to realize love for her PARSE: (S (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (@NP (NN rage) (CC and)) (NN terror))) (VP (@VP (VBP break) (PRT down)) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP he) (VP (VBZ comes) (S (TO to) (VP (@VP (VB realize) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN love))) (PP (IN for) (NP her))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The movie depicts life in England after the dragons take over and the " English " philosophy of hide until the dragons die off . VERB: die_off POLAR NOUN: dragon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the dragons die off PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (NNS dragons)) (VP (VB die) (PRT off))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Modern Hollywood would certainly fumble the passionate elegance of this picture . VERB: fumble POLAR NOUN: elegance GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fumble the passionate elegance of this picture PARSE: (VP (VB fumble) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ passionate) (NN elegance))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN picture))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Lousy story full of contradictions , and I agree heartily with those reviewers who wondered how a few scratches can impair a Jedi Master . VERB: impair POLAR NOUN: master GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: impair a Jedi Master PARSE: (VP (VB impair) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NNP Jedi) (NNP Master)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In fact , I am inclined to believe Smith paid the high schooler down the street a few bucks to scratch out this cliche . VERB: scratch_out POLAR NOUN: cliche GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: scratch out this cliche PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB scratch) (PRT out)) (NP (DT this) (NN cliche))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Hope can give out easily , and it has now . VERB: give_out POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Hope can give out easily PARSE: (S (NP Hope) (VP (MD can) (VP (@VP (VB give) (PRT out)) (ADVP easily)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: All in all , DT continues to diverge from their former greatness . VERB: diverge POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: diverge from former greatness PARSE: (VP (VB diverge) (PP (IN from) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ former) (NN greatness))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: We just play casino games when we are bored with TV , need something to do and work off stress . VERB: work_off POLAR NOUN: stress GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: work off stress PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB work) (PRT off)) (NP stress)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Tom Cruise is interesting as usual--I was actually hoping he 'd finish the job and walk away from the carnage . VERB: walk_away POLAR NOUN: carnage GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: walk away from the carnage PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB walk) (ADVP away)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN carnage)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As they always do , they seek to obstruct the truth by throwing up a smokescreen . VERB: obstruct POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: obstruct the truth PARSE: (@VP (VB obstruct) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Punk energy and drive , plus engaging melodies and pop hooks that shirk the cliches . VERB: shirk POLAR NOUN: cliche GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shirk the cliches PARSE: (S (VBP shirk) (NP (DT the) (NNS cliches))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Mellencamp continues to show that talent can deteriorate , providing he had any from the start . VERB: deteriorate POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: talent can deteriorate PARSE: (S (NP talent) (VP (MD can) (VP deteriorate))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: martin and tell him to hurry up and finish the book , i 'll make myself feel better by knocking down a star . VERB: knock_down POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: knocking down a star PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG knocking) (PRT down)) (NP (DT a) (NN star))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Spyro can now freeze and electrocute opponents as well as the traditional flame attack and catch the dragonflys with bubble breath . VERB: freeze POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: freeze and electrocute opponents as well as the traditional flame attack PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VB freeze) (CC and)) (VB electrocute)) (NP (@NP (NP opponents) (CONJP (RB as) (@CONJP (RB well) (IN as)))) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ traditional) (@NP (NN flame) (NN attack)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: There are thoughtful lyrics , soothing rhythm guitars , and drums that just make your stress melt . VERB: melt POLAR NOUN: stress GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stress melt PARSE: (S (NP (PRP$ your) (NN stress)) (VP melt)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The delight will decline as she gets older . VERB: decline POLAR NOUN: delight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The delight will decline as she gets older PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN delight)) (@S (VP (MD will) (VP (VB decline) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP she) (VP (VBZ gets) (ADJP older)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Self-esteem and psychology are the two major thrusts that too often supersede sin , salvation , and sanctification . VERB: supersede POLAR NOUN: sin GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: supersede sin salvation and sanctification PARSE: (VP (VBP supersede) (NP (NN sin) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (NN salvation) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (CC and) (NN sanctification))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Then the author traces the organized and often underhanded methods used in efforts to annihilate the new faith . VERB: annihilate POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: annihilate the new faith PARSE: (VP (VB annihilate) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ new) (NN faith)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: While America was ditching it 's raw garage rock goodness to go to some boring acid-drenched hippy trippy crap bands ( i .e . VERB: ditch POLAR NOUN: goodness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: While America was ditching it 's raw garage rock goodness to go to some boring acid-drenched hippy trippy crap bands i PARSE: (ROOT (SBAR (IN While) (S (NP America) (VP (VBD was) (VP ditching)))) (@S (NP it) (@S (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (NP (JJ raw) (@NP (NN garage) (@NP (NN rock) (NN goodness)))) (SBAR (TO to) (VP (@VP (VB go) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT some) (@NP (JJ boring) (@NP (JJ acid-drenched) (NN hippy)))))) (NP (NP (JJ trippy) (@NP (NN crap) (NNS bands))) (PP (-LRB- -LRB-) (NP i))))))) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He could invalidate pain as a feeling . VERB: invalidate POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: invalidate pain PARSE: (@VP (VB invalidate) (NP pain)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It consists of one worn out cliche after another , from beginning to end . VERB: wear_out POLAR NOUN: cliche GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: worn out cliche PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBN worn) (PRT out)) (NP cliche)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Conversion to Catholicism was chosen by some Jewish people as a means to circumvent their surrounding atrocities . VERB: circumvent POLAR NOUN: atrocity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: circumvent surrounding atrocities PARSE: (VP (VB circumvent) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (VBG surrounding) (NNS atrocities)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The family members work for free , but complain a lot and their satisfaction goes down . VERB: go_down POLAR NOUN: satisfaction GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: satisfaction goes down PARSE: (S (NP (PRP$ their) (NN satisfaction)) (VP (VBZ goes) (ADVP down))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Later love scenes portray the escalation in Cavenaugh 's determination to smother Kimberly 's fears . VERB: smother POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: smother Kimberly 's fears PARSE: (VP (VB smother) (NP (NP (NNP Kimberly) (POS 's)) (NNS fears))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It seems that Diane is trying to knock out her own insecurity rather to help the reader . VERB: knock_out POLAR NOUN: insecurity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: knock out own insecurity PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB knock) (PRT out)) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ own) (NN insecurity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I thus sulkingly axe one star from my rating . VERB: axe POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: axe one star from rating PARSE: (@VP (VB axe) (NP (NP (CD one) (NN star)) (PP (IN from) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN rating))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: As for the rest of the CD I had to fight back the yawns and droopy eyes . VERB: fight_back POLAR NOUN: yawn GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fight back the yawns and droopy eyes PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB fight) (PRT back)) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NNS yawns)) (CC and)) (NP (JJ droopy) (NNS eyes)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: For local cops the public demands citizen review boards , but amazingly we let the CIA effectively censor criticism of itself . VERB: censor POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: censor criticism of itself PARSE: (VP (VBP censor) (NP (NP criticism) (PP (IN of) (NP itself)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The vampires turn to Blade for assistance in helping them wipe out these vicious beasts . VERB: wipe_out POLAR NOUN: beast GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: wipe out these vicious beasts PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB wipe) (PRT out)) (NP (DT these) (@NP (JJ vicious) (NNS beasts)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: His pose , he is in mid air flying , swooping up from the side ready to strike down a foe from the skies . VERB: strike_down POLAR NOUN: foe GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: strike down a foe from the skies PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB strike) (PRT down)) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN foe)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NNS skies))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: truly a tragedy that a great talent could sink so low . VERB: sink POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: a great talent could sink so low PARSE: (S (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ great) (NN talent))) (VP (MD could) (VP (VB sink) (ADJP (RB so) (JJ low))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The only thing missing are solid methods of shooting down the logical fallacies committed by those who hold such naturalist worldviews . VERB: shoot_down POLAR NOUN: fallacy GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shooting down the logical fallacies committed by those who hold such naturalist worldviews PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG shooting) (PRT down)) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ logical) (NNS fallacies))) (VP (VBN committed) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (VBP hold) (NP (JJ such) (@NP (NN naturalist) (NNS worldviews)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This is a paradox as the primary objective of educating people is to obliterate prejudice and parochialism and to promote tolerance and open-mindedness . VERB: obliterate POLAR NOUN: prejudice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: obliterate prejudice and parochialism PARSE: (VP (VB obliterate) (NP (@NP (NN prejudice) (CC and)) (NN parochialism))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Though he is billions of years old , he is often cold at heart and quick to punish those that bruise his fragile ego . VERB: bruise POLAR NOUN: ego GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bruise fragile ego PARSE: (S (VBP bruise) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ fragile) (NN ego)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Perhaps the backlash with this release will help them iron out the mistakes a bit . VERB: iron_out POLAR NOUN: mistake GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: iron out the mistakes a bit PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB iron) (PRT out)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS mistakes)) (NP (DT a) (NN bit)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: There is truth here , but you still have to cut away the obscuring distortions . VERB: cut_away POLAR NOUN: distortion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cut away the obscuring distortions PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB cut) (PRT away)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (VBG obscuring) (NNS distortions)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A great song to close out this amazing masterpiece . VERB: close_out POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: close out this amazing masterpiece PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB close) (PRT out)) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ amazing) (NN masterpiece)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: With their boots dissolving , and their feet next , those involved wanted to burn the slime off . VERB: burn_off POLAR NOUN: slime GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: burn the slime PARSE: (@VP (VB burn) (NP (DT the) (NN slime))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The " Wizard " is Montag the Magnificent and he 's a maniacal magician who likes to mutilate young lovelies during his stage act . VERB: mutilate POLAR NOUN: lovely GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mutilate young lovelies PARSE: (@VP (VB mutilate) (NP (JJ young) (NNS lovelies))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The sheer audacity of the title made me strike off 2 stars . VERB: strike_off POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: strike off 2 stars PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB strike) (PRT off)) (NP (CD 2) (NNS stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Thus simultaneously providing the necessary recognition/incentive for the terror to continue , whilst refusing to take the steps necessary to actually curtail the terror . VERB: curtail POLAR NOUN: terror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: curtail the terror PARSE: (@VP (VB curtail) (NP (DT the) (NN terror))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A most worthwhile book to disengage from the egoic drama and into a more awakened state . VERB: disengage POLAR NOUN: drama GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: disengage from the egoic drama and into a more awakened state PARSE: (VP (VB disengage) (PP (@PP (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ egoic) (NN drama)))) (CC and)) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (@NP (ADJP (RBR more) (VBN awakened)) (NN state)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A final note : Nietzsche will uproot your most cherished prejudices , throw them on a vivisection table and tear into them without anesthesia . VERB: uproot POLAR NOUN: prejudice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: uproot most cherished prejudices PARSE: (VP (VB uproot) (S (PRP$ your) (@NP (ADJP (RBS most) (VBN cherished)) (NNS prejudices)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The logic is that she needs to excrete her poison , like a spider . VERB: excrete POLAR NOUN: poison GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: excrete poison PARSE: (@VP (VB excrete) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN poison))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Lescroart also effectively explores the shortcomings of our criminal justice system and how politics and the media too often pervert the truth . VERB: pervert POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pervert the truth PARSE: (VP (VB pervert) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: To those who trim a star from the rating because it 's "hippy jazz , " I say "get a grip . " VERB: trim POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: trim a star PARSE: (@VP (VBP trim) (NP (DT a) (NN star))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Once they ruled out Robert 's gay lover , he soon learns other family secrets that shake and please him to his core . VERB: rule_out POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: ruled out Robert 's gay lover PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD ruled) (PRT out)) (NP (NP (NNP Robert) (POS 's)) (@NP (JJ gay) (NN lover)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Carlson is a fantastic counterpoint to Drummond and hopefully returns to antagonize and entice the hero . VERB: antagonize POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: antagonize and entice the hero PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VB antagonize) (CC and)) (VB entice)) (NP (DT the) (NN hero))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It is time to retire the savant stereotype as savantism affects < 10 % of the autistic population . VERB: retire POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: retire the savant stereotype PARSE: (@VP (VB retire) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN savant) (NN stereotype)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Now excuse me I 've got to play some Motorhead to drive away the foul stench of this album from my mind . VERB: drive_away POLAR NOUN: stench GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: drive away the foul stench of this album PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB drive) (PRT away)) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ foul) (NN stench))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN album))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But his enthusiasm for the Council ebbs as he sees its aptitude to truncate church doctrine and scrap its liturgical traditions . VERB: ebb POLAR NOUN: enthusiasm GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: enthusiasm for the Council ebbs as he sees aptitude to truncate church doctrine and scrap liturgical traditions PARSE: (@S (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NN enthusiasm)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NNP Council)))) (@S (VP (VBZ ebbs) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP he) (VP (VBZ sees) (NP (PRP$ its) (@NP (NN aptitude) (S (TO to) (VP (@VP (VP (VB truncate) (NP (NN church) (NN doctrine))) (CC and)) (VP (VB scrap) (NP (PRP$ its) (@NP (JJ liturgical) (NNS traditions)))))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But soon he begins to fall in love with Mei , jeopardizing his loyalties , while Mei herself is experiencing confusion . VERB: jeopardize POLAR NOUN: loyalty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: jeopardizing loyalties PARSE: (S (VBG jeopardizing) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS loyalties))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He tries to calm down the hysteria about obesity and other diseases , and to advocate for common sense , justice , and civility . VERB: calm_down POLAR NOUN: hysteria GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: calm down the hysteria about obesity and other diseases PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB calm) (PRT down)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN hysteria)) (PP (IN about) (NP (NN obesity) (@NP (CC and) (@NP (JJ other) (NNS diseases))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Like all greats , talents wither when expended and he has obviously run out of new things to write . VERB: wither POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: talents wither when expended PARSE: (S (NP talents) (VP (VBP wither) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S expended)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But I do think that our civilization can do much more to inhibit genocide than we 're doing now . VERB: inhibit POLAR NOUN: genocide GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: inhibit genocide PARSE: (@VP (VB inhibit) (NP genocide)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: What it needed was sufficient retaliatory power to deter the Soviets from aggression . " VERB: deter POLAR NOUN: aggression GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: deter the Soviets from aggression PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB deter) (NP (DT the) (NNPS Soviets))) (PP (IN from) (NP aggression))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's about having someone to come home to at the end of day who 'll lick your wounds and chase away your pains . VERB: chase_away POLAR NOUN: pains GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: chase away pains PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB chase) (PRT away)) (NP (PRP$ your) (NNS pains))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I would exempt some of Bruce Cathie 's work from these criticisms . VERB: exempt POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: exempt some of Bruce Cathie 's work from these criticisms PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB exempt) (NP (NP some) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Bruce) (@NP (NNP Cathie) (POS 's))) (NN work))))) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT these) (NNS criticisms)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: While very few will risk running down his talents as a songwriter , musicians gleefully rip into Dylan 's musical talents . VERB: run_down POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: running down talents PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBG running) (PRT down)) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS talents))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The advantage to this arrangement is that the positive and negative surfaces act to cancel out various optical aberrations and distortions . VERB: cancel_out POLAR NOUN: aberration GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cancel out various optical aberrations and distortions PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB cancel) (PRT out)) (NP (JJ various) (@NP (JJ optical) (@NP (@NP (NNS aberrations) (CC and)) (NNS distortions))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In particular , Jordan , Kuwait and Saudi Arabia , three pro-American monarchies that rigidly restrict dissent may be more vulnerable than they appear . VERB: restrict POLAR NOUN: dissent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: restrict dissent PARSE: (VP (VBP restrict) (NP dissent)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Jay provides insight into the SNL machine and how it runs , so you gotta like that . VERB: provide POLAR NOUN: insight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: provides insight PARSE: (@VP (VBZ provides) (NP insight)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You record an album that maintains the perfection . VERB: maintain POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: maintains the perfection PARSE: (S (VBZ maintains) (NP (DT the) (NN perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This album puts the current music scene to shame . VERB: put POLAR NOUN: shame GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: puts the current music scene to shame PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ puts) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ current) (@NP (NN music) (NN scene))))) (PP (TO to) (NP shame))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This album cements them as masters of a genre they alone have created . VERB: cement POLAR NOUN: masters GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: cements them as masters of a genre they alone have created PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ cements) (NP them)) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP masters) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN genre)) (SBAR (NP they) (@S (ADVP alone) (VP (VBP have) (VP created))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A pageturner that wins your confidence VERB: win POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: wins confidence PARSE: (S (VBZ wins) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN confidence))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Sabor a mi depicts Cuba in the nineties and the day to day strife of its people . VERB: depict POLAR NOUN: strife GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: depicts Cuba in the nineties and the day to day strife of people PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ depicts) (NP (NP Cuba) (PP (IN in) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NNS nineties)) (CC and)) (NP (DT the) (NN day)))))) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NN day) (NN strife)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ its) (NNS people)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I listened to this album yesterday and I must pay tribute to it . VERB: pay POLAR NOUN: tribute GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pay tribute PARSE: (@VP (VB pay) (NP tribute)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This concept always presents difficulty for students at the beginning of their studies . VERB: present POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: presents difficulty for students at the beginning of studies PARSE: (VP (VBZ presents) (NP (NP difficulty) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP students) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN beginning)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS studies))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This reference focuses on mistakes that English speakers frecuently make in Spanish . VERB: focus POLAR NOUN: mistake GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: focuses on mistakes that English speakers frecuently make in Spanish PARSE: (VP (VBZ focuses) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP mistakes) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (NP (NNP English) (NNS speakers)) (@S (ADVP frecuently) (VP (VBP make) (PP (IN in) (NP Spanish))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: We learn about the personal fantasies and details about the author through the many episodes that she experienced while writing many of her works . VERB: learn POLAR NOUN: fantasy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: learn about the personal fantasies and details about the author through the many episodes PARSE: (@VP (VBP learn) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ personal) (@NP (@NP (NNS fantasies) (CC and)) (NNS details)))) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN author)) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ many) (NNS episodes))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But , then this atrocity comes along . VERB: come_along POLAR NOUN: atrocity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: this atrocity comes along PARSE: (@S (NP (DT this) (NN atrocity)) (@S (VP (VBZ comes) (ADVP along)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: OK , downsides listed . VERB: list POLAR NOUN: downside GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: downsides listed PARSE: (@S (NP downsides) (@S (VP listed) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The same thing that probably got us in this mess in the first place . VERB: get POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: got us in this mess PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD got) (NP us)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT this) (NN mess)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Alberich comes across as a grimy hero out of an old western . VERB: come_across POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: comes across as a grimy hero PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBZ comes) (PRT across)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ grimy) (NN hero))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She reminded me of Daisy 's section on sorrow . VERB: remind POLAR NOUN: sorrow GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: reminded me of Daisy 's section on sorrow PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VBD reminded) (NP me)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Daisy) (POS 's)) (NN section)))) (PP (IN on) (NP sorrow))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She is a philosopher-writer , an everywoman , and my admiration of her writing grows with every novel . VERB: grow POLAR NOUN: admiration GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: admiration of writing grows with every novel PARSE: (S (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN admiration)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN writing)))) (VP (VBZ grows) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT every) (NN novel))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: My admiration of Murdoch 's style increased as my dislike for Charles built . VERB: increase POLAR NOUN: admiration GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: admiration of Murdoch 's style increased as dislike for Charles built PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (PRP$ My) (NN admiration)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Murdoch) (POS 's)) (NN style)))) (@S (VP (VBD increased) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN dislike)) (PP (IN for) (NP Charles))) (VP built)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book is a little different from his others because of the sliding pages but it only adds to the charm . VERB: add POLAR NOUN: charm GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: adds to the charm PARSE: (VP (VBZ adds) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN charm)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The story faces similar obstacles . VERB: face POLAR NOUN: obstacle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: faces similar obstacles PARSE: (VP (VBZ faces) (NP (JJ similar) (NNS obstacles))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The Republicans made this a mess , in more ways than one , when THEY filed their crybaby lawsuits . VERB: make POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: made this a mess PARSE: (@VP (VBD made) (NP (DT this) (@NP (DT a) (NN mess)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Mr. Scorsese , in his youth , had almost joined the priesthood ; but chose to explore and express his passion through the cinema . VERB: explore POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: explore and express passion PARSE: (@VP (@VP (@VP (VB explore) (CC and)) (VB express)) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN passion))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You 'll experience many a " Thrill " during repeated listenings . VERB: experience POLAR NOUN: thrill GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: experience many a Thrill PARSE: (@VP (@VP (@VP (@VP (VB experience) (ADJP many)) (ADVP a)) ('' '')) (NP Thrill)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This side of Phil is also heard in " Colours " , which deals with the famine in Africa . VERB: deal POLAR NOUN: famine GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: deals with the famine in Africa PARSE: (S (VBZ deals) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN famine)) (PP (IN in) (NP Africa))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It is on this CD where we are introduced to the talents of Steve Hackett and Phil Collins . VERB: introduce POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: introduced to the talents of Steve Hackett and Phil Collins PARSE: (VP (VBN introduced) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS talents)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP (NNP Steve) (NNP Hackett)) (CC and)) (NP (NNP Phil) (NNP Collins))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Tom King 's " The Operator " flatly states the gay preference of Barry Diller . VERB: state POLAR NOUN: preference GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: states the gay preference of Barry Diller PARSE: (VP (VBZ states) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ gay) (NN preference))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Barry) (NNP Diller))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A warning to the reader : this book will require patience . VERB: require POLAR NOUN: patience GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: require patience PARSE: (VP (VB require) (NP patience)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: His passion for Yogi Vivekananda comes through in his editing effort . VERB: come_through POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: passion for Yogi Vivekananda comes through in editing effort PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (PRP$ His) (NN passion)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNP Yogi) (NN Vivekananda)))) (@S (VP (VBZ comes) (PP (IN through) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (NN editing) (NN effort)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Easy insight comes also from her teaching experiences . VERB: come POLAR NOUN: insight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Easy insight comes also from teaching experiences PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NNP Easy) (NN insight)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ comes) (ADVP also)) (PP (IN from) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (NN teaching) (NNS experiences))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It is a metaphor for the human mind awakening to the suffering in the world caused by our own acquisitiveness . VERB: awaken POLAR NOUN: suffering GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: awakening to the suffering in the world caused by own acquisitiveness PARSE: (VP (VBG awakening) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN suffering)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN world)) (VP (VBN caused) (PP (IN by) (NP (PRP$ our) (@NP (JJ own) (NN acquisitiveness)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He came to see their emptiness . VERB: see POLAR NOUN: emptiness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: see emptiness PARSE: (VP (VB see) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN emptiness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: By reading about other women 's struggles to define their lives , you learn more about your own . VERB: read POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: reading about other women 's struggles to define lives PARSE: (S (VBG reading) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (JJ other) (@NP (NNS women) (POS 's))) (@NP (NNS struggles) (S (TO to) (VP (VB define) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS lives)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I " is loaded with inspired tributes to loads of "genre-cinema" . VERB: load POLAR NOUN: tribute GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: loaded with inspired tributes PARSE: (@VP (VBN loaded) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ inspired) (NNS tributes)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: M.C. Beaton 's recent Hamish MacBeth mysteries have paled next to those in the Agatha Raisin series . VERB: pale POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Beaton 's recent Hamish MacBeth mysteries have paled next to those in the Agatha Raisin series PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (NNP M.C.) (@NP (NNP Beaton) (POS 's))) (@NP (JJ recent) (@NP (NNP Hamish) (@NP (NNP MacBeth) (NNS mysteries))))) (@S (VP (VBP have) (VP (@VP (VBN paled) (ADVP next)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP those) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Agatha) (@NP (NNP Raisin) (NN series))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: When I saw this one , I fell instantly in love with it . VERB: fell POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fell instantly in love PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD fell) (ADVP instantly)) (PP (IN in) (NP love))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: How gay Mormons manage the contradictions in their lives VERB: manage POLAR NOUN: contradiction GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: manage the contradictions in lives PARSE: (VP (VBP manage) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS contradictions)) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS lives))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Talent runs in the family VERB: run POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Talent runs in the family PARSE: (ROOT (NP Talent) (VP (VBZ runs) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN family))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Doug Hobart plays the monster in both films . VERB: play POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: plays the monster PARSE: (@VP (VBZ plays) (NP (DT the) (NN monster))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Now , when we get to disc two , the disappointment sets in . VERB: set_in POLAR NOUN: disappointment GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the disappointment sets in PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (NN disappointment)) (@S (VP (VBZ sets) (PP in)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: very negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Many disasters have gripped Chicago . VERB: grip POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Many disasters have gripped Chicago PARSE: (ROOT (NP (JJ Many) (NNS disasters)) (@S (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN gripped) (NP Chicago))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: O'Grady tells the truth . VERB: tell POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: tells the truth PARSE: (VP (VBZ tells) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They dwell on the main parts of the history , and this is why I rated the book as a three star . VERB: rate POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rated the book as a three star PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD rated) (NP (DT the) (NN book))) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (@NP (CD three) (NN star))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The author narrows the field down to six candidates who may have committed this outrage . VERB: commit POLAR NOUN: outrage GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: committed this outrage PARSE: (VP (VBN committed) (NP (DT this) (NN outrage))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Her book describes the union struggle with Texas Air over the corpse of Eastern Airlines . VERB: describe POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: describes the union struggle PARSE: (@VP (VBZ describes) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN union) (NN struggle)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: One can hear the arrogance in this person 's writings about British India . VERB: hear POLAR NOUN: arrogance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hear the arrogance in this person 's writings PARSE: (@VP (VB hear) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN arrogance)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT this) (@NP (NN person) (POS 's))) (NNS writings))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I also noted a historical mistake . VERB: note POLAR NOUN: mistake GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: noted a historical mistake PARSE: (VP (VBD noted) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ historical) (NN mistake)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I saw my opportunities and I took them . VERB: saw POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: saw opportunities PARSE: (VP (VBD saw) (NP (PRP$ my) (NNS opportunities))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Then it questions the courage of MacArthur . VERB: question POLAR NOUN: courage GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: questions the courage of MacArthur PARSE: (VP (VBZ questions) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN courage)) (PP (IN of) (NP MacArthur)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He also spent a small fortune in this effort . VERB: spend POLAR NOUN: fortune GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: spent a small fortune PARSE: (@VP (VBD spent) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ small) (NN fortune)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Presently Paraguay makes him out as a hero , but the reader is left to come to his own conclusion . VERB: make_out POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: makes him out as a hero PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VBZ makes) (NP him)) (PRT out)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN hero)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This is a summary read , since the book only explains the disaster and how tornadoes form . VERB: explain POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: explains the disaster PARSE: (VP (VBZ explains) (NP (DT the) (NN disaster))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I find some of the info about Lincoln somewhat in doubt . VERB: find POLAR NOUN: doubt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: find some of the info about Lincoln somewhat in doubt PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP find) (NP (NP some) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN info)) (PP (IN about) (NP Lincoln)))))) (PP (RB somewhat) (@PP (IN in) (NP doubt)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Northeim was a typical town that weathered the turmoil of the twenties and thirties . VERB: weather POLAR NOUN: turmoil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: weathered the turmoil of the twenties and thirties PARSE: (S (VBD weathered) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN turmoil)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NNS twenties) (CC and)) (NNS thirties)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He pointed out her weaknesses and that of the planes she carried . VERB: point_out POLAR NOUN: weakness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pointed out weaknesses PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD pointed) (PRT out)) (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS weaknesses))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He also takes a liking to Margaret Lindsay , O'Brien 's girlfriend . VERB: take POLAR NOUN: liking GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: takes a liking PARSE: (@VP (VBZ takes) (NP (DT a) (NN liking))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The script mixes a lot of action with humour and romance , plus a few political speeches . VERB: mix POLAR NOUN: humour GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mixes a lot of action with humour and romance plus a few political speeches PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ mixes) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN lot)) (PP (IN of) (NP action)))) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (@NP (NN humour) (CC and)) (NN romance)) (, ,)) (CC plus)) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ few) (@NP (JJ political) (NNS speeches))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Their talent and chemistry alone can carry a film . VERB: carry POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: talent and chemistry alone can carry a film PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ Their) (@NP (@NP (NN talent) (CC and)) (NN chemistry))) (@S (ADVP alone) (@S (VP (MD can) (VP (VB carry) (NP (DT a) (NN film)))) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I 've had it on all day soaking up its many pleasures . VERB: soak_up POLAR NOUN: pleasure GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: soaking up many pleasures PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG soaking) (PRT up)) (NP (PRP$ its) (@NP (JJ many) (NNS pleasures)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The Seventh Seal presages the obsessions of David Koresh . VERB: presage POLAR NOUN: obsession GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: presages the obsessions of David Koresh PARSE: (VP (VBZ presages) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS obsessions)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP David) (NNP Koresh))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: That 's where Bias comes in . VERB: come_in POLAR NOUN: bias GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Bias comes in PARSE: (S (NP Bias) (VP (VBZ comes) (PP in))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: One of the factors in determining the greatness of an album is how it sounds a generation after it is first issued . VERB: determine POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: determining the greatness of an album PARSE: (S (VBG determining) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN greatness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT an) (NN album))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It graphically expresses the inchoate rage of millions trapped between the old economy and the new . VERB: express POLAR NOUN: rage GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: expresses the inchoate rage of millions trapped between the old economy and the new PARSE: (VP (VBZ expresses) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ inchoate) (NN rage))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP millions) (VP (VBN trapped) (PP (IN between) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ old) (NN economy))) (CC and)) (NP (DT the) (JJ new))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: For a couple bucks extra , you double your pleasure . VERB: double POLAR NOUN: pleasure GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: double pleasure PARSE: (VP (VB double) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN pleasure))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: By cloning some remains , russian scientists bring back a 1,000 year old dragon . VERB: bring_back POLAR NOUN: dragon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bring back a year old dragon PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP bring) (PRT back)) (NP (DT a) (@NP (ADJP (CD 1,000) (@ADJP (NN year) (JJ old))) (NN dragon)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: From this book , my path to becoming a Reiki Master Started . VERB: become POLAR NOUN: master GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: becoming a Reiki Master PARSE: (S (VBG becoming) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NNP Reiki) (NNP Master)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And then , two thirds of the way through , it pulls off its second trick . VERB: pull_off POLAR NOUN: trick GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pulls off second trick PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ pulls) (PRT off)) (NP (PRP$ its) (@NP (JJ second) (NN trick)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Caleb and his daughter , Mary , demonstrate that pastoral virtue by saving Fred Vincy from himself . VERB: demonstrate POLAR NOUN: virtue GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: demonstrate that pastoral virtue by saving Fred Vincy from himself PARSE: (VP (VBP demonstrate) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (JJ pastoral) (NN virtue)) (PP (IN by) (S (VBG saving) (NP (NP (NNP Fred) (NNP Vincy)) (PP (IN from) (NP himself)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This all relates to the other contradiction at the heart of WW. VERB: relate POLAR NOUN: contradiction GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: relates to the other contradiction PARSE: (@VP (VBZ relates) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ other) (NN contradiction))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Her delivery gives goose bumps and sends a surge of adrenaline through your body . VERB: send POLAR NOUN: surge GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sends a surge of adrenaline PARSE: (@VP (VBZ sends) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN surge)) (PP (IN of) (NP adrenaline)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Trina earned her 3 stars this time . VERB: earn POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: earned 3 stars PARSE: (@VP (VBD earned) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (CD 3) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: All the instruemnts tuned to technical bliss . VERB: tune POLAR NOUN: bliss GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: tuned to technical bliss PARSE: (VP (VBD tuned) (PP (TO to) (NP (JJ technical) (NN bliss)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Everyone is entitled to his or her own preferences . VERB: entitle POLAR NOUN: preference GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: entitled to or own preferences PARSE: (VP (VBN entitled) (PP (TO to) (NP (ADJP (@ADJP (PRP$ his) (CC or)) (PRP$ her)) (@NP (JJ own) (NNS preferences))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: ...The truth of the thing spoken by the boy, Jake . VERB: speak POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The truth of the thing spoken by the boy Jake PARSE: (@NP (NP (DT The) (NN truth)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN thing)) (VP (VBN spoken) (PP (IN by) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN boy)) (, ,)) (NP Jake))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: With the release of her third paranormal book , Mandy Roth has established herself as a master of creating supernatural beings . VERB: establish POLAR NOUN: master GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: established herself as a master of creating supernatural beings PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN established) (NP herself)) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN master)) (PP (IN of) (S (VBG creating) (NP (JJ supernatural) (NNS beings))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Any other band recording this would receive 4 stars . VERB: receive POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: receive 4 stars PARSE: (VP (VB receive) (NP (CD 4) (NNS stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They serve to document the genius of a writer only America could have produced . VERB: document POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: document the genius of a writer PARSE: (@VP (VB document) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN genius)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN writer))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The first , Judaism , was a feminine socialistic creed , but in it God 's grace extended only to those in the tribe . VERB: extend POLAR NOUN: grace GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: God 's grace extended only to those in the tribe PARSE: (@S (NP (NP (NNP God) (POS 's)) (NN grace)) (VP (@VP (VBD extended) (ADVP only)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP those) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN tribe))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The whole book can almost be summed up as an anti-rationalist diatribe . VERB: sum_up POLAR NOUN: diatribe GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: summed up as an anti-rationalist diatribe PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN summed) (PRT up)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT an) (@NP (JJ anti-rationalist) (NN diatribe))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Anthony himself performed many miracles and experienced many visions , but he attributed them to God alone . VERB: perform POLAR NOUN: miracle GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: performed many miracles PARSE: (VP (VBD performed) (NP (JJ many) (NNS miracles))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Many of them were involved in political and ecclesiastical strife . VERB: involve POLAR NOUN: strife GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: involved in political and ecclesiastical strife PARSE: (VP (VBN involved) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ political) (@NP (CC and) (@NP (JJ ecclesiastical) (NN strife)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: McKenna notes that Philoponus ' life and background remain somewhat of a mystery . VERB: remain POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: remain somewhat of a mystery PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP remain) (ADVP somewhat)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN mystery)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Bulgakov explains that this symbolizes the redemption and sanctification of the Earth . VERB: symbolize POLAR NOUN: redemption GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: symbolizes the redemption and sanctification of the Earth PARSE: (VP (VBZ symbolizes) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN redemption) (CC and)) (NN sanctification))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Earth))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I have to send email to Microsoft and talk to their life support to install this tool . VERB: talk POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: talk to life support PARSE: (VP (VB talk) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (NN life) (NN support))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They have caught my mind in a vice . VERB: catch POLAR NOUN: vice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: caught mind in a vice PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN caught) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN mind))) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN vice)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Somehow Sue Mingus and co have captured the genius that is Mingus Big Band . VERB: capture POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: captured the genius that is Mingus Big Band PARSE: (VP (VBN captured) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN genius)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Mingus) (@NP (NNP Big) (NNP Band))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Alessandra Lavagnino has created a masterpiece . VERB: create POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: created a masterpiece PARSE: (VP (VBN created) (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Orchestral climaxes reach for the stars , and forward momentum is ever present . VERB: reach POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reach for the stars PARSE: (VP (VBP reach) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I see from the book jacket Ms. Brooks has traveled to many disasters . VERB: travel POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: traveled to many disasters PARSE: (VP (VBN traveled) (PP (TO to) (NP (JJ many) (NNS disasters)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: THIS remaster offers an additional set 's worth of material . VERB: offer POLAR NOUN: worth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: offers an additional set 's worth of material PARSE: (VP (VBZ offers) (NP (NP (NP (DT an) (@NP (JJ additional) (@NP (NN set) (POS 's)))) (NN worth)) (PP (IN of) (NP material)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Eddy and Kevin constantly compete for her affections . VERB: compete POLAR NOUN: affection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: compete for affections PARSE: (VP (VB compete) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS affections)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A masterpiece arrived at through the back door . VERB: arrive POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: A masterpiece arrived at through the back door PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (NN masterpiece)) (@S (VP (VBD arrived) (PP (IN at) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ back) (NN door)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This is the album that started me on a long and storied obsession with Led Zeppelin . VERB: start POLAR NOUN: obsession GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: started me on a long and storied obsession with Led Zeppelin PARSE: (S (@VP (VBD started) (NP me)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (ADJP (@ADJP (JJ long) (CC and)) (JJ storied)) (NN obsession))) (PP (IN with) (NP (NNP Led) (NNP Zeppelin)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Vanessa Williams , Brenda Russell , and Diane Reeves also manage to infuse their tracks with breathless passion . VERB: infuse POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: infuse tracks with breathless passion PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB infuse) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS tracks))) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ breathless) (NN passion)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In your mind ask for forgiveness . VERB: ask POLAR NOUN: forgiveness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: ask for forgiveness PARSE: (S (VB ask) (PP (IN for) (NP forgiveness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The sister waves her wand of wit and employs her passion for the pen and captures you from page one . VERB: employ POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: employs passion PARSE: (@VP (VBZ employs) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN passion))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Chapter 13 discusses replies to objections and chapter 14 provides a summary of the evidence . VERB: reply POLAR NOUN: objection GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: replies to objections PARSE: (VP (VBZ replies) (PP (TO to) (NP objections))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: For a period in his life Ernie Reisinger wandered far from the faith and abused alcohol . VERB: wander POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: wandered far from the faith PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD wandered) (ADVP far)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN faith)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Dewey J. Hoitenga writes on happiness . VERB: write POLAR NOUN: happiness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: writes on happiness PARSE: (VP (VBZ writes) (PP (IN on) (NP happiness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Which brings up the trickery . VERB: bring_up POLAR NOUN: trickery GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: brings up the trickery PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ brings) (PRT up)) (NP (DT the) (NN trickery))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: ( 1980 ) found some inspiration in this earlier flick . VERB: found POLAR NOUN: inspiration GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: found some inspiration PARSE: (@VP (VBD found) (NP (DT some) (NN inspiration))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Holmes personifies the intellectual faith in logic . VERB: personify POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: personifies the intellectual faith in logic PARSE: (VP (VBZ personifies) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ intellectual) (NN faith))) (PP (IN in) (NP logic)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He represents the hope throughout the whole narrative . VERB: represent POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: represents the hope PARSE: (@VP (VBZ represents) (NP (DT the) (NN hope))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Misty talent suddenly returns and she starts to paint again . VERB: return POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Misty talent suddenly returns PARSE: (S (NP (JJ Misty) (NN talent)) (@S (ADVP suddenly) (VP returns))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Eleanor Iselin --usually called Raymond 's mother , in the book-- is the character that defines `mother from hell ' . VERB: define POLAR NOUN: hell GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: defines mother from hell ' PARSE: (S (@VP (@VP (VBZ defines) (`` `)) (NP mother)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NNP hell) (POS ')))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In 1865 , a group of Bostonian scholars is translating Dante 's masterpiece . VERB: translate POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: translating Dante 's masterpiece PARSE: (VP (VBG translating) (NP (NP (NNP Dante) (POS 's)) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Her secrets are about her childhood , and they may push her toward madness . VERB: push POLAR NOUN: madness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: push her toward madness PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB push) (NP her)) (PP (IN toward) (NP madness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Dry recounts Augusten Burroughs struggle with alcoholism and recovery , hitting rock-bottom , and his effort to resurface once again . VERB: recount POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: recounts Augusten Burroughs struggle with alcoholism and recovery hitting rock-bottom and effort to resurface once again PARSE: (VP (VBZ recounts) (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (NNP Augusten) (@NP (NNP Burroughs) (NN struggle))) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (NN alcoholism) (CC and)) (NN recovery)))) (, ,)) (VP (VBG hitting) (NP rock-bottom))) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (NN effort) (S (TO to) (VP (VB resurface) (ADVP (RB once) (RB again)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: First , let 's dispense with the myth that Lucas wrote this himself . VERB: dispense POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dispense with the myth that Lucas wrote this himself PARSE: (VP (VB dispense) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN myth)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (NP Lucas) (VP (@VP (VBD wrote) (NP this)) (NP himself))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Oliver Rain is a man surrounded by mystery . VERB: surround POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: surrounded by mystery PARSE: (VP (VBN surrounded) (PP (IN by) (NP mystery))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: After a few weeks , Luke and Beth reaffirm their love . VERB: reaffirm POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reaffirm love PARSE: (VP (VBP reaffirm) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN love))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The Korean engineers tasked with designing these horrors must equate the average American head with his waisline . VERB: design POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: designing these horrors PARSE: (S (VBG designing) (NP (DT these) (NNS horrors))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The characters come alive as the plot thickens and we become enmeshed in the dramas of their lives . VERB: enmesh POLAR NOUN: drama GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: enmeshed in the dramas of lives PARSE: (VP (VBN enmeshed) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN dramas)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS lives)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: These events launch Jack into yet another harrowing day filled with twists and turns . VERB: fill POLAR NOUN: twist GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: filled with twists and turns PARSE: (VP (VBN filled) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (NNS twists) (CC and)) (NNS turns)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This book displays the same elegance . VERB: display POLAR NOUN: elegance GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: displays the same elegance PARSE: (VP (VBZ displays) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ same) (NN elegance)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And that 's why I have to deduct some stars from the book . VERB: deduct POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: deduct some stars PARSE: (@VP (VB deduct) (NP (DT some) (NNS stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Doubts may arise as to testability . VERB: arise POLAR NOUN: doubt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Doubts may arise as to testability PARSE: (ROOT (NP Doubts) (@S (VP (MD may) (VP (VB arise) (PP (IN as) (PP (TO to) (NP testability))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He should re-read " Reenchantment of the World " to get some hope back into his life . VERB: get_back POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: get some hope PARSE: (@VP (VB get) (NP (DT some) (NN hope))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's a fun ride as Becky discovers the wonders of the sample sale , mega book-store chains and more . VERB: discover POLAR NOUN: wonder GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: discovers the wonders of the sample sale mega book-store chains and more PARSE: (VP (VBZ discovers) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS wonders)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN sample) (NN sale))) (, ,)) (NP (JJ mega) (@NP (NN book-store) (NNS chains)))) (CC and)) (NP more))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Rolling synthesizers sequenced to darkwave perfection . VERB: sequence POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sequenced to darkwave perfection PARSE: (VP (VBN sequenced) (S (TO to) (VP (VB darkwave) (NP perfection)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: More than identifying obstacles , Michael Gerrish provides actionable solutions . VERB: identify POLAR NOUN: obstacle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: identifying obstacles PARSE: (S (VBG identifying) (NP obstacles)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Along the way we follow his ongoing struggle with alcoholism while it shatters his first marriage . VERB: follow POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: follow ongoing struggle with alcoholism while it PARSE: (@VP (VBP follow) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ ongoing) (NN struggle))) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP alcoholism) (PP (IN while) (NP it)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Rigg elucidates the contradictions in Nazi policy towards Mischlinge through detailed examinations of several case histories which he uncovered . VERB: elucidate POLAR NOUN: contradiction GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: elucidates the contradictions in Nazi policy towards Mischlinge PARSE: (@VP (VBZ elucidates) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS contradictions)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (JJ Nazi) (NN policy)) (PP (IN towards) (NP Mischlinge)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Comedic duo Penn and Teller portray the interstellar comedic sensation Rebo and Zooty . ) 9 . VERB: portray POLAR NOUN: sensation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: portray the interstellar comedic sensation Rebo and Zooty PARSE: (VP (VBP portray) (S (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ interstellar) (@NP (JJ comedic) (NN sensation)))) (NP (@NP (NNP Rebo) (CC and)) (NNP Zooty)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Only a handful of tenors brought out the passion and the "insides " of each character that they performed . VERB: bring_out POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: brought out the passion and the insides of each character PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBN brought) (PRT out)) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN passion)) (CC and)) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (`` ``) (@NP (NNS insides) ('' '')))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT each) (NN character)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And they have to be judged on their own merits . VERB: judge POLAR NOUN: merit GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: judged on own merits PARSE: (VP (VBN judged) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ own) (NNS merits))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The story itself examines Ender 's redemption of his participation in the Xenocide within the context of First Contact with the piggies . VERB: examine POLAR NOUN: redemption GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: examines Ender 's redemption of participation in the Xenocide within the context of First Contact PARSE: (@VP (VBZ examines) (NP (NP (NP (NNP Ender) (POS 's)) (NN redemption)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NN participation)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN Xenocide)) (PP (IN within) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN context)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP First) (NN Contact))))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Jimmy Page and the Crowes have resurrected the greatness of Led Zeppelin . VERB: resurrect POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: resurrected the greatness of Led Zeppelin PARSE: (VP (VBN resurrected) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN greatness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Led) (NNP Zeppelin))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: ONE play of the new tracks laid all my fears to rest . VERB: lay POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: laid all fears PARSE: (@VP (VBN laid) (NP (DT all) (@NP (PRP$ my) (NNS fears)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Krugman describes the class of people who make a living generating these promises , "economic policy entrepreneurs " , and their interaction with politicians . VERB: generate POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: generating these promises economic policy entrepreneurs PARSE: (VP (VBG generating) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT these) (NNS promises)) (, ,)) (`` ``)) (NP (JJ economic) (@NP (NN policy) (NNS entrepreneurs)))) ('' ''))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I find myself reviewing this masterpiece after having owned it since it was originally released . VERB: review POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reviewing this masterpiece PARSE: (@VP (VBG reviewing) (NP (DT this) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She accompanies them through their daily lives and chronicles their pain while telling us her story . VERB: chronicle POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: chronicles pain PARSE: (@VP (VBZ chronicles) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN pain))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I got my hopes up in this book , but that 's all I 'll say on that one . VERB: get_up POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: got hopes PARSE: (@VP (VBD got) (NP (PRP$ my) (NNS hopes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It provides an early listen to Jonah 's work which would later develop into masterpieces like ' Sea Biscuit ' and 'Emit Ecaps ' . VERB: develop POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: develop into masterpieces PARSE: (@VP (VB develop) (PP (IN into) (NP masterpieces))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The police finger Emma as the murderer , and that leaves Nora to find out the truth . VERB: find_out POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: find out the truth PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB find) (PRT out)) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And that illustrates the beauty of the book . VERB: illustrate POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: illustrates the beauty of the book PARSE: (VP (VBZ illustrates) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN beauty)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN book))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It was only now that rumours surfaced about his Nazi past and presence in Yugoslavia while members of his unit carried out massacres there . VERB: carry_out POLAR NOUN: massacre GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: carried out massacres PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD carried) (PRT out)) (NP massacres)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I maintain that men like him teach us wisdom . VERB: teach POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: teach us wisdom PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB teach) (NP us)) (NP wisdom)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Nietzsche had begun as a devotee of both Wagner and Schopenhauer . VERB: begin POLAR NOUN: devotee GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: begun as a devotee of both Wagner and Schopenhauer PARSE: (VP (VBN begun) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN devotee)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT both) (@NP (@NP (NNP Wagner) (CC and)) (NNP Schopenhauer))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: old musician to try out his musical talent . VERB: try_out POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: try out musical talent PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB try) (PRT out)) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ musical) (NN talent)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He struggles with demons - his own , and those of others . VERB: struggle POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: struggles with demons own and those of others PARSE: (VP (VBZ struggles) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (@NP (NP demons) (: -)) (NP (PRP$ his) (JJ own))) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP (NP those) (PP (IN of) (NP others)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Dover has about 15 titles of this type , ranging from optical illusions to Celtic animals . VERB: range POLAR NOUN: illusion GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: ranging from optical illusions PARSE: (@VP (VBG ranging) (PP (IN from) (NP (JJ optical) (NNS illusions)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The orchestra is smaller & the score treated with less classical reverence . VERB: treat POLAR NOUN: reverence GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: treated with less classical reverence PARSE: (VP (VBN treated) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJR less) (@NP (JJ classical) (NN reverence))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You 're studying with a master in this book VERB: study POLAR NOUN: master GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: studying with a master in this book PARSE: (VP (VBG studying) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN master)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT this) (NN book)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This album is only for those initiated to the awesomeness of industrial rock . VERB: initiate POLAR NOUN: awesomeness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: initiated to the awesomeness of industrial rock PARSE: (VP (VBN initiated) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN awesomeness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ industrial) (NN rock)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: it contained a HUGE mistake . VERB: contain POLAR NOUN: mistake GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: contained a HUGE mistake PARSE: (VP (VBD contained) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN HUGE) (NN mistake)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The Fragile is about 105 minutes of audio that will cause orgasmic pleasure in your ears . VERB: cause POLAR NOUN: pleasure GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: cause orgasmic pleasure PARSE: (@VP (VB cause) (NP (JJ orgasmic) (NN pleasure))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He tragicly died but with this album his soul will live on for eternity . VERB: live_on POLAR NOUN: eternity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: live on for eternity PARSE: (VP (VB live) (PP (IN on) (PP (IN for) (NP eternity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Mamou handles them with the grace and lyricism that they require . VERB: handle POLAR NOUN: grace GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: handles them with the grace and lyricism PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBZ handles) (NP them)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NX (@NX (NX grace) (CC and)) (NX lyricism))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The authors also pin blame on Lee 's chief of artillery William Pendleton . VERB: pin POLAR NOUN: blame GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pin blame PARSE: (@VP (VBP pin) (NP blame)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: An achingly anti-commercial band yell their masterpiece VERB: yell POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: yell masterpiece PARSE: (SBAR (VB yell) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The crew must cope with boredom , storms , and an inscrutable Scottish moralist , Graham . VERB: cope POLAR NOUN: boredom GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cope with boredom storms and an inscrutable Scottish moralist Graham PARSE: (VP (VB cope) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP boredom) (, ,)) (NP storms)) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP (@NP (NP (DT an) (@NP (JJ inscrutable) (@NP (JJ Scottish) (NN moralist)))) (, ,)) (NP Graham))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It will be some time before I can muster up the bravery to trod the B-movie section of my local Blockbuster . VERB: muster_up POLAR NOUN: bravery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: muster up the bravery to trod the B-movie section of local Blockbuster PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB muster) (PRT up)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN bravery) (S (TO to) (VP (VB trod) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ B-movie) (NN section))) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ local) (NNP Blockbuster)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Only 6 songs ,less than 45 minutes long but it packs a punch . VERB: pack POLAR NOUN: punch GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: packs a punch PARSE: (VP (VBZ packs) (NP (DT a) (NN punch))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I was howling with laughter in these sections . VERB: howl POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: howling with laughter in these sections PARSE: (VP (VBG howling) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP laughter) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT these) (NNS sections)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The strategy presented in this book is predicated on empathy for the other person . VERB: predicate POLAR NOUN: empathy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: predicated on empathy for the other person PARSE: (VP (VBN predicated) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP empathy) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ other) (NN person))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Flay takes you back to the basics of using your grill and determining whether your dish is cooked to your liking . VERB: cook POLAR NOUN: liking GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: cooked to liking PARSE: (VP (VBN cooked) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN liking)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Emmaline - size 32AA ( hence the name ) plot revolves around her physical insecurity . VERB: revolve POLAR NOUN: insecurity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: revolves around physical insecurity PARSE: (VP (VBZ revolves) (PP (IN around) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ physical) (NN insecurity))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: There 's more BS DRAMA shoved into every scene , every conversation , than is ever plausable . VERB: shove POLAR NOUN: drama GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: more BS DRAMA shoved into every scene every conversation than is ever plausable PARSE: (NP (NP (JJR more) (@NP (NN BS) (NN DRAMA))) (SBAR (@VP (VBD shoved) (PP (IN into) (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT every) (NN scene)) (, ,)) (NP (DT every) (NN conversation))) (, ,)))) (SBAR (IN than) (S (VBZ is) (ADJP (RB ever) (JJ plausable)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In a way that smells like truth , Conroy tells his story , reconstructing memories over 30 years old . VERB: smell POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: smells like truth PARSE: (S (VBZ smells) (PP (IN like) (NP truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A visit to a Mosque and a conversation with an Imam will address any concerns . VERB: address POLAR NOUN: concern GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: address any concerns PARSE: (VP (VB address) (NP (DT any) (NNS concerns))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It can make me beam with joy and bring tears to my eyes . VERB: beam POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: beam with joy PARSE: (VP (VB beam) (PP (IN with) (NP joy))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This acoustic number features the guitar talents of DALTON BROWN who plays both electric slide guitar and acoustic guitar . VERB: feature POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: features the guitar talents of DALTON BROWN who plays both electric slide guitar and acoustic guitar PARSE: (VP (VBZ features) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN guitar) (NNS talents))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP DALTON) (NNP BROWN)) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (VBZ plays) (NP (@NP (NP (DT both) (@NP (JJ electric) (@NP (NN slide) (NN guitar)))) (CC and)) (NP (JJ acoustic) (NN guitar))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Cernan has always attempted to unite the passion of future space explorers . VERB: unite POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: unite the passion of future space explorers PARSE: (VP (VB unite) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN passion)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ future) (@NP (NN space) (NNS explorers)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She depends on the insights of several contacts , who she has learned to trust over the years . VERB: depend POLAR NOUN: insight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: depends on the insights of several contacts who she has learned to trust over the years PARSE: (VP (VBZ depends) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS insights)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP (JJ several) (NNS contacts)) (, ,)) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (NP she) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN learned) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP trust) (PP (IN over) (NP (DT the) (NNS years)))))))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He records political and philosophical discussions with them and reflects on their personalities and surroundings . VERB: reflect POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reflects on personalities and surroundings PARSE: (VP (VBZ reflects) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (@NP (NNS personalities) (CC and)) (NNS surroundings))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Calamity looms for her and her new marriage . VERB: loom POLAR NOUN: calamity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Calamity looms for her and new marriage PARSE: (ROOT (NP Calamity) (@S (VP (VBZ looms) (PP (IN for) (NP (@NP (NP her) (CC and)) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ new) (NN marriage)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They span from the Renaissance to contemporary music . VERB: span POLAR NOUN: renaissance GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: span from the Renaissance PARSE: (@VP (VBP span) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NNP Renaissance)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Montserrat Figueras ' voice is , as always , in a class of her own , radiating with richness and intensity . VERB: radiate POLAR NOUN: richness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: radiating with richness and intensity PARSE: (VP (VBG radiating) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (NN richness) (CC and)) (NN intensity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Although at the periphery of the main thrust of the book , Wright alludes to the emerging pre-war anxieties . VERB: allude POLAR NOUN: anxiety GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: alludes to the emerging pre-war anxieties PARSE: (VP (VBZ alludes) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (@NP (VBG emerging) (@NP (JJ pre-war) (NNS anxieties)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Which this game supplies plenty of . VERB: supply POLAR NOUN: plenty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: supplies plenty of PARSE: (VP (VBZ supplies) (NP (NP plenty) (PP of))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The reader enters a struggle to uncover " who did it . " VERB: enter POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: enters a struggle to uncover who did it PARSE: (VP (VBZ enters) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN struggle) (S (TO to) (VP (@VP (VB uncover) ('' '')) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (VBD did) (NP it)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: There emerges a respect for the deceased astronauts . VERB: emerge POLAR NOUN: respect GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: emerges a respect for the deceased astronauts PARSE: (VP (VBZ emerges) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN respect)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ deceased) (NNS astronauts)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Another difficulty rests with the shallowness of her characterizations . VERB: rest POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Another difficulty rests with the shallowness of characterizations PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT Another) (NN difficulty)) (@S (VP (VBZ rests) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN shallowness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS characterizations)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: For him , 'actions speak louder than words , ' and decision embodies greater truth than does detached rationalism . VERB: embody POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: embodies greater truth PARSE: (@VP (VBZ embodies) (NP (JJR greater) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And we pile up guilt . VERB: pile_up POLAR NOUN: guilt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pile up guilt PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP pile) (PRT up)) (NP guilt)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The lyrics bespeak of confidence in one 's self . VERB: bespeak POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bespeak of confidence in one 's self PARSE: (VP (VBP bespeak) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP confidence) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (CD one) (POS 's)) (NN self)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The purpose was to immunize us against propaganda by teaching us how to write it . VERB: immunize POLAR NOUN: propaganda GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: immunize us against propaganda PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB immunize) (NP us)) (PP (IN against) (NP propaganda))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: One of the books which fueled my entwined passions for travel , exotic locales and cultures , handicrafts , storytelling , and horticulture . VERB: fuel POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fueled entwined passions for travel exotic locales and cultures handicrafts storytelling and horticulture PARSE: (S (VBD fueled) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (ADJP entwined) (NNS passions))) (PP (IN for) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP travel) (, ,)) (NP (JJ exotic) (@NP (@NP (NNS locales) (CC and)) (NNS cultures)))) (, ,)) (NP handicrafts)) (, ,)) (NP storytelling)) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP horticulture))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I , of course , echo the praise heaped on this version , that previous reviewers have articulated . VERB: heap POLAR NOUN: praise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the praise heaped on this version that previous reviewers have articulated PARSE: (SBAR (NP (DT the) (NN praise)) (VP (VBD heaped) (PP (IN on) (NP (@NP (NP (DT this) (NN version)) (, ,)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (NP (JJ previous) (NNS reviewers)) (VP (VBP have) (VP articulated)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A RESEARCH BOOK FOR THOSE WHO SEEK THE TRUTH VERB: seek POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: SEEK THE TRUTH PARSE: (S (VBP SEEK) (NP (DT THE) (NN TRUTH))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Previous viewers have voiced these same criticisms . VERB: voice POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: voiced these same criticisms PARSE: (VP (VBN voiced) (NP (DT these) (@NP (JJ same) (NNS criticisms)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It all depends on how you construct the joke . VERB: construct POLAR NOUN: joke GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: construct the joke PARSE: (VP (VBP construct) (NP (DT the) (NN joke))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book reinvigorated by love of the genre . VERB: reinvigorate POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reinvigorated by love of the genre PARSE: (VP (VBN reinvigorated) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP love) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN genre)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They control the monsters . VERB: control POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: control the monsters PARSE: (VP (VBP control) (NP (DT the) (NNS monsters))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They all must stay over the weekend in the church and investigate this evil . VERB: investigate POLAR NOUN: evil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: investigate this evil PARSE: (VP (VB investigate) (NP (DT this) (NN evil))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She is a kept woman who is struggling to get out of Chicago and utilize her talent to reach Broadway . VERB: utilize POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: utilize talent to reach Broadway PARSE: (VP (VB utilize) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (NN talent) (S (TO to) (VP (VB reach) (NP Broadway)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This film also discusses the mystery of the shroud . VERB: discuss POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: discusses the mystery of the shroud PARSE: (VP (VBZ discusses) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN mystery)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN shroud))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He must search in Hell for someone like him . VERB: search POLAR NOUN: hell GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: search in Hell for someone PARSE: (@VP (VB search) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP Hell) (PP (IN for) (NP someone))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Suddenly , Eddie is shot and he ends up in Hell . VERB: end_up POLAR NOUN: hell GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: ends up in Hell PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ ends) (PRT up)) (PP (IN in) (NP Hell))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Anne has been pursuing her desire to get one of her stories published . VERB: pursue POLAR NOUN: desire GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pursuing desire to get one of stories published PARSE: (VP (VBG pursuing) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (NN desire) (S (TO to) (VP (VB get) (NP (NP one) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS stories)) (VP published))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Adult sophistication wrapped in childlike simplicity ... VERB: wrap POLAR NOUN: simplicity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: wrapped in childlike simplicity PARSE: (VP (VBN wrapped) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ childlike) (NN simplicity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: One reviewer commented on the lack of " chemistry " between Clyde and Elinor . VERB: comment POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: commented on the lack PARSE: (@VP (VBD commented) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NN lack)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: When I read the reviews I keep seeig people saying that they guessed the villian from the first pages . VERB: guess POLAR NOUN: villian GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: guessed the villian PARSE: (@VP (VBD guessed) (NP (DT the) (NN villian))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I rated this a 4.5 and then rounded up to 5 stars . VERB: round_up POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rounded up to 5 stars PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD rounded) (PRT up)) (PP (TO to) (NP (CD 5) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Meanwhile , the story is layered with ironies . VERB: layer POLAR NOUN: irony GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: layered with ironies PARSE: (VP (VBN layered) (PP (IN with) (NP ironies))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Another , an early explorer of the West , attempts to uncover the mystery of a disappearing river in 1840s Nebraska . VERB: uncover POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: uncover the mystery of a disappearing river in 1840s Nebraska PARSE: (VP (VB uncover) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN mystery)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (VBG disappearing) (NN river))) (PP (IN in) (NP 1840s))))) (NP Nebraska))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: How could anyone ever produce , film or release this mess on DVD ? Poor Offenbach . VERB: produce POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: produce film or release this mess on DVD PARSE: (SBAR (@VP (VBP produce) (, ,)) (S (NP (@NP (NN film) (CC or)) (NN release)) (NP (NP (DT this) (NN mess)) (PP (IN on) (NP DVD))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Director Jiri Menzel made this film during the middle 60's--when the Czech artists found themselves immersed in the joy of Prague Spring . VERB: immerse POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: immersed in the joy of Prague Spring PARSE: (VP (VBD immersed) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN joy)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Prague) (NNP Spring)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It lifted him out of his misery . " VERB: lift_out POLAR NOUN: misery GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: lifted him out of misery PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD lifted) (NP him)) (ADVP (IN out) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN misery))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Sadness pervades this story . VERB: pervade POLAR NOUN: sadness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Sadness pervades this story PARSE: (ROOT (NP Sadness) (@S (VP (VBZ pervades) (NP (DT this) (NN story))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The purpose is to be instruments that transmit truths which otherwise would remain out of sight . " VERB: transmit POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: transmit truths which otherwise would remain out of sight PARSE: (S (VBP transmit) (NP (NP truths) (SBAR (WHNP which) (S (ADVP otherwise) (VP (MD would) (VP (@VP (VB remain) (PRT out)) (PP (IN of) (NP sight)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Christian , in the meantime , continues to seduce women without care while harboring some deeply-rooted personal demons . VERB: harbor POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: harboring some deeply-rooted personal demons PARSE: (S (VBG harboring) (NP (DT some) (@NP (JJ deeply-rooted) (@NP (JJ personal) (NNS demons))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Luckily , TV Land has recently reintroduced the country to the joys of the Honeymooners . VERB: reintroduce POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reintroduced the country to the joys of the Honeymooners PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN reintroduced) (NP (DT the) (NN country))) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS joys)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Honeymooners)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As his mistress says to Keitel "you feed your spite on him" . VERB: feed POLAR NOUN: spite GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: feed spite PARSE: (@VP (VB feed) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN spite))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: His Handbook concentrates almost exclusively on ethics and how to live a fulfilling life that culminates in happiness . VERB: culminate POLAR NOUN: happiness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: culminates in happiness PARSE: (S (VBZ culminates) (PP (IN in) (NP happiness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: His indignation can veer into stridency . VERB: veer POLAR NOUN: indignation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: indignation can veer into stridency PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ His) (NN indignation)) (@S (VP (MD can) (VP (VB veer) (PP (IN into) (NP stridency)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This was marketing genius . VERB: market POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: marketing genius PARSE: (VP (VBG marketing) (NP genius)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The new ruling class is subjecting the old ruling class to state terror during French Revelution . VERB: subject POLAR NOUN: terror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: subjecting the old ruling class to state terror PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBG subjecting) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ old) (@NP (NN ruling) (NN class))))) (PP (TO to) (NP (NN state) (NN terror)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It shoots for the stars but lands in Jokanaan 's pit . VERB: shoot POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: shoots for the stars but lands in Jokanaan 's pit PARSE: (VP (VBZ shoots) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS stars)) (PP (CC but) (NP (NP lands) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP Jokanaan) (POS 's)) (NN pit)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The dialogue and acting also slipped several notches down , while the loopholes went several notches up . VERB: go_up POLAR NOUN: loophole GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the loopholes went several notches up PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (NNS loopholes)) (VP (@VP (VBD went) (NP (JJ several) (NNS notches))) (ADVP up))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Together , the Siva Sutras and Spand Karikas constitute the cornerstones of Trika philosophy . VERB: constitute POLAR NOUN: cornerstone GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: constitute the cornerstones of Trika philosophy PARSE: (VP (VBP constitute) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS cornerstones)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP Trika) (NP philosophy))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A title that delivers the truth VERB: deliver POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: delivers the truth PARSE: (S (VBZ delivers) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Griffith 's name will always be associated with this celluloid infamy . VERB: associate POLAR NOUN: infamy GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: associated with this celluloid infamy PARSE: (VP (VBN associated) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT this) (@NP (NN celluloid) (NN infamy))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: You can customize computer opponents , and play on various stages . VERB: customize POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: customize computer opponents PARSE: (VP (VB customize) (NP (NN computer) (NNS opponents))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I was prepared for the usual disappointment that you get from solo albums . VERB: prepare POLAR NOUN: disappointment GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: prepared for the usual disappointment PARSE: (@VP (VBN prepared) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ usual) (NN disappointment))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I started looking around here for some customer recommendations for some humor and ended up here . VERB: look_around POLAR NOUN: recommendations GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: looking around here for some customer recommendations for some humor PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG looking) (ADVP (IN around) (RB here))) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT some) (@NP (NN customer) (NNS recommendations))) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT some) (NN humor)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: There are sprinkles of hope though . VERB: sprinkle POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sprinkles of hope though PARSE: (VP (VBZ sprinkles) (PP (IN of) (S (NN hope) (ADVP though)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He also graduated from Harvard in the 1958 and Columbia in 1959 ( before affirmative action ) after growing up in poverty . VERB: grow_up POLAR NOUN: poverty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: growing up in poverty PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG growing) (PRT up)) (PP (IN in) (NP poverty))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The first few levels should be a cakewalk to build up your confidence to continue on . VERB: build_up POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: build up confidence to continue on PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB build) (PRT up)) (NP (PRP$ your) (@NP (NN confidence) (S (TO to) (VP (VB continue) (PP on)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I had a lot of fun reading the book and grasped every opportunity to read it . VERB: grasp POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: grasped every opportunity PARSE: (@VP (VBD grasped) (NP (DT every) (NN opportunity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As an American , I am somwhat put off by what I perceive as a bias towards European performers . VERB: perceive POLAR NOUN: bias GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: perceive as a bias towards European performers PARSE: (VP (VBP perceive) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN bias)) (PP (IN towards) (NP (JJ European) (NNS performers)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Crowcroft set up a 'mouse paradise ' in a disused RAF bombing trainer , caught his mice in local corn-ricks and began observing them . VERB: set_up POLAR NOUN: paradise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: set up a mouse paradise in a disused RAF bombing trainer PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD set) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (`` `) (@NP (NN mouse) (@NP (NN paradise) ('' '))))) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ disused) (@NP (NN RAF) (@NP (NN bombing) (NN trainer)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The book starts out with the hope of a rebellion , animals against humans . VERB: start_out POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: starts out with the hope of a rebellion animals against humans PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ starts) (PRT out)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN hope)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP (DT a) (NN rebellion)) (, ,)) (NP (NP animals) (PP (IN against) (NP humans)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Children who watched this bubbled with laughter . VERB: bubble POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bubbled with laughter PARSE: (VP (VBN bubbled) (PP (IN with) (NP laughter))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: You get different another sword later in the game called Alastor and with that sword you can transform into a demon . VERB: transform POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: transform into a demon PARSE: (VP (VB transform) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (NN demon)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They encounter more difficulties than expected along the way before the final meeting between Yoda and Dooku takes place . VERB: encounter POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: encounter more difficulties than PARSE: (@VP (VBP encounter) (ADVP (NP (QP more) (NNS difficulties)) (IN than))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This book about Senator Clinton is a rehashing of almost every internet rumor and story that has been out there for years . VERB: rehash POLAR NOUN: rumor GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: a rehashing of almost every internet rumor and story PARSE: (@NP (NP (DT a) (VBG rehashing)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP (RB almost) (@NP (DT every) (@NP (NN internet) (NN rumor)))) (CC and)) (NP story)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Similar to Huysmans , Baudilaire , and synbolist writers , he specialized in sexological decadence . VERB: specialize POLAR NOUN: decadence GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: specialized in sexological decadence PARSE: (VP (VBD specialized) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ sexological) (NN decadence)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: After the funeral , the family lawyer sits down with the sisters to disclose Merry 's last wishes . VERB: disclose POLAR NOUN: wish GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: disclose Merry 's last wishes PARSE: (VP (VB disclose) (NP (NP (NNP Merry) (POS 's)) (@NP (JJ last) (NNS wishes)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The mystery deepens when we learn whose relative she is . VERB: deepen POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The mystery deepens when we learn relative she is PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN mystery)) (@S (VP (VBZ deepens) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP we) (VP (VBP learn) (SBAR (WHNP (WP$ whose) (NP relative)) (S (NP she) (VP is))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Michael Mann 's contempt for Los Angeles drips from every frame , from the dialogue to the choice of shots and locations . VERB: drip POLAR NOUN: contempt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Michael Mann 's contempt for Los Angeles drips from every frame from the dialogue to the choice of shots and locations PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (NP (NNP Michael) (@NP (NNP Mann) (POS 's))) (NN contempt)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNP Los) (NNP Angeles)))) (@S (VP (@VP (@VP (VBZ drips) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT every) (NN frame)))) (, ,)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN dialogue)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN choice)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NNS shots) (CC and)) (NNS locations)))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: We saw Sir Paul on " Great Performances " on PBS and witnessed the genius in the recording studio . VERB: witness POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: witnessed the genius PARSE: (@VP (VBD witnessed) (NP (DT the) (NN genius))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Our introduction , by way of this book sparked my eventual love for Roman , literature , society , culture - you name it . VERB: spark POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sparked eventual love PARSE: (@VP (VBD sparked) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ eventual) (NN love)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Salt is one of those products , along with hunting weapons , and the earliest grains , that has guided human destiny . VERB: guide POLAR NOUN: destiny GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: guided human destiny PARSE: (VP (VBN guided) (NP (JJ human) (NN destiny))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Here Horsley fulfills the promise of his other works . VERB: fulfill POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fulfills the promise of other works PARSE: (VP (VBZ fulfills) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN promise)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ other) (NNS works)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: General collectors may proceed with confidence . VERB: proceed POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: proceed with confidence PARSE: (VP (VB proceed) (PP (IN with) (NP confidence))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Greatness awaits in the future . VERB: await POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Greatness awaits in the future PARSE: (ROOT (NP Greatness) (@S (VP (VBZ awaits) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN future)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: At the same time , a German tourist with his wife is reminiscing the same confrontation . VERB: reminisce POLAR NOUN: confrontation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: reminiscing the same confrontation PARSE: (VP (VBG reminiscing) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ same) (NN confrontation)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But is that pain handed to him by the gods or is it self-inflicted . VERB: hand POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pain handed to him by the gods or is it PARSE: (S (NP pain) (VP (@VP (VP (@VP (VBN handed) (PP (TO to) (NP him))) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT the) (NNS gods)))) (CC or)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP it)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I usually reserve 5 stars for cds I have had for years . VERB: reserve POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reserve 5 stars for cds I have had for years PARSE: (VP (VBP reserve) (NP (NP (CD 5) (NNS stars)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP cds) (SBAR (NP I) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN had) (PP (IN for) (NP years))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: After a short time spent aligning our two base stars in the scope , we were off to explore the universe and beyond . VERB: align POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: aligning two base stars PARSE: (@VP (VBG aligning) (NP (PRP$ our) (@NP (CD two) (@NP (NN base) (NNS stars))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The plot of the storyy continues where our heros are married and have an 8 tear old child . VERB: marry POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: heros are married and have an 8 tear old child PARSE: (S (NP (PRP$ our) (NNS heros)) (VP (@VP (@VP (VP (VBP are) (VP married)) (CC and)) (VP (VBP have) (NP (DT an) (CD 8)))) (VP (VB tear) (NP (JJ old) (NN child))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This games is similar to the last except , you dont collect stars , you collect , Sprites . VERB: collect POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: collect stars PARSE: (VP (VB collect) (NP stars)) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Only later , when her father allows her out into the surrounding villages , does Oswald realize his mistake . VERB: realize POLAR NOUN: mistake GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: realize mistake PARSE: (VP (VB realize) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN mistake))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Eriksplan " has a coda that devolves into chaos while Salomon repeats the refrain 'reconstruct the self-destruction ' ( track 9 ) . VERB: devolve POLAR NOUN: chaos GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: devolves into chaos PARSE: (@VP (VBZ devolves) (PP (IN into) (NP chaos))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In chapter 3 , Barr outlines the five "plot twists " that form the subject of the book : 1 . VERB: outline POLAR NOUN: twist GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: outlines the five plot twists that form the subject of the book 1 PARSE: (VP (VBZ outlines) (S (NP (DT the) (CD five)) (NP (`` ``) (@NP (@NP (NP (NN plot) (NNS twists)) ('' '')) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (@VP (@VP (VBP form) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN subject)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN book))))) (: :)) (NP 1))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Many rumors have been circulating about who would take his place . VERB: circulate POLAR NOUN: rumor GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Many rumors have been circulating about who would take place PARSE: (ROOT (NP (JJ Many) (NNS rumors)) (@S (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN been) (VP (VBG circulating) (PP (IN about) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (MD would) (VP (VB take) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN place))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It all adds up to a condemnation of the way history is taught to our students today . VERB: add_up POLAR NOUN: condemnation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: adds up to a condemnation of the way history is taught to students PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ adds) (PRT up)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN condemnation)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN way) (NN history))) (SBAR (VBZ is) (VP (@VP (VBN taught) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ our) (NNS students)))) (NP-TMP today)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It has been reported by many men and women throughout history as the supreme Truth . VERB: report POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reported by many men and women throughout history as the supreme Truth PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VBN reported) (PP (IN by) (NP (JJ many) (@NP (@NP (NNS men) (CC and)) (NNS women))))) (PP (IN throughout) (NP history))) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN supreme) (NN Truth))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: There are new elements about Reapers that raises their horror . VERB: raise POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: raises horror PARSE: (S (VBZ raises) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN horror))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A king implements genocide for supernatural purposes . VERB: implement POLAR NOUN: genocide GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: implements genocide for supernatural purposes PARSE: (VP (VBZ implements) (NP (NP genocide) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ supernatural) (NNS purposes))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The defendants placed the blame on Hitler , Himmler , and Bormann , all of which were beyond earthly punishment . VERB: place POLAR NOUN: blame GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: placed the blame on Hitler Himmler and Bormann all of which were beyond earthly punishment PARSE: (VP (VBD placed) (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN blame)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP Hitler) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (NNP Himmler) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (CC and) (NNP Bormann)))))))) (, ,)) (SBAR (WHNP (DT all) (WHPP (IN of) (WHNP which))) (S (VBD were) (PP (IN beyond) (NP (JJ earthly) (NN punishment))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A few stars are twinkling . VERB: twinkle POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: A few stars are twinkling PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (@NP (JJ few) (NNS stars))) (@S (VP (VBP are) (VP twinkling)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Pressac 's attempts to shore up the Holocaust myth with Auschwitz blueprints and records long secreted in the Moscow archives . VERB: shore_up POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shore up the Holocaust myth PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB shore) (PRT up)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Holocaust) (NN myth)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: All he can think about is what happened at the hands of Rudnick and begins to plan his revenge . VERB: plan POLAR NOUN: revenge GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: plan revenge PARSE: (VP (VB plan) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN revenge))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Beale has a habit of attracting trouble and then relies on Alan to get him out of it . VERB: attract POLAR NOUN: trouble GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: attracting trouble PARSE: (S (VBG attracting) (NP trouble)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: John Katzenbach has created an America of the future where anarchy reigns . VERB: reign POLAR NOUN: anarchy GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: anarchy reigns PARSE: (S (NP anarchy) (VP reigns)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He puts forward the plight of the screenwriter as sitting on the lowest rung of the Hollywood ladder . VERB: put_forward POLAR NOUN: plight GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: puts forward the plight of the screenwriter PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBZ puts) (ADVP forward)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN plight)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN screenwriter))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's up to Walker to piece the mystery together , save his own skin and keep his private investigator 's licence . VERB: piece POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: piece the mystery PARSE: (@VP (VB piece) (NP (DT the) (NN mystery))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Now , Woody is a multi-millionaire , having inherited his parent 's fortune after his mother died . VERB: inherit POLAR NOUN: fortune GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: inherited parent 's fortune PARSE: (@VP (VBN inherited) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (NN parent) (POS 's))) (NN fortune))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Mason hides his pain in a bottle . VERB: hide POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hides pain PARSE: (@VP (VBZ hides) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN pain))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This usually involves interviewing witnesses , following leads , testing evidence , and/or hammering out a confession . VERB: hammer_out POLAR NOUN: confession GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hammering out a confession PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG hammering) (PRT out)) (NP (DT a) (NN confession))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I approached the CD store with trepidation . VERB: approach POLAR NOUN: trepidation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: approached the CD store with trepidation PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD approached) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP CD) (NN store)))) (PP (IN with) (NP trepidation))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Miller 's book will contribute to the on-going fascination . VERB: contribute POLAR NOUN: fascination GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: contribute to the on-going fascination PARSE: (VP (VB contribute) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ on-going) (NN fascination))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Tempers escalated until one of the two pulled a knife . VERB: escalate POLAR NOUN: temper GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Tempers escalated until one of the two pulled a knife PARSE: (ROOT (NP Tempers) (@S (VP (VBD escalated) (SBAR (IN until) (S (NP (NP one) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (CD two)))) (VP (VBD pulled) (NP (DT a) (NN knife)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Brand new day spills out a postive charm with each sometimes sappy lyric . VERB: spill_out POLAR NOUN: charm GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: spills out a postive charm with each sometimes sappy lyric PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ spills) (PRT out)) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ postive) (NN charm))) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT each) (@NP (ADJP (RB sometimes) (JJ sappy)) (NN lyric)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She nails the truth . VERB: nail POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: nails the truth PARSE: (VP (VBZ nails) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Her main list of writing books is on pages 8 and 9 , but she peppers recommendations throughout . VERB: pepper POLAR NOUN: recommendations GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: peppers recommendations PARSE: (@VP (VBZ peppers) (NP recommendations)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But the concepts are imbued with truth . VERB: imbue POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: imbued with truth PARSE: (VP (VBN imbued) (PP (IN with) (NP truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: That to me indicates guilt . VERB: indicate POLAR NOUN: guilt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: indicates guilt PARSE: (VP (VBZ indicates) (NP guilt)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Publicity surrounding the case spelled disaster for the Queensland dive industry . VERB: spell POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: spelled disaster PARSE: (@VP (VBD spelled) (NP disaster)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I strongly disrecommend this book to anyone without the scientific background to recognize the distortion . VERB: recognize POLAR NOUN: distortion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: recognize the distortion PARSE: (VP (VB recognize) (NP (DT the) (NN distortion))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Her songs exude an audible beauty that touches the soul . VERB: exude POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: exude an audible beauty that touches the soul PARSE: (VP (VBP exude) (NP (NP (DT an) (@NP (JJ audible) (NN beauty))) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (NP touches) (NP (DT the) (NN soul)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Dossey illustrates how giving orders with prayers can invite disaster . VERB: invite POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: invite disaster PARSE: (VP (VB invite) (NP disaster)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I spend more of my time babysitting contractors from these companies and fixing their mistakes than I do on my own development . VERB: fix POLAR NOUN: mistake GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fixing mistakes PARSE: (@VP (VBG fixing) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS mistakes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But now the professor 's aging widow is confined toa wheelchair , and she aims her bitterness at anyone within range . VERB: aim POLAR NOUN: bitterness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: aims bitterness PARSE: (@VP (VBZ aims) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN bitterness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This leads up to the next complaint . VERB: lead_up POLAR NOUN: complaint GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: leads up to the next complaint PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ leads) (PRT up)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ next) (NN complaint))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And tremble in fear as tomboy extrodinaire Akane Tendo prepares a meal . VERB: tremble POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: tremble in fear PARSE: (@VP (VB tremble) (PP (IN in) (NP fear))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In this book he evokes the super-human grandeur of another world . VERB: evoke POLAR NOUN: grandeur GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: evokes the super-human grandeur of another world PARSE: (VP (VBZ evokes) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ super-human) (NN grandeur))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT another) (NN world))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The group was tight and the music flowed from one masterpiece to the next . VERB: flow POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: flowed from one masterpiece PARSE: (@VP (VBD flowed) (PP (IN from) (NP (CD one) (NN masterpiece)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: These two masterminds once again combine to put together a masterpiece of musicianship and writing . VERB: put_together POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: put together a masterpiece of musicianship and writing PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB put) (PRT together)) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NN musicianship) (CC and)) (NN writing))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Harrison explains that he is writing a " a physic history from which empirical history derives its inspiration . " VERB: derive POLAR NOUN: inspiration GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: derives inspiration PARSE: (VP (VBZ derives) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN inspiration))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Also , a few typos can be found here and there , which sometimes result in confusion . VERB: result POLAR NOUN: confusion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: result in confusion PARSE: (VP (VBP result) (PP (IN in) (NP confusion))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Famous , historical personalities populate its pages . VERB: populate POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Famous historical personalities populate pages PARSE: (ROOT (NP (@NP (NP Famous) (, ,)) (NP (JJ historical) (NNS personalities))) (@S (VP (VBP populate) (NP (PRP$ its) (NNS pages))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Each God/dess must be studied in its entirety and weighed on its own merits . VERB: weigh POLAR NOUN: merit GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: weighed on own merits PARSE: (VP (VBD weighed) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ its) (@NP (JJ own) (NNS merits))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The mystery of what is happening unfolds meticulously , and the end left me gasping for air . VERB: unfold POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The mystery of what is happening unfolds meticulously PARSE: (S (NP (NP (DT The) (NN mystery)) (PP (IN of) (SBAR (WHNP what) (S (VBZ is) (VP happening))))) (VP (VBZ unfolds) (ADVP meticulously))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I see the writing milking sentiments from the reader . VERB: milk POLAR NOUN: sentiment GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: milking sentiments PARSE: (@VP (VBG milking) (NP sentiments)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This piece is overflowing with Mendelsshon 's genius . VERB: overflow POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: overflowing with Mendelsshon 's genius PARSE: (VP (VBG overflowing) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NNP Mendelsshon) (POS 's)) (NN genius)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The information here can be relied on as the truth . VERB: rely_on POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: relied on as the truth PARSE: (VP (VBN relied) (PP (IN on) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Moments of this coming-of-age story are genuinely touching , while mirth prevails throughout . VERB: prevail POLAR NOUN: mirth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mirth prevails throughout PARSE: (S (NP mirth) (VP (VBZ prevails) (PP throughout))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Trouble shows up when the train is held up and the villians jammed some dynamite under the baggage car door . VERB: show_up POLAR NOUN: trouble GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Trouble shows up when the train is held up PARSE: (S (NP Trouble) (VP (@VP (VBZ shows) (PRT up)) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP (DT the) (NN train)) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN held) (PRT up))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: P. I Will Riggs has worked with Bergeron by tailing or having his operatives test the fidelity of the spouses of Bergeron 's clients . VERB: test POLAR NOUN: fidelity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: test the fidelity of the spouses of Bergeron 's clients PARSE: (VP (VBP test) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN fidelity)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS spouses)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Bergeron) (POS 's)) (NNS clients))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I started playing the previous version , T3 Rise of the Machines to vent my frustrations . VERB: vent POLAR NOUN: frustration GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: vent frustrations PARSE: (VP (VB vent) (NP (PRP$ my) (NNS frustrations))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This is like the exception to the rules that comprise her writing talent . VERB: comprise POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: comprise writing talent PARSE: (S (VBP comprise) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (NN writing) (NN talent)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He accurately and lovingly recreates the temper of the times and the uniqueness that was Biba . VERB: recreate POLAR NOUN: temper GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: recreates the temper of the times and the uniqueness that was Biba PARSE: (@VP (VBZ recreates) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN temper)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NNS times)) (CC and)) (NP (DT the) (NN uniqueness))))) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBD was) (NP Biba))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Jonathan Aycliffe keeps cranking out the supernatural shocks in " Naomi 's Room . " VERB: crank_out POLAR NOUN: shock GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cranking out the supernatural shocks PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBG cranking) (PRT out)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ supernatural) (NNS shocks)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Teppic , prince of a country that closely resembles Ancient Egypt has been sent to Ankh-Morpork to be trained as an assassin . VERB: train POLAR NOUN: assassin GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: trained as an assassin PARSE: (VP (VBN trained) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT an) (NN assassin)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The book 's photographs equal the beauty and strangeness of the text . VERB: equal POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: equal the beauty and strangeness of the text PARSE: (VP (VBP equal) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN beauty) (CC and)) (NN strangeness))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN text))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A local troop of Boy Scouts reenacts the relief of Mafeking . VERB: reenact POLAR NOUN: relief GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reenacts the relief of Mafeking PARSE: (VP (VBZ reenacts) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN relief)) (PP (IN of) (NP Mafeking)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The story begins when playwright Robert Warner mounts his latest experimental drama at the Oxford Repertory Theatre . VERB: mount POLAR NOUN: drama GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: mounts latest experimental drama at the Oxford Repertory Theatre PARSE: (VP (VBZ mounts) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJS latest) (@NP (JJ experimental) (NN drama)))) (PP (IN at) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Oxford) (@NP (NNP Repertory) (NNP Theatre))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: King has crafted a masterpiece that centers on the 4-year period during which Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel . VERB: craft POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: crafted a masterpiece that centers on the 4-year period during which Michelangelo painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel PARSE: (VP (VBN crafted) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBZ centers) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ 4-year) (NN period))) (SBAR (WHPP (IN during) (WHNP which)) (S (NP Michelangelo) (VP (VBD painted) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN ceiling)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Sistine) (NN Chapel)))))))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A repentant cobra redirects her venom VERB: redirect POLAR NOUN: venom GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: redirects venom PARSE: (VP (VBZ redirects) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN venom))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Ian Rankin has penned a masterpiece with this series . VERB: pen POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: penned a masterpiece PARSE: (@VP (VBN penned) (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Errr... I haved to say the stars are flickering ... VERB: flicker POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the stars are flickering PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (NNS stars)) (@S (VP (VBP are) (VP flickering)) (: ...))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Mal 's mother also borders on a stereotype . VERB: border POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: borders on a stereotype PARSE: (VP (VBZ borders) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT a) (NN stereotype)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Multicultural studies should promote tolerance . VERB: promote POLAR NOUN: tolerance GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: promote tolerance PARSE: (VP (VB promote) (NP tolerance)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It is rooted in the wisdom of Augustine , Aquinas , and Lewis , but is contemporary without being technical . VERB: root POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rooted in the wisdom of Augustine Aquinas and Lewis PARSE: (VP (VBN rooted) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN wisdom)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Augustine) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (NNP Aquinas) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (CC and) (NNP Lewis)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Boy slays dragon , marries princess . VERB: slay POLAR NOUN: dragon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: slays dragon PARSE: (VP (VBZ slays) (NP dragon)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Thinly veiled Rock Hudson story served up as farce VERB: serve_up POLAR NOUN: farce GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: served up as farce PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD served) (PRT up)) (PP (IN as) (NP farce))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In this book , originally published in 1970 , children 's author/illustrator Dirk Gringhuis reconstitutes Chippewa myths from the Mackinac Island and Sault Ste . VERB: reconstitute POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: reconstitutes Chippewa myths PARSE: (@VP (VBZ reconstitutes) (NP (NNP Chippewa) (NNS myths))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The cult is pictured in all their glory . VERB: picture POLAR NOUN: glory GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pictured in all glory PARSE: (VP (VBN pictured) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT all) (@NP (PRP$ their) (NN glory))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Passion and melodies pour from the speakers whether the songs are a bare whisper or a loud roar . VERB: pour POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Passion and melodies pour from the speakers whether the songs are a bare whisper or a loud roar PARSE: (ROOT (NP (@NP (NN Passion) (CC and)) (NNS melodies)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBP pour) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NNS speakers)))) (SBAR (IN whether) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS songs)) (VP (VBP are) (NP (@NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ bare) (NN whisper))) (CC or)) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ loud) (NN roar)))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The book is filled with illustrations by the author that attempt to convey the personalities pictorially . VERB: convey POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: convey the personalities PARSE: (@VP (VB convey) (NP (DT the) (NNS personalities))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The text repeats the usual misconception that utility maximization is an equilibrium condition . VERB: repeat POLAR NOUN: misconception GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: repeats the usual misconception that utility maximization is an equilibrium condition PARSE: (VP (VBZ repeats) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ usual) (NN misconception))) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (NP (NN utility) (NN maximization)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (DT an) (@NP (NN equilibrium) (NN condition)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I borrowed Roark 's trick and used it on my EP Class Allisons . VERB: borrow POLAR NOUN: trick GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: borrowed Roark 's trick PARSE: (VP (VBD borrowed) (NP (NP (NNP Roark) (POS 's)) (NN trick))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Burgess also perpetuates the myth that Shakespeare wrote "his plays straight off , without drafts . " VERB: perpetuate POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: perpetuates the myth that Shakespeare wrote plays straight off without drafts PARSE: (VP (VBZ perpetuates) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN myth)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (NP Shakespeare) (VP (@VP (@VP (@VP (@VP (VBD wrote) (`` ``)) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS plays))) (PP (RB straight) (ADJP off))) (, ,)) (PP (IN without) (NP drafts))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: - You can adjust the ISO sensitivity from 200 to 1600 and HI-1 and HI-2 . VERB: adjust POLAR NOUN: sensitivity GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: adjust the ISO sensitivity PARSE: (@VP (VB adjust) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN ISO) (NN sensitivity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: His playing , along with that of Sanda Schuldmann on piano , completes the perfection of this CD. VERB: complete POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: completes the perfection of this CD PARSE: (VP (VBZ completes) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN perfection)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN CD))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This album oozes with George 's talent and musical expertise . VERB: ooze POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: oozes with George 's talent and musical expertise PARSE: (VP (VBZ oozes) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NNP George) (POS 's)) (@NP (NN talent) (@NP (CC and) (@NP (JJ musical) (NN expertise))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A saint passes on ... VERB: pass_on POLAR NOUN: saint GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: A saint passes on PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (NN saint)) (@S (VP (VBZ passes) (PP on)) (: ...))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Magnus gives you commentary and hints throughout and I often found myself chuckling at his sarcasm and wisecracks . VERB: chuckle POLAR NOUN: sarcasm GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: chuckling at sarcasm and wisecracks PARSE: (S (VBG chuckling) (PP (IN at) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (@NP (NN sarcasm) (CC and)) (NNS wisecracks))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Gergiev conducts with the usual gusto . VERB: conduct POLAR NOUN: gusto GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: conducts with the usual gusto PARSE: (VP (VBZ conducts) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ usual) (NN gusto))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Every other book that deals with these subjects is thoroughly derivative : they all owe their inspiration to " The Theory of Poker . " VERB: owe POLAR NOUN: inspiration GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: owe inspiration to The Theory of Poker PARSE: (VP (VBP owe) (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ their) (NN inspiration)) (PP to)) ('' '')) (NP (NP (DT The) (NNP Theory)) (PP (IN of) (NP Poker))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: " Rtists " brims with confidence , energy & creativity . VERB: brim POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: brims with confidence energy creativity PARSE: (VP (VBZ brims) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP confidence) (, ,)) (NP energy)) (CC &)) (NP creativity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It WILL strengthen the faith of any scientist or evolutionist . VERB: strengthen POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: strengthen the faith of any scientist or evolutionist PARSE: (VP (VB strengthen) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN faith)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT any) (@NP (@NP (NN scientist) (CC or)) (NN evolutionist)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Lutz also documents that the spit-shine image of the Army often camouflages environmental degradation resulting from base operations . VERB: camouflage POLAR NOUN: degradation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: camouflages environmental degradation resulting from base operations PARSE: (VP (VBZ camouflages) (NP (NP (JJ environmental) (NN degradation)) (VP (VBG resulting) (PP (IN from) (NP (NN base) (NNS operations)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They submit to one anothers flesh desires and are caught by that ubiquitous Tele-Screen . VERB: submit POLAR NOUN: desire GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: submit to one anothers flesh desires PARSE: (VP (VBP submit) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (CD one) (NNS anothers)) (NP (NN flesh) (NNS desires))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A Faith to think about VERB: think_about POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: A Faith to think about PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (NN Faith)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB think) (PP about)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: " Only for retirees , " she adds , " this life long search is grounded in wisdom and experience . " VERB: ground POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: grounded in wisdom and experience PARSE: (VP (VBN grounded) (PP (IN in) (NP (@NP (NN wisdom) (CC and)) (NN experience)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It makes you re-live the thrill and action of the movie . VERB: relive POLAR NOUN: thrill GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: re-live the thrill and action of the movie PARSE: (VP (VB re-live) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN thrill) (CC and)) (NN action))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN movie))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: ( What other petty sins fit in this same category ? ) VERB: fit POLAR NOUN: sin GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: other petty sins fit in this same category PARSE: (S (NP (JJ other) (@NP (JJ petty) (NNS sins))) (VP (VBP fit) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ same) (NN category)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But one of the things that stood out to me was the class system which wreaks of injustice . VERB: wreak POLAR NOUN: injustice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: wreaks of injustice PARSE: (S (VBD wreaks) (PP (IN of) (NP injustice))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: That 's where our four heroines step into the picture . VERB: step POLAR NOUN: heroine GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: four heroines step into the picture PARSE: (S (NP (PRP$ our) (@NP (CD four) (NNS heroines))) (VP (VB step) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (NN picture))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The quizzes vary in difficulty and each includes in-depth discussions covering multiple solutions . VERB: vary POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: vary in difficulty PARSE: (VP (VBP vary) (PP (IN in) (NP difficulty))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: We come to meet Hitler , Goering , Himmler , Goebels and other historical figures who masterminded the evil of the Third Reich . VERB: mastermind POLAR NOUN: evil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: masterminded the evil of the Third Reich PARSE: (S (VBD masterminded) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN evil)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Third) (NNP Reich)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The only characters who elicit some empathy are Binx 's mother and his half-brother and-sisters . VERB: elicit POLAR NOUN: empathy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: elicit some empathy PARSE: (S (VBP elicit) (NP (DT some) (NN empathy))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Only a mind congealed with pessimism could pour this river of dolefulness out onto paper . VERB: congeal POLAR NOUN: pessimism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: congealed with pessimism PARSE: (VP (VBN congealed) (PP (IN with) (NP pessimism))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The whole novel is suffused with the sensation of the author chancing his arm . VERB: suffuse POLAR NOUN: sensation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: suffused with the sensation of the author chancing arm PARSE: (VP (VBN suffused) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN sensation)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN author)) (VP (VBG chancing) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN arm)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Colin Farrell stirs up some trouble as the psychopathic hitman Bullseye . VERB: stir_up POLAR NOUN: trouble GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stirs up some trouble as the psychopathic hitman Bullseye PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ stirs) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (DT some) (NN trouble)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ psychopathic) (@NP (NN hitman) (NNP Bullseye))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The crowd thundered with appreciation and applause when Andy 's "voice " came on in the 2nd verse . VERB: thunder POLAR NOUN: appreciation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: thundered with appreciation and applause PARSE: (@VP (VBD thundered) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (NN appreciation) (CC and)) (NN applause)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: On we march to the apocalypse . VERB: march POLAR NOUN: apocalypse GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: march to the apocalypse PARSE: (VP (VBP march) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN apocalypse)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Laughter erupted from the crowd of journalists . VERB: erupt POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Laughter erupted from the crowd of journalists PARSE: (ROOT (NP Laughter) (@S (VP (VBD erupted) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN crowd)) (PP (IN of) (NP journalists))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: All , preserved to perfection . VERB: preserve POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: preserved to perfection PARSE: (VP (VBN preserved) (PP (TO to) (NP perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This is something I have always suspected about the honesty and objectivity of the network news and the VIP anchor men and woman . VERB: suspect POLAR NOUN: honesty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: suspected about the honesty and objectivity of the network news and the VIP anchor men and woman PARSE: (VP (VBN suspected) (PP (IN about) (NP (@NP (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN honesty) (CC and)) (NN objectivity))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN network) (NN news))))) (CC and)) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN VIP) (@NP (NN anchor) (NNS men)))) (CC and)) (NP woman))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: An update to my previous review ...erm ...complaints VERB: update POLAR NOUN: complaint GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: update to previous review erm complaints PARSE: (NP (S (VBP update) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ previous) (NN review))))) (@NP (: ...) (NP (@NP (NP erm) (: ...)) (NP complaints)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They are there to re-enforce the stereotypes and to be examples for the rules . VERB: reenforce POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: re-enforce the stereotypes PARSE: (VP (VB re-enforce) (NP (DT the) (NNS stereotypes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This charger goes a long way to regain some confidence in the Black and Decker battery tools . VERB: regain POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: regain some confidence in the Black and Decker battery tools PARSE: (VP (VB regain) (NP (NP (DT some) (NN confidence)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Black) (@NP (CC and) (@NP (NNP Decker) (@NP (NN battery) (NNS tools))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Our measure in life is how we face up to this struggle , despite our imperfections . VERB: face_up POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: face up to this struggle PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBP face) (PRT up)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT this) (NN struggle)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Marie C. Wilson has composed a masterpiece in this book . VERB: compose POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: composed a masterpiece in this book PARSE: (VP (VBN composed) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT this) (NN book))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book lays out the TRUTH about everything food related and how it applies to the lives we live . VERB: lay_out POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: lays out the TRUTH about everything food related PARSE: (VP (VBZ lays) (VP (ADVP (@ADVP (IN out) (NP (DT the) (NN TRUTH))) (PP (IN about) (NP (NN everything) (NN food)))) (JJ related))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: These questions are posed with drama and accuracy . VERB: pose POLAR NOUN: drama GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: posed with drama and accuracy PARSE: (VP (VBN posed) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (NN drama) (CC and)) (NN accuracy)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: There he rediscovers the love of his life . VERB: rediscover POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rediscovers the love of life PARSE: (VP (VBZ rediscovers) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN love)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN life))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The length of this guide testifies to the supreme beauty , diversity , and depth of Italy . VERB: testify POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: testifies to the supreme beauty diversity and depth of Italy PARSE: (VP (VBZ testifies) (PP (TO to) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN supreme) (NN beauty))) (, ,)) (NP diversity)) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP (NP depth) (PP (IN of) (NP Italy)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He turns to seek out all the pleasures of life . VERB: seek_out POLAR NOUN: pleasure GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: seek out all the pleasures of life PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB seek) (PRT out)) (NP (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (NNS pleasures))) (PP (IN of) (NP life)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A few days after I finished the book , new allegations about Lenny Dykstra popped up in the media . VERB: pop_up POLAR NOUN: allegation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: new allegations about Lenny Dykstra popped up in the media PARSE: (@S (NP (NP (JJ new) (NNS allegations)) (PP (IN about) (NP (NNP Lenny) (NNP Dykstra)))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD popped) (PRT up)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNS media)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Hines , as always , retains his roguish charm both in the story and in the documentary . VERB: retain POLAR NOUN: charm GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: retains roguish charm PARSE: (@VP (VBZ retains) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ roguish) (NN charm)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The film relies primarily on the charm of its leads to carry the film . VERB: rely POLAR NOUN: charm GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: relies primarily on the charm of leads to carry the film PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ relies) (ADVP primarily)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN charm)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ its) (@NP (NNS leads) (S (TO to) (VP (VB carry) (NP (DT the) (NN film)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You should have all WCW,WWF,ECW,the MMA,Ledgends and all the japanese stars unlocked . VERB: unlock POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: WWF ECW the MMA Ledgends and all the japanese stars unlocked PARSE: (@S (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP WWF) (, ,)) (NP ECW)) (, ,)) (NP (DT the) (NNP MMA))) (, ,)) (NP Ledgends)) (CC and)) (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ japanese) (NNS stars))))) (@S (VP unlocked) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Rendell dissects her characters motivations marvellously . VERB: dissect POLAR NOUN: motivation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: dissects characters motivations PARSE: (@VP (VBZ dissects) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (NNS characters) (NNS motivations)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book was organized and written with perfection . VERB: organize POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: organized and written with perfection PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VBN organized) (CC and)) (VBN written)) (PP (IN with) (NP perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Jack and Meg have reinstated my faith in Detroit Rock . VERB: reinstate POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reinstated faith PARSE: (@VP (VBN reinstated) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN faith))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Her story was fulfilled when she was canonized as a saint by JPII . VERB: canonize POLAR NOUN: saint GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: canonized as a saint PARSE: (@VP (VBN canonized) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN saint)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I noticed complaints in some reviews about sticking . VERB: notice POLAR NOUN: complaint GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: noticed complaints PARSE: (@VP (VBD noticed) (NP complaints)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It is esthetic because it tells us how the earth bestows her grace on human affairs . VERB: bestow POLAR NOUN: grace GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bestows grace PARSE: (@VP (VBZ bestows) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN grace))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The 70 's is my favourite decade ( The decade I was born ) , and this album encapsulates the glory of these years . VERB: encapsulate POLAR NOUN: glory GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: encapsulates the glory of these years PARSE: (VP (VBZ encapsulates) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN glory)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT these) (NNS years))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: For the Jews , the past four years have been deluged with antisemitic filth , which has poured from Arab and pro-Arab faucets . VERB: deluge POLAR NOUN: filth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: deluged with antisemitic filth which has poured from Arab and pro-Arab faucets PARSE: (VP (VBN deluged) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (NP (JJ antisemitic) (NN filth)) (, ,)) (SBAR (WHNP which) (S (VBZ has) (VP (VBN poured) (PP (IN from) (NP (@NP (NP Arab) (CC and)) (NP (JJ pro-Arab) (NNS faucets)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: After all the people singled out for genocide by the pro-Palestinian lobby are Jews . VERB: single_out POLAR NOUN: genocide GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: singled out for genocide PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBN singled) (PRT out)) (PP (IN for) (NP genocide))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Earlier in the book she credits this feminist critic but takes the latter to task in subsequent references . VERB: credit POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: credits this feminist critic PARSE: (VP (VBZ credits) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ feminist) (NN critic)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And the production teamwork of Ton and Pim once again amount to musical genius . VERB: amount POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: amount to musical genius PARSE: (VP (VB amount) (PP (TO to) (NP (JJ musical) (NN genius)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Upon listening to this disc a few more times , I have revised my rating to 4 stars . VERB: revise POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: revised rating to 4 stars PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN revised) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN rating))) (PP (TO to) (NP (CD 4) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Anger often forms along a usual route from causation through explosion . VERB: form POLAR NOUN: anger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Anger often forms along a usual route from causation through explosion PARSE: (ROOT (NP Anger) (@S (ADVP often) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ forms) (PP (IN along) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ usual) (NN route))) (PP (IN from) (NP causation))))) (PP (IN through) (NP explosion))) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Then I could clean up any mess left over with my trusty MR-C rifle . VERB: clean_up POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: clean up any mess left over with trusty MR-C rifle PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB clean) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (DT any) (NN mess)) (VP (@VP (VBD left) (PRT over)) (PP (IN with) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ trusty) (@NP (NN MR-C) (NN rifle)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: His justification transpired in Genesis 15 :6. VERB: transpire POLAR NOUN: justification GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: justification transpired in Genesis 15 PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ His) (NN justification)) (@S (VP (VBN transpired) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP Genesis) (NP (CD 15) (CD :6))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: With this score Brion has only confirmed his genius . VERB: confirm POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: confirmed genius PARSE: (VP (VBN confirmed) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN genius))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The Southern aristocracy of the United States practiced a similar terror till 1864 and beyond . VERB: practice POLAR NOUN: terror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: practiced a similar terror PARSE: (@VP (VBD practiced) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ similar) (NN terror)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They both drown their misery and self-pity in alcohol . VERB: drown POLAR NOUN: misery GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: drown misery and self-pity PARSE: (@VP (VBP drown) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (@NP (NN misery) (CC and)) (NN self-pity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It panders to the sentimental wishes of the audience . VERB: pander POLAR NOUN: wish GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: panders to the sentimental wishes of the audience PARSE: (VP (VBZ panders) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (ADJP sentimental) (NNS wishes))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN audience)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Only chaos can ensue ... VERB: ensue POLAR NOUN: chaos GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Only chaos can ensue PARSE: (ROOT (NP (RB Only) (NN chaos)) (@S (VP (MD can) (VP ensue)) (: ...))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: No, I learnt to utilise the fantasy in my mind . VERB: utilise POLAR NOUN: fantasy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: utilise the fantasy in mind PARSE: (VP (VB utilise) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN fantasy)) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN mind))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This bit of reality adds an eerie dimension to the film and somehow intensifies the loneliness of the situation . VERB: intensify POLAR NOUN: loneliness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: intensifies the loneliness of the situation PARSE: (@VP (VBZ intensifies) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN loneliness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN situation))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The narrative is presented in a disjointed manner that heightens the chaos of the situation . VERB: heighten POLAR NOUN: chaos GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: heightens the chaos of the situation PARSE: (S (VBZ heightens) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN chaos)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN situation))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Each aspect is honed to razor-sharp perfection . VERB: hone POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: honed to razor-sharp perfection PARSE: (VP (VBN honed) (PP (TO to) (NP (JJ razor-sharp) (NN perfection)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This set of books was a part of my childhood , and instilled in me a love of reading that persists to this day . VERB: instill POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: instilled in me a love of reading that persists to this day PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN instilled) (PP (IN in) (NP me))) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN love)) (PP (IN of) (S (VBG reading) (SBAR (IN that) (S (VBZ persists) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT this) (NN day))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This one Don Costa arranged a beauty . VERB: arrange POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: arranged a beauty PARSE: (VP (VBD arranged) (NP (DT a) (NN beauty))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The world tours Duke took were the final strech of Duke 's career and his final gasp of genius . VERB: gasp POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: gasp of genius PARSE: (VP (VB gasp) (PP (IN of) (NP genius))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I gave in to temptation and bought the duo ( Bunny & Dreamy ) . VERB: give_in POLAR NOUN: temptation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: gave in to temptation PARSE: (VP (VBD gave) (PP (IN in) (PP (TO to) (NP temptation)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The FANTASY goes on and on ... VERB: go_on POLAR NOUN: fantasy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The FANTASY goes on and on PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN FANTASY)) (@S (VP (VBZ goes) (ADVP (@ADVP (IN on) (CC and)) (IN on))) (: ...))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This is only the second book of this genre that I 've read - which I would categorize as "fantasy" . VERB: categorize POLAR NOUN: fantasy GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: categorize as fantasy PARSE: (VP (VB categorize) (PP (@PP (@PP (IN as) (`` ``)) (NP fantasy)) ('' ''))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It pushes the reader forward into battles surging with pride on both sides . VERB: surge POLAR NOUN: pride GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: surging with pride PARSE: (VP (VBG surging) (PP (IN with) (NP pride))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Annie breaks it up and incurs the wrath of the department . VERB: incur POLAR NOUN: wrath GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: incurs the wrath of the department PARSE: (VP (VBZ incurs) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN wrath)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN department))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Toghether with Melanie , her family and her guests , we tour New York 's main attractions . VERB: tour POLAR NOUN: attraction GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: tour New York 's main attractions PARSE: (VP (VBP tour) (NP (NP (NNP New) (@NP (NNP York) (POS 's))) (@NP (JJ main) (NNS attractions)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Out of the ashes , Rakhi , like a Phoenix , rekindles her love for her husband and her family . VERB: rekindle POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rekindles love PARSE: (@VP (VBZ rekindles) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN love))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Another cool feature is that it absorbs shocks , when it hits the stadium wall . VERB: absorb POLAR NOUN: shock GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: absorbs shocks when it hits the stadium wall PARSE: (VP (VBZ absorbs) (NP (@NP (NP shocks) (, ,)) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP it) (VP (VBZ hits) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN stadium) (NN wall)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This I would attribute to people 's lack of wilingness to slate anything ethnic . VERB: attribute POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: attribute to people 's lack of wilingness PARSE: (@VP (VB attribute) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NP (NNS people) (POS 's)) (NN lack)) (PP (IN of) (NP wilingness))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The lack of meaning in the film also had let me down . VERB: let_down POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The lack of meaning in the film also had let me down PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (NN lack)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP meaning) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN film)))))) (@S (ADVP also) (@S (VP (VBD had) (S (@VP (VB let) (NP me)) (PRT down))) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This was a story that centered around dishonesty . VERB: center POLAR NOUN: dishonesty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: centered around dishonesty PARSE: (S (VBD centered) (PP (IN around) (NP dishonesty))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Almost unbearably atmospheric , the song floats seductively along a droning synthesizer riff while Ferry croons about a former lover . VERB: croon POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: croons about a former lover PARSE: (VP (VBZ croons) (PP (IN about) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ former) (NN lover))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This fear manifests itself in all forms of culture . VERB: manifest POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: This fear manifests itself in all forms of culture PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT This) (NN fear)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ manifests) (NP itself)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT all) (NNS forms)) (PP (IN of) (NP culture))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: That he asserts his unmatched talents on this track is an understatement . VERB: assert POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: asserts unmatched talents PARSE: (@VP (VBZ asserts) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ unmatched) (NNS talents)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Robert D. has kept up the excitement in this edition . VERB: keep_up POLAR NOUN: excitement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: kept up the excitement in this edition PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN kept) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN excitement)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT this) (NN edition))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I would rake up the patience , the yoga like preparation it will take to get through the second episode . VERB: rake_up POLAR NOUN: patience GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rake up the patience the yoga like preparation PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB rake) (PRT up)) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN patience)) (, ,)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN yoga)) (PP (IN like) (NP preparation))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Hence , they must cling to the myth of the Nixon " smear . " VERB: cling POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cling to the myth of the Nixon smear PARSE: (VP (VB cling) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN myth)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Nixon) (@NP ('' '') (NN smear)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It solidified my love for literature . VERB: solidify POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: solidified love PARSE: (@VP (VBD solidified) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN love))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I romp with joy in the bookish dark . " VERB: romp POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: romp with joy in the bookish dark PARSE: (VP (VBP romp) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP joy) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ bookish) (NN dark))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The greatness of the Xbox won me over in the end . VERB: win_over POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The greatness of the Xbox won me over in the end PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (NN greatness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Xbox)))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD won) (NP me)) (PP (IN over) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN end))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Besides co-founding IRS records the man could spot talent like Wishbone Ash and these guys . VERB: spot POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: spot talent PARSE: (@VP (VB spot) (NP talent)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Dwight should sue for slander . VERB: sue POLAR NOUN: slander GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sue for slander PARSE: (VP (VB sue) (PP (IN for) (NP slander))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I braced myself for some degradation in quality , but there 's minimal on our set . VERB: brace POLAR NOUN: degradation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: braced myself for some degradation PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD braced) (NP myself)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT some) (NN degradation)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This DVD nears perfection . VERB: near POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: nears perfection PARSE: (VP (VBZ nears) (NP perfection)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: After the campaign , they must undergo many perils on their way home . VERB: undergo POLAR NOUN: peril GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: undergo many perils PARSE: (@VP (VB undergo) (NP (JJ many) (NNS perils))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I have emailed their support and waited on phone hold . VERB: email POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: emailed support PARSE: (VP (VBN emailed) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN support))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Her funeral brings together three former lovers : the musician Clive Linley , the newspaper editor Vernon Halliday , and the politician Julian Garmony . VERB: bring_together POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: brings together three former lovers the musician Clive Linley the newspaper editor Vernon Halliday and the politician Julian Garmony PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ brings) (PRT together)) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (@NP (NP (CD three) (@NP (JJ former) (NNS lovers))) (: :)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN musician)) (NP (NNP Clive) (NNP Linley)))) (, ,)) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN newspaper) (NN editor))) (NP (NNP Vernon) (NNP Halliday)))) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN politician)) (NP (NNP Julian) (NNP Garmony))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Primarily in the book , the people of 84 , Charing Cross Road emit compassion for other people . VERB: emit POLAR NOUN: compassion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: emit compassion PARSE: (@VP (VB emit) (NP compassion)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And of course Jans attempts to analyze Treadwell 's final disaster in the grizzly maze . VERB: analyze POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: analyze Treadwell 's final disaster in the grizzly maze PARSE: (VP (VB analyze) (NP (NP (NP (NNP Treadwell) (POS 's)) (@NP (JJ final) (NN disaster))) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ grizzly) (NN maze)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I found myself connecting with Sara 's struggles . VERB: connect POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: connecting with Sara 's struggles PARSE: (S (VBG connecting) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NNP Sara) (POS 's)) (NNS struggles)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It is fun to listen to them and to hear the cast play off of their talents . VERB: play_off POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: play off of talents PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB play) (PRT off)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS talents)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Next he ends up being declared an 'attractive nuisance ' by City Attorney Victor ' Yesboss ' Hessbaugh under a 1911 statute . VERB: declare POLAR NOUN: nuisance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: declared an attractive nuisance by City Attorney Victor ' Yesboss PARSE: (@VP (VBD declared) (NP (NP (DT an) (@NP (`` `) (@NP (JJ attractive) (@NP (NN nuisance) ('' '))))) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (NNP City) (@NP (NNP Attorney) (@NP (NNP Victor) (POS ')))) (NN Yesboss))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The first incorporates the myth of the Green Man/Jack-o-the-Green . VERB: incorporate POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: incorporates the myth of the Green Green PARSE: (VP (VBZ incorporates) (NP (@NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NN myth)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Green) (NNP Man/Jack-o-the))))) (: -)) (NP Green))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: For Wainwright , life is a cabaret , albeit one that is constantly teetering into the abyss . VERB: teeter POLAR NOUN: abyss GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: teetering into the abyss PARSE: (VP (VBG teetering) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (NN abyss)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It is also about the director of the CIA grooming a political puppet to run for President . VERB: groom POLAR NOUN: puppet GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: grooming a political puppet PARSE: (@VP (VBG grooming) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ political) (NN puppet)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The authors trace the deception and anti-Americanism which has been the hallmark of Chomsky 's writing . VERB: trace POLAR NOUN: deception GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: trace the deception and anti-Americanism which has been the hallmark of Chomsky 's writing PARSE: (VP (VBP trace) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN deception) (CC and)) (NN anti-Americanism))) (SBAR (WHNP which) (S (VBZ has) (VP (VBN been) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN hallmark)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Chomsky) (POS 's)) (NN writing))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Many of the songs revolve around love in all it 's forms . VERB: revolve_around POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: revolve around love in all it 's forms PARSE: (VP (VBP revolve) (PP (IN around) (NP (NP love) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP all) (SBAR (NP it) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP forms)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Laughter rang from the back seat as she read . VERB: ring POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Laughter rang from the back seat as she read PARSE: (ROOT (NP Laughter) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD rang) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ back) (NN seat))))) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP she) (VP read)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In " Built to Last , " they explored how companies sustain greatness once they have it . VERB: sustain POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sustain greatness PARSE: (VP (VBP sustain) (NP greatness)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: My fascination with the Grateful Dead came about through listening to their music , on record and in performance . VERB: come_about POLAR NOUN: fascination GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fascination with the Grateful Dead came about through listening to music on record and in performance PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (PRP$ My) (NN fascination)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Grateful) (NNP Dead))))) (@S (VP (VBD came) (PP (IN about) (PP (IN through) (S (VBG listening) (PP (@PP (@PP (@PP (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN music))) (, ,)) (PP (IN on) (NP record))) (CC and)) (PP (IN in) (NP performance))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This album can literally be played continuously for hours without inducing boredom into the listener . VERB: induce POLAR NOUN: boredom GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: inducing boredom PARSE: (@VP (VBG inducing) (NP boredom)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: With an average plot , added humor at times overly injected , Wright 's mastery of language holds on to the reading audience . VERB: hold_on POLAR NOUN: mastery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Wright 's mastery of language holds on to the reading audience PARSE: (@S (NP (NP (NP (NNP Wright) (POS 's)) (NN mastery)) (PP (IN of) (NP language))) (@S (VP (VBZ holds) (PP (IN on) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN reading) (NN audience)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: O'Nan exhibits a mastery of prose here . VERB: exhibit POLAR NOUN: mastery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: exhibits a mastery of prose PARSE: (@VP (VBZ exhibits) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN mastery)) (PP (IN of) (NP prose)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Mr. Ehrlich had predicted famines beginning in the 1970s . VERB: predict POLAR NOUN: famine GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: predicted famines PARSE: (@VP (VBN predicted) (NP famines)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Altered in attempt to accommodate Western sensitivities VERB: accommodate POLAR NOUN: sensitivity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: accommodate Western sensitivities PARSE: (VP (VB accommodate) (NP (JJ Western) (NNS sensitivities))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: By now ... they have resorted to trickeries . VERB: resort POLAR NOUN: trickery GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: resorted to trickeries PARSE: (VP (VBN resorted) (PP (TO to) (NP trickeries))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I ordered this book because I was researching the fortunes of the Irish Brigade in Spain . VERB: research POLAR NOUN: fortune GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: researching the fortunes of the Irish Brigade in Spain PARSE: (VP (VBG researching) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS fortunes)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ Irish) (NN Brigade))) (PP (IN in) (NP Spain)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I am a long-standing Batman fan and my toes were curling with pleasure as the events in the movie unfolded . VERB: curl POLAR NOUN: pleasure GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: curling with pleasure PARSE: (@VP (VBG curling) (PP (IN with) (NP pleasure))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The passion between them absolutely sizzles . VERB: sizzle POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The passion between them absolutely sizzles PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (NN passion)) (PP (IN between) (NP them))) (@S (ADVP absolutely) (@S (VP sizzles) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It resonates with the mystery of its namesake , symbolizing the untamed frontier of a Russia long past . VERB: resonate POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: resonates with the mystery of namesake PARSE: (@VP (VBZ resonates) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN mystery)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN namesake)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He has assembled the all-stars of the Japanese chambara ( "swordfight " ) genre . VERB: assemble POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: assembled the all-stars of the Japanese chambara swordfight genre PARSE: (VP (VBN assembled) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS all-stars)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ Japanese) (@NP (NN chambara) (@NP (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (@PRN (`` ``) (@PRN (@PRN (NP swordfight) ('' '')) (-RRB- -RRB-)))) (NN genre)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: One could almost characterize his stories as uplifting . VERB: characterize POLAR NOUN: uplifting GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: characterize stories as uplifting PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB characterize) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS stories))) (PP (IN as) (NP uplifting))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Kurosawa attempted to re-capture the beauty of silent films , with their focus on imagery over dialog . VERB: recapture POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: re-capture the beauty of silent films PARSE: (@VP (VB re-capture) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN beauty)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ silent) (NNS films))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Amazon should post a picture of the case to clarify all the confusion . VERB: clarify POLAR NOUN: confusion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: clarify all the confusion PARSE: (VP (VB clarify) (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (NN confusion)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The NY Natural History Museum is an inspired setting , with loads of creepy objects stored in labyrinthine splendor . VERB: store POLAR NOUN: splendor GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: stored in labyrinthine splendor PARSE: (VP (VBN stored) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ labyrinthine) (NN splendor)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Influenced by Poe , many of his stories deal with the supernatural and are laced with horror . VERB: lace POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: laced with horror PARSE: (VP (VBN laced) (PP (IN with) (NP horror))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Your excitement will skyrocket . VERB: skyrocket POLAR NOUN: excitement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: excitement will skyrocket PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ Your) (NN excitement)) (@S (VP (MD will) (VP skyrocket)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Each attraction is summarized . VERB: summarize POLAR NOUN: attraction GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Each attraction is summarized PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT Each) (NN attraction)) (@S (VP (VBZ is) (VP summarized)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In the meantime , attraction between individuals is germinating . VERB: germinate POLAR NOUN: attraction GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: attraction between individuals is germinating PARSE: (@S (NP (NP attraction) (PP (IN between) (NP individuals))) (@S (VP (VBZ is) (VP germinating)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Within a year , my wife and I visited the Gettysburg battleground . VERB: visit POLAR NOUN: battleground GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: visited the Gettysburg battleground PARSE: (VP (VBD visited) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Gettysburg) (NN battleground)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The dialogue crackles with excellence . VERB: crackle POLAR NOUN: excellence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: crackles with excellence PARSE: (VP (VBZ crackles) (PP (IN with) (NP excellence))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And instead of continuing the ever-tightening angle to personalize the savagery , a few mid-wide shots are tossed in . VERB: personalize POLAR NOUN: savagery GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: personalize the savagery PARSE: (VP (VB personalize) (NP (DT the) (NN savagery))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: To transfer the greatness of New York to Paris after all this time is incomprehensible . VERB: transfer POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: transfer the greatness of New York PARSE: (@VP (VB transfer) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN greatness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP New) (NNP York))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: For example , he says , " Lao-Tse portrays himself as resembling an idiot . " VERB: resemble POLAR NOUN: idiot GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: resembling an idiot PARSE: (S (VBG resembling) (NP (DT an) (NN idiot))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The roses re-ignite Tita 's desires for Pedro . VERB: reignite POLAR NOUN: desire GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: re-ignite Tita 's desires for Pedro PARSE: (VP (VBP re-ignite) (NP (NP (NP (NNP Tita) (POS 's)) (NNS desires)) (PP (IN for) (NP Pedro)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The group is from england , and probably puts up with stereotypes from people , but this group rocks hard . VERB: put_up POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: puts up with stereotypes from people PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ puts) (PRT up)) (PP (@PP (IN with) (NP (NP stereotypes) (PP (IN from) (NP people)))) (, ,))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Mantovani 's "new music " evolved from an upbringing weaned on perfection . VERB: wean POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: weaned on perfection PARSE: (VP (VBN weaned) (PP (IN on) (NP perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This album is hushed and private on one hand and soars with optimism on the other . VERB: soar POLAR NOUN: optimism GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: soars with optimism PARSE: (@VP (VBZ soars) (PP (IN with) (NP optimism))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: fans excitement helps out . VERB: help_out POLAR NOUN: excitement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fans excitement helps out PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NNS fans) (NN excitement)) (@S (VP (VBZ helps) (PRT out)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: ' Bout time somebody reissued these Seventies masterpieces . VERB: reissue POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reissued these Seventies masterpieces PARSE: (VP (VBD reissued) (NP (DT these) (@NP (NNS Seventies) (NNS masterpieces)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I credit The Foot Book with fostering my children 's love of books . VERB: foster POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fostering children 's love of books PARSE: (S (VBG fostering) (NP (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (NNS children) (POS 's))) (NN love)) (PP (IN of) (NP books)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: When one of the three men set up their 1-900 BLACK LUV message , the calls begin and the heat is turned up to HELL. VERB: turn_up POLAR NOUN: hell GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: turned up to HELL PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN turned) (PRT up)) (PP (TO to) (NP HELL))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I watched it over and over for years , memorizing every joke when I was 12 years old . VERB: memorize POLAR NOUN: joke GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: memorizing every joke when I was 12 years old PARSE: (S (VBG memorizing) (NP (NP (DT every) (NN joke)) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP I) (VP (VBD was) (ADJP (NP (CD 12) (NNS years)) (JJ old))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In September 2003 , the club Tonic hosted a month-long tribute to John Zorn 's music . VERB: host POLAR NOUN: tribute GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hosted a month-long tribute PARSE: (@VP (VBD hosted) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ month-long) (NN tribute)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Many were conned and caught up in a general mania , whilst many others died . VERB: catch_up POLAR NOUN: mania GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: caught up in a general mania PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN caught) (PRT up)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ general) (NN mania))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Dietrich plays Prussian princess Sophia Frederika , who is plucked from obscurity to marry the Grand Duke of Russia . VERB: pluck POLAR NOUN: obscurity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: plucked from obscurity PARSE: (@VP (VBN plucked) (PP (IN from) (NP obscurity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Tozer speaks out again about the Love of his life . VERB: speak_out POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: speaks out again about the Love of life PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VBZ speaks) (PRT out)) (ADVP again)) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN Love)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN life)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In his second chapter Leveen distills the recommendations of earlier authors on the art of reading and retaining information . VERB: distill POLAR NOUN: recommendations GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: distills the recommendations of earlier authors on the art of reading and retaining information PARSE: (VP (VBZ distills) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS recommendations)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (JJR earlier) (NNS authors)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN art)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN reading) (@NP (CC and) (@NP (VBG retaining) (NN information))))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Then Bernstein concentrates on Vanguard investment opportunities , with only brief reference to ETFs ( exchange traded funds ) . VERB: concentrate POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: concentrates on Vanguard investment opportunities PARSE: (@VP (VBZ concentrates) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP Vanguard) (@NP (NN investment) (NNS opportunities))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: All I 'll say to you people passing out 4 and 5 stars like mints is this : Snap out of it . VERB: pass_out POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: passing out 4 and 5 stars like mints PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG passing) (PRT out)) (NP (NP (QP (@QP (CD 4) (CC and)) (CD 5)) (NNS stars)) (PP (IN like) (NP mints)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It was Bombay that triggered his love of the cinema . VERB: trigger POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: triggered love of the cinema PARSE: (S (VBD triggered) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NN love)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN cinema))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In my mind , the song invokes both longing and rest . VERB: invoke POLAR NOUN: longing GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: invokes both longing and rest PARSE: (VP (VBZ invokes) (PP (CC both) (NP (@NP (NN longing) (CC and)) (NN rest)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's a honey of a book , detailing courage in all its permutations . VERB: detail POLAR NOUN: courage GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: detailing courage PARSE: (@VP (VBG detailing) (NP courage)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: On the other hand , the book 's 128 pages taxed my indulgence for satire . VERB: tax POLAR NOUN: indulgence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: taxed indulgence PARSE: (@VP (VBD taxed) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN indulgence))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Yes , Oz , you 've wrung some sympathy from my heart . VERB: wring POLAR NOUN: sympathy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: wrung some sympathy PARSE: (@VP (VBN wrung) (NP (DT some) (NN sympathy))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Each and every character offers up constant laughs . VERB: offer_up POLAR NOUN: laugh GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: offers up constant laughs PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ offers) (PRT up)) (NP (JJ constant) (NNS laughs))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Mr. Hockensmith then concocts a Holmes-like mystery told in a western twang . VERB: concoct POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: concocts a Holmes-like mystery told in a western twang PARSE: (VP (VBZ concocts) (SBAR (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ Holmes-like) (NN mystery))) (VP (VBD told) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ western) (NN twang))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He also sketches the racial hatred the Irish held for the blacks in the city . VERB: sketch POLAR NOUN: hatred GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sketches the racial hatred the Irish held for the blacks in the city PARSE: (VP (VBZ sketches) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ racial) (NN hatred))) (SBAR (NP (DT the) (JJ Irish)) (VP (VBN held) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS blacks)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN city))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Richard Meltzer has been going on for years about how he invented rock criticism . VERB: invent POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: invented rock criticism PARSE: (VP (VBD invented) (NP (NN rock) (NN criticism))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A subplot involves a woman she accidentally meets , whose identity she takes over in order to effect the deception . VERB: effect POLAR NOUN: deception GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: effect the deception PARSE: (VP (VB effect) (NP (DT the) (NN deception))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I docked this a star because I was turned off by the first cut , an in-your-face political/religious song . VERB: dock POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: docked this a star PARSE: (@VP (VBD docked) (NP (DT this) (@NP (DT a) (NN star)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Crane before he started spouting gibberish VERB: spout POLAR NOUN: gibberish GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: spouting gibberish PARSE: (S (VBG spouting) (NP gibberish)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Her father died when she was 11 and a loneliness has lingered with her ever since . VERB: linger POLAR NOUN: loneliness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: a loneliness has lingered with ever since PARSE: (S (NP (DT a) (NN loneliness)) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (@VP (VBN lingered) (PP (IN with) (NP (PRP$ her) (RB ever)))) (PP since)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: * Balian did return to participate in the third crusade , unlike the movies cathartic ending . VERB: participate POLAR NOUN: crusade GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: participate in the third crusade PARSE: (VP (VB participate) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ third) (NN crusade))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Jacques Becker mixes up a masterpiece VERB: mix_up POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mixes up a masterpiece PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ mixes) (PRT up)) (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He found his method during the coked-up , late night recording sessions that sprouted his 1976 masterpiece , Station to Station . VERB: sprout POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sprouted 1976 masterpiece Station to Station PARSE: (S (VBD sprouted) (NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (CD 1976) (NN masterpiece))) (, ,)) (NP (NP Station) (PP (TO to) (NP Station))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: My three year old doubled up with laughter when the turtle bounced around in a game to capture mother of pearls . VERB: double_up POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: doubled up with laughter PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD doubled) (PRT up)) (PP (IN with) (NP laughter))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The book is the author 's personal reflections on society , that anyone who is schooled in the christian faith can figure out themselves . VERB: school POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: schooled in the christian faith PARSE: (VP (VBN schooled) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ christian) (NN faith))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The two persons tend to objectify one another and strive for "hegemony . " VERB: strive POLAR NOUN: hegemony GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: strive for hegemony PARSE: (VP (VBP strive) (PP (@PP (IN for) (`` ``)) (NP hegemony))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I opted for 2 stars only because its Braff 's writing and directorial debut . VERB: opt POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: opted for 2 stars only PARSE: (@VP (VBD opted) (PP (IN for) (NP (CD 2) (@NP (NNS stars) (RB only))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's looks back at all the drama that has happened . VERB: look_back POLAR NOUN: drama GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: looks back at all the drama that has happened PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ looks) (ADVP back)) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (NN drama))) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBZ has) (VP happened)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This is a book for Mormons who are already ingrained in the faith . VERB: ingrain POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: ingrained in the faith PARSE: (VP (VBN ingrained) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN faith)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A must read for any teen struggling to live out his faith VERB: live_out POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: live out faith PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB live) (PRT out)) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN faith))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Later , she saves an injured man by suturing his wounds . VERB: suture POLAR NOUN: wound GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: suturing wounds PARSE: (S (VBG suturing) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS wounds))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The Taliban would enforce the subjugation of women . VERB: enforce POLAR NOUN: subjugation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: enforce the subjugation of women PARSE: (VP (VB enforce) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN subjugation)) (PP (IN of) (NP women)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In the recordings that followed she has unfailingly measured up to that promise . VERB: measure_up POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: measured up to that promise PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN measured) (PRT up)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT that) (NN promise)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: These guys will have you doubling over in laughter . VERB: double_over POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: doubling over in laughter PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG doubling) (PRT over)) (PP (IN in) (NP laughter))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: " The face rattles off truth in situations like this . VERB: rattle_off POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rattles off truth in situations like this PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ rattles) (PRT off)) (NP (NP truth) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP situations) (PP (IN like) (NP this)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He eventually returns to Egypt after having plied his trade abroad and amassed a fortune . VERB: amass POLAR NOUN: fortune GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: amassed a fortune PARSE: (VP (VBD amassed) (NP (DT a) (NN fortune))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Thousands more joined them as the protest swelled in intensity . VERB: swell POLAR NOUN: protest GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the protest swelled in intensity PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (NN protest)) (VP (VBD swelled) (PP (IN in) (NP intensity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I 've had this album since its release , but its greatness sort of crept up on me . VERB: creep_up POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: greatness sort of crept up on me PARSE: (S (NP (PRP$ its) (NN greatness)) (VP (ADVP (NN sort) (IN of)) (@VP (@VP (VBN crept) (PRT up)) (PP (IN on) (NP me))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You have to have a group to undertake almost any dungeon . VERB: undertake POLAR NOUN: dungeon GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: undertake almost any dungeon PARSE: (VP (VB undertake) (NP (RB almost) (@NP (DT any) (NN dungeon)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: One of his disciples - Nezer - is the one who cultivated the wisdom of the Nazarene movemement and established a colony : Nazareth . VERB: cultivate POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: cultivated the wisdom of the Nazarene movemement PARSE: (VP (VBD cultivated) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN wisdom)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Nazarene) (NN movemement)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A 50 year plot to cover up the truth VERB: cover_up POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: cover up the truth PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB cover) (PRT up)) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: One day when we were hanging around in a Footlocker in New Orleans , this stranger walked in . VERB: walk_in POLAR NOUN: stranger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: this stranger walked in PARSE: (@S (NP (DT this) (NN stranger)) (@S (VP (VBD walked) (PP in)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The authors tell the reader what one can safely do away with , and what can be altered as preference dictates . VERB: dictate POLAR NOUN: preference GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: preference dictates PARSE: (S (NP preference) (VP dictates)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The song alone might tip the balance in favour of this newer recording . VERB: tip POLAR NOUN: favour GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: tip the balance in favour of this newer recording PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB tip) (NP (DT the) (NN balance))) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP favour) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJR newer) (NN recording))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The overall mood is serious/professional but they 'll flash a smile here and there . VERB: flash POLAR NOUN: smile GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: flash a smile PARSE: (@VP (VB flash) (NP (DT a) (NN smile))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: These are followed by " Balck Korea " one of the song 's that saw Ice Cube branded as a racist . VERB: brand POLAR NOUN: racist GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: branded as a racist PARSE: (VP (VBD branded) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN racist)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: There 's one plot that 's all about The Three Musketeers and another plot that 's all about summoning the devil . VERB: summon POLAR NOUN: devil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: summoning the devil PARSE: (S (VBG summoning) (NP (DT the) (NNP devil))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: To keep foisting this abomination off on the unsuspsecting public should be a felony . VERB: foist_off POLAR NOUN: abomination GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: foisting this abomination PARSE: (@VP (VBG foisting) (NP (DT this) (NN abomination))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: On the air since 1977 , he has interviewed them all-and has distilled their wisdom into 124 jam-packed pages . VERB: distil POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: distilled wisdom PARSE: (@VP (VBN distilled) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN wisdom))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: IJN masked its movements by practising radio deception.3 VERB: practise POLAR NOUN: deception GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: practising radio deception PARSE: (NP (VBG practising) (@NP (NN radio) (@NP (NN deception) (NN .3)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Of course , Marina is eyed by the loutish brute Drake ( Tim Curry ) who will do anything to secure her bliss . VERB: secure POLAR NOUN: bliss GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: secure bliss PARSE: (VP (VB secure) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN bliss))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Data warehousing conjures many myths - both technical and business . VERB: conjure POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: conjures many myths both technical and business PARSE: (VP (VBZ conjures) (NP (@NP (NP (JJ many) (NNS myths)) (: -)) (NP (CC both) (@NP (@NP (NP technical) (CC and)) (NP business))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Few development teams have mustered this to perfection . VERB: muster POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mustered this to perfection PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN mustered) (NP this)) (PP (TO to) (NP perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The struggle hurls the intruder through a glass door and out of action . VERB: hurl POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The struggle hurls the intruder through a glass door and out of action PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN struggle)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ hurls) (NP (DT the) (NN intruder))) (PP (@PP (PP (IN through) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN glass) (NN door)))) (CC and)) (PP (IN out) (PP (IN of) (NP action))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This sets off a commotion among the people there , and another chase . VERB: set_off POLAR NOUN: commotion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sets off a commotion among the people there and another chase PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ sets) (PRT off)) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT a) (NN commotion)) (PP (IN among) (NP (DT the) (NNS people)))) (ADVP there)) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP (DT another) (NN chase)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It explains how a short-wave station in Boston was used to broadcast propaganda . VERB: broadcast POLAR NOUN: propaganda GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: broadcast propaganda PARSE: (VP (VB broadcast) (NP propaganda)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: To top all of that off , Terry Trueman has alerted the public about the horrors of schizophrenia . VERB: alert POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: alerted the public about the horrors of schizophrenia PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN alerted) (NP (DT the) (JJ public))) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS horrors)) (PP (IN of) (NP schizophrenia))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Jana has flipped her last trick and spent her last dollar , which is why she is living in a pay-by-day motel . VERB: flip POLAR NOUN: trick GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: flipped last trick PARSE: (VP (VBN flipped) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ last) (NN trick)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But when you bargain with the Devil you always pay a price . VERB: bargain POLAR NOUN: devil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bargain with the Devil PARSE: (VP (VBP bargain) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NNP Devil)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This review will spell out the truth . VERB: spell_out POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: spell out the truth PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB spell) (PRT out)) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Now that I installed the first screen protector , I used my Jornada for two weeks . VERB: instal POLAR NOUN: protector GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: installed the first screen protector PARSE: (VP (VBD installed) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ first) (@NP (NN screen) (NN protector))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Demons are contesting , Xanth wins out in the end . VERB: contest POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Demons are contesting PARSE: (S (NP Demons) (VP (VBP are) (VP contesting))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: All they did was prolong the agony . VERB: prolong POLAR NOUN: agony GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: prolong the agony PARSE: (S (VB prolong) (NP (DT the) (NN agony))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The book is more than investigative non-fiction , it is a flowing story , encompassing a struggle few have accurately documented . VERB: encompass POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: encompassing a struggle few have accurately documented PARSE: (S (VBG encompassing) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN struggle)) (SBAR (NP few) (VP (@VP (VBP have) (ADVP accurately)) (VP documented))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I went back to the bookstore twice more before I worked up the courage to buy it . VERB: work_up POLAR NOUN: courage GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: worked up the courage to buy it PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD worked) (PRT up)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN courage) (S (TO to) (VP (VB buy) (NP it)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: neil labute 's collection of short stories plumb the extremes . VERB: plumb POLAR NOUN: extreme GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: plumb the extremes PARSE: (VP (VBP plumb) (NP (DT the) (NNS extremes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He unties the mess and then unites the characters again . VERB: untie POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: unties the mess PARSE: (VP (VBZ unties) (NP (DT the) (NN mess))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: On guitars were the duo of Dave Murray and Adrian Smith , whose tight harmonies and rhythms blazed unlike any band of the time . VERB: blaze POLAR NOUN: harmony GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: tight harmonies and rhythms blazed unlike any band of the time PARSE: (SBAR (WHNP (WP$ whose) (NP (@NP (NP (JJ tight) (NNS harmonies)) (CC and)) (NP rhythms))) (S (VBD blazed) (PP (IN unlike) (NP (NP (DT any) (NN band)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN time))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Typically the books I had read on Prolog tend to two extremes . VERB: tend POLAR NOUN: extreme GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: tend to two extremes PARSE: (VP (VBP tend) (PP (TO to) (NP (CD two) (NNS extremes)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The setting vibrates with truth . VERB: vibrate POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: vibrates with truth PARSE: (VP (VBZ vibrates) (PP (IN with) (NP truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I am surpirsed that this book garnished 4 and 1/2 stars . VERB: garnish POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: garnished 4 and stars PARSE: (VP (VBN garnished) (NP (QP (@QP (CD 4) (CC and)) (CD 1/2)) (NNS stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: My doubts proofed right . VERB: proof POLAR NOUN: doubt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: doubts proofed right PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ My) (NNS doubts)) (@S (VP (VBD proofed) (ADVP right)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This book rejuvenated my amazement with this author . VERB: rejuvenate POLAR NOUN: amazement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rejuvenated amazement PARSE: (@VP (VBD rejuvenated) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN amazement))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They also attempt irony . VERB: attempt POLAR NOUN: irony GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: attempt irony PARSE: (VP (VBP attempt) (NP irony)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Every cell of his being was permeated with musical genius , every pore oozed the blues . VERB: permeate POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: permeated with musical genius PARSE: (VP (VBN permeated) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ musical) (NN genius)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I was dissapointed that Bruce Greenwood and Martin Landau got roped into this nonsensical mess . VERB: rope POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: roped into this nonsensical mess PARSE: (VP (VBN roped) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ nonsensical) (NN mess))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The readership of the tabloids coincides with the admirers of A Song of Ice and Fire . VERB: coincide POLAR NOUN: admirer GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: coincides with the admirers of A Song of Ice and Fire PARSE: (VP (VBZ coincides) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS admirers)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT A) (NN Song)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NN Ice) (CC and)) (NN Fire)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It had me hooting in laughter . VERB: hoot POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hooting in laughter PARSE: (VP (VBG hooting) (PP (IN in) (NP laughter))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It goes along with the unpolished beauty of this book . VERB: go_along POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: goes along with the unpolished beauty of this book PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ goes) (ADVP along)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ unpolished) (NN beauty))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN book)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This came over as a disappointment . VERB: come_over POLAR NOUN: disappointment GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: came over as a disappointment PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD came) (PRT over)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN disappointment)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Those recently enamored with this film glory in its cool and swagger . VERB: enamor POLAR NOUN: glory GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: enamored with this film glory in cool and swagger PARSE: (VP (VBN enamored) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (NP (NP (DT this) (@NP (NN film) (NN glory))) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ its) (JJ cool)))) (CC and)) (NP swagger)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Two veteran reporters of the Washington Post have pooled their talents to produce " The News about the News " . VERB: pool POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pooled talents PARSE: (@VP (VBN pooled) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS talents))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Charlotte Boyett-Compo has developed an alternate world with three-dimensional characters that are entrenched in political intrigue . VERB: entrench POLAR NOUN: intrigue GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: entrenched in political intrigue PARSE: (VP (VBN entrenched) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ political) (NN intrigue)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: King has also topped his storytelling talent in this novel . VERB: top POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: topped storytelling talent PARSE: (@VP (VBN topped) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (NN storytelling) (NN talent)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: To sort through the insanity I went to the 3DMark website . VERB: sort POLAR NOUN: insanity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sort through the insanity PARSE: (VP (VB sort) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT the) (NN insanity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It only propagates the myth . VERB: propagate POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: propagates the myth PARSE: (VP (VBZ propagates) (NP (DT the) (NN myth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I advise it to all comics lovers . VERB: advise POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: advise it to all comics lovers PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP advise) (NP it)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT all) (@NP (NNS comics) (NNS lovers))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He drags the truth from Anna that she has been having an affair . VERB: drag POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: drags the truth PARSE: (@VP (VBZ drags) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But after a month , I was thrown back into turmoil and began listening to this a lot more . VERB: throw_back POLAR NOUN: turmoil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: thrown back into turmoil PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN thrown) (ADVP back)) (PP (IN into) (NP turmoil))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Everything in Se7en has been tweaked to perfection . VERB: tweak POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: tweaked to perfection PARSE: (VP (VBN tweaked) (PP (TO to) (NP perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Two stars are sitting up there , and this is a Coil review . VERB: sit_up POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Two stars are sitting up there PARSE: (S (NP (CD Two) (NNS stars)) (VP (VBP are) (VP (VBG sitting) (ADVP (IN up) (RB there))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The fluidity , depth , and excitement in the combat persist as you play . VERB: persist POLAR NOUN: excitement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The fluidity depth and excitement in the combat persist as you play PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (@NP (NN fluidity) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (NN depth) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (CC and) (NN excitement))))))) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN combat)))) (@S (VP (VBP persist) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP you) (VP play)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: For example , my daughter has recently acquired a fear of the dark . VERB: acquire POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: acquired a fear of the dark PARSE: (VP (VBN acquired) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN fear)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN dark))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He had recollected at crucial moments the wisdom of Albert Einstein , Ignatius Loyola and the Jewish kabala . VERB: recollect POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: recollected at crucial moments the wisdom of Albert Einstein Ignatius Loyola and the Jewish kabala PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN recollected) (PP (IN at) (NP (JJ crucial) (NNS moments)))) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN wisdom)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (NNP Albert) (NNP Einstein)) (, ,)) (NP (NNP Ignatius) (NNP Loyola))) (CC and)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ Jewish) (NN kabala))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: THE GOODBYE GIRL received mixed reviews when it opened in 1993 , buoyed by the star-power of Peters and Short . VERB: buoy POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: buoyed by the star-power of Peters and Short PARSE: (VP (VBN buoyed) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN star-power)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NNP Peters) (CC and)) (NNP Short)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: How to surface existing dissent . VERB: surface POLAR NOUN: dissent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: surface existing dissent PARSE: (VP (VB surface) (NP (VBG existing) (NN dissent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But you 'll probably eventually catch on to the greatness of this album . VERB: catch_on POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: catch on to the greatness of this album PARSE: (VP (VB catch) (PP (IN on) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN greatness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN album))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: That intrinsic bias in the field maps out directly onto the ideology of the book . VERB: map_out POLAR NOUN: bias GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: That intrinsic bias in the field maps out directly onto the ideology of the book PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT That) (@NP (JJ intrinsic) (NN bias))) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN field)))) (@S (VP (@VP (@VP (VBZ maps) (PRT out)) (ADVP directly)) (PP (IN onto) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN ideology)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN book)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: When I discovered this new album by Kinito Mendez instinctively I new that it would be to my liking . VERB: be POLAR NOUN: liking GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: be to liking PARSE: (VP (VB be) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN liking)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: 21 gets four stars instead of five . VERB: get POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: gets four stars instead of five PARSE: (VP (VBZ gets) (NP (NP (CD four) (NNS stars)) (PP (RB instead) (@PP (IN of) (NP five))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The company who made this feature should have had the foresight to include an extra hour . VERB: have POLAR NOUN: foresight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: had the foresight to include an extra hour PARSE: (VP (VBD had) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN foresight) (S (TO to) (VP (VB include) (NP (DT an) (@NP (JJ extra) (NN hour)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Both items are a must have for any Three Dog Night fan , as well as anyone facing personal struggles in their life . VERB: face POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: facing personal struggles PARSE: (@VP (VBG facing) (NP (JJ personal) (NNS struggles))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: My admiration for this recording grows more every time I hear it . VERB: grow POLAR NOUN: admiration GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: admiration for this recording grows more every time I hear it PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (PRP$ My) (NN admiration)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT this) (NN recording)))) (@S (VP (VBZ grows) (SBAR (NP-TMP (RBR more) (@NP-TMP (DT every) (NN time))) (@S (NP I) (VP (VBP hear) (NP it))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Florence specializes in adding new twists to standard recipes to make them uniquely his own . VERB: add POLAR NOUN: twist GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: adding new twists PARSE: (@VP (VBG adding) (NP (JJ new) (NNS twists))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I made the mistake of walking by this mower display in Toys R Us with my 15 month old son . VERB: make POLAR NOUN: mistake GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: made the mistake of walking by this mower display in Toys R Us with 15 month old son PARSE: (VP (VBD made) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN mistake)) (PP (IN of) (S (VBG walking) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT this) (@NP (NN mower) (NN display))) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP Toys) (@NP (NNP R) (NNP Us))) (PP (IN with) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (ADJP (NP (CD 15) (NN month)) (JJ old)) (NN son)))))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This work put all the zest of life back into it . VERB: put POLAR NOUN: zest GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: put all the zest of life PARSE: (@VP (VBD put) (NP (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (NN zest))) (PP (IN of) (NP life)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I "fooled around and fell in love " with this soundtrack . VERB: fell POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fell in love PARSE: (@VP (VBD fell) (PP (IN in) (NP love))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: His body of troops could have done more harm to the Boers on the northern border than being trapped in a small city . VERB: do POLAR NOUN: harm GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: done more harm PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBN done) (ADVP more)) (NP harm)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: These insights provide the reader with some background behind the Congress that determined the makeup of Europe for the next hundred years . VERB: provide POLAR NOUN: insight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: These insights provide the reader with some background behind the Congress that determined the makeup of Europe for the next hundred years PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT These) (NNS insights)) (@S (VP (VBP provide) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN reader)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT some) (NN background)) (PP (IN behind) (NP (DT the) (NNP Congress)))))) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (@VP (VBD determined) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN makeup)) (PP (IN of) (NP Europe)))) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ next) (@NP (CD hundred) (NNS years))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Reid takes nine of the native groups and describes their plight under both the Czarist and Soviet regimes . VERB: describe POLAR NOUN: plight GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: describes plight PARSE: (@VP (VBZ describes) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN plight))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Mysteries explained about the Titanic . VERB: explain POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Mysteries explained about the Titanic PARSE: (ROOT (NP Mysteries) (@S (VP (VBD explained) (PP (IN about) (NP (DT the) (NNP Titanic)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: An explanation of why the Serbs used genocide . VERB: use POLAR NOUN: genocide GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: used genocide PARSE: (VP (VBD used) (NP genocide)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He makes them out as idiots . VERB: make_out POLAR NOUN: idiot GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: makes them out as idiots PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VBZ makes) (NP them)) (PRT out)) (PP (IN as) (NP idiots))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This film reminds you of the joy and magic that every Christmas should bring , whether you 're an adult or a child . VERB: remind POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reminds you of the joy and magic that every Christmas should bring PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBZ reminds) (NP you)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN joy) (CC and)) (NN magic))) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (NP (DT every) (NNP Christmas)) (VP (MD should) (VP bring))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He takes a musical swipe at them somewhere on nearly every album . VERB: take POLAR NOUN: swipe GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: takes a musical swipe at them PARSE: (@VP (VBZ takes) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ musical) (NN swipe))) (PP (IN at) (NP them)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Our lady hero , the spy , manages to save the world . VERB: manage POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: lady hero the spy manages to save the world PARSE: (ROOT (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ Our) (@NP (NN lady) (NN hero))) (, ,)) (NP (DT the) (NN spy))) (, ,)) (@S (VP (VBZ manages) (S (TO to) (VP (VB save) (NP (DT the) (NN world))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It tells of the struggle between man and Church and of both with God without being "preachy . " VERB: tell POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: tells of the struggle between man and Church and of both with God PARSE: (@VP (VBZ tells) (PP (@PP (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN struggle)) (PP (IN between) (NP (@NP (NN man) (CC and)) (NN Church))))) (CC and)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP both) (PP (IN with) (NP God)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: One is ledt by the Roman Emperor , as he brings back the glory of Rome to this new place . VERB: bring_back POLAR NOUN: glory GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: brings back the glory of Rome to this new place PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ brings) (PRT back)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN glory)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP Rome) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ new) (NN place)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Then , one day , an email changes his destiny . VERB: change POLAR NOUN: destiny GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: changes destiny PARSE: (VP (VBZ changes) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN destiny))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The twist in the story continues till the last page . VERB: continue POLAR NOUN: twist GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The twist in the story continues till the last page PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (NN twist)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN story)))) (@S (VP (VBZ continues) (PP (IN till) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ last) (NN page))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The Sicilian esotericist Julius Evola and his book _Revolt Against the Modern World _ also draws from the polar myth . VERB: draw POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: draws from the polar myth PARSE: (VP (VBZ draws) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ polar) (NN myth))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Other notables connected with the occult at this time included Annie Besant , Charles Leadbeater and Bulwer Lytton . VERB: include POLAR NOUN: notable GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Other notables connected with the occult at this time included Annie Besant Charles Leadbeater and Bulwer Lytton PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (JJ Other) (NNS notables)) (VP (VBN connected) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN occult)) (PP (IN at) (NP (DT this) (NN time))))))) (@S (VP (VBD included) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (NNP Annie) (NNP Besant)) (, ,)) (NP (NNP Charles) (NNP Leadbeater))) (CC and)) (NP (NNP Bulwer) (NNP Lytton)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It might be the only or one of the few Who stories that focuses on gay pride . VERB: focus POLAR NOUN: pride GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: focuses on gay pride PARSE: (VP (VBZ focuses) (PP (IN on) (NP (JJ gay) (NN pride)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I have 128 bit WEP running like a charm . VERB: run POLAR NOUN: charm GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: running like a charm PARSE: (VP (VBG running) (PP (IN like) (NP (DT a) (NN charm)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A few cringe-inducing moments keep the book from winning five stars . VERB: win POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: winning five stars PARSE: (S (VBG winning) (NP (CD five) (NNS stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: love will find you . VERB: find POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: love will find you PARSE: (ROOT (NP love) (@S (VP (MD will) (VP (VB find) (NP you))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The orchestra , under the baton of Maestro Victor Fedotov performs equally to the dancers in excellence . VERB: perform POLAR NOUN: excellence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: performs equally to the dancers in excellence PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ performs) (ADVP equally)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS dancers)) (PP (IN in) (NP excellence))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Like " The Princess Bride , " you 'll catch new jokes every time you watch it . VERB: catch POLAR NOUN: joke GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: catch new jokes PARSE: (@VP (VB catch) (NP (JJ new) (NNS jokes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This is a movie dealing with extremes . VERB: deal POLAR NOUN: extreme GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dealing with extremes PARSE: (VP (VBG dealing) (PP (IN with) (NP extremes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Afterward , she received a standing ovation . VERB: receive POLAR NOUN: ovation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: received a standing ovation PARSE: (VP (VBD received) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN standing) (NN ovation)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I read some of the reviews that rated the book 1 star . VERB: rate POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rated the book 1 star PARSE: (S (VBD rated) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN book) (@NP (CD 1) (NN star))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I shall return only in glory VERB: return POLAR NOUN: glory GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: return only in glory PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB return) (ADVP only)) (PP (IN in) (NP glory))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It requires patience and dedication . VERB: require POLAR NOUN: patience GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: requires patience and dedication PARSE: (VP (VBZ requires) (NP (@NP (NN patience) (CC and)) (NN dedication))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Edna 's solitude only increases her desire of changing her life . VERB: increase POLAR NOUN: desire GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: increases her desire of changing life PARSE: (VP (VBZ increases) (S (NP her) (NP (NP desire) (PP (IN of) (S (VBG changing) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN life))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Possession may also be related to the obsession that all the academics can have to their object of study . VERB: relate POLAR NOUN: obsession GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: related to the obsession PARSE: (@VP (VBN related) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN obsession)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Some writers should learn from the master VERB: learn POLAR NOUN: master GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: learn from the master PARSE: (VP (VB learn) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN master)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Every time a narrator says " I" , the readers starts wonder to whom this pronoun refers . VERB: start POLAR NOUN: wonder GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: starts wonder PARSE: (@VP (VBZ starts) (NP wonder)) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The depth brings another pleasure in the reading of the novel . VERB: bring POLAR NOUN: pleasure GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: brings another pleasure in the reading of the novel PARSE: (VP (VBZ brings) (NP (NP (DT another) (NN pleasure)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN reading)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN novel))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Like a fawn I was born anew while listening to this masterpiece . VERB: listen POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: listening to this masterpiece PARSE: (S (VBG listening) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT this) (NN masterpiece)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The next story takes place at the dinner table , which , with Calvin , is asking for trouble . VERB: ask POLAR NOUN: trouble GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: asking for trouble PARSE: (VP (VBG asking) (PP (IN for) (NP trouble))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Soon the twist comes in . VERB: come_in POLAR NOUN: twist GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the twist comes in PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (NN twist)) (@S (VP (VBZ comes) (PP in)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: For this I deduct a star . VERB: deduct POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: deduct a star PARSE: (VP (VBP deduct) (NP (DT a) (NN star))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: To his credit , Nimoy demonstrates his technical acumen in lighting and composition . VERB: demonstrate POLAR NOUN: acumen GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: demonstrates technical acumen PARSE: (@VP (VBZ demonstrates) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ technical) (NNS acumen)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Lyta seeks a homeworld for the telepaths , offering a Faustian bargain with G'Kar . ) VERB: offer POLAR NOUN: bargain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: offering a Faustian bargain PARSE: (@VP (VBG offering) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ Faustian) (NN bargain)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This game reputedly sent the writers close to madness with all the dialogue they had to write . VERB: send POLAR NOUN: madness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sent the writers close to madness PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD sent) (NP (DT the) (NNS writers))) (ADVP (RB close) (PP (TO to) (NP madness)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He points to our lack of father to father communication and says , "here are some ways to fix that . " VERB: point POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: points to lack of father PARSE: (@VP (VBZ points) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (PRP$ our) (NN lack)) (PP (IN of) (NP father))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Also , some critics said that his new stuff pales in comparison to his old classics . VERB: say POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: some critics said that new stuff pales in comparison to old classics PARSE: (@S (NP (DT some) (NNS critics)) (@S (VP (VBD said) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ new) (NN stuff))) (VP (@VP (VBZ pales) (PP (IN in) (NP comparison))) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ old) (NNS classics)))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He gazed at him , he rubbed against him , he lay in an ecstasy on the tool-bag . VERB: lay POLAR NOUN: ecstasy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: lay in an ecstasy PARSE: (@VP (VBD lay) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT an) (NN ecstasy)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Yasunori Mitsuda creates another masterpiece VERB: create POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: creates another masterpiece PARSE: (VP (VBZ creates) (NP (DT another) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book displays talent . VERB: display POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: displays talent PARSE: (VP (VBZ displays) (NP talent)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I remember watching in horror with my heart doing flips in my chest during my first encounter with this movie on television years ago . VERB: watch POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: watching in horror PARSE: (@VP (VBG watching) (PP (IN in) (NP horror))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: the result is something we can expect from radiohead - near perfection . VERB: expect POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: expect from radiohead near perfection PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VB expect) (PP (IN from) (NP radiohead))) (: -)) (PP (IN near) (NP perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Among the books he mentioned was a book by Nancy Roberts that also led to my fascination with ghost stories . VERB: lead POLAR NOUN: fascination GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: led to fascination PARSE: (@VP (VBD led) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN fascination)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: ( Must this happen to the heroine in EVERY vampire movie ? ) VERB: happen POLAR NOUN: heroine GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: happen to the heroine in EVERY vampire movie PARSE: (@VP (VB happen) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN heroine)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP EVERY) (@NP (NN vampire) (NN movie))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: [ Footnote : I did see Dr. Picchietti and found relief . VERB: found POLAR NOUN: relief GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: found relief PARSE: (VP (VBD found) (NP relief)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In a way , Vincent represented the anti-hero and Max represented the non-hero . VERB: represent POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: represented the non-hero PARSE: (VP (VBD represented) (NP (DT the) (NN non-hero))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: May we all develop a higher regard for our bodies and the life cycle . VERB: develop POLAR NOUN: regard GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: develop a higher regard PARSE: (@VP (VBP develop) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJR higher) (NN regard)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He also uses case studies from his own clinical practice to illustrate his contentions . VERB: illustrate POLAR NOUN: contention GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: illustrate contentions PARSE: (VP (VB illustrate) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS contentions))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He notes the irony of many zoo initiatives . VERB: note POLAR NOUN: irony GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: notes the irony of many zoo initiatives PARSE: (VP (VBZ notes) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN irony)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ many) (@NP (NN zoo) (NNS initiatives)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: As I was purchasing this , the salesman raised his eyebrows and expressed some doubt about the blade . VERB: express POLAR NOUN: doubt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: expressed some doubt PARSE: (@VP (VBD expressed) (NP (DT some) (NN doubt))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: All her hits gathered in one Masterpiece that everyone should have . VERB: gather POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: gathered in one Masterpiece that everyone should have PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN gathered) (PP (IN in) (NP one))) (NP (NP Masterpiece) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP everyone) (VP (MD should) (VP have)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Until then , I 'll count mine Ev'ry Blessing . VERB: count POLAR NOUN: blessing GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: count mine Ev'ry Blessing PARSE: (VP (VB count) (NP (JJ mine) (@NP (NNP Ev'ry) (NN Blessing)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: LDS scholars answer critics regularly . VERB: answer POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: answer critics PARSE: (@VP (VBP answer) (NP critics)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: As usual , the only folks Wayne picks on here are the ones who cause the trouble . VERB: cause POLAR NOUN: trouble GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cause the trouble PARSE: (S (VBP cause) (NP (DT the) (NN trouble))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: MR MAYBE presents the struggle to come to terms with this question . VERB: present POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: presents the struggle to come to terms with this question PARSE: (VP (VBZ presents) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN struggle) (S (TO to) (VP (VB come) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP terms) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT this) (NN question)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Grisham takes his readers on a ride that is filled with intrigue and conniving . VERB: fill POLAR NOUN: intrigue GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: filled with intrigue and conniving PARSE: (VP (VBN filled) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (NN intrigue) (CC and)) (NN conniving)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Cornwell also depicts the brutality of hanging . VERB: depict POLAR NOUN: brutality GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: depicts the brutality of hanging PARSE: (VP (VBZ depicts) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN brutality)) (PP (IN of) (NP hanging)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: To which the book 's hero replies , I was "horny" . VERB: reply POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the book 's hero replies PARSE: (S (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN book) (POS 's))) (NN hero)) (VP replies)) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I am struggling with my own doubts about religion . VERB: struggle POLAR NOUN: doubt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: struggling with own doubts PARSE: (@VP (VBG struggling) (PP (IN with) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ own) (NNS doubts))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: My love for Sarah began with the Phantom of the Opera , which I first listened to as a child . VERB: begin POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: love for Sarah began with the Phantom of the Opera which I first listened to as a child PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (PRP$ My) (NN love)) (PP (IN for) (NP Sarah))) (@S (VP (VBD began) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Phantom)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Opera)))) (, ,)) (SBAR (WHNP which) (S (NP I) (@S (ADVP first) (VP (@VP (VBD listened) (PP to)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN child)))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They document the insanity of our fathers using their own words to pitch them upon their own pitards . VERB: document POLAR NOUN: insanity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: document the insanity of fathers using own words to pitch them upon own pitards PARSE: (VP (VBP document) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NN insanity)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ our) (NNS fathers)))) (VP (@VP (VBG using) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ own) (NNS words)))) (S (TO to) (VP (@VP (VB pitch) (NP them)) (PP (IN upon) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ own) (NNS pitards))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Someone mentioned the lack of a closed caption option . VERB: mention POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: mentioned the lack of a closed caption option PARSE: (VP (VBD mentioned) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN lack)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ closed) (@NP (NN caption) (NN option))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The film itself earns its five stars across the board . VERB: earn POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: earns five stars PARSE: (@VP (VBZ earns) (NP (PRP$ its) (@NP (CD five) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: One day , a new attraction arrives - a 4 century old mummy . VERB: arrive POLAR NOUN: attraction GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: a new attraction arrives a 4 century old mummy PARSE: (@S (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ new) (NN attraction))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ arrives) (PRN (: -) (S (NP (DT a) (@NP (CD 4) (NN century))) (ADJP old)))) (NP mummy)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Suddenly my girls were pointing them out with joy . VERB: point_out POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pointing them out with joy PARSE: (S (@VP (@VP (VBG pointing) (NP them)) (PRT out)) (PP (IN with) (NP joy))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Sampson 's work reflects his own class aspirations VERB: reflect POLAR NOUN: aspiration GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reflects own class aspirations PARSE: (VP (VBZ reflects) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ own) (@NP (NN class) (NNS aspirations))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Rita Ciresi has captured honesty in her character interactions . VERB: capture POLAR NOUN: honesty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: captured honesty in character interactions PARSE: (VP (VBN captured) (NP (NP honesty) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (NN character) (NNS interactions)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Robert DeNiro packs a punch in this film . VERB: pack POLAR NOUN: punch GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: packs a punch in this film PARSE: (VP (VBZ packs) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN punch)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT this) (NN film))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A Mr. Louis Bernard ( Daniel Gelin ) steps in to save the boy and his parents from disaster . VERB: save POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: steps in to save the boy and parents from disaster PARSE: (NP (@NP (NP steps) (PP (IN in) (NP (@NP (S (TO to) (VP (VB save) (NP (DT the) (NN boy)))) (CC and)) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS parents))))) (PP (IN from) (NP disaster))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Everybody in the film from the coroner to ex-friends of Treadwell act like oddities . VERB: act POLAR NOUN: oddity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: act like oddities PARSE: (VP (VBP act) (PP (IN like) (NP oddities))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The Honegger is handled with more reverence . VERB: handle POLAR NOUN: reverence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: handled with more reverence PARSE: (VP (VBN handled) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJR more) (NN reverence)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The myth lives on . VERB: live_on POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The myth lives on PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN myth)) (@S (VP (VBZ lives) (PP on)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Other personalities emerge , primarily around the campfire on nights when the men get to swapping stories . VERB: emerge POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Other personalities emerge primarily around the campfire on nights when the men get to swapping stories PARSE: (ROOT (NP (JJ Other) (NNS personalities)) (@S (VP (@VP (@VP (VBP emerge) (, ,)) (ADVP primarily)) (PP (IN around) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN campfire)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP nights) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS men)) (VP (VBP get) (PP (TO to) (S (VBG swapping) (NP stories))))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Chiefly , it recounts his struggles to forge a single identiy as doctor , poet , Latino , and gay man . VERB: recount POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: recounts struggles PARSE: (@VP (VBZ recounts) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS struggles))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The 1930s are also remembered with tributes to " Grand Coulee Dam " and " Pretty Boy Floyd . " VERB: remember POLAR NOUN: tribute GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: remembered with tributes to Grand Coulee Dam and Pretty Boy Floyd PARSE: (VP (VBN remembered) (NP (CONJP with) (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP tributes) (PP to)) ('' '')) (NP (NP (NNP Grand) (NNP Coulee)) (NP-TMP (NP (NN Dam) ('' '')) (ADVP and)))) ('' '')) (NP (NNP Pretty) (@NP (NNP Boy) (NNP Floyd)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You must rebuild your town and then explore dungeons and other things . VERB: explore POLAR NOUN: dungeon GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: explore dungeons and other things PARSE: (@VP (VB explore) (NP (@NP (NP dungeons) (CC and)) (NP (JJ other) (NNS things)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Scott also chronicles the upheavals that concurrently went on in the realms of fashion and women 's publications . VERB: chronicle POLAR NOUN: upheaval GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: chronicles the upheavals that concurrently went on in the realms of fashion and women 's publications PARSE: (VP (VBZ chronicles) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS upheavals)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (ADVP concurrently) (VP (VBD went) (PP (IN on) (@PP (IN in) (NP (@NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS realms)) (PP (IN of) (NP fashion))) (CC and)) (NP (NP (NNS women) (POS 's)) (NNS publications)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Peter bulldozes everyone within the family by purchasing their affection and allegiance . VERB: purchase POLAR NOUN: affection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: purchasing affection and allegiance PARSE: (S (VBG purchasing) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (@NP (NN affection) (CC and)) (NN allegiance)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Madame Du Pont sets Charlotte 's downfall in action . VERB: set POLAR NOUN: downfall GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sets Charlotte 's downfall in action PARSE: (VP (VBZ sets) (NP (NP (NP (NNP Charlotte) (POS 's)) (NN downfall)) (PP (IN in) (NP action)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This volume possesses all the virtues of volume one , and then some . VERB: possess POLAR NOUN: virtue GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: possesses all the virtues of volume one PARSE: (VP (VBZ possesses) (NP (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (NNS virtues))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN volume) (CD one))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The courage as that mustered up and brought to bear by ordinary men . VERB: muster_up POLAR NOUN: courage GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The courage as that mustered up and brought to bear by ordinary men PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (NN courage)) (PP (IN as) (NP that))) (@S (VP (@VP (VP (VBD mustered) (ADVP up)) (CC and)) (VP (VBD brought) (S (TO to) (VP (VB bear) (PP (IN by) (NP (JJ ordinary) (NNS men))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The answers she discovers are going to be an eye opener to many in the West employing the conventional wisdom espoused above . VERB: employ POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: employing the conventional wisdom espoused above PARSE: (VP (VBG employing) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ conventional) (NN wisdom))) (VP (VBN espoused) (PP above)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He is seeking his revenge on Rairarubia . VERB: seek POLAR NOUN: revenge GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: seeking revenge PARSE: (@VP (VBG seeking) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN revenge))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The story revolves around the fascination of the era for Arctic exploration . VERB: revolve POLAR NOUN: fascination GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: revolves around the fascination of the era for Arctic exploration PARSE: (VP (VBZ revolves) (PP (IN around) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN fascination)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN era)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNP Arctic) (NN exploration)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: " Everything forms a single whole " and exists for the glory of God . VERB: exist POLAR NOUN: glory GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: exists for the glory of God PARSE: (VP (VBZ exists) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN glory)) (PP (IN of) (NP God))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The career of Hayley Westenra is one I will follow with anticipatory delight as I await each album . VERB: follow POLAR NOUN: delight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: follow with anticipatory delight PARSE: (@VP (VB follow) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ anticipatory) (NN delight)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This fall marks a Pavement renaissance in my car , home and headphones . VERB: mark POLAR NOUN: renaissance GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: marks a Pavement renaissance PARSE: (@VP (VBZ marks) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN Pavement) (NN renaissance)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The book contains a recurring homage to General Electric and people from GE . VERB: contain POLAR NOUN: homage GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: contains a recurring homage PARSE: (@VP (VBZ contains) (NP (DT a) (@NP (VBG recurring) (NN homage)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Her new book , " Secrets of the Zona Rosa " continues her gift of sharing her insights . VERB: share POLAR NOUN: insight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sharing insights PARSE: (S (VBG sharing) (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS insights))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As expected , friction arise , particularily between the two fathers . VERB: arise POLAR NOUN: friction GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: friction arise particularily between the two fathers PARSE: (VP (NN friction) (VP (@VP (@VP (VB arise) (, ,)) (ADVP particularily)) (PP (IN between) (NP (DT the) (@NP (CD two) (NNS fathers)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Kids who watched commented on Elnora 's tenacity and curiosity . VERB: comment POLAR NOUN: tenacity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: commented on Elnora 's tenacity and curiosity PARSE: (VP (VBN commented) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (NNP Elnora) (POS 's)) (@NP (@NP (NN tenacity) (CC and)) (NN curiosity))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The sceond weakness enters due to the first . VERB: enter POLAR NOUN: weakness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The sceond weakness enters due to the first PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (@NP (JJ sceond) (NN weakness))) (@S (VP (VBZ enters) (ADJP (JJ due) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (JJ first))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: 'Jerry Maguire ' , the guidelines to life and where happiness belongs . VERB: belong POLAR NOUN: happiness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: happiness belongs PARSE: (S (NP happiness) (VP belongs)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book is only going to feed misconceptions about genes . . VERB: feed POLAR NOUN: misconception GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: feed misconceptions PARSE: (@VP (VB feed) (NP misconceptions)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: That keeps me from voting this 5 stars . VERB: vote POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: voting this 5 stars PARSE: (S (VBG voting) (NP (DT this) (@NP (CD 5) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Others will discuss the film 's merits . VERB: discuss POLAR NOUN: merit GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: discuss the film 's merits PARSE: (VP (VB discuss) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN film) (POS 's))) (NNS merits))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: People are only entitled to opportunity . VERB: entitle POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: entitled to opportunity PARSE: (VP (VBN entitled) (PP (TO to) (NP opportunity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: All four women are writers , and all four women are experiencing difficulties in their lives . VERB: experience POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: experiencing difficulties in lives PARSE: (VP (VBG experiencing) (NP (NP difficulties) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS lives))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Jonas also discovers the truth behind "releasing . " VERB: discover POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: discovers the truth PARSE: (@VP (VBZ discovers) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Throughout the book the love for family comes through . VERB: come_through POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the love for family comes through PARSE: (@S (NP (NP (DT the) (NN love)) (PP (IN for) (NP family))) (@S (VP (VBZ comes) (PP through)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But Mama lends a new twist . VERB: lend POLAR NOUN: twist GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: lends a new twist PARSE: (VP (VBZ lends) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ new) (NN twist)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But I must also voice a complaint . VERB: voice POLAR NOUN: complaint GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: voice a complaint PARSE: (VP (VB voice) (NP (DT a) (NN complaint))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Lord of the Land by Gene Wolfe - Kind of HPLish as a man investigates the truth behind ancient legends in the old west . VERB: investigate POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: investigates the truth PARSE: (@VP (VBZ investigates) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He builds new illusion . VERB: build POLAR NOUN: illusion GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: builds new illusion PARSE: (VP (VBZ builds) (NP (JJ new) (NN illusion))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This one you should also buy , and immerse yourself in the love for Amlia . VERB: immerse POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: immerse yourself in the love for Am lia PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB immerse) (NP yourself)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN love)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNP Am) (NN lia)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The city is awaiting relief from Pompey , but in the meantime , Caesar 's troops are determined to take the city . VERB: await POLAR NOUN: relief GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: awaiting relief PARSE: (@VP (VBG awaiting) (NP relief)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Apple fulfills promise of her debut VERB: fulfill POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fulfills promise of debut PARSE: (VP (VBZ fulfills) (NP (NP promise) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN debut))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Of course , I treated it as a homage to those classics and the hardboiled genre in general . VERB: treat POLAR NOUN: homage GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: treated it as a homage PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD treated) (NP it)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN homage)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: By doing this , we are treated to both the lead up and the aftermath of a time surround by turmoil . VERB: surround POLAR NOUN: turmoil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: surround by turmoil PARSE: (VP (VB surround) (PP (IN by) (NP turmoil))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It combines the lyric beauty of the flute with music from the East . VERB: combine POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: combines the lyric beauty of the flute with music PARSE: (@VP (VBZ combines) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN lyric) (NN beauty))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN flute)) (PP (IN with) (NP music)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: With every brutality he commits , he closes a door on reconcilliation . VERB: commit POLAR NOUN: brutality GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: With every brutality he commits PARSE: (S (PP (IN With) (NP (DT every) (NN brutality))) (@S (NP he) (VP commits))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Your integrity remains while you pursue your craft with dedication and class . VERB: remain POLAR NOUN: integrity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: integrity remains while you pursue craft with dedication and class PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ Your) (NN integrity)) (@S (VP (VBZ remains) (SBAR (IN while) (S (NP you) (VP (@VP (VB pursue) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN craft))) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (NN dedication) (CC and)) (NN class))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In this case , we are presented with a message wrapped in horror . VERB: wrap POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: wrapped in horror PARSE: (VP (VBN wrapped) (PP (IN in) (NP horror))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A deacon is " an ecclesial sign , embodying a truth about the whole Church and about all its ministries . " VERB: embody POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: embodying a truth PARSE: (@VP (VBG embodying) (NP (DT a) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He chose loyalty to his fellow Latin Americans over being bought off and disposed of by the United States . VERB: choose POLAR NOUN: loyalty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: chose loyalty PARSE: (@VP (VBD chose) (NP loyalty)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: First , let me address some common objections to the novel . VERB: address POLAR NOUN: objection GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: address some common objections PARSE: (@VP (VB address) (NP (DT some) (@NP (JJ common) (NNS objections)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They play the tape and it raises Hell . VERB: raise POLAR NOUN: hell GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: raises Hell PARSE: (VP (VBZ raises) (NP Hell)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Trees come to life , Humans transform into Monsters , and the red stuff flies . VERB: transform POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: transform into Monsters and the red stuff flies PARSE: (VP (VBP transform) (PP (IN into) (NP (@NP (@NP (NP Monsters) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ red) (@NP (NN stuff) (NNS flies))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In the process they examine all the different myths and stories about Santa around the world and how they got thier start . VERB: examine POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: examine all the different myths and stories about Santa around the world and how they got thier start PARSE: (VP (VBP examine) (NP (@NP (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ different) (NNS myths)))) (CC and)) (NP (@NP (NP stories) (PP (IN about) (NP Santa))) (UCP (@UCP (PP (IN around) (NP (DT the) (NN world))) (CC and)) (SBAR (WHADVP how) (S (NP they) (VP (VBD got) (NP (JJR thier) (NN start))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Red Football is another song that 's loaded with fury . VERB: load POLAR NOUN: fury GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: loaded with fury PARSE: (VP (VBN loaded) (PP (IN with) (NP fury))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Insanity-prone Ren personifies the struggle we all experience in coping with daily events . VERB: personify POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: personifies the struggle we all experience in coping with daily events PARSE: (VP (VBZ personifies) (S (NP (DT the) (NN struggle)) (@S (NP we) (S (NP (DT all) (NN experience)) (PP (IN in) (S (VBG coping) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ daily) (NNS events))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Rediculous piece of crap designed for idiots . VERB: design POLAR NOUN: idiot GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: designed for idiots PARSE: (VP (VBN designed) (PP (IN for) (NP idiots))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It deepened my faith . VERB: deepen POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: deepened faith PARSE: (VP (VBD deepened) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN faith))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: For the PS2 they should have carried out their promises to the fans . VERB: carry_out POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: carried out promises PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBN carried) (PRT out)) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS promises))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In this one the hero travels from medieval england to western america in the 1800 's . VERB: travel POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the hero travels from medieval england to western america in the 1800 's PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (NN hero)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ travels) (PP (IN from) (NP (JJ medieval) (NN england)))) (PP (TO to) (NP (@NP (NP (JJ western) (NN america)) (IN in)) (NP (DT the) (NP (CD 1800) (POS 's)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He introduces the narrator to Albertine through his paintings , and teaches him about the joys of life and art . VERB: teach POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: teaches him about the joys of life and art PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ teaches) (NP him)) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS joys)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NN life) (CC and)) (NN art)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Rumors of a " Decade 2" have been circulating for many years . VERB: circulate POLAR NOUN: rumor GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Rumors of a Decade 2 have been circulating for many years PARSE: (ROOT (NP (@NP (@NP (NP Rumors) (PP (@PP (IN of) (NP a)) ('' ''))) (NP (NN Decade) (CD 2))) ('' '')) (@S (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN been) (VP (VBG circulating) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ many) (NNS years)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It hints at the greatness to come on later albums . VERB: hint POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hints at the greatness to come on later albums PARSE: (VP (VBZ hints) (PP (IN at) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN greatness) (S (TO to) (VP (VB come) (PP (IN on) (NP (JJ later) (NNS albums))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As a result , you ended up with a farce called " Bon Voyage " . VERB: end_up POLAR NOUN: farce GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: ended up with a farce called Bon Voyage PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD ended) (PRT up)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN farce)) (VP (@VP (VBN called) ('' '')) (NP (NNP Bon) (NNP Voyage)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She spread lies in the ear of Powell Long on the eve of his marriage to Antonia . VERB: spread POLAR NOUN: lie GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: spread lies PARSE: (@VP (VBD spread) (NP lies)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: We now learn more of Emily Sayer 's life and what lead up to her becoming an outcast from her family . VERB: become POLAR NOUN: outcast GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: becoming an outcast PARSE: (@VP (VBG becoming) (NP (DT an) (NN outcast))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It depends on your preference I guess . VERB: depend POLAR NOUN: preference GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: depends on preference I guess PARSE: (VP (VBZ depends) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (PRP$ your) (NN preference)) (SBAR (NP I) (VP guess))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In all of this , the author manages to recreate the intellectual passions of the age . VERB: recreate POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: recreate the intellectual passions of the age PARSE: (VP (VB recreate) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ intellectual) (NNS passions))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN age))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A dialogue ensues between he and Euripides , with Dionysus left to judge the merits of each . VERB: judge POLAR NOUN: merit GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: judge the merits of each PARSE: (VP (VB judge) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS merits)) (PP (IN of) (NP each)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: All Rome trembled with laughter before this Scarpia . VERB: tremble POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: trembled with laughter PARSE: (@VP (VBD trembled) (PP (IN with) (NP laughter))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: " Bad Company " by Walter De La Mare--A man encounters an evil-looking stranger on an underground railway platform and follows him home . VERB: encounter POLAR NOUN: stranger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: encounters an evil-looking stranger PARSE: (VP (VBZ encounters) (NP (DT an) (@NP (JJ evil-looking) (NN stranger)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Within the hour , ` Leicester ' found herself enmeshed in the roaring hell of " The Serpent 's Coil . " VERB: enmesh POLAR NOUN: hell GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: enmeshed in the roaring hell of The Serpent 's Coil PARSE: (VP (VBD enmeshed) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (VBG roaring) (NN hell))) (PP (@PP (IN of) ('' '')) (NP (DT The) (@NP (NNP Serpent) (@NP (POS 's) (NNP Coil)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But , Heller could have hidden these biases . VERB: hide POLAR NOUN: bias GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hidden these biases PARSE: (VP (VBN hidden) (NP (DT these) (NNS biases))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I read HBHG in my mid-30s ( long before pursuing a Masters in theological studies ) and found it enthralling . VERB: pursue POLAR NOUN: masters GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pursuing a Masters PARSE: (@VP (VBG pursuing) (NP (DT a) (NN Masters))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Frontier loneliness invades this marvalous novel . VERB: invade POLAR NOUN: loneliness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Frontier loneliness invades this marvalous novel PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NNP Frontier) (NN loneliness)) (@S (VP (VBZ invades) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ marvalous) (NN novel)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Of the bio genre , there are few to compare with the superiority of this film . VERB: compare POLAR NOUN: superiority GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: compare with the superiority of this film PARSE: (VP (VB compare) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN superiority)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN film)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She opens the readers eyes to a different world , where you will question the Industrialized nations ' commerical ,obsession with " things " . VERB: question POLAR NOUN: obsession GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: question the Industrialized nations ' commerical obsession with things PARSE: (VP (VB question) (NP (NP the) (VP (VBN Industrialized) (NP (NP (NNS nations) (POS ')) (@NP (JJ commerical) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (ADJP (NN obsession) (PP with)) (@NP ('' '') (NNS things))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This is because we are the ones who 've been subjected to this horror . VERB: subject POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: subjected to this horror PARSE: (VP (VBN subjected) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT this) (NN horror)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: After the sixth time through the book in as many days , I signed up for a lampworking class and utilized all her recommendations . VERB: utilize POLAR NOUN: recommendations GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: utilized all recommendations PARSE: (VP (VBD utilized) (NP (DT all) (@NP (PRP$ her) (NNS recommendations)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In support he quotes a statement of John Paul II in 1992 . VERB: quote POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: In support he quotes a statement of John Paul II in 1992 PARSE: (ROOT (PP (IN In) (NP support)) (@S (NP he) (@S (VP (VBZ quotes) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN statement)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP John) (@NP (NNP Paul) (NNP II))) (PP (IN in) (NP 1992)))))) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Patton 's prejudice may influenced his removal from 3rd Army VERB: influence POLAR NOUN: prejudice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Patton 's prejudice may influenced removal from 3rd Army PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (NNP Patton) (POS 's)) (NN prejudice)) (VP (MD may) (VP (@VP (VBD influenced) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN removal))) (PP (IN from) (NP (JJ 3rd) (NNP Army)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: 3 1/2 stars rounded up to 4 VERB: round_up POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: stars rounded up to 4 PARSE: (ROOT (NP (CD 3 1/2) (NNS stars)) (VP (@VP (VBD rounded) (PRT up)) (PP (TO to) (NP 4)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Somehow between Sharp 's Eagle and Sharpe 's Company our hero is married and has a child . VERB: marry POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hero is married and has a child PARSE: (@S (NP (PRP$ our) (NN hero)) (@S (VP (@VP (VP (VBZ is) (VP married)) (CC and)) (VP (VBZ has) (NP (DT a) (NN child)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Martin Gross has penned a masterpiece . VERB: pen POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: penned a masterpiece PARSE: (VP (VBN penned) (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And after spending a fortune on it . VERB: spend POLAR NOUN: fortune GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: spending a fortune PARSE: (@VP (VBG spending) (NP (DT a) (NN fortune))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: All I can do is mirror the praise below VERB: mirror POLAR NOUN: praise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mirror the praise PARSE: (@VP (VB mirror) (NP (DT the) (NN praise))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Jasper found himself assisting his portly master in the investigation . VERB: assist POLAR NOUN: master GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: assisting portly master PARSE: (@VP (VBG assisting) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ portly) (NN master)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The plot involved smallpox virus being smuggled out of Russia - to destination unknown . VERB: involve POLAR NOUN: virus GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: involved smallpox virus being smuggled out of Russia to destination unknown PARSE: (VP (VBN involved) (NP (NP (NN smallpox) (NN virus)) (VP (VBG being) (VP (@VP (@VP (@VP (VBN smuggled) (PRT out)) (PP (IN of) (NP Russia))) (: -)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NN destination) (NN unknown))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Python can supply you with all the elegance you can ever ask for . VERB: supply POLAR NOUN: elegance GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: supply you with all the elegance you can ever ask for PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB supply) (NP you)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (NN elegance))) (SBAR (NP you) (VP (@VP (MD can) (ADVP ever)) (VP (VB ask) (PP for))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Anonymous 4 specializes in perpetuating the myth that all Medieval music sounds alike . VERB: perpetuate POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: perpetuating the myth PARSE: (@VP (VBG perpetuating) (NP (DT the) (NN myth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Menopause wreaked havoc with my body . VERB: wreak POLAR NOUN: havoc GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: wreaked havoc PARSE: (@VP (VBD wreaked) (NP havoc)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Embarrassed for her children , evoked a laughing mockery of the author VERB: evoke POLAR NOUN: mockery GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: evoked a laughing mockery of the author PARSE: (@SINV (VP evoked) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ laughing) (NN mockery))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN author))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Amazon has responded to my concerns within 24 hours of submitting them . VERB: respond POLAR NOUN: concern GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: responded to concerns PARSE: (@VP (VBN responded) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ my) (NNS concerns)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But as my stars indicate , I do like the album . VERB: indicate POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: stars indicate PARSE: (S (NP (PRP$ my) (NNS stars)) (VP indicate)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: All of the elements of this interpretation contribute discretely to the beauty of the score . VERB: contribute POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: contribute discretely to the beauty of the score PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP contribute) (ADVP discretely)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN beauty)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN score)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This poses a mystery that will reportedly be addressed in later books . VERB: pose POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: poses a mystery that will reportedly be addressed in later books PARSE: (VP (VBZ poses) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN mystery)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (@VP (MD will) (ADVP reportedly)) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN addressed) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ later) (NNS books))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: What follows in this book will test your devotion to the Grisham legal thriller formula . VERB: test POLAR NOUN: devotion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: test devotion PARSE: (@VP (VB test) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN devotion))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Overrated slasher flick that spawned the slasher craze ... VERB: spawn POLAR NOUN: craze GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: spawned the slasher craze PARSE: (S (VBD spawned) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN slasher) (NN craze)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And he preserves a few photography myths , like the suggestion that a longer focal length lens creates a shorter depth of field . VERB: preserve POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: preserves a few photography myths PARSE: (@VP (VBZ preserves) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ few) (@NP (NN photography) (NNS myths))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Her mother was a prostitute , so she has to have inherited her mother 's wickedness . VERB: inherit POLAR NOUN: wickedness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: inherited mother 's wickedness PARSE: (VP (VBN inherited) (NP (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (NN mother) (POS 's))) (NN wickedness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Then of course in the last three years we have witnessed the genocide of 100s of thousands in Southern Sudan by the Islamic Regime . VERB: witness POLAR NOUN: genocide GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: witnessed the genocide of 100s of thousands in Southern Sudan PARSE: (@VP (VBN witnessed) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN genocide)) (PP (IN of) (NP 100s))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP thousands) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Southern) (NNP Sudan))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: At first the people associate him , of course , as a villian . VERB: associate POLAR NOUN: villian GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: associate him of course as a villian PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP associate) (NP (@NP (@NP (NP him) (, ,)) (PP (IN of) (NP course))) (, ,))) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN villian)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Upon the granting of the third wish the Djinn 's armies shall reign on Earth . VERB: grant POLAR NOUN: wish GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the granting of the third wish PARSE: (NP (NP (DT the) (VBG granting)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ third) (NN wish))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Landon Carter was heading into trouble in his senior year . VERB: head POLAR NOUN: trouble GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: heading into trouble in senior year PARSE: (VP (VBG heading) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP trouble) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ senior) (NN year))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I approached it with some apprehension having heard that he is new-agish and unbiblical . VERB: approach POLAR NOUN: apprehension GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: approached it with some apprehension PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD approached) (NP it)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT some) (NN apprehension)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I reserve the five stars in NIN 's discography for his past works . VERB: reserve POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reserve the five stars in NIN 's discography for past works PARSE: (VP (VBP reserve) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (CD five) (NNS stars))) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NP (NNP NIN) (POS 's)) (NN discography)) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ past) (NNS works)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This sets up more drama at the novel 's conclusion . VERB: set_up POLAR NOUN: drama GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sets up more drama at the novel 's conclusion PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ sets) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (QP more) (NN drama)) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN novel) (POS 's))) (NN conclusion))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Tom is venting his disgust at what the music industry has become . VERB: vent POLAR NOUN: disgust GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: venting disgust PARSE: (@VP (VBG venting) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN disgust))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: To echo the sentiment of a previous reviewer , kudos to Jodie Foster for passing on the movie adaptation . VERB: echo POLAR NOUN: sentiment GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: echo the sentiment of a previous reviewer kudos PARSE: (@VP (VB echo) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN sentiment)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ previous) (NN reviewer))) (, ,)) (NP kudos))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: " At last love has come along ... . " VERB: come_along POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: love has come along PARSE: (@S (NP (PRP$ my) (NN love)) (@S (@S (@S (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN come) (ADVP along))) (: ...)) (. .)) ('' ''))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Sometimes it could be like a soap opera , and other times it had me rolling in laughter . VERB: roll POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: rolling in laughter PARSE: (VP (VBG rolling) (PP (IN in) (NP laughter))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Inevitablely in my life , I come across some individual espousing the horrors of trade . VERB: espouse POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: espousing the horrors of trade PARSE: (VP (VBG espousing) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS horrors)) (PP (IN of) (NP trade)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: There is also a side quest of collecting the monsters you enconuter capturing them using beetles . VERB: collect POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: collecting the monsters you enconuter capturing them using beetles PARSE: (S (VBG collecting) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS monsters)) (SBAR (NP you) (VP (VBP enconuter) (S (VBG capturing) (S (NP them) (VP (VBG using) (NP beetles)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Yet this book , # 2 in a series of 5 Prydain Chronicles , retains its integrity when read alone . VERB: retain POLAR NOUN: integrity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: retains integrity PARSE: (@VP (VBZ retains) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN integrity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The Majestic reaffirms the dignity and character of mankind without violence and sex . VERB: reaffirm POLAR NOUN: dignity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reaffirms the dignity and character of mankind PARSE: (@VP (VBZ reaffirms) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN dignity) (CC and)) (NN character))) (PP (IN of) (NP mankind)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The intrigue mounts from there . VERB: mount POLAR NOUN: intrigue GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The intrigue mounts from there PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN intrigue)) (@S (VP (VBZ mounts) (PP (IN from) (NP there))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This lack of focus pervades the book , as the cities of Vienna , Prague and Warsaw are lumped together as another single destination . VERB: pervade POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: This lack of focus pervades the book as the cities of Vienna Prague and Warsaw are lumped together as another single destination PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT This) (NN lack)) (PP (IN of) (NP focus))) (@S (VP (@VP (@VP (VBZ pervades) (NP (DT the) (NN book))) (, ,)) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS cities)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Vienna) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (@NP (NNP Prague) (CC and)) (NNP Warsaw)))))) (VP (VBP are) (VP (@VP (VBN lumped) (ADVP together)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT another) (@NP (JJ single) (NN destination))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It cemented my rejection of brainless authority . VERB: cement POLAR NOUN: rejection GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cemented rejection of brainless authority PARSE: (VP (VBD cemented) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN rejection)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ brainless) (NN authority))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The two main characters peppered each other with insults constantly . VERB: pepper POLAR NOUN: insult GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: peppered each other with insults PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD peppered) (NP (DT each) (JJ other))) (PP (IN with) (NP insults))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Then I discovered an 'instructions ' button and got my hopes up . VERB: get_up POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: got hopes PARSE: (@VP (VBD got) (NP (PRP$ my) (NNS hopes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Many Webber-hating critics have stated these songs are " throw-away" . VERB: state POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Many Webber-hating critics have stated these songs are throw-away PARSE: (ROOT (NP (JJ Many) (@NP (JJ Webber-hating) (NNS critics))) (@S (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN stated) (SBAR (NP (DT these) (NNS songs)) (VP (@VP (@VP (VBP are) ('' '')) (NP throw-away)) ('' ''))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Smith 's definition , on the other hand , places the burden of definition , explanation , and proof squarely on the theist . VERB: place POLAR NOUN: burden GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: places the burden of definition explanation and proof squarely on the theist PARSE: (VP (VBZ places) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN burden)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NN definition) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (NN explanation) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (CC and) (NN proof)))))) (PP (ADVP squarely) (@PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NN theist)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Sometimes , genius consists in opening the debate . VERB: consist POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: genius consists in opening the debate PARSE: (@S (NP genius) (@S (VP (VBZ consists) (PP (IN in) (S (VBG opening) (NP (DT the) (NN debate))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Jerry Pierre-Louis 's illustrations ooze personality . VERB: ooze POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: ooze personality PARSE: (VP (VBP ooze) (NP personality)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: For many of us it will initiate a new appreciation of the Old Testament as well as man 's relation to God . VERB: initiate POLAR NOUN: appreciation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: initiate a new appreciation of the Old Testament as well as man 's relation to God PARSE: (VP (VB initiate) (NP (@NP (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ new) (NN appreciation))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Old) (NN Testament))))) (CONJP (RB as) (@CONJP (RB well) (IN as)))) (NP (NP (NP (NN man) (POS 's)) (NN relation)) (PP (TO to) (NP God))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: There is mention in the " Acknowledgments " that she did seek out insight from others into how mergers play out . VERB: seek_out POLAR NOUN: insight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: seek out insight PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB seek) (PRT out)) (NP insight)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: That brings up phone support . VERB: bring_up POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: brings up phone support PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ brings) (PRT up)) (NP (NN phone) (NN support))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Both those things result in passion . VERB: result POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: result in passion PARSE: (VP (VBP result) (PP (IN in) (NP passion))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Almost a rip-off copy of the film Fletch when I noticed John Candy pulling off jokes while being different characters other than Harry Crumb . VERB: pull_off POLAR NOUN: joke GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pulling off jokes PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBG pulling) (PRT off)) (NP jokes)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She strengthened my faith beyond words . VERB: strengthen POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: strengthened faith PARSE: (@VP (VBD strengthened) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN faith))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: To learn more about their parents , they switch places and maintain the deception until Nick states he will remarry . VERB: maintain POLAR NOUN: deception GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: maintain the deception PARSE: (@VP (VB maintain) (NP (DT the) (NN deception))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She is committed to a mental hospital for over two years in order to get over the trauma . VERB: get_over POLAR NOUN: trauma GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: get over the trauma PARSE: (VP (VB get) (PP (IN over) (NP (DT the) (NN trauma)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: We all owe some respect to another " Jaw " band . VERB: owe POLAR NOUN: respect GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: owe some respect to another Jaw band PARSE: (VP (VBP owe) (NP (DT some) (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP respect) (PP (TO to) (NP another))) ('' '')) (NP (NN Jaw) (@NP ('' '') (NN band)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The plot deals with the efforts of those around her in preventing her from realizing the truth . VERB: realize POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: realizing the truth PARSE: (S (VBG realizing) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In essence a choice is made as to where to apply my faith . VERB: apply POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: apply faith PARSE: (VP (VB apply) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN faith))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I found myself rolling my eyes and chuckling in exasperation more than a few times in the movie 's last ten minutes . VERB: chuckle POLAR NOUN: exasperation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: chuckling in exasperation PARSE: (@VP (VBG chuckling) (PP (IN in) (NP exasperation))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: With a web of violence closing in around him , he must race to uncover the truth before his own life ends prematurely . VERB: uncover POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: uncover the truth PARSE: (@VP (VB uncover) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's like going back in time and re-living the beauty of life ...if only for a moment ...on a CD. VERB: relive POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: re-living the beauty of life PARSE: (VP (VBG re-living) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN beauty)) (PP (IN of) (NP life)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: 2 ) He lists the author 's bias . VERB: list POLAR NOUN: bias GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: lists the author 's bias PARSE: (VP (VBZ lists) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN author) (POS 's))) (NN bias))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The disappointment centers around selection . VERB: center POLAR NOUN: disappointment GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The disappointment centers around selection PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN disappointment)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ centers) (ADVP around)) (NP selection)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: very negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: We had a group of 15 people howling with laughter . VERB: howl POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: howling with laughter PARSE: (VP (VBG howling) (PP (IN with) (NP laughter))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Her words drip with richness and clarity . VERB: drip POLAR NOUN: richness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: drip with richness and clarity PARSE: (VP (VBP drip) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (NN richness) (CC and)) (NN clarity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Once you delve deep into The Honey Well , your hurt quickly dissipates and anger takes over . VERB: take_over POLAR NOUN: anger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: anger takes over PARSE: (S (NP anger) (VP (VBZ takes) (PRT over))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Tracey Wood has planned a celebration for her third wedding anniversary with her husband and family . VERB: plan POLAR NOUN: celebration GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: planned a celebration for third wedding anniversary PARSE: (@VP (VBN planned) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN celebration)) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ third) (@NP (NN wedding) (NN anniversary))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As the mystery of Caterina 's story unfolds , we are taken from New York to Ashford , GA. VERB: unfold POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the mystery of Caterina 's story unfolds PARSE: (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NN mystery)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Caterina) (POS 's)) (NN story)))) (VP unfolds)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Anything more than 1/64 " will spell trouble . VERB: spell POLAR NOUN: trouble GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: spell trouble PARSE: (VP (VB spell) (NP trouble)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I will tell you to brace yourself for laughter and tears along the way . VERB: brace POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: brace yourself for laughter and tears PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB brace) (NP yourself)) (PP (IN for) (NP (@NP (NN laughter) (CC and)) (NNS tears)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This woman has recorded a disc that 's aimed straight for the stars . VERB: aim POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: aimed straight for the stars PARSE: (VP (VBN aimed) (PP (RB straight) (@PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NNS stars))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: First book I 've read where arrogance prevails VERB: prevail POLAR NOUN: arrogance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: arrogance prevails PARSE: (S (NP arrogance) (VP prevails)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Margaret is struggling to keep the estate afloat , and to conceal the truth about her father 's condition from vassal and king alike . VERB: conceal POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: conceal the truth about father 's condition PARSE: (@VP (VB conceal) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN truth)) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (NN father) (POS 's))) (NN condition))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Robbins says that this is extending faith beyond it 's Biblical bounds . VERB: extend POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: extending faith PARSE: (@VP (VBG extending) (NP faith)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: To summarize , John Williams has once again crafted a masterpiece . VERB: craft POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: crafted a masterpiece PARSE: (VP (VBD crafted) (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The book asserts similar nonsense regarding parallel lines . VERB: assert POLAR NOUN: nonsense GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: asserts similar nonsense regarding parallel lines PARSE: (VP (VBZ asserts) (NP (NP (JJ similar) (NN nonsense)) (PP (VBG regarding) (NP (NN parallel) (NNS lines))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She carbon dates the remains and discovers that they day to the 1980 's confirming her fears . VERB: confirm POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: confirming fears PARSE: (VP (VBG confirming) (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS fears))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And they 're recruiting new talent . VERB: recruit POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: recruiting new talent PARSE: (VP (VBG recruiting) (NP (JJ new) (NN talent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Yet , Eckhart imbues his Chad with an almost palpable evil . VERB: imbue POLAR NOUN: evil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: imbues Chad with an almost palpable evil PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ imbues) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNP Chad))) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT an) (@NP (ADJP (RB almost) (JJ palpable)) (NN evil))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He also promoted the pillars of the Reformation : sola scriptura , sola fide , sola sacerdos , sola gracia , and sola Christe . VERB: promote POLAR NOUN: pillar GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: promoted the pillars of the Reformation sola scriptura sola fide sola sacerdos sola gracia and sola Christe PARSE: (VP (VBD promoted) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS pillars)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Reformation)))) (: :)) (NP (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (JJ sola) (NNS scriptura)) (, ,)) (NP (FW sola) (@NP (FW fide) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (FW sola) (FW sacerdos)))))) (, ,)) (ADJP (FW sola) (FW gracia)))) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP (NP sola) (NP Christe)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But this album encapsulates all the tricks of early King Crimson . VERB: encapsulate POLAR NOUN: trick GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: encapsulates all the tricks of early King Crimson PARSE: (VP (VBZ encapsulates) (NP (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (NNS tricks))) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ early) (@NP (NNP King) (NNP Crimson)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Part ( 2 ) focuses on the first 90 seconds for establishing a rapport . VERB: establish POLAR NOUN: rapport GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: establishing a rapport PARSE: (S (VBG establishing) (NP (DT a) (NN rapport))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: My patience paid off . VERB: pay_off POLAR NOUN: patience GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: patience paid off PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ My) (NN patience)) (@S (VP (VBD paid) (ADVP off)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She conveys a passion without being syrupy . VERB: convey POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: conveys a passion PARSE: (@VP (VBZ conveys) (NP (DT a) (NN passion))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I 've also noticed some difficulty using the touchpad to left-click . VERB: notice POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: noticed some difficulty using the touchpad to left-click PARSE: (VP (VBN noticed) (NP (NP (DT some) (NN difficulty)) (VP (VBG using) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN touchpad) (S (TO to) (VP left-click))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The Psalms induce a sensation like crystal in the brook , a textual choir smoothed over with sepia tone . VERB: induce POLAR NOUN: sensation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: induce a sensation like crystal in the brook PARSE: (VP (VBP induce) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN sensation)) (PP (IN like) (NP (NP crystal) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN brook))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Mega producer Clive Davis has guided many talents . VERB: guide POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: guided many talents PARSE: (VP (VBN guided) (NP (JJ many) (NNS talents))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Luck determines the winner . " VERB: determine POLAR NOUN: luck GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Luck determines the winner PARSE: (ROOT (NP Luck) (@S (@S (VP (VBZ determines) (NP (DT the) (NN winner))) (. .)) ('' ''))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I emailed for tech support . VERB: email POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: emailed for tech support PARSE: (VP (VBD emailed) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN tech) (NN support)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Anthony Bidulka has published his third Russell Quant Mystery . VERB: publish POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: published third Russell Quant Mystery PARSE: (VP (VBN published) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ third) (@NP (NNP Russell) (@NP (NN Quant) (NN Mystery)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Rei symbolizes fear , and is constantly questioning her existence . VERB: symbolize POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: symbolizes fear PARSE: (VP (VBZ symbolizes) (NP fear)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Four and a half stars , rounded down . VERB: round_down POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Four and a half stars rounded down PARSE: (ROOT (NP (QP (CD Four) (@QP (CC and) (@QP (DT a) (NN half)))) (NNS stars)) (@S (, ,) (@S (VP (VBD rounded) (PRT down)) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: My respect for the project as a whole doubled upon this second viewing . VERB: double POLAR NOUN: respect GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: respect for the project as a whole doubled upon this second viewing PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (PRP$ My) (NN respect)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN project)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (JJ whole)))))) (@S (VP (VBN doubled) (PP (IN upon) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ second) (NN viewing))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Rudy 's genius at leadership radiates on the pages of this book . VERB: radiate POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Rudy 's genius at leadership radiates on the pages of this book PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (NP (NNP Rudy) (POS 's)) (NN genius)) (PP (IN at) (NP leadership))) (@S (VP (VBZ radiates) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS pages)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN book)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Under the direction of Dr. Owen Burdick , the Choir breathes sensitivity into each carol . VERB: breathe POLAR NOUN: sensitivity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: breathes sensitivity PARSE: (@VP (VBZ breathes) (NP sensitivity)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Mediocrity served up competently . VERB: serve_up POLAR NOUN: mediocrity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Mediocrity served up competently PARSE: (ROOT (NP Mediocrity) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD served) (PRT up)) (ADVP competently)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The sound is an update of beauty from past recordings . VERB: update POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: update of beauty PARSE: (@VP (VB update) (PP (IN of) (NP beauty))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Under interrogation by Flippers , each detainee tells his/her version of what led up to the confrontation in Granny 's bedroom . VERB: lead_up POLAR NOUN: confrontation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: led up to the confrontation in Granny 's bedroom PARSE: (S (@VP (VBD led) (PRT up)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN confrontation)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP Granny) (POS 's)) (NN bedroom)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: On BRAINWASHED , Harrison sought to recapture that guitar bravado he established with CRY FOR A SHADOW in 1961 . VERB: recapture POLAR NOUN: bravado GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: recapture that guitar bravado he established with CRY FOR A SHADOW in 1961 PARSE: (VP (VB recapture) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NP (NN guitar) (NN bravado)) (NP he)) (VP (@VP (VBD established) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP CRY) (PP (IN FOR) (NP (DT A) (NN SHADOW)))))) (PP (IN in) (NP 1961)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Mischief and mayhem ensue . VERB: ensue POLAR NOUN: mischief GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Mischief and mayhem ensue PARSE: (ROOT (NP (@NP (NN Mischief) (CC and)) (NN mayhem)) (@S (VP ensue) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Of course a lot of the book revolves around her own ambivalence to the boys on offer at her school . VERB: revolve_around POLAR NOUN: ambivalence GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: revolves around own ambivalence PARSE: (@VP (VBZ revolves) (PP (IN around) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ own) (NN ambivalence))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The project was bound for disaster from day one . VERB: bound POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bound for disaster PARSE: (@VP (VBN bound) (PP (IN for) (NP disaster))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: That day , a stranger shows up and drops in on class-- Legs ( Angelina Jolie ) . VERB: show_up POLAR NOUN: stranger GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: a stranger shows up and drops in on class Legs Angelina Jolie PARSE: (@S (NP (DT a) (NN stranger)) (@S (VP (@VP (VP (VBZ shows) (PRT up)) (CC and)) (VP (VBZ drops) (PP (IN in) (@PP (IN on) (NP (@NP (NP class) (: --)) (NP (NP Legs) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (@PRN (NP (NNP Angelina) (NNP Jolie)) (-RRB- -RRB-))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: For example , we learn that Alexander routed his opponent , Darius , at Gaugamela . VERB: route POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: routed opponent Darius at Gaugamela PARSE: (VP (VBD routed) (NP (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NN opponent)) (, ,)) (NP Darius)) (, ,)) (PP (IN at) (NP Gaugamela)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Some history interspersed with the ' Hate Bush ' propaganda VERB: intersperse POLAR NOUN: propaganda GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: interspersed with the Hate Bush ' propaganda PARSE: (VP (VBN interspersed) (NP (PP (@PP (IN with) (NP the)) ('' ')) (NP (NP Hate) (NP (NP (NNP Bush) (POS ')) (NN propaganda))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I found this book by surfing recommendations one day here on Amazon . VERB: surf POLAR NOUN: recommendations GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: surfing recommendations PARSE: (@VP (VBG surfing) (NP recommendations)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Casey Atwood makes a living spotting cheats in casinos . VERB: spot POLAR NOUN: cheat GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: spotting cheats in casinos PARSE: (VP (VBG spotting) (NP (NP cheats) (PP (IN in) (NP casinos)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The first is to clarify people 's misconceptions about it . " VERB: clarify POLAR NOUN: misconception GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: clarify people 's misconceptions PARSE: (@VP (VB clarify) (NP (NP (NNS people) (POS 's)) (NNS misconceptions))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This moment catapulted Ali into eternity . VERB: catapult POLAR NOUN: eternity GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: catapulted Ali into eternity PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD catapulted) (NP Ali)) (PP (IN into) (NP eternity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: One curiosity - the book is marketed as a Christian mystery . VERB: market POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: marketed as a Christian mystery PARSE: (VP (VBN marketed) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ Christian) (NN mystery))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: From the streets to the internet , this book will re-ignite your passions to live the religion every day . VERB: reignite POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: re-ignite passions PARSE: (@VP (VB re-ignite) (NP (PRP$ your) (NNS passions))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: First that such a first rate director and cast could come up with such a mess . VERB: come_up POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: come up with such a mess PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB come) (PRT up)) (PP (IN with) (NP (PDT such) (@NP (DT a) (NN mess))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This series leads him to meet Joyce Babner , who he soon marries as both connect with their quirky personalities . VERB: connect POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: connect with quirky personalities PARSE: (VP (VBP connect) (PP (IN with) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ quirky) (NNS personalities))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This one sizzles with intrigue , action , and romance . VERB: sizzle POLAR NOUN: intrigue GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sizzles with intrigue action and romance PARSE: (VP (VBZ sizzles) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP intrigue) (, ,)) (NP action)) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP romance)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The songs were recorded when the band was touring in support of the " Born on a Pirate Ship " CD. VERB: tour POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: touring in support of the Born on a Pirate Ship CD PARSE: (VP (VBG touring) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP support) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP the) ('' '')) (VP (VBN Born) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NNP Pirate) (@NP (NNP Ship) (@NP ('' '') (NNP CD)))))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Polanski mistook confusion for art . VERB: mistake POLAR NOUN: confusion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: mistook confusion PARSE: (@VP (VBD mistook) (NP confusion)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: His time spent wandering the gloom of Thessoloniki is interspersed with flashbacks of his wife and their home near the sea . VERB: wander POLAR NOUN: gloom GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: wandering the gloom of Thessoloniki PARSE: (S (VBG wandering) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN gloom)) (PP (IN of) (NP Thessoloniki)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He was drowning his sorrows in a local Sheffield nightclub , when he noticed teenagers Joanne Catherall and Susanne Sulley dancing . VERB: drown POLAR NOUN: sorrow GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: drowning sorrows PARSE: (@VP (VBG drowning) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS sorrows))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A bazaar filled with merchants grasping for a silent superiority . VERB: grasp POLAR NOUN: superiority GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: grasping for a silent superiority PARSE: (VP (VBG grasping) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ silent) (NN superiority))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Instead it kick-started the multi-media fame of Madonna as singer , artist , actress , etc . VERB: kick-start POLAR NOUN: fame GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: These things solidified my love of the sport and Darrell Waltrip . VERB: solidify POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: solidified love of the sport and Darrell Waltrip PARSE: (VP (VBD solidified) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN love)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN sport)) (CC and)) (NP (NNP Darrell) (NNP Waltrip)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Wit sparks in the dialogue where others would pile on the profanity and tough-talk . VERB: pile POLAR NOUN: profanity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pile on the profanity and tough-talk PARSE: (VP (VB pile) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN profanity) (CC and)) (NN tough-talk))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Carole King pours her passion into her music . VERB: pour POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pours passion PARSE: (@VP (VBZ pours) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN passion))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In other words , the story of Phoebe and Catherine evolves into a mystery of sorts . VERB: evolve POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: evolves into a mystery of sorts PARSE: (VP (VBZ evolves) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN mystery)) (PP (IN of) (NP sorts))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: While reading this book I found myself repeatedly gasping in delight . VERB: gasp POLAR NOUN: delight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: gasping in delight PARSE: (@VP (VBG gasping) (PP (IN in) (NP delight))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Now that she is entering retirement , the desire to pursue her quickly resurfaces . VERB: resurface POLAR NOUN: desire GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the desire to pursue her quickly resurfaces PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN desire) (S (TO to) (VP (VB pursue) (NP her))))) (@S (ADVP quickly) (@S (VP resurfaces) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This movie goes up to six stars VERB: go_up POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: goes up to six stars PARSE: (VP (VBZ goes) (ADVP (RB up) (PP (TO to) (NP (CD six) (NNS stars))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And it testifies to the seaman 's love for seamanship . VERB: testify POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: testifies to the seaman 's love for seamanship PARSE: (VP (VBZ testifies) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN seaman) (POS 's))) (NN love)) (PP (IN for) (NP seamanship))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: House Thran has now managed to regain their prestige on Adylonis after the battle with House Suum . VERB: regain POLAR NOUN: prestige GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: regain prestige PARSE: (@VP (VB regain) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN prestige))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: . . . . the total rating earned might add up to 5 or 6 stars . VERB: add_up POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: add up to 5 or 6 stars PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB add) (PRT up)) (PP (TO to) (NP (QP (@QP (CD 5) (CC or)) (CD 6)) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The book focuses on how to interact with your kids in a way that emphasizes firmness merged with kindness . VERB: merge POLAR NOUN: kindness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: merged with kindness PARSE: (VP (VBN merged) (PP (IN with) (NP kindness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In " Phoenix " he displays some of this but also gets to stretch his talents by getting more air time . VERB: stretch POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: stretch talents PARSE: (@VP (VB stretch) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS talents))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It is aesthetic in its attempt to render and anticipate the beauty of God 's holiness through its rites . VERB: render POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: render and anticipate the beauty of God 's holiness PARSE: (@VP (@VP (@VP (VB render) (CC and)) (VB anticipate)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN beauty)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP God) (POS 's)) (NN holiness))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Selections include gospels allegedly written by or attributed to the apostles Thomas , James , Peter , and Mark . VERB: attribute POLAR NOUN: apostle GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: attributed to the apostles PARSE: (VP (VBN attributed) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NNS apostles)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This might generate some ire but bear with me . VERB: generate POLAR NOUN: ire GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: generate some ire but bear PARSE: (@VP (VB generate) (NP (DT some) (@NP (@NP (NN ire) (CC but)) (NN bear)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The only quibble I had with the book was the occasional plot wrinkle that made me blink in confusion . VERB: blink POLAR NOUN: confusion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: blink in confusion PARSE: (VP (VB blink) (PP (IN in) (NP confusion))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Mr. Edwards says he will leap for joy at the sight of it . VERB: leap POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: leap for joy PARSE: (@VP (VB leap) (PP (IN for) (NP joy))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: That is , Catholics and Pius himself are frequently singled out for condemnation in discussions of the holocaust . VERB: single_out POLAR NOUN: condemnation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: singled out for condemnation PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBN singled) (PRT out)) (PP (IN for) (NP condemnation))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Disaster is visiting the New Republic as the " truce " has ended and the Vong continue their invasion of the galaxy . VERB: visit POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Disaster is visiting the New Republic as the truce has ended and the Vong continue invasion of the galaxy PARSE: (ROOT (NP Disaster) (@S (VP (VBZ is) (VP (@VP (VBG visiting) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP New) (NNP Republic)))) (PP (IN as) (NP (@NP (NP the) ('' '')) (SBAR (@S (S (NP truce) (@S ('' '') (VP (VBZ has) (VP ended)))) (CC and)) (S (NP (DT the) (NNP Vong)) (VP (VBP continue) (NP (NP (PRP$ their) (NN invasion)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN galaxy))))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: His goal was idealistic , borne out of an undying love and patriotism for his country . VERB: bear_out POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: borne out of an undying love and patriotism for country PARSE: (S (@VP (VBN borne) (PRT out)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT an) (@NP (JJ undying) (@NP (@NP (NN love) (CC and)) (NN patriotism)))) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN country)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: as we start to hear how undersupplied the FDNY was to cope with the disaster of 911 . VERB: cope POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cope with the disaster of 911 PARSE: (VP (VB cope) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN disaster)) (PP (IN of) (NP 911))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And every time I listen to it , I rediscover its beauty . VERB: rediscover POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rediscover beauty PARSE: (VP (VBP rediscover) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN beauty))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: My sister Joanie listened to it all the time , and she became linked in my mind to the beauty of Joni Mitchell . VERB: link POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: linked in mind to the beauty of Joni Mitchell PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN linked) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN mind)))) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN beauty)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Joni) (NNP Mitchell)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: An untapped passion resides in this band we 'll have yet to see . VERB: reside POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: An untapped passion resides in this band we 'll have yet to see PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT An) (@NP (JJ untapped) (NN passion))) (@S (VP (VBZ resides) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT this) (NN band)) (SBAR (NP we) (VP (MD 'll) (VP (VB have) (S (RB yet) (VP (TO to) (VP see))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They will get sued for sexual harassment . VERB: sue POLAR NOUN: harassment GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sued for sexual harassment PARSE: (VP (VBN sued) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ sexual) (NN harassment)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: My oldest sister had to stir up trouble in our household and get a copy of this . VERB: stir_up POLAR NOUN: trouble GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stir up trouble in household PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB stir) (PRT up)) (NP (NP trouble) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ our) (NN household))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: To all Dio fans : Check out this underrated masterpiece . VERB: check_out POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Check out this underrated masterpiece PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB Check) (PRT out)) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ underrated) (NN masterpiece)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In one of the more concise portions , he elucidates the Six Perfections and the Four Ripening Factors . VERB: elucidate POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: elucidates the Six Perfections and the Four Ripening Factors PARSE: (VP (VBZ elucidates) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (CD Six) (NNS Perfections))) (CC and)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (CD Four) (@NP (NNP Ripening) (NNS Factors)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Sencion 's prose resonates in elegance . VERB: resonate POLAR NOUN: elegance GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: resonates in elegance PARSE: (VP (VBZ resonates) (PP (IN in) (NP elegance))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The sexual chemistry between them awakes passions in Esther , who leaves after the tryst . VERB: awake POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: awakes passions in Esther who leaves after the tryst PARSE: (VP (VBZ awakes) (NP (NP passions) (PP (IN in) (NP (@NP (NP Esther) (, ,)) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (VBZ leaves) (PP (IN after) (NP (DT the) (NN tryst))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The book also offers up hope and humor . VERB: offer_up POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: offers up hope and humor PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ offers) (PRT up)) (NP (@NP (NN hope) (CC and)) (NN humor))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Soon Grohl started calling up his heroes like Lemmy , Cronos , and King Diamond . VERB: call_up POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: calling up heroes PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBG calling) (PRT up)) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS heroes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Other songs rehash their fascination with new wave music . VERB: rehash POLAR NOUN: fascination GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rehash fascination PARSE: (@VP (VBP rehash) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN fascination))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The story hinges on Kumalo 's innate goodness , and Mr. Jones brings this to life in a way that carries the story along . VERB: hinge POLAR NOUN: goodness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hinges on Kumalo 's innate goodness PARSE: (VP (VBZ hinges) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (NNP Kumalo) (POS 's)) (@NP (JJ innate) (NN goodness))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Her anxiety escalates as she searches the train . VERB: escalate POLAR NOUN: anxiety GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: anxiety escalates as she searches the train PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ Her) (NN anxiety)) (@S (VP (VBZ escalates) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP she) (VP (VBZ searches) (NP (DT the) (NN train)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: " Fisherman 's Woman , " her new album , is that promise fulfilled . VERB: fulfil POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: promise fulfilled PARSE: (S (NP promise) (VP fulfilled)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As it turns out , a stranger from a distant world , an entity that calls itself Dar Tellum , is telepathically contacting Ralph . VERB: contact POLAR NOUN: stranger GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: a stranger from a distant world an entity that calls itself Dar Tellum is telepathically contacting Ralph PARSE: (@S (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (NP (DT a) (NN stranger)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ distant) (NN world))))) (, ,)) (NP (NP (DT an) (NN entity)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBZ calls) (S (NP itself) (NP (NNP Dar) (NNP Tellum))))))) (, ,)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ is) (ADVP telepathically)) (VP (VBG contacting) (NP Ralph))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But few rock stars spoke out . VERB: speak_out POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: few rock stars spoke out PARSE: (@S (NP (JJ few) (@NP (NN rock) (NNS stars))) (@S (VP (VBD spoke) (PRT out)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This passion erupts on the chorus , that showcases Jewel 's voice . VERB: erupt POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: This passion erupts on the chorus that showcases Jewel 's voice PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT This) (NN passion)) (@S (VP (VBZ erupts) (PP (IN on) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN chorus)) (, ,)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBZ showcases) (NP (NP (NNP Jewel) (POS 's)) (NN voice))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: These words match the urgency of the music around them . VERB: match POLAR NOUN: urgency GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: match the urgency of the music around them PARSE: (VP (VBP match) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN urgency)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN music)) (PP (IN around) (NP them)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Pain ripped through me like a lightning bolt . VERB: rip POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Pain ripped through me like a lightning bolt PARSE: (ROOT (NP Pain) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD ripped) (PP (IN through) (NP me))) (PP (IN like) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN lightning) (NN bolt))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Harrison Ford 's portrayal of Indy re-defines the hero . VERB: redefine POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: re-defines the hero PARSE: (VP (VBZ re-defines) (NP (DT the) (NN hero))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: His whole personna becomes altered to mimic the beast he becomes inside the ring . VERB: mimic POLAR NOUN: beast GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: mimic the beast he becomes inside the ring PARSE: (VP (VB mimic) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN beast)) (SBAR (NP he) (VP (VBZ becomes) (PP (IN inside) (NP (DT the) (NN ring))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Metellus had been convicted of corruption in meting out patronage . VERB: convict POLAR NOUN: corruption GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: convicted of corruption PARSE: (@VP (VBN convicted) (PP (IN of) (NP corruption))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In collaboration Alexander the Great and Pharoah Ptolemy of Egypt hid these pieces incorporating them into the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World . VERB: incorporate POLAR NOUN: wonder GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: incorporating them into the Seven Ancient Wonders of the World PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG incorporating) (NP them)) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (CD Seven) (@NP (JJ Ancient) (NNS Wonders)))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP World)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He proceeds to establish a new life and identity with the single purpose of exacting revenge against Rumplestiltskin and his cronies . VERB: exact POLAR NOUN: revenge GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: exacting revenge PARSE: (@VP (VBG exacting) (NP revenge)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: My early experiences in the HC years fostered a love of creating and playing music that persists to this day . VERB: foster POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fostered a love of creating and playing music that persists to this day PARSE: (VP (VBD fostered) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN love)) (PP (IN of) (S (@VP (@VP (VBG creating) (CC and)) (VBG playing)) (NP (NP music) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBZ persists) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT this) (NN day)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They are private citizens who "go to church " and practice their faith . VERB: practice POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: practice faith PARSE: (VP (VB practice) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN faith))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Weapon of choice : liquor laced with poison . VERB: lace POLAR NOUN: poison GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: laced with poison PARSE: (VP (VBD laced) (PP (IN with) (NP poison))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It keeps up the excitement throughout the whole event . VERB: keep_up POLAR NOUN: excitement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: keeps up the excitement throughout the whole event PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ keeps) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN excitement)) (PP (IN throughout) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ whole) (NN event)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: *** This slice of life novel is one that rings with truth . VERB: ring POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rings with truth PARSE: (S (VBZ rings) (PP (IN with) (NP truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Faith infuses the story from first to last . VERB: infuse POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Faith infuses the story from first to last PARSE: (ROOT (NP Faith) (@S (VP (@VP (@VP (VBZ infuses) (NP (DT the) (NN story))) (PP (IN from) (NP first))) (S (TO to) (VP last))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: i happened on a broadcast of 'what ho jeeves ' and was regularly doubled over with laughter . VERB: double_over POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: doubled over with laughter PARSE: (@VP (VBN doubled) (PP (IN over) (PP (IN with) (NP laughter)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But I can always picture that smile . VERB: picture POLAR NOUN: smile GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The family also sued TIME magazine for repeating the allegations and did receive an apology from the editors of TIME. VERB: repeat POLAR NOUN: allegation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: repeating the allegations PARSE: (S (VBG repeating) (NP (DT the) (NNS allegations))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Almost Cut My Hair is a classic , hippie non-conformist song that cries out in protest . VERB: cry_out POLAR NOUN: protest GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cries out in protest PARSE: (S (@VP (VBZ cries) (PRT out)) (PP (IN in) (NP protest))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Lee was a perfectionist bordering on fanaticism . VERB: border POLAR NOUN: fanaticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bordering on fanaticism PARSE: (VP (VBG bordering) (PP (IN on) (NP fanaticism))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: For over two hundred years America has permitted genocide against its own native peoples as well as thousands of lynchings of African-Americans . VERB: permit POLAR NOUN: genocide GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: permitted genocide against own native peoples as well as thousands of lynchings of African-Americans PARSE: (VP (VBN permitted) (NP (@NP (NP (NP genocide) (PP (IN against) (NP (PRP$ its) (@NP (JJ own) (@NP (JJ native) (NNS peoples)))))) (CONJP (RB as) (@CONJP (RB well) (IN as)))) (NP (NP thousands) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP lynchings) (PP (IN of) (NP African-Americans))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But I caution you , it will instill in you the desire to run out and purchase all you can by DCD. VERB: instill POLAR NOUN: desire GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: instill in you the desire to run out and purchase all you can by DCD PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB instill) (PP (IN in) (NP you))) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN desire) (S (TO to) (VP (@VP (VP (VB run) (PRT out)) (CC and)) (VP (VB purchase) (NP (NP all) (SBAR (NP you) (VP (MD can) (PP (IN by) (NP DCD))))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A pervading sadness envelops this story . VERB: envelop POLAR NOUN: sadness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: A pervading sadness envelops this story PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (@NP (JJ pervading) (NN sadness))) (@S (VP (VBZ envelops) (NP (DT this) (NN story))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Romance lovers unite - this one 's for you . VERB: unite POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They cleaned up the mess , and escaped ( pp.62-4) . VERB: clean_up POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cleaned up the mess PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD cleaned) (PRT up)) (NP (DT the) (NN mess))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The ' Conclusion ' summarizes the mistakes in these cases . VERB: summarize POLAR NOUN: mistake GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: summarizes the mistakes in these cases PARSE: (VP (VBZ summarizes) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS mistakes)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT these) (NNS cases))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: [ Gardner always played down the background corruption in his stories . VERB: play_down POLAR NOUN: corruption GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: played down the background corruption in stories PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD played) (PRT down)) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN background) (NN corruption))) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS stories))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A stranger walks in for a drink . VERB: walk_in POLAR NOUN: stranger GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: A stranger walks in for a drink PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (NN stranger)) (@S (VP (VBZ walks) (PP (IN in) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT a) (NN drink))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Rating docked one star for shortness . VERB: dock POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: docked one star for shortness PARSE: (VP (VBD docked) (NP (NP (CD one) (NN star)) (PP (IN for) (NP shortness)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Several years back , I overheard a Green Bay Packer aficionado 's disdain for 49ers fans . VERB: overhear POLAR NOUN: disdain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They responded by telling me they 're re-shipping the discs in question to me , and apologized for the inconvenience . VERB: apologize POLAR NOUN: inconvenience GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: apologized for the inconvenience PARSE: (VP (VBD apologized) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NN inconvenience)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It is a book fuelled on hatred , and it is a book DESIGNED TO TURN PEOPLE AWAY FROM HINDUISM AND INDIA . VERB: fuel POLAR NOUN: hatred GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fuelled on hatred PARSE: (VP (VBN fuelled) (PP (IN on) (NP hatred))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The oppression of the masses expands to include the prepaying customer . VERB: expand POLAR NOUN: oppression GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The oppression of the masses expands to include the prepaying customer PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (NN oppression)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNS masses)))) (@S (VP (VBZ expands) (S (TO to) (VP (VB include) (NP (DT the) (@NP (VBG prepaying) (NN customer)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: On that watch I could store a week 's worth of interval workouts each separately . VERB: store POLAR NOUN: worth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: store a week 's worth of interval workouts each PARSE: (@VP (VB store) (NP (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN week) (POS 's))) (NN worth)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (JJ interval) (NNS workouts)) (NP each))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Other books I had read on Prolog tended to two extremes . VERB: tend POLAR NOUN: extreme GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: tended to two extremes PARSE: (VP (VBD tended) (PP (TO to) (NP (CD two) (NNS extremes)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: As with Nikto and Luminara , I was kinda let down by the lack of poseability in this figure . VERB: let_down POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: let down by the lack of poseability in this figure PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB let) (PRT down)) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN lack)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP poseability) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT this) (NN figure)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: How to Cultivate a Personal , Selfish Love of Art VERB: cultivate POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Cultivate a Personal Selfish Love of Art PARSE: (VP (VB Cultivate) (NP (@NP (NP (DT a) (NNP Personal)) (, ,)) (NP (NP (NNP Selfish) (NNP Love)) (PP (IN of) (NP Art))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Zollner was a German astrophysicist who studied optical illusions . VERB: study POLAR NOUN: illusion GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: studied optical illusions PARSE: (S (VBD studied) (NP (JJ optical) (NNS illusions))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Also , the novel is written in first person , heightening the shock of the climax . VERB: heighten POLAR NOUN: shock GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: heightening the shock of the climax PARSE: (S (VBG heightening) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN shock)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN climax))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Their marketing driven approach smacks of arrogance . VERB: smack POLAR NOUN: arrogance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: smacks of arrogance PARSE: (VP (VBZ smacks) (PP (IN of) (NP arrogance))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: From analyzing the opportunity to digesting the UFOC , every question we have stumbled across has been answered by this book . VERB: analyze POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: analyzing the opportunity PARSE: (@VP (VBG analyzing) (NP (DT the) (NN opportunity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Instead of striving for a size , strive for well-being . VERB: strive POLAR NOUN: well-being GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: strive for well-being PARSE: (VP (VBP strive) (PP (IN for) (NP well-being))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The children are there throughout , though primarily as foils whose collective clumsiness serves to emphasize the perfection that is Miss Anita . VERB: emphasize POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: emphasize the perfection that is Miss Anita PARSE: (VP (VB emphasize) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN perfection)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Miss) (NNP Anita)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Dish also fixed some annoyances while channel surfing . VERB: fix POLAR NOUN: annoyance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fixed some annoyances PARSE: (@VP (VBN fixed) (NP (DT some) (NNS annoyances))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: My 36 " XBR WEGA exhibits video distortion in both thevertical and horizontal axis . VERB: exhibit POLAR NOUN: distortion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: exhibits video distortion in both thevertical and horizontal axis PARSE: (VP (VBZ exhibits) (NP (NP (NN video) (NN distortion)) (PP (IN in) (NP (ADJP (CC both) (@ADJP (@ADJP (JJ thevertical) (CC and)) (JJ horizontal))) (NN axis))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: After listening to this latest Nancy Wilson offering a few more times , I 'm revising my rating from 4 to 5 stars . VERB: revise POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: revising rating from 4 to 5 stars PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG revising) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN rating))) (PP (IN from) (NP (QP (@QP (CD 4) (TO to)) (CD 5)) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Each song has been honed to perfection . VERB: hone POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: honed to perfection PARSE: (VP (VBN honed) (PP (TO to) (NP perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: May their unbridled joy infect us all . " ... VERB: infect POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: unbridled joy infect us all PARSE: (SBAR (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ unbridled) (NN joy))) (VP (VB infect) (S (NP us) (NP all)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: More Than What Its Critics Assume VERB: assume POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Critics Assume PARSE: (S (NP (PRP$ Its) (NNS Critics)) (VP Assume)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This album paved her way to fame . VERB: pave POLAR NOUN: fame GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: paved way to fame PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD paved) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN way))) (PP (TO to) (NP fame))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Like many other sports anime and films , the team comes from "nowhere " to obtain the respect of others . VERB: obtain POLAR NOUN: respect GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: obtain the respect of others PARSE: (VP (VB obtain) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN respect)) (PP (IN of) (NP others)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But when these visions are explained by doctors to be the result of epileptic seizures , Sister John must reexamine her faith . VERB: reexamine POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reexamine faith PARSE: (VP (VB reexamine) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN faith))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The heroes have regrouped on Mon Calamari , and suddenly Admiral Ackbar re-enters the story . VERB: regroup POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The heroes have regrouped on Mon Calamari PARSE: (S (NP (DT The) (NNS heroes)) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN regrouped) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP Mon) (NNP Calamari)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Both the mother and father are pill popping suburbanites trapped in a 60 's hell . VERB: trap POLAR NOUN: hell GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: trapped in a 60 's hell PARSE: (VP (VBN trapped) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (CD 60) (POS 's))) (NN hell)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This game is fast , but there are sliders you can use to tailor it to your own preferences . VERB: tailor POLAR NOUN: preference GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: tailor it to own preferences PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB tailor) (NP it)) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ your) (@NP (JJ own) (NNS preferences))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: ' Like Father Like Son' is about a man infatuated with his father 's lover . VERB: infatuate POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: infatuated with father 's lover PARSE: (VP (VBN infatuated) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (NN father) (POS 's))) (NN lover)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Overall , Cinderella 2 bathes in it 's own mediocrity . VERB: bathe POLAR NOUN: mediocrity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bathes in it 's own mediocrity PARSE: (VP (VBZ bathes) (SBAR (IN in) (S (NP it) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (JJ own) (NN mediocrity)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This reverence should permeate all our actions . VERB: permeate POLAR NOUN: reverence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: This reverence should permeate all actions PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT This) (NN reverence)) (@S (VP (MD should) (VP (VB permeate) (NP (DT all) (@NP (PRP$ our) (NNS actions))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She is the co-founder of the Atlantic Behavioral Care - a center developed to aid people with speech difficulties . VERB: aid POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: aid people with speech difficulties PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB aid) (NP people)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NN speech) (NNS difficulties)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A smile creeps to my face remembering the chapter " The Aching-Ass Equation . " VERB: creep POLAR NOUN: smile GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: A smile creeps to face remembering the chapter The Aching-Ass Equation PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (NN smile)) (@S (@S (VP (VBZ creeps) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN face)) (VP (@VP (@VP (VBG remembering) (NP (DT the) (NN chapter))) ('' '')) (NP (DT The) (@NP (NNP Aching-Ass) (NN Equation))))))) (. .)) ('' ''))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Boff has reformulated Franciscan ideals into a twenty-first century context . VERB: reformulate POLAR NOUN: ideal GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reformulated Franciscan ideals PARSE: (@VP (VBN reformulated) (NP (JJ Franciscan) (NNS ideals))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It all started when I installed this beast for the first time . VERB: instal POLAR NOUN: beast GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: installed this beast PARSE: (@VP (VBD installed) (NP (DT this) (NN beast))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He 's done painted his masterpiece VERB: paint POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: painted masterpiece PARSE: (S (VBN painted) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Yet this common fallacy persists among many gamblers . VERB: persist POLAR NOUN: fallacy GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: this common fallacy persists among many gamblers PARSE: (@S (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ common) (NN fallacy))) (@S (VP (VBZ persists) (PP (IN among) (NP (JJ many) (NNS gamblers)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This widens the misunderstanding between the 3 monotheistic religions . VERB: widen POLAR NOUN: misunderstanding GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: widens the misunderstanding between the 3 monotheistic religions PARSE: (VP (VBZ widens) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN misunderstanding)) (PP (IN between) (NP (DT the) (@NP (CD 3) (@NP (JJ monotheistic) (NNS religions))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Through a robbery this secret is unearthed and soon it 's terror looms over the city of New Orleans . VERB: loom POLAR NOUN: terror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: terror looms over the city of New Orleans PARSE: (NP (NP terror) (SBAR (VBZ looms) (PP (IN over) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN city)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP New) (NNP Orleans))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Tesla regains his hold on Andreas and hatches his plot for revenge . VERB: hatch POLAR NOUN: revenge GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hatches plot for revenge PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ hatches) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN plot))) (PP (IN for) (NP revenge))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It is left for the reader to weigh their motivations and determine the accuracy of their information . VERB: weigh POLAR NOUN: motivation GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: weigh motivations PARSE: (VP (VB weigh) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS motivations))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Malkmus parades a greater mastery of everything he 's ever worked on with this thing . VERB: parade POLAR NOUN: mastery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: parades a greater mastery of everything he 's ever worked on with this thing PARSE: (VP (VBZ parades) (NP (@NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJR greater) (NN mastery))) (PP (IN of) (NP everything))) (SBAR (NP he) (VP (@VP (VBZ 's) (ADVP ever)) (VP (VBN worked) (PP (IN on) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT this) (NN thing))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The founders ' personalities clash . VERB: clash POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The founders ' personalities clash PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (@NP (NNS founders) (POS '))) (NNS personalities)) (@S (VP clash) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In " My Vietnam " she correlates her perils to the sounds of detonating bombs . VERB: correlate POLAR NOUN: peril GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: correlates perils PARSE: (VP (VBZ correlates) (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS perils))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: There are few voices in the arena of biblical studies who command the respect due Robert Alter . VERB: command POLAR NOUN: respect GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: command the respect PARSE: (@VP (VBP command) (NP (DT the) (NN respect))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He has about a dozen lines to impart his talents . VERB: impart POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: impart talents PARSE: (VP (VB impart) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS talents))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: There 's a downed tree , but it reclines in solitary insolence on a railroad track . VERB: recline POLAR NOUN: insolence GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: reclines in solitary insolence on a railroad track PARSE: (VP (VBZ reclines) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (JJ solitary) (NN insolence)) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN railroad) (NN track))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: That affection carries over into his accounts of how his ancestors lived . VERB: carry_over POLAR NOUN: affection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: That affection carries over into accounts of how ancestors lived PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT That) (NN affection)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ carries) (PRT over)) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS accounts)) (PP (IN of) (SBAR (WHADVP how) (S (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS ancestors)) (VP lived))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: American policies have a distant reach and have already been implemented with military might . VERB: implement POLAR NOUN: might GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: implemented with military might PARSE: (VP (VBN implemented) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ military) (NN might)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Larson , reaching deep into the past , retrieves the Norse hero , Erik the Red . VERB: retrieve POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: retrieves the Norse hero Erik the Red PARSE: (VP (VBZ retrieves) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ Norse) (NN hero))) (, ,)) (NP (NNP Erik) (@NP (DT the) (NNP Red))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Books on buying and selling are beset with perils . VERB: beset POLAR NOUN: peril GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: beset with perils PARSE: (VP (VBN beset) (PP (IN with) (NP perils))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Each reader must select preferences - each reviewer will disclose theirs here . VERB: select POLAR NOUN: preference GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: select preferences PARSE: (VP (VB select) (NP preferences)) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: On the other hand , she plops some invective into the narrative against selected targets , of which more later . VERB: plop POLAR NOUN: invective GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: plops some invective PARSE: (@VP (VBZ plops) (NP (DT some) (NN invective))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Walsh carefully outlines the personalities and the sequence of events leading to the finds . VERB: outline POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: outlines the personalities and the sequence of events leading to the finds PARSE: (VP (VBZ outlines) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NNS personalities)) (CC and)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN sequence)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP events) (VP (VBG leading) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NNS finds))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He critiques other accusations in the same way . VERB: critique POLAR NOUN: accusation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: critiques other accusations in the same way PARSE: (VP (VBZ critiques) (NP (NP (JJ other) (NNS accusations)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ same) (NN way)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He places terms like "scientist " and "knowledge " in scare quotes , alerting you to his disdain . VERB: alert POLAR NOUN: disdain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: alerting you to disdain PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG alerting) (NP you)) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN disdain)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Tiger Single , the senior partner , with his son Oliver , are set to reap a fortune . VERB: reap POLAR NOUN: fortune GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reap a fortune PARSE: (VP (VB reap) (NP (DT a) (NN fortune))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Or is it malign , a condition which brings Midgley again forward to declare as "madness . " VERB: declare POLAR NOUN: madness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: declare as madness PARSE: (VP (VB declare) (PP (@PP (IN as) (`` ``)) (NP madness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In time , the cloud coalesced into a star , with the leftovers becoming our solar system . VERB: coalesce POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: coalesced into a star PARSE: (@VP (VBD coalesced) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (NN star)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The book is spiced with personalities and accounts of African exploration . VERB: spice POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: spiced with personalities and accounts of African exploration PARSE: (VP (VBN spiced) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (@NP (NNS personalities) (CC and)) (NNS accounts)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ African) (NN exploration)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I detected an increasing propensity towards style over substance , metaphors and word-games to cover up a lack of plot and story . VERB: cover_up POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cover up a lack of plot and story PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB cover) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN lack)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NN plot) (CC and)) (NN story))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Upon another meeting with his father after his accident , his anger is suddenly unlocked . VERB: unlock POLAR NOUN: anger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: anger is suddenly unlocked PARSE: (@S (NP (PRP$ his) (NN anger)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ is) (ADVP suddenly)) (VP unlocked)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: All the acts donated their talents . VERB: donate POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: donated talents PARSE: (VP (VBD donated) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS talents))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Jon Katz dispenses sage wisdom from his work with dogs . VERB: dispense POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: dispenses sage wisdom PARSE: (@VP (VBZ dispenses) (NP (NN sage) (NN wisdom))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: With this lind of information he could embed in his designs a brand loyalty . VERB: embed POLAR NOUN: loyalty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: embed in designs a brand loyalty PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB embed) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS designs)))) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN brand) (NN loyalty)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He nursed his grudges . VERB: nurse POLAR NOUN: grudge GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: nursed grudges PARSE: (VP (VBD nursed) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS grudges))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I attended the protest of the School of the Americas at Fort Benning this past November . VERB: attend POLAR NOUN: protest GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: attended the protest of the School of the Americas PARSE: (@VP (VBD attended) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN protest)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNP School)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNPS Americas))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Anything to drown out the sorrow beneath . VERB: drown_out POLAR NOUN: sorrow GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: drown out the sorrow PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB drown) (PRT out)) (NP (DT the) (NN sorrow))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They are young men who invoke the same shortcomings we all have . VERB: invoke POLAR NOUN: shortcoming GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: invoke the same shortcomings we all have PARSE: (S (VBP invoke) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ same) (NNS shortcomings))) (SBAR (NP we) (@S (ADVP all) (VP have))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: My partner , on the other hand , roars with laughter as he reads his books . VERB: roar POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: roars with laughter PARSE: (@VP (VBZ roars) (PP (IN with) (NP laughter))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: That 's the only thing that keeps this book from copping 5 stars from me . VERB: cop POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: copping 5 stars PARSE: (@VP (VBG copping) (NP (CD 5) (NNS stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: My disappointments that net it 4 stars are content-related . VERB: net POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: net it 4 stars PARSE: (S (VBP net) (S (NP it) (NP (CD 4) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This over-the-top overkill goes on and on . VERB: go_on POLAR NOUN: overkill GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: This over-the-top overkill goes on and on PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT This) (@NP (JJ over-the-top) (NN overkill))) (@S (VP (VBZ goes) (ADVP (@ADVP (IN on) (CC and)) (IN on))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They are in character order , and the current radical is circled . VERB: circle POLAR NOUN: radical GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the current radical is circled PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ current) (NN radical))) (VP (VBZ is) (VP circled))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This book rated LESS than 1 star averaged among all the readers in the club ( on a scale of 0 to 4) . VERB: average POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: This book rated LESS than 1 star averaged among all the readers in the club on a scale of 0 to 4 PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT This) (NN book)) (VP (VBN rated) (NP (NP LESS) (PP (IN than) (NP (CD 1) (NN star)))))) (@S (VP (@VP (@VP (VBD averaged) (PP (IN among) (NP (DT all) (@NP (DT the) (NNS readers))))) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN club)))) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (@PRN (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN scale)) (PP (IN of) (NP (CD 0) (@NP (TO to) (CD 4)))))) (-RRB- -RRB-)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: His head swims with the euphoria of the moment . VERB: swim POLAR NOUN: euphoria GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: swims with the euphoria of the moment PARSE: (VP (VBZ swims) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN euphoria)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN moment)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I 'll let future Murphy scholars dissect it for its literary merits ... VERB: dissect POLAR NOUN: merit GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: dissect it for literary merits PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP dissect) (NP it)) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ its) (@NP (JJ literary) (NNS merits))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It is said that children manifest the secret desires of their parents . VERB: manifest POLAR NOUN: desire GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: manifest the secret desires of parents PARSE: (VP (VBP manifest) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ secret) (NNS desires))) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS parents))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: That one disobedience triggers many life changes . VERB: trigger POLAR NOUN: disobedience GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: That one disobedience triggers many life changes PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT That) (@NP (CD one) (NN disobedience))) (@S (VP (VBZ triggers) (NP (JJ many) (@NP (NN life) (NNS changes)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They range from the Earth to planets orbiting distant stars . VERB: orbit POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: orbiting distant stars PARSE: (VP (VBG orbiting) (NP (JJ distant) (NNS stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The liner notes of the Great Conductors disc heaped praise on the Kletzki Beethoven performances featured here , and I can now see why . VERB: heap POLAR NOUN: praise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: heaped praise on the Kletzki Beethoven performances featured here PARSE: (VP (VBD heaped) (SBAR (NP (NP praise) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Kletzki) (@NP (NNP Beethoven) (NNS performances)))))) (VP (VBD featured) (ADVP here)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The conversations reeked of cliches . VERB: reek POLAR NOUN: cliche GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: reeked of cliches PARSE: (VP (VBN reeked) (PP (IN of) (NP cliches))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The intrigue gradually ensnares all the previously introduced characters and rushes toward the conclusion . VERB: ensnare POLAR NOUN: intrigue GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The intrigue gradually ensnares all the previously introduced characters and rushes toward the conclusion PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN intrigue)) (@S (ADVP gradually) (@S (VP (@VP (VP (VBZ ensnares) (S (NP (PDT all) (DT the)) (VP (ADVP previously) (@VP (VBN introduced) (NP characters))))) (CC and)) (VP (VBZ rushes) (PP (IN toward) (NP (DT the) (NN conclusion))))) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Your intolerance harkens to the middle ages when the church forbade every lay person from reading the bible or anything religious . VERB: harken POLAR NOUN: intolerance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: intolerance harkens to the middle ages when the church forbade every lay person from reading the bible or anything religious PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ Your) (NN intolerance)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ harkens) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ middle) (NNS ages))))) (SBAR (WHADVP when) (S (NP (DT the) (NN church)) (VP (@VP (VBD forbade) (NP (DT every) (@NP (JJ lay) (NN person)))) (PP (IN from) (S (VBG reading) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN bible)) (CC or)) (NP (NN anything) (JJ religious))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Boz has graced us with a beauty . VERB: grace POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: graced us with a beauty PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN graced) (NP us)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT a) (NN beauty)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Nancy 's voice is aging to perfection , with less of the cutesy nasality than in her youth and more body to the tone . VERB: age POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: aging to perfection with less of the cutesy nasality PARSE: (@VP (VBG aging) (PP (@PP (PP (TO to) (NP perfection)) (, ,)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP less) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ cutesy) (NN nasality)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In every byre in the parish the half-starved beasts bellowed dolefully with hunger and cold . VERB: bellow POLAR NOUN: beast GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the half-starved beasts bellowed dolefully with hunger and cold PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ half-starved) (NNS beasts))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD bellowed) (ADVP dolefully)) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (NN hunger) (CC and)) (NN cold)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And what a talent to behold . VERB: behold POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: a talent to behold PARSE: (S (NP (DT a) (NN talent)) (VP (TO to) (VP behold))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Sometimes you 'll hear people say that science and technology have outrun morality and ethics . VERB: outrun POLAR NOUN: morality GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: outrun morality and ethics PARSE: (VP (VBN outrun) (NP (@NP (NN morality) (CC and)) (NNS ethics))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: JPD launched a storied literary career with a masterpiece in The Ginger Man . VERB: launch POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: launched a storied literary career with a masterpiece PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD launched) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ storied) (@NP (JJ literary) (NN career))))) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She invents a disagreement with her mother , and then and there he borrows her his pajamas . VERB: invent POLAR NOUN: disagreement GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: invents a disagreement with mother PARSE: (VP (VBZ invents) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN disagreement)) (PP (IN with) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN mother))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: While a possessive mother is stalking our lead hero and his new girlfriend , she is bitten by said monkey . VERB: stalk POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: stalking lead hero and new girlfriend PARSE: (VP (VBG stalking) (NP (PRP$ our) (@NP (JJ lead) (@NP (NN hero) (@NP (CC and) (@NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ new) (NN girlfriend)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She seizes the opportunity to advance her son , Nero , to be named Emperor . VERB: seize POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: seizes the opportunity to advance son Nero to be named Emperor PARSE: (VP (VBZ seizes) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN opportunity) (S (TO to) (VP (VB advance) (S (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ her) (NN son)) (, ,)) (NP Nero)) (, ,)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB be) (VP (VBN named) (NP Emperor)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They had to trot out yet another blond heroine who discovers Batman 's secret identity . VERB: trot_out POLAR NOUN: heroine GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: trot out yet another blond heroine who discovers Batman 's secret identity PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB trot) (PRT out)) (NP (NP (RB yet) (@NP (DT another) (@NP (JJ blond) (NN heroine)))) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (VBZ discovers) (NP (NP (NNP Batman) (POS 's)) (@NP (JJ secret) (NN identity))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: more melodic than frenching the bully . VERB: french POLAR NOUN: bully GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Now , they are signing electronic masters like Balligomingo . VERB: sign POLAR NOUN: masters GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: signing electronic masters PARSE: (@VP (VBG signing) (NP (JJ electronic) (NNS masters))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Darth Maul tracks the Neimodian traitor , Hath Monchar , to Coruscant . VERB: track POLAR NOUN: traitor GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: tracks the Neimodian traitor Hath Monchar to Coruscant PARSE: (VP (VBZ tracks) (NP (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ Neimodian) (NN traitor))) (, ,)) (NP (NNP Hath) (NNP Monchar))) (, ,)) (PP (TO to) (NP Coruscant)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Her dad only talks to her about track , and his pushing sucks all the enjoyment out of it for her . VERB: suck_out POLAR NOUN: enjoyment GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sucks all the enjoyment PARSE: (@VP (VBZ sucks) (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (NN enjoyment)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This is when my obsession with Pink Floyd set in . VERB: set_in POLAR NOUN: obsession GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: obsession with Pink Floyd set in PARSE: (S (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN obsession)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NNP Pink) (NNP Floyd)))) (VP (VBN set) (PP in))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And television must have been on Peter Mayles mind when he typed this disaster . VERB: type POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: typed this disaster PARSE: (VP (VBD typed) (NP (DT this) (NN disaster))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: David Kapelian has authored a masterpiece that belongs in every home in America next to the Family BIBLE. VERB: author POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: authored a masterpiece that belongs in every home in America next to the Family BIBLE PARSE: (VP (VBN authored) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (@VP (VBZ belongs) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT every) (NN home)) (PP (IN in) (NP America))))) (PP (IN next) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Family) (NNP BIBLE))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They are humanized stereotypes . VERB: humanize POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: humanized stereotypes PARSE: (VP (VBN humanized) (NP stereotypes)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Then one day I was pissed and put in MOP to thrash out my anger to . VERB: thrash_out POLAR NOUN: anger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: thrash out anger PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB thrash) (PRT out)) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN anger))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And " solving " it only multiplies the mysteries . VERB: multiply POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: multiplies the mysteries PARSE: (@VP (VBZ multiplies) (NP (DT the) (NNS mysteries))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: As any film afficianado would expect , Robert Deniro 's performance crackles with Jedi Mastery of his craft . VERB: crackle POLAR NOUN: mastery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: crackles with Jedi Mastery of craft PARSE: (VP (VBZ crackles) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NNP Jedi) (NNP Mastery)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN craft)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Michael Moore could somehow string his bleeding-heart sentiments to something bearing weight . VERB: string POLAR NOUN: sentiment GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: string bleeding-heart sentiments PARSE: (@VP (VB string) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ bleeding-heart) (NNS sentiments)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Someone dressed up a monster eating a plastic , , ,hmmmmmm , ,doggie toy . VERB: dress_up POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dressed up a monster PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD dressed) (PRT up)) (NP (DT a) (NN monster))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This tune gives off a foot-tappin' sensation . VERB: give_off POLAR NOUN: sensation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: gives off a foot-tappin sensation PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ gives) (PRT off)) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN foot-tappin) (@NP ('' ') (NN sensation))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Caught in the middle literally is their psychologically conflicted son Mikey , who has internalized his parents ' pain . VERB: internalize POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: internalized parents ' pain PARSE: (VP (VBN internalized) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (NNS parents) (POS '))) (NN pain))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It is in Kenya where he discovers a nation with 400 different tribes , each of them saddled with stereotypes of the others . VERB: saddle POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: saddled with stereotypes of the others PARSE: (VP (VBD saddled) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP stereotypes) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNS others)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Here is another word that rhymes with shame . " VERB: rhyme POLAR NOUN: shame GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: rhymes with shame PARSE: (S (VBZ rhymes) (PP (IN with) (NP shame))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They travel from Wisconsin all the way to Kansas Territory in that wagon , camping out under the stars the whole way . VERB: camp_out POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: camping out under the stars the whole way PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG camping) (PRT out)) (PP (IN under) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS stars)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ whole) (NN way)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This long , contemplative piece leads off into eternity . VERB: lead_off POLAR NOUN: eternity GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: leads off into eternity PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ leads) (PRT off)) (PP (IN into) (NP eternity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: " The Day of the Jackal " occupies a pride of place there . VERB: occupy POLAR NOUN: pride GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: occupies a pride of place there PARSE: (@VP (VBZ occupies) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN pride)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP place) (ADVP there))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: " Spit on a Stranger " is sung by Chris Thile , and it is a fun song . VERB: spit POLAR NOUN: stranger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Spit on a Stranger PARSE: (S (VB Spit) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN Stranger) ('' ''))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I called back tech support and waited 31 minutes on hold this time . VERB: call_back POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: called back tech support PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD called) (PRT back)) (NP (NN tech) (NN support))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Nonetheless , we get to hear Mingus yelling encouragement to Phil Urso on " Jack the Fieldstalker . " VERB: yell POLAR NOUN: encouragement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: yelling encouragement PARSE: (@VP (VBG yelling) (NP encouragement)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I would use The PD Life as a reference book along with the bible and as many other similar books that map faith . VERB: map POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: map faith PARSE: (S (VBP map) (NP faith)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Andy Grove shares his early life experiences that shaped his destiny . VERB: shape POLAR NOUN: destiny GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: shaped destiny PARSE: (S (VBD shaped) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN destiny))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: NBA 2K3 is steeped in an almost dour regard for the rules and practices of the sport of basketball . VERB: steep POLAR NOUN: regard GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: steeped in an almost dour regard for the rules and practices of the sport of basketball PARSE: (VP (VBN steeped) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT an) (@NP (ADJP (RB almost) (JJ dour)) (NN regard))) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NNS rules) (CC and)) (NNS practices))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN sport)) (PP (IN of) (NP basketball))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: All of their stories intertwine into a masterpiece . VERB: intertwine POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: intertwine into a masterpiece PARSE: (VP (VBP intertwine) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: My teeth straightened , my hair acquired luster , and I began to glow in the dark . VERB: acquire POLAR NOUN: luster GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: acquired luster PARSE: (VP (VBD acquired) (NP luster)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's like watching a prizefighter stick-and-move , and pick apart an opponent , cutting them off , shutting them down . VERB: pick_apart POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pick apart an opponent PARSE: (S (@VP (VB pick) (PRT apart)) (NP (DT an) (NN opponent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Then the band segues into the album 's first musical highlight , 400 Years . VERB: segue POLAR NOUN: highlight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: segues into the album 's first musical highlight 400 Years PARSE: (VP (VBZ segues) (PP (IN into) (NP (@NP (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN album) (POS 's))) (@NP (JJ first) (@NP (JJ musical) (NN highlight)))) (, ,)) (NP (CD 400) (NNS Years))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Some scurry after those opportunities . VERB: scurry POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: scurry after those opportunities PARSE: (VP (VBP scurry) (PP (IN after) (NP (DT those) (NNS opportunities)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: When I saw that Michener wrote the be-all , end-all novel on Alaska , I raced at the opportunity to read it . VERB: race POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: raced at the opportunity PARSE: (@VP (VBD raced) (PP (IN at) (NP (DT the) (NN opportunity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This is a program targeted at a mid-level graphics enthusiast . VERB: target POLAR NOUN: enthusiast GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: targeted at a mid-level graphics enthusiast PARSE: (VP (VBN targeted) (PP (IN at) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ mid-level) (@NP (NNS graphics) (NN enthusiast)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Ben and Jason are swelling with talent . VERB: swell POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: swelling with talent PARSE: (VP (VBG swelling) (PP (IN with) (NP talent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This corresponds to the two different knife wounds noted in Nicole 's autopsy : a single-edged hunting knife , and a double-edged stiletto . VERB: correspond POLAR NOUN: wound GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: corresponds to the two different knife wounds noted in Nicole 's autopsy a single-edged hunting knife and a double-edged stiletto PARSE: (VP (VBZ corresponds) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (CD two) (@NP (JJ different) (@NP (NN knife) (NNS wounds))))) (VP (VBD noted) (PP (IN in) (NP (@NP (NP (NP (NNP Nicole) (POS 's)) (NN autopsy)) (: :)) (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ single-edged) (@NP (NN hunting) (NN knife)))) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ double-edged) (NN stiletto)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: For Goehring , leaving Junction would have amounted to destitution . VERB: amount POLAR NOUN: destitution GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: amounted to destitution PARSE: (VP (VBD amounted) (PP (TO to) (NP destitution))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: IMUX , MEDs , LOCAL-PREFS are all meshed together in one unholy mess . VERB: mesh POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: meshed together in one unholy mess PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN meshed) (ADVP together)) (PP (IN in) (NP (CD one) (@NP (JJ unholy) (NN mess))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Sometimes complexity can be disguised as simplicity . VERB: disguise POLAR NOUN: simplicity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: disguised as simplicity PARSE: (VP (VBN disguised) (PP (IN as) (NP simplicity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: then it spiraled into cliche . VERB: spiral POLAR NOUN: cliche GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: spiraled into cliche PARSE: (VP (VBD spiraled) (PP (IN into) (NP cliche))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The violence makes its impact on the viewer without resorting to any exaggerations or excessiveness . VERB: resort POLAR NOUN: exaggeration GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: resorting to any exaggerations or excessiveness PARSE: (S (VBG resorting) (PP (TO to) (NP (@NP (NP (DT any) (NNS exaggerations)) (CC or)) (NP excessiveness)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The second half comprises MacIntyre 's attempt at reconstructing a deontological system predicated on individual virtue . VERB: predicate POLAR NOUN: virtue GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: predicated on individual virtue PARSE: (VP (VBN predicated) (PP (IN on) (NP (JJ individual) (NN virtue)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book reawakened in me a godly joy to be Catholic . VERB: reawaken POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reawakened in me a godly joy to be Catholic PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN reawakened) (PP (IN in) (NP me))) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ godly) (@NP (NN joy) (S (TO to) (VP (VB be) (ADJP Catholic))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The answer will make you groan with disappointment . VERB: groan POLAR NOUN: disappointment GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: groan with disappointment PARSE: (VP (VB groan) (PP (IN with) (NP disappointment))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: very negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It is , as a previous reviewer has noted , flawed by a lack of documentation . VERB: flaw POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: flawed by a lack of documentation PARSE: (S (VBN flawed) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN lack)) (PP (IN of) (NP documentation))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Now with Binarual and Riot Act they 're riding on the ingenuity of the flow and build of the album . VERB: ride POLAR NOUN: ingenuity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: riding on the ingenuity of the flow PARSE: (VP (VBG riding) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN ingenuity)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN flow)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Pauly Shore may be on cover and billed as the star but he is only in the film for about 10 minutes . VERB: bill POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: billed as the star PARSE: (VP (VBD billed) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT the) (NN star)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: All we can do is look on in awe . VERB: look_on POLAR NOUN: awe GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: look on in awe PARSE: (VP (VB look) (PP (IN on) (PP (IN in) (NP awe)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Both novels chart the decay and machinations of a human , with an almost robotic mind . VERB: chart POLAR NOUN: decay GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: chart the decay and machinations of a human PARSE: (@VP (VBP chart) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN decay) (CC and)) (NNS machinations))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (JJ human))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And also their uncanny knack of touching on the weaknesses we share as a whole race . VERB: touch_on POLAR NOUN: weakness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: touching on the weaknesses PARSE: (@VP (VBG touching) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NNS weaknesses)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Any of you out there who have gagged at the idiocy of local TV newscasts owe it to yourselves to buy this . VERB: gag POLAR NOUN: idiocy GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: gagged at the idiocy of local TV newscasts PARSE: (VP (VBN gagged) (PP (IN at) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN idiocy)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ local) (@NP (NN TV) (NNS newscasts))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: When it first premired in 1971 , it garnered both praise and critism , mainly because of the sexual content in it 's stories . VERB: garner POLAR NOUN: praise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: garnered both praise and critism PARSE: (@VP (VBD garnered) (NP (CC both) (@NP (@NP (NP praise) (CC and)) (NP critism)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Passion reverberates in every strum , tap and pick that Oscar does . VERB: reverberate POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Passion reverberates in every strum tap and pick that Oscar does PARSE: (ROOT (NP Passion) (@S (VP (@VP (VP (VBZ reverberates) (PP (IN in) (NP (@NP (NP (DT every) (NN strum)) (, ,)) (NP tap)))) (CC and)) (VP (VB pick) (SBAR (NP (DT that) (NNP Oscar)) (VP does)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The stories themselves are a revelation--dispelling the prejudices engendered by Danny Kaye and Disney . VERB: engender POLAR NOUN: prejudice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the prejudices engendered by Danny Kaye and Disney PARSE: (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS prejudices)) (VP (VBN engendered) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNP Danny) (@NP (@NP (NNP Kaye) (CC and)) (NNP Disney)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: " Waves " is the track that sets off JD 's madness . VERB: set_off POLAR NOUN: madness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sets off JD 's madness PARSE: (S (@VP (VBZ sets) (PRT off)) (NP (NP (NN JD) (POS 's)) (NN madness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: " Crimson King , " the first song , epitomizes this single gripe I have with this album . VERB: epitomize POLAR NOUN: gripe GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: epitomizes this single gripe PARSE: (VP (VBZ epitomizes) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ single) (NN gripe)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: We are almost always unified in praise of the books we read . VERB: unify POLAR NOUN: praise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: unified in praise of the books we read PARSE: (@ADJP (VBN unified) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP praise) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS books)) (SBAR (NP we) (VP read))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The irony intensifies with Nanny 's relationship with HH. VERB: intensify POLAR NOUN: irony GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The irony intensifies with Nanny 's relationship with HH PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN irony)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ intensifies) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NNP Nanny) (POS 's)) (NN relationship)))) (PP (IN with) (NP HH))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It is smattered with the author 's love of self . VERB: smatter POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: smattered with the author 's love of self PARSE: (VP (VBN smattered) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN author) (POS 's))) (NN love)) (PP (IN of) (NP self))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A vampire , Lestat , ( Cruise ) , takes him up on his wish and makes him immortal . VERB: take_up POLAR NOUN: wish GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: takes him up on wish PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VBZ takes) (NP him)) (PRT up)) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN wish)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Why the driving desire to legitimize it scientifically . VERB: legitimize POLAR NOUN: desire GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the driving desire to legitimize it scientifically PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (@NP (VBG driving) (NN desire))) (VP (TO to) (VP (@VP (VB legitimize) (NP it)) (ADVP scientifically)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It also references loneliness as track 2 referenced it also . VERB: reference POLAR NOUN: loneliness GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: references loneliness as track 2 referenced it also PARSE: (@S (NP (NP (NNS references) (NN loneliness)) (PP (IN as) (NP (NN track) (CD 2)))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD referenced) (NP it)) (ADVP also)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I started reading and my eyes lit up with amazement . VERB: light_up POLAR NOUN: amazement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: lit up with amazement PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD lit) (PRT up)) (PP (IN with) (NP amazement))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book sets itself apart from the rest of the series by pairing the hero with an ancient Carpathian female . VERB: pair POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pairing the hero PARSE: (@VP (VBG pairing) (NP (DT the) (NN hero))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But what I catch myself doing throughout the book is nodding my head in disbelief . VERB: nod POLAR NOUN: disbelief GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: nodding head in disbelief PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG nodding) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN head))) (PP (IN in) (NP disbelief))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: First , I stripped the new faith promulgated by Neo , Markus , Dan and Jess down to their essentials . VERB: promulgate POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the new faith promulgated by Neo Markus Dan and Jess down to essentials PARSE: (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ new) (NN faith))) (VP (@VP (VBN promulgated) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNP Neo) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (NNP Markus) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (@NP (NNP Dan) (CC and)) (NNP Jess)))))))) (ADVP (IN down) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS essentials)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And in the process incurs the wrath of Old Ranel McCoy and Perry Cline . VERB: incur POLAR NOUN: wrath GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: incurs the wrath of Old Ranel McCoy and Perry Cline PARSE: (VP (VBZ incurs) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN wrath)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Old) (@NP (NNP Ranel) (@NP (NNP McCoy) (@NP (CC and) (@NP (NNP Perry) (NNP Cline))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Giovanni promises Him world domination , as His partner . VERB: promise POLAR NOUN: domination GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: promises Him world domination as partner PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ promises) (NP Him)) (NP (@NP (NP (NN world) (NN domination)) (, ,)) (PP (IN as) (NP (PRP$ His) (NN partner))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A primer for integrating the Spiritual & the physical . VERB: integrate POLAR NOUN: spiritual GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: integrating the Spiritual the physical PARSE: (S (VBG integrating) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NNP Spiritual)) (CC &)) (NP (DT the) (JJ physical)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Tracy Chevalier reconfirms my faith in her VERB: reconfirm POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reconfirms faith PARSE: (@VP (VBZ reconfirms) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN faith))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The author endows this book with the excitement of the times . VERB: endow POLAR NOUN: excitement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: endows this book with the excitement of the times PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ endows) (NP (DT this) (NN book))) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN excitement)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNS times)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: There was a lawsuit and Grizzard was tarred as a racist from the south . VERB: tar POLAR NOUN: racist GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: tarred as a racist from the south PARSE: (VP (VBN tarred) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN racist)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN south)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The admirals at Lepanto emulated the Greek bickering before Salamis . VERB: emulate POLAR NOUN: bickering GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: emulated the Greek bickering PARSE: (@VP (VBD emulated) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ Greek) (NN bickering)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: " long must we wait to outlast sorrow ? " VERB: outlast POLAR NOUN: sorrow GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: outlast sorrow PARSE: (VP (VB outlast) (NP sorrow)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This construction of a "world religion " abetted the colonial exploitation of Indians . VERB: abet POLAR NOUN: exploitation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: abetted the colonial exploitation of Indians PARSE: (VP (VBD abetted) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN colonial) (NN exploitation))) (PP (IN of) (NP Indians)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I 'll venture a "yes . " VERB: venture POLAR NOUN: yes GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Humans are part of the Confederacy as slave soldiers and administrators , bred for loyalty . VERB: breed POLAR NOUN: loyalty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bred for loyalty PARSE: (VP (VBN bred) (PP (IN for) (NP loyalty))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Over and out , this is all I 'm going to yack about the goodness of this single . VERB: yack POLAR NOUN: goodness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: yack about the goodness of this single PARSE: (VP (VB yack) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN goodness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (JJ single)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Zahn rockets the reader along , lobbing plot twists at every turn . VERB: lob POLAR NOUN: twist GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: lobbing plot twists PARSE: (@VP (VBG lobbing) (NP (NN plot) (NNS twists))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: When Gojyo becomes trapped in a cave with Dokugakuji , the brothers reminisce about a stepmother 's resentment for her half-breed child . VERB: reminisce POLAR NOUN: resentment GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: reminisce about a stepmother 's resentment for half-breed child PARSE: (VP (VBP reminisce) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN stepmother) (POS 's))) (NN resentment)) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ half-breed) (NN child))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: You will squeal with joy ... VERB: squeal POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: squeal with joy PARSE: (VP (VB squeal) (PP (IN with) (NP joy))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A place from which greatness sprang .... VERB: spring POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: greatness sprang PARSE: (S (NP greatness) (VP sprang)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Her story raw , like the wounds she sustains . VERB: sustain POLAR NOUN: wound GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: like the wounds she sustains PARSE: (@S (PP (IN like) (NP (DT the) (NNS wounds))) (@S (NP she) (@S (VP sustains) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: These days you can yodel any foolishness in the name of Christ and people will buy it . VERB: yodel POLAR NOUN: foolishness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: yodel any foolishness PARSE: (@VP (VB yodel) (NP (DT any) (NN foolishness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: any attempt to identify with a character , or to locate a "hero" , is swiftly struck down . VERB: locate POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: locate a hero PARSE: (VP (VB locate) (NP (DT a) (@NP (`` ``) (@NP (NN hero) ('' ''))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The musical backdrop is atmospheric and often leaves you floating with her in sadness . VERB: float POLAR NOUN: sadness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: floating with her in sadness PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG floating) (PP (IN with) (NP her))) (PP (IN in) (NP sadness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The book is saturated with bias . VERB: saturate POLAR NOUN: bias GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: saturated with bias PARSE: (VP (VBN saturated) (PP (IN with) (NP bias))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I 'm sailing to paradise . VERB: sail POLAR NOUN: paradise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sailing to paradise PARSE: (VP (VBG sailing) (PP (TO to) (NP paradise))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This movie had me rolling over with laughter but it also had me in tears . VERB: roll_over POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: rolling over with laughter PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG rolling) (PRT over)) (PP (IN with) (NP laughter))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: My kids dragged me to this travesty . VERB: drag POLAR NOUN: travesty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dragged me to this travesty PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD dragged) (NP me)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT this) (NN travesty)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: John Ankerberg & John Weldon have been peddling this nonsense for some time . VERB: peddle POLAR NOUN: nonsense GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: peddling this nonsense for some time PARSE: (VP (VBG peddling) (NP (NP (DT this) (NN nonsense)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT some) (NN time))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In summery , The Orchid Thief confirmed everything I 've always suspected about orchid fanatics . VERB: suspect POLAR NOUN: fanatic GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: suspected about orchid fanatics PARSE: (VP (VBN suspected) (PP (IN about) (NP (JJ orchid) (NNS fanatics)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: On the other hand , every garage band in the world starts out imitating their heroes . VERB: imitate POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: imitating heroes PARSE: (S (VBG imitating) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS heroes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: We also have the ghost of Miss Lizzy who floats about calling out to the heroine . VERB: call_out POLAR NOUN: heroine GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: calling out to the heroine PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG calling) (PRT out)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN heroine)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Madonna was on her way up from the albums Erotica and Bedtime Stories , which the critics slammed and the albums flopped . VERB: slam POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the critics slammed PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (NNS critics)) (VP slammed)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I can tell Dave has been hanging out with some talent when making this album , and it rubbed off on him . VERB: hang_out POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hanging out with some talent PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBG hanging) (PRT out)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT some) (NN talent)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Also , critics pounced on Goldsmith 's score of the film . VERB: pounce POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: critics pounced on Goldsmith 's score of the film PARSE: (@S (NP critics) (@S (VP (VBD pounced) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (NP (NNP Goldsmith) (POS 's)) (NN score)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN film)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: When you have all that , buy this movie and crank this sucker up . VERB: crank_up POLAR NOUN: sucker GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: crank this sucker PARSE: (@VP (VB crank) (NP (DT this) (NN sucker))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I find myself tensing up in agony about 50 % of the time . VERB: tense_up POLAR NOUN: agony GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: tensing up in agony PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBG tensing) (PRT up)) (PP (IN in) (NP agony))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Jack , who is played by Peter Saarsgard , pitches an investment opportunity to Victor and he goes with it . VERB: pitch POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pitches an investment opportunity PARSE: (@VP (VBZ pitches) (NP (DT an) (@NP (NN investment) (NN opportunity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Outskirts Press might warrant five stars , but the book DOES NOT. VERB: warrant POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: warrant five stars PARSE: (VP (VB warrant) (NP (CD five) (NNS stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Bette Midler and Barry Manilow threw together this synthisized tribute to the Girl Singer . VERB: throw_together POLAR NOUN: tribute GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: threw together this synthisized tribute to the Girl Singer PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD threw) (PRT together)) (NP (NP this) (VP (@VP (VBN synthisized) (NP tribute)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Girl) (NNP Singer))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Instinct overtakes conscious , and the beast reincarnates in the man . VERB: reincarnate POLAR NOUN: beast GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the beast reincarnates in the man PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (NN beast)) (VP (VBZ reincarnates) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN man))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But this book does gloss over the harm Afrikaners did . VERB: gloss_over POLAR NOUN: harm GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: gloss over the harm Afrikaners did PARSE: (VP (VB gloss) (PP (IN over) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN harm)) (SBAR (NP Afrikaners) (VP did))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The 14.4 volt battery would make the Energizer Bunny blush with envy . VERB: blush POLAR NOUN: envy GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: blush with envy PARSE: (VP (VBP blush) (PP (IN with) (NP envy))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Second , many watches coming out from other companies that cater to water-sports enthusiasts include a tide calculator/display . VERB: cater POLAR NOUN: enthusiast GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: cater to water-sports enthusiasts PARSE: (S (VBP cater) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNS water-sports) (NNS enthusiasts)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Or 20 while you drool over the awesomeness that is Johnny Depp . VERB: drool POLAR NOUN: awesomeness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: drool over the awesomeness that is Johnny Depp PARSE: (VP (VBP drool) (PP (IN over) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN awesomeness)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBZ is) (NP (NNP Johnny) (NNP Depp))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In " Faith-training " Joe White compares passing along your faith to passing the baton in a relay . VERB: pass_along POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: passing along faith PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG passing) (PRT along)) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN faith))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It should be titled , " Tweak Your Life Towards Sanity . " VERB: tweak POLAR NOUN: sanity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: His style punctuates his talents as an accomplished jazz performer . VERB: punctuate POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: punctuates talents PARSE: (@VP (VBZ punctuates) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS talents))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This corroborates the rumor that the screenplay was written around the action " set pices " already composed by Cruise and Woo . VERB: corroborate POLAR NOUN: rumor GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: corroborates the rumor PARSE: (@VP (VBZ corroborates) (NP (DT the) (NN rumor))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: How cool would it be to remotely queue up torrents using the web interface at work and come home to watch some cool IPTV . VERB: queue POLAR NOUN: torrent GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: queue up torrents using the web interface at work PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB queue) (PRT up)) (NP (NP torrents) (VP (@VP (VBG using) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN web) (NN interface)))) (PP (IN at) (NP work))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I 'm going to file a complaint with all authorities who will listen . VERB: file POLAR NOUN: complaint GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: file a complaint PARSE: (@VP (VB file) (NP (DT a) (NN complaint))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: All the buttons that had responded to my carresses previously were flashing in anger from my mistreatment and ceased to respond . VERB: flash POLAR NOUN: anger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: flashing in anger PARSE: (ADJP (VBG flashing) (PP (IN in) (NP anger))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Example : you remember somewhere in Scripture the phrase , " God inhabits the praise of His people . VERB: inhabit POLAR NOUN: praise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: inhabits the praise of people PARSE: (VP (VBZ inhabits) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN praise)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ His) (NNS people))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As punishment , Lee had the escapees whipped and salt rubbed into their wounds . VERB: rub POLAR NOUN: wound GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: rubbed into wounds PARSE: (VP (VBD rubbed) (PP (IN into) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS wounds)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He spills out one raunchy joke after another . VERB: spill_out POLAR NOUN: joke GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: spills out one raunchy joke PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBZ spills) (PRT out)) (NP (CD one) (@NP (JJ raunchy) (NN joke)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The movie consistently edits out anything pertaining to this inner struggle . VERB: pertain POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pertaining to this inner struggle PARSE: (VP (VBG pertaining) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ inner) (NN struggle))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Eggers ' arrogance seeps through nearly every page . VERB: seep POLAR NOUN: arrogance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Eggers ' arrogance seeps through nearly every page PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (NNP Eggers) (POS ')) (NN arrogance)) (@S (VP (VBZ seeps) (PP (IN through) (NP (RB nearly) (@NP (DT every) (NN page))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The Stepford Remake - messing with perfection VERB: mess POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: messing with perfection PARSE: (S (VBG messing) (PP (IN with) (NP perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: with forensic science as our knives , we scythed into their faith as they outlawed ours . ' VERB: scythe POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: scythed into faith PARSE: (@VP (VBD scythed) (PP (IN into) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN faith)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: We lock ourselves into our ways , and click all the truths into one . VERB: click POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: click all the truths PARSE: (@VP (VB click) (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (NNS truths)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Their announcing is low-class , and consists mainly of the two of them flinging homosexual-related insults at eachother . VERB: fling POLAR NOUN: insult GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: flinging homosexual-related insults PARSE: (@VP (VBG flinging) (NP (JJ homosexual-related) (NNS insults))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The title of this publication telegraphs the author 's prejudice in his "investigation . " VERB: telegraph POLAR NOUN: prejudice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: telegraphs the author 's prejudice in investigation PARSE: (VP (VBZ telegraphs) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN author) (POS 's))) (NN prejudice)) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (`` ``) (NX investigation)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It deals with the past while grinding insult into the new generation . VERB: grind POLAR NOUN: insult GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: grinding insult PARSE: (@VP (VBG grinding) (NP insult)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: His time spent in Washington coincided with the domestic turmoil regarding Vietnam . VERB: coincide POLAR NOUN: turmoil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: coincided with the domestic turmoil regarding Vietnam PARSE: (VP (VBD coincided) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ domestic) (NN turmoil))) (PP (VBG regarding) (NP Vietnam))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: That 's when I will issue that final star . VERB: issue POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: issue that final star PARSE: (VP (VB issue) (SBAR (IN that) (FRAG (JJ final) (NN star)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I found myself in tears and reaching out for the love of God . VERB: reach_out POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reaching out for the love of God PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG reaching) (PRT out)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN love)) (PP (IN of) (NP God))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This film spills the truth . VERB: spill POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: spills the truth PARSE: (VP (VBZ spills) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Long may they rule through their splendor . VERB: rule POLAR NOUN: splendor GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rule through splendor PARSE: (S (VB rule) (PP (IN through) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN splendor)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The forums on their site are bubbling with complaints VERB: bubble POLAR NOUN: complaint GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bubbling with complaints PARSE: (VP (VBG bubbling) (PP (IN with) (NP complaints))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Over all , Bev 's topped the promises she 's made on her last 3 albums . VERB: top POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: topped the promises she 's made on last 3 albums PARSE: (VP (VBD topped) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS promises)) (SBAR (NP she) (VP (VBZ 's) (VP (VBN made) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ last) (@NP (CD 3) (NNS albums)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In the Wake of the Plague VERB: wake POLAR NOUN: plague GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Wake of the Plague PARSE: (SBAR (VBP Wake) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN Plague)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: OK movie , but regretably it dove into stereotypes . VERB: dive POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dove into stereotypes PARSE: (VP (VBD dove) (PP (IN into) (NP stereotypes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I plays off several stereotypes . VERB: play_off POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: plays off several stereotypes PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ plays) (PRT off)) (NP (JJ several) (NNS stereotypes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I had another version/model of a talking ID unit , which recently was fried for a surge/spike from a storm . VERB: fry POLAR NOUN: surge GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fried for a from a storm PARSE: (VP (VBN fried) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN surge/spike)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT a) (NN storm)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Propaganda blares from the radio . VERB: blare POLAR NOUN: propaganda GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Propaganda blares from the radio PARSE: (ROOT (NP Propaganda) (@S (VP (VBZ blares) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN radio)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This device transpires confidence . VERB: transpire POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: transpires confidence PARSE: (VP (VBZ transpires) (NP confidence)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The mystery is intricately interwoven into a story I read from cover to cover in no-time-flat . VERB: interweave POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The mystery is intricately interwoven into a story I read from cover to cover in no-time-flat PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN mystery)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ is) (ADVP intricately)) (VP (VBN interwoven) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN story)) (SBAR (NP I) (VP (@VP (VBP read) (PP (IN from) (NP cover))) (S (TO to) (VP (VB cover) (PP (IN in) (NP no-time-flat)))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Dogs , cats , birds and humans all co-exist in relative harmony in Elizabeth Marshall Thomas ' household . VERB: coexist POLAR NOUN: harmony GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: co-exist in relative harmony in Elizabeth Marshall Thomas ' household PARSE: (VP (VBP co-exist) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (JJ relative) (NN harmony)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP Elizabeth) (@NP (NNP Marshall) (@NP (NNP Thomas) (POS ')))) (NN household)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The eye-catching endpapers round out the beauty of the book as a whole . VERB: round_out POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: round out the beauty of the book PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBP round) (PRT out)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN beauty)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN book))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Two pages is all it takes to be swept into the mastery of Martin 's writing and carried away into another time . VERB: sweep POLAR NOUN: mastery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: swept into the mastery of Martin 's writing PARSE: (VP (VBN swept) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN mastery)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Martin) (POS 's)) (NN writing)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You 'll frequently be seeing humans interacting with CGI monsters for the remainder of the film . VERB: interact POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: interacting with CGI monsters for the remainder of the film PARSE: (VP (VBG interacting) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NN CGI) (NNS monsters)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN remainder)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN film)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I have watched Madonna morph into the mega star that she is today . VERB: morph POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: morph into the mega star PARSE: (@VP (VB morph) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ mega) (NN star))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Then she paraphrased other people 's criticisms and called it a book . VERB: paraphrase POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: paraphrased other people 's criticisms PARSE: (VP (VBD paraphrased) (NP (NP (JJ other) (@NP (NNS people) (POS 's))) (NNS criticisms))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Transformers meet P Diddy and revamp an old hero . VERB: revamp POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: revamp an old hero PARSE: (VP (VB revamp) (NP (DT an) (@NP (JJ old) (NN hero)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I hovered around 3.75 to 4.00 stars . VERB: hover POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hovered around to stars PARSE: (VP (VBD hovered) (PP (IN around) (NP (QP (@QP (CD 3.75) (TO to)) (CD 4.00)) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: For dentists and public health officials ... gather up your courage and read this book . VERB: gather_up POLAR NOUN: courage GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: gather up courage PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB gather) (PRT up)) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN courage))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This film should be categorized as horror . VERB: categorize POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: categorized as horror PARSE: (VP (VBN categorized) (PP (IN as) (NP horror))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Essentially , you have to flank your opponents every dang time . VERB: flank POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: flank opponents PARSE: (@VP (VB flank) (NP (PRP$ your) (NNS opponents))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He spends the rest of the book waffling between these two extremes . VERB: waffle POLAR NOUN: extreme GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: waffling between these two extremes PARSE: (VP (VBG waffling) (PP (IN between) (NP (DT these) (@NP (CD two) (NNS extremes))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She would have hollered like a fool . VERB: holler POLAR NOUN: fool GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hollered like a fool PARSE: (VP (VBN hollered) (PP (IN like) (NP (DT a) (NN fool)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This book distills the wisdom that can be found in her other works into a single volume . VERB: distill POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: distills the wisdom that can be found in other works into a single volume PARSE: (VP (VBZ distills) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN wisdom)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (MD can) (VP (VB be) (VP (@VP (VBN found) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ other) (NNS works))))) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ single) (NN volume)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But somehow , Brashares manages to dig us out of the innane jealousy that teenagers get sometimes . VERB: dig_out POLAR NOUN: jealousy GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dig us out of the innane jealousy that teenagers get sometimes PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB dig) (NP us)) (PP (IN out) (@PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN innane) (NN jealousy))) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (NP teenagers) (VP (VBP get) (ADVP sometimes)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It inures us to any more disgust . VERB: inure POLAR NOUN: disgust GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: inures us to any more disgust PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ inures) (NP us)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT any) (@NP (JJR more) (NN disgust))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But this film panders to vengeance . VERB: pander POLAR NOUN: vengeance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: panders to vengeance PARSE: (VP (VBZ panders) (PP (TO to) (NP vengeance))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And therein dwells the genius of H.G.Wells . VERB: dwell POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: dwells the genius of PARSE: (@VP (VBZ dwells) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN genius)) (PP (IN of) (NP H.G.Wells)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This is the underlined philosophy in Dickensian works and the love for Lucy , Darney 's wife , begots Carton into a resurrected man . VERB: beget POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the love for Lucy Darney 's wife begots Carton into a resurrected man PARSE: (S (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NN love)) (PP (IN for) (NP Lucy))) (, ,)) (NP (NP (NNP Darney) (POS 's)) (NN wife))) (, ,)) (VP (@VP (VBZ begots) (NP Carton)) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (@NP (VBN resurrected) (NN man)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's about time somebody speak up the truth . VERB: speak_up POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: speak up the truth PARSE: (VP (VBP speak) (ADVP (IN up) (NP (DT the) (NN truth)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: ' Walking in the Sun' predates ELO 's harmonies by several years . VERB: predate POLAR NOUN: harmony GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: predates ELO 's harmonies PARSE: (@VP (VBZ predates) (NP (NP (NNP ELO) (POS 's)) (NNS harmonies))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: His former lover , the mother of his son , has suddenly reappeared in their lives . VERB: reappear POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: former lover the mother of son has suddenly reappeared in lives PARSE: (ROOT (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ His) (@NP (JJ former) (NN lover))) (, ,)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN mother)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN son))))) (, ,)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ has) (ADVP suddenly)) (VP (VBN reappeared) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS lives))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Those who sow discord reap the comedic whirlwind . VERB: sow POLAR NOUN: discord GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sow discord PARSE: (S (VBP sow) (NP discord)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Lucy soaks up the affection like a sponge . VERB: soak_up POLAR NOUN: affection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: soaks up the affection like a sponge PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ soaks) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN affection)) (PP (IN like) (NP (DT a) (NN sponge))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Crichton will be branded a heretic . VERB: brand POLAR NOUN: heretic GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: branded a heretic PARSE: (VP (VBN branded) (NP (DT a) (NN heretic))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Tears flowed and belly jiggled with laughter VERB: jiggle POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: jiggled with laughter PARSE: (VP (VBD jiggled) (PP (IN with) (NP laughter))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A masterpiece sculpted by Martin Scorsese . VERB: sculpt POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: A masterpiece sculpted by Martin Scorsese PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (NN masterpiece)) (@S (VP (VBN sculpted) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNP Martin) (NNP Scorsese)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Soon after that she was poisoned by a man who put out meat he 'd put poison in . VERB: put_in POLAR NOUN: poison GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: put poison PARSE: (@VP (VBN put) (NP poison)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It detects viruses quickly compared to nortons which I was running at the same time . VERB: detect POLAR NOUN: virus GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: detects viruses PARSE: (@VP (VBZ detects) (NP viruses)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Cellphones and computers keep us caged in a digital dungeon . VERB: cage POLAR NOUN: dungeon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: caged in a digital dungeon PARSE: (VP (VBN caged) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ digital) (NN dungeon))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The other kid 's lives were to mixed up in a bottomless abyss of sex and drugs . VERB: mix_up POLAR NOUN: abyss GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: mixed up in a bottomless abyss of sex and drugs PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN mixed) (PRT up)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ bottomless) (NN abyss))) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NN sex) (CC and)) (NNS drugs)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: There are one or two quirky selections in the material that keep the album from devolving into dancemix monotony . VERB: devolve POLAR NOUN: monotony GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: devolving into dancemix monotony PARSE: (S (VBG devolving) (PP (IN into) (NP (JJ dancemix) (NN monotony)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: There is alot of running around , people crawling through air vents , and of course stabbings . VERB: crawl POLAR NOUN: vent GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: crawling through air vents PARSE: (VP (VBG crawling) (PP (IN through) (NP (NN air) (NNS vents)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The plot focuses around teen violence , as the two main characters are deemed outcasts from their school . VERB: deem POLAR NOUN: outcast GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: deemed outcasts PARSE: (@VP (VBN deemed) (NP outcasts)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It would leak through in the art for their album covers ,which were often littered with small jokes . VERB: litter POLAR NOUN: joke GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: littered with small jokes PARSE: (VP (VBN littered) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ small) (NNS jokes)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Attributes are then assigned to these mystic beasts . VERB: assign POLAR NOUN: beast GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: assigned to these mystic beasts PARSE: (VP (VBN assigned) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT these) (@NP (JJ mystic) (NNS beasts))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The overall tone of the book emphasizes creating solutions rather than affixing blame . VERB: affix POLAR NOUN: blame GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: affixing blame PARSE: (VP (VBG affixing) (NP blame)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: While I did like that version , it concentrated more on horror than history . VERB: concentrate POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: concentrated more on horror PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD concentrated) (NP more)) (PP (IN on) (NP horror))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And it works itself up into another rockin' guitar frenzy . VERB: work_up POLAR NOUN: frenzy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: works itself up into another rockin guitar frenzy PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VBZ works) (NP itself)) (PRT up)) (PP (IN into) (S (NP another) (VP (@VP (VBG rockin) ('' ')) (NP (NN guitar) (NN frenzy)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It lets you equip oppontents monsters to it . VERB: equip POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: equip oppontents monsters PARSE: (@VP (VBP equip) (NP (NNS oppontents) (NNS monsters))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I notified support via email . VERB: notify POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: notified support via email PARSE: (VP (VBD notified) (NP (NP support) (PP (IN via) (NP email)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Jetmundsen 's books are an attempt to piggyback on that greatness . VERB: piggyback POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: piggyback on that greatness PARSE: (VP (VB piggyback) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT that) (NN greatness)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: My first complaint is underlined many , many times . VERB: underline POLAR NOUN: complaint GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: first complaint is underlined many many times PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ My) (@NP (JJ first) (NN complaint))) (@S (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBN underlined) (NP (JJ many) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (JJ many) (NNS times)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Unrest within the galaxy rears its head again . VERB: rear POLAR NOUN: unrest GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Unrest within the galaxy rears head again PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP Unrest) (PP (IN within) (NP (DT the) (NN galaxy)))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ rears) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN head))) (ADVP again)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The same has to be said when an LDS conforms to others virtues . VERB: conform POLAR NOUN: virtue GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: conforms to others virtues PARSE: (VP (VBZ conforms) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNS others) (NNS virtues)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: 2. Time 2 Duel 3. I 'm Back 4 . Summoning the Dragon 5 . VERB: summon POLAR NOUN: dragon GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Clint Houston and Louis Hayes on bass and drums also emphasise beauty with the muscle . VERB: emphasise POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: emphasise beauty PARSE: (@VP (VBP emphasise) (NP beauty)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: McCrea 's lyrics hum with urgency . VERB: hum POLAR NOUN: urgency GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hum with urgency PARSE: (VP (VBP hum) (PP (IN with) (NP urgency))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In The Gutter Glancing At The Stars VERB: glance POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Glancing At The Stars PARSE: (VP (VBG Glancing) (PP (IN At) (NP (DT The) (NNP Stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: So I dinged the manufacturer 1 star for the packaging . VERB: dinge POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: dinged the manufacturer 1 star for the packaging PARSE: (VP (VBD dinged) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN manufacturer) (@NP (CD 1) (NN star)))) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NN packaging))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The purpose of life is to "align the personality with the soul . " VERB: align POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: align the personality PARSE: (@VP (VB align) (NP (DT the) (NN personality))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: For many it is the missing element to accelerating their destiny . VERB: accelerate POLAR NOUN: destiny GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: accelerating destiny PARSE: (S (VBG accelerating) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN destiny))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: These four artists exemplified musical honesty in their genre . VERB: exemplify POLAR NOUN: honesty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: exemplified musical honesty PARSE: (@VP (VBD exemplified) (NP (JJ musical) (NN honesty))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: First , let me disclose my bias that I am a HUGE David Lynch fan . VERB: disclose POLAR NOUN: bias GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: disclose bias PARSE: (@VP (VB disclose) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN bias))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This was the film which anchored that triumph . VERB: anchor POLAR NOUN: triumph GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: anchored that triumph PARSE: (S (VBD anchored) (PP (IN that) (NP triumph))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's carefully orchestrated madness . VERB: orchestrate POLAR NOUN: madness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: orchestrated madness PARSE: (VP (VBN orchestrated) (NP madness)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The personalities interviewed , including Sen. Zell Miller . VERB: interview POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The personalities interviewed including Zell Miller PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NNS personalities)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD interviewed) (, ,)) (PP (VBG including) (NP (NNP Sen.) (@NP (NNP Zell) (NNP Miller))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: What underlies sexual desire of the personalist ( vs . VERB: underlie POLAR NOUN: desire GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: underlies sexual desire of the personalist vs PARSE: (S (VBZ underlies) (NP (NP (JJ sexual) (NN desire)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN personalist)) (NP (-LRB- -LRB-) (CC vs)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This will refer to how the designers insert G1 homages in current toys in the form of aesthetics . VERB: insert POLAR NOUN: homage GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: insert G1 homages PARSE: (@VP (VBP insert) (NP (NN G1) (NNS homages))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Monsters roam the countryside . VERB: roam POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Monsters roam the countryside PARSE: (ROOT (NP Monsters) (@S (VP (VBP roam) (NP (DT the) (NN countryside))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Wherever Courtney and the crew went to unearth the motivation for this piece ( Billy Corgan ? ) , keep digging . VERB: unearth POLAR NOUN: motivation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: unearth the motivation PARSE: (@VP (VB unearth) (NP (DT the) (NN motivation))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The themes throughout this film could represent any unit in any of the battles the encompassed the struggle in the ETO . VERB: encompass POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: encompassed the struggle in the ETO PARSE: (VP (VBN encompassed) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN struggle)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP ETO))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The balabat mediates disputes among villagers . VERB: mediate POLAR NOUN: dispute GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: mediates disputes among villagers PARSE: (VP (VBZ mediates) (NP (NP disputes) (PP (IN among) (NP villagers)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It cuts up the monotony of listening to a narrator and makes history come alive . VERB: cut_up POLAR NOUN: monotony GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cuts up the monotony of listening to a narrator PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ cuts) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN monotony)) (PP (IN of) (S (VBG listening) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT a) (NN narrator))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Neal , Randy and Mike have hammered out a masterpiece of a CD. VERB: hammer POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hammered out a masterpiece of a CD PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN hammered) (PRT out)) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN CD))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Gordon is the Barenaked Ladies distilled to the barenaked truth . VERB: distil POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: distilled to the barenaked truth PARSE: (SBAR (VBD distilled) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ barenaked) (NN truth))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I plugged in the purple monster...and off we went . VERB: plug POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: plugged in the purple monster PARSE: (VP (VBD plugged) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ purple) (NN monster))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In the background , Turkish soldiers guard the celebration , as they normally tend to guard public gatherings all over Turkey . VERB: guard POLAR NOUN: celebration GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the celebration as they normally tend to guard public gatherings all over Turkey PARSE: (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN celebration)) (, ,)) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP they) (@S (ADVP normally) (VP (VBP tend) (S (TO to) (VP (@VP (VB guard) (NP (JJ public) (NNS gatherings))) (PP (DT all) (@PP (IN over) (NP Turkey)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The simplicity of the song is mesmerising . VERB: mesmerise POLAR NOUN: simplicity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The simplicity of the song is mesmerising PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (NN simplicity)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN song)))) (@S (VP (VBZ is) (VP mesmerising)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The filmmakers chose translated dubs when the speaker was communicating mainly information and subtitles when communicating passion . VERB: communicate POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: communicating passion PARSE: (S (VBG communicating) (NP passion)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And the film ends by re-stating the "great myth of the motorcycle accident " . VERB: restate POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: re-stating the great myth of the motorcycle accident PARSE: (S (VBG re-stating) (NP (DT the) (@NP (`` ``) (@NP (JJ great) (@NP (@NP (NN myth) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN motorcycle) (NN accident))))) ('' '')))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I am a former psychonaut , and fear had pushed me away from those realms . VERB: push_away POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fear had pushed me away from those realms PARSE: (S (NP fear) (VP (VBD had) (VP (@VP (@VP (VBN pushed) (NP me)) (ADVP away)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT those) (NNS realms)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It whispers casual elegance in your ear . VERB: whisper POLAR NOUN: elegance GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: whispers casual elegance in ear PARSE: (VP (VBZ whispers) (NP (NP (JJ casual) (NN elegance)) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN ear))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She continues to take her music to new heights , pouring out love and soul . VERB: pour_out POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pouring out love and soul PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG pouring) (PRT out)) (NP (@NP (NN love) (CC and)) (NN soul))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: There are a few recordings out there that have significantly impacted my appreciation of jazz . VERB: impact POLAR NOUN: appreciation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: impacted appreciation of jazz PARSE: (VP (VBN impacted) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN appreciation)) (PP (IN of) (NP jazz)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: 10 ) , which contains quotes from various bloggers opining the virtues of blogging and their own , personal experiences . VERB: opine POLAR NOUN: virtue GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: opining the virtues of blogging and own personal experiences PARSE: (VP (VBG opining) (NP (@NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS virtues)) (PP (IN of) (NP blogging))) (CC and)) (NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ their) (JJ own)) (, ,)) (NP (JJ personal) (NNS experiences))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The book in many ways reproduces the promise of that first chapter . VERB: reproduce POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reproduces the promise of that first chapter PARSE: (VP (VBZ reproduces) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN promise)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT that) (@NP (JJ first) (NN chapter)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In the US , many have criticised this ambiguity . VERB: criticise POLAR NOUN: ambiguity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: criticised this ambiguity PARSE: (VP (VBN criticised) (NP (DT this) (NN ambiguity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Stripped-down rock 'n'roll brimming with celtic rage . VERB: brim POLAR NOUN: rage GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: brimming with celtic rage PARSE: (VP (VBG brimming) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ celtic) (NN rage)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This book made me re-think my own prejudices . VERB: rethink POLAR NOUN: prejudice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: re-think own prejudices PARSE: (VP (VB re-think) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ own) (NNS prejudices)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's ok -- the pulsing agitation will resume by itself . VERB: resume POLAR NOUN: agitation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the pulsing agitation will resume by itself PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ pulsing) (NN agitation))) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB resume) (PP (IN by) (NP itself))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: John McCain 's memoir shoved the truth in my face . VERB: shove POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: shoved the truth PARSE: (@VP (VBD shoved) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: X-Files rocked my world when it came to T.V. then I whooped for joy when it came to DVD. VERB: whoop POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: whooped for joy PARSE: (@VP (VBD whooped) (PP (IN for) (NP joy))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Their passion soon flares and turns both of their worlds upside down . VERB: flare POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: passion soon flares and turns both of worlds upside down PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ Their) (NN passion)) (@S (ADVP soon) (@S (VP (@VP (VP flares) (CC and)) (VP (@VP (VBZ turns) (NP (NP both) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS worlds))))) (ADVP (RB upside) (RB down)))) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They soon find that they are attracted to each other and passions are soon flamed . VERB: flame POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: passions are soon flamed PARSE: (S (NP passions) (VP (@VP (VBP are) (ADVP soon)) (VP flamed))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Ehrenreich 's book personalizes this struggle . VERB: personalize POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: personalizes this struggle PARSE: (VP (VBZ personalizes) (NP (DT this) (NN struggle))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But I have to pinpoint some disadvantages : 1 . VERB: pinpoint POLAR NOUN: disadvantage GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pinpoint some disadvantages 1 PARSE: (VP (VB pinpoint) (NP (@NP (NP (DT some) (NNS disadvantages)) (: :)) (NP 1))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: You have to peel off the protectors VERB: peel_off POLAR NOUN: protector GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: peel off the protectors PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB peel) (PRT off)) (NP (DT the) (NNS protectors))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: " Repainting the Christian Faith ? " VERB: repaint POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Repainting the Christian Faith PARSE: (S (VBG Repainting) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ Christian) (NN Faith)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: During weekend trips to gigs across the state , we 'd always sightsee the roadside attractions and museums . VERB: sightsee POLAR NOUN: attraction GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sightsee the roadside attractions and museums PARSE: (VP (VB sightsee) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN roadside) (@NP (@NP (NNS attractions) (CC and)) (NNS museums))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Yet , I rose up the stars to 4 , since she sang " I wanna be with you " . VERB: rise_up POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rose up the stars PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD rose) (PRT up)) (NP (DT the) (NNS stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The costumes , the settings every detail has been polished to perfection . VERB: polish POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: polished to perfection PARSE: (ADJP (VBN polished) (PP (TO to) (NP perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: While some may record the events of each day , the majority are jotting down their insights , reflections and information . VERB: jot_down POLAR NOUN: insight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: jotting down insights reflections and information PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG jotting) (PRT down)) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS insights)) (, ,)) (NP reflections)) (CC and)) (NP information))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The Tyranny of Man 's Philosophy unveiled VERB: unveil POLAR NOUN: tyranny GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The Tyranny of Man 's Philosophy unveiled PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (NN Tyranny)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NN Man) (POS 's)) (NN Philosophy)))) (VP unveiled)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The imagry of the words is oriented to the grandeur of creation and the illustrations come from Jewish and Celtic manuscripts . VERB: orient POLAR NOUN: grandeur GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: oriented to the grandeur of creation PARSE: (ADJP (VBN oriented) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN grandeur)) (PP (IN of) (NP creation))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He takes her under his wing and grooms her for corporate greatness . VERB: groom POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: grooms her for corporate greatness PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ grooms) (NP her)) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ corporate) (NN greatness)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The abyss will look back at you . VERB: look_back POLAR NOUN: abyss GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The abyss will look back at you PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN abyss)) (@S (VP (MD will) (VP (@VP (VB look) (ADVP back)) (PP (IN at) (NP you)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: McCullers ' characters are individuals ahead of their time ; they are forward minds enchained by the prejudices of the age . VERB: enchain POLAR NOUN: prejudice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: enchained by the prejudices of the age PARSE: (VP (VBN enchained) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS prejudices)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN age)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I find myself continually relying on the book as a reference for visualizing my opponents while training the 3 kata . VERB: visualize POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: visualizing opponents PARSE: (@VP (VBG visualizing) (NP (PRP$ my) (NNS opponents))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Also , this song spotlights the talents of every band member . VERB: spotlight POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: spotlights the talents of every band member PARSE: (VP (VBZ spotlights) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS talents)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT every) (@NP (NN band) (NN member)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He was soon surveying stars for Matthew Fontaine Maury at the National Observatory . VERB: survey POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: surveying stars PARSE: (@VP (VBG surveying) (NP stars)) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I have often touted the virtue of rewatchability in almost all of Allen 's movies . VERB: tout POLAR NOUN: virtue GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: touted the virtue of rewatchability PARSE: (@VP (VBN touted) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN virtue)) (PP (IN of) (NP rewatchability)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It has kindled a love for classical music in my life . VERB: kindle POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: kindled a love for classical music PARSE: (@VP (VBN kindled) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN love)) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ classical) (NN music))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Then frustration kicked in , and I skipped to the last 10 pages . VERB: kick_in POLAR NOUN: frustration GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: frustration kicked in PARSE: (@S (NP frustration) (VP (VBD kicked) (PP in))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He delves into myths from neolithic times long before the mythology of the Celts , the Greeks or the Babylonians . VERB: delve POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: delves into myths from neolithic times PARSE: (@VP (VBZ delves) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP myths) (PP (IN from) (NP (JJ neolithic) (NNS times)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: There 's a passage on p.55 - " The newspapers kept stroking my fear . VERB: stroke POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stroking fear PARSE: (S (VBG stroking) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN fear))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: With the exception of one track on X&Y , you 'll find your ears assaulted by " cinematic " extravagance . VERB: assault POLAR NOUN: extravagance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: assaulted by cinematic PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VBN assaulted) (PP (@PP (IN by) ('' '')) (NP cinematic))) ('' '')) (NP-TMP extravagance)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I read both of these works when I was in Junior High School and was initially enamored with the Greek myths . VERB: enamor POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: enamored with the Greek myths PARSE: (@VP (VBN enamored) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ Greek) (NNS myths))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Meanwhile , I have phoned AMAZ0N to lodge a formal complaint . VERB: lodge POLAR NOUN: complaint GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: lodge a formal complaint PARSE: (VP (VB lodge) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ formal) (NN complaint)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Their love for one another , and for their art , jumps off the pages . VERB: jump_off POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: love for one another and for art jumps off the pages PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (PRP$ Their) (NN love)) (PP (@PP (@PP (@PP (PP (IN for) (NP (CD one) (DT another))) (, ,)) (CC and)) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN art)))) (, ,))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ jumps) (PRT off)) (NP (DT the) (NNS pages))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: That prevents me from bestowing the final star . VERB: bestow POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bestowing the final star PARSE: (S (VBG bestowing) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ final) (NN star)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: What I DON'T like about 7 : * All my complaints boil down to FileMaker 's interface . VERB: boil_down POLAR NOUN: complaint GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: complaints boil down to FileMaker 's interface PARSE: (@S (NP (PRP$ my) (NNS complaints)) (VP (@VP (VBP boil) (PRT down)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NNP FileMaker) (POS 's)) (NN interface))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: After espousing an officer to jumpstart her prestige , Berenice attaches herself in lightning speed to Alexander the Great . VERB: jumpstart POLAR NOUN: prestige GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: jumpstart prestige PARSE: (VP (VB jumpstart) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN prestige))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Instead of exploring the human angle of the question , the movie drones about the vampire 's plight . VERB: drone POLAR NOUN: plight GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: drones about the vampire 's plight PARSE: (VP (VBZ drones) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN vampire) (POS 's))) (NN plight)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They watch sitcoms that recycle the same jokes constantly . VERB: recycle POLAR NOUN: joke GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: recycle the same jokes PARSE: (@VP (VBP recycle) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ same) (NNS jokes)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He pins his hopes on the bespoke suit . VERB: pin POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pins hopes PARSE: (@VP (VBZ pins) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS hopes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He skewers every faith in his own inimitable style . VERB: skewer POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: skewers every faith in own inimitable style PARSE: (VP (VBZ skewers) (NP (NP (DT every) (NN faith)) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ own) (@NP (JJ inimitable) (NN style))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: After the July 1944 plot against Hitler , Canaris was arrested and eventually executed for treason . VERB: execute POLAR NOUN: treason GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: executed for treason PARSE: (@VP (VBN executed) (PP (IN for) (NP treason))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: HP has outsourced it 's tech support to a company in India . VERB: outsource POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: outsourced it 's tech support to a company in India PARSE: (VP (VBN outsourced) (SBAR (NP it) (VP (VBZ 's) (NP (NP (NN tech) (NN support)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN company)) (PP (IN in) (NP India)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It stands out in and contrasts against all the chaos . VERB: contrast POLAR NOUN: chaos GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: contrasts against all the chaos PARSE: (VP (VBZ contrasts) (PP (IN against) (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (NN chaos))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In the hills of the Virgin Islands , trouble commenced with Cherisse Scatliffe . VERB: commence POLAR NOUN: trouble GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: trouble commenced with Cherisse Scatliffe PARSE: (@S (NP trouble) (@S (VP (VBD commenced) (PP (IN with) (NP (NNP Cherisse) (NNP Scatliffe)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This review replaces the one that seconded criticism of the last two scenes as being out of place and contrary to the narrative flow . VERB: second POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: seconded criticism of the last two scenes PARSE: (@VP (VBD seconded) (NP (NP criticism) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ last) (@NP (CD two) (NNS scenes))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In this review , Mayor Orden is characterized as a coward . VERB: characterize POLAR NOUN: coward GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: characterized as a coward PARSE: (VP (VBN characterized) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN coward)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The interplay between the members of the grupo is , as cliche dictates I say , "telepathic" . VERB: dictate POLAR NOUN: cliche GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cliche dictates I say PARSE: (S (NP cliche) (VP (VBZ dictates) (SBAR (NP I) (VP say)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Famous Russian authors have pooled their talents to come up with a book that summarizes the majority of the mathematics available the time . VERB: pool POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pooled talents PARSE: (@VP (VBN pooled) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS talents))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This being continually interjects elements into Henry 's life to prolong his suffering . VERB: prolong POLAR NOUN: suffering GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: prolong suffering PARSE: (VP (VB prolong) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN suffering))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Customer Support was befuddled . VERB: befuddle POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Customer Support was befuddled PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NN Customer) (NN Support)) (@S (VP (VBD was) (VP befuddled)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I initially caught on to Jo Dee Messina 's talent through her many songs that made it country radio via I 'm Alright . VERB: catch_on POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: caught on to Jo Dee Messina 's talent PARSE: (@VP (VBD caught) (PP (IN on) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (NNP Jo) (@NP (NNP Dee) (@NP (NNP Messina) (POS 's)))) (NN talent))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book underscores the truth about men like Andrew Carnegie , John Rockefeller , Cornelius Vanderbilt , etc . VERB: underscore POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: underscores the truth about men like Andrew Carnegie John Rockefeller Cornelius Vanderbilt etc PARSE: (VP (VBZ underscores) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN truth)) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP men) (PP (IN like) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (NNP Andrew) (NNP Carnegie)) (, ,)) (NP (NNP John) (NNP Rockefeller))) (, ,)) (NP (NNP Cornelius) (NNP Vanderbilt))) (, ,)) (FW etc))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: With all her money and "wiles , " she could have conned her lover into taking her to a motel . VERB: con POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: conned lover PARSE: (@VP (VBN conned) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN lover))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I guess the ardeur and Micah are ways for Hamilton to live out her fantasies . VERB: live_out POLAR NOUN: fantasy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: live out fantasies PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB live) (PRT out)) (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS fantasies))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: We , desensitized to this horror , watch it with relative uninterest . VERB: desensitize POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: desensitized to this horror PARSE: (S (VBN desensitized) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT this) (NN horror)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The allegations surfaced in a Courant report in February 1997 . VERB: surface POLAR NOUN: allegation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The allegations surfaced in a Courant report in February 1997 PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NNS allegations)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD surfaced) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NNP Courant) (NN report))))) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP February) (CD 1997)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Family curses handed down . VERB: hand_down POLAR NOUN: curse GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Family curses handed down PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NNP Family) (NNS curses)) (@S (VP (VBD handed) (PRT down)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: After 1-2 miniutes , the pain was searing . VERB: sear POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the pain was searing PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (NN pain)) (@S (VP (VBD was) (VP searing)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He takes Nandini to Italy to rejoin her with her lover . VERB: rejoin POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rejoin her with lover PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB rejoin) (NP her)) (PP (IN with) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN lover)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The customer service has been deluged with complaints . VERB: deluge POLAR NOUN: complaint GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: deluged with complaints PARSE: (VP (VBN deluged) (PP (IN with) (NP complaints))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The first piece " Ghannan Ghannan " symbolises the celebration of the arrival of the monsoon . VERB: symbolise POLAR NOUN: celebration GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: symbolises the celebration of the arrival of the monsoon PARSE: (VP (VBZ symbolises) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN celebration)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN arrival)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN monsoon))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: After about 2 or three more listens it should move up to 5 stars . VERB: move_up POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: move up to 5 stars PARSE: (VP (VB move) (ADVP (RB up) (PP (TO to) (NP (CD 5) (NNS stars))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I can now bid with confidence . VERB: bid POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bid with confidence PARSE: (VP (VB bid) (PP (IN with) (NP confidence))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Steven Johnson instils it with his enthusiasm and curiosity . VERB: instil POLAR NOUN: enthusiasm GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: instils it with enthusiasm and curiosity PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ instils) (NP it)) (PP (IN with) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (@NP (NN enthusiasm) (CC and)) (NN curiosity))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: What do these " Were you tricked into liking this movie ? " VERB: trick POLAR NOUN: liking GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: tricked into liking this movie PARSE: (VP (VBD tricked) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP liking) (NP (DT this) (NN movie))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I must say that after I listened to this CD , I sighed in relief . VERB: sigh POLAR NOUN: relief GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sighed in relief PARSE: (VP (VBD sighed) (PP (IN in) (NP relief))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They are life-changing , and reading testimonials can only aggrandize your zeal for experiencing Mahler . VERB: aggrandize POLAR NOUN: zeal GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: aggrandize zeal PARSE: (@VP (VB aggrandize) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN zeal))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This all draws away from the horror and in the end it turns out being one thing : Crap . VERB: draw_away POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: draws away from the horror PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ draws) (ADVP away)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN horror)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Joe Kennedy , Sr. , of necessity , worked hand and glove with known mobsters in amassing his bootlegging fortune during Prohibition . VERB: amass POLAR NOUN: fortune GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: amassing bootlegging fortune PARSE: (@VP (VBG amassing) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (NN bootlegging) (NN fortune)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Technical support instructed me to download and use the new driver . VERB: instruct POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Technical support instructed me to download and use the new driver PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NNP Technical) (NN support)) (@S (VP (VBD instructed) (S (NP me) (VP (TO to) (VP (@VP (@VP (VB download) (CC and)) (VB use)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ new) (NN driver))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This film is extrapolated from half truths about Mozart 's life . VERB: extrapolate POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: extrapolated from half truths about Mozart 's life PARSE: (VP (VBN extrapolated) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (NN half) (NNS truths)) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (NNP Mozart) (POS 's)) (NN life)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: On top of this , after seeing them live , my respect for them tripled . VERB: triple POLAR NOUN: respect GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: respect for them tripled PARSE: (@S (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN respect)) (PP (IN for) (NP them))) (@S (VP tripled) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Their purpose was force children to comply with their parents ' wishes rather than to produce grace-filled children who freely serve God . VERB: comply POLAR NOUN: wish GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: comply with parents ' wishes PARSE: (VP (VB comply) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (NNS parents) (POS '))) (NNS wishes)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: On the other hand , the book itemizes inconsistencies in U.S. public policy in detail . VERB: itemize POLAR NOUN: inconsistencies GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: itemizes inconsistencies in public policy PARSE: (@VP (VBZ itemizes) (NP (NP inconsistencies) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP U.S.) (@NP (JJ public) (NN policy)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I recommened this book to anyone who has been diagnosed with this virus . VERB: diagnose POLAR NOUN: virus GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: diagnosed with this virus PARSE: (VP (VBN diagnosed) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT this) (NN virus)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: One of the things they take criticism on is their image . VERB: take_on POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: take criticism PARSE: (@VP (VBP take) (NP criticism)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I continue unsuccessfuly to get through to SMC support . VERB: get_through POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: get through to SMC support PARSE: (VP (VB get) (PP (IN through) (PP (TO to) (NP (NN SMC) (NN support))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They skimp on product support and customer care . VERB: skimp POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: skimp on product support and customer care PARSE: (VP (VBP skimp) (PP (IN on) (NP (@NP (NP (NN product) (NN support)) (CC and)) (NP (NN customer) (NN care))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Russell on the other hand plays along with the pretense of competition while remaining unattached and emotionally undivested in what the outcome may be . VERB: play_along POLAR NOUN: pretense GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: plays along with the pretense of competition PARSE: (@VP (VBZ plays) (ADVP (IN along) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN pretense)) (PP (IN of) (NP competition)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Though the humans on Pern are descended from interplanetary colonists , the setting is an agrarian feudal-like society populated with telepathic dragons . VERB: populate POLAR NOUN: dragon GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: populated with telepathic dragons PARSE: (VP (VBN populated) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ telepathic) (NNS dragons)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And that his ego quintupled . VERB: quintuple POLAR NOUN: ego GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: that ego quintupled PARSE: (@S (NP (NP that) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN ego))) (@S (VP quintupled) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The book 's main fault is that it overdraws Beane 's prowess in order to capture the reader 's attention . VERB: overdraw POLAR NOUN: prowess GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: overdraws Beane 's prowess PARSE: (@VP (VBZ overdraws) (NP (NP (NNP Beane) (POS 's)) (NN prowess))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Guitar solos , singing , drumming , and all are timed to perfection . VERB: time POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: timed to perfection PARSE: (VP (VBN timed) (PP (TO to) (NP perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Gen Franks is the center of all things , and those people pop in and out only to validate his own ingenuity . VERB: validate POLAR NOUN: ingenuity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: validate own ingenuity PARSE: (VP (VB validate) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ own) (NN ingenuity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I was up and running with all the channels and speakers calibrated to my liking within an hour . VERB: calibrate POLAR NOUN: liking GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: calibrated to liking within an hour PARSE: (ADJP (VBN calibrated) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN liking)) (PP (IN within) (NP (DT an) (NN hour)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Madmen dueled each other with lightsabers . VERB: duel POLAR NOUN: madman GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Madmen dueled each other with lightsabers PARSE: (ROOT (NP Madmen) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD dueled) (NP (DT each) (JJ other))) (PP (IN with) (NP lightsabers))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She passed out paper to write down our aspirations . VERB: write_down POLAR NOUN: aspiration GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: write down aspirations PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB write) (PRT down)) (NP (PRP$ our) (NNS aspirations))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Those first two parts boil over with affection . VERB: boil_over POLAR NOUN: affection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: boil over with affection PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB boil) (PRT over)) (PP (IN with) (NP affection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book activated my love for reading about ten years ago . VERB: activate POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: activated love PARSE: (@VP (VBD activated) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN love))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They helped us out of Hell itself . VERB: help_out POLAR NOUN: hell GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: helped us out of Hell itself PARSE: (VP (VBD helped) (S (@S (NP us) (ADVP (IN out) (PP (IN of) (NP Hell)))) (NP itself))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Every question raised in this story is answered , and every twist pays out . VERB: pay_out POLAR NOUN: twist GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: every twist pays out PARSE: (S (NP (DT every) (NN twist)) (VP (VBZ pays) (PRT out))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: At the end of the book , there is a portion dedicated to calculate the total worth of your collection . VERB: calculate POLAR NOUN: worth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: calculate the total worth of collection PARSE: (VP (VB calculate) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ total) (NN worth))) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN collection))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He attempts to bind the dragon , but he is stopped by another spellcaster and she escapes . VERB: bind POLAR NOUN: dragon GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bind the dragon PARSE: (VP (VB bind) (NP (DT the) (NN dragon))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The chorus is layered with melodic multi-part harmonies . VERB: layer POLAR NOUN: harmony GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: layered with melodic multi-part harmonies PARSE: (VP (VBN layered) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ melodic) (@NP (JJ multi-part) (NNS harmonies))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Ditto living at his home ; the gossip should have flayed them both within days . VERB: flay POLAR NOUN: gossip GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the gossip should have flayed them both within days PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (NN gossip)) (VP (MD should) (VP (VB have) (VP (@VP (VBN flayed) (NP them)) (PP (DT both) (@PP (IN within) (NP days))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The way the he accents his jokes with phyiscal style is brillant . VERB: accent POLAR NOUN: joke GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: accents jokes PARSE: (@VP (VBZ accents) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS jokes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I allot 5 stars to her , VERB: allot POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: allot 5 stars PARSE: (@VP (VBP allot) (NP (CD 5) (NNS stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Jo Parrot makes piecing an eight pointed star a piece of cake . VERB: piece POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: piecing an eight pointed star a piece of cake PARSE: (S (VBG piecing) (NP (@NP (NP (DT an) (@NP (CD eight) (@NP (JJ pointed) (NN star)))) (NP (DT a) (NN piece))) (PP (IN of) (NP cake)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Acoustic guitarist Fahey goes electric , swapping his oaken tone for a reverberant shimmer . VERB: swap POLAR NOUN: shimmer GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: swapping oaken tone for a reverberant shimmer PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG swapping) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ oaken) (NN tone)))) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ reverberant) (NN shimmer))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Fear is etch upon every page . VERB: etch POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Fear is etch upon every page PARSE: (ROOT (NP Fear) (@S (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VB etch) (PP (IN upon) (NP (DT every) (NN page))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Queen 's Brian May is featured in footage as he inducts the band into the Hollywood Walk Of Fame . VERB: induct POLAR NOUN: fame GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: inducts the band into the Hollywood Walk Of Fame PARSE: (VP (VBZ inducts) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NN band)) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (NNP Hollywood)))) (VP (VB Walk) (PP (IN Of) (NP Fame))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Lovers crisscross in the moonlight . VERB: crisscross POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Lovers crisscross in the moonlight PARSE: (ROOT (NP Lovers) (@S (VP (VBP crisscross) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN moonlight)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Anyone who has ever trudged the 9-to-5 grind will see his organization ( and its shortfalls ) reflected in this book . VERB: trudge POLAR NOUN: grind GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: trudged the 9-to-5 grind PARSE: (VP (VBN trudged) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN 9-to-5) (NN grind)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: We listen in on the "party line " gossip . VERB: listen_in POLAR NOUN: gossip GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: listen in on the party line gossip PARSE: (VP (VBP listen) (PP (IN in) (@PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (`` ``) (@NP (NN party) (@NP (NN line) ('' ''))))) (NP gossip))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: After reading her last book miracles came about in my own life . VERB: come_about POLAR NOUN: miracle GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: miracles came about in own life PARSE: (@S (NP miracles) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD came) (ADVP about)) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ own) (NN life))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: When he 'broke into ' her place there should have been something more than what came over as token shock . VERB: come_over POLAR NOUN: shock GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: came over as token shock PARSE: (S (@VP (VBD came) (PRT over)) (PP (IN as) (NP (JJ token) (NN shock)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Brian Wilson hangs on to his ego VERB: hang_on POLAR NOUN: ego GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hangs on to ego PARSE: (VP (VBZ hangs) (PP (IN on) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN ego))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This album once again reasserts a many-sided talent of Richie Hawtin as a musician . VERB: reassert POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reasserts a many-sided talent of Richie Hawtin as a musician PARSE: (VP (VBZ reasserts) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ many-sided) (NN talent))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Richie) (NNP Hawtin)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN musician))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book shakes up this recent tranquility , like a stone in a pond . VERB: shake_up POLAR NOUN: tranquility GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: shakes up this recent tranquility like a stone in a pond PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ shakes) (PRT up)) (NP (@NP (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ recent) (NN tranquility))) (, ,)) (PP (IN like) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN stone)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN pond))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The makers have scaled difficulty to assume that you have one . VERB: scale POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: scaled difficulty PARSE: (@VP (VBN scaled) (NP difficulty)) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Darnel learns that an assassin had been sitting in on his Bible classes at the Institute . VERB: sit_in POLAR NOUN: assassin GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: an assassin had been sitting in on Bible classes at the Institute PARSE: (S (NP (DT an) (NN assassin)) (VP (VBD had) (VP (VBN been) (VP (@VP (VBG sitting) (PP (IN in) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (NNP Bible) (NNS classes)))))) (PP (IN at) (NP (DT the) (NNP Institute))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This motley bunch would cause a Nazgul to cower in fear . VERB: cower POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cower in fear PARSE: (VP (VB cower) (PP (IN in) (NP fear))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Pride summed it all up . VERB: sum POLAR NOUN: pride GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Pride summed it all up PARSE: (ROOT (NP Pride) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD summed) (NP it)) (ADVP (DT all) (RP up))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: All of the things that pressured her into this mess is the "monster " . VERB: pressure POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pressured her into this mess PARSE: (S (@VP (VBD pressured) (NP her)) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT this) (NN mess)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Bill , and other Fox corespondents , spit out right-wing propaganda constantly . VERB: spit_out POLAR NOUN: propaganda GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: spit out right-wing propaganda constantly PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP spit) (PRT out)) (NP (NP (JJ right-wing) (NN propaganda)) (ADVP constantly))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Why Epson passes off the Smart Panel support to the 3rd party Newsoft is beyond me . VERB: pass_off POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: passes off the Smart Panel support PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBZ passes) (PRT off)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Smart) (@NP (NN Panel) (NN support))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Every song is bound to win some music lover over . VERB: win_over POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: win some music lover PARSE: (@VP (VB win) (NP (DT some) (@NP (NN music) (NN lover)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Right when I heard this I got up and started bouncing around the kitchen and clapping my hands in excitement . VERB: clap POLAR NOUN: excitement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: clapping hands in excitement PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG clapping) (NP (PRP$ my) (NNS hands))) (PP (IN in) (NP excitement))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In the end will Mary Elizabeth and Tina figure the mystery . VERB: figure POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: figure the mystery PARSE: (VP (VBP figure) (NP (DT the) (NN mystery))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The same pain befell me . VERB: befall POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The same pain befell me PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (@NP (JJ same) (NN pain))) (@S (VP (VBD befell) (NP me)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The oily sky muffles the footfalls of student and professor alike as they hurry towards the sanctuary of the wind-proof halls of academia . VERB: hurry POLAR NOUN: sanctuary GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hurry towards the sanctuary of the wind-proof halls of academia PARSE: (VP (VBP hurry) (PP (IN towards) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN sanctuary)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ wind-proof) (NNS halls))) (PP (IN of) (NP academia))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I then realised the worth of this book . VERB: realise POLAR NOUN: worth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: realised the worth of this book PARSE: (VP (VBD realised) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN worth)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN book))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A series of 25 poems is set forth for the enjoyment of the readership . VERB: set_forth POLAR NOUN: enjoyment GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: set forth for the enjoyment of the readership PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN set) (ADVP forth)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN enjoyment)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN readership)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The book provides a transition strategy for profiling chaos in a deterministic fashion . VERB: profile POLAR NOUN: chaos GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: profiling chaos PARSE: (@VP (VBG profiling) (NP chaos)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The author disposes of the myth that one size fits all when it comes to managing diabetes . VERB: dispose POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: disposes of the myth PARSE: (@VP (VBZ disposes) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN myth)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Each job should be structured to accommodate the personality of the occupant( s ) . VERB: accommodate POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: accommodate the personality of the occupant s PARSE: (VP (VB accommodate) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN personality)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN occupant)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (@PRN (NNS s) (-RRB- -RRB-))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A brat sounds off about 'Skinny Dipping ' VERB: sound_off POLAR NOUN: brat GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: A brat sounds off about Skinny Dipping PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (NN brat)) (VP (@VP (VBZ sounds) (PRT off)) (PP (@PP (@PP (IN about) (`` `)) (NP (NP Skinny) (VP Dipping))) ('' ')))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He sounds like a teenager with the way he carries on with his "pain" . VERB: carry_on POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: carries on with pain PARSE: (VP (VBZ carries) (PP (IN on) (PP (IN with) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (`` ``) (@NP (NN pain) ('' ''))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This film surges with greatness from it 's pores all the way till the end . VERB: surge POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: surges with greatness PARSE: (@VP (VBZ surges) (PP (IN with) (NP greatness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Meanwhile Anakin and Senator Amadala start to flare up in love . VERB: flare_up POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: flare up in love PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB flare) (PRT up)) (PP (IN in) (NP love))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: President Bush should read this book , then reconsider his support of the Kyoto Accord . VERB: reconsider POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reconsider support of the Kyoto Accord PARSE: (VP (VB reconsider) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NN support)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Kyoto) (NNP Accord)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: What he did , instead , was constructing a stereotype of all this with the purpose of bashing it . VERB: construct POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: constructing a stereotype of all this PARSE: (@VP (VBG constructing) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN stereotype)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PDT all) (DT this))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: As an author , he is poised for greatness . VERB: poise POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: poised for greatness PARSE: (VP (VBN poised) (PP (IN for) (NP greatness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's how he becomes bonded to our heroine . VERB: bond POLAR NOUN: heroine GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In the begginning the "ghost " says the Russia has always " copied " other masters of art . VERB: copy POLAR NOUN: masters GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: copied other masters PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD copied) ('' '')) (NP (JJ other) (NNS masters))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: One Prayer Away is an AWESOME for ushering in private devotion and conversation with God . VERB: usher POLAR NOUN: devotion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: ushering in private devotion and conversation PARSE: (@VP (VBG ushering) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ private) (@NP (@NP (NN devotion) (CC and)) (NN conversation))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: When we pulled the table down , the metal support on one side snapped off . VERB: snap_off POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the metal support on one side snapped off PARSE: (@S (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN metal) (NN support))) (PP (IN on) (NP (CD one) (NN side)))) (@S (VP (VBD snapped) (PRT off)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I hesitated in my shock , giving the leader a chance to signal his "goons " to rush me . VERB: hesitate POLAR NOUN: shock GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hesitated in shock PARSE: (@VP (VBD hesitated) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN shock)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I pumped it up a star for the detractors . VERB: pump POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pumped it up a star for the detractors PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD pumped) (NP it)) (PP (RP up) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN star)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NNS detractors)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Instead , they fused their love of roots with the emerging sound of first rockabilly and then pop . VERB: fuse POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fused love of roots PARSE: (@VP (VBD fused) (NP (NP (PRP$ their) (NN love)) (PP (IN of) (NP roots)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: EA sports Monopolizing into Mediocrity VERB: monopolize POLAR NOUN: mediocrity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Monopolizing into Mediocrity PARSE: (S (VBG Monopolizing) (PP (IN into) (NP Mediocrity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Second , they 're picked off one-by-one by an unseen assassin . VERB: pick_off POLAR NOUN: assassin GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: picked off one-by-one by an unseen assassin PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VBN picked) (PRT off)) (ADVP one-by-one)) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT an) (@NP (JJ unseen) (NN assassin))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The ones referred to as "3-cup " will brew about roughly mug 's worth of coffee . VERB: brew POLAR NOUN: worth GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: brew about roughly mug 's worth of coffee PARSE: (VP (VB brew) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (NP (RB roughly) (@NP (NN mug) (POS 's))) (NN worth)) (PP (IN of) (NP coffee))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But I gave in to the rage and borrowed the book from my niece when she was finished . VERB: give_in POLAR NOUN: rage GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: gave in to the rage PARSE: (VP (VBD gave) (PP (IN in) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN rage))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In one poem , he remarks on the beauty of the oil refinery in Long Beach , noting " the sight of death/fascinates . " VERB: remark POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: remarks on the beauty of the oil refinery in Long Beach PARSE: (@VP (VBZ remarks) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN beauty)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN oil) (NN refinery))) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP Long) (NNP Beach)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Barbra 's talent has "outlived " her age . VERB: outlive POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Barbra 's talent has outlived age PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (NNP Barbra) (POS 's)) (NN talent)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ has) (`` ``)) (VP (@VP (VBN outlived) ('' '')) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN age)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And this , in turn , acquainted him with the countryman 's reverence for wood . VERB: acquaint POLAR NOUN: reverence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: acquainted him with the countryman 's reverence PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD acquainted) (NP him)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN countryman) (POS 's))) (NN reverence)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's Jess telling off her cheating lover . VERB: tell_off POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: telling off cheating lover PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG telling) (PRT off)) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (NN cheating) (NN lover)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This typhoon swamped three destroyers : The Hull , The Spence and the Monahan . VERB: swamp POLAR NOUN: destroyer GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: swamped three destroyers The Hull The Spence and the Monahan PARSE: (VP (VBD swamped) (NP (@NP (NP (CD three) (NNS destroyers)) (: :)) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT The) (NNP Hull)) (, ,)) (NP (DT The) (NNP Spence))) (CC and)) (NP (DT the) (NNP Monahan))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I am surprised that anyone contested the worth of Fong-Torres 's work . VERB: contest POLAR NOUN: worth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: contested the worth of Fong-Torres 's work PARSE: (VP (VBD contested) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN worth)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Fong-Torres) (POS 's)) (NN work))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I phoned tech support who told me to take it back to the shop and they would send it away under warranty . VERB: phone POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: phoned tech support who told me to take it back to the shop PARSE: (VP (VBD phoned) (NP (NP (NN tech) (NN support)) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (VBD told) (S (NP me) (VP (TO to) (VP (@VP (@VP (VB take) (NP it)) (ADVP back)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN shop)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Here Altimari , captures a Rome that at its core pivots on the virtues of a few . VERB: pivot POLAR NOUN: virtue GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pivots on the virtues of a few PARSE: (VP (VBZ pivots) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS virtues)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (JJ few)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He drones on endlessly about the "genius " of hack filmmaker Joel Reed . VERB: drone_on POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: drones on endlessly about the genius of hack filmmaker Joel Reed PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ drones) (PP (IN on) (ADVP endlessly))) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (`` ``) (@NP (NN genius) ('' '')))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN hack) (@NP (NN filmmaker) (@NP (NNP Joel) (NNP Reed)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: From there , the Republicans in CA and the national Republicans cashed in on his weakness . VERB: cash_in POLAR NOUN: weakness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cashed in on weakness PARSE: (VP (VBD cashed) (PP (IN in) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN weakness))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Marsia : an elegy ( traditnally to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain ) . VERB: commemorate POLAR NOUN: martyrdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain PARSE: (VP (VB commemorate) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN martyrdom)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Imam) (NNP Hussain))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: " Media watchdog " ensnarled in conflicts-of-interest VERB: ensnarl POLAR NOUN: watchdog GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Media watchdog ensnarled in conflicts-of-interest PARSE: (ROOT (NP ('' '') (@NP (NNP Media) (@NP (NN watchdog) ('' '')))) (VP (VBN ensnarled) (PP (IN in) (NP conflicts-of-interest)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Propaganda and Puppetry perpetrated on the Public VERB: perpetrate POLAR NOUN: propaganda GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Propaganda and Puppetry perpetrated on the Public PARSE: (ROOT (NP (@NP (NN Propaganda) (CC and)) (NN Puppetry)) (VP (VBD perpetrated) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NNP Public))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Why the Overlords have arrived to steer mankind 's destiny is unknown . VERB: steer POLAR NOUN: destiny GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: steer mankind 's destiny PARSE: (VP (VB steer) (NP (NP (NN mankind) (POS 's)) (NN destiny))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The artistic flourishes are stretched out into absurdity , calling attention to themselves rather than aiding the story . VERB: stretch_out POLAR NOUN: absurdity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stretched out into absurdity PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBN stretched) (PRT out)) (PP (IN into) (NP absurdity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Coulter is cataloguing contradictions . VERB: catalogue POLAR NOUN: contradiction GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cataloguing contradictions PARSE: (VP (VBG cataloguing) (NP contradictions)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But he did buy Crowley 's house , and he did republish a book on conjuring Demons , etc . etc . VERB: conjure POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: conjuring Demons PARSE: (NP (VBG conjuring) (NNS Demons)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Taylor 's wife and son also tangle with megladon sharks on their own . VERB: tangle POLAR NOUN: shark GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: tangle with megladon sharks on own PARSE: (VP (VBP tangle) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NN megladon) (NNS sharks)) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ their) (JJ own)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: McCartland does transmit the horrors of living a double(triple ? ) life in his home . VERB: transmit POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: transmit the horrors of living a double triple PARSE: (VP (VB transmit) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS horrors)) (PP (IN of) (S (VBG living) (NP (NP (DT a) (JJ double)) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (@PRN (ADJP (JJ triple) (. ?)) (-RRB- -RRB-)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This set rejuvenated a love for this band that started some 20 years ago , yet had faded in recent years . VERB: rejuvenate POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rejuvenated a love for this band that started some 20 years ago yet had faded in recent years PARSE: (VP (VBD rejuvenated) (SBAR (NP (NP (DT a) (NN love)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT this) (NN band)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (@VP (@VP (VBD started) (ADVP (NP (QP (DT some) (CD 20)) (NNS years)) (RB ago))) (, ,)) (ADVP yet)))))) (VP (VBD had) (VP (VBN faded) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ recent) (NNS years))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It has ballads , rockers , and everything in between , with an orchestra that blends in with perfection . VERB: blend_in POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: blends in with perfection PARSE: (S (VBZ blends) (PP (IN in) (PP (IN with) (NP perfection)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Jewel has prostituted her talent with 0304 . VERB: prostitute POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: prostituted talent PARSE: (@VP (VBN prostituted) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN talent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Hinges creaking in silent protest , the heavy cover inched upward . " VERB: creak POLAR NOUN: protest GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: creaking in silent protest PARSE: (VP (VBG creaking) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ silent) (NN protest)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The chapters of his book are a culmination of years of personal reflection and experience , coupled with his faith in Christ . VERB: couple POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: coupled with faith in Christ PARSE: (VP (VBN coupled) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NN faith)) (PP (IN in) (NP Christ))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: We have instituted Dr. Clark 's recommendations into our home . VERB: institute POLAR NOUN: recommendations GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: instituted Clark 's recommendations PARSE: (@VP (VBN instituted) (NP (NP (NNP Dr.) (@NP (NNP Clark) (POS 's))) (NNS recommendations))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They are catching the animals and relocating them into sanctuaries .... far away from poachers . VERB: relocate POLAR NOUN: sanctuary GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: relocating them into sanctuaries PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBG relocating) (NP them)) (PP (IN into) (NP sanctuaries))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Next time you 're snorting with laughter in the self-help aisle , buy this book instead . VERB: snort POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: snorting with laughter in the self-help aisle PARSE: (@VP (VBG snorting) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP laughter) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ self-help) (NN aisle))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: a new insight moulded with human clay VERB: mould POLAR NOUN: insight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: a new insight moulded with human clay PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ new) (NN insight))) (VP (VBN moulded) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ human) (NN clay))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The first 2/3s of the movie is verging on 5 stars . VERB: verge POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: verging on 5 stars PARSE: (VP (VBG verging) (PP (IN on) (NP (CD 5) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A genius articulates his inner dialogue VERB: articulate POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: A genius articulates inner dialogue PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (NN genius)) (VP (VBZ articulates) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ inner) (NN dialogue))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Like a magician , he flips over the coin and uncovers the weaknesses imbedded therein . VERB: imbed POLAR NOUN: weakness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the weaknesses imbedded therein PARSE: (SBAR (NP (DT the) (NNS weaknesses)) (VP (VBD imbedded) (ADVP therein))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Only Kanye can bring together talent like Nas , Jay-Z and Common , and then soon after have rappers like Cam'Ron and Paul Wall . VERB: bring_together POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bring together talent like Nas Jay-Z and Common and then soon after have rappers like Cam Ron and Paul Wall PARSE: (VP (VB bring) (ADVP (@ADVP (@ADVP (ADVP (RB together) (NP (NP talent) (PP (IN like) (NP (NNP Nas) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (@NP (NNP Jay-Z) (CC and)) (NNP Common))))))) (, ,)) (CC and)) (ADVP (ADVP (RB then) (RB soon)) (SBAR (IN after) (S (VBP have) (NP (NP rappers) (PP (IN like) (NP (NP Cam) (@NP (`` `) (@NP (NNP Ron) (@NP (CC and) (@NP (NNP Paul) (NNP Wall))))))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This recording also substantiated my love for Richter 's playing . VERB: substantiate POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: substantiated love PARSE: (@VP (VBD substantiated) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN love))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The passion of the author and his characters almost physically emanates from the pages . VERB: emanate POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The passion of the author and characters almost physically emanates from the pages PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (NN passion)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN author)) (CC and)) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS characters)) (NP (RB almost) (RB physically)))))) (@S (VP (VBZ emanates) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NNS pages)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The first two books in this series had me geared up for gloom and quick-witted doom . VERB: gear_up POLAR NOUN: gloom GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: geared up for gloom and quick-witted doom PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD geared) (PRT up)) (PP (IN for) (NP (@NP (NP gloom) (CC and)) (NP (JJ quick-witted) (NN doom))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: ( listed on the blue screen ) was but pegged it as a newly-released virus . VERB: peg POLAR NOUN: virus GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pegged it as a newly-released virus PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD pegged) (NP it)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ newly-released) (NN virus))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I was also disabused of a few misconceptions . VERB: disabuse POLAR NOUN: misconception GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: disabused of a few misconceptions PARSE: (VP (VBN disabused) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ few) (NNS misconceptions))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Sensitivity differentiates a marriage from a funeral . VERB: differentiate POLAR NOUN: sensitivity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Sensitivity differentiates a marriage from a funeral PARSE: (ROOT (NP Sensitivity) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ differentiates) (NP (DT a) (NN marriage))) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT a) (NN funeral)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He foresaw and forewarned us of jurist arrogance . VERB: forewarn POLAR NOUN: arrogance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: forewarned us of jurist arrogance PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD forewarned) (NP us)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN jurist) (NN arrogance)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Associational socialism again takes its cue : non-market institutions can re-orient an individual 's self-interest . VERB: reorient POLAR NOUN: self-interest GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: re-orient an individual 's self-interest PARSE: (VP (VB re-orient) (NP (NP (DT an) (@NP (NN individual) (POS 's))) (NN self-interest))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Heterosexuals also are shoe-horned into stereotypes . VERB: shoehorn POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shoe-horned into stereotypes PARSE: (VP (VBN shoe-horned) (PP (IN into) (NP stereotypes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This year we have to either re-elect an embarrasing idiot or a sleep-walking zombie . VERB: reelect POLAR NOUN: idiot GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: re-elect an embarrasing idiot or a sleep-walking zombie PARSE: (@VP (VB re-elect) (NP (@NP (NP (DT an) (@NP (JJ embarrasing) (NN idiot))) (CC or)) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ sleep-walking) (NN zombie))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The questions at the end of each chapter serve to crystallize the glory of Christ in our minds . VERB: crystallize POLAR NOUN: glory GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: crystallize the glory of Christ PARSE: (@VP (VB crystallize) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN glory)) (PP (IN of) (NP Christ)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: One can image the retribution dished out for such a mistake . VERB: dish_out POLAR NOUN: mistake GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dished out for such a mistake PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD dished) (PRT out)) (PP (IN for) (NP (PDT such) (@NP (DT a) (NN mistake))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I was an overachieving professional , from a dual alcoholic household , medicating my stress every night . VERB: medicate POLAR NOUN: stress GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: medicating stress PARSE: (@VP (VBG medicating) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN stress))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: There 's a + and - adjustment that lets you fine-tune the sensitivity . VERB: fine-tune POLAR NOUN: sensitivity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fine-tune the sensitivity PARSE: (VP (VBP fine-tune) (NP (DT the) (NN sensitivity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Mike Viola , the head butcher , is toying with our affections . VERB: toy POLAR NOUN: affection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: toying with affections PARSE: (VP (VBG toying) (PP (IN with) (NP (PRP$ our) (NNS affections)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Subsequent attempts to present it differently skew the truth . VERB: skew POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: skew the truth PARSE: (VP (VBP skew) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The books bespeak the Beauty of Physics . VERB: bespeak POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bespeak the Beauty of Physics PARSE: (VP (VBP bespeak) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN Beauty)) (PP (IN of) (NP Physics)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I am presently writing a work which will supplement this authors ' weaknesses . VERB: supplement POLAR NOUN: weakness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: supplement this authors ' weaknesses PARSE: (VP (VB supplement) (NP (NP (DT this) (@NP (NNS authors) (POS '))) (NNS weaknesses))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This is my third Sleater-Kinney album and what jumps out at me is the confidence and swagger that embodies this work . VERB: jump_out POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: jumps out at me is the confidence and swagger that embodies this work PARSE: (S (@VP (VBZ jumps) (PRT out)) (PP (IN at) (S (NP me) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN confidence) (CC and)) (NN swagger))) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBZ embodies) (NP (DT this) (NN work))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Buckley cobbles the flow of her own narrative by nitpicking Christina 's motivations at every turn . VERB: nitpick POLAR NOUN: motivation GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: nitpicking Christina 's motivations PARSE: (@VP (VBG nitpicking) (NP (NP (NNP Christina) (POS 's)) (NNS motivations))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You will also be out of breath , flushed with excitement and satisfied to your mystery-loving core . VERB: flush POLAR NOUN: excitement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: flushed with excitement PARSE: (VP (VBN flushed) (PP (IN with) (NP excitement))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: On the whole though , this moisturiser evinces a more Hegelian optimism through the self-realisation of Geist which is a draw-back . VERB: evince POLAR NOUN: optimism GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: evinces a more Hegelian optimism through the self-realisation of Geist which is a draw-back PARSE: (VP (VBZ evinces) (NP (@NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (RBR more) (@NP (JJ Hegelian) (NN optimism)))) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN self-realisation)) (PP (IN of) (NP Geist))))) (SBAR (WHNP which) (S (VBZ is) (NP (DT a) (NN draw-back)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The movie is teeming with scientific half truths that a well-read armchair scientist could see through . VERB: teem POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: teeming with scientific half truths PARSE: (@VP (VBG teeming) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ scientific) (@NP (NN half) (NNS truths))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: There are many people who attempt to cash in on the confusion of the law in America . VERB: cash POLAR NOUN: confusion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cash in on the confusion of the law in America PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB cash) (PRT in)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN confusion)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN law)) (PP (IN in) (NP America))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: As confrontation heats up with Iran , every American should read this book . VERB: heat_up POLAR NOUN: confrontation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: confrontation heats up with Iran PARSE: (S (NP confrontation) (VP (@VP (VBZ heats) (PRT up)) (PP (IN with) (NP Iran)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The story rotates around eight personalities , who seek a different life in distant European lands . VERB: rotate POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rotates around eight personalities who seek a different life in distant European lands PARSE: (VP (VBZ rotates) (PP (IN around) (NP (@NP (NP (CD eight) (NNS personalities)) (, ,)) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (VBP seek) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ different) (NN life))) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ distant) (@NP (JJ European) (NNS lands)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The second could have elaborated into a fantasy about the " Interterreans " world and how the second-generation humans muck it up . VERB: elaborate POLAR NOUN: fantasy GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: elaborated into a fantasy PARSE: (S (VBN elaborated) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (NN fantasy)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Nonetheless , I will attempt to divulge your wonders about this camcorder . VERB: divulge POLAR NOUN: wonder GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: divulge wonders PARSE: (@VP (VB divulge) (NP (PRP$ your) (NNS wonders))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Statement and metaphor become indistinguishable in Cohen , which is why people spend lifetimes with his records , decoding their mysteries . VERB: decode POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: decoding mysteries PARSE: (S (VBG decoding) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS mysteries))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: For once again words are beginning to mingle with morality . VERB: mingle POLAR NOUN: morality GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mingle with morality PARSE: (VP (VB mingle) (PP (IN with) (NP morality))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Ergo , Forrest had whipped his men into a killing frenzy before they reached the fort in April 1864 . VERB: whip POLAR NOUN: frenzy GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: whipped men into a killing frenzy PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBN whipped) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS men))) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN killing) (NN frenzy))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Everyone should have a copy to augment their legal Will . VERB: augment POLAR NOUN: will GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: augment legal Will PARSE: (VP (VB augment) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ legal) (NNP Will)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The Young Ones epitomised the confusion of the generation that came of age in the Thatcher Years . VERB: epitomise POLAR NOUN: confusion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: epitomised the confusion of the generation that came of age in the Thatcher Years PARSE: (VP (VBD epitomised) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN confusion)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN generation)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (@VP (VBD came) (PP (IN of) (NP age))) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Thatcher) (NNS Years)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I would venture to say that he has broadened and deepend our appreciation of this place we now call "home" . VERB: broaden POLAR NOUN: appreciation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: broadened and deepend appreciation PARSE: (@VP (@VP (@VP (VBN broadened) (CC and)) (VBN deepend)) (NP (PRP$ our) (NN appreciation))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And criticism sparks off a "guilt " thing and they lash out.So the more rabid the fan the smaller the...well you get the hint . VERB: spark_off POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: criticism sparks off a guilt thing PARSE: (S (NP criticism) (VP (@VP (VBZ sparks) (PRT off)) (NP (DT a) (@NP (`` ``) (@NP (NN guilt) (@NP ('' '') (NN thing))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I?m upping it to five stars . VERB: up POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: upping it to five stars PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG upping) (NP it)) (PP (TO to) (NP (CD five) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I have to respond to those who freak out about the " superstitions " of this film . VERB: freak_out POLAR NOUN: superstition GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: respond to those who freak out about the superstitions of this film PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (@VP (VB respond) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (VBP freak) (PRT out)))))) (ADVP (IN about) (DT the))) ('' '')) (NP (@NP (NP superstitions) ('' '')) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN film))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Also have e-mailed Bostitch and requested technical support . VERB: request POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: requested technical support PARSE: (VP (VBD requested) (NP (JJ technical) (NN support))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Then , she generalizes it as truth . VERB: generalize POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: generalizes it as truth PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ generalizes) (NP it)) (PP (IN as) (NP truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Pears swim in syrup poaching to perfection . VERB: poach POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: poaching to perfection PARSE: (VP (VBG poaching) (PP (TO to) (NP perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And she giggled with delight . VERB: giggle POLAR NOUN: delight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: giggled with delight PARSE: (VP (VBD giggled) (PP (IN with) (NP delight))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The music by Osvaldo Golijov underwrites the drama of the movie . VERB: underwrite POLAR NOUN: drama GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: underwrites the drama of the movie PARSE: (VP (VBZ underwrites) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN drama)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN movie))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The music virtually sweats genius . VERB: sweat POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sweats genius PARSE: (VP (VBZ sweats) (NP genius)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This CD eclipses the promise of those early songs . VERB: eclipse POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: eclipses the promise of those early songs PARSE: (VP (VBZ eclipses) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN promise)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT those) (@NP (JJ early) (NNS songs)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I have double-checked its references in the New York Library to ascertain the truthfulness of its sources . VERB: ascertain POLAR NOUN: truthfulness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: ascertain the truthfulness of sources PARSE: (VP (VB ascertain) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN truthfulness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ its) (NNS sources))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book carries the sentiments of a de Sade as filtered through the pen of a Jane Austin . VERB: filter POLAR NOUN: sentiment GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: carries the sentiments of a de Sade as filtered through the pen of a Jane Austin PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ carries) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS sentiments)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (@NP (FW de) (FW Sade)))))) (SBAR (IN as) (S (VBN filtered) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN pen)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NNP Jane) (NNP Austin))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: 3 You misspell freak and pervert . VERB: misspell POLAR NOUN: freak GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: misspell freak and pervert PARSE: (VP (VBP misspell) (NP (@NP (NN freak) (CC and)) (NN pervert))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: and I shudder with horror . VERB: shudder POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shudder with horror PARSE: (VP (VBP shudder) (PP (IN with) (NP horror))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Then the rumors started up around the neighborhood . VERB: start_up POLAR NOUN: rumor GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the rumors started up around the neighborhood PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (NNS rumors)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD started) (PRT up)) (PP (IN around) (NP (DT the) (NN neighborhood)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And has a legion of admirers dwarfing Harry Potter 's . VERB: dwarf POLAR NOUN: admirer GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: admirers dwarfing Harry Potter 's PARSE: (S (NP admirers) (VP (VBG dwarfing) (NP (NNP Harry) (@NP (NNP Potter) (POS 's))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The optimism tugs at your heart strings . VERB: tug POLAR NOUN: optimism GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The optimism tugs at heart strings PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN optimism)) (@S (VP (VBZ tugs) (PP (IN at) (NP (PRP$ your) (@NP (NN heart) (NNS strings))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The excellence of this CD sneaks up on you . VERB: sneak_up POLAR NOUN: excellence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The excellence of this CD sneaks up on you PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (NN excellence)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN CD)))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ sneaks) (PRT up)) (PP (IN on) (NP you))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: There were several examples in which people downplayed the seriousness of this undertaking . VERB: downplay POLAR NOUN: seriousness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: downplayed the seriousness of this undertaking PARSE: (VP (VBD downplayed) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN seriousness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN undertaking))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Akerley consolidates in his book the sexual perversions described in the Bible and quotes various historical figures in pursuing his agenda . VERB: consolidate POLAR NOUN: perversion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: consolidates in book the sexual perversions described in the Bible PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ consolidates) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN book)))) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ sexual) (NNS perversions))) (VP (VBN described) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NNP Bible)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Yolanda sings with an anointing and a clarity that is harvested through personal pain . VERB: harvest POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: harvested through personal pain PARSE: (VP (VBN harvested) (PP (IN through) (NP (JJ personal) (NN pain)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Ironically , while writing this book and having it published , Parker was being disciplined by the Washington State Department of Heath for incompetence . VERB: discipline POLAR NOUN: incompetence GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: disciplined by the Washington State Department of Heath for incompetence PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN disciplined) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Washington) (@NP (NNP State) (NNP Department)))) (PP (IN of) (NP Heath))))) (PP (IN for) (NP incompetence))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: There is humor to diffuse any anxiety you might have about technology talk . VERB: diffuse POLAR NOUN: anxiety GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: diffuse any anxiety you might have about technology talk PARSE: (VP (VB diffuse) (NP (NP (DT any) (NN anxiety)) (SBAR (NP you) (VP (MD might) (VP (VB have) (PP (IN about) (NP (NN technology) (NN talk)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But , the cover price has risen more than 50 % so I 'll slog my way through this mess through to the end . VERB: slog POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: slog way through this mess PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB slog) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN way))) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT this) (NN mess)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: very negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I watch her eyes glaze in wonder at the Hoff and his silky leather voice . VERB: glaze POLAR NOUN: wonder GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: glaze in wonder PARSE: (@VP (VB glaze) (PP (IN in) (NP wonder))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And bow down to his glory . VERB: bow_down POLAR NOUN: glory GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bow down to glory PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB bow) (PRT down)) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN glory)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Then you are released , let down and caressed by the beauty of " Maya " and " Summer " . VERB: caress POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: caressed by the beauty of Maya PARSE: (@VP (VBN caressed) (PP (IN by) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN beauty)) (PP (@PP (IN of) ('' '')) (NP Maya))) ('' '')))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The aunt 's pushing Jenny to act as a lady to " snare " the hero was way over the top . VERB: snare POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: snare the hero PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB snare) ('' '')) (NP (DT the) (NN hero))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Also reminds me along with " Those Who Have Risen " album by Acheron , of Amon : Feasting the Beast by Deicide . VERB: feast POLAR NOUN: beast GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Feasting the Beast PARSE: (@VP (VBG Feasting) (NP (DT the) (NN Beast))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: 'Away with dry scholarship - It favours drama and detail ! ' VERB: favour POLAR NOUN: drama GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: favours drama and detail PARSE: (VP (VBZ favours) (NP (@NP (NN drama) (CC and)) (NN detail))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She preys on consumers fears of being ripped off , then hawks her own line of sub-par products . VERB: prey POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: preys on consumers fears of being ripped off then hawks PARSE: (@VP (VBZ preys) (PP (IN on) (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (NP (NNS consumers) (NNS fears)) (PP (IN of) (S (VBG being) (VP (VBN ripped) (PRT off))))) (, ,)) (ADVP then)) (NP hawks)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: evolutionary biology is deconstructing sexual desire , and this is the seminal work . VERB: deconstruct POLAR NOUN: desire GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: deconstructing sexual desire PARSE: (VP (VBG deconstructing) (NP (JJ sexual) (NN desire))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: There are two different areas to where she spews her hatred : The ( at the time ) WWF , and the Hart family . VERB: spew POLAR NOUN: hatred GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: spews hatred PARSE: (VP (VBZ spews) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN hatred))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It should have been pitched in the toliet and flushed down the drain . VERB: flush_down POLAR NOUN: drain GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: flushed down the drain PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD flushed) (PRT down)) (NP (DT the) (NN drain))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And Herman is equally off-base in mis-stating the closeness of the Shannon-Chesapeake frigate action . VERB: misstate POLAR NOUN: closeness GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mis-stating the closeness of the Shannon-Chesapeake frigate action PARSE: (S (VBG mis-stating) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN closeness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Shannon-Chesapeake) (@NP (NN frigate) (NN action))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Then a loud grinding noise signalled the demise of my fuser gear . VERB: signal POLAR NOUN: demise GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: signalled the demise of fuser gear PARSE: (VP (VBD signalled) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN demise)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (NN fuser) (NN gear)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The Ten Tigers soon came together and planned their strategies for sneaking their hero out of the country . VERB: sneak_out POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sneaking hero PARSE: (@VP (VBG sneaking) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN hero))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Prince Charles and Camilla have waited thirty years to legalize their love . VERB: legalize POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: legalize love PARSE: (VP (VB legalize) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN love))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It sucks you in with twists and turns . VERB: suck_in POLAR NOUN: twist GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sucks you in with twists and turns PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ sucks) (NP you)) (PP (IN in) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (NNS twists) (CC and)) (NNS turns))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This book 'Prayer of Jesus ' interjects the faith through Jesus Christ our Lord . VERB: interject POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: interjects the faith PARSE: (@VP (VBZ interjects) (NP (DT the) (NN faith))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Kempe sharpens all the scene-painting--the sheep here bleat with a vengeance . VERB: bleat POLAR NOUN: vengeance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bleat with a vengeance PARSE: (VP (VB bleat) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT a) (NN vengeance)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I vacillated between 3 and 4 stars for this movie . VERB: vacillate POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: vacillated between 3 and 4 stars PARSE: (@VP (VBD vacillated) (NP (QP (@QP (@QP (IN between) (CD 3)) (CC and)) (CD 4)) (NNS stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The towns mayor turns color after emitting anger and hate . VERB: emit POLAR NOUN: anger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: emitting anger and hate PARSE: (S (VBG emitting) (NP (@NP (NN anger) (CC and)) (NN hate))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Monsters constantly swarmed me in the game . VERB: swarm POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Monsters constantly swarmed me in the game PARSE: (ROOT (NP Monsters) (@S (ADVP constantly) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD swarmed) (NP me)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN game)))) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It exerts the demon in John Ross 's life and it also explains the magic that we all have in ourselves . VERB: exert POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: exerts the demon in John Ross 's life PARSE: (VP (VBZ exerts) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN demon)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP John) (@NP (NNP Ross) (POS 's))) (NN life))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He has sublimated his troubles into his work-until now . VERB: sublimate POLAR NOUN: trouble GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sublimated troubles PARSE: (@VP (VBN sublimated) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS troubles))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: McBride uses several of the same devices she did in " Wed to a Stranger ? " VERB: wed POLAR NOUN: stranger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Wed to a Stranger PARSE: (VP (VBD Wed) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT a) (NN Stranger)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The book is structured as a struggle between ' Man' vs. 'Nature . ' VERB: structure POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: structured as a struggle between PARSE: (@VP (VBN structured) (PP (IN as) (NP (@NP (NP (DT a) (NN struggle)) (PP between)) ('' ')))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But by the end I was frothing with indignation . VERB: froth POLAR NOUN: indignation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: frothing with indignation PARSE: (VP (VBG frothing) (PP (IN with) (NP indignation))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She postulates Goedel 's truth and then Darwin 's , declaring that we have both . VERB: postulate POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: postulates Goedel 's truth and then Darwin 's PARSE: (@VP (VBZ postulates) (NP (@NP (NP (NP (NNP Goedel) (POS 's)) (NN truth)) (CC and)) (NP (NP then) (NP (NNP Darwin) (POS 's))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The emptiness of the characters spills over into the essence of the book . VERB: spill_over POLAR NOUN: emptiness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The emptiness of the characters spills over into the essence of the book PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (NN emptiness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNS characters)))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ spills) (PRT over)) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN essence)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN book)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: PJ Harvery and Catpower , fronted by the Angus Young-fueled majesty of Ms. Argote . VERB: front POLAR NOUN: majesty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fronted by the Angus Young-fueled majesty of Argote PARSE: (VP (VBN fronted) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Angus) (@NP (JJ Young-fueled) (NN majesty)))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Ms.) (NNP Argote)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He uses foreshadowing with a twist to it . VERB: foreshadow POLAR NOUN: twist GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: foreshadowing with a twist PARSE: (@VP (VBG foreshadowing) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT a) (NN twist)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Judy George 's enthusiasm for people and life percolate through every page . VERB: percolate POLAR NOUN: enthusiasm GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Judy George 's enthusiasm for people and life percolate through every page PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (NP (NNP Judy) (@NP (NNP George) (POS 's))) (NN enthusiasm)) (PP (IN for) (NP (@NP (NNS people) (CC and)) (NN life)))) (@S (VP (VBP percolate) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT every) (NN page)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The single drew up new excitement in the then quartet for a forthcoming album that would be both produced and written by the girls . VERB: draw_up POLAR NOUN: excitement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: drew up new excitement in the then quartet for a forthcoming album that would be both produced PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD drew) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (JJ new) (NN excitement)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (ADVP then) (NN quartet))) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ forthcoming) (NN album))) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (@VP (VP (MD would) (VP be)) (CC both)) (VP produced))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Instead , he meanders through poverty in his Aunt Lily 's tenement . VERB: meander POLAR NOUN: poverty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: meanders through poverty in Aunt Lily 's tenement PARSE: (VP (VBZ meanders) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP poverty) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (NNP Aunt) (@NP (NNP Lily) (POS 's)))) (NN tenement)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It is a how-to book in terms of conducting morale studies , formulating recommendations and presenting results to management and employees . VERB: formulate POLAR NOUN: recommendations GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: formulating recommendations PARSE: (VP (VBG formulating) (NP recommendations)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Lippi-Green is a fan of social deconstructionist philosopher Michel Foucault and her analysis adheres to one cliche after another . VERB: adhere POLAR NOUN: cliche GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: adheres to one cliche PARSE: (@VP (VBZ adheres) (PP (TO to) (NP (CD one) (NN cliche)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It was these changes that fired up the fear-factor all over again . VERB: fire_up POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fired up the fear-factor PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD fired) (PRT up)) (NP (DT the) (NN fear-factor))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: When you gaze into the abyss ... VERB: gaze POLAR NOUN: abyss GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: gaze into the abyss PARSE: (VP (VBP gaze) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN abyss)) (: ...)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: " Yeah , right , " my skepticism intoned . VERB: intone POLAR NOUN: skepticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: skepticism intoned PARSE: (@S (NP (PRP$ my) (NN skepticism)) (@S (VP intoned) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: These where the words of a " A complex man drawn off of simplicity . " VERB: draw_off POLAR NOUN: simplicity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: drawn off of simplicity PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN drawn) (PRT off)) (PP (IN of) (NP simplicity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The second group is the stewards , whose job is keep track of slaves and administer pain and punishment . VERB: administer POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: administer pain and punishment PARSE: (VP (VB administer) (NP (@NP (NN pain) (CC and)) (NN punishment))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They christen the evil that can change faces "IT. " VERB: christen POLAR NOUN: evil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: christen the evil that can change faces IT PARSE: (VP (VBP christen) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN evil)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (MD can) (VP (VB change) (S (@S (NP faces) (`` ``)) (NP IT))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: By contrast , because Israel is a democracy , its chauvinist and sectarian elements could , ironically , mutate into fascism . VERB: mutate POLAR NOUN: fascism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: mutate into fascism PARSE: (VP (VB mutate) (PP (IN into) (NP fascism))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: You 've got Sirius Black running around , Dementors sucking up happiness , and Lupin . VERB: suck_up POLAR NOUN: happiness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sucking up happiness PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG sucking) (PRT up)) (NP happiness)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Now my purple genius Dawn Silva is showering under that purple rain . VERB: shower POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: purple genius Dawn Silva is showering under that purple rain PARSE: (@S (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ purple) (NN genius))) (NP (NNP Dawn) (NNP Silva))) (@S (VP (VBZ is) (VP (VBG showering) (PP (IN under) (NP (DT that) (@NP (JJ purple) (NN rain)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Their appreciation for their fans oozes out of the CD. VERB: ooze_out POLAR NOUN: appreciation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: appreciation for fans oozes out of the CD PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (PRP$ Their) (NN appreciation)) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS fans)))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ oozes) (PRT out)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP CD)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: From the moment that the students entered the doors of Central High , hatred and bigotry infiltrated the hallways . VERB: infiltrate POLAR NOUN: hatred GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hatred and bigotry infiltrated the hallways PARSE: (@S (NP (@NP (NN hatred) (CC and)) (NN bigotry)) (@S (VP (VBD infiltrated) (NP (DT the) (NNS hallways))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She has yet to carve out her personality and stand out from the other R&B divas . VERB: carve_out POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: carve out personality PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB carve) (PRT out)) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN personality))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: With each listening this record unfurls more virtue for me . VERB: unfurl POLAR NOUN: virtue GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: unfurls more virtue PARSE: (@VP (VBZ unfurls) (NP (JJR more) (NN virtue))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Or outputing a master DLT for mass duplication . VERB: output POLAR NOUN: master GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: His music represents a soul in flight , coasting on ecstasy . VERB: coast POLAR NOUN: ecstasy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: coasting on ecstasy PARSE: (S (VBG coasting) (PP (IN on) (NP ecstasy))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It circles around and around the truth of the world , nearly settles there , then pulls away . VERB: circle_around POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: circles around and around the truth of the world PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ circles) (ADVP (@ADVP (IN around) (CC and)) (IN around))) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN truth)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN world))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You get to parachute into the hell of D-Day in Normandy in the middle of the night . VERB: parachute POLAR NOUN: hell GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: parachute into the hell of D-Day PARSE: (@VP (VB parachute) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN hell)) (PP (IN of) (NP D-Day))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Should be renamed the sloth and the draggin . VERB: rename POLAR NOUN: sloth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: renamed the sloth and the draggin PARSE: (VP (VBN renamed) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN sloth)) (CC and)) (NP (DT the) (NN draggin)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Lohan behold , formulaic pop snuffs out inspiration once again . VERB: snuff POLAR NOUN: inspiration GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: snuffs out inspiration once again PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ snuffs) (PRT out)) (NP (NP inspiration) (ADVP (RB once) (RB again)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: That alone pushes up the rating by two stars . VERB: push_up POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pushes up the rating by two stars PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VBZ pushes) (PRT up)) (NP (DT the) (NN rating))) (PP (IN by) (NP (CD two) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The book is far mis-construed from the truth . VERB: misconstrue POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mis-construed from the truth PARSE: (VP (VBN mis-construed) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN truth)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: We tinkered with the grind and tamp . VERB: tinker POLAR NOUN: grind GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: tinkered with the grind and tamp PARSE: (VP (VBD tinkered) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN grind) (CC and)) (NN tamp))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I heard the Mozart Exultate Jubilate over the radio , every hair on my body upright & quivering with delight . VERB: quiver POLAR NOUN: delight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The primordial enigmatic Australian outback and haunting music have been amalgamated to perfection . VERB: amalgamate POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: amalgamated to perfection PARSE: (VP (VBN amalgamated) (PP (TO to) (NP perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The album than diversifies into a masterpiece . VERB: diversify POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: diversifies into a masterpiece PARSE: (VP (VBZ diversifies) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: To compound the craziness , Bent plays his role as a less-plausible , 19th century Lex Luthor . VERB: compound POLAR NOUN: craziness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: compound the craziness PARSE: (VP (VB compound) (NP (DT the) (NN craziness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She redlines the sass-o-meter & gets every gal in touch with her inner Miss Thing . VERB: redline POLAR NOUN: sass GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: redlines the sass-o-meter gets every gal in touch with inner Miss Thing PARSE: (VP (VBZ redlines) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN sass-o-meter)) (CC &)) (S (@VP (VBZ gets) (NP (NP (DT every) (NN gal)) (PP (IN in) (NP touch)))) (PP (IN with) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ inner) (@NP (NNP Miss) (NNP Thing)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They call it buyer 's convenience , but they 're the ones saving money off foisting this inconvenience onto the buyers . VERB: foist POLAR NOUN: inconvenience GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: foisting this inconvenience PARSE: (@VP (VBG foisting) (NP (DT this) (NN inconvenience))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The experiences of life that we all share are presented here for us to relate to and take joy in . VERB: take_in POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: take joy PARSE: (@VP (VB take) (NP joy)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: When I heard this song sung , I dropped my jaw and let out the loudest gasp. VERB: let_out POLAR NOUN: gasp GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The buffers to absorb shock fall off the speakers within a few hours . VERB: absorb POLAR NOUN: shock GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: absorb shock fall PARSE: (@VP (VB absorb) (NP (NN shock) (NN fall))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Critics originally slagged this album because of its proximity in time to the Who 's Tommy . VERB: slag POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He willingly undertakes the task of overseeing his idol as he makes his way through New York . VERB: oversee POLAR NOUN: idol GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: overseeing idol PARSE: (@VP (VBG overseeing) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN idol))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Karen Kingston has written a book cluttered with nonsense . VERB: clutter POLAR NOUN: nonsense GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cluttered with nonsense PARSE: (VP (VBN cluttered) (PP (IN with) (NP nonsense))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: As a child she was cruelly nicknamed The Freak by her classmates . VERB: nickname POLAR NOUN: freak GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: nicknamed The Freak PARSE: (@VP (VBN nicknamed) (NP (DT The) (NN Freak))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Those 15 " monsters were hogging it all . VERB: hog POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Those 15 monsters were hogging it all PARSE: (@NP (NP (DT Those) (@NP (CD 15) (@NP ('' '') (NNS monsters)))) (SBAR (VBD were) (VP (VBG hogging) (S (NP it) (NP all))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The coastal cities that would flourish with trade , only to be taxed into poverty . VERB: tax POLAR NOUN: poverty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: taxed into poverty PARSE: (VP (VBN taxed) (PP (IN into) (NP poverty))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He said , " From the moment I picked your book up until I laid it down I was convulsed with laughter . VERB: convulse POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: convulsed with laughter PARSE: (VP (VBN convulsed) (PP (IN with) (NP laughter))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The text also modernises all the existing approaches to radio drama . VERB: modernise POLAR NOUN: drama GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: modernises all the existing approaches to radio drama PARSE: (VP (VBZ modernises) (S (NP (PDT all) (DT the)) (NP (NP (VBG existing) (NNS approaches)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NN radio) (NN drama)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Livgren 's guitar and melodies hark back to past glories . VERB: hark POLAR NOUN: glory GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hark back to past glories PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP hark) (ADVP back)) (PP (TO to) (NP (JJ past) (NNS glories)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The First Ten Years condenses their genius in one long-play CD , with sailing tunes , but also contemporary songs . VERB: condense POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: condenses genius in one long-play CD PARSE: (@VP (VBZ condenses) (NP (NP (PRP$ their) (NN genius)) (PP (IN in) (NP (CD one) (@NP (JJ long-play) (NN CD)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It brought forward all the fears , and struggles we all have in our relationships with other races . VERB: bring_forward POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: brought forward all the fears PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD brought) (ADVP forward)) (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (NNS fears)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Reviews I have read on the net this evening have constantly harped on his lack of "bite . " VERB: harp POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: harped on lack of bite PARSE: (VP (VBN harped) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NN lack)) (PP (@PP (IN of) (`` ``)) (S bite))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In the second half of the work my preference inclines towards Gardiner . VERB: incline POLAR NOUN: preference GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: preference inclines towards Gardiner PARSE: (@S (NP (PRP$ my) (NN preference)) (@S (VP (VBZ inclines) (PP (IN towards) (NP Gardiner))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Her fingers have punched out a mystery that constantly keeps the reader guessing almost to the last page . VERB: punch POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: punched out a mystery that constantly keeps the reader guessing almost to the last page PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN punched) (PRT out)) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN mystery)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (ADVP constantly) (VP (VBZ keeps) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN reader)) (VP (@VP (VBG guessing) (ADVP almost)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ last) (NN page))))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The standouts for me were Stay with you , Let love in , and Become . VERB: let_in POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Let love PARSE: (@VP (VB Let) (NP love)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It released a sort of chemical in my body that replenished my self esteem . VERB: replenish POLAR NOUN: esteem GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: replenished self esteem PARSE: (S (VBD replenished) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (NN self) (NN esteem)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He 's the man who will put Democrats back on the map and save our country and win back confidence from our allies . VERB: win_back POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: win back confidence PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB win) (PRT back)) (NP confidence)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The setting juxtaposes between old European splendor and the present MP3 generation with Enrique being the bridge . VERB: juxtapose POLAR NOUN: splendor GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: juxtaposes between old European splendor and the present MP3 generation PARSE: (@VP (VBZ juxtaposes) (PP (IN between) (NP (@NP (NP (JJ old) (@NP (JJ European) (NN splendor))) (CC and)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ present) (@NP (NN MP3) (NN generation))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This is the kind of writing that can bring healing , like cauterizing a wound . VERB: cauterize POLAR NOUN: wound GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cauterizing a wound PARSE: (S (VBG cauterizing) (NP (DT a) (NN wound))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Mr. Rowland and other authors have reexamined and reassessed the General 's personality and actions . VERB: reassess POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reassessed the General 's personality and actions PARSE: (VP (VBN reassessed) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP General) (POS 's))) (@NP (@NP (NN personality) (CC and)) (NNS actions)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The cover of my copy is swathed in praise ; the Literary Review calls it "wonderful" . VERB: swathe POLAR NOUN: praise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: swathed in praise PARSE: (VP (VBN swathed) (PP (IN in) (NP praise))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: We make pizza dough , bread etc . Easy to use , mixes , and bakes to perfection . VERB: bake POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I am bubbling over in joy for you . VERB: bubble_over POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bubbling over in joy for you PARSE: (VP (VBG bubbling) (PP (IN over) (@PP (IN in) (NP (NP joy) (PP (IN for) (NP you)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The haunting beauty and tone of his voice vibrate directly into my heart . VERB: vibrate POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The haunting beauty and tone of voice vibrate directly into heart PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (@NP (NN haunting) (@NP (@NP (NN beauty) (CC and)) (NN tone)))) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN voice)))) (@S (VP (@VP (VB vibrate) (ADVP directly)) (PP (IN into) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN heart)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The woman opens her mouth , and truth pours forth in this book . VERB: pour_forth POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: truth pours forth in this book PARSE: (S (NP truth) (VP (@VP (VBZ pours) (ADVP forth)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT this) (NN book))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Watson ascends to the stars on this CD VERB: ascend POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: ascends to the stars on this CD PARSE: (VP (VBZ ascends) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS stars)) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT this) (NN CD)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: i have yet to see him duplicate the talents he displayed on this album . VERB: duplicate POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: duplicate the talents PARSE: (@VP (VB duplicate) (NP (DT the) (NNS talents))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I disagree with the two previous " critics " VERB: disagree_with POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: disagree with the two previous critics PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBP disagree) (ADVP with)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (CD two) (@NP (JJ previous) (@NP ('' '') (NNS critics)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Bishop and CoPastor Morton have pulled together another musical blessing . VERB: pull_together POLAR NOUN: blessing GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pulled together another musical blessing PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN pulled) (PRT together)) (NP (DT another) (@NP (JJ musical) (NN blessing)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I 've read this book now 8 different times and I keep discovering new plots but find myself cracking up at the same jokes . VERB: crack_up POLAR NOUN: joke GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: cracking up at the same jokes PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG cracking) (PRT up)) (PP (IN at) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ same) (NNS jokes))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It leaves the fate of Roland and his companions , as well as that of the Tower itself , enshrouded in doubt . VERB: enshroud POLAR NOUN: doubt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: enshrouded in doubt PARSE: (VP (VBD enshrouded) (PP (IN in) (NP doubt))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Second , Grant also overuses cliches . VERB: overuse POLAR NOUN: cliche GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: overuses cliches PARSE: (VP (VBZ overuses) (NP cliches)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The first is a brief overview of arms , armor and tactics of the combatants over the two centuries that hosted the Crusades . VERB: host POLAR NOUN: crusade GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hosted the Crusades PARSE: (S (VBD hosted) (NP (DT the) (NNPS Crusades))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Humour leaps out at you . VERB: leap_out POLAR NOUN: humour GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Humour leaps out at you PARSE: (ROOT (NP Humour) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ leaps) (PRT out)) (PP (IN at) (NP you))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: At the same time , they have also fortified " the cultural and economic hegemony of target-language publishers " ( 5 ) . VERB: fortify POLAR NOUN: hegemony GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: have also fortified the cultural and economic hegemony of target-language publishers 5 PARSE: (@S (VP (@VP (VBP have) (ADVP also)) (VP (VBN fortified) ('' ''))) (NP (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ cultural) (@NP (CC and) (@NP (JJ economic) (NN hegemony))))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN target-language) (NNS publishers)))) ('' '')) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (@PRN (NP 5) (-RRB- -RRB-))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The Honeycombs originally recorded for Joe Meek who leased the masters to Pye Records . VERB: lease POLAR NOUN: masters GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: leased the masters PARSE: (@VP (VBD leased) (NP (DT the) (NNS masters))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: My respect for Navy SEALS skyrocketed . VERB: skyrocket POLAR NOUN: respect GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: respect for Navy SEALS skyrocketed PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (PRP$ My) (NN respect)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNP Navy) (NNP SEALS)))) (@S (VP skyrocketed) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In the process she must face up to her own prejudices . VERB: face_up POLAR NOUN: prejudice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: face up to own prejudices PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB face) (PRT up)) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ own) (NNS prejudices))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A lot of bazoons had to buy off on this idiot-project for it to happen . VERB: buy_off POLAR NOUN: idiot GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: buy off on this idiot-project for it PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB buy) (PRT off)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT this) (NN idiot-project)) (PP (IN for) (NP it))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I 've been holding on to this fantasy/dream that the WOT series will return to the quality of the mid-ninties . VERB: hold_on POLAR NOUN: fantasy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: holding on to this PARSE: (@VP (VBG holding) (PP (IN on) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT this) (NN fantasy/dream))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The fun begins when the stranger turns up on her job . VERB: turn_up POLAR NOUN: stranger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the stranger turns up on job PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (NN stranger)) (VP (@VP (VBZ turns) (PRT up)) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN job))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Jeff , Forbes magazine estimates your liquid net worth at $ 3.3 Billion dollars . VERB: estimate POLAR NOUN: worth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: estimates liquid net worth PARSE: (@VP (VBZ estimates) (NP (PRP$ your) (@NP (JJ liquid) (@NP (JJ net) (NN worth))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: After a mirky and brooding introduction , Shaklovity enters to mull on the pending demise of a sleeping Russia . VERB: mull POLAR NOUN: demise GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: mull on the pending demise of a sleeping Russia PARSE: (VP (VB mull) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (VBG pending) (NN demise))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (@NP (VBG sleeping) (NNP Russia))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Fendelman suddenly blurts out nonsense about him being used , Max being used and Adam being used . VERB: blurt_out POLAR NOUN: nonsense GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: blurts out nonsense about him being used Max being used and Adam being used PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ blurts) (PRT out)) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (NP nonsense) (PP (IN about) (S (NP him) (VP (VBG being) (VP used))))) (, ,)) (NP (NP Max) (VP (VBG being) (VP used)))) (CC and)) (NP (NP Adam) (VP (VBG being) (VP used))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I will gambol with Ms Estep 's maniacs anytime . VERB: gambol POLAR NOUN: maniac GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: gambol with Ms Estep 's maniacs PARSE: (@VP (VB gambol) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NNP Ms) (@NP (NNP Estep) (POS 's))) (NNS maniacs)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Your appreciation will snowball ... VERB: snowball POLAR NOUN: appreciation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: appreciation will snowball PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ Your) (NN appreciation)) (@S (VP (MD will) (VP snowball)) (: ...))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: ' Sal ' is always parroting Cramer 's obscenities and that 's it . VERB: parrot POLAR NOUN: obscenity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: parroting Cramer 's obscenities PARSE: (VP (VBG parroting) (NP (NP (NNP Cramer) (POS 's)) (NNS obscenities))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The left arm simulates the Predator 's severed hand wound from the film , and the hand can be snapped on or off . VERB: simulate POLAR NOUN: wound GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: simulates the Predator 's severed hand wound from the film PARSE: (VP (VBZ simulates) (NP (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Predator) (POS 's))) (@NP (VBN severed) (@NP (NN hand) (NN wound)))) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN film))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It traffics in many cliches . VERB: traffic POLAR NOUN: cliche GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: traffics in many cliches PARSE: (VP (VBZ traffics) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ many) (NNS cliches)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The first time I listened to it , I was totally transfixed by the beauty and range of Kem 's voice . VERB: transfix POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: transfixed by the beauty and range of Kem 's voice PARSE: (VP (VBN transfixed) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN beauty) (CC and)) (NN range))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Kem) (POS 's)) (NN voice)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: All the anger lies down on this album ... VERB: lie_down POLAR NOUN: anger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: All the anger lies down on this album PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PDT All) (@NP (DT the) (NN anger))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ lies) (PRT down)) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT this) (NN album)))) (: ...))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: in the reach of your palm my majesty beckons . VERB: beckon POLAR NOUN: majesty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: majesty beckons PARSE: (@S (NP (PRP$ my) (NN majesty)) (@S (VP beckons) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book concreted my feet in my faith rather than question it which was an intended purpose IMHO . VERB: concrete POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: concreted feet in faith PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD concreted) (NP (PRP$ my) (NNS feet))) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN faith)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: ( You pause while skating and select Cheats to toggle them on and off . ) VERB: toggle POLAR NOUN: cheat GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: skating and select Cheats to toggle them on and off PARSE: (S (NP (@NP (NP skating) (CC and)) (NP (JJ select) (NNS Cheats))) (VP (TO to) (VP (@VP (VB toggle) (NP them)) (ADVP (@ADVP (IN on) (CC and)) (IN off))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I found the pages weighted down with grief . VERB: weight_down POLAR NOUN: grief GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: weighted down with grief PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD weighted) (PRT down)) (PP (IN with) (NP grief))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Nektar detoured themselves into relative obscurity . VERB: detour POLAR NOUN: obscurity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: detoured themselves into relative obscurity PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD detoured) (NP themselves)) (PP (IN into) (NP (JJ relative) (NN obscurity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This book is welling with insight VERB: well POLAR NOUN: insight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: welling with insight PARSE: (VP (VBG welling) (PP (IN with) (NP insight))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book is like excavating inspiration VERB: excavate POLAR NOUN: inspiration GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: excavating inspiration PARSE: (S (VBG excavating) (NP inspiration)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In ` Practising our Faith ' ( Dorothy C Bass , (ed ) Jossey Bass Publishers : San Francisco , 1997 , pg . VERB: practise POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Practising Faith Dorothy C Bass ed Jossey Bass Publishers San Francisco 1997 pg PARSE: (S (VBG Practising) (NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ our) (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (NN Faith) ('' ')) (-LRB- -LRB-)) (NP (NP Dorothy) (NP (NNP C) (NNP Bass)))) (, ,))) (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (@PRN (VP ed) (-RRB- -RRB-)))) (NP (@NP (NP (NNP Jossey) (@NP (NNP Bass) (NNPS Publishers))) (: :)) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (NNP San) (NNP Francisco)) (, ,)) (NP 1997)) (, ,)) (NP pg))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A fantasy to get carried away with VERB: carry_away POLAR NOUN: fantasy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: A fantasy to get carried away with PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (NN fantasy)) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB get) (VP (@VP (VBN carried) (PRT away)) (PP with))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Constantly evolving , Dexter sniffs out the evil-doers who prey on innocents . VERB: sniff_out POLAR NOUN: evildoer GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sniffs out the evil-doers who prey on innocents PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ sniffs) (PRT out)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS evil-doers)) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (VBP prey) (PP (IN on) (NP innocents)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They are attended by eunuchs vested in their own self-interest , all of them hidden from the eyes of the world . VERB: vest POLAR NOUN: self-interest GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: vested in own self-interest all of them hidden from the eyes of the world PARSE: (VP (VBN vested) (PP (IN in) (NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ own) (NN self-interest))) (, ,)) (NP (@NP (NP all) (PP (IN of) (NP them))) (VP (VBN hidden) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS eyes)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN world)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Austin reprises his love of music with this CD. VERB: reprise POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reprises love of music PARSE: (@VP (VBZ reprises) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NN love)) (PP (IN of) (NP music)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As the story evolves , the mystery unwinds . VERB: unwind POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the mystery unwinds PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (NN mystery)) (@S (VP unwinds) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: There are the people in the biodome , safely tucked away from the virus . VERB: tuck_away POLAR NOUN: virus GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: tucked away from the virus PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD tucked) (ADVP away)) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN virus)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Cesar Vallejo is a poet for all times , interconnected to the stars - and the earth . VERB: interconnect POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The artists have created a visual simili of the political process that accumulates in opposition & activism . VERB: accumulate POLAR NOUN: opposition GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: accumulates in opposition activism PARSE: (S (VBZ accumulates) (PP (IN in) (NP (@NP (NP opposition) (CC &)) (NP activism)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: You can hear the words grunting in agony as you read the book . VERB: grunt POLAR NOUN: agony GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: grunting in agony PARSE: (@VP (VBG grunting) (PP (IN in) (NP agony))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The create-a-character mode is a lot of fun , with a plethora of options to outfit your hero . VERB: outfit POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: outfit hero PARSE: (VP (VB outfit) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN hero))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Once upon a time there were three kids from the East Side who were all orphaned after a boating disaster . VERB: orphan POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: orphaned after a boating disaster PARSE: (VP (VBN orphaned) (PP (IN after) (NP (DT a) (@NP (VBG boating) (NN disaster))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They are in an area of space pocketed with temporal distortions . VERB: pocket POLAR NOUN: distortion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pocketed with temporal distortions PARSE: (VP (VBN pocketed) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ temporal) (NNS distortions)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Subsequently , the initial chapter takes a turn as the characters visit Greektown-a place that denotes mystery and exoticism . VERB: denote POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: denotes mystery and exoticism PARSE: (S (VBZ denotes) (NP (@NP (NN mystery) (CC and)) (NN exoticism))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Braindead fundamentalist screed propagating more denial of the pagan roots of Christian-inanity . VERB: propagate POLAR NOUN: denial GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: propagating more denial of the pagan roots of Christian-inanity PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG propagating) (ADVP more)) (NP (NP denial) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ pagan) (NNS roots))) (PP (IN of) (NP Christian-inanity)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Maura 's passion whirls them together in an instant . VERB: whirl POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Maura 's passion whirls them together in an instant PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (NNP Maura) (POS 's)) (NN passion)) (@S (VP (@VP (@VP (VBZ whirls) (NP them)) (ADVP together)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT an) (NN instant)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: G. B. Trudeau calls down the wrath of the Reagan White House VERB: call_down POLAR NOUN: wrath GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: calls down the wrath of the Reagan White House PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ calls) (PRT down)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN wrath)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Reagan) (@NP (NNP White) (NNP House))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This book is a monument to those unsung teenage artists and the photographer who recognized and publicized their talents . VERB: publicize POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: publicized talents PARSE: (VP (VBD publicized) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS talents))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Kerouac lyrically deals with America and it 's post-war , post-nuclear device detonating intrigues . VERB: detonate POLAR NOUN: intrigue GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: detonating intrigues PARSE: (VP (VBG detonating) (NP intrigues)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: What emerges is a fountain that brims over with encouragement . VERB: brim_over POLAR NOUN: encouragement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: brims over with encouragement PARSE: (S (@VP (VBZ brims) (PRT over)) (PP (IN with) (NP encouragement))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Nor is it for readers who blanch at adolescent sexual fantasies . VERB: blanch POLAR NOUN: fantasy GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: blanch at adolescent sexual fantasies PARSE: (S (VBP blanch) (PP (IN at) (NP (JJ adolescent) (@NP (JJ sexual) (NNS fantasies))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Bullies are constantly beating him up . VERB: beat_up POLAR NOUN: bully GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Bullies are constantly beating him up PARSE: (ROOT (NP Bullies) (@S (VP (@VP (VBP are) (ADVP constantly)) (VP (@VP (VBG beating) (NP him)) (PRT up))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Well I bought in as a sucker and am out a lot of money . VERB: buy_in POLAR NOUN: sucker GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bought in as a sucker PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD bought) (PRT in)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN sucker)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They have a son and on visiting days old wounds are re-opened . VERB: reopen POLAR NOUN: wound GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: old wounds are re-opened PARSE: (@S (NP (JJ old) (NNS wounds)) (VP (VBP are) (VP re-opened))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In your book , you journeyed in faith into the realm of God 's creation . VERB: journey POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: journeyed in faith PARSE: (@VP (VBD journeyed) (PP (IN in) (NP faith))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You wipe up the mess , dry yourself off , and get in time to watch the credits . VERB: wipe_up POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: wipe up the mess dry yourself PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBP wipe) (PRT up)) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN mess)) (, ,)) (ADJP (JJ dry) (NP yourself)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: From the stripped down simplicity of his Koola Lobitos sessions to his larger sounds with the Egypt 80 band . VERB: strip_down POLAR NOUN: simplicity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: stripped down simplicity of Koola Lobitos sessions PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBN stripped) (PRT down)) (NP (NP simplicity) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (NNP Koola) (@NP (NNP Lobitos) (NNS sessions))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Terry faints for lack of eating . VERB: faint POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: faints for lack of eating PARSE: (VP (VBZ faints) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP lack) (PP (IN of) (NP eating))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: That is why I shorted the book one star . VERB: short POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: shorted the book one star PARSE: (VP (VBD shorted) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN book) (@NP (CD one) (NN star))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You CAN shape your emerging economic future , provided you are disciplined in the way you attune yourself to opportunities . VERB: attune POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: attune yourself to opportunities PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP attune) (NP yourself)) (PP (TO to) (NP opportunities))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And her preferences generally line up with what I 've heard elsewhere . ) VERB: line_up POLAR NOUN: preference GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: preferences generally line up with what I 've heard elsewhere PARSE: (@S (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS preferences)) (@S (ADVP generally) (@S (@S (VP (@VP (VBP line) (PRT up)) (PP (IN with) (SBAR (WHNP what) (S (NP I) (VP (VBP 've) (VP (VBN heard) (ADVP elsewhere))))))) (. .)) (-RRB- -RRB-)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: So I *PLUGGED IN* the *WIRELESS* router and tittered with joy as the " SMARTwizard " "detected " my "network type" . VERB: titter POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: tittered with joy as the PARSE: (@VP (VBD tittered) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP joy) (PP (IN as) (NP the))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: By the climax of the story , Lam is handcuffed to his nemesis , Sgt . VERB: handcuff POLAR NOUN: nemesis GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: handcuffed to nemesis Sgt PARSE: (ADJP (VBN handcuffed) (PP (TO to) (NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NN nemesis)) (, ,)) (NP Sgt)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Instead , the music resinates with cliches . VERB: resinate POLAR NOUN: cliche GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: resinates with cliches PARSE: (VP (VBZ resinates) (PP (IN with) (NP cliches))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I have had to fill out an online complaint to the FTC today . VERB: fill_out POLAR NOUN: complaint GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fill out an online complaint PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB fill) (PRT out)) (NP (DT an) (@NP (NN online) (NN complaint)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Business insights couched in a narrative form VERB: couch POLAR NOUN: insight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Business insights couched in a narrative form PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NN Business) (NNS insights)) (VP (VBN couched) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ narrative) (NN form)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: We were with a group and had to winch a Defender from a stuck situation . VERB: winch POLAR NOUN: defender GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: winch a Defender PARSE: (@VP (VB winch) (NP (DT a) (NN Defender))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It was commissioned as a memorial tribute to her father by the recording 's oboe soloist , Linda Strommen . VERB: commission POLAR NOUN: tribute GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: commissioned as a memorial tribute PARSE: (@VP (VBN commissioned) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN memorial) (NN tribute))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Ed Thorp rebounded from this mishap and started a second hedge fund in 1994 . VERB: rebound POLAR NOUN: mishap GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: rebounded from this mishap PARSE: (VP (VBD rebounded) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT this) (NN mishap)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I have re-examined my own desires and my own definition of wealth . VERB: re-examine POLAR NOUN: desire GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: re-examined own desires and own definition of wealth PARSE: (VP (VBN re-examined) (NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ own) (NNS desires))) (CC and)) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ own) (NN definition))) (PP (IN of) (NP wealth))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It was written by a journalist who was paid off from organizations sponsoring anti-Armenian sentiment . VERB: sponsor POLAR NOUN: sentiment GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sponsoring anti-Armenian sentiment PARSE: (VP (VBG sponsoring) (NP (JJ anti-Armenian) (NN sentiment))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: When mankind colonized the stars , it developed into two different , antogonistic types that had left Mars behind . VERB: colonize POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: colonized the stars PARSE: (VP (VBD colonized) (NP (DT the) (NNS stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: My respect for ants zoomed , reading this . VERB: zoom POLAR NOUN: respect GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: respect for ants zoomed reading this PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (PRP$ My) (NN respect)) (PP (IN for) (NP ants))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD zoomed) (, ,)) (S (VBG reading) (NP this))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Laurie R. King keeps the reader riveted to this new mystery about Mary Russell and Sherlock Holmes . VERB: rivet POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: riveted to this new mystery PARSE: (@VP (VBD riveted) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ new) (NN mystery))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The more "human capital" , the more resources these disenfranchised individuals have to institutionalize their frustration . VERB: institutionalize POLAR NOUN: frustration GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: institutionalize frustration PARSE: (VP (VB institutionalize) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN frustration))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: We dabbed stars all over his ceiling . VERB: dab POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: dabbed stars PARSE: (@VP (VBD dabbed) (NP stars)) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He drank the Elixir of life , which makes him immortal , and slaved to his love who sends him on a killing rampage . VERB: slave POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: slaved to love who sends him on a killing rampage PARSE: (VP (VBD slaved) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NN love)) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (@VP (VBZ sends) (NP him)) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN killing) (NN rampage))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Her husband deserts her and starts fooling around with some tramp from his office . VERB: fool_around POLAR NOUN: tramp GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fooling around with some tramp from office PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG fooling) (PRT around)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT some) (NN tramp)) (PP (IN from) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN office)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: For that I mark off one star . VERB: mark_off POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mark off one star PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP mark) (PRT off)) (NP (CD one) (NN star))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He baptised me into the Mormon faith . VERB: baptise POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: baptised me into the Mormon faith PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD baptised) (NP me)) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ Mormon) (NN faith))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I have to include the set design and color as well as the cinematography in handing out praise . VERB: hand_out POLAR NOUN: praise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: handing out praise PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG handing) (PRT out)) (NP praise)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It is this that roused the world 's ire . VERB: rouse POLAR NOUN: ire GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: roused the world 's ire PARSE: (S (VBD roused) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN world) (POS 's))) (NN ire))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Boyd out-maneuvered his opponents-in the air & on the ground . VERB: outmaneuver POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: out-maneuvered opponents-in the air on the ground PARSE: (VP (VBD out-maneuvered) (NP (@NP (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NN opponents-in)) (NP (DT the) (NN air))) (CC &)) (NP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NN ground))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: from these ideals you can branch out into your own style and make it your own . VERB: branch_out POLAR NOUN: ideal GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: from these ideals you can branch out into own style and make it own PARSE: (ROOT (PP (IN from) (NP (DT these) (NNS ideals))) (@S (NP you) (@S (VP (MD can) (VP (@VP (@VP (VP (@VP (VB branch) (PRT out)) (PP (IN into) (NP (PRP$ your) (@NP (JJ own) (NN style))))) (CC and)) (VP (VB make) (NP it))) (NP (PRP$ your) (JJ own)))) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He also demonstrates how the art employs positioning to outflank an opponent . VERB: outflank POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: outflank an opponent PARSE: (VP (VB outflank) (NP (DT an) (NN opponent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: As soon as their expedition to find the Horta starts , the monster burrows through a metal wall close to Spock and Kirk . VERB: burrow POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the monster burrows through a metal wall close to Spock and Kirk PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (NN monster)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ burrows) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN metal) (@NP (NN wall) (NN close)))))) (PP (TO to) (NP (@NP (NNP Spock) (CC and)) (NNP Kirk)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Award-winning composer Anne Dudley 's has transcribed Bach 's masterpiece for piano trio . VERB: transcribe POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: transcribed Bach 's masterpiece PARSE: (@VP (VBN transcribed) (NP (NP (NNP Bach) (POS 's)) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I guess the $ 29.99 price should have clued me to the lack of quality . VERB: clue POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: clued me to the lack of quality PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN clued) (NP me)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN lack)) (PP (IN of) (NP quality))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Okay , Faramir taking Frodo and Sam to Osgiliath externalized the struggle . VERB: externalize POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: externalized the struggle PARSE: (VP (VBD externalized) (NP (DT the) (NN struggle))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But Neville is determined to honour his promise to Lily 's father and be a husband to her . VERB: honour POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: honour promise PARSE: (@VP (VB honour) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN promise))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: That ;s because Sanfor does n' sanitize his heroes or villians . VERB: sanitize POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sanitize heroes or villians PARSE: (SBAR (VB sanitize) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (@NP (NNS heroes) (CC or)) (NNS villians)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: People are ALL OVER this song because it "talks about love " . VERB: talk_about POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In this movie , amusement predominates . VERB: predominate POLAR NOUN: amusement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: amusement predominates PARSE: (@S (NP amusement) (@S (VP predominates) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Muir 's underlying sensitivity-hidden-beneath-a-maddened-frame are traded in for conventional metal anger without wit . VERB: trade_in POLAR NOUN: anger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: traded in for conventional metal anger PARSE: (@VP (VBN traded) (PP (IN in) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ conventional) (@NP (NN metal) (NN anger)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: That 's an example of how Fox 's journalistic integrity shapes up . VERB: shape_up POLAR NOUN: integrity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Fox 's journalistic integrity shapes up PARSE: (S (NP (NP (NNP Fox) (POS 's)) (@NP (JJ journalistic) (NN integrity))) (VP (VBZ shapes) (PRT up))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And my face would be scrunched up with worry . VERB: scrunch_up POLAR NOUN: worry GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: scrunched up with worry PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN scrunched) (PRT up)) (PP (IN with) (NP worry))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The characters have been cleverly designed and the storyline has been thought out to perfection . VERB: think_out POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: thought out to perfection PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN thought) (PRT out)) (PP (TO to) (NP perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In the middle , we 're barraged by a mess of sitcomesque ambulance drivers . VERB: barrage POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: barraged by a mess of sitcomesque ambulance drivers PARSE: (VP (VBN barraged) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN mess)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ sitcomesque) (@NP (NN ambulance) (NNS drivers))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Many years later , after the advent of DVD 's , I mustered the courage to return to the world of Escaflowne . VERB: muster POLAR NOUN: courage GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mustered the courage to return to the world of Escaflowne PARSE: (VP (VBD mustered) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN courage) (S (TO to) (VP (VB return) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN world)) (PP (IN of) (NP Escaflowne))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: His ratings speak for themselves , he either allocates 5 stars and a long-winded , exaggerated explanation . VERB: allocate POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: allocates 5 stars and a long-winded exaggerated explanation PARSE: (VP (VBZ allocates) (NP (@NP (NP (CD 5) (NNS stars)) (CC and)) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ long-winded) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (JJ exaggerated) (NN explanation))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Somewhere Orhan Pamuk was quoted as saying , " .....we distribute our personal pleasures in our characters . VERB: distribute POLAR NOUN: pleasure GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: distribute personal pleasures PARSE: (@VP (VBP distribute) (NP (PRP$ our) (@NP (JJ personal) (NNS pleasures)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I was Ghostface for Halloween and I am going to prank this brat at school on the phone acting as Ghostface . VERB: prank POLAR NOUN: brat GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: prank this brat PARSE: (@VP (VB prank) (NP (DT this) (NN brat))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Money poured down the drain . VERB: pour_down POLAR NOUN: drain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: poured down the drain PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD poured) (PRT down)) (NP (DT the) (NN drain))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Every song is forgetable except for the first and last track which is why I bumped it up to 2 stars . VERB: bump_up POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bumped it up to 2 stars PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VBD bumped) (NP it)) (PRT up)) (PP (TO to) (NP (CD 2) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Eventually , Athanasius ' side won out , and Arianism was consigned to heresy . VERB: consign POLAR NOUN: heresy GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: consigned to heresy PARSE: (VP (VBN consigned) (PP (TO to) (NP heresy))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He totally flipped out with excitement when he opened the package . VERB: flip_out POLAR NOUN: excitement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: flipped out with excitement PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD flipped) (PRT out)) (PP (IN with) (NP excitement))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As his collection of evidence grows , the mystery enlarges . VERB: enlarge POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the mystery enlarges PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (NN mystery)) (@S (VP enlarges) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The man may have compartmentalized some part of his brain to rattle off psychological insights , but he was a criminal . VERB: rattle_off POLAR NOUN: insight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rattle off psychological insights PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB rattle) (PRT off)) (NP (JJ psychological) (NNS insights))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: When I got this CD , I steeled myself for the horrors to come based on other reveiws . VERB: steel POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: steeled myself for the horrors PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD steeled) (NP myself)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NNS horrors)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: 117 , 341)-that the present is a blank sheet , to be inscribed at will . VERB: inscribe POLAR NOUN: will GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: inscribed at will PARSE: (VP (VBN inscribed) (PP (IN at) (NP will))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: ... I have to relay the truth to you on this one . VERB: relay POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: relay the truth PARSE: (@VP (VB relay) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This bondage ramifies throughout an virtually infinite number of parallel worlds . VERB: ramify POLAR NOUN: bondage GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: This bondage ramifies throughout an virtually infinite number of parallel worlds PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT This) (NN bondage)) (@S (VP (VBZ ramifies) (PP (IN throughout) (NP (NP (DT an) (@NP (ADJP (RB virtually) (JJ infinite)) (NN number))) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ parallel) (NNS worlds)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But Klauer 's determination brings you through and makes it stick . VERB: bring_through POLAR NOUN: determination GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Klauer 's determination brings you through and makes it stick PARSE: (@S (NP (NP (NNP Klauer) (POS 's)) (NN determination)) (@S (VP (@VP (VP (@VP (VBZ brings) (NP you)) (PP through)) (CC and)) (VP (VBZ makes) (S (NP it) (VP stick)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But woe betide the country that has such a man as its leader . VERB: betide POLAR NOUN: woe GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: woe betide the country that has such a man as leader PARSE: (@S (NP woe) (@S (VP (VBP betide) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN country)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (@VP (VBZ has) (NP (PDT such) (@NP (DT a) (NN man)))) (PP (IN as) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN leader))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: i eventually had to jerry-rig a support for the converter + charger combination so it could charge the batteries . VERB: rig POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: jerry-rig a support PARSE: (@VP (VB jerry-rig) (NP (DT a) (NN support))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It will unscramble the mysteries of the mortgage loan process . VERB: unscramble POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: unscramble the mysteries of the mortgage loan process PARSE: (VP (VB unscramble) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS mysteries)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN mortgage) (@NP (NN loan) (NN process))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Back to the topic in hand ...deciphering the personalities of our children . VERB: decipher POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: deciphering the personalities of children PARSE: (S (VBG deciphering) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS personalities)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ our) (NNS children))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Almost all of the evidence Mr Bernal adduces in support of his thesis is linguistic . VERB: adduce POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: adduces in support of thesis PARSE: (VP (VBZ adduces) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP support) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN thesis)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I am guessing that Demon briefed Matt before transferring me . VERB: brief POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Demon briefed Matt before transferring me PARSE: (S (NP Demon) (VP (@VP (VBD briefed) (NP Matt)) (PP (IN before) (S (VBG transferring) (NP me))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He says to refocus your faith in Christ . VERB: refocus POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: refocus faith PARSE: (@VP (VB refocus) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN faith))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Yes , I realize that makes me a speed weenie , and that old-school DDR aficionados may snicker at my complaint . VERB: snicker POLAR NOUN: complaint GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: snicker at complaint PARSE: (VP (VB snicker) (PP (IN at) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN complaint)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It is a disjointed puffed up overly long and frequently repetitious mess . VERB: puff_up POLAR NOUN: mess GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: puffed up overly long and frequently repetitious mess PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN puffed) (PRT up)) (NP (ADJP (@ADJP (ADJP (RB overly) (RB long)) (CC and)) (ADJP (ADVP frequently) (JJ repetitious))) (NN mess))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's beyond my comprehension how anyone can shill this abomination unless they are a mythic employee . VERB: shill POLAR NOUN: abomination GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shill this abomination PARSE: (@VP (VB shill) (NP (DT this) (NN abomination))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The elderly crowd could be heard muttering their shocked disapproval as we left . VERB: mutter POLAR NOUN: disapproval GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: muttering shocked disapproval PARSE: (@VP (VBG muttering) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (ADJP shocked) (NN disapproval)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The rage and self-righteousness have marinated in a bowl of tears . VERB: marinate POLAR NOUN: rage GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The rage and self-righteousness have marinated in a bowl of tears PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (@NP (@NP (NN rage) (CC and)) (NN self-righteousness))) (@S (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN marinated) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN bowl)) (PP (IN of) (NP tears)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: By blueprinting our desires we will , eventually , make them reality . VERB: blueprint POLAR NOUN: desire GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: blueprinting desires PARSE: (S (VBG blueprinting) (NP (PRP$ our) (NNS desires))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Our own "wisdom of the body " sees us through . VERB: see_through POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: own wisdom of the body sees us through PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ Our) (@NP (JJ own) (@NP (`` ``) (@NP (NX (NP wisdom) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN body)))) ('' ''))))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ sees) (NP us)) (PP through)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: bongzilla keeps on with the stereotype , but its aaaaaa ooookkkkaaayyy brother . VERB: keep_on POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: keeps on with the stereotype but aaaaaa ooookkkkaaayyy brother PARSE: (VP (VBZ keeps) (PP (IN on) (@PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN stereotype)) (, ,)) (CC but)) (NP (PRP$ its) (@NP (JJ aaaaaa) (@NP (NN ooookkkkaaayyy) (NN brother)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I can stomach the lack of seperate tracks in a case like the self-titled album , which absolutely kicks .... VERB: stomach POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stomach the lack of seperate tracks PARSE: (@VP (VB stomach) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN lack)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ seperate) (NNS tracks))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The only daughter of a sea captain , Laura was betrothed to the master of Stormswept Heights . VERB: betroth POLAR NOUN: master GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: betrothed to the master of Stormswept Heights PARSE: (VP (VBN betrothed) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN master)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NNP Stormswept) (NNP Heights)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: other plays have cleaned up , edited out , or lightly brushed past the innuendo and the entendres he included in his work . VERB: brush POLAR NOUN: innuendo GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: brushed past the innuendo and the entendres PARSE: (@VP (VBD brushed) (PP (IN past) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN innuendo)) (CC and)) (NP (DT the) (NNS entendres))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A lot of people have hyped it up as a masterpiece of epic proportions . VERB: hype_up POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As Krishna prods through his daily grind he finds himself more and more attracted to the family way of life . VERB: prod POLAR NOUN: grind GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: prods through daily grind PARSE: (VP (VBZ prods) (PP (IN through) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ daily) (NN grind))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Her first single , " BK Anthem " bangs out her pride for her hometown ( and mine ) of Brooklyn . VERB: bang_out POLAR NOUN: pride GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bangs out pride PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBZ bangs) (PRT out)) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN pride))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You ram this superstitious nonsense down our throats every day . VERB: ram POLAR NOUN: nonsense GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: ram this superstitious nonsense PARSE: (@VP (VBP ram) (NP (DT this) (@NP (JJ superstitious) (NN nonsense)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This voice of his can be compared to a rhesus monkey dropkicking a midget with the flu . VERB: dropkick POLAR NOUN: midget GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dropkicking a midget PARSE: (@VP (VBG dropkicking) (NP (DT a) (NN midget))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This book was overloaded with cliches . VERB: overload POLAR NOUN: cliche GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: overloaded with cliches PARSE: (VP (VBN overloaded) (PP (IN with) (NP cliches))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And when it comes to slinging innuendo , Mary McCarty 's Matron Mama Morton leaves the other Mamas in her dust . VERB: sling POLAR NOUN: innuendo GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: slinging innuendo PARSE: (NP (VBG slinging) (NN innuendo)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It drags up every cliche and recycles it . VERB: drag_up POLAR NOUN: cliche GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: drags up every cliche PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ drags) (PRT up)) (NP (DT every) (NN cliche))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: When two men have what Gale Sayers and Brian Piccolo shared we can only sit back in awe . VERB: sit_back POLAR NOUN: awe GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sit back in awe PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB sit) (ADVP back)) (PP (IN in) (NP awe))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Intrigue and violence bedevil the quest which ends in a desert under the Southern Cross . VERB: bedevil POLAR NOUN: intrigue GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Intrigue and violence bedevil the quest which ends in a desert under the Southern Cross PARSE: (ROOT (NP (@NP (NN Intrigue) (CC and)) (NN violence)) (@S (VP (VBP bedevil) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN quest)) (SBAR (WHNP which) (S (VBZ ends) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN desert)) (PP (IN under) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Southern) (NNP Cross)))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I foresee a future star . VERB: foresee POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: foresee a future star PARSE: (VP (VBP foresee) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ future) (NN star)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: What weighs the film down into mediocrity is Johnathan Winters . VERB: weigh_down POLAR NOUN: mediocrity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: weighs the film down into mediocrity PARSE: (S (@VP (VBZ weighs) (ADVP (NP (DT the) (NN film)) (RB down))) (PP (IN into) (NP mediocrity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Self-indulgent diatribe obfuscated by sexual titillation VERB: obfuscate POLAR NOUN: diatribe GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Self-indulgent diatribe obfuscated by sexual titillation PARSE: (ROOT (NP (JJ Self-indulgent) (NN diatribe)) (VP (VBN obfuscated) (PP (IN by) (NP (JJ sexual) (NN titillation))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This score will send both shivers up your spine and whisk you into the stars . VERB: whisk POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: whisk you into the stars PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB whisk) (NP you)) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Instead , it is a collection of chapters drawing together the talents of a multitude of planetary experts into one place . VERB: draw_together POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: drawing together the talents of a multitude of planetary experts PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBG drawing) (PRT together)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS talents)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN multitude)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ planetary) (NNS experts))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You can bank her recommendations . VERB: bank POLAR NOUN: recommendations GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bank recommendations PARSE: (VP (VB bank) (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS recommendations))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This points up a weakness of the book . VERB: point_up POLAR NOUN: weakness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: points up a weakness of the book PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ points) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN weakness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN book))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This movie must be watched in the privacy of your own home so you can hoot at the plot absurdities . VERB: hoot POLAR NOUN: absurdity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hoot at the plot absurdities PARSE: (VP (VB hoot) (PP (IN at) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN plot) (NNS absurdities))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Another one of his many songs about TV , a lot of it is spent dissing this reality TV craze . VERB: diss POLAR NOUN: craze GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Meredith 's indifference ticked me off . VERB: tick_off POLAR NOUN: indifference GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Meredith 's indifference ticked me off PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (NNP Meredith) (POS 's)) (NN indifference)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD ticked) (NP me)) (PRT off)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Your actions are geared to everyones satisfaction VERB: gear POLAR NOUN: satisfaction GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: geared to everyones satisfaction PARSE: (VP (VBN geared) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNS everyones) (NN satisfaction)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: During the first few tracks I dozed off into dreamland . VERB: doze_off POLAR NOUN: dreamland GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: dozed off into dreamland PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD dozed) (PRT off)) (PP (IN into) (NP dreamland))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I keep going back to this collection , again and again , mining it for its virtues . VERB: mine POLAR NOUN: virtue GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mining it for virtues PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG mining) (NP it)) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ its) (NNS virtues)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Fox ...The name strikes up the ire of thousands of people around the country and the world . VERB: strike_up POLAR NOUN: ire GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: strikes up the ire of thousands of people around the country and the world PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ strikes) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN ire)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP thousands) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP people) (PP (IN around) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN country)) (CC and)) (NP (DT the) (NN world)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They lampoon all the classic rpg cliches . VERB: lampoon POLAR NOUN: cliche GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: lampoon all the classic rpg cliches PARSE: (VP (VBP lampoon) (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ classic) (@NP (NN rpg) (NNS cliches)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I Googled for tech support . VERB: google POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: MacTheology for a culture weaned on superficiality VERB: wean POLAR NOUN: superficiality GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: weaned on superficiality PARSE: (VP (VBN weaned) (PP (IN on) (NP superficiality))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: You will be on the edge of your seat half the time , perspiring from your anxiousness . VERB: perspire POLAR NOUN: anxiousness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: perspiring from anxiousness PARSE: (VP (VBG perspiring) (PP (IN from) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN anxiousness)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But the doubts that lingered in the back of my head crystallised as soon as i started the second read . VERB: crystallise POLAR NOUN: doubt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the doubts that lingered in the back of head crystallised as soon as i started the second read PARSE: (@S (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS doubts)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBD lingered) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN back)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN head)))))))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD crystallised) (ADVP (RB as) (RB soon))) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP i) (VP (VBD started) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ second) (NN read))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Magellan Technical support coached me through reflashing the unit . VERB: coach POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Magellan Technical support coached me through reflashing the unit PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NNP Magellan) (@NP (NNP Technical) (NN support))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD coached) (NP me)) (PP (IN through) (S (VBG reflashing) (NP (DT the) (NN unit))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She has managed to teach herself to read and write while fanning her young master William during his lessons . VERB: fan POLAR NOUN: master GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fanning young master PARSE: (VP (VBG fanning) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ young) (NN master)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Heroes brandish their swords , lasers , wands , as mechanically as combine harvesters , reaping profits . VERB: brandish POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Heroes brandish swords lasers wands as mechanically as combine harvesters reaping profits PARSE: (ROOT (NP Heroes) (@S (VP (@VP (VBP brandish) (S (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS swords)) (, ,)) (NP (@NP (NP lasers) (, ,)) (NP wands))) (, ,)) (ADJP (IN as) (RB mechanically)))) (SBAR (IN as) (S (@VP (@VP (VBP combine) (NP harvesters)) (, ,)) (S (VBG reaping) (NP profits))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Restrained and colourful , they shew his mastery of the instrument and the art of accompaniment . VERB: shew POLAR NOUN: mastery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: shew mastery of the instrument and the art of accompaniment PARSE: (VP (VBD shew) (NP (@NP (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NN mastery)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN instrument)))) (CC and)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN art)) (PP (IN of) (NP accompaniment))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: To quote from their book : " Snuff is a means by which the media can prick public morality . VERB: prick POLAR NOUN: morality GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: prick public morality PARSE: (VP (VB prick) (NP (JJ public) (NN morality))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This Book Sensitizes a Child to the Mystery of Existence . VERB: sensitize POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Sensitizes a Child to the Mystery of Existence PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ Sensitizes) (NP (DT a) (NN Child))) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN Mystery)) (PP (IN of) (NP Existence))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Defrancesco outplays the master ... VERB: outplay POLAR NOUN: master GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: outplays the master PARSE: (VP (VBZ outplays) (NP (DT the) (NN master))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As time goes on , Henry turns into a man who prioritizes a greater love for Catherine . VERB: prioritize POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: prioritizes a greater love for Catherine PARSE: (S (VBZ prioritizes) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJR greater) (NN love))) (PP (IN for) (NP Catherine)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This movie is ladened with talent through and through , from Dan Daily , Ken " Festus " Curtis and the list goes on . VERB: laden POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: ladened with talent through and through PARSE: (@VP (VBN ladened) (PP (PP (IN with) (NP talent)) (PP (@PP (IN through) (CC and)) (IN through)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: We use this book to create questions for the students and use this book to officiate any dispute on a question about NASA astronauts . VERB: officiate POLAR NOUN: dispute GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: officiate any dispute PARSE: (@VP (VB officiate) (NP (DT any) (NN dispute))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Normally , I 'm a reader of nonfiction ( biography and history ) , dabbling in the occassional mystery . VERB: dabble POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dabbling in the occassional mystery PARSE: (VP (VBG dabbling) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ occassional) (NN mystery))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Two days ago I found myself bursting out in laughter on the subway in Manhattan , reading about the " sugar penis " story . VERB: burst_out POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bursting out in laughter PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBG bursting) (PRT out)) (PP (IN in) (NP laughter))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Mankind wins by implanting a computer virus into the alien mothership . VERB: implant POLAR NOUN: virus GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: implanting a computer virus PARSE: (@VP (VBG implanting) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN computer) (NN virus)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Conductor Stephen Cleobury has rehearsed and performed these works to perfection . VERB: rehearse POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rehearsed and performed these works to perfection PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (@VP (VBN rehearsed) (CC and)) (VBN performed)) (NP (DT these) (NNS works))) (PP (TO to) (NP perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But the characters mouthing these social blunders are less than fleshed out . VERB: mouth POLAR NOUN: blunder GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: mouthing these social blunders PARSE: (VP (VBG mouthing) (NP (DT these) (@NP (JJ social) (NNS blunders)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She has the air of a woman who has powered through horrors in her life . VERB: power POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: powered through horrors in life PARSE: (VP (VBN powered) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP horrors) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN life)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Instead , he randomly grabs played out scenes , stitching them together into a travesty of storytelling . VERB: stitch POLAR NOUN: travesty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stitching them together into a travesty of storytelling PARSE: (S (@VP (@VP (VBG stitching) (NP them)) (ADVP together)) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN travesty)) (PP (IN of) (NP storytelling))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He broadcasts his desire to the other creatures of the jungle as he passes them . VERB: broadcast POLAR NOUN: desire GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: broadcasts desire PARSE: (@VP (VBZ broadcasts) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN desire))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It describes the change that the Love of God brings about in the world . VERB: bring_about POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the Love of God brings about in the world PARSE: (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NN Love)) (PP (IN of) (NP God))) (VP (@VP (VBZ brings) (ADVP about)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN world))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This album birthed in me a passion for the works Hilary does and the way in which she does them . VERB: birth POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: birthed in me a passion for the works Hilary does and the way in which she does them PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN birthed) (PP (IN in) (NP me))) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN passion)) (PP (IN for) (NP (@NP (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS works)) (SBAR (NP Hilary) (VP does))) (CC and)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN way)) (SBAR (WHPP (IN in) (WHNP which)) (S (NP she) (VP (VBZ does) (NP them))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: After listening to a few pieces you will find yourself drifting , and undressing strangers around you . VERB: undress POLAR NOUN: stranger GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: undressing strangers PARSE: (@VP (VBG undressing) (NP strangers)) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: His theme is the way in which radicals , nationalists and revolutionaries appropriated religious fervour , rituals and iconography for their own protean causes . VERB: appropriate POLAR NOUN: radical GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: radicals nationalists and revolutionaries appropriated religious fervour rituals and iconography for own protean causes PARSE: (S (NP (NNS radicals) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (@NP (NNS nationalists) (CC and)) (NNS revolutionaries)))) (VP (@VP (VBN appropriated) (NP (JJ religious) (@NP (NN fervour) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (@NP (NNS rituals) (CC and)) (NN iconography)))))) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ own) (@NP (JJ protean) (NNS causes))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A semantic twist suddenly rephrases pedophilia as "intergenerational relationships . " VERB: rephrase POLAR NOUN: twist GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: A semantic twist suddenly rephrases pedophilia as intergenerational relationships PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (@NP (JJ semantic) (NN twist))) (@S (ADVP suddenly) (@S (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ rephrases) (NP pedophilia)) (PP (@PP (IN as) (`` ``)) (NP (JJ intergenerational) (NNS relationships)))) (. .)) ('' '')))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He was enrolled as a master of the guild in Antwerp . VERB: enrol POLAR NOUN: master GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: enrolled as a master of the guild in Antwerp PARSE: (VP (VBN enrolled) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN master)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN guild)) (PP (IN in) (NP Antwerp))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The ordinary world , fringed with fantasy VERB: fringe POLAR NOUN: fantasy GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fringed with fantasy PARSE: (VP (VBN fringed) (PP (IN with) (NP fantasy))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Yet its fans will always outnumber its critics . VERB: outnumber POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: outnumber critics PARSE: (VP (VB outnumber) (NP (PRP$ its) (NNS critics))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Perfection lies in " Details " VERB: lie_in POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Perfection lies in Details PARSE: (ROOT (NP Perfection) (@S (@S (@S (VP (VBZ lies) (PP in)) ('' '')) (NNS Details)) ('' ''))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Four and a half would be more appropiate , so I 'm rounding it off at five stars . VERB: round POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rounding it off at five stars PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG rounding) (NP it)) (PP (RP off) (PP (IN at) (NP (CD five) (NNS stars))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She got involved in the suffrage movement , and hitched her star to Alice Paul . VERB: hitch POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hitched star PARSE: (@VP (VBD hitched) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN star))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: All of the advances Ayla made , domesticating animals , sewing together wounds , needles etc were made by somebody during this time period . VERB: sew_together POLAR NOUN: wound GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sewing together wounds PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG sewing) (PRT together)) (NP wounds)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The same old jokes plod across the screen -- the announcer does a walking shot with the camera in movement . VERB: plod POLAR NOUN: joke GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The same old jokes plod across the screen PARSE: (S (NP (DT The) (@NP (JJ same) (@NP (JJ old) (NNS jokes)))) (VP (VBD plod) (PP (IN across) (NP (DT the) (NN screen))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He scaffolds mystery like an architect on a skyscraper . VERB: scaffold POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: scaffolds mystery PARSE: (@VP (VBZ scaffolds) (NP mystery)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It has reinvigorated the ensemble drama . VERB: reinvigorate POLAR NOUN: drama GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: reinvigorated the ensemble drama PARSE: (VP (VBN reinvigorated) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN ensemble) (NN drama)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: ( BTW : someone miscounted Neal 's beauties . VERB: miscount POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: miscounted Neal 's beauties PARSE: (@S (VP miscounted) (NP (NP (NNP Neal) (POS 's)) (NNS beauties))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: BUT , the Technique is consistently subordinated to the whole gamut of New Age ( rhymes with sewage ) enthusiasms . VERB: subordinate POLAR NOUN: enthusiasm GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Hollywood has already started rolling out the lies with the movie " Kingdom of God " . VERB: roll_out POLAR NOUN: lie GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: rolling out the lies with the movie Kingdom of God PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG rolling) (PRT out)) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NNS lies)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN movie)))) ('' '')) (NP (NP Kingdom) (PP (IN of) (NP God)))) ('' ''))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Now they start to live in the memory of some distant and frequently misremembered past triumph . VERB: misremember POLAR NOUN: triumph GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: misremembered past triumph PARSE: (VP (VBN misremembered) (NP (JJ past) (NN triumph))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He has also accumulated a bunch of pills to hasten his demise , in the event " things get icky " at the end . VERB: hasten POLAR NOUN: demise GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hasten demise PARSE: (VP (VB hasten) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN demise))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: To do a mitzvah is one thing ; to partake of its inspiration another . VERB: partake POLAR NOUN: inspiration GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: partake of inspiration another PARSE: (VP (VB partake) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (PRP$ its) (NN inspiration)) (NP another)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The song is another angst-ridden song about digesting the bitterness of infidelity and unfaithfulness . VERB: digest POLAR NOUN: bitterness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: digesting the bitterness of infidelity and unfaithfulness PARSE: (S (VBG digesting) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN bitterness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NN infidelity) (CC and)) (NN unfaithfulness))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Ms. Beamer flexed her knees , plastered that vacuous grin on her face and virtually leaped into it . VERB: plaster POLAR NOUN: grin GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: plastered that vacuous grin on face and virtually leaped into it PARSE: (VP (VBN plastered) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (NP (JJ vacuous) (NN grin)) (UCP (@UCP (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN face))) (CC and)) (ADVP virtually))) (VP (VBD leaped) (PP (IN into) (NP it)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The opening chapter sees an 8 year-old boy witnessing his father decapitating a traitor . VERB: decapitate POLAR NOUN: traitor GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: decapitating a traitor PARSE: (S (VBG decapitating) (NP (DT a) (NN traitor))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I could emote of the wonders of each song . VERB: emote POLAR NOUN: wonder GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: emote of the wonders of each song PARSE: (VP (VB emote) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS wonders)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT each) (NN song)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But it was the infant heir to a British title that rocketed Burroughs 's fame . VERB: rocket POLAR NOUN: fame GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rocketed Burroughs 's fame PARSE: (S (VBD rocketed) (NP (NP (NNP Burroughs) (POS 's)) (NN fame))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Barzun , as other reviewers note , wrote this book in the 1940s when the disasters in public schools were only incubating . VERB: incubate POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the disasters in public schools were only incubating PARSE: (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS disasters)) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ public) (NNS schools)))) (VP (@VP (VBD were) (ADVP only)) (VP incubating))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Both superimposed their personalities over the techniques of their art forms . VERB: superimpose POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: superimposed personalities PARSE: (@VP (VBD superimposed) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS personalities))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He always lifted the individual out of the mire . VERB: lift_out POLAR NOUN: mire GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: lifted the individual out of the mire PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD lifted) (NP (DT the) (JJ individual))) (ADVP (IN out) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN mire))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The terror is notched a couple of levels from some of Paul Zindel 's previous books as the bodies begin dropping . VERB: notch POLAR NOUN: terror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The terror is notched a couple of levels from some of Paul Zindel 's previous books as the bodies begin dropping PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN terror)) (@S (VP (VBZ is) (VP (@VP (@VP (VBN notched) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN couple)) (PP (IN of) (NP levels)))) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP some) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Paul) (@NP (NNP Zindel) (POS 's))) (@NP (JJ previous) (NNS books))))))) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS bodies)) (VP (VBP begin) (S dropping)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: With this , Puss began to fix his young master up in a marriage with the King 's daughter . VERB: fix_up POLAR NOUN: master GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fix young master PARSE: (@VP (VB fix) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ young) (NN master)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Wilson of course , verbalises the wisdom that all pugs share . VERB: verbalise POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: verbalises the wisdom PARSE: (@VP (VBZ verbalises) (NP (DT the) (NN wisdom))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Francis 's eyes bulge in fury . VERB: bulge POLAR NOUN: fury GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bulge in fury PARSE: (VP (VB bulge) (PP (IN in) (NP fury))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But in reality you 'll be going in for a myth . VERB: go_in POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: going in for a myth PARSE: (VP (VBG going) (PP (IN in) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT a) (NN myth))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But worked over by a master . VERB: work_over POLAR NOUN: master GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: worked over by a master PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD worked) (PRT over)) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT a) (NN master)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Secondly , it solidified the Norman conquest by adjudicating property disputes remaining from the invasion twenty years prior . VERB: adjudicate POLAR NOUN: dispute GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: adjudicating property disputes remaining from the invasion twenty years prior PARSE: (S (VBG adjudicating) (NP (NP (NN property) (NNS disputes)) (VP (@VP (VBG remaining) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN invasion)))) (ADVP (NP (CD twenty) (NNS years)) (RB prior))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Our hero enrolls in the annual selection by the computer after some years of study . VERB: enroll POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: hero enrolls in the annual selection by the computer after some years of study PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ Our) (NN hero)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ enrolls) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ annual) (NN selection))) (PP (IN by) (NP (DT the) (NN computer)))))) (PP (IN after) (NP (NP (DT some) (NNS years)) (PP (IN of) (NP study))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A grassroots movement is underway calling for her to be canonized as a saint . VERB: canonize POLAR NOUN: saint GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: canonized as a saint PARSE: (VP (VBN canonized) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN saint)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Madonna House is also soliciting support to make a movie of Catherine 's life , and working to bring her books back into print . VERB: solicit POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: soliciting support PARSE: (@VP (VBG soliciting) (NP support)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The second is about his relationships with women that catalysed his genius . VERB: catalyse POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The horror of this book creeps up on you . VERB: creep_up POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The horror of this book creeps up on you PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (NN horror)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN book)))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ creeps) (PRT up)) (PP (IN on) (NP you))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: That said , I jumped at the chance to snatch this masterpiece up when it came out on DVD --- for the second time . VERB: snatch_up POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: snatch this masterpiece PARSE: (@VP (VB snatch) (NP (DT this) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As they ride on the flatbed , the hilarity climaxes as a hillbilly mutt emerges from the hay and nips neal 's hand . VERB: climax POLAR NOUN: hilarity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the hilarity climaxes as a hillbilly mutt emerges from the hay and nips neal 's hand PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (NN hilarity)) (@S (VP (VBZ climaxes) (SBAR (IN as) (S (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ hillbilly) (NN mutt))) (VP (@VP (VP (VBZ emerges) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN hay)))) (CC and)) (VP (VBZ nips) (NP (NP (NN neal) (POS 's)) (NN hand))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He looked down at himself , caked in filth , his pockets turned out . VERB: cake POLAR NOUN: filth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: caked in filth PARSE: (PP (VBN caked) (PP (IN in) (NP filth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: " Proof for this is the gigantically organized event for shouting down this anxiety . . . . VERB: shout_down POLAR NOUN: anxiety GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shouting down this anxiety PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG shouting) (PRT down)) (NP (DT this) (NN anxiety))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He drank from a canteen cup emblazoned with four stars . VERB: emblazon POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: emblazoned with four stars PARSE: (VP (VBN emblazoned) (PP (IN with) (NP (CD four) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I should have bootlegged this disaster . VERB: bootleg POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bootlegged this disaster PARSE: (VP (VBN bootlegged) (NP (DT this) (NN disaster))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He has adjusted to the cellar life his job keeps him in and manages to eke out joy where he can find it . VERB: eke_out POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: eke out joy where he can find it PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB eke) (PRT out)) (NP (NP joy) (SBAR (WHADVP where) (S (NP he) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB find) (NP it))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: We are all warriors and adventurers while at the same time stepped on by cowards and beat up by triviality . VERB: step_on POLAR NOUN: coward GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stepped on by cowards PARSE: (VP (VBD stepped) (PP (IN on) (PP (IN by) (NP cowards)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Clark campaigned for Apache helicoper support and received half of the requested numbers . VERB: campaign POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: campaigned for Apache helicoper support PARSE: (VP (VBD campaigned) (PP (IN for) (NP (NNP Apache) (@NP (NN helicoper) (NN support))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The people are monitored through programmed Christian ceremonies where the confession functions as a channel for informants . VERB: function POLAR NOUN: confession GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the confession functions as a channel for informants PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (NN confession)) (VP (VBZ functions) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN channel)) (PP (IN for) (NP informants)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And subsequently Herrmann 's score captures the human quality of this female robot as she reciprocates that love . VERB: reciprocate POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reciprocates that love PARSE: (VP (VBZ reciprocates) (PP (IN that) (NP love))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Almost every minute detail is reconstructed to perfection . VERB: reconstruct POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reconstructed to perfection PARSE: (VP (VBN reconstructed) (PP (TO to) (NP perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book uses grouping by difficulty . VERB: group POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: grouping by difficulty PARSE: (S (VBG grouping) (PP (IN by) (NP difficulty))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Red Dwarf somersaults the shark . VERB: somersault POLAR NOUN: shark GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: somersaults the shark PARSE: (VP (VBZ somersaults) (NP (DT the) (NN shark))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's about the first time your lover stays over . VERB: stay_over POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: lover stays over PARSE: (SBAR (NP (PRP$ your) (NN lover)) (VP (VBZ stays) (PRT over))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It inaugurates the mystery of the album 's middle section , which " Lawn Bowler " exemplifies . VERB: inaugurate POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: inaugurates the mystery of the album 's middle section which PARSE: (@VP (VBZ inaugurates) (PP (PP (NP (DT the) (NN mystery)) (@PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NP (NP (NN album) (POS 's)) (@NP (ADJP middle) (@NP (NN section) (, ,))))))) (NP which))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Alan Axelrod makes an attempt to carry forward her leadership secrets into wisdom we can all use today . VERB: carry_forward POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: carry forward leadership secrets into wisdom PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VB carry) (PRT forward)) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (NN leadership) (NNS secrets)))) (PP (IN into) (NP wisdom))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Overall , this product stacks up to its promise . VERB: stack_up POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: stacks up to promise PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ stacks) (PRT up)) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN promise)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: John Cusack stars as an ex-cop , now a chauffeur , who can suture wounds . VERB: suture POLAR NOUN: wound GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: suture wounds PARSE: (VP (VB suture) (NP wounds)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: " All living things are wired for empathy " he asserts ( p . VERB: wire POLAR NOUN: empathy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: All living things are wired for empathy he asserts p PARSE: (@S (@S (S (NP (DT All) (@NP (VBG living) (NNS things))) (VP (VBP are) (VP wired))) (IN for)) (S (NP empathy) (@S ('' '') (VP (ADVP he) (@VP (@VP (VBZ asserts) (-LRB- -LRB-)) (NP p)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: One more album slouching towards greatness VERB: slouch POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: slouching towards greatness PARSE: (S (VBG slouching) (PP (IN towards) (NP greatness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Demon swoops on bus and gets someone . VERB: swoop POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Demon swoops on bus and gets someone PARSE: (ROOT (NP Demon) (@S (VP (@VP (VP (VBZ swoops) (PP (IN on) (NP bus))) (CC and)) (VP (VBZ gets) (NP someone))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Over the course of the next few nights , Jesse becomes more estranged with the nightmares . VERB: estrange POLAR NOUN: nightmare GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: estranged with the nightmares PARSE: (@ADJP (VBN estranged) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NNS nightmares)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The arrival of this new party , with Persian sponsorship , occasioned the demise of the Deuteronomic school . VERB: occasion POLAR NOUN: demise GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: occasioned the demise of the Deuteronomic school PARSE: (VP (VBD occasioned) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN demise)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ Deuteronomic) (NN school)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Liszt 's Hungarian Rhapsody No. 10 is irresistable in his hands , the friska being tossed off with flirtatious elan . VERB: toss_off POLAR NOUN: elan GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: tossed off with flirtatious elan PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD tossed) (PRT off)) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ flirtatious) (NN elan)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As it turns out , Travis ' envy is wholly misplaced . VERB: misplace POLAR NOUN: envy GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Travis ' envy is wholly misplaced PARSE: (@S (NP (NP (NNP Travis) (POS ')) (NN envy)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ is) (ADVP wholly)) (VP misplaced)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Seal tips has hat , revs up the love and jazz ... VERB: rev_up POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: revs up the love and jazz PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ revs) (PRT up)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN love) (CC and)) (NN jazz)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Others clamor for the opportunity . VERB: clamor POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: clamor for the opportunity PARSE: (VP (VBP clamor) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NN opportunity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The triangle is fun to follow as Eric finds himself yanked by love along two lines . VERB: yank POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: yanked by love along two lines PARSE: (VP (VBN yanked) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP love) (PP (IN along) (NP (CD two) (NNS lines)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Soon the three strangers converge over Victoria . VERB: converge POLAR NOUN: stranger GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the three strangers converge over Victoria PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (@NP (CD three) (NNS strangers))) (@S (VP (VBP converge) (PP (IN over) (NP Victoria))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He takes her to his home Wyck 's End so they both can dry off and warm up from their debacle . VERB: warm_up POLAR NOUN: debacle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: warm up from debacle PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB warm) (PRT up)) (PP (IN from) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN debacle)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Though several twists freshen up the story line , the plot is similar to many of the genre 's novels . VERB: freshen_up POLAR NOUN: twist GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: several twists freshen up the story line PARSE: (S (NP (JJ several) (NNS twists)) (VP (@VP (VBP freshen) (PRT up)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN story) (NN line))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Lydia and Sam begin the journey to safety , but as they cover common ground , an attraction springs up between them . VERB: spring_up POLAR NOUN: attraction GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: an attraction springs up between them PARSE: (@S (NP (DT an) (NN attraction)) (VP (@VP (VBZ springs) (PRT up)) (PP (IN between) (NP them)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Some readers may query the worth of this research described here . VERB: query POLAR NOUN: worth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: query the worth of this research described here PARSE: (VP (VB query) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN worth)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT this) (NN research)) (VP (VBN described) (ADVP here)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The book explains how people often let down their guards when conversing with strangers on the net . VERB: converse POLAR NOUN: stranger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: conversing with strangers on the net PARSE: (S (VBG conversing) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP strangers) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NN net)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He also hounds the town misfit , Ronnie and , like Sarah 's husband is the father of twins . VERB: hound POLAR NOUN: misfit GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hounds the town misfit Ronnie PARSE: (VP (VBZ hounds) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN town) (NN misfit))) (, ,)) (NP Ronnie))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Hall brings off a winning comic mystery VERB: bring_off POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: brings off a winning comic mystery PARSE: (VP (VBZ brings) (PP (RP off) (NP (DT a) (@NP (VBG winning) (@NP (JJ comic) (NN mystery)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Billy Tree , Secret Agent , is scouting for trouble in advance of the President 's route . VERB: scout POLAR NOUN: trouble GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: scouting for trouble PARSE: (@VP (VBG scouting) (PP (IN for) (NP trouble))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: We long for her to sift through the turmoil in her own mind . VERB: sift POLAR NOUN: turmoil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sift through the turmoil in own mind PARSE: (VP (VB sift) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN turmoil)) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ own) (NN mind))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The next day , while riding his horse amongst the people as usual , the king sported a yellow star of his own . VERB: sport POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sported a yellow star of own PARSE: (VP (VBD sported) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ yellow) (NN star))) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (JJ own))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Both Victoria and Steede were having to live down rumors . VERB: live_down POLAR NOUN: rumor GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: live down rumors PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB live) (PRT down)) (NP rumors)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Each killing is styled after a martyred saint . VERB: style POLAR NOUN: saint GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: styled after a martyred saint PARSE: (VP (VBN styled) (PP (IN after) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ martyred) (NN saint))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Gradually Acclimated To This Film 's Greatness VERB: acclimate POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Acclimated To This Film 's Greatness PARSE: (@VP (VBN Acclimated) (PP (TO To) (NP (NP (DT This) (@NP (NNP Film) (POS 's))) (NN Greatness)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Shots would drag on into eternity . VERB: drag_on POLAR NOUN: eternity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: drag on into eternity PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB drag) (PRT on)) (PP (IN into) (NP eternity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Quinton is fixated on the disgrace that has been brought to the family by Caddy . VERB: fixate POLAR NOUN: disgrace GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fixated on the disgrace that has been brought to the family by Caddy PARSE: (VP (VBN fixated) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN disgrace)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBZ has) (VP (VBN been) (VP (@VP (VBN brought) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN family)))) (PP (IN by) (NP Caddy))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: When I got home , using my notes , I recalculated my stride based on the steps for 6 miles . VERB: recalculate POLAR NOUN: stride GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: recalculated stride PARSE: (@VP (VBD recalculated) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN stride))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The second one-act is " Patter For the Floating Lady , " a surreal bit about a magician levitating his former love . VERB: levitate POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: levitating former love PARSE: (VP (VBG levitating) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ former) (NN love)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Skepticism regarding an underlying model of human behavior recurs in several discussions : 1 . VERB: recur POLAR NOUN: skepticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Skepticism regarding an underlying model of human behavior recurs in several discussions 1 PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP Skepticism) (PP (VBG regarding) (NP (NP (DT an) (@NP (VBG underlying) (NN model))) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ human) (NN behavior)))))) (@S (VP (VBZ recurs) (PP (IN in) (NP (@NP (NP (JJ several) (NNS discussions)) (: :)) (NP 1)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Commodo (quasi allegretto ) is signature Prokofiev , tender nostalgia sometimes tinctured with desolation . VERB: tincture POLAR NOUN: desolation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: tinctured with desolation PARSE: (VP (VBD tinctured) (PP (IN with) (NP desolation))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Rumors flit about his mother , by the people who live in the valley and suspecy that the young boy is a Dalriada . VERB: flit POLAR NOUN: rumor GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Rumors flit about mother by the people who live in the valley and suspecy that the young boy is a Dalriada PARSE: (ROOT (NP Rumors) (@S (VP (@VP (@VP (VBP flit) (PP (IN about) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN mother)))) (, ,)) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS people)) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (@VP (VBP live) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN valley) (CC and)) (NN suspecy))))) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ young) (NN boy))) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (DT a) (NNP Dalriada)))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It has a chapter on making your own toys and how to save money when furnishing your dungeon . VERB: furnish POLAR NOUN: dungeon GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: furnishing dungeon PARSE: (S (VBG furnishing) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN dungeon))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I am an extension specialist who counsels people daily on new business opportunities in horticulture . VERB: counsel POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: counsels people daily on new business opportunities in horticulture PARSE: (S (@VP (VBZ counsels) (NP people)) (PP (ADVP daily) (@PP (IN on) (NP (NP (JJ new) (@NP (NN business) (NNS opportunities))) (PP (IN in) (NP horticulture)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Maxwell Anderson and the screenwriters must shoulder blame . VERB: shoulder POLAR NOUN: blame GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shoulder blame PARSE: (VP (VB shoulder) (NP blame)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Each piece is graded in difficulty from 1-10 . VERB: grade POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: graded in difficulty PARSE: (@VP (VBN graded) (PP (IN in) (NP difficulty))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I used this router to plow out 3" raised panels in oak without phasing the beast . VERB: phase POLAR NOUN: beast GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: phasing the beast PARSE: (S (VBG phasing) (NP (DT the) (NN beast))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Doubt creeps in , eventually the crew begins to question its captain . VERB: creep_in POLAR NOUN: doubt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Doubt creeps in PARSE: (S (NP Doubt) (VP (VBZ creeps) (PP in))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I averaged out to overall 4 stars . VERB: average_out POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: averaged out to overall 4 stars PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD averaged) (PRT out)) (PP (TO to) (NP (JJ overall) (@NP (CD 4) (NNS stars))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She juggles many lovers by using separate colored cell phones to manage each person . VERB: juggle POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: juggles many lovers PARSE: (@VP (VBZ juggles) (NP (JJ many) (NNS lovers))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Katie manages to latch on to a few misfits . VERB: latch_on POLAR NOUN: misfit GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: latch on to a few misfits PARSE: (VP (VB latch) (PP (IN on) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ few) (NNS misfits)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: First developed by the fourteenth century thinker , Ibn Khaldun , asabiya broadly connotes social solidarity . VERB: connote POLAR NOUN: solidarity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: connotes social solidarity PARSE: (VP (VBZ connotes) (NP (JJ social) (NN solidarity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Harron similarly airbrushes the grinding poverty , filthiness , and random , miscellaneous unpleasantnesses from Manhattan 's streets . VERB: airbrush POLAR NOUN: poverty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: airbrushes the grinding poverty filthiness and random miscellaneous unpleasantnesses from Manhattan 's streets PARSE: (VP (VBZ airbrushes) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (VBG grinding) (NN poverty))) (, ,)) (NP filthiness)) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP (NP (JJ random) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (JJ miscellaneous) (NNS unpleasantnesses)))) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (NNP Manhattan) (POS 's)) (NNS streets)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Some lyrics were written by the parents but credited to the sisters to beef up the illusion they were a regular group . VERB: beef_up POLAR NOUN: illusion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: beef up the illusion they were a regular group PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB beef) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN illusion)) (SBAR (NP they) (VP (VBD were) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ regular) (NN group))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Wilmot 's relationship with Shushu stokes jealousy in both Mabel and Shushu 's former Chinese boyfriend . VERB: stoke POLAR NOUN: jealousy GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stokes jealousy PARSE: (@VP (VBZ stokes) (NP jealousy)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She goes gunning for revenge . VERB: gun POLAR NOUN: revenge GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: gunning for revenge PARSE: (S (VBG gunning) (PP (IN for) (NP revenge))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Here Bennis harbours the hope of the investigative journalist , except her scoop is well-known and widely-accepted . VERB: harbour POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: harbours the hope of the investigative journalist PARSE: (@VP (VBZ harbours) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN hope)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ investigative) (NN journalist)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The whole lead facility at the end of the movie had me rolling around in laughter in tears . VERB: roll_around POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: rolling around in laughter in tears PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG rolling) (ADVP around)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP laughter) (PP (IN in) (NP tears))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The first three-quarter of the story reads like a soap opera spiced up with puppy love . VERB: spice_up POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: spiced up with puppy love PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD spiced) (PRT up)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NN puppy) (NN love)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: HBO has cooked up another masterpiece . VERB: cook_up POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: cooked up another masterpiece PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN cooked) (PRT up)) (NP (DT another) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The piece features an arhythmic line phrased first by piano then in harmony with the tenor . VERB: phrase POLAR NOUN: harmony GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: phrased first by piano then in harmony with the tenor PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (@VP (VBD phrased) (ADVP first)) (PP (IN by) (NP piano))) (ADVP then)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP harmony) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN tenor)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It will make you chortle with joy VERB: chortle POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: chortle with joy PARSE: (VP (VBP chortle) (PP (IN with) (NP joy))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A love ripened with the harvest VERB: ripen POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: A love ripened with the harvest PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (NN love)) (VP (VBD ripened) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NN harvest))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I 'm also guessing that I probably chalked up all its shortcomings to the VHS format . VERB: chalk_up POLAR NOUN: shortcoming GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: chalked up all shortcomings PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD chalked) (PRT up)) (NP (DT all) (@NP (PRP$ its) (NNS shortcomings)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This video is bunkering madness . VERB: bunker POLAR NOUN: madness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bunkering madness PARSE: (VP (VBG bunkering) (NP madness)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Fans of Ms. Jordan will remember Lady Vanessa expiating for the mistakes of her brother in The Seduction . VERB: expiate POLAR NOUN: mistake GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: expiating for the mistakes of brother in The Seduction PARSE: (VP (VBG expiating) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS mistakes)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (PRP$ her) (NN brother)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT The) (NN Seduction)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Her lips curved into a smile . VERB: curve POLAR NOUN: smile GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: curved into a smile PARSE: (VP (VBD curved) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (NN smile)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In the process she uses her brains , wit and moxie to outfox the dragon . VERB: outfox POLAR NOUN: dragon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: outfox the dragon PARSE: (VP (VB outfox) (NP (DT the) (NN dragon))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: That is the ground that must be tilled for solidarity . VERB: till POLAR NOUN: solidarity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: tilled for solidarity PARSE: (VP (VBN tilled) (PP (IN for) (NP solidarity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They optimize their musical talents , which is all you can ask for in a band . VERB: optimize POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: optimize musical talents which is all you can ask for in a band PARSE: (VP (VBP optimize) (NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (JJ musical) (NNS talents))) (, ,)) (SBAR (WHNP which) (S (VBZ is) (NP (NP all) (SBAR (NP you) (VP (MD can) (VP (VB ask) (PP (IN for) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (NN band)))))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The two discs are decked out in stars and stripes . VERB: deck_out POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: decked out in stars and stripes PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN decked) (PRT out)) (PP (IN in) (NP (@NP (NNS stars) (CC and)) (NNS stripes)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: this book starts out with us finding out that ella was only grazed with the gunshot wound . VERB: graze POLAR NOUN: wound GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: grazed with the gunshot wound PARSE: (VP (VBN grazed) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ gunshot) (NN wound))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Many college and university students are used to religious pluralism , and are asking how they can square it with the Catholic faith . VERB: square POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: square it with the Catholic faith PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB square) (NP it)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Catholic) (NN faith))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The film could 've ended there , and been regaled as a masterpiece . VERB: regale POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: regaled as a masterpiece PARSE: (VP (VBN regaled) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It is a flowing style characterised by a love of detail , pattern and texture . VERB: characterise POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: characterised by a love of detail pattern and texture PARSE: (VP (VBN characterised) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN love)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN detail) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (@NP (NN pattern) (CC and)) (NN texture)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This opposition was jelling around Sergei Kirov , the leader of the Leningrad party and a member of the ruling Politburo . VERB: jell POLAR NOUN: opposition GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: This opposition was jelling around Sergei Kirov the leader of the Leningrad party and a member of the ruling Politburo PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT This) (NN opposition)) (@S (VP (VBD was) (VP (VBG jelling) (PP (IN around) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (NNP Sergei) (NNP Kirov)) (, ,)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN leader)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Leningrad) (NN party)))))) (CC and)) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN member)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN ruling) (NNP Politburo))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: That way the geniuses can hack more features into it . VERB: hack POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the geniuses can hack more features into it PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (NNS geniuses)) (@S (VP (MD can) (VP (@VP (VB hack) (NP (JJR more) (NNS features))) (PP (IN into) (NP it)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The result is that it 's tough to distance ourselves from the horrors of this " House of 1000 Corpses " . VERB: distance POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: distance ourselves from the horrors of this House of 1000 Corpses PARSE: (VP (VB distance) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP ourselves) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS horrors)) (PP (IN of) (NP this))))) ('' '')) (NP (NP House) (PP (IN of) (NP (CD 1000) (NNS Corpses))))) ('' ''))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Neal ably categorises the Harry Potter stories as fantasy , bringing with them many of the elements of classic children 's stories . VERB: categorise POLAR NOUN: fantasy GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: categorises the Harry Potter stories as fantasy PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBZ categorises) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Harry) (@NP (NNP Potter) (NNS stories))))) (PP (IN as) (NP fantasy))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I can see his face , eyes crinkled with laughter when he and my mother put out cookies and milk for Santa . VERB: crinkle POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: crinkled with laughter PARSE: (@VP (VBN crinkled) (PP (IN with) (NP laughter))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Ophiel described each law and how to handle it so you can materialize our wish at this physical plane . VERB: materialize POLAR NOUN: wish GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: materialize wish PARSE: (@VP (VB materialize) (NP (PRP$ our) (NN wish))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: His efforts to exhume the truth results in a riveting read . VERB: exhume POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: exhume the truth PARSE: (VP (VB exhume) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Many of the attributes of the Celtic gods and goddesses were later ascribed to Christian saints . VERB: ascribe POLAR NOUN: saint GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: ascribed to Christian saints PARSE: (VP (VBN ascribed) (PP (TO to) (NP (NNP Christian) (NNS saints)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Africa lovers tune this in ... VERB: tune_in POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Africa lovers tune this in PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NNP Africa) (NNS lovers)) (@S (VP (@VP (VBP tune) (NP this)) (PP in)) (: ...))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Doc is a musky man , but takes Lew up on her offer to reacquaint him with the joys of fly fishing . VERB: reacquaint POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reacquaint him with the joys of fly fishing PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB reacquaint) (NP him)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS joys)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NN fly) (NN fishing)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Equally girdled in anger , Pounder is frosty and remote . VERB: girdle POLAR NOUN: anger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: girdled in anger PARSE: (VP (VBN girdled) (PP (IN in) (NP anger))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: So she uses her own Word magic to smoke out the demon . VERB: smoke_out POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: smoke out the demon PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB smoke) (PRT out)) (NP (DT the) (NN demon))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Chaos trails him like the wake of an ocean liner . VERB: trail POLAR NOUN: chaos GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Chaos trails him like the wake of an ocean liner PARSE: (ROOT (NP Chaos) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ trails) (NP him)) (PP (IN like) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN wake)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT an) (@NP (NN ocean) (NN liner))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They led the advance toward the city of Santiago , where the Spanish defenders were entrenched . VERB: entrench POLAR NOUN: defender GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: the Spanish defenders were entrenched PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ Spanish) (NNS defenders))) (VP (VBD were) (VP entrenched))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Another opportunity frittered away . VERB: fritter POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Another opportunity frittered away PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT Another) (NN opportunity)) (@S (VP (VBD frittered) (ADVP away)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: 8. Remove frustration and barriers that fetter the people . VERB: fetter POLAR NOUN: frustration GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And his tinkling with old recording masters - remixing and often resinging older tracks - yields mixed results . VERB: tinkle POLAR NOUN: masters GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: tinkling with old recording masters PARSE: (VP (VBG tinkling) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ old) (@NP (NN recording) (NNS masters))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He also said that he has fielded several customer complaints regarding this change . VERB: field POLAR NOUN: complaint GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fielded several customer complaints regarding this change PARSE: (VP (VBN fielded) (NP (NP (JJ several) (@NP (NN customer) (NNS complaints))) (PP (VBG regarding) (NP (DT this) (NN change))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: An assassin sneaks in for the kill . VERB: sneak_in POLAR NOUN: assassin GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: An assassin sneaks in for the kill PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT An) (NN assassin)) (@S (VP (VBZ sneaks) (PP (IN in) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NN kill))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: For example , " The beast hissed . VERB: hiss POLAR NOUN: beast GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The beast hissed PARSE: (@S (NP (DT The) (NN beast)) (@S (VP hissed) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Anger underpins everything they do . VERB: underpin POLAR NOUN: anger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Anger underpins everything they do PARSE: (ROOT (NP Anger) (@S (VP (VBZ underpins) (NP (NP everything) (SBAR (NP they) (VP do)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Denise masturbates for her own pleasure . VERB: masturbate POLAR NOUN: pleasure GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: masturbates for own pleasure PARSE: (VP (VBZ masturbates) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ own) (NN pleasure))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It will make you drag out your own prejudices and carefully examine them . VERB: drag_out POLAR NOUN: prejudice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: drag out own prejudices PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB drag) (PRT out)) (NP (PRP$ your) (@NP (JJ own) (NNS prejudices)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: People on the train began to stare at me as I wheezed laughs into my bag of potato chips . VERB: wheeze POLAR NOUN: laugh GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: wheezed laughs PARSE: (@VP (VBD wheezed) (NP laughs)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I 've been dithering between 2 and 3 stars . VERB: dither POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: dithering between 2 and 3 stars PARSE: (VP (VBG dithering) (NP (QP (@QP (@QP (IN between) (CD 2)) (CC and)) (CD 3)) (NNS stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You 'll also be smitten with the recorded wisdom of Kurt Vonnegut and Ram Dass . VERB: smite POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: smitten with the recorded wisdom of Kurt Vonnegut and Ram Dass PARSE: (VP (VBN smitten) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (VBN recorded) (NN wisdom))) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP (NNP Kurt) (NNP Vonnegut)) (CC and)) (NP (NNP Ram) (NNP Dass))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I 'm reading the book a second time to shore up my motivation . VERB: shore_up POLAR NOUN: motivation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: shore up motivation PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB shore) (PRT up)) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN motivation))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The mysteries pile up , a whiteout type blizzard sets in , the Windigo is afoot , and a crackerjack story ensues . VERB: pile_up POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The mysteries pile up PARSE: (S (NP (DT The) (NNS mysteries)) (VP (VBP pile) (PRT up))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Then there 's the funky riff of " Wave Goodbye" , a tune flavored with regret for the distingration of a relationship . VERB: flavor POLAR NOUN: regret GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: flavored with regret for the distingration of a relationship PARSE: (VP (VBN flavored) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP regret) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN distingration)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN relationship)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: You get fundamentalist terrorists encoding engineered viruses with scientific ciphers spelling out " DIE DIE DIE . " VERB: encode POLAR NOUN: virus GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: encoding engineered viruses PARSE: (@VP (VBG encoding) (NP (VBN engineered) (NNS viruses))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Mickey once burgeoned with personality and naughtiness . VERB: burgeon POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: burgeoned with personality and naughtiness PARSE: (VP (VBD burgeoned) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (NN personality) (CC and)) (NN naughtiness)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Understandably the three recount how stars flocked to their movie once Redford had signed on . VERB: flock POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: how stars flocked to movie once Redford had signed on PARSE: (SBAR (WHNP (WHADVP how) (NNS stars)) (S (@VP (VBD flocked) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN movie)))) (SBAR (RB once) (S (NP Redford) (VP (VBD had) (VP (VBN signed) (PP on))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: and slated as the scapegoat for any Andermandi takeover of the Confederacy . VERB: slate POLAR NOUN: scapegoat GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: slated as the scapegoat for any Andermandi takeover of the Confederacy PARSE: (VP (VBN slated) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN scapegoat)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT any) (@NP (NNP Andermandi) (NN takeover))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Confederacy)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: A crowd gathers around the building with torches , egged on by rumors spread by Jim Bowie . VERB: egg POLAR NOUN: rumor GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: egged on by rumors spread by Jim Bowie PARSE: (VP (VBN egged) (PP (IN on) (@PP (IN by) (NP (NP rumors) (VP (VBN spread) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNP Jim) (NNP Bowie)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Within 5 minutes , I was absolutely glued to the screen and sort of disassociated myself from Novak-mania and got into the story . VERB: disassociate POLAR NOUN: mania GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: disassociated myself from Novak-mania PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN disassociated) (NP myself)) (PP (IN from) (NP Novak-mania))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This approach lightens up the "drill " boredom . VERB: lighten_up POLAR NOUN: boredom GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: lightens up the drill boredom PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ lightens) (PRT up)) (NP (DT the) (@NP (`` ``) (@NP (NN drill) (@NP ('' '') (NN boredom)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: 7-Everyone should read this book and familiarize themselves with the truths of the Mormon Church . VERB: familiarize POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: familiarize themselves with the truths of the Mormon Church PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB familiarize) (NP themselves)) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS truths)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Mormon) (NNP Church))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A madman hunts people down like animals on his Island and Fay Wray becomes one of the hunted . VERB: hunt_down POLAR NOUN: madman GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: A madman hunts people down like animals on Island PARSE: (S (NP (DT A) (NN madman)) (VP (@VP (@VP (VBZ hunts) (NP people)) (PRT down)) (PP (IN like) (NP (NP animals) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN Island))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I am pursing my Masters . VERB: purse POLAR NOUN: masters GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pursing Masters PARSE: (VP (VBG pursing) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN Masters))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: With this you must draft an opponent by clicking the R2 button when your behind him . VERB: draft POLAR NOUN: opponent GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: draft an opponent PARSE: (@VP (VB draft) (NP (DT an) (NN opponent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Weisberger must have signed something over to the devil VERB: sign_over POLAR NOUN: devil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: signed something over to the devil PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN signed) (NP something)) (PP (IN over) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NNP devil))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's all spelled out in digital glory . VERB: spell_out POLAR NOUN: glory GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: spelled out in digital glory PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD spelled) (PRT out)) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ digital) (NN glory)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: With a new director 's cut coming on DVD , fans will have the chance to re-evaluate the picture 's merits . VERB: reevaluate POLAR NOUN: merit GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: re-evaluate the picture 's merits PARSE: (VP (VB re-evaluate) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN picture) (POS 's))) (NNS merits))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A third dog would shy in fear . VERB: shy POLAR NOUN: fear GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shy in fear PARSE: (VP (VB shy) (PP (IN in) (NP fear))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: All history is reinterpreted to the detriment of the First World and to the credit of the Third . VERB: reinterpret POLAR NOUN: detriment GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: reinterpreted to the detriment of the First World and to the credit of the Third PARSE: (VP (VBN reinterpreted) (PP (@PP (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN detriment)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP First) (NNP World)))))) (CC and)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN credit)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Third))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I can levy only two criticisms against " All Aboard ! " VERB: levy POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: levy only two criticisms PARSE: (@VP (VB levy) (NP (RB only) (@NP (CD two) (NNS criticisms)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Thematically , it posits a millennia-long exploitation of the freedom-loving young by the Satanic elderly . VERB: posit POLAR NOUN: exploitation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: posits a millennia-long exploitation of the freedom-loving young PARSE: (@VP (VBZ posits) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ millennia-long) (NN exploitation))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ freedom-loving) (JJ young)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Once again , Evans might be proffering a phantom menace . VERB: proffer POLAR NOUN: menace GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: proffering a phantom menace PARSE: (VP (VBG proffering) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ phantom) (NN menace)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The madness brought on to Heracles . VERB: bring_on POLAR NOUN: madness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The madness brought on to Heracles PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN madness)) (@S (VP (VBN brought) (PP (IN on) (PP (TO to) (NP Heracles)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And , all of the visual sequences are choreographed to the musical wonders of Mozart .... VERB: choreograph POLAR NOUN: wonder GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: choreographed to the musical wonders of Mozart PARSE: (VP (VBN choreographed) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN musical) (NNS wonders))) (PP (IN of) (NP Mozart))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's all comic-strip speed and synchronised to the cannonading commotion of the bowling alley . VERB: synchronise POLAR NOUN: commotion GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: synchronised to the cannonading commotion of the bowling alley PARSE: (VP (VBN synchronised) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN cannonading) (NN commotion))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN bowling) (NN alley))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Through the experiences of these and other characters Oda vividly dramatizes the suffering of soldiers in wartime . VERB: dramatize POLAR NOUN: suffering GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dramatizes the suffering of soldiers in wartime PARSE: (VP (VBZ dramatizes) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN suffering)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP soldiers) (PP (IN in) (NP wartime)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: His wife has overdosed on heroine . VERB: overdose POLAR NOUN: heroine GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: overdosed on heroine PARSE: (VP (VBN overdosed) (PP (IN on) (NP heroine))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I shuttered in shock . VERB: shutter POLAR NOUN: shock GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shuttered in shock PARSE: (VP (VBD shuttered) (PP (IN in) (NP shock))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Games are Vegas ' vehicle gassed by greed . VERB: gas POLAR NOUN: greed GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: gassed by greed PARSE: (VP (VBN gassed) (PP (IN by) (NP greed))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In other words , the principal function of conservatives is to conserve existing evils introduced by liberals . VERB: conserve POLAR NOUN: evil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: conserve existing evils introduced by liberals PARSE: (VP (VB conserve) (NP (NP (VBG existing) (NNS evils)) (VP (VBN introduced) (PP (IN by) (NP liberals))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Nor does he sugarcoat the brutality of the commununists . VERB: sugarcoat POLAR NOUN: brutality GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sugarcoat the brutality of the commununists PARSE: (VP (VB sugarcoat) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN brutality)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNS commununists))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Other similar contradictions crop up . VERB: crop_up POLAR NOUN: contradiction GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Other similar contradictions crop up PARSE: (ROOT (NP (JJ Other) (@NP (JJ similar) (NNS contradictions))) (@S (VP (VBP crop) (PRT up)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The joy these people took in this work carries through with every note . VERB: carry_through POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The joy these people took in this work carries through with every note PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (NN joy)) (SBAR (NP (DT these) (NNS people)) (VP (@VP (VBD took) (PRT in)) (NP (DT this) (NN work))))) (@S (VP (VBZ carries) (PP (IN through) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT every) (NN note))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: People are always shooting glances at each other , their hearts are beating hard , anger is welling up etc . VERB: well_up POLAR NOUN: anger GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: anger is welling up etc PARSE: (S (NP anger) (VP (VBZ is) (VP (@VP (VBG welling) (PRT up)) (NP etc)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: When Paris is kidnapped from a Talaxian freighter by the Kazon , Neelix discovers that a traitor on board may have tipped them off . VERB: tip_off POLAR NOUN: traitor GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: a traitor on board may have tipped them off PARSE: (S (NP (NP (DT a) (NN traitor)) (PP (IN on) (NP board))) (VP (MD may) (VP (VB have) (VP (@VP (VBN tipped) (NP them)) (PRT off))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: At last , I mention the political concerns churned up by Nelson 's hearty ploughing . VERB: churn_up POLAR NOUN: concern GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the political concerns churned up by Nelson 's hearty ploughing PARSE: (SBAR (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ political) (NNS concerns))) (VP (@VP (VBD churned) (PRT up)) (PP (IN by) (NP (@NP (NP (NNP Nelson) (POS 's)) (JJ hearty)) (VBG ploughing))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This could be construed as a criticism . VERB: construe POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: construed as a criticism PARSE: (VP (VBN construed) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN criticism)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Lovers of plot will be dozing . VERB: doze POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Lovers of plot will be dozing PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP Lovers) (PP (IN of) (NP plot))) (@S (VP (MD will) (VP (VB be) (VP dozing))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This redoubles the doubt of the accounting of this part of Carcaterra 's life . VERB: redouble POLAR NOUN: doubt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: redoubles the doubt of the accounting of this part of Carcaterra 's life PARSE: (VP (VBZ redoubles) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN doubt)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN accounting)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT this) (NN part)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Carcaterra) (POS 's)) (NN life))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In a number of places , the plot slows down to preen the heroes . VERB: preen POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: preen the heroes PARSE: (VP (VB preen) (NP (DT the) (NNS heroes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Dreamcatcher had me nodding off in impatience . VERB: nod_off POLAR NOUN: impatience GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: nodding off in impatience PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG nodding) (PRT off)) (PP (IN in) (NP impatience))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Books like this only attempt to proliferate the myth that vegetarians will live longer . VERB: proliferate POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: proliferate the myth that vegetarians will live longer PARSE: (VP (VB proliferate) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN myth)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (NP vegetarians) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB live) (ADVP longer))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The women , budding with excitement in their 20s , now have gone to seed . VERB: bud POLAR NOUN: excitement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Every member coruscates with unmistakable talent and heart . VERB: coruscate POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: coruscates with unmistakable talent and heart PARSE: (VP (VBZ coruscates) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ unmistakable) (@NP (@NP (NN talent) (CC and)) (NN heart))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Abril plays the role with vunerability veneered with toughness . VERB: veneer POLAR NOUN: toughness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: veneered with toughness PARSE: (VP (VBN veneered) (PP (IN with) (NP toughness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: " My stars have uncrossed . " VERB: uncross POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: stars have uncrossed PARSE: (@S (NP (PRP$ My) (NNS stars)) (@S (@S (VP (VBP have) (VP uncrossed)) (. .)) ('' ''))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: " It was a test to gauge your sexual ambiguity . " VERB: gauge POLAR NOUN: ambiguity GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: gauge sexual ambiguity PARSE: (VP (VB gauge) (NP (PRP$ your) (@NP (JJ sexual) (NN ambiguity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Director Alan Rudolph manages to re-create the claustrophic nastiness in the Hurst marriage . VERB: re-create POLAR NOUN: nastiness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: re-create the claustrophic nastiness PARSE: (@VP (VB re-create) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ claustrophic) (NN nastiness)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Again ... exteremes convolute the plot to boredom . VERB: convolute POLAR NOUN: boredom GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: convolute the plot to boredom PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP convolute) (NP (DT the) (NN plot))) (PP (TO to) (NP boredom))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Though it is a relatively short book , Brooks manages to disseminate a torrent of information . VERB: disseminate POLAR NOUN: torrent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: disseminate a torrent of information PARSE: (VP (VB disseminate) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN torrent)) (PP (IN of) (NP information)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: As an impulse towards modernism , it prefigures the thematic , structural , and stylistic concerns of later literature . VERB: prefigure POLAR NOUN: concern GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: prefigures the thematic structural and stylistic concerns of later literature PARSE: (VP (VBZ prefigures) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (JJ thematic)) (, ,)) (NP structural)) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP (NP (JJ stylistic) (NNS concerns)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ later) (NN literature)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I went home to mull over my weakness while listening to this new sound . VERB: mull_over POLAR NOUN: weakness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: mull over weakness PARSE: (@VP (VB mull) (PP (IN over) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN weakness)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In codifying the "myth , " he was second only to Jubal Early . VERB: codify POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: codifying the myth PARSE: (S (VBG codifying) (NP (DT the) (@NP (`` ``) (NN myth)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Frazee is one of a cadre of author/pastors spearheading a self-proclaimed renaissance within Christianity . VERB: spearhead POLAR NOUN: renaissance GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: spearheading a self-proclaimed renaissance PARSE: (@VP (VBG spearheading) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ self-proclaimed) (NN renaissance)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In bringing up all these themes and tropes , several topics are introduced and then frittered away for lack of time . VERB: fritter_away POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: frittered away for lack of time PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD frittered) (PRT away)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP lack) (PP (IN of) (NP time))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He fantasizes about her as she fantasizes about a soap star . VERB: fantasize POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fantasizes about a soap star PARSE: (VP (VBZ fantasizes) (PP (IN about) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN soap) (NN star))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Lichtenberg is a sonnet sequence chloroformed by the lies and swindles of the English language circa 2004 . VERB: chloroform POLAR NOUN: lie GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: chloroformed by the lies and swindles of the English language circa 2004 PARSE: (VP (VBN chloroformed) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NNS lies) (CC and)) (NNS swindles))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP English) (@NP (NN language) (@NP (NN circa) (NP 2004))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The author quotes frequently from the Tombstone " Nugget " but always prefacing the unreliability of the source . VERB: preface POLAR NOUN: unreliability GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: prefacing the unreliability of the source PARSE: (@VP (VBG prefacing) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN unreliability)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN source))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He 's got his own personal agenda , and see 's Annie being dropped in with him as a nuisance . VERB: drop_in POLAR NOUN: nuisance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dropped in with him as a nuisance PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBN dropped) (PP (IN in) (PP (IN with) (NP him)))) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN nuisance)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Several examples were given about Arab enclaves within the U.S. openly fomenting anti-Israel and anti-U.S. hatred . VERB: foment POLAR NOUN: hatred GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fomenting anti-Israel and hatred PARSE: (VP (VBG fomenting) (NP (JJ anti-Israel) (@NP (CC and) (@NP (JJ anti-U.S.) (NN hatred))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Richard Kelly uncorked a masterpiece for the ages . VERB: uncork POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: uncorked a masterpiece PARSE: (@VP (VBD uncorked) (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Kristin Scott Thomas is a chameleon , who discourses a new personality with each film she participates in . VERB: discourse POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: discourses a new personality PARSE: (@VP (VBZ discourses) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ new) (NN personality)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Ted and Alice are conservative Yuppie types who may verbalize horror at their swinging compatriots but subliminally fantasize about their lifestyle . VERB: verbalize POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: verbalize horror at swinging compatriots PARSE: (@VP (VB verbalize) (NP (NP horror) (PP (IN at) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (VBG swinging) (NNS compatriots)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: His constant film work might have been his way for portending his early demise . VERB: portend POLAR NOUN: demise GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: portending early demise PARSE: (S (VBG portending) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ early) (NN demise)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And for all the director 's emphasis on Characters , it is peopled with stereotypes . VERB: people POLAR NOUN: stereotype GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: peopled with stereotypes PARSE: (VP (VBN peopled) (PP (IN with) (NP stereotypes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Lindsay Lohan transitioned from movie star to a semi-successful musician . VERB: transition POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He 's wearing striped pants and a shirt spangled with stars . VERB: spangle POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: spangled with stars PARSE: (VP (VBD spangled) (PP (IN with) (NP stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Heads are split apart , limbs are torn off , intestines and chunks of various other organs protrude from gaping wounds . VERB: protrude POLAR NOUN: wound GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: protrude from gaping wounds PARSE: (VP (VBP protrude) (PP (IN from) (NP (JJ gaping) (NNS wounds)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Peter Cushing , Andre Morell , Christopher Lee , all three bundled into a creepy Sherlock Holmes mystery . VERB: bundle POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bundled into a creepy Sherlock Holmes mystery PARSE: (VP (VBN bundled) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ creepy) (@NP (NNP Sherlock) (@NP (NNP Holmes) (NN mystery))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Johnson also misapplies truth . VERB: misapply POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: misapplies truth PARSE: (VP (VBZ misapplies) (NP truth)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They may be reenacting the rejection they made while on earth . " VERB: reenact POLAR NOUN: rejection GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: reenacting the rejection they made while on earth PARSE: (VP (VBG reenacting) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN rejection)) (SBAR (NP they) (VP (VBD made) (PP (IN while) (PP (IN on) (NP earth))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Her mastery of the setting enfolds you in the story . VERB: enfold POLAR NOUN: mastery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mastery of the setting enfolds you in the story PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (PRP$ Her) (NN mastery)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN setting)))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ enfolds) (NP you)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN story)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They subsist on the generosity of others , since Ari the foreigner of unknown background is unemployable . VERB: subsist POLAR NOUN: generosity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: subsist on the generosity of others PARSE: (@VP (VBP subsist) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN generosity)) (PP (IN of) (NP others))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The carefully crafted characters become alive instantly as we assimilate their charisma , vulnerabilities and idiosyncrasies . VERB: assimilate POLAR NOUN: charisma GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: assimilate charisma vulnerabilities and idiosyncrasies PARSE: (VP (VBP assimilate) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (NN charisma) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (@NP (NNS vulnerabilities) (CC and)) (NNS idiosyncrasies)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This was the THE album which baptized me as a metal lover . VERB: baptize POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: baptized me as a metal lover PARSE: (S (@VP (VBD baptized) (NP me)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN metal) (NN lover))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: When Castro starts cracking down on dissidents including homosexuals , he spends a lot of time in jail - writing . VERB: crack_down POLAR NOUN: dissident GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cracking down on dissidents including homosexuals PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG cracking) (PRT down)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP dissidents) (PP (VBG including) (NP homosexuals))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And America will relearn the sacrifices of previous generations . VERB: relearn POLAR NOUN: sacrifice GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: relearn the sacrifices of previous generations PARSE: (VP (VB relearn) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS sacrifices)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ previous) (NNS generations))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: From the start , you 're pelted with heavy punches . VERB: pelt POLAR NOUN: punch GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pelted with heavy punches PARSE: (VP (VBN pelted) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ heavy) (NNS punches)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He bloviates about the wonders of capitalism and how it fuses with sanctiminious bromides about people and their pets . VERB: bloviate POLAR NOUN: wonder GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I Ditto All The Five Stars VERB: ditto POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Ditto All The Five Stars PARSE: (VP (VBP Ditto) (NP (NP All) (NP (DT The) (@NP (CD Five) (NNP Stars))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This chasm is bridged through the preaching and proclamation of the Word of God . VERB: bridge POLAR NOUN: preaching GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bridged through the preaching and proclamation of the Word of God PARSE: (VP (VBN bridged) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN preaching) (CC and)) (NN proclamation))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN Word)) (PP (IN of) (NP God))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Suddenly , 40 years later , she redevelops her obsession , mentions it to Judith , and brings her over to see the house . VERB: redevelop POLAR NOUN: obsession GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: redevelops obsession PARSE: (VP (VBZ redevelops) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN obsession))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Despite America 's revolutionary beginnings , we tend to marginalize the radical . VERB: marginalize POLAR NOUN: radical GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: marginalize the radical PARSE: (VP (VB marginalize) (NP (DT the) (NN radical))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Both the hedgehogs dole out the elfin sparkle of the game . VERB: dole_out POLAR NOUN: sparkle GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: dole out the elfin sparkle of the game PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP dole) (PRT out)) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ elfin) (NN sparkle))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN game))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But this effort can only be sustained by a degenerative process , which entails a dissease and a pact with the devil . VERB: entail POLAR NOUN: devil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: entails a dissease and a pact with the devil PARSE: (S (@VP (VBZ entails) (NP (@NP (NP (DT a) (NN dissease)) (CC and)) (NP (DT a) (NN pact)))) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (NNP devil)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: My recommendation is to take a listen for yourself . VERB: be POLAR NOUN: recommendation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: recommendation is to take a listen for yourself PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ My) (NN recommendation)) (@S (VP (VBZ is) (S (TO to) (VP (VB take) (S (NP a) (VP (VB listen) (PP (IN for) (NP yourself))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Smith speak at a presentation to a local church group . VERB: have POLAR NOUN: pleasure GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: had the pleasure of hearing Smith speak at a presentation to a local church group PARSE: (VP (VBD had) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN pleasure)) (PP (IN of) (S (VBG hearing) (S (NP (NNP Mr.) (NNP Smith)) (VP (@VP (VB speak) (PP (IN at) (NP (DT a) (NN presentation)))) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ local) (@NP (NN church) (NN group))))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They describe man 's cruelty to his fellow man . VERB: describe POLAR NOUN: cruelty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: describe man 's cruelty PARSE: (@VP (VBP describe) (NP (NP (NN man) (POS 's)) (NN cruelty))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The United States faced this difficulty in the Dominican Republic in the early sixties , as now it faces it in Iraq . VERB: face POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: faced this difficulty PARSE: (@VP (VBD faced) (NP (DT this) (NN difficulty))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This book explains why the Serbs did the genocides of the 1990s . VERB: do POLAR NOUN: genocide GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: did the genocides of the 1990s PARSE: (VP (VBD did) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS genocides)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (CD 1990s))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Miscommunication during the battle adds to their obstacles , as does political manouvering . VERB: add POLAR NOUN: obstacle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: adds to obstacles PARSE: (@VP (VBZ adds) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS obstacles)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: My love for the CD grew with each listen . VERB: grow POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: love for the CD grew with each listen PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (PRP$ My) (NN love)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NNP CD)))) (@S (VP (VBD grew) (SBAR (IN with) (S (NP each) (VP listen)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: His songwriting genius puts him in a class with Bob Dylan and Van Morrison . VERB: put POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: songwriting genius puts him in a class with Bob Dylan and Van Morrison PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ His) (@NP (JJ songwriting) (NN genius))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ puts) (NP him)) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN class)) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (NP (NNP Bob) (NNP Dylan)) (CC and)) (NP (NNP Van) (NNP Morrison))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The mood , the music , and the lyrics all come together to make this one heck of an album . VERB: make POLAR NOUN: heck GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: make this one heck of an album PARSE: (VP (VB make) (NP (NP (DT this) (@NP (CD one) (NN heck))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT an) (NN album))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I fell in love with Dirk Bogarde in " The Night Porter " . VERB: fell POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fell in love PARSE: (@VP (VBD fell) (PP (IN in) (NP love))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This books also provides new insights for the field of psychology . VERB: provide POLAR NOUN: insight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: provides new insights PARSE: (@VP (VBZ provides) (NP (JJ new) (NNS insights))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Truth comes in many different packages VERB: come POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Truth comes in many different packages PARSE: (ROOT (NP Truth) (VP (VBZ comes) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ many) (@NP (JJ different) (NNS packages)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It takes a genius to do that . VERB: take POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: takes a genius to do that PARSE: (VP (VBZ takes) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN genius) (S (TO to) (VP (VB do) (NP that)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I 've repeatedly heard Harold Bloom called a " conservative critic . " VERB: call POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: called a conservative critic PARSE: (VP (VBD called) (NP (NP a) (VP ('' '') (NP-TMP (JJ conservative) (NN critic))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The first thing we read is an Editor 's disclaimer , where he tells his doubt on publishing these letters . VERB: tell POLAR NOUN: doubt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: tells doubt PARSE: (@VP (VBZ tells) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN doubt))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She recognizes the short comings in herself and keeps her promises . VERB: keep POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: keeps promises PARSE: (VP (VBZ keeps) (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS promises))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I caught him in several lies in this book . VERB: catch POLAR NOUN: lie GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: caught him in several lies PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD caught) (NP him)) (PP (IN in) (NP (JJ several) (NNS lies)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The way she talks about her troubles is believeable . VERB: talk POLAR NOUN: trouble GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: talks about troubles PARSE: (VP (VBZ talks) (PP (IN about) (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS troubles)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I 'll change my mind when I hear a reasoned objection from a nonhuman . VERB: hear POLAR NOUN: objection GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hear a reasoned objection from a nonhuman PARSE: (VP (VBP hear) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (ADJP reasoned) (NN objection))) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT a) (JJ nonhuman))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: first of all , get a yellow marker or crayon , then draw in 5 more stars next to the 5 I already provided . VERB: draw POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: draw in 5 more stars PARSE: (@VP (VB draw) (PP (IN in) (NP (CD 5) (@NP (JJR more) (NNS stars))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Pauly Shore plays a goofy California college student who finds respect from the family of a Dixie chick . VERB: find POLAR NOUN: respect GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: finds respect PARSE: (@VP (VBZ finds) (NP respect)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: From then on the laughs continue . VERB: continue POLAR NOUN: laugh GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the laughs continue PARSE: (@S (NP (DT the) (NNS laughs)) (@S (VP continue) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I rate this 5 stars and have since purchased the examples book as well as the database book . VERB: rate POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rate this 5 stars PARSE: (VP (VBP rate) (NP (DT this) (@NP (CD 5) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: People point to the weaknesses in the plot . VERB: point POLAR NOUN: weakness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: point to the weaknesses in the plot PARSE: (VP (VBP point) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS weaknesses)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN plot)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I deduct a star , because of the few negatives ... VERB: deduct POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: deduct a star PARSE: (@VP (VBP deduct) (NP (DT a) (NN star))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Ultraspank has reached the zenith of music VERB: reach POLAR NOUN: zenith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reached the zenith of music PARSE: (VP (VBN reached) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN zenith)) (PP (IN of) (NP music)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Dewey carried scars from the 1944 campaign into 1948 . VERB: carry POLAR NOUN: scar GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: carried scars PARSE: (@VP (VBD carried) (NP scars)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He learns from his mistakes . VERB: learn POLAR NOUN: mistake GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: learns from mistakes PARSE: (VP (VBZ learns) (PP (IN from) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS mistakes)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Like the center of a wheel , all archetypes found their perfection in Him . VERB: found POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: found perfection PARSE: (@VP (VBD found) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN perfection))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Once again , Phyllis Reynolds Naylor has created another masterpiece . VERB: create POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: created another masterpiece PARSE: (VP (VBN created) (NP (DT another) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As soon as I got this disc I popped it in and expected greatness . VERB: expect POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: expected greatness PARSE: (VP (VBN expected) (NP greatness)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Thanks to this India born Canadian for bringing us greatness . VERB: bring POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bringing us greatness PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG bringing) (NP us)) (NP greatness)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A talent to watch . VERB: watch POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: A talent to watch PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (NN talent)) (@S (VP (TO to) (VP watch)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I wrote a review of the Wake Assure bed shaker/alarm clock expressing my disappointment with its performance . VERB: express POLAR NOUN: disappointment GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: expressing disappointment PARSE: (@VP (VBG expressing) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN disappointment))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Within this interview , we hear the voice of Zappa speaking about his concern for his kids . VERB: speak POLAR NOUN: concern GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: speaking about concern for kids PARSE: (VP (VBG speaking) (PP (IN about) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NN concern)) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS kids)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This opportunity caused me to purchase it . VERB: cause POLAR NOUN: opportunity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: This opportunity caused me to purchase it PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT This) (NN opportunity)) (@S (VP (VBD caused) (S (NP me) (VP (TO to) (VP (VB purchase) (NP it))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The author focuses on personalities and events and incidents rather than attempt a general or technical narrative . VERB: focus POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: focuses on personalities and events and incidents PARSE: (VP (VBZ focuses) (PP (IN on) (NP (@NP (NP personalities) (CC and)) (NP (@NP (NNS events) (CC and)) (NNS incidents))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: That is , unless he can win the love of a woman . VERB: win POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: win the love of a woman PARSE: (VP (VB win) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN love)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (NN woman))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I 've only read a couple of L'amours that I recall , and both pick up on the closeness of Alaska to Russia . VERB: pick_up POLAR NOUN: closeness GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pick up on the closeness of Alaska to Russia PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP pick) (PRT up)) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN closeness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP Alaska) (PP (TO to) (NP Russia))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: First I 'm going to mention the virtues . VERB: mention POLAR NOUN: virtue GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mention the virtues PARSE: (VP (VB mention) (NP (DT the) (NNS virtues))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This is the book that changed a casual passtime into an obsession for me . VERB: change POLAR NOUN: obsession GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: changed a casual passtime into an obsession PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBD changed) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ casual) (NN passtime)))) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT an) (NN obsession)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Alanis points out her talent with a mixture of rock , pop , ballads and party - songs . VERB: point_out POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: points out talent PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBZ points) (PRT out)) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN talent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Raymond Burr returns to offer wisdom about Godzilla . VERB: offer POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: offer wisdom PARSE: (@VP (VB offer) (NP wisdom)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Walton/Szell earn the 5 stars by themselves VERB: earn POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: earn the 5 stars PARSE: (@VP (VBP earn) (NP (DT the) (@NP (CD 5) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Many stories reflect Wister 's respect for the disciplined men of the American Army on the frontier . VERB: reflect POLAR NOUN: respect GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reflect Wister 's respect for the disciplined men of the American Army on the frontier PARSE: (VP (VBP reflect) (NP (NP (NP (NNP Wister) (POS 's)) (NN respect)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ disciplined) (NNS men))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ American) (NNP Army))) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (NN frontier))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I have 'gone by the book ' and my harvest and confidence has increased tenfold . VERB: increase POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: confidence has increased tenfold PARSE: (S (NP confidence) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN increased) (ADVP tenfold)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I now realize this book is filled with the wisdom of years of clinical practice . VERB: fill POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: filled with the wisdom of years of clinical practice PARSE: (VP (VBN filled) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN wisdom)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP years) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ clinical) (NN practice)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: " Goodness exists independently of our conception of it . VERB: exist POLAR NOUN: goodness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Goodness exists independently of conception of it PARSE: (@S (NP Goodness) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ exists) (ADVP independently)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (PRP$ our) (NN conception)) (PP (IN of) (NP it))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It saved my life , it saved my sanity . VERB: save POLAR NOUN: sanity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: saved sanity PARSE: (VP (VBD saved) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN sanity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis was human & possessed all the failings of a human being . VERB: possess POLAR NOUN: failing GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: possessed all the failings of a human being PARSE: (VP (VBD possessed) (NP (NP (PDT all) (@NP (DT the) (NNS failings))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ human) (NN being)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The book contains the usual Small twists and turns . VERB: contain POLAR NOUN: twist GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: contains the usual Small twists and turns PARSE: (VP (VBZ contains) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ usual) (@NP (JJ Small) (@NP (@NP (NNS twists) (CC and)) (NNS turns)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I saw Avril 's talent in the song COMPLICATED. VERB: saw POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: saw Avril 's talent PARSE: (@VP (VBD saw) (NP (NP (NNP Avril) (POS 's)) (NN talent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This is where my gripe about CD-rom size comes in . VERB: come_in POLAR NOUN: gripe GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: gripe about CD-rom size comes in PARSE: (S (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN gripe)) (PP (IN about) (NP (JJ CD-rom) (NN size)))) (VP (VBZ comes) (PP in))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The ensuing chaos at hand represents a reckoning day for the system of a down . VERB: represent POLAR NOUN: chaos GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The ensuing chaos at hand represents a reckoning day for the system of a down PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (@NP (VBG ensuing) (NN chaos))) (PP (IN at) (NP hand))) (@S (VP (VBZ represents) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN reckoning) (NN day))) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN system)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT a) (ADJP down))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: As a grown man he goes on a journey to America seeking fortune . VERB: seek POLAR NOUN: fortune GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: seeking fortune PARSE: (VP (VBG seeking) (NP fortune)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I read this 391 page book gripped by fascination . VERB: grip POLAR NOUN: fascination GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: gripped by fascination PARSE: (VP (VBN gripped) (PP (IN by) (NP fascination))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Livio elaborates on searching for beauty in the realm of cosmological theories . VERB: search POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: searching for beauty PARSE: (@VP (VBG searching) (PP (IN for) (NP beauty))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This will be U2 's 10th studio album , and they have yet again produced abother masterpiece . VERB: produce POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: produced abother masterpiece PARSE: (@VP (VBN produced) (NP (NN abother) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Here , amateur writers share their travel woes . VERB: share POLAR NOUN: woe GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: share travel woes PARSE: (VP (VBP share) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (NN travel) (NNS woes)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: We discover this truth within our hearts , the Holy of Holies . VERB: discover POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: discover this truth PARSE: (@VP (VBP discover) (NP (DT this) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Hence , this CD by the Madacy Music Group receives 4 stars . VERB: receive POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: receives 4 stars PARSE: (VP (VBZ receives) (NP (CD 4) (NNS stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It is also a book that illustrates the richness of Christianity . VERB: illustrate POLAR NOUN: richness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: illustrates the richness of Christianity PARSE: (S (VBZ illustrates) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN richness)) (PP (IN of) (NP Christianity)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The faculty board employs Spenser to investigate the allegation and report to them . VERB: investigate POLAR NOUN: allegation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: investigate the allegation and report PARSE: (@VP (VB investigate) (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN allegation) (CC and)) (NN report)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: We experience the many different apprehensions involved with this season . VERB: experience POLAR NOUN: apprehension GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: experience the many different apprehensions involved with this season PARSE: (VP (VBP experience) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ many) (@NP (JJ different) (NNS apprehensions)))) (VP (VBN involved) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT this) (NN season)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But it delivers on its promise . VERB: deliver POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: delivers on promise PARSE: (VP (VBZ delivers) (PP (IN on) (NP (PRP$ its) (NN promise)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He asks for the Don 's blessing so he can expand his operations . VERB: ask POLAR NOUN: blessing GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: asks for the Don 's blessing PARSE: (@VP (VBZ asks) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Don) (POS 's))) (NN blessing)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A defining of faith by Joseph Smith VERB: define POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: A defining of faith by Joseph Smith PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (VBG defining)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP faith) (PP (IN by) (NP (NNP Joseph) (NNP Smith)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Love also is explored . VERB: explore POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Love also is explored PARSE: (ROOT (NP Love) (@S (ADVP also) (@S (VP (VBZ is) (VP explored)) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I have noticed a lot of reviews that comment on the truthfulness of this movie as it reflects Christina Crawford 's story . VERB: comment POLAR NOUN: truthfulness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: comment on the truthfulness of this movie PARSE: (@VP (VB comment) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN truthfulness)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN movie)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I would say that the music leans towards the R&B inclination of Butterfly . VERB: lean POLAR NOUN: inclination GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: leans towards the inclination of Butterfly PARSE: (VP (VBZ leans) (PP (IN towards) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN R&B) (NN inclination))) (PP (IN of) (NP Butterfly))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It was treated as the " Money Making Monster " that 'Star Trek ' has become . VERB: treat POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: treated as the Money Making Monster that Star Trek ' has become PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VBN treated) (ADVP (IN as) (DT the))) ('' '')) (S (NP Money) (VP (@VP (@VP (VBG Making) (NP Monster)) ('' '')) (SBAR (IN that) (S (`` `) (@S (NP (NNP Star) (NX (NNP Trek) (POS '))) (VP (VBZ has) (VP become)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: SC has introduced four more masterpieces with this dvd . VERB: introduce POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: introduced four more masterpieces with this dvd PARSE: (VP (VBN introduced) (NP (NP (CD four) (@NP (JJR more) (NNS masterpieces))) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT this) (NN dvd))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Bravo , Mr. King , your CR is here and awaiting the final masterpiece . VERB: await POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: awaiting the final masterpiece PARSE: (VP (VBG awaiting) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ final) (NN masterpiece)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They voiced their grievances . VERB: voice POLAR NOUN: grievance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: voiced grievances PARSE: (VP (VBD voiced) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS grievances))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Then confusion reigned for Autumn . VERB: reign POLAR NOUN: confusion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: confusion reigned for Autumn PARSE: (@S (NP confusion) (@S (VP (VBD reigned) (PP (IN for) (NP Autumn))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Suddenly a mystery develops . VERB: develop POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: a mystery develops PARSE: (@S (NP (DT a) (NN mystery)) (@S (VP develops) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And the memories of seven years ago are bringing back the love they had for each other . VERB: bring_back POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: bringing back the love they had for each other PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBG bringing) (PRT back)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN love)) (SBAR (NP they) (VP (VBD had) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT each) (JJ other))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You can only teach your dog 3 tricks a day . VERB: teach POLAR NOUN: trick GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: teach dog 3 tricks a day PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB teach) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN dog))) (NP (NP (CD 3) (NNS tricks)) (NP (DT a) (NN day)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Next to the school , raised on pillars , is the wooden residence of a group of monks . VERB: raise POLAR NOUN: pillar GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: raised on pillars PARSE: (S (VBN raised) (PP (IN on) (NP pillars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Laughin' to hide the pain VERB: hide POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hide the pain PARSE: (VP (VB hide) (NP (DT the) (NN pain))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But judging from the constant laughter , tittering and guffaws coming from my teenaged sons , they would rate it a five . VERB: judge POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: judging from the constant laughter tittering and guffaws coming from teenaged sons PARSE: (S (VBG judging) (PP (IN from) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ constant) (NN laughter))) (, ,)) (NP tittering)) (CC and)) (NP (NP guffaws) (VP (VBG coming) (PP (IN from) (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ teenaged) (NNS sons))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Loneliness invades every word , every image and every character in " The Lost Woman " . VERB: invade POLAR NOUN: loneliness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Loneliness invades every word every image and every character in The Lost Woman PARSE: (ROOT (NP Loneliness) (@S (VP (@VP (@VP (VBZ invades) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT every) (NN word)) (, ,)) (NP (DT every) (NN image))) (CC and)) (NP (DT every) (NN character)))) (PP (@PP (IN in) ('' '')) (NP (DT The) (@NP (NNP Lost) (NNP Woman))))) ('' '')) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The cumulative effect of looking up entries is to realize how bible difficulties arise . VERB: arise POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bible difficulties arise PARSE: (S (NP (JJ bible) (NNS difficulties)) (VP arise)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Fripp ( again ) split KC after this , and the monster slept for another decade . VERB: sleep POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Fripp again split KC after this and the monster slept for another decade PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP Fripp) (PP (NP (PRN (-LRB- -LRB-) (@PRN (ADVP again) (-RRB- -RRB-))) (@NP (JJ split) (NN KC))) (@PP (IN after) (NP (@NP (@NP (NP this) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP (DT the) (NN monster)))))) (@S (VP (VBD slept) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT another) (NN decade)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Harris recognized the failings of Bill Clinton and his Administration . VERB: recognize POLAR NOUN: failing GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: recognized the failings of Bill Clinton and Administration PARSE: (VP (VBD recognized) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS failings)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP (NNP Bill) (NNP Clinton)) (CC and)) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN Administration)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Later the family finds out the truth and put " Operation Alice " in effect in an attempt to make her stay . VERB: find_out POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: finds out the truth PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ finds) (PRT out)) (NP (DT the) (NN truth))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Now , it 's like receiving a telegram -- dread accompanies the opening . VERB: accompany POLAR NOUN: dread GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: dread accompanies the opening PARSE: (S (NP dread) (VP (VBZ accompanies) (NP (DT the) (NN opening)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: " Safari" and above all " Quicksilver "( based on the changes of " Lover come back to me" ) are my favorites here . VERB: come_back POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: based on the changes of Lover come back to me PARSE: (S (@VP (VBN based) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS changes)) (PP (@PP (IN of) ('' '')) (NP Lover))))) (S (@VP (VB come) (ADVP back)) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP me) ('' ''))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: sometimes i shoot a monster but your team gets caught in crossfire and your objective is to keep your team alive . VERB: shoot POLAR NOUN: monster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: shoot a monster PARSE: (VP (VB shoot) (NP (DT a) (NN monster))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In England the travelling public and commerce are benefiting from the fiasco that was the piece-meal privatisation of the rail system . VERB: benefit POLAR NOUN: fiasco GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: benefiting from the fiasco that was the piece-meal privatisation of the rail system PARSE: (VP (VBG benefiting) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN fiasco)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBD was) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ piece-meal) (NN privatisation))) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN rail) (NN system)))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Eventually , Alex gets caught and is subjected to the will of the State . VERB: subject POLAR NOUN: will GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: subjected to the will of the State PARSE: (VP (VBN subjected) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN will)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN State)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: For each question , the author documents the accusation , the occusers , the reality , and his proof . VERB: document POLAR NOUN: accusation GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: documents the accusation the occusers the reality and proof PARSE: (VP (VBZ documents) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN accusation)) (, ,)) (NP (DT the) (NNS occusers))) (, ,)) (NP (DT the) (NN reality))) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN proof)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: For we have all commited similar sins against people like Carrie . VERB: commit POLAR NOUN: sin GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: commited similar sins PARSE: (@VP (VBD commited) (NP (JJ similar) (NNS sins))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: One area that many photographers encounter trouble with is keeping the books and paying income taxes . VERB: encounter POLAR NOUN: trouble GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: encounter trouble PARSE: (@VP (VBP encounter) (NP trouble)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: At base is the question , how can democracy emerge from ignorance . VERB: emerge POLAR NOUN: ignorance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: emerge from ignorance PARSE: (S (VB emerge) (PP (IN from) (NP ignorance))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The State of Israel embodies the hopes and lives on the Jewish Nation , with 5 million Jews today living in Israel . VERB: embody POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: embodies the hopes and lives on the Jewish Nation with 5 million Jews today living PARSE: (@VP (VBZ embodies) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NNS hopes) (CC and)) (NNS lives))) (PP (@PP (@PP (PP (IN on) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ Jewish) (NN Nation)))) (, ,)) (PP (IN with) (NP (QP (CD 5) (CD million)) (NNPS Jews)))) (NP (NN today) (NN living))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It is the story of Nahum Rabinowitz/Raeburn , who immigrates from Russia to Scotland , and builds up a fortune . VERB: build_up POLAR NOUN: fortune GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: builds up a fortune PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ builds) (PRT up)) (NP (DT a) (NN fortune))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He perpetuates myths about the American culture which were more applicable to 1920 's American than to "post-modern " society . VERB: perpetuate POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: perpetuates myths PARSE: (@VP (VBZ perpetuates) (NP myths)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: You see yourself in this man as he struggles with the truths that surround him . VERB: struggle POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: struggles with the truths that surround him PARSE: (VP (VBZ struggles) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS truths)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBP surround) (NP him)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Suddenly , she is immersed with hatred and can do battle with an existence that has been around for millions of years . VERB: immerse POLAR NOUN: hatred GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: immersed with hatred PARSE: (VP (VBN immersed) (PP (IN with) (NP hatred))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I refer to this album as a Crue album with everyone 's input and it utilizes all four members different talents . VERB: utilize POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: utilizes all four members different talents PARSE: (VP (VBZ utilizes) (NP (DT all) (@NP (ADJP (NP (CD four) (NNS members)) (JJ different)) (NNS talents)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It is said that the Shrike can grant any wish . VERB: grant POLAR NOUN: wish GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: grant any wish PARSE: (VP (VB grant) (NP (DT any) (NN wish))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Rabe was named the head of this International Committee and set out to build international support for the formation of a refugee zone . VERB: build POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: build international support PARSE: (@VP (VB build) (NP (JJ international) (NN support))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Will Hunting ( Matt Damon ) is a janitor at MIT who harbors a secret genius for mathematics . VERB: harbor POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: harbors a secret genius for mathematics PARSE: (S (VBZ harbors) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ secret) (NN genius))) (PP (IN for) (NP mathematics)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And using this technique one can depict the 3 dimensional illusion on paper . VERB: depict POLAR NOUN: illusion GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: depict the 3 dimensional illusion on paper PARSE: (VP (VB depict) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (ADJP (CD 3) (JJ dimensional)) (NN illusion))) (PP (IN on) (NP paper)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But the ALABAMA was launched and she wreaked havoc with Yankee shipping . VERB: wreak POLAR NOUN: havoc GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: wreaked havoc PARSE: (@VP (VBD wreaked) (NP havoc)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This album fulfills every promise he ever made as a musician and as a songwriter , one hundred-fold . VERB: fulfill POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fulfills every promise he ever made as a musician and as a songwriter one hundred-fold PARSE: (VP (VBZ fulfills) (NP (NP (DT every) (NN promise)) (SBAR (NP he) (@S (ADVP ever) (VP (@VP (@VP (VBD made) (PP (@PP (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN musician))) (CC and)) (PP (IN as) (NP (DT a) (NN songwriter))))) (, ,)) (ADJP (NP one) (JJ hundred-fold))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Also , over the course of the travel , narrators (outside the family ) repeatedly refer to the stench coming from the coffin . VERB: refer POLAR NOUN: stench GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: refer to the stench coming from the coffin PARSE: (VP (VB refer) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN stench)) (VP (VBG coming) (PP (IN from) (NP (DT the) (NN coffin))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: As one critic stated she is " the BIG BEN of hour glass figures " . VERB: state POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: one critic stated she PARSE: (NP (NP (CD one) (NN critic)) (VP (VBN stated) (NP she))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Histamine may also contribute to anxiety and ADD. VERB: contribute POLAR NOUN: anxiety GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: contribute to anxiety and ADD PARSE: (VP (VB contribute) (PP (TO to) (NP (@NP (NN anxiety) (CC and)) (NN ADD)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This is also related to my criticism of how Objectivists apply concepts . VERB: relate POLAR NOUN: criticism GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: related to criticism of how Objectivists apply concepts PARSE: (ADJP (VBN related) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN criticism)) (PP (IN of) (SBAR (WHADVP how) (S (NP Objectivists) (VP (VBP apply) (NP concepts)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Meanwhile , the sleaze Yellow paper is spreading ignominies about their teachers and students . VERB: spread POLAR NOUN: ignominy GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: spreading ignominies about teachers and students PARSE: (VP (VBG spreading) (NP (NP ignominies) (PP (IN about) (NP (PRP$ their) (@NP (@NP (NNS teachers) (CC and)) (NNS students)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Then troops are involved in atrocities against Iraqis . VERB: involve POLAR NOUN: atrocity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: involved in atrocities against Iraqis PARSE: (VP (VBN involved) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP atrocities) (PP (IN against) (NP Iraqis))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Repeated listenings only re-affirm my love of her music , and every song is a keeper . VERB: reaffirm POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: re-affirm love of music PARSE: (VP (VB re-affirm) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN love)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN music))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book shows off his talent . VERB: show_off POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: shows off talent PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ shows) (PRT off)) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN talent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She had learned about it from Mary Virginia Thornburgh-Cropper , who was the first person in Britain to convert to this faith . VERB: convert POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: convert to this faith PARSE: (VP (VB convert) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT this) (NN faith)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Cowen responds to critics from across the political spectrum . VERB: respond POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: responds to critics PARSE: (@VP (VBZ responds) (PP (TO to) (NP critics))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The first step is to identify the cognitive distortion at work . VERB: identify POLAR NOUN: distortion GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: identify the cognitive distortion PARSE: (@VP (VB identify) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ cognitive) (NN distortion)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He chose musicians that fit his songs personalities . VERB: fit POLAR NOUN: personality GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: fit songs personalities PARSE: (S (VBP fit) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (NNS songs) (NNS personalities)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It is the Word of God and the Mighty Name of Jesus that causes demons to tremble and have to flee . VERB: tremble POLAR NOUN: demon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: demons to tremble PARSE: (S (NP demons) (VP (TO to) (VP tremble))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: My disappointment only lasted half way into the first page . VERB: last POLAR NOUN: disappointment GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: disappointment only lasted half way into the first page PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ My) (NN disappointment)) (@S (ADVP only) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD lasted) (NP (DT half) (NN way))) (PP (IN into) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ first) (NN page))))) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: very negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It is with this detached statement and performance that the horror of who Hitler was and what he believed in comes through . VERB: come_through POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the horror of who Hitler was and what he believed in comes through PARSE: (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NN horror)) (PP (IN of) (SBAR (@SBAR (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (NP Hitler) (VP was))) (CC and)) (SBAR (WHNP what) (S (NP he) (VP (VBD believed) (PP in))))))) (VP (VBZ comes) (PP through))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But reading Pinsky 's " Translator 's Note " prepares you for the failings of his translation . VERB: prepare POLAR NOUN: failing GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: reading Pinsky 's Translator 's Note prepares you for the failings of translation PARSE: (S (VP (@VP (@VP (VBG reading) (NP (NP (NP (NNP Pinsky) (POS 's)) (@NP ('' '') (NN Translator))) (VP (S 's) (PP Note)))) ('' '')) (S (VBZ prepares) (NP you))) (PRN (ADVP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NNS failings))) (PP (@PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN translation))) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He got over stage fright quickly . VERB: get_over POLAR NOUN: fright GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: got over stage fright PARSE: (@VP (VBD got) (PP (IN over) (NP (NN stage) (NN fright)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I collect movie stars and entertainers . VERB: collect POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: collect movie stars and entertainers PARSE: (VP (VBP collect) (NP (NN movie) (@NP (@NP (NNS stars) (CC and)) (NNS entertainers)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The Thing is about a research team uncovering an alien menace in Antarctica . VERB: uncover POLAR NOUN: menace GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: uncovering an alien menace in Antarctica PARSE: (VP (VBG uncovering) (NP (NP (DT an) (@NP (JJ alien) (NN menace))) (PP (IN in) (NP Antarctica)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The book started out with five stars . VERB: start_out POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: started out with five stars PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD started) (PRT out)) (PP (IN with) (NP (CD five) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Solzhenitsyn 's earlier work _One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich _ made Soviet society realize the genius that was in their midst . VERB: realize POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: realize the genius that was in midst PARSE: (VP (VBP realize) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN genius)) (SBAR (WHNP that) (S (VBD was) (PP (IN in) (NP (PRP$ their) (NN midst))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: What Amadeus did for me in sparking a love for Mozart , the pianist (unintentionally ) did for Chopn . VERB: spark POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sparking a love for Mozart PARSE: (S (VBG sparking) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN love)) (PP (IN for) (NP Mozart)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I sat in awe as I watched and listened in surround sound . VERB: sit POLAR NOUN: awe GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: sat in awe PARSE: (@VP (VBD sat) (PP (IN in) (NP awe))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You are headed for disaster . VERB: head POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: headed for disaster PARSE: (VP (VBN headed) (PP (IN for) (NP disaster))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Everything about this track oozes greatness . VERB: ooze POLAR NOUN: greatness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: oozes greatness PARSE: (VP (VBZ oozes) (NP greatness)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Harrison was nearing his climatic masterpiece " All Things Must Pass " . VERB: near POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: nearing climatic masterpiece All Things Must Pass PARSE: (VP (VBG nearing) (NP (@NP (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (JJ climatic) (NN masterpiece))) ('' '')) (SBAR (NP (DT All) (NNS Things)) (VP (MD Must) (VP (VB Pass) ('' '')))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The indifference applies to her decisions . VERB: apply POLAR NOUN: indifference GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The indifference applies to decisions PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN indifference)) (@S (VP (VBZ applies) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ her) (NNS decisions)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The Dragons Have Torn Me Apart ... VERB: tear POLAR NOUN: dragon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The Dragons Have Torn Me Apart PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NNPS Dragons)) (@S (VP (VBP Have) (VP (VBN Torn) (S (NP Me) (ADVP Apart)))) (: ...))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It reminded me more and more of a Monty Python episode -- jumping from sketch to sketch in a surreal blend of dimensional madness . VERB: blend POLAR NOUN: madness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: blend of dimensional madness PARSE: (VP (VB blend) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ dimensional) (NN madness)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The blame rests with ALL politicians who have held office past and present in the executive and legislative branch of government . VERB: rest POLAR NOUN: blame GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The blame rests with ALL politicians who have held office past and present in the executive and legislative branch of government PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (NN blame)) (@S (VP (VBZ rests) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (NN ALL) (NNS politicians)) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (VBP have) (VP (@VP (VBN held) (NP (NP office) (ADJP (@ADJP (NN past) (CC and)) (JJ present)))) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN executive) (@NP (CC and) (@NP (JJ legislative) (NN branch))))) (PP (IN of) (NP government)))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The heroine , Hannah Sampson arrives in the British Virgin to take a job as an underwater investigator for the local police force . VERB: arrive POLAR NOUN: heroine GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: The heroine Hannah Sampson arrives in the British Virgin to take a job as an underwater investigator for the local police force PARSE: (ROOT (NP (@NP (NP (DT The) (NN heroine)) (, ,)) (NP (NNP Hannah) (NNP Sampson))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBZ arrives) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ British) (NN Virgin))))) (S (TO to) (VP (@VP (VB take) (NP (DT a) (NN job))) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (DT an) (@NP (JJ underwater) (NN investigator))) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ local) (@NP (NN police) (NN force)))))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Stages of a Woman , is a collection of short stories chronicling the difficulties and struggles within a woman 's life . VERB: chronicle POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: chronicling the difficulties PARSE: (VP (VBG chronicling) (NP (DT the) (NNS difficulties))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: That crush deepened into love once she met Nick again and began working with him . VERB: deepen POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: deepened into love PARSE: (@VP (VBD deepened) (PP (IN into) (NP love))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: You can count on a smile with every page . VERB: count POLAR NOUN: smile GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: count on a smile with every page PARSE: (VP (VB count) (PP (IN on) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN smile)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT every) (NN page)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I 've witnessed his bravery and leadership under fire . VERB: witness POLAR NOUN: bravery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: witnessed bravery and leadership PARSE: (@VP (VBN witnessed) (NP (PRP$ his) (@NP (@NP (NN bravery) (CC and)) (NN leadership)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I howled with laughter at this cookbook VERB: howl POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: howled with laughter PARSE: (@VP (VBD howled) (PP (IN with) (NP laughter))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Frodo , the ring-bearer , symbolically bears the sin of the world . VERB: bear POLAR NOUN: sin GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: bears the sin of the world PARSE: (VP (VBZ bears) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN sin)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN world))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Roman Polanski has retained the honesty and the detached observation of Szpilman while making the movie . VERB: retain POLAR NOUN: honesty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: retained the honesty and the detached observation of Szpilman PARSE: (@VP (VBN retained) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN honesty)) (CC and)) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (VBN detached) (NN observation))) (PP (IN of) (NP Szpilman))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Rumors about Wyn Conrad , the owner of the Stonelair , have been circulating for months . VERB: circulate POLAR NOUN: rumor GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Rumors about Wyn Conrad the owner of the Stonelair have been circulating for months PARSE: (ROOT (NP (@NP (@NP (NP (NP Rumors) (PP (IN about) (NP (NNP Wyn) (NNP Conrad)))) (, ,)) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN owner)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNP Stonelair))))) (, ,)) (@S (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN been) (VP (VBG circulating) (PP (IN for) (NP months))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: This got my hopes up . VERB: get_up POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: got hopes PARSE: (@VP (VBD got) (NP (PRP$ my) (NNS hopes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I guess it comes from having to spend time setting up a twist in the plot , or in developing character background or backstory . VERB: set_up POLAR NOUN: twist GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: setting up a twist in the plot PARSE: (S (@VP (VBG setting) (PRT up)) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN twist)) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT the) (NN plot))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: As Mr. Boothman said , the key to establish a rapport with people is to learn how to be like them . VERB: establish POLAR NOUN: rapport GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: establish a rapport PARSE: (@VP (VB establish) (NP (DT a) (NN rapport))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As a result , readers are invited into the drama from several new angles . VERB: invite POLAR NOUN: drama GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: invited into the drama from several new angles PARSE: (VP (VBN invited) (PP (IN into) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN drama)) (PP (IN from) (NP (JJ several) (@NP (JJ new) (NNS angles))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I have to echo Rick Friedman 's praise of Leuchtenburg 's book . VERB: echo POLAR NOUN: praise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: echo Rick Friedman 's praise of Leuchtenburg 's book PARSE: (VP (VB echo) (NP (NP (NP (NNP Rick) (@NP (NNP Friedman) (POS 's))) (NN praise)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNP Leuchtenburg) (POS 's)) (NN book))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The Waldenses were Protestants marked for extermination by the Inquisition in 1655 . VERB: mark POLAR NOUN: extermination GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: marked for extermination PARSE: (@VP (VBD marked) (PP (IN for) (NP extermination))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The boys father in the background nods approvingly , confirming the pride he holds for his son . VERB: confirm POLAR NOUN: pride GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: confirming the pride he holds for son PARSE: (S (VBG confirming) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN pride)) (SBAR (NP he) (VP (VBZ holds) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN son))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It brings out the animal lover in all of us while watching it . VERB: bring_out POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: brings out the animal lover in all of us PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VBZ brings) (PRT out)) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN animal) (NN lover))) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP all) (PP (IN of) (NP us)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Bujold has taken astep away form her Sci-Fi Vor series to try out fantasy . VERB: try_out POLAR NOUN: fantasy GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: try out fantasy PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB try) (PRT out)) (NP fantasy)) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Edith says she 's conveying wisdom from Aramaic texts by the ancient Essenes . VERB: convey POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: conveying wisdom PARSE: (@VP (VBG conveying) (NP wisdom)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In this book Riane Eisler focuses on the issues surrounding joy . VERB: surround POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: surrounding joy PARSE: (VP (VBG surrounding) (NP joy)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He pursues happiness with a gun . VERB: pursue POLAR NOUN: happiness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: pursues happiness PARSE: (@VP (VBZ pursues) (NP happiness)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: We all owe this man a debt of gratitude for his actions -- before , during and since 9-11 . VERB: owe POLAR NOUN: gratitude GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: owe this man a debt of gratitude for actions before during and since 9-11 PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBP owe) (NP (DT this) (NN man))) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN debt)) (PP (IN of) (NP (@NP (NP (NP gratitude) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS actions)))) (: --)) (UCP (ADVP before) (@UCP (, ,) (@UCP (@UCP (PP during) (CC and)) (ADVP (IN since) (NP 9-11))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Difficulty determines whether the bubbles depict colors , shapes or numbers . VERB: determine POLAR NOUN: difficulty GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Difficulty determines whether the bubbles depict colors shapes or numbers PARSE: (ROOT (NP Difficulty) (@S (VP (VBZ determines) (SBAR (IN whether) (S (NP (DT the) (NNS bubbles)) (VP (VBP depict) (NP (NNS colors) (@NP (, ,) (@NP (@NP (NNS shapes) (CC or)) (NNS numbers)))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Again , this relies on an appreciation of " The Two Towers " as well as the works of Chomsky and Zinn . VERB: rely POLAR NOUN: appreciation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: relies on an appreciation PARSE: (@VP (VBZ relies) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT an) (NN appreciation)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book , which was originally published in 1986 , weaves in U.S. support for the Contras in Nicaragua . VERB: weave POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: weaves in support PARSE: (@VP (VBZ weaves) (PP (IN in) (NP (NNP U.S.) (NN support)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: From there , ugliness ensues . VERB: ensue POLAR NOUN: ugliness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: ugliness ensues PARSE: (@S (NP ugliness) (@S (VP ensues) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Through the several hundred pages , he transforms into a battered-but-charismatic hero and troubled demigod . VERB: transform POLAR NOUN: hero GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: transforms into a battered-but-charismatic hero and troubled demigod PARSE: (VP (VBZ transforms) (PP (IN into) (NP (@NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ battered-but-charismatic) (NN hero))) (CC and)) (NP (JJ troubled) (NN demigod))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Firemen are used to keep social order and to maintain majority group satisfaction . VERB: maintain POLAR NOUN: satisfaction GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: maintain majority group satisfaction PARSE: (VP (VB maintain) (NP (NN majority) (@NP (NN group) (NN satisfaction)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The word assassin , originates from the Arabic word for early shiite terrorists . VERB: originate POLAR NOUN: assassin GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The word assassin originates from the Arabic word for early shiite terrorists PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT The) (@NP (NN word) (@NP (NN assassin) (, ,)))) (@S (VP (VBZ originates) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ Arabic) (NN word))) (PP (IN for) (NP (JJ early) (@NP (JJ shiite) (NNS terrorists))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The story delves into the lives of the contestants and what happened to them later in life as the mystery unfolds . VERB: unfold POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the mystery unfolds PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (NN mystery)) (VP unfolds)) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Robert Skinner has penned another Wesley Farrell mystery for his readers . VERB: pen POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: penned another Wesley Farrell mystery for readers PARSE: (VP (VBN penned) (NP (NP (DT another) (@NP (NNP Wesley) (@NP (NNP Farrell) (NN mystery)))) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ his) (NNS readers))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Yet it is peppered with Bilble truths and scriptures from the Bible . VERB: pepper POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: peppered with Bilble truths and scriptures PARSE: (@VP (VBN peppered) (PP (IN with) (NP (JJ Bilble) (@NP (@NP (NNS truths) (CC and)) (NNS scriptures))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The linear notes then reflect this theme by listing the promise of God each song represents . VERB: list POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: listing the promise of God each song represents PARSE: (S (VBG listing) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NN promise)) (PP (IN of) (NP God))) (SBAR (NP (DT each) (NN song)) (VP represents)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And some tracks mirror the grace of the gospel tinged " Play" . VERB: mirror POLAR NOUN: grace GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mirror the grace of the gospel tinged Play PARSE: (VP (VBP mirror) (SBAR (NP (DT the) (NN grace)) (VP (ADVP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN gospel))) (@VP (@VP (VBD tinged) ('' '')) (S Play))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Jon Mark uses a synth to evoke the mystery of ancient Scottish megaliths . VERB: evoke POLAR NOUN: mystery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: evoke the mystery of ancient Scottish megaliths PARSE: (VP (VB evoke) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN mystery)) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ ancient) (@NP (JJ Scottish) (NNS megaliths)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And his passion definitly flows through the movie . VERB: flow POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: passion definitly flows through the movie PARSE: (@S (NP (PRP$ his) (NN passion)) (@S (ADVP definitly) (@S (VP (VBZ flows) (PP (IN through) (NP (DT the) (NN movie)))) (. .)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In the introduction Foster cites CS Lewis ' recommendation for reading one 'old book ' for every new book one reads . VERB: cite POLAR NOUN: recommendation GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: cites CS Lewis ' recommendation PARSE: (@VP (VBZ cites) (NP (NP (NNP CS) (@NP (NNP Lewis) (POS '))) (NN recommendation))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book ranks three stars . VERB: rank POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: ranks three stars PARSE: (VP (VBZ ranks) (NP (CD three) (NNS stars))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Her book is dripping with the passion she has for her topic . VERB: drip POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: dripping with the passion she has for topic PARSE: (VP (VBG dripping) (PP (IN with) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN passion)) (SBAR (NP she) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN topic)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: For example , they connect the persecution of the Templars with Robert the Bruce in Scotland . VERB: connect POLAR NOUN: persecution GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: connect the persecution of the Templars PARSE: (@VP (VBP connect) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN persecution)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NNPS Templars))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Mr. Larsen has crafted a book that vividly recreates the horrors of the Great Hurricane . VERB: recreate POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: recreates the horrors of the Great Hurricane PARSE: (VP (VBZ recreates) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS horrors)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Great) (NNP Hurricane)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Though this book you relive the laughs , wagon rides , snow men , maulings , and poems through the eyes of their creator . VERB: relive POLAR NOUN: laugh GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: relive the laughs wagon rides snow men maulings and poems PARSE: (@VP (VBP relive) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NNS laughs)) (, ,)) (NP (NN wagon) (NNS rides))) (, ,)) (NP (NN snow) (NNS men))) (, ,)) (NP maulings)) (, ,)) (CC and)) (NP poems))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Many say Aerosmith nailed the passion of this song with their cover . VERB: nail POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: nailed the passion of this song PARSE: (@VP (VBD nailed) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN passion)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN song))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: His enthusiasm overflows on this tape . VERB: overflow POLAR NOUN: enthusiasm GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: enthusiasm overflows on this tape PARSE: (ROOT (NP (PRP$ His) (NN enthusiasm)) (@S (VP (VBZ overflows) (PP (IN on) (NP (DT this) (NN tape)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The film that catapulted Bergman to fame VERB: catapult POLAR NOUN: fame GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: catapulted Bergman to fame PARSE: (S (@VP (VBD catapulted) (NP Bergman)) (PP (TO to) (NP fame))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: And the fat-momma owner of the pizza place years for the day when the snobbish food critic will show up and sample her wares . VERB: show_up POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the snobbish food critic will show up PARSE: (S (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ snobbish) (@NP (NN food) (NN critic)))) (VP (MD will) (VP (VB show) (PRT up)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: When it came out a movie critic picked this as his stinker of the week . VERB: pick POLAR NOUN: critic GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: a movie critic picked this as stinker of the week PARSE: (@S (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN movie) (NN critic))) (@S (VP (@VP (VBD picked) (NP this)) (PP (IN as) (NP (NP (PRP$ his) (NN stinker)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN week)))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Passion reignites between the two . VERB: reignite POLAR NOUN: passion GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Passion reignites between the two PARSE: (ROOT (NP Passion) (@S (VP (VBZ reignites) (PP (IN between) (NP (DT the) (CD two)))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A faith-filled collection that promotes God-centered love VERB: promote POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: promotes God-centered love PARSE: (S (VBZ promotes) (NP (JJ God-centered) (NN love))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But I reserve five stars for the likes of Faulkner . VERB: reserve POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reserve five stars for the likes of Faulkner PARSE: (VP (VBP reserve) (NP (NP (CD five) (NNS stars)) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN likes)) (PP (IN of) (NP Faulkner)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Step by step this book clarified my many misconceptions of Catholic teaching . VERB: clarify POLAR NOUN: misconception GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: clarified many misconceptions of Catholic teaching PARSE: (VP (VBD clarified) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (JJ many) (NNS misconceptions))) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ Catholic) (NN teaching))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The same elements that form disaster are often the elements that provide us our sustenance . VERB: form POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: form disaster PARSE: (S (VBP form) (NP disaster)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It was almost cultlike , the way he ran these mens ' lives , but it paid off in spades . VERB: pay_off POLAR NOUN: spade GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: paid off in spades PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD paid) (PRT off)) (PP (IN in) (NP spades))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Few films have this affect and this one pulls it off in spades . VERB: pull_off POLAR NOUN: spade GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: pulls it off in spades PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VBZ pulls) (NP it)) (PRT off)) (PP (IN in) (NP spades))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: " Oh , no! " replies the master of ceremonies . VERB: reply POLAR NOUN: master GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This company has a lot of work to do to regain my family 's confidence . VERB: regain POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: regain family 's confidence PARSE: (VP (VB regain) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (NN family) (POS 's))) (NN confidence))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The Jacob 's Ladder plot trick resurfaces again . VERB: resurface POLAR NOUN: trick GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: The Jacob 's Ladder plot trick resurfaces again PARSE: (ROOT (NP (NP (DT The) (@NP (NNP Jacob) (POS 's))) (@NP (NN Ladder) (@NP (NN plot) (NN trick)))) (@S (VP (VBZ resurfaces) (ADVP again)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Here was another outfit that was strengthening my faith in women in metal . VERB: strengthen POLAR NOUN: faith GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: strengthening faith PARSE: (@VP (VBG strengthening) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN faith))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Mother and daughter revisit their struggles with communism VERB: revisit POLAR NOUN: struggle GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: revisit struggles PARSE: (@VP (VBP revisit) (NP (PRP$ their) (NNS struggles))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: After the season ends , your seniors graduate , and it 's time to recruit some talent . VERB: recruit POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: recruit some talent PARSE: (VP (VB recruit) (NP (DT some) (NN talent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Tess has a heart drowning in regret . VERB: drown POLAR NOUN: regret GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: drowning in regret PARSE: (VP (VBG drowning) (PP (IN in) (NP regret))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I bought it back in '87 for the title cut and have recently rediscovered the joys held within . VERB: rediscover POLAR NOUN: joy GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rediscovered the joys held within PARSE: (VP (VBN rediscovered) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS joys)) (VP (VBN held) (PP within)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Zionists may control american media but truth will prevail . VERB: prevail POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: truth will prevail PARSE: (S (NP truth) (VP (MD will) (VP prevail))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Edward furlong should have stayed in obscurity . VERB: stay POLAR NOUN: obscurity GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stayed in obscurity PARSE: (VP (VBN stayed) (PP (IN in) (NP obscurity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Then you start to notice the lack of spyware . VERB: notice POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: notice the lack of spyware PARSE: (VP (VB notice) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN lack)) (PP (IN of) (NP spyware)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Both actors are loaded with charm . VERB: load POLAR NOUN: charm GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: loaded with charm PARSE: (VP (VBN loaded) (PP (IN with) (NP charm))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Their first album was rocking with confidence . VERB: rock POLAR NOUN: confidence GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rocking with confidence PARSE: (VP (VBG rocking) (PP (IN with) (NP confidence))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book has cemented my growing disinterest in Browne . VERB: cement POLAR NOUN: disinterest GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: cemented growing disinterest in Browne PARSE: (VP (VBN cemented) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (@NP (VBG growing) (NN disinterest))) (PP (IN in) (NP Browne)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Could have released an EP to get back respect . VERB: get_back POLAR NOUN: respect GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: get back respect PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB get) (PRT back)) (NP respect)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I found this book rekindled my love for the DragonLance world . VERB: rekindle POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rekindled love PARSE: (@VP (VBD rekindled) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN love))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: As So-So as 3 Stars Would Indicate . VERB: indicate POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Stars Would Indicate PARSE: (@S (NP Stars) (@S (VP (MD Would) (VP Indicate)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: A " Promise " Fulfilled . VERB: fulfil POLAR NOUN: promise GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: A Promise Fulfilled PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT A) (@NP ('' '') (@NP (NNP Promise) ('' '')))) (@S (VP Fulfilled) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Velvet and shattered glass , Ute personifies the BEST. VERB: personify POLAR NOUN: best GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: personifies the BEST PARSE: (VP (VBZ personifies) (NP (DT the) (NNP BEST))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: They slyly mastered the art of marketing and wryly marketed their mastery of art . VERB: market POLAR NOUN: mastery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: marketed mastery of art PARSE: (@VP (VBD marketed) (NP (NP (PRP$ their) (NN mastery)) (PP (IN of) (NP art)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: To assist my shortcomings in these technical fields , I would have benefited from diagrams and photographs . VERB: assist POLAR NOUN: shortcoming GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: assist shortcomings PARSE: (@VP (VB assist) (NP (PRP$ my) (NNS shortcomings))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Evil has evolved on Nintendo GameCube VERB: evolve POLAR NOUN: evil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Evil has evolved on Nintendo GameCube PARSE: (ROOT (NP Evil) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN evolved) (PP (IN on) (NP (NNP Nintendo) (NNP GameCube)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But from the outset , our narrator Jack is imbued with superhuman English mastery as well as every other character with whom he converses . VERB: imbue POLAR NOUN: mastery GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: imbued with superhuman English mastery as well as every other character PARSE: (@VP (VBN imbued) (PP (IN with) (NP (@NP (NP (JJ superhuman) (@NP (JJ English) (NN mastery))) (CONJP (RB as) (@CONJP (RB well) (IN as)))) (NP (DT every) (@NP (JJ other) (NN character)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: We went to the same orphanage ? ! We must be intimately linked in our destinies , or some crap like that . VERB: link POLAR NOUN: destiny GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: PARSE: null GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: unk LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: She plays Alicia , whose father was convicted of being a traitor and a Nazi . VERB: convict POLAR NOUN: traitor GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: convicted of being a traitor and a Nazi PARSE: (VP (VBN convicted) (PP (IN of) (S (VBG being) (NP (@NP (NP (DT a) (NN traitor)) (CC and)) (NP (DT a) (JJ Nazi)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Once the plot gets going , I found myself gasping with shock at 2am . VERB: gasp POLAR NOUN: shock GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: gasping with shock PARSE: (@VP (VBG gasping) (PP (IN with) (NP shock))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Secondly , the imbeciles who say the album is a rip-off should note that a rip-off would include blank discs . VERB: note POLAR NOUN: imbecile GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: the imbeciles who say the album is a rip-off should note that a rip-off would include blank discs PARSE: (@S (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS imbeciles)) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (VBP say) (SBAR (NP (DT the) (NN album)) (VP (VBZ is) (NP (DT a) (JJ rip-off))))))) (@S (VP (MD should) (VP (VB note) (SBAR (IN that) (S (NP (DT a) (NN rip-off)) (VP (MD would) (VP (VB include) (NP (JJ blank) (NNS discs)))))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: To make matters worse , she finds herself as one of the " Texas Roses '' competing for his love . VERB: compete POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: competing for love PARSE: (VP (VBG competing) (PP (IN for) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN love)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Laughs erupt in almost every chapter . VERB: erupt POLAR NOUN: laugh GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Laughs erupt in almost every chapter PARSE: (ROOT (NP Laughs) (@S (VP (VB erupt) (PP (IN in) (NP (RB almost) (@NP (DT every) (NN chapter))))) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: this will double your pleasure . VERB: double POLAR NOUN: pleasure GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: double pleasure PARSE: (VP (VB double) (NP (PRP$ your) (NN pleasure))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I guess all we can do now is keep our hopes up . VERB: keep_up POLAR NOUN: hope GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: keep hopes PARSE: (@VP (VB keep) (NP (PRP$ our) (NNS hopes))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The writing matches the ingenuity . VERB: match POLAR NOUN: ingenuity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: matches the ingenuity PARSE: (VP (VBZ matches) (NP (DT the) (NN ingenuity))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: An ancient curse is awoken . VERB: awake POLAR NOUN: curse GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: An ancient curse is awoken PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT An) (@NP (JJ ancient) (NN curse))) (@S (VP (VBZ is) (VP awoken)) (. .))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The blade guard is mounted to the rear support of the existing fence by 6 hex bolts . VERB: mount POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: mounted to the rear support of the existing fence by 6 hex bolts PARSE: (VP (VBN mounted) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ rear) (NN support))) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (VBG existing) (NN fence))) (PP (IN by) (NP (CD 6) (@NP (NN hex) (NNS bolts))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: These are probably the same people that are always warning of Christians ' "intolerance . " VERB: warn POLAR NOUN: intolerance GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: warning of Christians ' intolerance PARSE: (VP (VBG warning) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP (NNS Christians) (POS ')) (@NP (`` ``) (NN intolerance))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Chris plans revenge on the turncoat and suddenly finds a corpse on his hands . VERB: plan POLAR NOUN: revenge GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: plans revenge PARSE: (@VP (VBZ plans) (NP revenge)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: So he waits ten years and lo and behold , he 's back to carry out his revenge . VERB: carry_out POLAR NOUN: revenge GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: carry out revenge PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB carry) (PRT out)) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN revenge))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The plot revolves around what happens when a scientist predicts disaster from solar flares . VERB: predict POLAR NOUN: disaster GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: predicts disaster PARSE: (@VP (VBZ predicts) (NP disaster)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The script also injects a possessive lover in Lisa 's new life , but then drops him like they changed their mind . VERB: inject POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: injects a possessive lover in Lisa 's new life PARSE: (VP (VBZ injects) (NP (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ possessive) (NN lover))) (PP (IN in) (NP (NP (NNP Lisa) (POS 's)) (@NP (JJ new) (NN life)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: David T. Hardy reports the truth about the Waco Incident , when the ATF raided a communal church ( p.183 ) . VERB: report POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: reports the truth about the Waco Incident PARSE: (@VP (VBZ reports) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN truth)) (PP (IN about) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NNP Waco) (NNP Incident)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The rating system only goes up to 5 stars . VERB: go_up POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: goes up to 5 stars PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ goes) (PRT up)) (PP (TO to) (NP (CD 5) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Roads to the Isles , guessing at 3 stars VERB: guess POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: guessing at 3 stars PARSE: (VP (VBG guessing) (PP (IN at) (NP (CD 3) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This travel guide is aimed straight at art lovers . VERB: aim POLAR NOUN: lover GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: aimed straight at art lovers PARSE: (VP (VBN aimed) (PP (RB straight) (@PP (IN at) (NP (NN art) (NNS lovers))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Einstein attributed his genius to learning to play the violin at the age of four . VERB: attribute POLAR NOUN: genius GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: attributed genius PARSE: (@VP (VBD attributed) (NP (PRP$ his) (NN genius))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The only way to follow up a masterpiece is to make another . VERB: follow_up POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: follow up a masterpiece PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB follow) (PRT up)) (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Of course , then you can act each "hug" out with your child ( that 's the fun part ) . VERB: act_out POLAR NOUN: hug GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: act each hug PARSE: (@VP (VB act) (NP (DT each) (@NP (`` ``) (@NP (NN hug) ('' ''))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: That Girl Radiates That Charm 10 . VERB: radiate POLAR NOUN: charm GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: Radiates That Charm 10 PARSE: (VP (VBZ Radiates) (NP (DT That) (@NP (NN Charm) (CD 10)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But being a teen , as I am , I of course have to customize it to my liking . VERB: customize POLAR NOUN: liking GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: customize it to liking PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB customize) (NP it)) (PP (TO to) (NP (PRP$ my) (NN liking)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This expands on Aaron 's personal turmoil and relationships . VERB: expand POLAR NOUN: turmoil GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: expands on Aaron 's personal turmoil and relationships PARSE: (VP (VBZ expands) (PP (IN on) (NP (@NP (NP (NP (NNP Aaron) (POS 's)) (@NP (JJ personal) (NN turmoil))) (CC and)) (NP relationships)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Schone stretches her talent yet another notch ... VERB: stretch POLAR NOUN: talent GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: stretches talent PARSE: (@VP (VBZ stretches) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN talent))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The answers are in this book or this book will guide you to the TRUTH. VERB: guide POLAR NOUN: truth GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: guide you to the TRUTH PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB guide) (NP you)) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN TRUTH)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: After reading the other reviews of this book , I see they tend to the extreme . VERB: tend POLAR NOUN: extreme GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: tend to the extreme PARSE: (VP (VB tend) (PP (TO to) (NP (DT the) (NN extreme)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: You try out a number of weapon types as well as learn how to climb over and under obstacles . VERB: climb POLAR NOUN: obstacle GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: climb over and under obstacles PARSE: (VP (VB climb) (PP (@PP (@PP (IN over) (CC and)) (IN under)) (NP obstacles))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And the food is all totally animal-free , with a minimum of cooking to preserve goodness . VERB: preserve POLAR NOUN: goodness GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: preserve goodness PARSE: (VP (VB preserve) (NP goodness)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: These concepts are tuned to perfection in these games . VERB: tune POLAR NOUN: perfection GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: tuned to perfection in these games PARSE: (ADJP (VBN tuned) (PP (TO to) (NP (NP perfection) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT these) (NNS games)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But to interpret these traits as weaknesses would be mistaken . VERB: interpret POLAR NOUN: weakness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: interpret these traits as weaknesses PARSE: (VP (@VP (VB interpret) (NP (DT these) (NNS traits))) (PP (IN as) (NP weaknesses))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I culminated my fascination of Vermeer with a trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art this week to see the Delft/Vermeer exhibit . VERB: culminate POLAR NOUN: fascination GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: culminated fascination of Vermeer PARSE: (@VP (VBD culminated) (NP (NP (PRP$ my) (NN fascination)) (PP (IN of) (NP Vermeer)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: In the end , I opt for three stars for the work . VERB: opt POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: opt for three stars for the work PARSE: (VP (VBP opt) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (CD three) (NNS stars)) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NN work)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Mark Gatiss , Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith serve up more madness in these three episodes from the first season of THE LEAGUE OF GENTLEMEN. VERB: serve_up POLAR NOUN: madness GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: serve up more madness PARSE: (@VP (@VP (VB serve) (PRT up)) (NP (JJR more) (NN madness))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: B. Remind him your product will supply that lack . VERB: supply POLAR NOUN: lack GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: supply that lack PARSE: (VP (VB supply) (NP (DT that) (NN lack))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: May he live on for all eternity . VERB: live_on POLAR NOUN: eternity GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: live on for all eternity PARSE: (VP (VB live) (PP (IN on) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT all) (NN eternity))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He is making monologues and incorporating corporate incoherence into his monologues . VERB: incorporate POLAR NOUN: incoherence GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: incorporating corporate incoherence PARSE: (@VP (VBG incorporating) (NP (JJ corporate) (NN incoherence))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: I docked one star though because the cubes are a little bigger than I expected them to be . VERB: dock POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: docked one star PARSE: (@VP (VBD docked) (NP (CD one) (NN star))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The few times I 've contacted Garmin 's tech support , they responded quickly . VERB: contact POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: contacted Garmin 's tech support PARSE: (VP (VBN contacted) (NP (NP (NNP Garmin) (POS 's)) (@NP (NN tech) (NN support)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Stoker 's widow sued the makers of Nosferatu for copyright infringement and won . VERB: sue POLAR NOUN: infringement GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: sued the makers of Nosferatu for copyright infringement PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD sued) (NP (NP (DT the) (NNS makers)) (PP (IN of) (NP Nosferatu)))) (PP (IN for) (NP (NN copyright) (NN infringement)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It hints of silent contempt . VERB: hint POLAR NOUN: contempt GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: hints of silent contempt PARSE: (VP (VBZ hints) (PP (IN of) (NP (JJ silent) (NN contempt)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It 's about time that American metal caught up with the European masters . VERB: catch_up POLAR NOUN: masters GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: caught up with the European masters PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD caught) (PRT up)) (PP (IN with) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ European) (NNS masters))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Every biologist reading this must have doubled over in laughter . VERB: double_over POLAR NOUN: laughter GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: doubled over in laughter PARSE: (VP (VBN doubled) (PP (IN over) (PP (IN in) (NP laughter)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: overall quality is 2.5 , which I rounded down to two stars . VERB: round_down POLAR NOUN: star GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: rounded down to two stars PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBD rounded) (PRT down)) (PP (TO to) (NP (CD two) (NNS stars)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Few "mystery " novels exhibit the insights and technical comptence Hoeg displays . VERB: exhibit POLAR NOUN: insight GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: exhibit the insights and technical comptence Hoeg displays PARSE: (VP (VBP exhibit) (NP (@NP (NP (DT the) (NNS insights)) (CC and)) (NP (JJ technical) (@NP (NN comptence) (@NP (NNP Hoeg) (NNS displays)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: This book took the writer to Australia 's Outback to study Aborigine myths . VERB: study POLAR NOUN: myth GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: study Aborigine myths PARSE: (VP (VB study) (NP (NNP Aborigine) (NNS myths))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He begins by anticipating the outcry of those who must see humans set apart from the rest of life . VERB: anticipate POLAR NOUN: outcry GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: anticipating the outcry of those who must see humans set apart from the rest of life PARSE: (S (VBG anticipating) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN outcry)) (PP (IN of) (NP (NP those) (SBAR (WHNP who) (S (MD must) (VP (VB see) (NP (NP humans) (VP (@VP (VBN set) (ADVP apart)) (PP (IN from) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN rest)) (PP (IN of) (NP life))))))))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: They come from many lands - Russia , Italy , Columbia and other regions beset by earth 's upheavals . VERB: beset POLAR NOUN: upheaval GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: beset by earth 's upheavals PARSE: (VP (VBN beset) (PP (IN by) (NP (NP (NN earth) (POS 's)) (NNS upheavals)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The next step is exercising the will to change the current pace of extinctions . VERB: exercise POLAR NOUN: will GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: exercising the will to change the current pace of extinctions PARSE: (VP (VBG exercising) (NP (DT the) (@NP (NN will) (S (TO to) (VP (VB change) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ current) (NN pace))) (PP (IN of) (NP extinctions)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: From the Inside - a straight up rock song , fueled with despair 8/10 11 . VERB: fuel POLAR NOUN: despair GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: fueled with despair 11 PARSE: (VP (VBD fueled) (PP (IN with) (NP (NN despair) (QP (CD 8/10) (CD 11))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Joseph Burke awakens in pain at the Chelsea Naval Hospital . VERB: awaken POLAR NOUN: pain GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: awakens in pain PARSE: (@VP (VBZ awakens) (PP (IN in) (NP pain))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: In " Lost Highway" , we were given the story of a man trapped in a circular hell . VERB: trap POLAR NOUN: hell GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: trapped in a circular hell PARSE: (@VP (VBN trapped) (PP (IN in) (NP (DT a) (@NP (JJ circular) (NN hell))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Julie Lawry is a sluttish teenybop airhead who attracts trouble like a lightning rod . VERB: attract POLAR NOUN: trouble GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: attracts trouble like a lightning rod PARSE: (S (VBZ attracts) (NP (NP trouble) (PP (IN like) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN lightning) (NN rod)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It smacks of the standard bourgeois prejudice against " the Great Unwashed " . VERB: smack POLAR NOUN: prejudice GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: smacks of the standard bourgeois prejudice PARSE: (@VP (VBZ smacks) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (@NP (JJ standard) (@NP (NN bourgeois) (NN prejudice)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Oh , and money equals love . VERB: equal POLAR NOUN: love GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: equals love PARSE: (VP (VBZ equals) (NP love)) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: I apologize for the inconvenience . VERB: apologize POLAR NOUN: inconvenience GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: apologize for the inconvenience PARSE: (VP (VBP apologize) (PP (IN for) (NP (DT the) (NN inconvenience)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: It elicits smiles , giggles and occasional cackles . VERB: elicit POLAR NOUN: smile GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: elicits smiles giggles and occasional cackles PARSE: (VP (VBZ elicits) (NP (@NP (@NP (@NP (NP smiles) (, ,)) (NP giggles)) (CC and)) (NP (JJ occasional) (NNS cackles)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: It was like literally stepping inside another person 's grief . VERB: step POLAR NOUN: grief GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stepping inside another person 's grief PARSE: (VP (VBG stepping) (PP (IN inside) (NP (NP (DT another) (@NP (NN person) (POS 's))) (NN grief)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: The Polish underground stirs up trouble . VERB: stir_up POLAR NOUN: trouble GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: stirs up trouble PARSE: (VP (@VP (VBZ stirs) (PRT up)) (NP trouble)) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He has designed a computer virus to take down the ghoul 's gate network . VERB: design POLAR NOUN: virus GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: designed a computer virus PARSE: (@VP (VBN designed) (NP (DT a) (@NP (NN computer) (NN virus)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Time to slay the dragon . VERB: slay POLAR NOUN: dragon GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: slay the dragon PARSE: (VP (VB slay) (NP (DT the) (NN dragon))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: Technology has only outrun our morality because we 've surrendered it to the cult of the new . VERB: outrun POLAR NOUN: morality GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: outrun morality PARSE: (@VP (VB outrun) (NP (PRP$ our) (NN morality))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: He was decorated for valor and mustered out . VERB: decorate POLAR NOUN: valor GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: decorated for valor PARSE: (VP (VBN decorated) (PP (IN for) (NP valor))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Yet the Goddess manifests Her wisdom through those of us called to follow her . VERB: manifest POLAR NOUN: wisdom GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: manifests wisdom through those of us called to follow her PARSE: (VP (VBZ manifests) (SBAR (NP (NP (PRP$ Her) (NN wisdom)) (PP (IN through) (NP (NP those) (PP (IN of) (NP us))))) (VP (VBD called) (S (TO to) (VP (VB follow) (NP her)))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: The chorus recounts the horror of her hanging herself and Oedipus gouging out his eyes with her broach . VERB: recount POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: recounts the horror of hanging herself PARSE: (VP (VBZ recounts) (S (NP (NP (DT the) (NN horror)) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ her) (NN hanging)))) (NP herself))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: And it does start out as something of a Romero shout out , down to the social commentary embedded in horror . VERB: embed POLAR NOUN: horror GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: embedded in horror PARSE: (VP (VBN embedded) (PP (IN in) (NP horror))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: But Thomas Jane then proceeds to beat the hell out of her . VERB: beat_out POLAR NOUN: hell GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: beat the hell out of her PARSE: (VP (VB beat) (PP (ADVP (NP (DT the) (NN hell)) (IN out)) (@PP (IN of) (NP her)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: negative RNTN PREDICTION: negative LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: She has yet to re-capture the beauty and substance of her first two album clasics ..."WYNONNA " and " TELL ME WHY" . VERB: recapture POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: re-capture the beauty and substance of first two album clasics PARSE: (@VP (VB re-capture) (NP (NP (DT the) (@NP (@NP (NN beauty) (CC and)) (NN substance))) (PP (IN of) (NP (PRP$ her) (@NP (JJ first) (@NP (CD two) (@NP (NN album) (NNS clasics)))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Earlier in the series the occasional parallels to our world or other worlds served to heighten the excitement of the story . VERB: heighten POLAR NOUN: excitement GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: heighten the excitement of the story PARSE: (VP (VB heighten) (NP (NP (DT the) (NN excitement)) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT the) (NN story))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: An unaffected beauty infuses this CD VERB: infuse POLAR NOUN: beauty GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: An unaffected beauty infuses this CD PARSE: (ROOT (NP (DT An) (@NP (ADJP unaffected) (NN beauty))) (VP (VBZ infuses) (NP (DT this) (NN CD)))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: But at the end of this CD , Young had painted a masterpiece . VERB: paint POLAR NOUN: masterpiece GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: painted a masterpiece PARSE: (VP (VBN painted) (NP (DT a) (NN masterpiece))) GOLD ANNOTATION: positive RNTN PREDICTION: very positive LEXICON PREDICTION: positive ********************************** SENTENCE: Rumors of this release have persisted for a couple of years , but this is the first I 've seen of it . VERB: persist POLAR NOUN: rumor GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative VERB PHRASE: Rumors of this release have persisted for a couple of years PARSE: (S (NP (NP Rumors) (PP (IN of) (NP (DT this) (NN release)))) (VP (VBP have) (VP (VBN persisted) (PP (IN for) (NP (NP (DT a) (NN couple)) (PP (IN of) (NP years))))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: negative ********************************** SENTENCE: He 's going to transfer me directly to level two support . VERB: transfer POLAR NOUN: support GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive VERB PHRASE: transfer me directly to level two support PARSE: (VP (@VP (@VP (VB transfer) (NP me)) (ADVP directly)) (PP (TO to) (NP (NN level) (@NP (CD two) (NN support))))) GOLD ANNOTATION: neutral RNTN PREDICTION: neutral LEXICON PREDICTION: positive **********************************