// // The Coastline Evolution Model 2D (CEM2D) - © Copyright 2019 Chloe Leach // // The Coastline Evolution Model 2D (CEM2D) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by. // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . // // The Coastline Evolution Model 2D is a modified version of the Coastline Evolution Model (CEM), originally developed by originally developed by // Ashton et al. (2001), Ashton and Murray (2006) and Valvo et al. (2006) // // using System.IO; using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data; using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.Xml; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Linq; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace CEM1 { /// /// Summary description for Form1. /// public class Form1 : System.Windows.Forms.Form { private System.Drawing.Bitmap m_objDrawingSurface; //JMW [System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("gdi32.dll")] public static extern long BitBlt(IntPtr hdcDest, int nXDest, int nYDest, int nWidth, int nHeight, IntPtr hdcSrc, int nXSrc, int nYSrc, int dwROP); private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components; //Jorge variables public static double sedOut = 0; //amount of sediment at outlet, plotted public static double waterOut = 0; //amount of water at outlet, plotted public static int plotType = 0; public static double magnifyValue = 0; public static int updateClick = 0; private double[] zoomFactor = { .25, .33, .50, .66, .80, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 }; private double[] contrastFactor = { 1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 3 }; private double contrastMultiplier = 0; public int imageCount = 0; public int imageCount2 = 1; public string kml = ""; public string KML_FILE_NAME = "animation\\animation.kml"; int save_time2, save_interval2 = 0; public string startDate, kmlTime; public DateTime googleTime; public string[] DateArray; public string[] DateArray2; // toms global variables const Single g = 9.81F; const Single kappa = 0.4F; double time_1=1; double save_time=0; int input_type_flag=0; // 0 is water input from points, 1 is input from hydrograph or rainfall file. double saveinterval=1000; int counter=0; Timer gameClock; int xmax, ymax; double xll, yll; const int ACTIVE_FACTOR=1; const int TRUE = 1; const int FALSE = 0; double DX=5; double root=7.07; double fiveroot=10.04; double time_factor; double baseflow=0.00000005; //end of hyd model variables usually 0.0000005 changed 2/11/05 public static double cycle=0; double init_cycle=0; double output_file_save_interval=60; int graphics_scale = 5; // value that controls the number of bmp pixels per model pixel for the output images. // Gez double tx = 60; // MJ global vars int[] deltaX = new int[9] {0,0,1,1,1,0,-1,-1,-1}; int[] deltaY = new int[9] {0,-1,-1,0,1,1,1,0,-1}; double hue = 360.0; // Ranges between 0 and 360 degrees double sat = 0.90; // Ranges between 0 and 1.0 (where 1 is 100%) double val = 1.0; // Ranges between 0 and 1.0 (where 1 is 100%) double red = 0.0; double green = 0.0; double blue = 0.0; string[] inputheader; //Read from ASCII DEM string basetext = "Modified Coastline Evolution Model (CEM)"; private Graphics mygraphics; // CM CEM Variables const double pi = 3.141592654; double radtodeg = 180 / pi; // Transform rads to degrees // Time Check TimeSpan startTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; TimeSpan endTime; TimeSpan speed; // Setup int TimeStepValue = 1; // days - reflects rate of sediment transport per time step double StopAfter; // Stop after what number of time steps int seed = 1; // random seed: control value = 1 completely random = -999 char StartFromFile; // start from saved file? char InitialiseFile = 'n'; // use a file to initialise run? Over rides setup data string[] readcontrolname = new string[] { "INPUT_FILES/CEM_control.dat" }; double[] ControlFileIn = new double[20]; // Initialisation data read from file int NoPauseRun = 1; // Disbale PauseRun subroutine string ConfigName = null; // Name of default ConfigFile (blank!) int Resuldata_freq = 3650; // Dimensions - periodic boundary/display int xDisplayStart; int xDisplayEnd; int pbEnd; static int CellWidth = 100; // size of cells (meters) static int MaxBeachLength; // maximum length of arrays that contain beach data at each time step //DEM From File string fileContent_DEM; // Used to read entire DEM file string[] fileSplit; double coastrotation = 0; // Angle (deg) used to align coastline with real wave climate string DEMFilePath;// = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/INPUT_FILES/CEM_PertShort.dat"; // File path for loaded DEM int InitBeach = 25; // cell where intial conditions changes from beach to ocean int InitRock = 5; // cell where initial conditions change from beach to rock LMV int InitCType; // 0: normal (columns/blocks), 1: wiggly, 2: one block int InitialDepth = 10; // theoretical depth in meters of continental shelf at x = InitBeach int InitialPert; // Start with a bump? if =1-->square pert, if =2-->pointy pert int DiffusiveHump = 0; // Shoreline is sinusoidal LMV int InitialSmooth = 0; // Smooth starting conditions (1=smooth 0=rough)) int InitialSmoothRock = 1; // Smooth rock interface starting conditions LMV (1=smooth 0=rough) // Waves int WaveIn; // Input Wave Distribution file: no = 0, binned file = 1, angle/period/height file = 2, manualentry = 3 double WaveAngle; // wave angle for current time step double OffShoreWvHt = 1.7; // meters double Period = 8.0; // seconds double Asym; // fractional portion of waves coming from positive (left) direction double Highness; // .5 = even dist, > .5 high angle domination. double Duration = 1; // Number of time steps calculations loop at same wave angle double waveheightchange = 1; // Factor applied to the input wave height; 1 = no change, 0.5 = half wave height, and 2 = double wave height double waveperiodchange = 1; // Factor applied to the input wave period; 1 = no change, 0.5 = half wave period, and 2 = double wave period string readwavename; string realWave_Content; // Used to read entire real wave file string[] realWave_Split; int Wavecount = 0; // Used to count cycle through wave data from file int NumWaveBins; // For Input Wave - number of bins double[] WaveMax = new double[36]; // Max Angle for specific bin double[] WaveProb = new double[36]; // Probability of Certain Bin double WaveAngleIn; double WaveHeightIn; double WavePeriodIn; // Tides int DoTides; // Run with tides = 1, run without tides = 0 double WaterLevel; // What height is the tide? double HighWaterHeight; // Level of HighTide double[] WLArray; int WLCount = -1; // SLR int DoSLR; // Run with SLR = 1, run without SLR = 0 double SLR; // Amount of SLR int SLRrate; // Period over which SLR rises double[] SLRArray; // Stores incremental SLR over x years int SLRCount = -1; // Weathering/Erosion int MaxFillCell = 1; // Value representing that a cell if 100% full of material - Used as an indicator to see if a cell is 100% Full const int NumberChunk = 0; // Number of chunks of rock in alongshore direction with different weathering rates LMV int ChunkLength; // Alongshore length of a chunk of fast or slow weathering rock LMV (used to be xmax/NumberChunk) double NoWeathering; // weathering of rock only occurs below this amt of sed cover (vert equiv in meters) LMV */ double SlowWeatherCoeff; // Weathering rate of slow rock e.g. 0.5 = slow weathering, 1/2 as fast LMV double FastWeatherCoeff; // Weathering rate of fast rock e.g. 2 = fast weathering, 2 times faster than normal LMV double PercentFineFast; // Percent of fast weathering rock lost because it is too fine to stay in nearshore LMV double PercentFineSlow; // Percent of slow weathering rock lost because it is too fine to stay in nearshore LMV double ErosionRatePerYear; // Amount of erosion to TotalBeachCells in m/year LMV double CurrentPercentFine = 0; double CliffHeight = 0; // Average cliff height in (m) // Shoreface double ShelfSlope = 0.1; // slope of continental shelf double ShorefaceSlope = 0.01; // for now, linear slope of shoreface int DepthShoreface = 10; // minimum depth of shoreface due to wave action (meters) int MaxDist = 50; // Overwash Parameters int OWType = 0; // Overwash - 0 = use depth array, 1 = use geometric rule double CritBWidth = 350.0; // Overwash - width barrier maintains due to overwash (m) important scaling parameter! int InitBWidth = 4; // Overwash - initial minimum width of barrier (Cells) double OWMinDepth = 0.01; // Overwash - littlest overwash of all int OWflag = 0; // A debugging flag for overwash routines double MaxOver = 0.01; // Maximum overwash step size (enforced at back barrier) double OverwashLimit = 60; // Don't do over wash if the angle is > 60 degrees double[,] CellDepth; // Depth array // Beach int TimeToSweepFullBeach = 50; // Spacing of full beach sweep for each rock cell i=0:TotalBeachCells LMV int LookDist = 10; // For short rock to beach sweep, +- number of beach cells to look at LMV double BigDistanceToBeach = 1000.0 * CellWidth; // Used to find minimum distance to beach in rock to beach sweep LMV double MassInitial; // For conservation of mass calcs double MassCurrent; // Find Beach/Rock - Draw the 'Coast' int FindStart; // Used to tell FindBeach at what Y value to start looking int FindRockStart; // Used to tell FindRock at what Y value to start looking LMV int NextX; // Global variables used to iterate FindNextCell in global array int NextY; // Would've used pointer but wouldn't work int BehindX; int BehindY; int BehindRockX; int BehindRockY; int NextRockX; // Global variables used to iterate FindNextRockCell in global array LMV int NextRockY; int TotalBeachCells; // Number of cells describing beach at particular iteration int TotalRockCells; // Number of cells describing rock at an iteration LMV char FellOffArray; // Flag used to determine if accidentally went off array char FellOffRockArray; // Flag used to determine if accidentally went off rock array LMV int FindCellError = 5; // if we run off of array, how far over do we try again? //Shadow double ShadowStepDistance = 0.2; // step size for shadow cell checking int ShadowYMax; // used to determine maximum extent of beach cells // Sources and Sinks int HaveSinks; // include sediment sinks in model run? 0 no, 1 yes int NumSinks; int ColumnSinks; // if this is turned on, X vector is disregarded and a sink is considered to span a whole column int[] SinkY; // a sink is a cell that is routinely emptied (if it is on the beach) int[] SinkX; double Sinkiness; // fractional value determines chance that sediment in the sink is deleted int NumSources; int ColumnSources; // if this is turned on, X vector is disregarded and a sink is considered to span a whole column int[] SourceY; // a source cell when on beach int[] SourceX; //Age Cells int AgeMax = 1000000; // Maximum 'age' of cells - loops back to zero int AgeUpdate = 10; // Time space for updating age of non-beach cells // Save int SaveFrequency; // Counter interval to save image int SaveDEM = 1; int SaveSpacing; // space between saved files string savefilename; char Metadata = 'y'; // Create a metadata file? string[] metasavename = new string[] { "OUTPUT_FILES/Metadata.out" }; // array size was originally 24? char Wavedata = 'y'; // Create a wavedata file? string wavesavename; int SaveImage = 1; // Save as PNG image? int StartSavingAt = 0; // Number to start saving at int SaveFile = 2; // 1 = line output, 2 = array output int SaveAge = 0; // Save/update age of cells? int SaveLine = 0; // Save line instead of whole array? int SandOutCol = 150; // save the amount of sand in the cells of this column at each time step //double SandAmount = 0; string[] sandamountsave = new string[] { "SandAmount.out" }; double TotalVolumePerIt; // Counts how much sediment is moved across the entire area on each iteration //string MovedSedVolPath = "OUTPUT_FILES/MovedSedVol.dat"; // Overall Shoreface Configuration Arrays int[,] AllBeach; // Flag indicating of cell is entirely beach - 1 = yes, 0 = no int[,] AllRock; // Flag indicating if cell is entirely rock LMV double[,] PercentFullSand; // Fractional amount of cell full of sediment LMV double[,] PercentFullRock; // Fractional amount of a cell full of rock LMV char[,] TypeOfRock; // Array to control weathering rates of rock along the beach LMV int[,] Age; // Age since cell was deposited bool[,] AboveTideOLD; // Flag indicating if a cell is above the tide mark - OLD WAY!! Not int[,] AboveWater; // Is cell above water mark? 1 = yes, 0 = no (WaterHeight) int[,] ShorelineCell; // 1 = yes, 0 = no int[,] Linear_Shoreline; // Computational Arrays (determined for each time step) int[] X; // X Position of ith beach element int[] Y; // Y Position of ith beach element int[] initialX; int[] initialY; int[] XBehind; // Cell that is "behind" X[i] LMV int[] YBehind; // Cell that is "behind" Y[i] LMV int[] XRock; // X Position of ith rock element LMV int[] YRock; // Y Position of ith rock element LMV int[] XRockBehind; // Cell that is "behind" XRock[i] LMV int[] YRockBehind; // Cell that is "behind" YRock[i] LMV char[] InShadow; // Is ith beach element in shadow? double[,] InShadow_domain; double[] ShorelineAngle; // Angle between cell and right (z+1) neighbor double[] SurroundingAngle; // Angle between left and right neighbors char[] UpWind; // Upwind or downwind condition used to calculate sediment transport double[] VolumeIn; // Sediment volume into ith beach element double[] VolumeOut; // Sediment volume out of ith beach element double[] VolumeAcrossBorder; // Sediment volume across border of ith beach element in m^3/day LMV double[] ActualVolumeAcross; // Sediment volume that actually gets passed across border LMV - amount sed is limited by volumes across border upstream and downstream char[] DirectionAcrossBorder; // Flag to indicate if transport across border is L or R LMV char[] FlowThroughCell; // Is flow through ith cell Left, Right, Convergent, or Divergent LMV double[] DistanceToBeach; // Distance in meters from rock to beach LMV double[] MinDistanceToBeach; // From a rock cell j, min distance (in meters) to closest beach LMV int[] ClosestBeach = new int[MaxBeachLength]; // i position of closest rock to beach LMV double[] AmountWeathered; // Amount of rock weathered from rock cell j LMV // Depth double Depth; // Depth of current cell double Distance; // distance from shore to intercept of equilib. profile and overall slope (m) double Yintercept; // Y position of intercept of equilib. profile and overall slope double DepthEffective; // depth at x intercept, Brad: where slope becomes < equilib slope, so sand stays piled against shoreface // CM - Adding elevation volumes int[,] LowestX; // X position of lowest neighbour int[,] LowestY; // Y position of lowest neighbour double CriticalAngle = 34; // Specified Angle of Repose double[,] SedimentChange; // Used to keep track of sed. vol. added and removed from each cell during diffusion double[,] VolumeChange; double[,] DepthEffectiveArray; double heighestElev = 0; double WDThreshold = 0.005; // Wet/Dry Threshold - Amount cell needs to be above/below water level for it to be entirely above/below based on local SFS double TotalSediment = 0; // Total amount of sediment in the DEM at the start of the simulation double[] Angle_1; // CM - Graphics double zElevMin; double zElevMax; double zDepthvMin; double zDepthMax; // CM - 2D structure double[,] Elevation; // Elevation of beach double[,] WaterDepth0; // Water depth from DEM (ref: 0m) double[,] DepthShelf; // Depth from '0' to Shelf double[,] DomainDepthCS; // Depth to domain bottom from continental shelf double maxDomainDepth; // Used as a reference point for elevation, cell depth etc (contant flat) double[,] DepthShelfMaterial; // Depth of material to shelf from 0 level (will sometimes be same as depthShelf) double[,] TElevationCS; // Total elevation of material from continental shelf (used to work out volume!) double[,] TElevationDomain; // Total elevation of material from bottom of the domain (used to work out above/below water) double[,] Volume; // Volume of material in each cell double[,] OriginalVol; double[,] PreviousVolume; double TotalVolumeStart = 0; double TotalVolAboveStart = 0; double TotalVolumeEnd = 0; double TotalVolAboveEnd = 0; int[] XSt; int[] YSt; double WetDryThreshold; // Hight of cell above/below water to consider it a wet/dry cell int[] direction; // 1 = Top 2 = Top right 3 = Right 4 = Bottom Right 5 = Bottom 6 = Bottom left 7 = Left 8 = Top Left int[] numCells; // How many cells from the coastline do we extend out for the shoreface slope? double[] localSFS; // Recording Output Data double Vol_Wet = 0; double Cells_Wet = 0; double Vol_Dry = 0; double Cells_Dry = 0; double Start_Vol_Wet = 0; double Start_Cells_Wet = 0; double Start_Vol_Dry = 0; double Start_Cells_Dry = 0; // Batch static int Restart_count; // Counter for restart loop static int autorestart = 1; // 1 = yes autorestart, 0 = no autorestart static int maxRuns = 1; // De-bugging Parameters int debug0 = 0; // misc. printf's--don't leave them in int debug1 = 0; // Find Next Beach Cell int debug1a = 0; // Find Next Rock Cell LMV int debug1b = 0; // More find next cell LMV int debug1c = 0; // More find next rock cell LMV int debug2 = 0; // Shadow Routine int debug2a = 0; // In-Depth Shadow Results int debug2b = 0; // More shadow results int debug3 = 0; // Determine Angles int debug4 = 0; // Upwind/Downwind int debug5 = 0; // Sediment Transport Decisions int debug6 = 0; // Sediment Trans Calculations int debug6a = 0; // Volume In/Out/AcrossBorder LMV int debug7 = 0; // Transport Sweep (move sediment) int debug7a = 0; // Slope Calcs int debug8 = 0; // Full/Empty int debug80 = 0; // Temp Full int debug8a = 0; // More Full/Empty LMV int debug9 = 0; // FixBeach int debug9a = 0; // More FixBeach LMV int debug10 = 0; // Distance to Beach LMV int debug11 = 0; // Min Distance to Beach & Closest Beach LMV int debug12 = 0; // Weathering Rate LMV int debug12a = 0; // Percent Fines lost LMV int debug13 = 0; // Sed Flow LMV int debug14 = 0; // Actual Volume Across Border & PFS LMV int debug15 = 0; // Erosion Rate per Year LMV int debug16 = 0; // Total Percent Full LMV int debug17 = 0; // graphics stuff int debug18 = 0; // reading wave data AB int debugNearest = 0; // graphs a pixel at nearest beach cell to a given rock cell (for weathering) string DebugFilePath = "OUTPUT_FILES/DebugFile.out"; // Debugs above write to this file string TestFilePath = "OUTPUT_FILES/TestFile.out"; // Used to print values for quick checks/debugging int FlasgLandslide = 0; double lost = 0; int hit = 0; int FlowZeroCount = 0; // END CM CEM Variables // //Buttons and Menus private System.Windows.Forms.Button loadDataButton; private System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu mainMenu1; private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuItemFile; private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuItemFileOpen; private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuItemFileSave; private System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem menuItemFileSaveAs; private System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar statusBar1; private System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel IterationStatusPanel; private System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel TimeStatusPanel; private System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel QwStatusPanel; private System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel QsStatusPanel; private System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel InfoStatusPanel; private System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel waveAnglePanel; private System.Windows.Forms.Button startButton; private System.Windows.Forms.Button quitSaveButton; private System.Windows.Forms.Button updateGraphicsButton; private System.Windows.Forms.Panel UpdateGraphPanel; private Smallwisdom.Windows.Forms.ZoomPanImageBox zoomPanImageBox1; private TrackBar trackBar1; private GroupBox Graphic_ContrastSlider; private Label ContrastLab; private GroupBox ZoomSlider; private Label ZoomLab; private TrackBar trackBar2; private CheckBox ViewTabsCheck; private Button pauseButton; private Button resumeButton; private OpenFileDialog openFileDialog1; private TabPage DescriptionTab; private TabPage WaveTab; private TextBox WPLoadTB; private TextBox WALoadTB; private TextBox WHLoadTB; private TextBox WPeriodTB; private TextBox WAngleTB; private TextBox WHeightTB; private TextBox WaveFileTB; private Label WPLoadLab; private Label WALoadLab; private Label WHLoadLab; private Label ManWavLabel; private CheckBox ManWavTick; private Label WavSourceTitle; private Label ManWavTitle; private Label LoadWaveTitle; private Label BinnedLabel; private CheckBox BinnedTick; private Label WaveTickLabel; private CheckBox WaveFileTick; private Label WPeriodLabel; private Label WAngleLabel; private Label WHeightLabel; private Button WaveBrowseButton; private Label WaveFileLabel; private Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer shapeContainer2; private Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape lineShape2; private TabPage DEMTab; private Label DEMDimTitle; private Label DEMSourceTitle; private TextBox RowsTB; private Label RowLabel; private Label ColLabel; private TextBox ColumnTB; private Label BlockLabel; private CheckBox BlockTick; private Label WigglyLabel; private CheckBox WigglyTick; private Label NormLabel; private CheckBox NormTick; private Label CompDEMLabel; private CheckBox CompDEMTick; private Label DEMLabel; private CheckBox DEMTick; private Button DEMBrowseButton; private TextBox DEMTextBox; private Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer shapeContainer1; private Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape lineShape1; private TabControl MainWindowTabs; private TabPage TideTab; private TextBox LowTideTB; private Label LowTideLab; private TextBox HighTideTB; private Label HighTideLab; private TabPage ErosionTab; private TextBox ErosRateTB; private Label ErosRateLab; private TextBox SlowWeatherTB; private Label SlowWeatherLab; private TextBox RockWeatherTB; private Label RockWeatherLab; private TextBox PercentSlowTB; private Label PercentSlowLab; private TextBox PercentFastTB; private Label PercentFastLab; private TextBox FastWeatherTB; private Label FastWeatherLab; private TabPage SourceSinkTab; private Label WeatheringTitle; private Label ErosionTitle; private Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer shapeContainer3; private Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape lineShape4; private Label SinksTab; private Label SourcesTab; private TextBox NumSourceTB; private Label NumSourceLab; private Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer shapeContainer4; private Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape lineShape5; private TextBox NumSinkTB; private Label NumSinkLab; private CheckBox SinkTick; private Label SinkTickLab; private CheckBox SourceTick; private Label SourceTickLab; private CheckBox ColSinkTick; private Label ColSinkLab; private TextBox YSinkTB; private Label YSinkLab; private TextBox XSinkTB; private Label XSinkLab; private TextBox YSourceTB; private Label YSourceLab; private TextBox XSourceTB; private Label XSourceLab; private CheckBox ColSourceTick; private Label ColSourceLab; private TextBox SinkinessTB; private Label SinkinessLab; private ToolTip CoordTT; private Label DoTidesLabel; private CheckBox DoTidesTick; private Button SeeTabsButton; private TabPage Outputs; private TextBox DescripTB; private MenuItem menuItemGraphics; private MenuItem menuItemGraphicsRock; private MenuItem menuItemGraphicsSand; private MenuItem menuItemGraphicsXY; private MenuItem menuItemGraphicInitialXY; private TextBox SaveFreqTB; private Label SaveFreqLab; private TextBox OutputNameTB; private Label OutputNameLab; private Label label1; private Label orText; private Label InitPertLab; private CheckBox InitPertTick; private Label PertLab; private CheckBox PertTick; private TextBox RunLengthTB; private Label RunLengthLab; private MenuItem menuItemGraphicDepth; private MenuItem menuItemGraphicVolume; private Label SLRTitle; private Label TidesTitle; private Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer shapeContainer5; private Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape lineShape6; private TextBox SLR_TB; private Label SLRLab; private Label DoSLRLab; private CheckBox DoSLRTick; private TextBox RateSLR_TB; private Label RateSLRLab; private Label UALab; private CheckBox UA_WaveTick; private MenuItem menuItemShadow; private TextBox AsymTB; private TextBox HighTB; private Label AsymLab; private Label HighLab; private Label label2; private Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape lineShape3; private Label label3; private Label StepSLR_Lab; private CheckBox StepSLR_Tick; private Button SandOutputButton; // The main entry point for the application. [STAThread] // Start the progrm static void Main() { if (autorestart == 1) { string dir_name = Environment.CurrentDirectory; string[] split = dir_name.Split(new[] { "_Split" }, StringSplitOptions.None); //string[] split_2 = split[1].Split(new[] { '\\' }, StringSplitOptions.None); Restart_count = Convert.ToInt32(split[1]); //string Restart_Count_FILE = "INPUT_FILES/Restart_Count_FILE.txt"; //StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Restart_Count_FILE); //Restart_count = Convert.ToInt32(reader.ReadToEnd()); //reader.Close(); //StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(Restart_Count_FILE); //writer.Write(Restart_count + 1); //writer.Close(); Directory.CreateDirectory("OUTPUT_FILES/Run_" + Restart_count); Directory.CreateDirectory("OUTPUT_FILES/Run_" + Restart_count + "/Simulation"); } Application.Run(new Form1()); } public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { zoomPanImageBox1.Height = this.Height - 225; zoomPanImageBox1.Width = this.Width - 20; HttpWebRequest req; HttpWebResponse res; try { req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://www.coulthard.org.uk/"); res = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse(); } catch { /// do nothing. } this.Text = basetext; } protected override void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { if (components != null) { components.Dispose(); } } base.Dispose(disposing); } // Form Show/Close private void Form1_Shown(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Batch if (autorestart == 1) { if (Restart_count > 1) { loadDataButton.PerformClick(); } } } private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { // Batch if (autorestart == 1) { e.Cancel = false; } else { pauseButton_Click(pauseButton, EventArgs.Empty); endTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; speed = (endTime - startTime); DialogResult Result = MessageBox.Show(("Program at " + (counter - 1) + " days \nDo you want to exit? \n\nSpeed: " + speed.Hours + ":" + speed.Minutes + ":" + speed.Seconds + "(hh:mm:ss)"), " ", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); if (Result == DialogResult.Yes) { StreamWriter EndVol = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/MorphChange/EndVol" + WaveFileTB.Text + ".out"); EndVol.Write("ncols " + ColumnTB.Text + Environment.NewLine + "nrows " + RowsTB.Text + Environment.NewLine + "xllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "yllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "cellsize 100" + Environment.NewLine + "NODATA_value -9999" + Environment.NewLine); for (int yyyy = ymax - 1; yyyy >= 0; yyyy--) { for (int xxxx = 0; xxxx < pbEnd; xxxx++) { EndVol.Write(Volume[xxxx, yyyy] + " "); TotalVolumeEnd += Volume[xxxx, yyyy]; if (AboveWater[xxxx, yyyy] == 1) { TotalVolAboveEnd += Volume[xxxx, yyyy]; } } EndVol.Write(Environment.NewLine); } EndVol.Write(Environment.NewLine + TotalVolumeEnd + ", " + TotalVolAboveEnd); EndVol.Close(); StreamWriter XY_End = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/MorphChange/XY_End_" + WaveFileTB.Text + ".out"); for (int Loop = 0; Loop < X.Length; Loop++) { XY_End.Write(X[Loop] + ", " + Y[Loop] + Environment.NewLine); } XY_End.Close(); e.Cancel = false; } else { resumeButton_Click(resumeButton, EventArgs.Empty); } } } // Set-up the GUI private void InitializeComponent() { this.components = new System.ComponentModel.Container(); this.loadDataButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.mainMenu1 = new System.Windows.Forms.MainMenu(this.components); this.menuItemFile = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); this.menuItemFileOpen = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); this.menuItemFileSaveAs = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); this.menuItemFileSave = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); this.menuItemGraphics = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); this.menuItemGraphicsRock = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); this.menuItemGraphicsSand = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); this.menuItemGraphicsXY = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); this.menuItemGraphicInitialXY = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); this.menuItemGraphicDepth = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); this.menuItemGraphicVolume = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); this.menuItemShadow = new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem(); this.statusBar1 = new System.Windows.Forms.StatusBar(); this.InfoStatusPanel = new System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel(); this.IterationStatusPanel = new System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel(); this.TimeStatusPanel = new System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel(); this.QwStatusPanel = new System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel(); this.QsStatusPanel = new System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel(); this.waveAnglePanel = new System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel(); this.startButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.quitSaveButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.updateGraphicsButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.UpdateGraphPanel = new System.Windows.Forms.Panel(); this.SandOutputButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.ViewTabsCheck = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.trackBar1 = new System.Windows.Forms.TrackBar(); this.Graphic_ContrastSlider = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox(); this.ContrastLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.ZoomSlider = new System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox(); this.ZoomLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.trackBar2 = new System.Windows.Forms.TrackBar(); this.pauseButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.resumeButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.openFileDialog1 = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog(); this.DescriptionTab = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage(); this.DescripTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.WaveTab = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage(); this.AsymTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.HighTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.AsymLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.HighLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.label2 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.UALab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.UA_WaveTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.label1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.WaveBrowseButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.WaveFileTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.WPLoadTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.WALoadTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.WHLoadTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.WPeriodTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.WAngleTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.WHeightTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.WPLoadLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.WALoadLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.WHLoadLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.ManWavLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.ManWavTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.WavSourceTitle = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.ManWavTitle = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.LoadWaveTitle = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.BinnedLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.BinnedTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.WaveTickLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.WaveFileTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.WPeriodLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.WAngleLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.WHeightLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.WaveFileLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.shapeContainer2 = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer(); this.lineShape3 = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape(); this.lineShape2 = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape(); this.DEMTab = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage(); this.label3 = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.InitPertLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.InitPertTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.PertLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.PertTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.orText = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.DEMDimTitle = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.DEMSourceTitle = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.RowsTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.RowLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.ColLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.ColumnTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.BlockLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.BlockTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.WigglyLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.WigglyTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.NormLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.NormTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.CompDEMLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.CompDEMTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.DEMLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.DEMTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.DEMBrowseButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.DEMTextBox = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.shapeContainer1 = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer(); this.lineShape1 = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape(); this.MainWindowTabs = new System.Windows.Forms.TabControl(); this.TideTab = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage(); this.StepSLR_Lab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.StepSLR_Tick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.DoSLRLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.DoSLRTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.RateSLR_TB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.RateSLRLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.SLR_TB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.SLRLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.SLRTitle = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.TidesTitle = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.DoTidesLabel = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.DoTidesTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.HighTideTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.HighTideLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.LowTideTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.LowTideLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.shapeContainer5 = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer(); this.lineShape6 = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape(); this.ErosionTab = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage(); this.WeatheringTitle = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.ErosionTitle = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.RockWeatherTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.PercentSlowTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.PercentSlowLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.PercentFastTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.PercentFastLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.FastWeatherTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.FastWeatherLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.SlowWeatherTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.SlowWeatherLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.ErosRateTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.ErosRateLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.shapeContainer3 = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer(); this.lineShape4 = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape(); this.RockWeatherLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.SourceSinkTab = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage(); this.SinkinessTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.SinkinessLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.YSourceTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.YSourceLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.XSourceTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.XSourceLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.ColSourceTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.ColSourceLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.YSinkTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.YSinkLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.XSinkTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.XSinkLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.ColSinkTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.ColSinkLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.SinkTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.SinkTickLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.SourceTick = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox(); this.SourceTickLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.NumSinkTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.NumSinkLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.SinksTab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.SourcesTab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.NumSourceTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.NumSourceLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.shapeContainer4 = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.ShapeContainer(); this.lineShape5 = new Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.LineShape(); this.Outputs = new System.Windows.Forms.TabPage(); this.RunLengthTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.RunLengthLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.OutputNameTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.OutputNameLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.SaveFreqTB = new System.Windows.Forms.TextBox(); this.SaveFreqLab = new System.Windows.Forms.Label(); this.CoordTT = new System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip(this.components); this.SeeTabsButton = new System.Windows.Forms.Button(); this.zoomPanImageBox1 = new Smallwisdom.Windows.Forms.ZoomPanImageBox(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.InfoStatusPanel)).BeginInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.IterationStatusPanel)).BeginInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.TimeStatusPanel)).BeginInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.QwStatusPanel)).BeginInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.QsStatusPanel)).BeginInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.waveAnglePanel)).BeginInit(); this.UpdateGraphPanel.SuspendLayout(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.trackBar1)).BeginInit(); this.Graphic_ContrastSlider.SuspendLayout(); this.ZoomSlider.SuspendLayout(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.trackBar2)).BeginInit(); this.DescriptionTab.SuspendLayout(); this.WaveTab.SuspendLayout(); this.DEMTab.SuspendLayout(); this.MainWindowTabs.SuspendLayout(); this.TideTab.SuspendLayout(); this.ErosionTab.SuspendLayout(); this.SourceSinkTab.SuspendLayout(); this.Outputs.SuspendLayout(); this.SuspendLayout(); // // loadDataButton // this.loadDataButton.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left))); this.loadDataButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(6, 291); this.loadDataButton.Name = "loadDataButton"; this.loadDataButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 24); this.loadDataButton.TabIndex = 7; this.loadDataButton.Text = "Load Data"; this.loadDataButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.loadDataButton_Click); // // mainMenu1 // this.mainMenu1.MenuItems.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] { this.menuItemFile, this.menuItemGraphics}); // // menuItemFile // this.menuItemFile.Index = 0; this.menuItemFile.MenuItems.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] { this.menuItemFileOpen, this.menuItemFileSaveAs, this.menuItemFileSave}); this.menuItemFile.Text = "FILE"; // // menuItemFileOpen // this.menuItemFileOpen.Index = 0; this.menuItemFileOpen.Text = "Open"; this.menuItemFileOpen.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.menuItemFileOpen_Click); // // menuItemFileSaveAs // this.menuItemFileSaveAs.Index = 1; this.menuItemFileSaveAs.Text = "Save As"; this.menuItemFileSaveAs.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.menuItemFileSave_Click); // // menuItemFileSave // this.menuItemFileSave.Index = 2; this.menuItemFileSave.Text = "Save"; this.menuItemFileSave.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.menuItemFileSave_Click); // // menuItemGraphics // this.menuItemGraphics.Index = 1; this.menuItemGraphics.MenuItems.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.MenuItem[] { this.menuItemGraphicsRock, this.menuItemGraphicsSand, this.menuItemGraphicsXY, this.menuItemGraphicInitialXY, this.menuItemGraphicDepth, this.menuItemGraphicVolume, this.menuItemShadow}); this.menuItemGraphics.Text = "GRAPHICS"; // // menuItemGraphicsRock // this.menuItemGraphicsRock.Index = 0; this.menuItemGraphicsRock.Text = "Ero / Depo"; this.menuItemGraphicsRock.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.menuItemGraphicsRock_Click); // // menuItemGraphicsSand // this.menuItemGraphicsSand.Checked = true; this.menuItemGraphicsSand.Index = 1; this.menuItemGraphicsSand.Text = "Sand"; this.menuItemGraphicsSand.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.menuItemGraphicsSand_Click); // // menuItemGraphicsXY // this.menuItemGraphicsXY.Checked = true; this.menuItemGraphicsXY.Index = 2; this.menuItemGraphicsXY.Text = "XY Coastline"; this.menuItemGraphicsXY.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.menuItemGraphicsXY_Click); // // menuItemGraphicInitialXY // this.menuItemGraphicInitialXY.Index = 3; this.menuItemGraphicInitialXY.Text = "Initial XY"; this.menuItemGraphicInitialXY.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.menuItemGraphicInitialXY_Click); // // menuItemGraphicDepth // this.menuItemGraphicDepth.Enabled = false; this.menuItemGraphicDepth.Index = 4; this.menuItemGraphicDepth.Text = "Depth"; this.menuItemGraphicDepth.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.menuItemGraphicDepth_Click); // // menuItemGraphicVolume // this.menuItemGraphicVolume.Checked = true; this.menuItemGraphicVolume.Index = 5; this.menuItemGraphicVolume.Text = "Volume"; this.menuItemGraphicVolume.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.menuItemGraphicVolume_Click); // // menuItemShadow // this.menuItemShadow.Index = 6; this.menuItemShadow.Text = "Shadow"; this.menuItemShadow.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.menuItemShadow_Click); // // statusBar1 // this.statusBar1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 343); this.statusBar1.Name = "statusBar1"; this.statusBar1.Panels.AddRange(new System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel[] { this.InfoStatusPanel, this.IterationStatusPanel, this.TimeStatusPanel, this.QwStatusPanel, this.QsStatusPanel, this.waveAnglePanel}); this.statusBar1.ShowPanels = true; this.statusBar1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1088, 19); this.statusBar1.SizingGrip = false; this.statusBar1.TabIndex = 144; this.statusBar1.Text = "statusBar1"; this.statusBar1.PanelClick += new System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanelClickEventHandler(this.statusBar1_PanelClick); // // InfoStatusPanel // this.InfoStatusPanel.Name = "InfoStatusPanel"; this.InfoStatusPanel.Text = "info"; this.InfoStatusPanel.Width = 200; // // IterationStatusPanel // this.IterationStatusPanel.Name = "IterationStatusPanel"; this.IterationStatusPanel.Text = "iterations"; this.IterationStatusPanel.Width = 120; // // TimeStatusPanel // this.TimeStatusPanel.Name = "TimeStatusPanel"; this.TimeStatusPanel.Text = "time"; this.TimeStatusPanel.Width = 120; // // QwStatusPanel // this.QwStatusPanel.Name = "QwStatusPanel"; this.QwStatusPanel.Text = "Qw"; this.QwStatusPanel.Width = 120; // // QsStatusPanel // this.QsStatusPanel.Name = "QsStatusPanel"; this.QsStatusPanel.Text = "Qs"; this.QsStatusPanel.Width = 120; // // waveAnglePanel // this.waveAnglePanel.Name = "waveAnglePanel"; this.waveAnglePanel.Text = "Wave Angle"; // // startButton // this.startButton.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left))); this.startButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(112, 291); this.startButton.Name = "startButton"; this.startButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(88, 24); this.startButton.TabIndex = 146; this.startButton.Text = "Start!"; this.startButton.Visible = false; this.startButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.main_loop); // // quitSaveButton // this.quitSaveButton.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left))); this.quitSaveButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(341, 291); this.quitSaveButton.Name = "quitSaveButton"; this.quitSaveButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(100, 24); this.quitSaveButton.TabIndex = 147; this.quitSaveButton.Text = "Quit and Save"; this.quitSaveButton.Visible = false; this.quitSaveButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.quitSaveButton_Click); // // updateGraphicsButton // this.updateGraphicsButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(3, 4); this.updateGraphicsButton.Name = "updateGraphicsButton"; this.updateGraphicsButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(112, 40); this.updateGraphicsButton.TabIndex = 144; this.updateGraphicsButton.Text = "Update Graphics"; this.updateGraphicsButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.updateGraphics_Click_1); // // UpdateGraphPanel // this.UpdateGraphPanel.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left))); this.UpdateGraphPanel.BorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.BorderStyle.Fixed3D; this.UpdateGraphPanel.Controls.Add(this.SandOutputButton); this.UpdateGraphPanel.Controls.Add(this.updateGraphicsButton); this.UpdateGraphPanel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 239); this.UpdateGraphPanel.Name = "UpdateGraphPanel"; this.UpdateGraphPanel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(854, 45); this.UpdateGraphPanel.TabIndex = 145; this.UpdateGraphPanel.Visible = false; // // SandOutputButton // this.SandOutputButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(121, 4); this.SandOutputButton.Name = "SandOutputButton"; this.SandOutputButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(112, 40); this.SandOutputButton.TabIndex = 145; this.SandOutputButton.Text = "PercentFullSand Output"; this.SandOutputButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.SandOutputButton_Click); // // ViewTabsCheck // this.ViewTabsCheck.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left))); this.ViewTabsCheck.AutoSize = true; this.ViewTabsCheck.Checked = true; this.ViewTabsCheck.CheckState = System.Windows.Forms.CheckState.Checked; this.ViewTabsCheck.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(455, 469); this.ViewTabsCheck.Name = "ViewTabsCheck"; this.ViewTabsCheck.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(82, 17); this.ViewTabsCheck.TabIndex = 151; this.ViewTabsCheck.Text = "View Tabs?"; this.ViewTabsCheck.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; // // trackBar1 // this.trackBar1.AutoSize = false; this.trackBar1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(54, 9); this.trackBar1.Name = "trackBar1"; this.trackBar1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(104, 20); this.trackBar1.TabIndex = 149; this.trackBar1.Scroll += new System.EventHandler(this.trackBar1_Scroll); // // Graphic_ContrastSlider // this.Graphic_ContrastSlider.Controls.Add(this.ContrastLab); this.Graphic_ContrastSlider.Controls.Add(this.trackBar1); this.Graphic_ContrastSlider.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, -3); this.Graphic_ContrastSlider.Name = "Graphic_ContrastSlider"; this.Graphic_ContrastSlider.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(164, 35); this.Graphic_ContrastSlider.TabIndex = 151; this.Graphic_ContrastSlider.TabStop = false; this.Graphic_ContrastSlider.Visible = false; // // ContrastLab // this.ContrastLab.AutoSize = true; this.ContrastLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 14); this.ContrastLab.Name = "ContrastLab"; this.ContrastLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(46, 13); this.ContrastLab.TabIndex = 152; this.ContrastLab.Text = "Contrast"; // // ZoomSlider // this.ZoomSlider.Controls.Add(this.ZoomLab); this.ZoomSlider.Controls.Add(this.trackBar2); this.ZoomSlider.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(176, -3); this.ZoomSlider.Name = "ZoomSlider"; this.ZoomSlider.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(156, 35); this.ZoomSlider.TabIndex = 152; this.ZoomSlider.TabStop = false; this.ZoomSlider.Visible = false; // // ZoomLab // this.ZoomLab.AutoSize = true; this.ZoomLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 13); this.ZoomLab.Name = "ZoomLab"; this.ZoomLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(34, 13); this.ZoomLab.TabIndex = 154; this.ZoomLab.Text = "Zoom"; // // trackBar2 // this.trackBar2.AutoSize = false; this.trackBar2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(44, 9); this.trackBar2.Minimum = 1; this.trackBar2.Name = "trackBar2"; this.trackBar2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(104, 20); this.trackBar2.TabIndex = 153; this.trackBar2.Value = 5; this.trackBar2.Scroll += new System.EventHandler(this.trackBar2_Scroll); // // pauseButton // this.pauseButton.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left))); this.pauseButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(206, 291); this.pauseButton.Name = "pauseButton"; this.pauseButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(66, 24); this.pauseButton.TabIndex = 153; this.pauseButton.Text = "Pause"; this.pauseButton.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.pauseButton.Visible = false; this.pauseButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.pauseButton_Click); // // resumeButton // this.resumeButton.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left))); 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this.DescripTB.TabIndex = 0; // // WaveTab // this.WaveTab.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control; this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.AsymTB); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.HighTB); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.AsymLab); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.HighLab); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.label2); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.UALab); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.UA_WaveTick); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.label1); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WaveBrowseButton); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WaveFileTB); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WPLoadTB); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WALoadTB); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WHLoadTB); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WPeriodTB); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WAngleTB); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WHeightTB); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WPLoadLab); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WALoadLab); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WHLoadLab); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.ManWavLabel); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.ManWavTick); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WavSourceTitle); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.ManWavTitle); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.LoadWaveTitle); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.BinnedLabel); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.BinnedTick); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WaveTickLabel); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WaveFileTick); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WPeriodLabel); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WAngleLabel); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WHeightLabel); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.WaveFileLabel); this.WaveTab.Controls.Add(this.shapeContainer2); this.WaveTab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 22); this.WaveTab.Name = "WaveTab"; this.WaveTab.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3); this.WaveTab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1027, 255); this.WaveTab.TabIndex = 10; this.WaveTab.Text = "Wave Climate"; // // AsymTB // this.AsymTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(418, 193); this.AsymTB.Name = "AsymTB"; this.AsymTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 20); this.AsymTB.TabIndex = 193; this.AsymTB.Text = "-9999"; // // HighTB // this.HighTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(418, 230); this.HighTB.Name = "HighTB"; this.HighTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 20); this.HighTB.TabIndex = 192; this.HighTB.Text = "-9999"; // // AsymLab // this.AsymLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.AsymLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText; this.AsymLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(280, 190); this.AsymLab.Name = "AsymLab"; this.AsymLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(132, 24); this.AsymLab.TabIndex = 191; this.AsymLab.Text = "Wave Asymmetry (%):"; this.AsymLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // HighLab // this.HighLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.HighLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlText; 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this.WaveFileTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 20); this.WaveFileTB.TabIndex = 104; this.WaveFileTB.Text = "WaveClimate_1.dat"; // // WPLoadTB // this.WPLoadTB.Enabled = false; this.WPLoadTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(716, 135); this.WPLoadTB.Name = "WPLoadTB"; this.WPLoadTB.ReadOnly = true; this.WPLoadTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 20); this.WPLoadTB.TabIndex = 185; this.WPLoadTB.Text = "6.65"; // // WALoadTB // this.WALoadTB.Enabled = false; this.WALoadTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(716, 98); this.WALoadTB.Name = "WALoadTB"; this.WALoadTB.ReadOnly = true; this.WALoadTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 20); this.WALoadTB.TabIndex = 184; this.WALoadTB.Text = "67.5"; // // WHLoadTB // this.WHLoadTB.Enabled = false; this.WHLoadTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(716, 172); this.WHLoadTB.Name = "WHLoadTB"; this.WHLoadTB.ReadOnly = true; this.WHLoadTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 20); this.WHLoadTB.TabIndex = 183; this.WHLoadTB.Text = "1.85"; // // WPeriodTB // this.WPeriodTB.Enabled = false; 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// // WPeriodLabel // this.WPeriodLabel.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.WPeriodLabel.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.WPeriodLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(308, 93); this.WPeriodLabel.Name = "WPeriodLabel"; this.WPeriodLabel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(104, 24); this.WPeriodLabel.TabIndex = 110; this.WPeriodLabel.Text = "Wave Period:"; this.WPeriodLabel.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // WAngleLabel // this.WAngleLabel.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.WAngleLabel.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.WAngleLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(308, 58); this.WAngleLabel.Name = "WAngleLabel"; this.WAngleLabel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(104, 20); this.WAngleLabel.TabIndex = 108; this.WAngleLabel.Text = "Wave Angle:"; this.WAngleLabel.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // WHeightLabel // this.WHeightLabel.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.WHeightLabel.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.WHeightLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(308, 130); this.WHeightLabel.Name = "WHeightLabel"; this.WHeightLabel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(104, 24); this.WHeightLabel.TabIndex = 106; this.WHeightLabel.Text = "Wave Height:"; this.WHeightLabel.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // WaveFileLabel // this.WaveFileLabel.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.WaveFileLabel.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.WaveFileLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(590, 56); this.WaveFileLabel.Name = "WaveFileLabel"; this.WaveFileLabel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 24); this.WaveFileLabel.TabIndex = 103; this.WaveFileLabel.Text = "Wave Climate File:"; this.WaveFileLabel.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // shapeContainer2 // this.shapeContainer2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(3, 3); this.shapeContainer2.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0); this.shapeContainer2.Name = "shapeContainer2"; this.shapeContainer2.Shapes.AddRange(new Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Shape[] { this.lineShape3, this.lineShape2}); this.shapeContainer2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1021, 249); this.shapeContainer2.TabIndex = 160; this.shapeContainer2.TabStop = false; // // lineShape3 // this.lineShape3.BorderColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDarkDark; this.lineShape3.Name = "lineShape3"; this.lineShape3.X1 = 574; this.lineShape3.X2 = 574; this.lineShape3.Y1 = 12; this.lineShape3.Y2 = 279; // // lineShape2 // this.lineShape2.BorderColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDarkDark; 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this.InitPertLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.InitPertLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(186, 131); this.InitPertLab.Name = "InitPertLab"; this.InitPertLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(101, 32); this.InitPertLab.TabIndex = 184; this.InitPertLab.Text = "Initial Pert:"; this.InitPertLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // InitPertTick // this.InitPertTick.Enabled = false; this.InitPertTick.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(293, 141); this.InitPertTick.Name = "InitPertTick"; this.InitPertTick.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(15, 14); this.InitPertTick.TabIndex = 183; this.InitPertTick.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.InitPertTick.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.InitPertTick_CheckedChanged); // // PertLab // this.PertLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); this.PertLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.PertLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(186, 168); 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this.orText.TabIndex = 177; this.orText.Text = "OR"; this.orText.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // DEMDimTitle // this.DEMDimTitle.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold | System.Drawing.FontStyle.Underline)))); this.DEMDimTitle.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(481, 6); this.DEMDimTitle.Name = "DEMDimTitle"; this.DEMDimTitle.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(369, 32); this.DEMDimTitle.TabIndex = 175; this.DEMDimTitle.Text = "DEM Dimensions"; this.DEMDimTitle.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; // // DEMSourceTitle // this.DEMSourceTitle.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold | System.Drawing.FontStyle.Underline)))); this.DEMSourceTitle.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(9, 6); this.DEMSourceTitle.Name = "DEMSourceTitle"; this.DEMSourceTitle.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(454, 32); this.DEMSourceTitle.TabIndex = 174; this.DEMSourceTitle.Text = "DEM Source"; this.DEMSourceTitle.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; // // RowsTB // this.RowsTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(638, 86); this.RowsTB.Name = "RowsTB"; this.RowsTB.ReadOnly = true; this.RowsTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(142, 20); this.RowsTB.TabIndex = 172; this.RowsTB.Text = "200"; // // RowLabel // this.RowLabel.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F); this.RowLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(502, 79); this.RowLabel.Name = "RowLabel"; this.RowLabel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(130, 32); this.RowLabel.TabIndex = 171; this.RowLabel.Text = "Number of Rows:"; this.RowLabel.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // ColLabel // this.ColLabel.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F); this.ColLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(499, 41); this.ColLabel.Name = "ColLabel"; this.ColLabel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(133, 32); this.ColLabel.TabIndex = 170; this.ColLabel.Text = "Number of Columns:"; this.ColLabel.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // ColumnTB // this.ColumnTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(638, 47); this.ColumnTB.Name = "ColumnTB"; this.ColumnTB.ReadOnly = true; this.ColumnTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(142, 20); this.ColumnTB.TabIndex = 169; this.ColumnTB.Text = "300"; // // BlockLabel // this.BlockLabel.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); this.BlockLabel.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.BlockLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(227, 241); this.BlockLabel.Name = "BlockLabel"; this.BlockLabel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(60, 32); this.BlockLabel.TabIndex = 168; this.BlockLabel.Text = "Block:"; this.BlockLabel.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // BlockTick // this.BlockTick.Enabled = false; this.BlockTick.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(293, 251); this.BlockTick.Name = "BlockTick"; this.BlockTick.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(15, 14); this.BlockTick.TabIndex = 167; this.BlockTick.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.BlockTick.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.BlockTick_CheckedChanged); // // WigglyLabel // this.WigglyLabel.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); this.WigglyLabel.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.WigglyLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(227, 205); this.WigglyLabel.Name = "WigglyLabel"; this.WigglyLabel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(60, 32); this.WigglyLabel.TabIndex = 166; this.WigglyLabel.Text = "Wiggly:"; this.WigglyLabel.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // WigglyTick // this.WigglyTick.Enabled = false; this.WigglyTick.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(293, 215); this.WigglyTick.Name = "WigglyTick"; this.WigglyTick.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(15, 14); this.WigglyTick.TabIndex = 165; this.WigglyTick.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.WigglyTick.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.WigglyTick_CheckedChanged); // // NormLabel // this.NormLabel.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); this.NormLabel.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.NormLabel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(227, 94); this.NormLabel.Name = "NormLabel"; this.NormLabel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(60, 32); this.NormLabel.TabIndex = 164; this.NormLabel.Text = "Normal:"; this.NormLabel.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // NormTick // this.NormTick.Enabled = false; this.NormTick.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(293, 104); this.NormTick.Name = "NormTick"; this.NormTick.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(15, 14); this.NormTick.TabIndex = 163; this.NormTick.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.NormTick.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.NormTick_CheckedChanged); // // CompDEMLabel // this.CompDEMLabel.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold); 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this.SourceSinkTab.Controls.Add(this.XSinkTB); this.SourceSinkTab.Controls.Add(this.XSinkLab); this.SourceSinkTab.Controls.Add(this.ColSinkTick); this.SourceSinkTab.Controls.Add(this.ColSinkLab); this.SourceSinkTab.Controls.Add(this.SinkTick); this.SourceSinkTab.Controls.Add(this.SinkTickLab); this.SourceSinkTab.Controls.Add(this.SourceTick); this.SourceSinkTab.Controls.Add(this.SourceTickLab); this.SourceSinkTab.Controls.Add(this.NumSinkTB); this.SourceSinkTab.Controls.Add(this.NumSinkLab); this.SourceSinkTab.Controls.Add(this.SinksTab); this.SourceSinkTab.Controls.Add(this.SourcesTab); this.SourceSinkTab.Controls.Add(this.NumSourceTB); this.SourceSinkTab.Controls.Add(this.NumSourceLab); this.SourceSinkTab.Controls.Add(this.shapeContainer4); this.SourceSinkTab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 22); this.SourceSinkTab.Name = "SourceSinkTab"; this.SourceSinkTab.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3); this.SourceSinkTab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1027, 255); this.SourceSinkTab.TabIndex = 13; this.SourceSinkTab.Text = "Sources & Sinks"; // // SinkinessTB // this.SinkinessTB.Enabled = false; this.SinkinessTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(582, 142); this.SinkinessTB.Name = "SinkinessTB"; this.SinkinessTB.ReadOnly = true; this.SinkinessTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 20); this.SinkinessTB.TabIndex = 201; // // SinkinessLab // this.SinkinessLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.SinkinessLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.SinkinessLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(441, 141); this.SinkinessLab.Name = "SinkinessLab"; this.SinkinessLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(135, 20); this.SinkinessLab.TabIndex = 200; this.SinkinessLab.Text = "Sinkiness (%):"; this.SinkinessLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // YSourceTB // this.YSourceTB.Enabled = false; this.YSourceTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(169, 177); this.YSourceTB.Name = "YSourceTB"; this.YSourceTB.ReadOnly = true; this.YSourceTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(235, 20); this.YSourceTB.TabIndex = 199; this.CoordTT.SetToolTip(this.YSourceTB, "Comma Seperated (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4)"); // // YSourceLab // this.YSourceLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.YSourceLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.YSourceLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(27, 176); this.YSourceLab.Name = "YSourceLab"; this.YSourceLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(136, 20); this.YSourceLab.TabIndex = 198; this.YSourceLab.Text = "Y-Coordinate(s):"; this.YSourceLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // XSourceTB // this.XSourceTB.Enabled = false; this.XSourceTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(169, 143); this.XSourceTB.Name = "XSourceTB"; this.XSourceTB.ReadOnly = true; this.XSourceTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(235, 20); this.XSourceTB.TabIndex = 197; this.CoordTT.SetToolTip(this.XSourceTB, "Comma Seperated (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4)"); // // XSourceLab // this.XSourceLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.XSourceLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.XSourceLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(24, 142); this.XSourceLab.Name = "XSourceLab"; this.XSourceLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(139, 20); this.XSourceLab.TabIndex = 196; this.XSourceLab.Text = "X-Coordinate(s):"; this.XSourceLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // ColSourceTick // this.ColSourceTick.Enabled = false; this.ColSourceTick.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(169, 75); this.ColSourceTick.Name = "ColSourceTick"; this.ColSourceTick.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(15, 14); this.ColSourceTick.TabIndex = 195; this.ColSourceTick.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.ColSourceTick.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.ColSourceTick_CheckedChanged); // // ColSourceLab // this.ColSourceLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.ColSourceLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.ColSourceLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(18, 64); this.ColSourceLab.Name = "ColSourceLab"; this.ColSourceLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(145, 35); this.ColSourceLab.TabIndex = 194; this.ColSourceLab.Text = "Source To Span Whole Column"; this.ColSourceLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // YSinkTB // this.YSinkTB.Enabled = false; this.YSinkTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(582, 207); this.YSinkTB.Name = "YSinkTB"; this.YSinkTB.ReadOnly = true; this.YSinkTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(235, 20); this.YSinkTB.TabIndex = 193; this.CoordTT.SetToolTip(this.YSinkTB, "Comma Seperated (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4)"); // // YSinkLab // this.YSinkLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.YSinkLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.YSinkLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(460, 206); this.YSinkLab.Name = "YSinkLab"; this.YSinkLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(116, 20); this.YSinkLab.TabIndex = 192; this.YSinkLab.Text = "Y-Coordinate(s):"; this.YSinkLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // XSinkTB // this.XSinkTB.Enabled = false; this.XSinkTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(582, 177); this.XSinkTB.Name = "XSinkTB"; this.XSinkTB.ReadOnly = true; this.XSinkTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(235, 20); this.XSinkTB.TabIndex = 191; this.CoordTT.SetToolTip(this.XSinkTB, "Comma Seperated (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4)"); // // XSinkLab // this.XSinkLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.XSinkLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.XSinkLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(444, 176); this.XSinkLab.Name = "XSinkLab"; this.XSinkLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(132, 20); this.XSinkLab.TabIndex = 190; this.XSinkLab.Text = "X-Coordinate(s):"; this.XSinkLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // ColSinkTick // this.ColSinkTick.Enabled = false; this.ColSinkTick.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(582, 75); this.ColSinkTick.Name = "ColSinkTick"; this.ColSinkTick.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(15, 14); this.ColSinkTick.TabIndex = 189; this.ColSinkTick.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.ColSinkTick.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.ColSinkTick_CheckedChanged); // // ColSinkLab // this.ColSinkLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.ColSinkLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.ColSinkLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(434, 64); this.ColSinkLab.Name = "ColSinkLab"; this.ColSinkLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(142, 35); this.ColSinkLab.TabIndex = 188; this.ColSinkLab.Text = "Sink To Span Whole Column"; this.ColSinkLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // SinkTick // this.SinkTick.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(582, 40); this.SinkTick.Name = "SinkTick"; this.SinkTick.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(15, 14); this.SinkTick.TabIndex = 187; this.SinkTick.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.SinkTick.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.SinkTick_CheckedChanged); // // SinkTickLab // this.SinkTickLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.SinkTickLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ActiveCaptionText; this.SinkTickLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(437, 36); this.SinkTickLab.Name = "SinkTickLab"; this.SinkTickLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(139, 20); this.SinkTickLab.TabIndex = 186; this.SinkTickLab.Text = "Include Sinks"; this.SinkTickLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // SourceTick // this.SourceTick.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(169, 40); this.SourceTick.Name = "SourceTick"; this.SourceTick.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(15, 14); this.SourceTick.TabIndex = 185; this.SourceTick.UseVisualStyleBackColor = true; this.SourceTick.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.SourceTick_CheckedChanged); // // SourceTickLab // this.SourceTickLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.SourceTickLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ActiveCaptionText; this.SourceTickLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 36); this.SourceTickLab.Name = "SourceTickLab"; this.SourceTickLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(153, 20); this.SourceTickLab.TabIndex = 184; this.SourceTickLab.Text = "Include Sources"; this.SourceTickLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // NumSinkTB // this.NumSinkTB.Enabled = false; this.NumSinkTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(582, 107); this.NumSinkTB.Name = "NumSinkTB"; this.NumSinkTB.ReadOnly = true; this.NumSinkTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 20); this.NumSinkTB.TabIndex = 183; // // NumSinkLab // this.NumSinkLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.NumSinkLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.NumSinkLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(441, 106); this.NumSinkLab.Name = "NumSinkLab"; this.NumSinkLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(135, 20); this.NumSinkLab.TabIndex = 182; this.NumSinkLab.Text = "Number of Sinks:"; this.NumSinkLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // SinksTab // this.SinksTab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold | System.Drawing.FontStyle.Underline)))); this.SinksTab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(433, 4); this.SinksTab.Name = "SinksTab"; this.SinksTab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(406, 32); this.SinksTab.TabIndex = 180; this.SinksTab.Text = "Sinks"; this.SinksTab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; // // SourcesTab // this.SourcesTab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold | System.Drawing.FontStyle.Underline)))); this.SourcesTab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(7, 4); this.SourcesTab.Name = "SourcesTab"; this.SourcesTab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(405, 32); this.SourcesTab.TabIndex = 179; this.SourcesTab.Text = "Sources"; this.SourcesTab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; // // NumSourceTB // this.NumSourceTB.Enabled = false; this.NumSourceTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(169, 107); this.NumSourceTB.Name = "NumSourceTB"; this.NumSourceTB.ReadOnly = true; this.NumSourceTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 20); this.NumSourceTB.TabIndex = 163; // // NumSourceLab // this.NumSourceLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.NumSourceLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.GrayText; this.NumSourceLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(21, 106); this.NumSourceLab.Name = "NumSourceLab"; this.NumSourceLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(142, 20); this.NumSourceLab.TabIndex = 162; this.NumSourceLab.Text = "Number of Sources:"; this.NumSourceLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // shapeContainer4 // this.shapeContainer4.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(3, 3); this.shapeContainer4.Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(0); this.shapeContainer4.Name = "shapeContainer4"; this.shapeContainer4.Shapes.AddRange(new Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Shape[] { this.lineShape5}); this.shapeContainer4.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1021, 249); this.shapeContainer4.TabIndex = 181; this.shapeContainer4.TabStop = false; // // lineShape5 // this.lineShape5.BorderColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ControlDarkDark; this.lineShape5.Name = "lineShape5"; this.lineShape5.X1 = 428; this.lineShape5.X2 = 428; this.lineShape5.Y1 = 11; this.lineShape5.Y2 = 210; // // Outputs // this.Outputs.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control; this.Outputs.Controls.Add(this.RunLengthTB); this.Outputs.Controls.Add(this.RunLengthLab); this.Outputs.Controls.Add(this.OutputNameTB); this.Outputs.Controls.Add(this.OutputNameLab); this.Outputs.Controls.Add(this.SaveFreqTB); this.Outputs.Controls.Add(this.SaveFreqLab); this.Outputs.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(4, 22); this.Outputs.Name = "Outputs"; this.Outputs.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(1027, 255); this.Outputs.TabIndex = 14; this.Outputs.Text = "Outputs"; // // RunLengthTB // this.RunLengthTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(163, 112); this.RunLengthTB.Name = "RunLengthTB"; this.RunLengthTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 20); this.RunLengthTB.TabIndex = 184; this.RunLengthTB.Text = "1095000"; // // RunLengthLab // this.RunLengthLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.RunLengthLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ActiveCaptionText; this.RunLengthLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(33, 111); this.RunLengthLab.Name = "RunLengthLab"; this.RunLengthLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(124, 20); this.RunLengthLab.TabIndex = 183; this.RunLengthLab.Text = "Run Length (Days):"; this.RunLengthLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // OutputNameTB // this.OutputNameTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(163, 39); this.OutputNameTB.Name = "OutputNameTB"; this.OutputNameTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 20); this.OutputNameTB.TabIndex = 182; this.OutputNameTB.Text = "CEM"; // // OutputNameLab // this.OutputNameLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.OutputNameLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ActiveCaptionText; this.OutputNameLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(53, 38); this.OutputNameLab.Name = "OutputNameLab"; this.OutputNameLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(104, 20); this.OutputNameLab.TabIndex = 181; this.OutputNameLab.Text = "File Name:"; this.OutputNameLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // SaveFreqTB // this.SaveFreqTB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(163, 76); this.SaveFreqTB.Name = "SaveFreqTB"; this.SaveFreqTB.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(120, 20); this.SaveFreqTB.TabIndex = 180; this.SaveFreqTB.Text = "3650"; // // SaveFreqLab // this.SaveFreqLab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 8.25F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); this.SaveFreqLab.ForeColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.ActiveCaptionText; this.SaveFreqLab.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(53, 75); this.SaveFreqLab.Name = "SaveFreqLab"; this.SaveFreqLab.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(104, 20); this.SaveFreqLab.TabIndex = 179; this.SaveFreqLab.Text = "Save Frequency:"; this.SaveFreqLab.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleRight; // // CoordTT // this.CoordTT.AutoPopDelay = 5000; this.CoordTT.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.InactiveBorder; this.CoordTT.InitialDelay = 500; this.CoordTT.ReshowDelay = 100; this.CoordTT.ShowAlways = true; // // SeeTabsButton // this.SeeTabsButton.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Left))); this.SeeTabsButton.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(447, 291); this.SeeTabsButton.Name = "SeeTabsButton"; this.SeeTabsButton.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(86, 24); this.SeeTabsButton.TabIndex = 178; this.SeeTabsButton.Text = "See Tabs"; this.SeeTabsButton.Visible = false; this.SeeTabsButton.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.SeeTabsButton_Click); // // zoomPanImageBox1 // this.zoomPanImageBox1.AutoScroll = true; this.zoomPanImageBox1.Image = null; this.zoomPanImageBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(8, 34); this.zoomPanImageBox1.Name = "zoomPanImageBox1"; this.zoomPanImageBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(855, 212); this.zoomPanImageBox1.TabIndex = 148; this.zoomPanImageBox1.Visible = false; this.zoomPanImageBox1.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.zoomPanImageBox1_Load); // // Form1 // this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13); this.AutoScroll = true; this.BackColor = System.Drawing.SystemColors.Control; this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(1088, 362); this.Controls.Add(this.SeeTabsButton); this.Controls.Add(this.pauseButton); this.Controls.Add(this.quitSaveButton); this.Controls.Add(this.startButton); this.Controls.Add(this.loadDataButton); this.Controls.Add(this.resumeButton); this.Controls.Add(this.MainWindowTabs); this.Controls.Add(this.statusBar1); this.Controls.Add(this.zoomPanImageBox1); this.Controls.Add(this.UpdateGraphPanel); this.Controls.Add(this.ZoomSlider); this.Controls.Add(this.ViewTabsCheck); this.Controls.Add(this.Graphic_ContrastSlider); this.Menu = this.mainMenu1; this.MinimumSize = new System.Drawing.Size(920, 400); this.Name = "Form1"; this.StartPosition = System.Windows.Forms.FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; this.Text = "Coastline Evolution Model (v.6)"; this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Form1_Load); this.Shown += new System.EventHandler(this.Form1_Shown); this.Resize += new System.EventHandler(this.Form1_Resize); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.InfoStatusPanel)).EndInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.IterationStatusPanel)).EndInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.TimeStatusPanel)).EndInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.QwStatusPanel)).EndInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.QsStatusPanel)).EndInit(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.waveAnglePanel)).EndInit(); this.UpdateGraphPanel.ResumeLayout(false); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.trackBar1)).EndInit(); this.Graphic_ContrastSlider.ResumeLayout(false); this.Graphic_ContrastSlider.PerformLayout(); this.ZoomSlider.ResumeLayout(false); this.ZoomSlider.PerformLayout(); ((System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize)(this.trackBar2)).EndInit(); this.DescriptionTab.ResumeLayout(false); this.DescriptionTab.PerformLayout(); this.WaveTab.ResumeLayout(false); this.WaveTab.PerformLayout(); this.DEMTab.ResumeLayout(false); this.DEMTab.PerformLayout(); this.MainWindowTabs.ResumeLayout(false); this.TideTab.ResumeLayout(false); this.TideTab.PerformLayout(); this.ErosionTab.ResumeLayout(false); this.ErosionTab.PerformLayout(); this.SourceSinkTab.ResumeLayout(false); this.SourceSinkTab.PerformLayout(); this.Outputs.ResumeLayout(false); this.Outputs.PerformLayout(); this.ResumeLayout(false); this.PerformLayout(); } // Run when the 'Load' button is clicked private void loadDataButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Check for errors List errors = new List(); errors.Add("Some data is missing or invalid, please check:" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ColumnTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.RowsTB.Text))) { errors.Add(" - DEM" + Environment.NewLine); } else if (CompDEMTick.Checked == true && ((Convert.ToDouble(ColumnTB.Text) < 50) || (Convert.ToDouble(RowsTB.Text) < 50))) { errors.Add(" - Minimum DEM size = 50 x 50" + Environment.NewLine); } if ((ManWavTick.Checked == true) && ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.WAngleTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.WPeriodTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.WHeightTB.Text)))) { errors.Add(" - Wave Data" + Environment.NewLine); } else if ((WaveFileTick.Checked == true) && ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.WALoadTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.WPLoadTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.WHLoadTB.Text)))) { errors.Add(" - Wave Data" + Environment.NewLine); } else if (ManWavTick.Checked == false && WaveFileTick.Checked == false && UA_WaveTick.Checked == false) { errors.Add(" - Wave Data" + Environment.NewLine); } if (DoTidesTick.Checked == true && (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.LowTideTB.Text))) { errors.Add(" - Tide Data" + Environment.NewLine); } if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.ErosRateTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.PercentFastTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.PercentSlowTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.RockWeatherTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.SlowWeatherTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.FastWeatherTB.Text))) { errors.Add(" - Erosion and Weathering Rates" + Environment.NewLine); } if (SourceTick.Checked == true) { if ((ColSourceTick.Checked == true) && ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.NumSourceTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.XSourceTB.Text)))) { errors.Add(" - Sediment Source(s)" + Environment.NewLine); } else if ((ColSourceTick.Checked == false) && ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.NumSourceTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.XSourceTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.YSourceTB.Text)))) { errors.Add(" - Sediment Source(s)" + Environment.NewLine); } } if (SinkTick.Checked == true) { if ((ColSinkTick.Checked == true) && ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.NumSinkTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.XSinkTB.Text)))) { errors.Add(" - Sediment Sink(s)" + Environment.NewLine); } else if ((ColSinkTick.Checked == false) && ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.NumSinkTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.XSinkTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.YSinkTB.Text)))) { errors.Add(" - Sediment Sink(s)" + Environment.NewLine); } } if ((string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.SaveFreqTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.OutputNameTB.Text)) || (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.RunLengthTB.Text))) { errors.Add(" - Outputs" + Environment.NewLine); } else if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.RunLengthTB.Text)) { errors.Add(" - Outputs" + Environment.NewLine); } else if (Convert.ToDouble(this.RunLengthTB.Text) % 1 != 0) { errors.Add(" - Run Length must be a whole number (Days)" + Environment.NewLine); } if(errors.Count > 1) { DialogResult Result = MessageBox.Show((string.Join(" ", errors.ToArray())), "Missing Data", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); if (Result == DialogResult.OK) { return; } } // Initialise Arrays, Variables and Graphics initialise(); load_DEM(); // Which items in the designer will be visible once the 'Load' button is clicked MainWindowTabs.Visible = false; ViewTabsCheck.Checked = false; zoomPanImageBox1.Visible = true; UpdateGraphPanel.Visible = true; loadDataButton.Enabled = false; Graphic_ContrastSlider.Visible = true; ZoomSlider.Visible = true; startButton.Visible = true; // Batch if (autorestart == 1 && Restart_count > 1) { startButton.PerformClick(); } } private void initialise() { this.InfoStatusPanel.Text = "Initialising..."; DEMFilePath = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/INPUT_FILES/" + DEMTextBox.Text; //Setup //StartFromFile? if (DEMTick.Checked == true) { StartFromFile = 'y'; } else if (DEMTick.Checked == false) { StartFromFile = 'n'; } //InitCType - 0: normal (columns/blocks), 1: wiggly, 2: one block if (NormTick.Checked == true) { InitCType = 0; } else if (WigglyTick.Checked == true) { InitCType = 1; } else if (BlockTick.Checked == true) { InitCType = 2; } else if (PertTick.Checked == true) { InitCType = 0; InitialPert = 1; } else if (InitPertTick.Checked == true) { InitCType = 0; InitialPert = 3; } else { InitCType = -999; InitialPert = 0; } //xmax ymax if (StartFromFile == 'y') { int z; string[] lineArray2; int sp; inputheader = new string[6]; //read headers (lines 0 - 5) StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(DEMFilePath); for (z = 1; z <= 6; z++) { inputheader[z - 1] = sr.ReadLine(); } sr.Close(); // get xmax, ymax and DX from input headers lineArray2 = inputheader[0].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); // Number of Columns sp = 1; while (lineArray2[sp] == "") sp++; xmax = int.Parse(lineArray2[sp]); lineArray2 = inputheader[1].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); // Number of Rows sp = 1; while (lineArray2[sp] == "") sp++; ymax = ((int.Parse(lineArray2[sp]))); lineArray2 = inputheader[2].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); // xllcorner sp = 1; while (lineArray2[sp] == "") sp++; xll = double.Parse(lineArray2[sp]); lineArray2 = inputheader[3].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); // yllcorner sp = 1; while (lineArray2[sp] == "") sp++; yll = double.Parse(lineArray2[sp]); //lineArray2 = inputheader[4].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); // cell size //sp = 1; //while (lineArray2[sp] == "") sp++; //DX = int.Parse(lineArray2[sp]); //root = (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(DX, 2) + Math.Pow(DX, 2))); //fiveroot = (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(DX, 2) + Math.Pow(DX, 2))); //Trying to test why changing cell width makes a big difference in NEW model DX = CellWidth; root = (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(DX, 2) + Math.Pow(DX, 2))); fiveroot = (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(DX, 2) + Math.Pow(DX, 2))); } else if (StartFromFile == 'n') { xmax = Convert.ToInt32(this.ColumnTB.Text); ymax = Convert.ToInt32(this.RowsTB.Text); xll = 0; yll = 0; DX = CellWidth; root = (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(DX, 2) + Math.Pow(DX, 2))); fiveroot = (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(DX, 2) + Math.Pow(DX, 2))); } // Create a drawing surface with the same dimensions DEM m_objDrawingSurface = new Bitmap((xmax*2) * graphics_scale, ymax * graphics_scale, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); save_interval2 = 1000; save_time2 = save_interval2; root = (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(DX, 2) + Math.Pow(DX, 2))); fiveroot = (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(DX, 2) + Math.Pow(DX, 2))); init_cycle = cycle; tx = output_file_save_interval; // Dimensions - periodic boundary/display xDisplayStart = xmax / 2; xDisplayEnd = (3 * xmax) / 2; pbEnd = xmax*2; // Tides Highness = 1 - Highness; //Compensate for highness error if (DoTidesTick.Checked == true) { DoTides = 1; WaterLevel = Convert.ToDouble(this.LowTideTB.Text); // What height is the tide? HighWaterHeight = Convert.ToDouble(this.HighTideTB.Text); // Level of HighTide int Rate = 4380; //Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(HighWaterHeight) * 2); // How many iterations to get from low to high water? double WLIncrement = HighWaterHeight / Rate; // How much does the water need to raise on each iteration? WLArray = new double[(Rate * 2) + 1]; double WLValue = WaterLevel; for (int x = 0; x <= Rate; x++) { WLArray[x] = WLValue; WLValue += WLIncrement; } WLValue -= WLIncrement; for (int x = Rate + 1; x < WLArray.Length; x++) { WLValue -= WLIncrement; WLArray[x] = WLValue; if (x == WLArray.Length - 1) { WLArray[x] = WaterLevel; } } } else if (DoTidesTick.Checked == false) { DoTides = 0; } if (DoSLRTick.Checked == true) { DoSLR = 1; SLR = Convert.ToDouble(this.SLR_TB.Text); SLRrate = (Convert.ToInt32(this.RateSLR_TB.Text) * 365); if (StepSLR_Tick.Checked == false) { double SLRIncrement = SLR / SLRrate; SLRArray = new double[SLRrate + 1]; double SLRValue = 0; for (int x = 0; x <= SLRrate; x++) { SLRArray[x] = SLRValue; SLRValue += SLRIncrement; } } else if (StepSLR_Tick.Checked == true) { double SLRIncrement = SLR; SLRArray = new double[Convert.ToInt32(this.RunLengthTB.Text) + 1]; double SLRValue = 0; for (int x = 0; x <= Convert.ToInt32(this.RunLengthTB.Text); x++) { if (x % SLRrate == 0 && x > 0) { SLRValue += SLRIncrement; } SLRArray[x] = SLRValue; } } } else { DoSLR = 0; } // Waves - NEED TO LOOK AT WAVE = 0? if (autorestart == 0) { if (ManWavTick.Checked == true) { WaveIn = 3; } else if (WaveFileTick.Checked == true && BinnedTick.Checked == false) { WaveIn = 2; } else if (BinnedTick.Checked == true) { WaveIn = 1; ReadWaveIn(); // Initialise WaveMax and WaveProb } else if (UA_WaveTick.Checked == true) { WaveIn = 0; Asym = Convert.ToDouble(this.AsymTB.Text); // fractional portion of waves coming from positive (left) direction Highness = Convert.ToDouble(this.HighTB.Text); // .5 = even dist, > .5 high angle domination. Highness = 1 - Highness; } } // Erosion NoWeathering = Convert.ToDouble(this.RockWeatherTB.Text); // weathering of rock only occurs below this amt of sed cover (vert equiv in meters) LMV */ SlowWeatherCoeff = Convert.ToDouble(this.SlowWeatherTB.Text); // Weathering rate of slow rock e.g. 0.5 = slow weathering, 1/2 as fast LMV FastWeatherCoeff = Convert.ToDouble(this.FastWeatherTB.Text); // Weathering rate of fast rock e.g. 2 = fast weathering, 2 times faster than normal LMV PercentFineFast = Convert.ToDouble(this.PercentFastTB.Text); // Percent of fast weathering rock lost because it is too fine to stay in nearshore LMV PercentFineSlow = Convert.ToDouble(this.PercentSlowTB.Text); // Percent of slow weathering rock lost because it is too fine to stay in nearshore LMV ErosionRatePerYear = Convert.ToDouble(this.ErosRateTB.Text); ChunkLength = xmax; // Shadow ShadowYMax = ymax; // Sinks if (SinkTick.Checked == true) { // Have Sinks? HaveSinks = 1; // yes NumSinks = Convert.ToInt32(this.NumSinkTB.Text); // Number of Sinks //Sinkiness if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.SinkinessTB.Text)) { Sinkiness = 0; } else { Sinkiness = ((Convert.ToDouble(this.SinkinessTB.Text)) / 100); // fractional value determines chance that sediment in the sink is deleted } //XYSink string XSinkInput = XSinkTB.Text; XSinkInput = XSinkInput.Replace("\r\n", " "); XSinkInput = XSinkInput.Replace("\t", " "); XSinkInput = XSinkInput.Replace(",", " "); XSinkInput = Regex.Replace(XSinkInput, @"\s+", " "); XSinkInput = XSinkInput.Trim(); string[] XSinkInput_Split = XSinkInput.Split(' '); SinkX = new int[XSinkInput_Split.Length]; int x; for (x = 0; x < XSinkInput_Split.Length; x++) { SinkX[x] = Convert.ToInt32(XSinkInput_Split[x]); } // Column Sink? if (ColSinkTick.Checked == true) { ColumnSinks = 1; // Sink spans whole column } else if (ColSinkTick.Checked == false) { ColumnSinks = 0; string YSinkInput = YSinkTB.Text; YSinkInput = YSinkInput.Replace("\r\n", " "); YSinkInput = YSinkInput.Replace("\t", " "); YSinkInput = Regex.Replace(YSinkInput, @"\s+", " "); YSinkInput = YSinkInput.Replace(",", " "); YSinkInput = YSinkInput.Trim(); string[] YSinkInput_Split = YSinkInput.Split(' '); SinkY = new int[YSinkInput_Split.Length]; int y; for (y = 0; y < YSinkInput_Split.Length; y++) { SinkY[y] = Convert.ToInt32(YSinkInput_Split[y]); } } } else if (SinkTick.Checked == false) { HaveSinks = 0; // 0 = No NumSinks = 0; // N/A } //Sources if (SourceTick.Checked == true) { // Have Source? NumSources = Convert.ToInt32(this.NumSourceTB.Text); // Number of Sources //XYSink string XSourceInput = XSourceTB.Text; XSourceInput = XSourceInput.Replace("\r\n", " "); XSourceInput = XSourceInput.Replace("\t", " "); XSourceInput = XSourceInput.Replace(",", " "); XSourceInput = Regex.Replace(XSourceInput, @"\s+", " "); XSourceInput = XSourceInput.Trim(); string[] XSourceInput_Split = XSourceInput.Split(' '); SourceX = new int[XSourceInput_Split.Length]; int x; for (x = 0; x < XSourceInput_Split.Length; x++) { SourceX[x] = Convert.ToInt32(XSourceInput_Split[x]); } // Column Source? if (ColSourceTick.Checked == true) { ColumnSources = 1; // Source spans whole column } else if (ColSourceTick.Checked == false) { ColumnSources = 0; string YSourceInput = YSourceTB.Text; YSourceInput = YSourceInput.Replace("\r\n", " "); YSourceInput = YSourceInput.Replace("\t", " "); YSourceInput = Regex.Replace(YSourceInput, @"\s+", " "); YSourceInput = YSourceInput.Replace(",", " "); YSourceInput = YSourceInput.Trim(); string[] YSourceInput_Split = YSourceInput.Split(' '); SourceY = new int[YSourceInput_Split.Length]; int y; for (y = 0; y < YSourceInput_Split.Length; y++) { SourceY[y] = Convert.ToInt32(YSourceInput_Split[y]); } } } else if (SourceTick.Checked == false) { NumSources = 0; // N/A } // Outputs SaveFrequency = Convert.ToInt32(this.SaveFreqTB.Text); // Counter interval to save image SaveSpacing = SaveFrequency; // space between saved files StopAfter = Convert.ToInt32(this.RunLengthTB.Text); // Batch if (autorestart == 1) { savefilename = "Run_" + Restart_count; } else { savefilename = this.OutputNameTB.Text; } // General Arrays AllBeach = new int[pbEnd, ymax]; // Flag indicating of cell is entirely beach AllRock = new int[pbEnd, ymax]; // Flag indicating if cell is entirely rock LMV PercentFullSand = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; // Fractional amount of cell full of sediment LMV PercentFullRock = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; // Fractional amount of a cell full of rock LMV AboveWater = new int[pbEnd, ymax]; AboveTideOLD = new bool[pbEnd, ymax]; // Flag indicating if a cell is above the tide mark TypeOfRock = new char[pbEnd, ymax]; // Array to control weathering rates of rock along the beach LMV Age = new int[pbEnd, ymax]; // Age since cell was deposited MaxBeachLength = xmax * ymax; //20 * ymax; CellDepth = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; ShorelineCell = new int[pbEnd, ymax]; Linear_Shoreline = new int[pbEnd, ymax]; // CM - Adding elevation volumes DepthEffectiveArray = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; //LocalAngle = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; LowestX = new int[pbEnd, ymax]; LowestY = new int[pbEnd, ymax]; SedimentChange = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; VolumeChange = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; Elevation = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; // Elevation of beach WaterDepth0 = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; // Water depth from DEM (ref: 0m) DepthShelf = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; // Depth from '0' to Shelf DomainDepthCS = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; // Depth to domain bottom from continental shelf DepthShelfMaterial = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; // Depth of material to shelf from 0 level (will sometimes be same as depthShelf) TElevationCS = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; // Total elevation of material from continental shelf (used to work out volume!) TElevationDomain = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; // Total elevation of material from bottom of the domain (used to work out above/below water) Volume = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; OriginalVol = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; PreviousVolume = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; ; direction = new int[MaxBeachLength]; // 1 = Top 2 = Top right 3 = Right 4 = Bottom Right 5 = Bottom 6 = Bottom left 7 = Left 8 = Top Left numCells = new int[MaxBeachLength]; // How many cells from the coastline do we extend out for the shoreface slope? localSFS = new double[MaxBeachLength]; XSt = new int[MaxBeachLength];; YSt = new int[MaxBeachLength];; // Computational Arrays (determined for each time step) X = new int[MaxBeachLength]; Y = new int[MaxBeachLength]; initialX = new int[MaxBeachLength]; initialY = new int[MaxBeachLength]; XBehind = new int[MaxBeachLength]; YBehind = new int[MaxBeachLength]; XRock = new int[MaxBeachLength]; YRock = new int[MaxBeachLength]; XRockBehind = new int[MaxBeachLength]; YRockBehind = new int[MaxBeachLength]; InShadow = new char[MaxBeachLength]; InShadow_domain = new double[pbEnd, ymax]; ShorelineAngle = new double[MaxBeachLength]; SurroundingAngle = new double[MaxBeachLength]; UpWind = new char[MaxBeachLength]; VolumeIn = new double[MaxBeachLength]; VolumeOut = new double[MaxBeachLength]; VolumeAcrossBorder = new double[MaxBeachLength]; ActualVolumeAcross = new double[MaxBeachLength]; DirectionAcrossBorder = new char[MaxBeachLength]; FlowThroughCell = new char[MaxBeachLength]; DistanceToBeach = new double[MaxBeachLength]; MinDistanceToBeach = new double[MaxBeachLength]; ClosestBeach = new int[MaxBeachLength]; AmountWeathered = new double[MaxBeachLength]; //LostMaterial = new double[Convert.ToInt32(StopAfter)]; Angle_1 = new double[MaxBeachLength]; // This needs to be placed better - the above shouldn't run if InitialiseFile = 'y', but not using this atm if (InitialiseFile == 'y') { //ControlFile(); // Read in initialisation data to control model } // Save Files if (SaveLine == 1) { SaveLineToFile(); } if (Metadata == 'y') { MetaFile(); // Read in initialisation data to control model } } void load_DEM() { // DEM loaded from file if (StartFromFile == 'y') { //int x; //int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; //int y = xDisplayStart - 1; //string Original_DEM = "INPUT_FILES/CEM_PertShort.dat"; //StreamReader read_originalDEM = new StreamReader(Original_DEM); //string[] fileTrimmed_Original = new string[xmax * (ymax * 3)]; //string fileContent_DEMOriginal = File.ReadAllText(Original_DEM); //fileContent_DEMOriginal = fileContent_DEMOriginal.Replace("\r\n", " "); //fileContent_DEMOriginal = Regex.Replace(fileContent_DEMOriginal, @"\s+", " "); //string[] fileSplit_DEMOriginal = fileContent_DEMOriginal.Split(' '); //if (!File.Exists(Original_DEM)) //{ // return; //} //// Remove headers from array //for (i = 12; i < fileSplit_DEMOriginal.Length - 1; i++) //{ // fileTrimmed_Original[j] = fileSplit_DEMOriginal[i]; // j++; //} //k = 0; //// Create TypeOfRock Array //for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) //{ // for (x = xDisplayStart; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) // { // TypeOfRock[x, y] = Convert.ToChar(fileTrimmed_Original[k]); // k++; // } //} //// Create PercentFullRock Array //for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) //{ // for (x = xDisplayStart; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) // { // PercentFullRock[x, y] = Convert.ToDouble(fileTrimmed_Original[k]); // if (PercentFullRock[x, y] >= 1.0) // { // AllRock[x, y] = 1; // } // else // { // AllRock[x, y] = 0; // } // k++; // } //} //// Create PercentFullSand Array //for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) //{ // for (x = xDisplayStart; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) // { // PercentFullSand[x, y] = Convert.ToDouble(fileTrimmed_Original[k]); // if ((PercentFullSand[x, y] + PercentFullRock[x, y]) >= MaxFillCell) // { // AllBeach[x, y] = 1; // } // else // { // AllBeach[x, y] = 0; // } // k++; // } //} //read_originalDEM.Close(); } // Computer Generated DEM //CM - need to sort out elevation if computer-generated file is created! else if (StartFromFile == 'n') { InitConds(); //if (InitialPert == 1) //{ // InitPert(); //} } // Depth to ContinentalShelf (DepthShelf) int r, s; for (s = ymax - 1; s >= 0; s--) { for (r = xDisplayStart; r < xDisplayEnd; r++) { Depth = InitialDepth + ((s - InitBeach) * CellWidth * ShelfSlope); Distance = Depth / (ShorefaceSlope - ShelfSlope /** Math.Cos(ShorelineAngle[i])*/); Yintercept = s + Distance /** Math.Cos(ShorelineAngle[i])*/ / CellWidth; DepthShelf[r, s] = Depth; if (DepthShelf[r, s] < DepthShoreface) { DepthShelf[r, s] = DepthShoreface; } } } // Max domain depth (reference point) maxDomainDepth = DepthShelf[xDisplayEnd - 1, ymax - 1]; // Create Elevaition Array string DEMFilePath = "INPUT_FILES/Paper_coast_4.txt"; string fileContent_DEM = File.ReadAllText(DEMFilePath); fileContent_DEM = fileContent_DEM.Replace("\r\n", " "); fileContent_DEM = Regex.Replace(fileContent_DEM, @"\s+", " "); string[] fileSplit_DEM = fileContent_DEM.Split(' '); // Elevation (positive) and water depth (negative) array int m = 12; int a,b; for (b = ymax - 1; b >= 0; b--) { for (a = xDisplayStart; a < xDisplayEnd; a++) { if (Convert.ToDouble(fileSplit_DEM[m]) > 0) { Elevation[a, b] = Convert.ToDouble(fileSplit_DEM[m]); WaterDepth0[a, b] = 0; } else { Elevation[a, b] = 0; WaterDepth0[a, b] = Convert.ToDouble(fileSplit_DEM[m]) * -1; if (WaterDepth0[a, b] > DepthShelf[a, b]) { WaterDepth0[a, b] = DepthShelf[a, b]; } } m++; } } // Calculate Domain Depth from continental shelf depth for (s = ymax - 1; s >= 0; s--) { for (r = xDisplayStart; r < xDisplayEnd; r++) { DomainDepthCS[r, s] = maxDomainDepth - DepthShelf[r, s]; } } // Calculate amount of material in cells, BELOW 0m //StreamWriter DepthShelfMaterial_FILE = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/DepthShelfMaterial_File.dat"); //StreamWriter TElevationCS_FILE = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/TElevationCS_File.dat"); //StreamWriter Volume_FILE = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/Volume_File.dat"); //StreamWriter AboveWater_FILE = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/AboveWater_File.dat"); //DepthShelfMaterial_FILE.Write("ncols 150" + Environment.NewLine + "nrows 100" + Environment.NewLine + "xllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "yllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "cellsize 100" + Environment.NewLine + "NODATA_value -9999" + Environment.NewLine); //TElevationCS_FILE.Write("ncols 150" + Environment.NewLine + "nrows 100" + Environment.NewLine + "xllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "yllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "cellsize 100" + Environment.NewLine + "NODATA_value -9999" + Environment.NewLine); //Volume_FILE.Write("ncols 150" + Environment.NewLine + "nrows 100" + Environment.NewLine + "xllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "yllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "cellsize 100" + Environment.NewLine + "NODATA_value -9999" + Environment.NewLine); //AboveWater_FILE.Write("ncols 150" + Environment.NewLine + "nrows 100" + Environment.NewLine + "xllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "yllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "cellsize 100" + Environment.NewLine + "NODATA_value -9999" + Environment.NewLine); // Batch StreamWriter TElevationDomain_FILE; if (autorestart == 1) { TElevationDomain_FILE = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/Run_" + Restart_count + "/TElevationDomain_File_" + Restart_count + "_" + counter + ".dat"); wavesavename = "OUTPUT_FILES/Run_" + Restart_count + "/wavedata.out"; } else { TElevationDomain_FILE = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/TElevationDomain_File_" + counter + ".dat"); wavesavename = "OUTPUT_FILES/wavedata.out"; } TElevationDomain_FILE.Write("ncols 150" + Environment.NewLine + "nrows 100" + Environment.NewLine + "xllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "yllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "cellsize 100" + Environment.NewLine + "NODATA_value -9999" + Environment.NewLine); for (s = ymax - 1; s >= 0; s--) { for (r = xDisplayStart; r < xDisplayEnd; r++) { DepthShelfMaterial[r, s] = DepthShelf[r, s] - WaterDepth0[r, s]; // ONLY FOR CELLS ABOVE THE WATER TElevationCS[r, s] = DepthShelfMaterial[r, s] + Elevation[r, s]; TElevationDomain[r, s] = TElevationCS[r, s] + DomainDepthCS[r, s]; Volume[r, s] = TElevationCS[r, s] * CellWidth * CellWidth; if (TElevationDomain[r,s] >= WaterLevel + maxDomainDepth + WDThreshold) { AboveWater[r, s] = 1; } else { AboveWater[r,s] = 0; } TElevationDomain_FILE.Write(TElevationDomain[r, s] + " "); } TElevationDomain_FILE.Write(Environment.NewLine); } TElevationDomain_FILE.Close(); // Finish off creating the arrays with PBCopy PeriodicBoundaryCopy(); for (int wy = ymax - 1; wy >= 0; wy--) { for (int ex = 0; ex < pbEnd; ex++) { TotalSediment += Volume[ex, wy]; } } this.InfoStatusPanel.Text = "Loaded: type = " + input_type_flag.ToString(); } // Run when 'Start' button is clicked private void start_button_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { quitSaveButton.Visible = false; loadDataButton.Visible = false; SeeTabsButton.Visible = false; } private void main_loop(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { int n; double tempflow=baseflow; double ince=cycle+60; gameClock = new Timer(); pauseButton.Visible = true; resumeButton.Visible = true; quitSaveButton.Visible = true; SeeTabsButton.Visible = true; cycle = 0; time_1 = 1; time_factor = 60; time_factor = 1; save_time = cycle; time_1 = cycle; // Creates the system drawing graphics mygraphics = this.CreateGraphics(); this.InfoStatusPanel.Text="Starting main loop"; this.InfoStatusPanel.Text="Running"; // Here we go into the main loop, // not sure why its within a game clock thing, but I copied this bit of code to get // the event handler to work - and it seems OK so why change it. // so the main loop is really in erodedepo() for(n=1;n<=1;n++) { gameClock.Interval = 1; gameClock.Tick += new EventHandler(CEMmain); gameClock.Start(); } } //protected override void OnFormClosing(FormClosingEventArgs e) //{ // pauseButton_Click(pauseButton, EventArgs.Empty); // endTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; // speed = (endTime - startTime); // DialogResult Result = MessageBox.Show(("Program at " + (counter - 1) + " days \nDo you want to exit? \n\nSpeed: " + speed.Hours + ":" + speed.Minutes + ":" + speed.Seconds + "(hh:mm:ss)"), " ", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); // if (Result == DialogResult.Yes) // { // //StreamWriter EndVol = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/MorphChange/EndVol" + WaveFileTB.Text + ".out"); // //EndVol.Write("ncols " + ColumnTB.Text + Environment.NewLine + "nrows " + RowsTB.Text + Environment.NewLine + "xllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "yllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "cellsize 100" + Environment.NewLine + "NODATA_value -9999" + Environment.NewLine); // //for (int yyyy = ymax - 1; yyyy >= 0; yyyy--) // //{ // // for (int xxxx = 0; xxxx < pbEnd; xxxx++) // // { // // EndVol.Write(Volume[xxxx, yyyy] + " "); // // TotalVolumeEnd += Volume[xxxx, yyyy]; // // if (AboveWater[xxxx, yyyy] == 1) // // { // // TotalVolAboveEnd += Volume[xxxx, yyyy]; // // } // // } // // EndVol.Write(Environment.NewLine); // //} // //EndVol.Write(Environment.NewLine + TotalVolumeEnd + ", " + TotalVolAboveEnd); // //EndVol.Close(); // //StreamWriter XY_End = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/MorphChange/XY_End_" + WaveFileTB.Text + ".out"); // //for (int Loop = 0; Loop < X.Length; Loop++) // //{ // // XY_End.Write(X[Loop] + ", " + Y[Loop] + Environment.NewLine); // //} // //XY_End.Close(); // Application.Exit(); // } // else // { // resumeButton_Click(resumeButton, EventArgs.Empty); // } //} //private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) //{ // pauseButton_Click(pauseButton, EventArgs.Empty); // endTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; // speed = (endTime - startTime); // DialogResult Result = MessageBox.Show(("Program at " + (counter - 1) + " days \nDo you want to exit? \n\nSpeed: " + speed.Hours + ":" + speed.Minutes + ":" + speed.Seconds + "(hh:mm:ss)"), " ", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); // if (Result == DialogResult.Yes) // { // StreamWriter EndVol = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/MorphChange/EndVol" + WaveFileTB.Text + ".out"); // EndVol.Write("ncols " + ColumnTB.Text + Environment.NewLine + "nrows " + RowsTB.Text + Environment.NewLine + "xllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "yllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "cellsize 100" + Environment.NewLine + "NODATA_value -9999" + Environment.NewLine); // for (int yyyy = ymax - 1; yyyy >= 0; yyyy--) // { // for (int xxxx = 0; xxxx < pbEnd; xxxx++) // { // EndVol.Write(Volume[xxxx, yyyy] + " "); // TotalVolumeEnd += Volume[xxxx, yyyy]; // if (AboveWater[xxxx, yyyy] == 1) // { // TotalVolAboveEnd += Volume[xxxx, yyyy]; // } // } // EndVol.Write(Environment.NewLine); // } // EndVol.Write(Environment.NewLine + TotalVolumeEnd + ", " + TotalVolAboveEnd); // EndVol.Close(); // StreamWriter XY_End = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/MorphChange/XY_End_" + WaveFileTB.Text + ".out"); // for (int Loop = 0; Loop < X.Length; Loop++) // { // XY_End.Write(X[Loop] + ", " + Y[Loop] + Environment.NewLine); // } // XY_End.Close(); // e.Cancel = false; // } // else // { // resumeButton_Click(resumeButton, EventArgs.Empty); // } //} void save_data(int typeflag, double tempcycle) { int x,y,nn; string FILENAME = "OUTPUT_FILES/DEM.out"; // turns file name into days from mins. tempcycle=tempcycle/1440; if (typeflag == 3 && tempcycle == 0) { FILENAME = "DEM_2.out"; } if(typeflag >= 1 && typeflag < 4) { using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(FILENAME)) { sw.Write("ncols " + xmax); sw.Write("\n"); sw.Write("nrows " + (ymax*3)); sw.Write("\n"); for (nn=2; nn<=5; nn++) { sw.Write(inputheader[nn]); sw.Write("\n"); } for(x = 0; x < xmax; x++) { for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) { if (typeflag == 3) { sw.Write(PercentFullSand[x, y] + PercentFullRock[x, y]); sw.Write(" "); } } sw.Write("\n"); } } } } // ...............CEM FUNCTIONS................................................................................................... // private void CEMmain(Object sender, EventArgs e) { if (counter == 0) { ResultsData(); } //WetDryThreshold = (CellWidth/2) * Math.Tan // or A.tan?((ShorefaceSlope * CellWidth) * (Math.PI/180)); //This will be the local slope, but only using a threshold of 1m at the moment - erosion/depo not dependnt on slope) // --------------------------------------- PRIMARY PROGRAM LOOP -------------------------------- // int xx; int x, y; // Random Seed - not sure if this is doing anything atm.. leaving it in for now just incase if (seed == -999) { RandZeroToOne(); } else { RandZeroToOne(); } if (autorestart == 1 && counter == 0) { WaveIn = 0; if (WaveIn == 0) { string UA_Wave_Content = File.ReadAllText("INPUT_FILES/UA_WaveClimate/UA_WC_Run_" + Restart_count + ".txt"); UA_Wave_Content = UA_Wave_Content.Replace("\r\n", " "); UA_Wave_Content = UA_Wave_Content.Replace("\t", " "); UA_Wave_Content = Regex.Replace(UA_Wave_Content, @"\s+", " "); UA_Wave_Content = UA_Wave_Content.Replace(",", " "); UA_Wave_Content = UA_Wave_Content.Trim(); string[] UA_Wave_Split = UA_Wave_Content.Split(' '); Asym = Convert.ToDouble(UA_Wave_Split[0]); Highness = Convert.ToDouble(UA_Wave_Split[1]); Highness = 1 - Highness; } else { } } // FindWaveAngle Outside loop - loop is duration of current wave climate //if (autorestart == 0) //{ WaveAngle = FindWaveAngle(); //} if (Wavedata == 'y') { WaveOutFile(); } //------------------------ // Main Loop //------------------------ // Loop for Duration at the current wave sign and wave angle for (xx = 0; xx < Duration; xx++) { for (int yyy = ymax - 1; yyy >= 0; yyy--) { for (int xxx = 0; xxx < pbEnd; xxx++) { PreviousVolume[xxx, yyy] = Volume[xxx, yyy]; VolumeChange[xxx, yyy] = 0; } } if (DoTidesTick.Checked == true) { // Set the water level WLCount++; if (WLCount > WLArray.Length - 1) { //WaterLevel = WLArray[WLArray.Length - 1]; WLCount = 0; } else { WaterLevel = WLArray[WLCount]; } } else { WaterLevel = 0; } if (DoSLRTick.Checked == true) { SLRCount++; if (SLRCount > SLRArray.Length - 1) { WaterLevel += SLR; } else { WaterLevel += SLRArray[SLRCount]; } } PeriodicBoundaryCopy(); ZeroVars(); //------------------------ // Find the Beach (w or w/ tides) //------------------------ // Initialize for Find Beach Cells (make sure strange beach does not cause trouble) FellOffArray = 'y'; FindStart = 1; FellOffRockArray = 'y'; FindRockStart = 0; // TIDES if (DoTides == 1) { FindTideBeach(); while (FellOffArray == 'y') { FindTideBeachCells(FindStart); FindStart += FindCellError; if (FindStart > (pbEnd/2))//xDisplayStart + 1) { return; } } } // NO TIDES else if (DoTides == 0) { while (FellOffArray == 'y') { // Look for beach - if you fall off of array, bump over a little and try again FindBeachCells(FindStart); FindStart += FindCellError; //// Get Out if no good beach spots exist - finish program //if (FindStart > (pbEnd / 2)) //{ // FindLooseMaterial(); //} // Get Out if no good beach spots exist - finish program if (FindStart > (pbEnd/2))//xDisplayStart + 1) { return; } } } //while (FellOffRockArray == 'y') //{ // FindRockCells(FindRockStart); // FindRockStart += FindCellError; // if (FindRockStart > xDisplayStart + 1) // { // return; // } //} //-------------- // Sediment Transport //-------------- //if (counter == 0) //{ // StreamWriter OriginalVol = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/MorphChange/OriginalVol.out"); // OriginalVol.Write("ncols " + ColumnTB.Text + Environment.NewLine + "nrows " + RowsTB.Text + Environment.NewLine + "xllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "yllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "cellsize 100" + Environment.NewLine + "NODATA_value -9999" + Environment.NewLine); // for (int yyy = ymax - 1; yyy >= 0; yyy--) // { // for (int xxx = 0; xxx < pbEnd; xxx++) // { // OriginalVol.Write(Volume[xxx, yyy] + " "); // TotalVolumeStart += Volume[xxx, yyy]; // if (AboveWater[xxx, yyy] == 1) // { // TotalVolAboveStart += Volume[xxx, yyy]; // } // } // OriginalVol.Write(Environment.NewLine); // } // OriginalVol.Write(Environment.NewLine + TotalVolumeStart + ", " + TotalVolAboveStart); // OriginalVol.Close(); // StreamWriter XY_Start = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/MorphChange/XY_Start.out"); // for (int Loop = 0; Loop < X.Length; Loop++) // { // XY_Start.Write(X[Loop] + ", " + Y[Loop] + Environment.NewLine); // } // XY_Start.Close(); //} //RockCalculations(); ShadowSweep(); DetermineAngles(); DetermineSedTransport(); //------------------------ // Sources/Sinks //------------------------ //if (HaveSinks == 1) //{ // DoSink(); // VolumeRecal(); //} //if (NumSources >= 1) //{ // DoSource(); // VolumeRecal(); //} //------------------------ // More Sediment Transport //------------------------ //CheckOverwashSweep(); FlowInCell(); FixFlow(); FindAverageShoreface(); TransportSedimentSweep(); VolumeRecal(); //RedrawCoastline(); //FixBeach(); //OopsImDiffusing(); OopsImLandsliding(); //VolumeRecal(); //PeriodicBoundaryCopy(); //------------------------ // Clean Up //------------------------ // Age Empty Cells if ((counter % AgeUpdate == 0) && SaveAge == 1) { AgeCells(); } //if (counter == 0) //{ // SandOutput(); //} // Save File/Image if (counter == 0) { SaveImageFunct(); } // Save results data if (counter % Resuldata_freq == 0) { ResultsData(); } if ((counter % SaveFrequency == 0 && counter > StartSavingAt) || (counter == StopAfter)) //|| (counter > 36500 && counter < 44000 && counter % 365 == 0)) { //if (SaveLine == 1) //{ // SaveLineToFile(); //} //if (SaveFile == 1 || SaveFile == 2) //{ // SaveSandToFile(); //} if (SaveImage == 1) { SaveImageFunct(); } } //SandOutput(); if ((counter == 0 || counter % SaveFrequency == 0) && SaveDEM == 1) { // Batch StreamWriter TElevationDomain_FILE2; StreamWriter TElevationCS_FILE; StreamWriter TElevationCS_Above; StreamWriter TElevationCS_Below; if (autorestart == 1) { TElevationDomain_FILE2 = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/Run_" + Restart_count + "/TElevationDomain_File_" + Restart_count + "_" + counter + ".dat"); TElevationCS_FILE = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/Run_" + Restart_count + "/TElevationCS_File_" + Restart_count + "_" + counter + ".dat"); TElevationCS_Above = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/Run_" + Restart_count + "/TElevationCS_Above_" + Restart_count + "_" + counter + ".dat"); TElevationCS_Below = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/Run_" + Restart_count + "/TElevationCS_Below_" + Restart_count + "_" + counter + ".dat"); } else { TElevationDomain_FILE2 = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/TElevationDomain_File_" + counter + ".dat"); TElevationCS_FILE = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/TElevationCS_File_" + counter + ".dat"); TElevationCS_Above = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/TElevationCS_Above_" + counter + ".dat"); TElevationCS_Below = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/TElevationCS_Below_" + counter + ".dat"); } TElevationDomain_FILE2.Write("ncols " + pbEnd + Environment.NewLine + "nrows " + ymax + Environment.NewLine + "xllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "yllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "cellsize 100" + Environment.NewLine + "NODATA_value -9999" + Environment.NewLine); TElevationCS_FILE.Write("ncols " + pbEnd + Environment.NewLine + "nrows " + ymax + Environment.NewLine + "xllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "yllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "cellsize 100" + Environment.NewLine + "NODATA_value -9999" + Environment.NewLine); TElevationCS_Above.Write("ncols " + pbEnd + Environment.NewLine + "nrows " + ymax + Environment.NewLine + "xllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "yllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "cellsize 100" + Environment.NewLine + "NODATA_value -9999" + Environment.NewLine); TElevationCS_Below.Write("ncols " + pbEnd + Environment.NewLine + "nrows " + ymax + Environment.NewLine + "xllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "yllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "cellsize 100" + Environment.NewLine + "NODATA_value -9999" + Environment.NewLine); int r, s; for (s = ymax - 1; s >= 0; s--) { for (r = 0; r < pbEnd; r++) { TElevationDomain_FILE2.Write(TElevationDomain[r, s] + " "); TElevationCS_FILE.Write(TElevationCS[r, s] + " "); if (AboveWater[r, s] == 1) { TElevationCS_Above.Write(TElevationCS[r, s] + " "); TElevationCS_Below.Write("0 "); } else if (AboveWater[r, s] == 0) { TElevationCS_Above.Write("0 "); TElevationCS_Below.Write(TElevationCS[r, s] + " "); } else { TElevationCS_Above.Write(-9999); TElevationCS_Below.Write(-9999); } } TElevationDomain_FILE2.Write(Environment.NewLine); TElevationCS_FILE.Write(Environment.NewLine); TElevationCS_Above.Write(Environment.NewLine); TElevationCS_Below.Write(Environment.NewLine); } TElevationDomain_FILE2.Close(); TElevationCS_FILE.Close(); TElevationCS_Above.Close(); TElevationCS_Below.Close(); } counter++; cycle += time_factor / 60; // A day! time_factor = 86400; // Set the iteration number this.IterationStatusPanel.Text = "it = " + counter.ToString(); // Set the time if (cycle <= 1440) { this.TimeStatusPanel.Text = string.Format("t = {0:F6} min", cycle); // O is the placeholder, F6 is the format (fixed point, 6 decimal digits) } else { this.TimeStatusPanel.Text = string.Format("t = {0:F6} day", cycle / 1440); } // save data every specified interval. Passes the cycle which becomes the file extension if (cycle >= save_time) { save_time += saveinterval; } hit = 0; // --------------------------------------- END OF CEM MAIN -------------------------------------------------- //------------------------ // Have we reached the end? //------------------------ if (counter == (StopAfter + 1)) { // Batch if (autorestart == 1) { if (Restart_count <= maxRuns) { Application.Restart(); } else { StreamWriter Restart_count_zero = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/Restart_Count_FILE.txt"); Restart_count_zero.Write("0"); Restart_count_zero.Close(); } Application.Exit(); } else { endTime = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay; speed = (endTime - startTime); DialogResult Result = MessageBox.Show(("Program at " + (counter - 1) + " days \nDo you want to exit? \n\nSpeed: " + speed.Hours + ":" + speed.Minutes + ":" + speed.Seconds + "(hh:mm:ss)"), " ", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); if (Result == DialogResult.Yes) { StreamWriter EndVol = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/MorphChange/EndVol" + WaveFileTB.Text + ".out"); EndVol.Write("ncols " + ColumnTB.Text + Environment.NewLine + "nrows " + RowsTB.Text + Environment.NewLine + "xllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "yllcorner 0" + Environment.NewLine + "cellsize 100" + Environment.NewLine + "NODATA_value -9999" + Environment.NewLine); for (int yyyy = ymax - 1; yyyy >= 0; yyyy--) { for (int xxxx = 0; xxxx < pbEnd; xxxx++) { EndVol.Write(Volume[xxxx, yyyy] + " "); TotalVolumeEnd += Volume[xxxx, yyyy]; if (AboveWater[xxxx, yyyy] == 1) { TotalVolAboveEnd += Volume[xxxx, yyyy]; } } EndVol.Write(Environment.NewLine); } EndVol.Write(Environment.NewLine + TotalVolumeEnd + ", " + TotalVolAboveEnd); EndVol.Close(); StreamWriter XY_End = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/MorphChange/XY_End_" + WaveFileTB.Text + ".out"); for (int Loop = 0; Loop < X.Length; Loop++) { XY_End.Write(X[Loop] + ", " + Y[Loop] + Environment.NewLine); } XY_End.Close(); Application.Exit(); } } } } } // Set Up void PeriodicBoundaryCopy() { // Simulates periodic boundary conditions by copying middle section to front and end of arrays int x, y; for (x = xmax; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) { for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) { //AllBeach[x - xmax, y] = AllBeach[x, y]; AllRock[x - xmax, y] = AllRock[x, y]; TypeOfRock[x - xmax, y] = TypeOfRock[x, y]; PercentFullSand[x - xmax, y] = PercentFullSand[x, y]; PercentFullRock[x - xmax, y] = PercentFullRock[x, y]; AboveTideOLD[x - xmax, y] = AboveTideOLD[x, y]; AboveWater[x - xmax, y] = AboveWater[x, y]; ShorelineCell[x - xmax, y] = ShorelineCell[x, y]; Linear_Shoreline[x - xmax, y] = Linear_Shoreline[x, y]; Age[x - xmax, y] = Age[x, y]; Elevation[x - xmax, y] = Elevation[x, y]; Volume[x - xmax, y] = Volume[x, y]; PreviousVolume[x - xmax, y] = PreviousVolume[x, y]; VolumeChange[x - xmax, y] = VolumeChange[x, y]; DepthShelf[x - xmax, y] = DepthShelf[x, y]; DepthShelfMaterial[x - xmax, y] = DepthShelfMaterial[x, y]; WaterDepth0[x - xmax, y] = WaterDepth0[x, y]; DomainDepthCS[x - xmax, y] = DomainDepthCS[x, y]; TElevationCS[x - xmax, y] = TElevationCS[x, y]; TElevationDomain[x - xmax, y] = TElevationDomain[x, y]; } } for (x = xDisplayStart; x < xmax; x++) { for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) { //AllBeach[x + xmax, y] = AllBeach[x, y]; AllRock[x + xmax, y] = AllRock[x, y]; TypeOfRock[x + xmax, y] = TypeOfRock[x, y]; PercentFullSand[x + xmax, y] = PercentFullSand[x, y]; PercentFullRock[x + xmax, y] = PercentFullRock[x, y]; AboveTideOLD[x + xmax, y] = AboveTideOLD[x, y]; AboveWater[x + xmax, y] = AboveWater[x, y]; ShorelineCell[x + xmax, y] = ShorelineCell[x, y]; Linear_Shoreline[x + xmax, y] = Linear_Shoreline[x, y]; Age[x + xmax, y] = Age[x, y]; Elevation[x + xmax, y] = Elevation[x, y]; Volume[x + xmax, y] = Volume[x, y]; PreviousVolume[x + xmax, y] = PreviousVolume[x, y]; VolumeChange[x + xmax, y] = VolumeChange[x, y]; DepthShelf[x + xmax, y] = DepthShelf[x, y]; DepthShelfMaterial[x + xmax, y] = DepthShelfMaterial[x, y]; WaterDepth0[x + xmax, y] = WaterDepth0[x, y]; DomainDepthCS[x + xmax, y] = DomainDepthCS[x, y]; TElevationCS[x + xmax, y] = TElevationCS[x, y]; TElevationDomain[x + xmax, y] = TElevationDomain[x, y]; } } //for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) //{ // Elevation[0, i] = 60; // TElevationCS[0, i] = DepthShelf[0, i] + Elevation[0, i]; // TElevationDomain[0, i] = TElevationCS[0, i] + DomainDepthCS[0, i]; // Volume[0, i] = TElevationCS[0, i] * CellWidth * CellWidth; // PreviousVolume[0, i] = Volume[0, i]; // WaterDepth0[0, i] = 0; // AboveWater[0, i] = 1; // Elevation[1, i] = 60; // TElevationCS[1, i] = DepthShelf[1, i] + Elevation[1, i]; // TElevationDomain[1, i] = TElevationCS[1, i] + DomainDepthCS[0, i]; // Volume[1, i] = TElevationCS[1, i] * CellWidth * CellWidth; // PreviousVolume[0, i] = Volume[0, i]; // WaterDepth0[1, i] = 0; // AboveWater[1, i] = 1; //} ////StreamWriter AbovWater = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/abovpb.out"); ////for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) ////{ //// for (x = xDisplayStart; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) //// { //// AbovWater.Write(AboveWater[x, y] + " "); //// } //// AbovWater.Write(Environment.NewLine); ////} ////AbovWater.Close(); ////updateGraphics_Click_1(updateGraphicsButton, EventArgs.Empty); } void AgeCells() { //// Age Cells //int x, y; //for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) //{ // for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) // { // if (PercentFullSand[x, y] == 0) // { // Age[x, y] = counter % AgeMax; // } // } //} } // Computer-Generated DEM void InitConds() { //counter = 0; //if (InitCType == 0) //{ // InitNormal(); //} //else if (InitCType == 1) //{ // while (InitWiggly() == -1) // { // } //} //else if (InitCType == 2) //{ // initBlock(); //} //if (InitialPert != 0) //{ // InitPert(); //} //else //{ // MessageBox.Show("Error InitConds"); //} //return; } void InitNormal() { //// Creates initial beach conditions //// Flat beach with zone of AllBeach = 'y' separated by AllBeach = 'n' //// Block of rock parallel to beach begins at InitRock LMV //// LMV Assume that AllBeach = 'Y' for AllRock cells (and All Full cells) //// Bounding layer set to random fraction of fullness //int x, y, n; //int InitialBeach; //int InitialRock = 0; //int Amp; // Amplitude of cos curve //int blocks = 1; // Have hard stuff just as blocks near the beach, or columns? //Amp = 10; //for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) //{ // for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) // { // InitialBeach = InitBeach; // InitialRock = InitRock; // // shoreline is a cosine curve, diffusive LMV // if (DiffusiveHump == 1) // { // InitialRock = Convert.ToInt32((InitRock + (-Amp * Math.Cos((2 * pi * x) / xmax)) - (InitBeach - InitRock - 1))); // InitialBeach = Convert.ToInt32((InitBeach + (-Amp * Math.Cos((2 * pi * x) / xmax)))); // } // if (y < InitialRock) // { // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 1.0; // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.0; // AllRock[x, y] = 1; // AllBeach[x, y] = 0; // } // else if (y == InitialRock) // { // if (InitialSmoothRock == 1) // { // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 0.20; // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.80; // } // else // { // PercentFullRock[x, y] = RandZeroToOne(); // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 1 - PercentFullRock[x, y]; // } // AllRock[x, y] = 0; // AllBeach[x, y] = 1; // } // else if ((y > InitialRock) && (y < InitialBeach)) // { // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 0.0; // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 1.0; // AllRock[x, y] = 0; // AllBeach[x, y] = 0; // } // else if (y == InitialBeach) // { // if (InitialSmooth == 1) // { // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.5; // } // else // { // PercentFullSand[x, y] = RandZeroToOne(); // } // AllRock[x, y] = 0; // AllBeach[x, y] = 0; // } // else if (y > InitialBeach) // { // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0; // AllRock[x, y] = 0; // AllBeach[x, y] = 0; // } // Age[x, y] = 0; // } //} //if (NumberChunk != 0) //{ // for (y = 0; y <= ymax; y++) // Assign fast and slow weathering portions // { // for (n = 0; n <= 2 * NumberChunk; n++) // { // for (x = n * ChunkLength; x < ((n + 2) * ChunkLength); x++) // { // if (n % 3 == 0 && (blocks == 0 || x > InitialRock - 3)) // // if even // { // TypeOfRock[x, y] = 's'; // } // else // // if odd // { // TypeOfRock[x, y] = 'f'; // } // } // } // } //} //else //make everything fast //{ // for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) // { // for (x = 0; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) // { // TypeOfRock[x, y] = 'f'; // } // } //} } void InitPert() { //// Andrew's initial bump //int x, y; //int PWidth; //int PHeight; //int PYstart; //// Square perturbation //if (InitialPert == 1) //{ // PWidth = (xmax / (xmax / 2)); // PHeight = PWidth; // PYstart = 2; // // Fill AllBeach areas // while ((PYstart + PWidth) < pbEnd) // { // for (y = InitBeach; y < InitBeach + PHeight; y++) // { // for (x = PYstart; x < PYstart + PWidth; x++) // { // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 1.0; // AllBeach[x, y] = 1; // } // } // //// PercentFull Top // //for (x = PYstart - 1; x <= PYstart + PWidth + 1; x++) // //{ // // PercentFullSand[x, InitBeach + PHeight + 1] = RandZeroToOne(); // //} // //// PercentFull Sides // //for (y = InitBeach; y <= InitBeach + PHeight; y++) // //{ // // PercentFullSand[PYstart - 1, y] = RandZeroToOne(); // // PercentFullSand[PYstart + PWidth + 1, y] = RandZeroToOne(); // //} // PYstart = PYstart + (PWidth * 3); // } //} //// Another Perturbation - steep point //else if (InitialPert == 2) //{ // y = InitBeach; // PercentFullSand[17, y] = 0.8; // PercentFullSand[18, y] = 1.0; // AllBeach[18, y] = 1; // PercentFullSand[19, y] = 0.8; // y = InitBeach + 1; // PercentFullSand[17, y] = 0.6; // PercentFullSand[18, y] = 1.0; // AllBeach[18, y] = 1; // PercentFullSand[19, y] = 0.6; // y = InitBeach + 2; // PercentFullSand[17, y] = 0.2; // PercentFullSand[18, y] = 1.0; // AllBeach[18, y] = 1; // PercentFullSand[19, y] = 0.2; // y = InitBeach + 3; // PercentFullSand[18, y] = 0.3; //} //// Square perturbation //else if (InitialPert == 3) //{ // PWidth = xmax / (xmax / 10); // PHeight = PWidth / 2; // PYstart = xmax - (PWidth / 2); // for (y = InitBeach; y < InitBeach + PHeight; y++) // { // for (x = PYstart; x < PYstart + PWidth; x++) // { // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 1.0; // AllBeach[x, y] = 1; // } // } // //// PercentFull Top // //for (x = PYstart - 1; x <= PYstart + PWidth + 1; x++) // //{ // // PercentFullSand[x, InitBeach + PHeight + 1] = RandZeroToOne(); // //} // //// PercentFull Sides // //for (y = InitBeach; y <= InitBeach + PHeight; y++) // //{ // // PercentFullSand[PYstart - 1, y] = RandZeroToOne(); // // PercentFullSand[PYstart + PWidth + 1, y] = RandZeroToOne(); // //} //} } //CM: Comp-generated, but having issues getting these to work using InitPert instead at the moment int InitWiggly() { //int x, y, curve; //int NumCurves = 4; //double[] RockLine = new double[pbEnd]; //int curveFactor = 3; // decrease fundamental wavelength/increase frequency (by a factor) -- make it 1 for wavelength = xmax //double Amp, AmpMax = InitRock / 6.0; // maximum amplitude of the component sin waves //int Min = Convert.ToInt32(0.10 * ymax); //int Max = Convert.ToInt32(0.95 * ymax); // determines acceptable max amplitude of resulting curve //double[] BeachLine = new double[pbEnd]; //for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) //{ // RockLine[x] = InitRock; //} //for (curve = 1; curve <= NumCurves; curve++) //{ // Amp = RandZeroToOne() * AmpMax; // for (x = 1; x < pbEnd; x++) // { // RockLine[x] = Math.Ceiling(RockLine[x] + (Amp * Math.Sin(x * (curve * curveFactor) * 2.0 * pi / xmax))); // BeachLine[x] = RockLine[x] + 1; // if (RockLine[x] < Min || RockLine[x] > Max) // { // return -1; // } // } //} //for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) //{ // for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) // //{ // // if (y < RockLine[x]) // // { // // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 1.0; // // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.0; // // AllRock[x, y] = 'y'; // // TypeOfRock[x, y] = 's'; // // AllBeach[x, y] = 'y'; // // } // // else if (y == RockLine[x]) // // { // // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 0.5; // // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.5; // // AllRock[x, y] = 'n'; // // AllBeach[x, y] = 'n'; // // } // // else // // { // // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 0.0; // // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.0; // // AllRock[x, y] = 'n'; // // AllBeach[x, y] = 'n'; // // } // // if (y == BeachLine[x]) // // { // // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 1.0; // // } // // Age[x, y] = 0; // //} // //} // { // TypeOfRock[x, y] = 's'; // if (y < RockLine[x]) // { // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 1.0; // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.0; // AllRock[x, y] = 1; // AllBeach[x, y] = 1; // } // else if (y == RockLine[x]) // { // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 0.0; // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.5; // AllRock[x, y] = 0; // AllBeach[x, y] = 0; // } // else // { // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 0.0; // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.0; // AllRock[x, y] = 0; // AllBeach[x, y] = 0; // } // Age[x, y] = 0; // } //} return 0; } int initBlock() { //int x, y, n; //int blockHeight = 4; //int NumBlocks = 2; // makes NumBlocks evenly spaced blocks //int blockWidth = (xmax / (NumBlocks * 2)); //for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) //{ // for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) // { // TypeOfRock[x, y] = 'f'; // if (y < InitRock) // { // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 1.0; // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.0; // AllRock[x, y] = 1; // AllBeach[x, y] = 1; // } // else if (y < InitBeach) // { // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 0.0; // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 1.0; // AllRock[x, y] = 0; // AllBeach[x, y] = 1; // } // else if (y == InitBeach) // { // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 0.0; // PercentFullSand[x, y] = RandZeroToOne(); // AllRock[x, y] = 0; // AllBeach[x, y] = 0; // } // else // { // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 0.0; // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.0; // AllRock[x, y] = 0; // AllBeach[x, y] = 0; // } // Age[x, y] = 0; // } //} //// the regularly-spaced blocks //for (n = 1; n <= NumBlocks; n++) //{ // for (y = InitRock; y >= InitRock - blockHeight; y--) // { // // block starts @ upper left corner // for (x = xDisplayStart + n * xmax / (NumBlocks + 1); x < xDisplayStart + n * xmax / (NumBlocks + 1) + blockWidth && x < pbEnd; x++) // { // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 1.0; // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.0; // AllRock[x, y] = 1; // TypeOfRock[x, y] = 's'; // AllBeach[x, y] = 1; // } // } //} //// now here's space for ad hoc blocks //// ad hoc block 1 //for (y = InitRock; y >= InitRock - blockHeight; y--) //{ // for (x = xDisplayStart; x < xDisplayStart + 10; x++) // { // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 1.0; // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.0; // AllRock[x, y] = 1; // TypeOfRock[x, y] = 's'; // AllBeach[x, y] = 1; // } //} //// ad hoc block 2 //for (y = InitRock; y >= InitRock - blockHeight; y--) //{ // for (x = xDisplayEnd - 90; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) // { // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 1.0; // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.0; // AllRock[x, y] = 1; // TypeOfRock[x, y] = 's'; // AllBeach[x, y] = 1; // } //} return 0; } // Get Wave Climate double FindWaveAngle() { // calculates wave angle for given time step double Angle = 0.0; double RandBin; // Random number to pick wave angle bin double RandAngle; // Random number to pick wave angle within the bin int flag = 1; int i = 0; if (WaveIn == 0) { // Method using wave probability step function // variable Asym will determine fractional distribution of waves coming from the // positive direction (positive direction coming from left) -i.e. fractional wave asymmetry // Note: Highness actually means lowness, for some reason Angle = RandZeroToOne() * pi / 4.0; if (RandZeroToOne() >= Highness) { Angle += pi / 4.0; // make high angle } if (RandZeroToOne() >= Asym) { Angle = -1.0 * Angle; } } // Method using input binned wave distribution - variables: WaveProb[], WaveMax[], previously input from file using ReadWaveIn() if (WaveIn == 1) { RandBin = RandZeroToOne(); RandAngle = RandZeroToOne(); while (flag == 1) { i++; if (RandBin < WaveProb[i]) { flag = 0; } } Angle = -(RandAngle * (WaveMax[i] - WaveMax[i - 1]) + WaveMax[i - 1]) * pi / 180; } if (WaveIn == 2) { RealWaveIn(); // Read real data (angle/period/height) Angle = WaveAngleIn + coastrotation; // Align waveclimate to coastline in CEM //if (Angle >= 180.0) //{ // Angle -= 360.0; // Conversion to CEM angles (-180 -- 0 -- +180) //} ////Angle *= -1; // -1 is there as wave angle is from 90 in the west to -90 in the east //Period = WavePeriodIn * waveperiodchange; //OffShoreWvHt = WaveHeightIn * waveheightchange; //if ((Angle > 90) || (Angle < -90)) //{ // Angle = 0; // if waves were to come from behind coast*/ // OffShoreWvHt = 1e-10; // if waves were to come from behind coast set to inf small //} //ADDED Period = WavePeriodIn; OffShoreWvHt = WaveHeightIn; Angle /= radtodeg; } if (WaveIn == 3) { WaveAngleIn = Convert.ToDouble(this.WAngleTB.Text); WavePeriodIn = Convert.ToDouble(this.WPeriodTB.Text); WaveHeightIn = Convert.ToDouble(this.WHeightTB.Text); Angle = WaveAngleIn + coastrotation; // Align waveclimate to coastline in CEM if (Angle >= 180.0) { Angle -= 360.0; // Conversion to CEM angles (-180 -- 0 -- +180) } //Angle *= -1; // -1 is there as wave angle is from 90 in the west to -90 in the east Period = WavePeriodIn * waveperiodchange; OffShoreWvHt = WaveHeightIn * waveheightchange; if ((Angle > 90) || (Angle < -90)) { Angle = 0; // if waves were to come from behind coast*/ OffShoreWvHt = 1e-10; // if waves were to come from behind coast set to inf small } Angle /= radtodeg; } return Angle; } void RealWaveIn() { // Input real wave data from file // Batch if (autorestart == 1) { readwavename = "INPUT_FILES/WaveClimate/WaveClimate_" + Restart_count + ".dat"; this.WaveFileTB.Text = "WaveClimate_" + Restart_count; } else { readwavename = "INPUT_FILES/WaveClimate/" + this.WaveFileTB.Text; } //WaveAngleIn = 67.5; //WavePeriodIn = 6.65; //WaveHeightIn = 1.85; if (counter == 0) { StreamReader ReadWaveFile = new StreamReader(readwavename); realWave_Content = File.ReadAllText(readwavename); realWave_Content = realWave_Content.Replace("\r\n", " "); realWave_Content = realWave_Content.Replace("\t", " "); realWave_Content = Regex.Replace(realWave_Content, @"\s+", " "); realWave_Content = realWave_Content.Trim(); realWave_Split = realWave_Content.Split(' '); ReadWaveFile.Close(); Wavecount = 0; } if (Wavecount == realWave_Split.Length) { Wavecount = 0; } WaveAngleIn = Convert.ToDouble(realWave_Split[Wavecount]); Wavecount++; WavePeriodIn = Convert.ToDouble(realWave_Split[Wavecount]); Wavecount++; WaveHeightIn = Convert.ToDouble(realWave_Split[Wavecount]); Wavecount++; } void ReadWaveIn() { // ////// HAVE NOT YET CONVERTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // //// /* // //// // Input Wave Distribution // //// int i; // //// StreamReader ReadWaveFile = new StreamReader(readwavename); // //// for (i = 0; i <= 36; i++) // //// { // //// WaveMax[i] = 0; // //// WaveProb[i] = 0; // //// } // //// NumWaveBins = ReadWaveFile.Read(); // //// fscanf(ReadWaveFile, " %d \n", &NumWaveBins); // //// printf("Wave Bins %d \n",NumWaveBins); // //// WaveMax[0] = -90; // //// WaveProb[0] = 0; // //// for (i=1 ; i<= NumWaveBins ; i++) // //// { // //// fscanf(ReadWaveFile, " %f %f", &WaveMax[i] , &WaveProb[i]); // //// printf("i= %d Wave= %f Prob= %f \n",i, WaveMax[i], WaveProb[i]); // //// } // //// fclose(ReadWaveFile); // //// printf("wave file read! \n"); // //// */ } // Beach Misc double MassCount() { //// Counts the total volume occupied by beach cells //// Uses same algorhythm as AdjustShore //// returns a float of the total sum //// Uses AllBeach[][] and PercentFullSand[][] //// and InitialDepth, CellWidth, ShelfSlope //int x, y; //double DepthMC; // Depth of current cell double Mass = 0.0; //for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) //{ // DepthMC = InitialDepth + ((y - InitBeach) * CellWidth * ShelfSlope); // for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) // { // Mass += PercentFullSand[x, y] * DepthMC; // } //} return Mass; } // Find shoreline cells - with tides void FindTideBeach() { int x, y, i; // Don't need this beacuse only the shorelne ones will change for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) { for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) { if (TElevationDomain[x, y] >= WaterLevel + maxDomainDepth + WDThreshold) { AboveWater[x, y] = 1; } else { AboveWater[x, y] = 0; } } } } void FindTideBeachCells(int Xstart) { // Determines locations of beach cells moving from left to right direction // This function will affect and determine the global arrays: X[] and Y[] // This function calls FindNextCell // This will define TotalBeachCells for this time step int x = Xstart; int ystart = ymax - 1; int z = 1; // Finding the start position of the tide beach //while (AboveTideOLD[x, ystart] == false) while (AboveWater[x, ystart] == 0) { ystart -= 1; } //ystart += 1; X[0] = Xstart; Y[0] = ystart + 1; //Need to give these some values for 'weathered rock' XBehind[0] = X[0]; YBehind[0] = Y[0]; ystart = ymax - 1; //while (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, ystart] == false) while (AboveWater[x + 1, ystart] == 0) { ystart -= 1; } //ystart += 1; X[1] = Xstart + 1; Y[1] = ystart + 1; XBehind[1] = X[0]; YBehind[1] = Y[0]; while ((X[z] < pbEnd - 1) && (z < MaxBeachLength - 1)) { z++; NextX = -2; NextY = -2; BehindX = -2; BehindY = -2; FindNextTideCell(X[z - 1], Y[z - 1], z - 1); X[z] = NextX; Y[z] = NextY; XBehind[z] = BehindX; YBehind[z] = BehindY; //Print to file X[] and Y[] Arrays //XYFile.Write(counter + " " + z + " " + X[z] + " " + Y[z] + Environment.NewLine); // If return to start point or go off left side of array, going the wrong direction // Jump off and start again closer to middle if ((NextX < 1) || ((NextX == X[0]) && (NextY == Y[0])) || (z > MaxBeachLength - 2)) { FellOffArray = 'y'; ZeroVars(); return; } } TotalBeachCells = z; FellOffArray = 'n'; if(counter == 0) { Array.Copy(X, initialX, X.Length); Array.Copy(Y, initialY, Y.Length); } Array.Clear(ShorelineCell, 0, ShorelineCell.Length); for (int ii = 0; ii < TotalBeachCells; ii++) { ShorelineCell[X[ii], Y[ii]] = 1; } //XYFile.Close(); } //void FindNextTideCell(int x, int y, int z) //{ // // Function to find next cell that is beach moving in the general positive X direction // // changes global variables NextX and NextY, coordinates for the next beach cell // // This function will use but not affect the global arrays: AllBeach [][], X[], and Y[] // // Came from left // if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z]) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] - 1)) // { // // Top // if (AboveTideOLD[x, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom // else if (AboveTideOLD[x, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // } // // Came from top left // else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] + 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] - 1)) // { // // Top Right // if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom // else if (AboveTideOLD[x, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // } // // Came from above // else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] + 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z])) // { // // Right // if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom // else if (AboveTideOLD[x, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Above // else if (AboveTideOLD[x, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // } // // Came from upper right // else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] + 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] + 1)) // { // // Bottom Right // if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom // else if (AboveTideOLD[x, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top // else if (AboveTideOLD[x, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Upper Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // } // // Came from right // else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z]) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] + 1)) // { // // Bottom // if (AboveTideOLD[x, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top // else if (AboveTideOLD[x, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // } // // Came from lower right // else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] - 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] + 1)) // { // // Bottom left // if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top // else if (AboveTideOLD[x, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 2, y] == true // || AboveTideOLD[x + 2, y - 1] == true // || AboveTideOLD[x + 2, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // LowerRight // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // } // // Came from below // else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] - 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z])) // { // // Left // if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top // else if (AboveTideOLD[x, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Below // else if (AboveTideOLD[x, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // } // // Came from bottom left // else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] - 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] - 1)) // { // // Top Left // if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top // else if (AboveTideOLD[x, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y + 1] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Right // else if (AboveTideOLD[x + 1, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom // else if (AboveTideOLD[x, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Left // else if (AboveTideOLD[x - 1, y - 1] == true) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // } //} /* This version is for the volumes */ void FindNextTideCell_1(int x, int y, int z) { // Function to find next cell that is beach moving in the general positive X direction // changes global variables NextX and NextY, coordinates for the next beach cell // This function will use but not affect the global arrays: AllBeach [][], X[], and Y[] // Came from left if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z]) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] - 1)) { // Top if (AboveWater[x, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom else if (AboveWater[x, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } } // Came from top left else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] + 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] - 1)) { // Top Right if (AboveWater[x + 1, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom else if (AboveWater[x, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } } // Came from above else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] + 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z])) { // Right if (AboveWater[x + 1, y] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom else if (AboveWater[x, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Above else if (AboveWater[x, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } } // Came from upper right else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] + 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] + 1)) { // Bottom Right if (AboveWater[x + 1, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom else if (AboveWater[x, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top else if (AboveWater[x, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Upper Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } } // Came from right else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z]) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] + 1)) { // Bottom if (AboveWater[x, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top else if (AboveWater[x, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } } // Came from lower right else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] - 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] + 1)) { // Bottom left if (AboveWater[x - 1, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top else if (AboveWater[x, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // LowerRight else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } else if (AboveWater[x + 2, y] == 1 || AboveWater[x + 2, y - 1] == 1 || AboveWater[x + 2, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } } // Came from below else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] - 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z])) { // Left if (AboveWater[x - 1, y] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top else if (AboveWater[x, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Below else if (AboveWater[x, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } } // Came from bottom left else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] - 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] - 1)) { // Top Left if (AboveWater[x - 1, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top else if (AboveWater[x, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + 1, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom else if (AboveWater[x, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Left else if (AboveWater[x - 1, y - 1] == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } } } void FindNextTideCell_Jan23(int x, int y, int z) { // Function to find next cell that is beach moving in the general positive X direction // changes global variables NextX and NextY, coordinates for the next beach cell // This function will use but not affect the global arrays: AllBeach [][], X[], and Y[] int a = 1; // if can't find where we came from, look + cell out again int b = 1; // if we can't find the next cell, look another cell out //int getOut_a = 0; //while (getOut_a == 0 && Y[z - a] > 0 && X[z - a] > 0) //{ // Came from left if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z]) && (X[z - a] == X[z] - a)) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Top if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom else if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } // Came from top left else if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z] + a) && (X[z - a] == X[z] - a)) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Top Right if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom else if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } // Came from above else if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z] + a) && (X[z - a] == X[z])) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Right if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom else if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Above else if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } // Came from upper right else if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z] + a) && (X[z - a] == X[z] + a)) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Bottom Right if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom else if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top else if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Upper Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } // Came from right else if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z]) && (X[z - a] == X[z] + a)) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Bottom if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top else if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } // Came from lower right else if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z] - a) && (X[z - a] == X[z] + a)) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Bottom left if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top else if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // LowerRight else if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } //else if (AboveWater[x + 2, y] == 1 // || AboveWater[x + 2, y - 1] == 1 // || AboveWater[x + 2, y + 1] == 1) //{ // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; //} else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } // Came from below else if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z] - a) && (X[z - a] == X[z])) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Left if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top else if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Below else if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } // Came from bottom left else if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z] - a) && (X[z - a] == X[z] - a)) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Top Left if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top else if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom else if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } //} //else //{ // a++; // getOut_a = 0; //} } else if (X[z - a] < X[z]) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0 && (x + b < pbEnd - 1)) { // Top if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } else if (X[z - a] > X[z]) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0 && (x - b > 0)) { // Bottom if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } } void FindNextTideCell(int x, int y, int z) { // Function to find next cell that is beach moving in the general positive X direction // changes global variables NextX and NextY, coordinates for the next beach cell // This function will use but not affect the global arrays: AllBeach [][], X[], and Y[] int a = 1; // if can't find where we came from, look + cell out again int b = 1; // if we can't find the next cell, look another cell out //int getOut_a = 0; //while (getOut_a == 0 && Y[z - a] > 0 && X[z - a] > 0) //{ // Came from left if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z]) && (X[z - a] == X[z] - a)) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Top if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom else if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } // Came from top left else if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z] + a) && (X[z - a] == X[z] - a)) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Top Right if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom else if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } // Came from above else if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z] + a) && (X[z - a] == X[z])) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Right if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom else if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Above else if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } // Came from upper right else if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z] + a) && (X[z - a] == X[z] + a)) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Bottom Right if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom else if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX - b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top else if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Upper Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } // Came from right else if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z]) && (X[z - a] == X[z] + a)) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Bottom if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top else if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } // Came from lower right else if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z] - a) && (X[z - a] == X[z] + a)) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Bottom left if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top else if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // LowerRight else if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } //else if (AboveWater[x + 2, y] == 1 // || AboveWater[x + 2, y - 1] == 1 // || AboveWater[x + 2, y + 1] == 1) //{ // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; //} else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } // Came from below else if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z] - a) && (X[z - a] == X[z])) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Left if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top else if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Below else if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } // Came from bottom left else if ((Y[z - a] == Y[z] - a) && (X[z - a] == X[z] - a)) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0) { // Top Left if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top else if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom else if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } //} //else //{ // a++; // getOut_a = 0; //} } else if (X[z - a] < X[z]) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0 && (x + b < pbEnd - 1)) { // Top if (AboveWater[x, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX + b; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom Right else if (AboveWater[x + b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x + b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } else if (X[z - a] > X[z]) { int getOut = 0; while (getOut == 0 && (x - b > 0)) { // Bottom if (AboveWater[x, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Bottom left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y - b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y - b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } // Top Left else if (AboveWater[x - b, y + b] == 1) { NextX = x - b; NextY = y + b; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + b; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; getOut = 1; return; } else { b++; getOut = 0; } } } } // Find Shoreline cells - withOUT tides void FindBeachCells(int XStart) { // Determines locations of beach cells moving from left to right direction // This function will affect and determine the global arrays: X[] and Y[] // This function calls FindNextCell // This will define TotalBeachCells for this time step int x, z, ystart; ystart = ymax - 1; x = XStart; // Two while loops finding the start position of the beach (0) and second position (1) //while (AllBeach[x, ystart] == 0) while (AboveWater[x, ystart] == 0) { ystart -= 1; } // Step back to where partially full beach //ystart += 1; X[0] = XStart; Y[0] = ystart; //Need to give these some values for 'weathered rock' XBehind[0] = X[0]; YBehind[0] = Y[0]; //while (AllBeach[x + 1, ystart] == 0) while (AboveWater[x + 1, ystart] == 0) { ystart -= 1; } //ystart += 1; X[1] = XStart + 1; Y[1] = ystart; XBehind[1] = X[0]; YBehind[1] = Y[0]; //XYFile.Write("Iteration: " + "Z: " + "X: " + "Y: " + Environment.NewLine); //XYFile.Write(counter + " 0 " + X[0] + " " + Y[0] + Environment.NewLine // + counter + " 1 " + X[1] + " " + Y[1] + Environment.NewLine); z = 1; while ((X[z] < pbEnd - 1) && (z < MaxBeachLength - 1)) { z++; NextX = -2; NextY = -2; BehindX = -2; BehindY = -2; FindNextCell(X[z - 1], Y[z - 1], z - 1); X[z] = NextX; Y[z] = NextY; XBehind[z] = BehindX; YBehind[z] = BehindY; // If return to start point or go off left side of array, going the wrong direction // Jump off and start again closer to middle //Print to file X[] and Y[] Arrays //XYFile.Write(counter + " " + z + " " + X[z] + " " + Y[z] + Environment.NewLine); if ((NextX < 1) || ((NextX == X[0]) && (NextY == Y[0])) || (z > MaxBeachLength - 2)) { FellOffArray = 'y'; ZeroVars(); return; } } TotalBeachCells = z; FellOffArray = 'n'; //XYFile.Close(); } //void FindNextCell(int x, int y, int z) //{ // // Function to find next cell that is beach moving in the general positive X direction // // changes global variables NextX and NextY, coordinates for the next beach cell // // This function will use but not affect the global arrays: AllBeach [][], X[], and Y[] // // Came from left // if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z]) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] - 1)) // { // // Top // if ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Right // else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Right // else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Right // else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom // else if ((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Left // else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // //// Left // //else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) > 0.0) // //{ // // NextX = x - 1; // // NextY = y; // // BehindX = NextX; // // BehindY = NextY - 1; // // //BehindX = x; // // //BehindY = y; // // return; // //} // } // // Came from top left // else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] + 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] - 1)) // { // // Top Right // if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Right // else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Right // else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom // else if ((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Left // else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Left // else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // //// Top Left // //else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) // //{ // // NextX = x - 1; // // NextY = y + 1; // // BehindX = NextX - 1; // // BehindY = NextY; // // //BehindX = x; // // //BehindY = y; // // return; // //} // } // // Came from above // else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] + 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z])) // { // // Right // if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Right // else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom // else if ((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Left // else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Left // else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top left // else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // //// Top // //else if ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) > 0.0) // //{ // // NextX = x; // // NextY = y + 1; // // BehindX = NextX - 1; // // BehindY = NextY; // // //BehindX = x; // // //BehindY = y; // // return; // //} // } // // Came from upper right // else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] + 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] + 1)) // { // // Bottom Right // if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom // else if ((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom left // else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Left // else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Left // else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top // else if ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // //// Right // //else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) // //{ // // NextX = x + 1; // // NextY = y + 1; // // BehindX = NextX; // // BehindY = NextY + 1; // // //BehindX = x; // // //BehindY = y; // // return; // //} // } // // Came from right // else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z]) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] + 1)) // { // // Bottom // if ((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom left // else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Left // else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Left // else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top // else if ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Right // else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // //// Right // //else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) > 0.0) // //{ // // NextX = x + 1; // // NextY = y; // // BehindX = NextX; // // BehindY = NextY + 1; // // //BehindX = x; // // //BehindY = y; // // return; // //} // } // // Came from lower right // else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] - 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] + 1)) // { // // Bottom left // if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Left // else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Left // else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top // else if ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Right // else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Right // else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullSand[x + 2, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 2, y] > 0.0 // || PercentFullSand[x + 2, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 2, y - 1] > 0.0 // || PercentFullSand[x + 2, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 2, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // //// Bottom Right // //else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1]) > 0.0) // //{ // // NextX = x + 1; // // NextY = y - 1; // // BehindX = NextX + 1; // // BehindY = NextY; // // //BehindX = x; // // //BehindY = y; // // return; // //} // } // // Came from below // else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] - 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z])) // { // // Left // if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top left // else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top // else if ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Right // else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Right // else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Right // else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y - 1]) + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // //// Below // //else if ((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1]) + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] > 0.0) // //{ // // NextX = x; // // NextY = y - 1; // // BehindX = NextX; // // BehindY = NextY - 1; // // //BehindX = x; // // //BehindY = y; // // return; // //} // } // // Came from bottom left // else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] - 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] - 1)) // { // // Top Left // if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top // else if ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Top Right // else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Right // else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom Right // else if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // // Bottom // else if ((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) > 0.0) // { // NextX = x; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; // } // //// Bottom Left // //else if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1]) > 0.0) // //{ // // NextX = x - 1; // // NextY = y - 1; // // BehindX = NextX; // // BehindY = NextY - 1; // // //BehindX = x; // // //BehindY = y; // // return; // //} // } //} // Rock Calculations (weathering) void FindNextCell(int x, int y, int z) { // Function to find next cell that is beach moving in the general positive X direction // changes global variables NextX and NextY, coordinates for the next beach cell // This function will use but not affect the global arrays: AllBeach [][], X[], and Y[] // Came from left if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z]) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] - 1)) { // Top if ((AboveWater[x, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Right else if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Right else if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Right else if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom else if ((AboveWater[x, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Left else if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } //// Left //else if ((Elevation[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) > 0.0) //{ // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; //} } // Came from top left else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] + 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] - 1)) { // Top Right if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Right else if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Right else if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom else if ((AboveWater[x, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Left else if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Left else if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } //// Top Left //else if ((Elevation[x - 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) //{ // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; //} } // Came from above else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] + 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z])) { // Right if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Right else if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom else if ((AboveWater[x, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Left else if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Left else if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top left else if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } //// Top //else if ((Elevation[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) > 0.0) //{ // NextX = x; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX - 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; //} } // Came from upper right else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] + 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] + 1)) { // Bottom Right if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom else if ((AboveWater[x, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX - 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom left else if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Left else if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Left else if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top else if ((AboveWater[x, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } //// Right //else if ((Elevation[x + 1, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1]) > 0.0) //{ // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y + 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; //} } // Came from right else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z]) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] + 1)) { // Bottom if ((AboveWater[x, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom left else if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Left else if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Left else if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top else if ((AboveWater[x, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Right else if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } //// Right //else if ((Elevation[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) > 0.0) //{ // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY + 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; //} } // Came from lower right else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] - 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] + 1)) { // Bottom left if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Left else if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Left else if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY + 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top else if ((AboveWater[x, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Right else if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Right else if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } else if (AboveWater[x + 2, y] == 1 || AboveWater[x + 2, y - 1] == 1 || AboveWater[x + 2, y + 1] == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } //// Bottom Right //else if ((Elevation[x + 1, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1]) > 0.0) //{ // NextX = x + 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX + 1; // BehindY = NextY; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; //} } // Came from below else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] - 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z])) { // Left if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top left else if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top else if ((AboveWater[x, y + 1] ) == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Right else if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Right else if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Right else if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } //// Below //else if ((Elevation[x, y - 1]) + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] > 0.0) //{ // NextX = x; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; //} } // Came from bottom left else if ((Y[z - 1] == Y[z] - 1) && (X[z - 1] == X[z] - 1)) { // Top Left if ((AboveWater[x - 1, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x - 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top else if ((AboveWater[x, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX + 1; BehindY = NextY; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Top Right else if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y + 1]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y + 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Right else if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom Right else if ((AboveWater[x + 1, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x + 1; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } // Bottom else if ((AboveWater[x, y - 1]) == 1) { NextX = x; NextY = y - 1; BehindX = NextX; BehindY = NextY - 1; //BehindX = x; //BehindY = y; return; } //// Bottom Left //else if ((Elevation[x - 1, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1]) > 0.0) //{ // NextX = x - 1; // NextY = y - 1; // BehindX = NextX; // BehindY = NextY - 1; // //BehindX = x; // //BehindY = y; // return; //} } } void FindRockCells(int XStart) { //LMV //Determines locations of rock cells moving from left to right direction //This function will affect and determine the global arrays: XRock[] and YRock[] //This function calls FindNextRockCell //This will define TotalRockCells for this time step int x, z, ystart; //StreamWriter XYRockFile = new StreamWriter("TEST_FILES/XYRock.dat"); // Starting at left end, find the x - value for first cell that is 'allbeach' ystart = ymax - 1; x = XStart; // Two while loops finding the start position of the Rock (0) and second position (1) while (AllRock[x, ystart] == 0) { ystart -= 1; } // Step back to where partially full beach ystart += 1; YRock[0] = ystart; XRock[0] = XStart; //Need to give these some values for 'weathered rock' XRockBehind[0] = XRock[0]; YRockBehind[0] = YRock[0]; while (AllRock[x + 1, ystart] == 0) { ystart -= 1; } ystart += 1; YRock[1] = ystart; XRock[1] = XStart + 1; XRockBehind[1] = XRock[0]; YRockBehind[1] = YRock[0]; // XYRockFile.Write("Iteration: " + "Z: " + "X: " + "Y: " + Environment.NewLine); // XYRockFile.Write(counter + " 0 " + XRock[0] + " " + YRock[0] + Environment.NewLine // + counter + " 1 " + XRock[1] + " " + YRock[1] + Environment.NewLine); z = 1; while ((XRock[z] < pbEnd - 1) && (z < MaxBeachLength - 1)) { z++; NextRockX = -2; NextRockY = -2; BehindRockX = -2; BehindRockY = -2; FindNextRockCell(XRock[z - 1], YRock[z - 1], z - 1); XRock[z] = NextRockX; YRock[z] = NextRockY; XRockBehind[z] = BehindRockX; YRockBehind[z] = BehindRockY; //Print to file XRock[] and YRock[] Arrays // XYRockFile.Write(counter + " " + z + " " + XRock[z] + " " + YRock[z] + Environment.NewLine); // If return to start point or go off left side of array, going the wrong direction // Jump off and start again closer to middle if ((NextRockX < 1) || ((NextRockX == XRock[0]) && (NextRockY == YRock[0])) || (z > MaxBeachLength - 2)) { FellOffRockArray = 'y'; ZeroVars(); return; } } TotalRockCells = z; FellOffRockArray = 'n'; //XYRockFile.Close(); } //void FindNextRockCell(int x, int y, int z) //{ // // Function to find next cell that is rock moving in the general positive X direction // // changes global variables NextRockX and NextRockY, coordinates for the next beach cell // // This function will use but not affect the global arrays: AllRock [][], XRock[], and YRock[] // // Came from left // if ((YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z]) && (XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z] - 1)) // { // if (PercentFullRock[x, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // } // // Came from upper left // else if ((YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z] + 1) && (XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z] - 1)) // { // if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // } // // Came from above // else if ((YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z] + 1) && (XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z])) // { // if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // } // // Came from upper right // else if ((YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z] + 1) && (XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z] + 1)) // { // if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // } // // Came from right // else if ((YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z]) && (XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z] + 1)) // { // if (PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // } // // Came from lower right // else if ((XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z] - 1) && (YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z] + 1)) // { // if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // } // // Came from below // else if ((YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z] - 1) && (XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z])) // { // if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // } // // Came from lower left // else if ((YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z] - 1) && (XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z] - 1)) // { // if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x - 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y + 1; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x + 1; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // else if (PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // NextRockY = y - 1; // NextRockX = x; // //BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; // //BehindRockX = NextRockX; // BehindRockX = x; // BehindRockY = y; // return; // } // } //} void FindNextRockCell(int x, int y, int z) { // Function to find next cell that is rock moving in the general positive X direction // changes global variables NextRockX and NextRockY, coordinates for the next beach cell // This function will use but not affect the global arrays: AllRock [][], XRock[], and YRock[] // Came from left if ((YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z]) && (XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z] - 1)) { if (PercentFullRock[x, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x; BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x; BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } } // Came from upper left else if ((YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z] + 1) && (XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z] - 1)) { if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } } // Came from above else if ((YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z] + 1) && (XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z])) { if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } } // Came from upper right else if ((YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z] + 1) && (XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z] + 1)) { if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX - 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x; BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } } // Came from right else if ((YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z]) && (XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z] + 1)) { if (PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x; BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x; BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } } // Came from lower right else if ((XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z] - 1) && (YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z] + 1)) { if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY + 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } } // Came from below else if ((YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z] - 1) && (XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z])) { if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } } // Came from lower left else if ((YRock[z - 1] == YRock[z] - 1) && (XRock[z - 1] == XRock[z] - 1)) { if (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x - 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x; BehindRockY = NextRockY; BehindRockX = NextRockX + 1; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y + 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y + 1; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x + 1; BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } else if (PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] > 0.0) { NextRockY = y - 1; NextRockX = x; BehindRockY = NextRockY - 1; BehindRockX = NextRockX; //BehindRockX = x; //BehindRockY = y; return; } } } void RockCalculations() { // For each Rock cell j, moves along the beach and determines distance from rock to beach and amount of rock to weather // This function calls FindNearestBeach and WeatherRock // This function will use but not adjust the variable TotalRockCells // Determines the total amount of rock weathered in one time step int j; double TotalAmountWeathered = 0.0; CurrentPercentFine = 0; for (j = 0; j <= TotalRockCells; j++) { FindNearestBeach(j); WeatherRock(j); TotalAmountWeathered += AmountWeathered[j]; if (TypeOfRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] == 'f') { CurrentPercentFine = PercentFineFast; } else if (TypeOfRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] == 's') { CurrentPercentFine = PercentFineSlow; } else { MessageBox.Show("Problem with 'Rock Calculation' - CurrentPercentFine"); } if (AmountWeathered[j] > 0.0 && CurrentPercentFine > 0.0) { RemoveFines(j, (CurrentPercentFine * AmountWeathered[j])); } } } void FindNearestBeach(int j) { // Calculates the Euclidean distance between Rock and Beach for entire beach array // Finds the minimum beach to rock distance // This function will use but not adjust the global arrays: X[], Y[], XRock[], YRock[], PercentFullSand[][] // This function will use but not adjust the variables MinDistanceToBeach and TotalBeachCells int i; double DeltaX, DeltaY; int LookStart, LookEnd; MinDistanceToBeach[j] = BigDistanceToBeach; // Do a full sweep every now and then if (counter % TimeToSweepFullBeach == 0) { for (i = 0; i <= TotalBeachCells; i++) { // Vertical Distance if (Y[i] != YRock[j]) { //Saying that all cells will be max cell width, so can just take PFS out of this equation //DeltaY = ((Y[i] - YRock[j] - 1) + (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] + PercentFullSand[XRock[j], YRock[j]])) * CellWidth; DeltaY = (Y[i] - YRock[j] - 1) * CellWidth; } else { //DeltaY = ((PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]) * CellWidth); DeltaY = CellWidth; } // Horizontal Distance if (XRock[j] <= X[i]) { DeltaX = (X[i] - XRock[j]) * CellWidth; } else { DeltaX = (XRock[j] - X[i]) * CellWidth; } DistanceToBeach[j] = Math.Sqrt((DeltaX * DeltaX) + (DeltaY * DeltaY)); if (DistanceToBeach[j] < MinDistanceToBeach[j]) { MinDistanceToBeach[j] = DistanceToBeach[j]; ClosestBeach[j] = i; } } } else // LookDist allows the program to skip the full beach sweep at every iteration by looking at // the location of the previous closest beach and sweeping out a small arc plus or minus LookDist { if (ClosestBeach[j] - LookDist >= 0) { LookStart = ClosestBeach[j] - LookDist; } // Only sweep right when on left end else { LookStart = 0; } if (ClosestBeach[j] + LookDist <= TotalBeachCells) { LookEnd = ClosestBeach[j] + LookDist; } // Only sweep left when at right end else { LookEnd = TotalBeachCells; } for (i = LookStart; i < LookEnd; i++) { if (Y[i] != YRock[j]) { //DeltaY = ((Y[i] - YRock[j] - 1) + (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] + PercentFullSand[XRock[j], YRock[j]])) * CellWidth; DeltaY = (Y[i] - YRock[j] - 1) * CellWidth; } else { //DeltaY = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]) * CellWidth; DeltaY = CellWidth; } // Horizontal distance if (XRock[j] <= X[i]) { DeltaX = (X[i] - XRock[j]) * CellWidth; } else { DeltaX = (XRock[j] - X[i]) * CellWidth; } DistanceToBeach[j] = Math.Sqrt(DeltaY * DeltaY + DeltaX * DeltaX); if (DistanceToBeach[j] < MinDistanceToBeach[j]) { MinDistanceToBeach[j] = DistanceToBeach[j]; ClosestBeach[j] = i; } } } } void WeatherRock(int j) { // With Cliffs // Fuction changes PercentFullRock[][] and PercentFullSand[][] along the rock beach interface only // At this point, weathering rate is pretty arbitrary // Fuction also changes AllRock[][] // Weathering rate changes along the shore, 'f' = fast weather, 's' = slow weathering // Function uses (but does not change) TypeOfRock[][] to determine rate double WeatheringRatePerYear; // Slow rock weathering if (TypeOfRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] == 's') { // Think in terms of Vertical Equivalence if ((MinDistanceToBeach[j] / CellWidth) <= NoWeathering) { // Exponential weathering based on sed cover WeatheringRatePerYear = SlowWeatherCoeff * (Math.Exp((-MinDistanceToBeach[j]) / CellWidth)); } else { WeatheringRatePerYear = 0; } } // Fast rock weathering else if (TypeOfRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] == 'f') { // Think in terms of vertical equivalence if ((MinDistanceToBeach[j] / CellWidth) <= NoWeathering) { //Exponential weathering based on sed cover WeatheringRatePerYear = FastWeatherCoeff * (Math.Exp((-MinDistanceToBeach[j]) / CellWidth)); } else { WeatheringRatePerYear = 0; } } else { WeatheringRatePerYear = 0; } // Amount weathering per time step (Percent weathered which correlates with TimeStepValue) AmountWeathered[j] = ((WeatheringRatePerYear * TimeStepValue) / 365) / CellWidth; if (PercentFullRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] >= AmountWeathered[j]) { PercentFullRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] -= AmountWeathered[j]; //Include cliff height //PercentFullSand[XRock[j], YRock[j]] += AmountWeathered[j] + (AmountWeathered[j] *(CliffHeight/DepthShoreface)*(1-PercentFineFast)); PercentFullSand[XRock[j], YRock[j]] += AmountWeathered[j] + (AmountWeathered[j] * (CliffHeight / DepthShoreface) * (1 - PercentFineFast)); if (PercentFullRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] < MaxFillCell) { AllRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] = 0; } } else if (PercentFullRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] < AmountWeathered[j]) { if ((PercentFullRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] + PercentFullRock[XRockBehind[j], YRockBehind[j]]) >= AmountWeathered[j]) { AllRock[XRockBehind[j], YRockBehind[j]] = 0; PercentFullRock[XRockBehind[j], YRockBehind[j]] -= (AmountWeathered[j] - PercentFullRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]]); PercentFullSand[XRockBehind[j], YRockBehind[j]] += (AmountWeathered[j] - PercentFullRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] + ((AmountWeathered[j] - PercentFullRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]]) * (CliffHeight / DepthShoreface) * (1 - CurrentPercentFine))); PercentFullSand[XRock[j], YRock[j]] += PercentFullRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] + (PercentFullRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] * (CliffHeight / DepthShoreface) * (1 - CurrentPercentFine)); PercentFullRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] = 0.0; } else { PauseRun(-1, -1, j); PercentFullSand[XRock[j], YRock[j]] += PercentFullRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]]; PercentFullRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] = 0.0; } } if (PercentFullSand[XRock[j], YRock[j]] < 0.0) { PercentFullSand[XRock[j], YRock[j]] = 0.0; } // After weathering, lose a percentage of weathered rock in the closest beach cell // This represents fine grained material that does not stay in nearshore system if ((AmountWeathered[j] > 0.0) && (TypeOfRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] == 'f')) { PercentFullSand[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] -= PercentFineFast * AmountWeathered[j]; } if ((AmountWeathered[j] > 0.0) && (TypeOfRock[XRock[j], YRock[j]] == 's')) { PercentFullSand[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] -= PercentFineSlow * AmountWeathered[j]; } } void RemoveFines(int j, double Fines) { //// After weathering, lose a percentage of weathered rock in the closest beach cell //// This represents fine grained material that does not stay in nearshore system //// Note, if closest beach cell doesn't have enough, take from cell behind. //// if both don't have enough, take from the cells in which you created sed earlier. //// those don't have enough, just empty them //int takefrom; //double Available; ////Fines from Percentage to volume //Fines = Fines * CellWidth * TElevationCS[X[j], Y[j]]; //if (ClosestBeach[j] > 0 && ClosestBeach[j] < pbEnd && ClosestBeach[j] > 0 && ClosestBeach[j] < ymax) //{ // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] >= Fines) // { // Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] -= Fines; // if ((Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]]) > WaterLevel) // { // AboveWater[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] = 1; // } // else // { // AboveWater[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] = 0; // } // } // else if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] + Volume[XBehind[ClosestBeach[j]], YBehind[ClosestBeach[j]]] >= Fines) // { // Volume[XBehind[ClosestBeach[j]], YBehind[ClosestBeach[j]]] -= (Fines - Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]]); // Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] = 0; // if ((Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]]) > WaterLevel) // { // AboveWater[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] = 1; // } // else // { // AboveWater[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] = 0; // } // if ((Volume[XBehind[ClosestBeach[j]], YBehind[ClosestBeach[j]]]) > WaterLevel) // { // AboveWater[XBehind[ClosestBeach[j]], YBehind[ClosestBeach[j]]] = 1; // } // else // { // AboveWater[XBehind[ClosestBeach[j]], YBehind[ClosestBeach[j]]] = 0; // } // } // // Try to find enough... // else if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] // + Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] // + Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] // + Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] // + Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] // + Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] // + Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] // + Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] // >= 0) // { // Available = Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] // + Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] // + Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] // + Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] // + Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] // + Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] // + Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] // + Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] // + Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1]; // if (Available > Fines) // { // Available = Fines; // } // takefrom = 0; // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] > 0) takefrom++; // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] > 0) takefrom++; // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] > 0) takefrom++; // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] > 0) takefrom++; // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] > 0) takefrom++; // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] > 0) takefrom++; // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] > 0) takefrom++; // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] > 0) takefrom++; // if (takefrom > 0) // { // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] > 0) // { // Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] -= Available / takefrom; // AboveWater[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] = 0; // } // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] > 0) // { // Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] -= Available / takefrom; // AboveWater[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] = 0; // } // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] > 0) // { // Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] -= Available / takefrom; // AboveWater[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1] = 0; // } // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] > 0) // { // Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] -= Available / takefrom; // AboveWater[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] = 0; // } // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] > 0) // { // Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] -= Available / takefrom; // AboveWater[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] = 0; // } // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] > 0) // { // Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] -= Available / takefrom; // AboveWater[X[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] = 0; // } // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] > 0) // { // Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] -= Available / takefrom; // AboveWater[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] = 0; // } // if (Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] > 0) // { // Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] -= Available / takefrom; // AboveWater[X[ClosestBeach[j]] + 1, Y[ClosestBeach[j]] - 1] = 0; // } // } // else // if can't find enough, just remove what's available // { // Volume[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] = 0; // Volume[XBehind[ClosestBeach[j]], YBehind[ClosestBeach[j]]] = 0; // AboveWater[X[ClosestBeach[j]], Y[ClosestBeach[j]]] = 0; // AboveWater[XBehind[ClosestBeach[j]], YBehind[ClosestBeach[j]]] = 0; // } // } //} } // Full or Empty void OopsImFull(int x, int y) { //// If a cell is overfull, push beach out in new direction //// Completely revised 5/20/02 sandrevt.c to resolve 0% full problems, etc. //// New approach: put sand wherever 0% full in adjacent cells //// if not 0% full, then fill all non-allbeach //// Function adjusts primary data arrays: //// AllBeach[][] and PercentFullSand[][] //// LMV add rock adjustments //int fillcells = 0; //int fillcells2 = 0; //if (x < pbEnd - 2) //{ // // find out how many cells will be filled up // if (y > 0 && (PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) == 0.0) // { // fillcells += 1; // } // if ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) == 0.0) // { // fillcells += 1; // } // if (x > 0 && (PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) == 0.0) // { // fillcells += 1; // } // if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) == 0.0) // { // fillcells += 1; // } // if (fillcells > 0) // { // // Now Move Sediment // if (y > 0 && (PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) == 0.0) // { // PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] += ((PercentFullSand[x, y] + PercentFullRock[x, y]) - MaxFillCell) / fillcells; // } // if ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) == 0.0) // { // PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] += ((PercentFullSand[x, y] + PercentFullRock[x, y]) - MaxFillCell) / fillcells; // } // if (x > 0 && (PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) == 0.0) // { // PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] += ((PercentFullSand[x, y] + PercentFullRock[x, y]) - MaxFillCell) / fillcells; // } // if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) == 0.0) // { // PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] += ((PercentFullSand[x, y] + PercentFullRock[x, y]) - MaxFillCell) / fillcells; // } // } // else // { // // No fully empty neighbors, so distribute to partially full neighbors // if (y > 0 && (PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) < MaxFillCell) // { // fillcells2 += 1; // } // if ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) < MaxFillCell) // { // fillcells2 += 1; // } // if (x > 0 && (PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) < MaxFillCell) // { // fillcells2 += 1; // } // if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) < MaxFillCell) // { // fillcells2 += 1; // } // if (fillcells2 > 0) // { // if ((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) < MaxFillCell) // { // PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] += ((PercentFullSand[x, y] + PercentFullRock[x, y]) - MaxFillCell) / fillcells2; // } // if ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) < MaxFillCell) // { // PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] += ((PercentFullSand[x, y] + PercentFullRock[x, y]) - MaxFillCell) / fillcells2; // } // if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) < MaxFillCell) // { // PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] += ((PercentFullSand[x, y] + PercentFullRock[x, y]) - MaxFillCell) / fillcells2; // } // if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) < MaxFillCell) // { // PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] += ((PercentFullSand[x, y] + PercentFullRock[x, y]) - MaxFillCell) / fillcells2; // } // } // } // if (PercentFullSand[x, y] + PercentFullRock[x, y] >= MaxFillCell) // { // AllBeach[x, y] = 1; // } // PercentFullSand[x, y] = MaxFillCell - PercentFullRock[x, y]; //} } void OopsImEmpty(int x, int y) { //// If a cell is under-full, this will find source for desparity and move brach in //// Function completly changed 5/21/02 sandrevt.c //// New Approach - steal from all neighboring AllBeach cells //// Backup plan - steal from all neighboring percent full > 0 //// Function adjusts primary data arrays: //// AllBeach[][] and PercentFullSand[][] //// LMV Needs to be adjusted -- can't take sand from rock cells, uses AllRock[][] //int emptycells = 0; //int emptycells2 = 0; ////if (debug8) printf("\n OOPS I'm EMPTY! X: %d Y: %d PFS: %f PFR: %f", x, y, PercentFullSand[x][y], PercentFullRock[x][y]); //if (x < pbEnd - 2) //{ // if (y > 0 && (AllBeach[x, y - 1] == 1) && (PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] == 0.0)) // { // emptycells += 1; // } // if ((AllBeach[x, y + 1] == 1) && (PercentFullRock[x, y + 1] == 0.0)) // { // emptycells += 1; // } // if ((x > 0 && AllBeach[x - 1, y] == 1) && (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y] == 0.0)) // { // emptycells += 1; // } // if ((AllBeach[x + 1, y] == 1) && (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y] == 0.0)) // { // emptycells += 1; // } // if (emptycells > 0) // { // // Now Move Sediment // if (y > 0 && (AllBeach[x, y - 1] == 1) && (PercentFullRock[x, y - 1] == 0.0)) // { // PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] += PercentFullSand[x, y] / emptycells; // AllBeach[x, y - 1] = 0; // //if (debug8) printf(" E MOVEDBACK\n"); // //if (debug8) printf(" PFR behind: %f\n", PercentFullRock[x - 1][y]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x - 1][y] < 0.0) // // printf("PFS went Negative in OopsI'mEmpty x-1: %d y:%d %f \n", x - 1, y, PercentFullSand[x - 1][y]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x - 1][y] > 1.0) // // printf("PFS went >1 in OopsI'mEmpty x-1: %d y:%d %f \n", x - 1, y, PercentFullSand[x - 1][y]); // } // if ((AllBeach[x, y + 1] == 1) && (PercentFullRock[x, y + 1] == 0.0)) // { // PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] += PercentFullSand[x, y] / emptycells; // AllBeach[x, y + 1] = 0; // //if (debug8) printf(" E MOVEDUP\n"); // //if (debug8) printf(" PFR up: %f\n", PercentFullRock[x + 1][y]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x + 1][y] < 0.0) // // printf("PFS went Negative in OopsI'mEmpty x+1: %d y:%d %f \n", x + 1, y, PercentFullSand[x + 1][y]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x + 1][y] > 1.0) // // printf("PFS went >1 in OopsI'mEmpty x+1: %d y:%d %f \n", x + 1, y, PercentFullSand[x + 1][y]); // } // if (x > 0 && (AllBeach[x - 1, y] == 1) && (PercentFullRock[x - 1, y] == 0.0)) // { // PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] += PercentFullSand[x, y] / emptycells; // AllBeach[x - 1, y] = 0; // //if (debug8) printf(" E MOVEDLEFT\n"); // //if (debug8) printf(" PFR left: %f\n", PercentFullRock[x][y - 1]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x][y - 1] < 0.0) // // printf("PFS went Negative in OopsI'mEmpty x: %d y-1:%d %f \n", x, y - 1, PercentFullSand[x][y - 1]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x][y - 1] > 1.0) // // printf("PFS went >1 in OopsI'mEmpty x: %d y-1:%d %f \n", x, y - 1, PercentFullSand[x][y - 1]); // } // if ((AllBeach[x + 1, y] == 1) && (PercentFullRock[x + 1, y] == 0.0)) // { // PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] += PercentFullSand[x, y] / emptycells; // AllBeach[x + 1, y] = 0; // //if (debug8) printf(" E MOVEDRIGHT\n"); // //if (debug8) printf(" PFR right: %f\n", PercentFullRock[x][y + 1]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x][y + 1] < 0.0) // // printf("PFS went Negative in OopsI'mEmpty x: %d y+1:%d %f \n", x, y + 1, PercentFullSand[x][y + 1]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x][y - 1] > 1.0) // // printf("PFS went >1 in OopsI'mEmpty x: %d y-1:%d %f \n", x, y - 1, PercentFullSand[x][y - 1]); // } // } // else // { // // No full neighbors, so take away from partially full neighbors // if (y > 0 && PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // emptycells2 += 1; // } // if (PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // emptycells2 += 1; // } // if (x > 0 && PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] > 0.0) // { // emptycells2 += 1; // } // if (PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] > 0.0) // { // emptycells2 += 1; // } // //if (debug8) printf("no full neighbors, counted %d partials\n", emptycells2); // if (emptycells2 > 0) // { // if (y > 06 && PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] > 0.0) // { // PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] += PercentFullSand[x, y] / emptycells2; // //if (debug8) printf(" E NOTFULL MOVEDBACK\n"); // //if (debug8) printf(" PFR behind: %f\n", PercentFullRock[x - 1][y]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x - 1][y] < 0.0) // // printf("PFS went Negative in OopsI'mEmpty x-1: %d y:%d %f \n", x - 1, y, PercentFullSand[x - 1][y]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x - 1][y] > 1.0) // // printf("PFS went >1 in OopsI'mEmpty x-1: %d y:%d %f \n", x - 1, y, PercentFullSand[x - 1][y]); // } // if (PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] > 0.0) // { // PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] += PercentFullSand[x, y] / emptycells2; // //if (debug8) printf(" E NOTFULL MOVEDUP\n"); // //if (debug8) printf(" PFR up: %f\n", PercentFullRock[x + 1][y]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x + 1][y] < 0.0) // // printf("PFS went Negative in OopsI'mEmpty x+1: %d y:%d %f \n", x + 1, y, PercentFullSand[x + 1][y]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x + 1][y] > 1.0) // // printf("PFS went >1 in OopsI'mEmpty x+1: %d y:%d %f \n", x + 1, y, PercentFullSand[x + 1][y]); // } // if (x > 0 && PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] > 0.0) // { // PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] += PercentFullSand[x, y] / emptycells2; // //if (debug8) printf(" E NOTFULL MOVEDLEFT\n"); // //if (debug8) printf(" PFR left: %f\n", PercentFullRock[x][y - 1]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x][y - 1] < 0.0) // // printf("PFS went Negative in OopsI'mEmpty...Bummer x: %d y-1:%d %f \n", x, y - 1, PercentFullSand[x][y - 1]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x][y - 1] > 1.0) // // printf("PFS went >1 in OopsI'mEmpty...Bummer x: %d y-1:%d %f \n", x, y - 1, PercentFullSand[x][y - 1]); // } // if (PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] > 0.0) // { // PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] += PercentFullSand[x, y] / emptycells2; // //if (debug8) printf(" E NOTFULL MOVEDRIGHT\n"); // //if (debug8) printf(" PFR right: %f\n", PercentFullRock[x][y + 1]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x][y + 1] < 0.0) // // printf("PFS went Negative in OopsI'mEmpty...Bummer x: %d y+1:%d %f \n", x, y + 1, PercentFullSand[x][y + 1]); // //if (debug8a && PercentFullSand[x][y - 1] > 1.0) // // printf("PFS went >1 in OopsI'mEmpty...Bummer x: %d y-1:%d %f \n", x, y - 1, PercentFullSand[x][y - 1]); // } // } // //else // //{ // // printf("@@@ Didn't find anywhere to steal sand from!! x: %d y: %d\n", x, y); // //} // } // if ((PercentFullSand[x, y]) + (PercentFullRock[x, y]) < MaxFillCell) // { // AllBeach[x, y] = 0; // } // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.0; // if (debug0 == 1 && PercentFullSand[58, 269] < 0.0) // { // StreamWriter DebugFile = new StreamWriter(DebugFilePath); // DebugFile.Write("PercentFullSand(58,259) made underfull (" + PercentFullSand[58, 269] + ") after calling oops(" + x + ", " + y + ")\n"); // DebugFile.Close(); // //printf("^^^^^^(58,259) made underfull (%f) after calling oops(%d,%d)^^^^\n", PercentFullSand[58][269], x, y); // } //} } ///Diffusion for X[i] Y[i] void OopsImDiffusing_old() { int CellCount = 0; int xHolder; int s = 0; //for (int k = 1; k < TotalBeachCells - 1; k++) //{ // if (TElevationDomain[X[k], Y[k]] > (maxDomainDepth + WaterLevel + 2)) // { // double extra = (((TElevationDomain[X[k], Y[k]] - (maxDomainDepth + WaterLevel + 0.5)) * CellWidth * CellWidth)); // Volume[X[k], Y[k]] -= extra; // if (direction[k] == 1) // Up // { // extra = extra / numCells[k]; // for (int j = 0; j < numCells[k]; j++) // { // Volume[X[k], Y[k] + j] += extra; // } // } // else if (direction[k] == 3) // Right // { // extra = extra / numCells[k]; // xHolder = X[k]; // for (int j = 0; j < numCells[k]; j++) // { // if (xHolder + s > pbEnd - 1) // { // xHolder = 0; // s = 0; // Volume[xHolder + s, Y[k]] += extra; // s++; // } // else // { // Volume[xHolder + s, Y[k]] += extra; // s++; // } // } // } // else if (direction[k] == 5) // Bottom // { // extra = extra / numCells[k]; // for (int j = 0; j < numCells[k]; j++) // { // Volume[X[k], Y[k] - j] += extra; // } // } // else if (direction[k] == 7) // Left // { // extra = extra / numCells[k]; // xHolder = X[k]; // for (int j = 0; j < numCells[k]; j++) // { // if (xHolder - s < 0) // { // xHolder = pbEnd - 1; // s = 0; // Volume[xHolder - s, Y[k]] += extra; // s++; // } // else // { // Volume[xHolder - s, Y[k]] += extra; // s++; // } // } // } // } //} //for (int i = 1; i < TotalBeachCells - 1; i++) //{ // int count = 0; // double extra = 0; // int a = 0; // int b = 0; // if (TElevationDomain[X[i] + a, Y[i] + b] > (maxDomainDepth + WaterLevel + 0.005)) // { // if (AboveWater[X[i] + a, Y[i] + b + 1] == 0) // Top // { // count++; // } // //if (AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] == 0) // Top right // //{ // // count++; // //} // if (AboveWater[X[i] + a + 1, Y[i] + b] == 0) // Right // { // count++; // } // //if (AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] == 0) // Bottom Right // //{ // // count++; // //} // if (AboveWater[X[i] - a, Y[i] - b - 1] == 0) // Bottom // { // count++; // } // //if (AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] == 0) // Bottom Left // //{ // // count++; // //} // if (AboveWater[X[i] - a - 1, Y[i] - b] == 0) // Left // { // count++; // } // //if (AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] == 0) // Top Left // //{ // // count++; // //} // extra = ((TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]] - (maxDomainDepth + WaterLevel + 0.0025)) / count) * CellWidth * CellWidth; // Volume[X[i], Y[i]] -= (extra * count); // if (AboveWater[X[i] + a, Y[i] + b + 1] == 0) // Top // { // Volume[X[i] + a, Y[i] + b + 1] += extra; // } // //if (AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] == 0) // Top right // //{ // // Volume[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] += extra; // //} // if (AboveWater[X[i] + a + 1, Y[i] + b] == 0) // Right // { // Volume[X[i] + a + 1, Y[i] + b] += extra; // } // //if (AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] == 0) // Bottom Right // //{ // // Volume[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] += extra; // //} // if (AboveWater[X[i] - a, Y[i] - b - 1] == 0) // Bottom // { // Volume[X[i] - a, Y[i] - b - 1] += extra; // } // //if (AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] == 0) // Bottom Left // //{ // // Volume[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] += extra; // //} // if (AboveWater[X[i] - a - 1, Y[i] - b] == 0) // Left // { // Volume[X[i] - a - 1, Y[i] - b] += extra; // } // //if (AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] == 0) // Top Left // //{ // // Volume[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] += extra; // //} // } //else if (TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]] < (maxDomainDepth + WaterLevel - 1)) //{ // if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + 1] == 1) // Top // { // count++; // } // if (AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] == 1) // Top right // { // count++; // } // if (AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] == 1) // Right // { // count++; // } // if (AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] == 1) // Bottom Right // { // count++; // } // if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - 1] == 1) // Bottom // { // count++; // } // if (AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] == 1) // Bottom Left // { // count++; // } // if (AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] == 1) // Left // { // count++; // } // if (AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] == 1) // Top Left // { // count++; // } // extra = (((maxDomainDepth + WaterLevel - 0.5) - TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]]) / count) * CellWidth * CellWidth; // Volume[X[i], Y[i]] += (extra * count); // if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + 1] == 0) // Top // { // Volume[X[i], Y[i] + 1] -= extra; // } // if (AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] == 0) // Top right // { // Volume[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] -= extra; // } // if (AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] == 0) // Right // { // Volume[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] -= extra; // } // if (AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] == 0) // Bottom Right // { // Volume[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] -= extra; // } // if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - 1] == 0) // Bottom // { // Volume[X[i], Y[i] - 1] -= extra; // } // if (AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] == 0) // Bottom Left // { // Volume[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] -= extra; // } // if (AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] == 0) // Left // { // Volume[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] -= extra; // } // if (AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] == 0) // Top Left // { // Volume[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] -= extra; // } //} //} // Potentially a lot of problems in here, but see how it goes! int repeat; // want to loop through this process twice! int x, y, n, i; int ex, wy, en; double[] HeightDiff = new double[4]; double[] LocalAngle = new double[4]; double[] AmountStable = new double[4]; double[] PercentAStable = new double[4]; double[] Values = new double[4]; double AStableTotal = 0; double HeightThresholdDry = 4; double HeightThresholdWet = 4; double AmountAvailable; int HighestIndex = 0; double WetCell; double WetCellT; double WetCellR; double WetCellB; double WetCellL; double[] Change = new double[4]; double Count; for (repeat = 0; repeat < 2; repeat++) { //if (counter % 10 != 0) //{ // //Loop through the array and apply diffusion // for (i = 1; i < TotalBeachCells - 1; i++) // { // Count = 0; // // What are the values in the cells? // Values[0] = TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i + 1]]; //Top // Values[1] = TElevationDomain[X[i + 1], Y[i]]; // Right // Values[2] = TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i - 1]]; // Bottom // Values[3] = TElevationDomain[X[i - 1], Y[i]]; // left // // What is the HeightDiff between cell x and its neighbours? // for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) // { // HeightDiff[n] = TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]] - Values[n]; // } // // How much material is needed to make cells stable? // for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) // { // // Done this so I don't get weird numbers if there is a higher neighbour.. this might cause other problems (est. too much available) // if (HeightDiff[n] < 0) // { // HeightDiff[n] = 0; // } // AmountStable[n] = ((HeightDiff[n] - HeightThresholdDry) / 2); // if (AmountStable[n] < 0) // { // AmountStable[n] = 0; // } // AStableTotal += AmountStable[n]; // } // // Percentage of total material needed for each cell // for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) // { // PercentAStable[n] = ((AmountStable[n] / AStableTotal) * 100); // if (double.IsNaN(PercentAStable[n]) || HeightDiff[n] == 0) // { // PercentAStable[n] = 0; // } // } // // How much material is avaialble to move? // HighestIndex = Array.IndexOf(HeightDiff, (HeightDiff.Max())); //Using Height not values incase on is higher than x // AmountAvailable = HeightDiff[HighestIndex] / 2; // // Give each cell 50% of it's percentage of what's availabe - but be careful that its not more than it needs // for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) // { // Change[n] = (((PercentAStable[n] / 100) * AmountAvailable)); // if (Change[n] > AmountStable[n]) // { // Change[n] = AmountStable[n]; // } // Count += Change[n]; // } // SedimentChange[X[i], Y[i]] -= Count; // Cell x // SedimentChange[X[i], Y[i + 1]] += (Change[0]); // Top // SedimentChange[X[i + 1], Y[i]] += (Change[1]); // Right // SedimentChange[X[i], Y[i - 1]] += (Change[2]); // Bottom // SedimentChange[X[i - 1], Y[i]] += (Change[3]); // left // AStableTotal = 0; // } //} //// Whole domain - Loop through the array and apply diffusion //else //{ for (x = 1; x < pbEnd - 1; x++) { for (y = 1; y < ymax - 1; y++) { Count = 0; // What are the values in the cells? Values[0] = TElevationDomain[x, y + 1]; //Top Values[1] = TElevationDomain[x + 1, y]; // Right Values[2] = TElevationDomain[x, y - 1]; // Bottom Values[3] = TElevationDomain[x - 1, y]; // left // What is the HeightDiff between cell x and its neighbours? for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) { HeightDiff[n] = TElevationDomain[x, y] - Values[n]; } // How much material is needed to make cells stable? for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) { // Done this so I don't get weird numbers if there is a higher neighbour.. this might cause other problems (est. too much available) if (HeightDiff[n] < 0) { HeightDiff[n] = 0; } AmountStable[n] = ((HeightDiff[n] - HeightThresholdDry) / 2); if (AmountStable[n] < 0) { AmountStable[n] = 0; } AStableTotal += AmountStable[n]; } // Percentage of total material needed for each cell for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) { PercentAStable[n] = ((AmountStable[n] / AStableTotal) * 100); if (double.IsNaN(PercentAStable[n]) || HeightDiff[n] == 0) { PercentAStable[n] = 0; } } // How much material is avaialble to move? HighestIndex = Array.IndexOf(HeightDiff, (HeightDiff.Max())); //Using Height not values incase on is higher than x AmountAvailable = HeightDiff[HighestIndex] / 2; // Give each cell 50% of it's percentage of what's availabe - but be careful that its not more than it needs for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) { Change[n] = (((PercentAStable[n] / 100) * AmountAvailable)); if (Change[n] > AmountStable[n]) { Change[n] = AmountStable[n]; } Count += Change[n]; } SedimentChange[x, y] -= Count; // Cell x SedimentChange[x, y + 1] += (Change[0]); // Top SedimentChange[x + 1, y] += (Change[1]); // Right SedimentChange[x, y - 1] += (Change[2]); // Bottom SedimentChange[x - 1, y] += (Change[3]); // left AStableTotal = 0; } } } DepthElevation(); } void OopsImLandsliding() { int CellCount = 0; int xHolder; int s = 0; // Potentially a lot of problems in here, but see how it goes! int repeat; // want to loop through this process twice! int x, y, n, i; int ex, wy, en; double[] HeightDiff = new double[4]; double[] LocalAngle = new double[4]; double[] AmountStable = new double[4]; double[] PercentAStable = new double[4]; double[] Values = new double[4]; double AStableTotal = 0; double HeightThresholdDry = 1.01; double HeightThresholdWet = 4; double AmountAvailable; int HighestIndex = 0; double WetCell; double WetCellT; double WetCellR; double WetCellB; double WetCellL; double[] Change = new double[4]; double Count; //if (counter % 100 == 0) //{ // for (i = 1; i < TotalBeachCells; i++) // { // if (TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]] > maxDomainDepth + WaterLevel + WDThreshold + 1) // { // double change_value = TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]] - (maxDomainDepth + WaterLevel + WDThreshold + 1); // SedimentChange[X[i], Y[i]] -= change_value; // if (direction[i] == 1) // { // SedimentChange[X[i], Y[i] + 1] += change_value; // } // else if (direction[i] == 3) // { // SedimentChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] += change_value; // } // else if (direction[i] == 5) // { // SedimentChange[X[i], Y[i] - 1] += change_value; // } // else if (direction[i] == 7) // { // SedimentChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] += change_value; // } // } // } //} if (counter % 10 == 0 /*|| FlasgLandslide == 1*/) { for (repeat = 0; repeat < 2; repeat++) { for (x = 2; x < pbEnd - 2; x++) { for (y = 2; y < ymax - 2; y++) { //if (AboveWater[x, y] == 0 && InShadow_domain[x, y] == 1) //{ //} //else //{ Count = 0; // What are the values in the cells? Values[0] = TElevationDomain[x, y + 1]; //Top Values[1] = TElevationDomain[x + 1, y]; // Right Values[2] = TElevationDomain[x, y - 1]; // Bottom Values[3] = TElevationDomain[x - 1, y]; // left // What is the HeightDiff between cell x and its neighbours? for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) { HeightDiff[n] = TElevationDomain[x, y] - Values[n]; } // How much material is needed to make cells stable? for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) { // Done this so I don't get weird numbers if there is a higher neighbour.. this might cause other problems (est. too much available) if (HeightDiff[n] < 0) { HeightDiff[n] = 0; } AmountStable[n] = ((HeightDiff[n] - HeightThresholdDry) / 2); if (AmountStable[n] < 0) { AmountStable[n] = 0; } AStableTotal += AmountStable[n]; } // Percentage of total material needed for each cell for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) { PercentAStable[n] = ((AmountStable[n] / AStableTotal) * 100); if (double.IsNaN(PercentAStable[n]) || HeightDiff[n] == 0) { PercentAStable[n] = 0; } } // How much material is avaialble to move? HighestIndex = Array.IndexOf(HeightDiff, (HeightDiff.Max())); //Using Height not values incase on is higher than x AmountAvailable = HeightDiff[HighestIndex] / 2; // Give each cell 50% of it's percentage of what's availabe - but be careful that its not more than it needs for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) { Change[n] = (((PercentAStable[n] / 100) * AmountAvailable) / 2); if (Change[n] > AmountStable[n]) { Change[n] = AmountStable[n]; } Count += Change[n]; } SedimentChange[x, y] -= Count; // Cell x SedimentChange[x, y + 1] += (Change[0]); // Top SedimentChange[x + 1, y] += (Change[1]); // Right SedimentChange[x, y - 1] += (Change[2]); // Bottom SedimentChange[x - 1, y] += (Change[3]); // left AStableTotal = 0; //} //} } DepthElevation(); } } //FlagLandslide = 0; } //if (counter % 50 == 0) //{ // for (repeat = 0; repeat < 2; repeat++) // { // for (x = pbEnd - 2; x > 2; x--) // { // for (y = 2; y < ymax - 2; y++) // { // //if (AboveWater[x, y] == 0 && InShadow_domain[x, y] == 1) // //{ // //} // //else // //{ // Count = 0; // // What are the values in the cells? // Values[0] = TElevationDomain[x, y + 1]; //Top // Values[1] = TElevationDomain[x + 1, y]; // Right // Values[2] = TElevationDomain[x, y - 1]; // Bottom // Values[3] = TElevationDomain[x - 1, y]; // left // // What is the HeightDiff between cell x and its neighbours? // for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) // { // HeightDiff[n] = TElevationDomain[x, y] - Values[n]; // } // // How much material is needed to make cells stable? // for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) // { // // Done this so I don't get weird numbers if there is a higher neighbour.. this might cause other problems (est. too much available) // if (HeightDiff[n] < 0) // { // HeightDiff[n] = 0; // } // AmountStable[n] = ((HeightDiff[n] - HeightThresholdDry) / 2); // if (AmountStable[n] < 0) // { // AmountStable[n] = 0; // } // AStableTotal += AmountStable[n]; // } // // Percentage of total material needed for each cell // for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) // { // PercentAStable[n] = ((AmountStable[n] / AStableTotal) * 100); // if (double.IsNaN(PercentAStable[n]) || HeightDiff[n] == 0) // { // PercentAStable[n] = 0; // } // } // // How much material is avaialble to move? // HighestIndex = Array.IndexOf(HeightDiff, (HeightDiff.Max())); //Using Height not values incase on is higher than x // AmountAvailable = HeightDiff[HighestIndex] / 2; // // Give each cell 50% of it's percentage of what's availabe - but be careful that its not more than it needs // for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) // { // Change[n] = (((PercentAStable[n] / 100) * AmountAvailable) / 2); // if (Change[n] > AmountStable[n]) // { // Change[n] = AmountStable[n]; // } // Count += Change[n]; // } // SedimentChange[x, y] -= Count; // Cell x // SedimentChange[x, y + 1] += (Change[0]); // Top // SedimentChange[x + 1, y] += (Change[1]); // Right // SedimentChange[x, y - 1] += (Change[2]); // Bottom // SedimentChange[x - 1, y] += (Change[3]); // left // AStableTotal = 0; // //} // //} // } // DepthElevation(); // } // } //} //// if XY cell is too full //if (counter % 1 == 0) //{ // for (int j = 0; j < TotalBeachCells; j++) // { // if (TElevationDomain[X[j], Y[j]] > TElevationDomain[X[j], Y[j] - 1]) // { // double difference = (TElevationDomain[X[j], Y[j]] - TElevationDomain[X[j], Y[j] - 1]); // SedimentChange[X[j], Y[j]] -= difference; // int count = 0; // if (AboveWater[X[j], Y[j] + 1] == 0) // { // count++; // } // if (AboveWater[X[j] + 1, Y[j]] == 0) // { // count++; // } // if (AboveWater[X[j], Y[j] - 1] == 0) // { // count++; // } // if (AboveWater[X[j] - 1, Y[j]] == 0) // { // count++; // } // difference = difference / count; // if (AboveWater[X[j], Y[j] + 1] == 0) // { // SedimentChange[X[j], Y[j] + 1] -= difference; // } // if (AboveWater[X[j] + 1, Y[j]] == 0) // { // SedimentChange[X[j] + 1, Y[j]] -= difference; // } // if (AboveWater[X[j], Y[j] - 1] == 0) // { // SedimentChange[X[j], Y[j] - 1] -= difference; // } // if (AboveWater[X[j] - 1, Y[j]] == 0) // { // SedimentChange[X[j] - 1, Y[j]] -= difference; // } // } // } // DepthElevation(); //} //// Sweep underwater //if (counter % 100 == 0) //{ // for (repeat = 0; repeat < 5; repeat++) // { // for (x = 2; x < pbEnd - 2; x++) // { // for (y = 2; y < ymax - 2; y++) // { // if (AboveWater[x, y] == 0 || ShorelineCell[x, y] == 1) // { // Count = 0; // // What are the values in the cells? // Values[0] = TElevationDomain[x, y + 1]; //Top // Values[1] = TElevationDomain[x + 1, y]; // Right // Values[2] = TElevationDomain[x, y - 1]; // Bottom // Values[3] = TElevationDomain[x - 1, y]; // left // // What is the HeightDiff between cell x and its neighbours? // for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) // { // HeightDiff[n] = TElevationDomain[x, y] - Values[n]; // } // // How much material is needed to make cells stable? // for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) // { // // Done this so I don't get weird numbers if there is a higher neighbour.. this might cause other problems (est. too much available) // if (HeightDiff[n] < 0) // { // HeightDiff[n] = 0; // } // AmountStable[n] = ((HeightDiff[n] - HeightThresholdDry) / 2); // if (AmountStable[n] < 0) // { // AmountStable[n] = 0; // } // AStableTotal += AmountStable[n]; // } // // Percentage of total material needed for each cell // for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) // { // PercentAStable[n] = ((AmountStable[n] / AStableTotal) * 100); // if (double.IsNaN(PercentAStable[n]) || HeightDiff[n] == 0) // { // PercentAStable[n] = 0; // } // } // // How much material is avaialble to move? // HighestIndex = Array.IndexOf(HeightDiff, (HeightDiff.Max())); //Using Height not values incase on is higher than x // AmountAvailable = HeightDiff[HighestIndex] / 2; // // Give each cell 50% of it's percentage of what's availabe - but be careful that its not more than it needs // for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) // { // Change[n] = (((PercentAStable[n] / 100) * AmountAvailable) / 2); // if (Change[n] > AmountStable[n]) // { // Change[n] = AmountStable[n]; // } // Count += Change[n]; // } // SedimentChange[x, y] -= Count; // Cell x // SedimentChange[x, y + 1] += (Change[0]); // Top // SedimentChange[x + 1, y] += (Change[1]); // Right // SedimentChange[x, y - 1] += (Change[2]); // Bottom // SedimentChange[x - 1, y] += (Change[3]); // left // AStableTotal = 0; // } // } // } // DepthElevation(); // } //} //if (counter % 1 == 0) //{ // for (x = 0; x < pbEnd - 1; x++) // { // for (y = 1; y < ymax - 1; y++) // { // if (TElevationDomain[x, y] >= TElevationDomain[x, y - 1]) // if (TElevationDomain[x, y] > TElevationDomain[x, y - 1] + 1) // { // SedimentChange[x, y] -= (TElevationDomain[x, y] - TElevationDomain[x, y - 1]); // SedimentChange[x, y + 1] += (TElevationDomain[x, y] - TElevationDomain[x, y - 1]); // } // } // } // DepthElevation(); //} //Array.Clear(Linear_Shoreline, 0, Linear_Shoreline.Length); //for (int xx = 0; xx < pbEnd; xx++) //{ // for (int yy = ymax - 1; yy > 0; yy--) // { // if (AboveWater[xx, yy] == 1) // { // Linear_Shoreline[xx, yy] = 1; // break; // } // else // { // Linear_Shoreline[xx, yy] = 0; // } // } //} //if (counter % 365 == 0) //{ // for (x = 0; x < pbEnd - 1; x++) // { // for (y = 1; y < ymax - 1; y++) // { // if (Linear_Shoreline[x, y] == 1) // { // //if (TElevationDomain[x, y] >= TElevationDomain[x, y - 1]) // if (TElevationDomain[x, y] > TElevationDomain[x, y - 1]) // { // double change = (TElevationDomain[x, y] - TElevationDomain[x, y - 1]) + HeightThresholdDry; // SedimentChange[x, y] -= change; // SedimentChange[x, y + 1] += change; // } // } // } // } // DepthElevation(); //} //// If a cell is on it's own, bring it back to the coast //if (counter % 1 == 0) //{ // for (x = 2; x < pbEnd - 2; x++) // { // for (y = 2; y < ymax - 2; y++) // { // // if a cell is on it's own // if (AboveWater[x, y] == 1 && // AboveWater[x, y + 1] == 0 && // AboveWater[x + 1, y] == 0 && // AboveWater[x, y - 1] == 0 && // AboveWater[x - 1, y] == 0) // { // double Amount = AboveWater[x, y]; // How much is in the cell // double SurCAvg = ((TElevationDomain[x, y + 1] + TElevationDomain[x + 1, y] + TElevationDomain[x, y - 1] + TElevationDomain[x - 1, y]) / 4); // Average value of surrounding cell // double reduce = TElevationDomain[x, y] - SurCAvg; // How much to get rid of // if (AboveWater[x - 2, y] == 1) // { // SedimentChange[x - 1, y] += reduce; // SedimentChange[x, y] -= reduce; // } // else if (AboveWater[x + 2, y] == 1) // { // SedimentChange[x + 1, y] += reduce; // SedimentChange[x, y] -= reduce; // } // else // { // SedimentChange[x, y] -= reduce; // SedimentChange[x, y] += reduce / 5; // SedimentChange[x, y + 1] += reduce / 5; // SedimentChange[x + 1, y] += reduce / 5; // SedimentChange[x, y - 1] += reduce / 5; // SedimentChange[x - 1, y] += reduce / 5; // } // } // } // } // DepthElevation(); //} } void ShorelineLandslide() { int CellCount = 0; int xHolder; int s = 0; // Potentially a lot of problems in here, but see how it goes! int repeat; // want to loop through this process twice! int x, y, n, i; double[] HeightDiff = new double[4]; double[] LocalAngle = new double[4]; double[] AmountStable = new double[4]; double[] PercentAStable = new double[4]; double[] Values = new double[4]; double AStableTotal = 0; double HeightThresholdDry = 1.01; double AmountAvailable; int HighestIndex = 0; double[] Change = new double[4]; double Count; for (i = 1; i < TotalBeachCells - 1; i++) { Count = 0; // What are the values in the cells? Values[0] = TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i] + 1]; //Top Values[1] = TElevationDomain[X[i] + 1, Y[i]]; // Right Values[2] = TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i] - 1]; // Bottom Values[3] = TElevationDomain[X[i] - 1, Y[i]]; // left // What is the HeightDiff between cell x and its neighbours? for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) { HeightDiff[n] = TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]] - Values[n]; } // How much material is needed to make cells stable? for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) { // Done this so I don't get weird numbers if there is a higher neighbour.. this might cause other problems (est. too much available) if (HeightDiff[n] < 0) { HeightDiff[n] = 0; } AmountStable[n] = ((HeightDiff[n] - HeightThresholdDry) / 2); if (AmountStable[n] < 0) { AmountStable[n] = 0; } AStableTotal += AmountStable[n]; } // Percentage of total material needed for each cell for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) { PercentAStable[n] = ((AmountStable[n] / AStableTotal) * 100); if (double.IsNaN(PercentAStable[n]) || HeightDiff[n] == 0) { PercentAStable[n] = 0; } } // How much material is avaialble to move? HighestIndex = Array.IndexOf(HeightDiff, (HeightDiff.Max())); //Using Height not values incase on is higher than x AmountAvailable = HeightDiff[HighestIndex] / 2; // Give each cell 50% of it's percentage of what's availabe - but be careful that its not more than it needs for (n = 0; n < HeightDiff.Length - 1; n++) { Change[n] = (((PercentAStable[n] / 100) * AmountAvailable) / 2); if (Change[n] > AmountStable[n]) { Change[n] = AmountStable[n]; } Count += Change[n]; } SedimentChange[X[i], Y[i]] -= Count; // Cell x SedimentChange[X[i], Y[i] + 1] += (Change[0]); // Top SedimentChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] += (Change[1]); // Right SedimentChange[X[i], Y[i] - 1] += (Change[2]); // Bottom SedimentChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] += (Change[3]); // left AStableTotal = 0; } DepthElevation(); } void VolumeRecal() { // Using chnanged volume, recalculate vertical measurements int x, y; //StreamWriter VolChang_FILE = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/Volchange_" + counter + ".out"); //for (y = 0; y <= ymax - 1; y++) //{ // for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) // { // VolChang_FILE.Write(VolumeChange[x, y] + " "); // } // VolChang_FILE.Write(Environment.NewLine); //} //VolChang_FILE.Close(); // DEBUGGING START if (counter == 365) { StreamWriter DEBUG_FILE_ENDVol = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/DEBUG_FILE_ENDVol.out"); for (int s = ymax - 1; s >= 0; s--) { for (int r = 0; r < pbEnd; r++) { DEBUG_FILE_ENDVol.Write(VolumeChange[r, s] + " "); } DEBUG_FILE_ENDVol.Write(Environment.NewLine); } DEBUG_FILE_ENDVol.Close(); } // DEBUGGING END for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) { for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) { ////if (VolumeChange[x, y] > 3) ////{ //// if (counter == 0) //// { //// StreamWriter VolChangeFile = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/VolChangeExtra.out"); //// VolChangeFile.Write(x + " " + y + " " + VolumeChange[x, y] + Environment.NewLine); //// VolChangeFile.Close(); //// } //// else //// { //// StreamWriter VolChangeFile = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/VolChangeExtra.out"); //// VolChangeFile.Write(x + " " + y + " " + VolumeChange[x, y] + Environment.NewLine); //// VolChangeFile.Close(); //// } //// //VolumeChange[x, y] = 3; ////} ////if (VolumeChange[x, y] < -3) ////{ //// if (counter == 0) //// { //// StreamWriter VolChangeFile = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/VolChangeExtra.out"); //// VolChangeFile.Write(x + " " + y + " " + VolumeChange[x, y] + Environment.NewLine); //// VolChangeFile.Close(); //// } //// else //// { //// StreamWriter VolChangeFile = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/VolChangeExtra.out"); //// VolChangeFile.Write(x + " " + y + " " + VolumeChange[x, y] + Environment.NewLine); //// VolChangeFile.Close(); //// } //// //VolumeChange[x, y] = -3; ////} ////else ////{ // Volume[x, y] += VolumeChange[x, y]; ////} //if (Volume[x, y] < 0) //{ // Volume[x, y] = 0; //} //TElevationCS[x, y] = Volume[x, y] / (CellWidth * CellWidth); //TElevationDomain[x, y] = TElevationCS[x, y] + DomainDepthCS[x, y]; //if (TElevationDomain[x, y] >= WaterLevel + maxDomainDepth + WDThreshold) //WetDryThreshold) //{ // AboveWater[x, y] = 1; //} //else //{ // AboveWater[x, y] = 0; //} //if (VolumeChange[x, y] > 3) //{ // if (counter == 0) // { // StreamWriter VolChangeFile = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/VolChangeExtra.out"); // VolChangeFile.Write(x + " " + y + " " + VolumeChange[x, y] + Environment.NewLine); // VolChangeFile.Close(); // } // else // { // StreamWriter VolChangeFile = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/VolChangeExtra.out"); // VolChangeFile.Write(x + " " + y + " " + VolumeChange[x, y] + Environment.NewLine); // VolChangeFile.Close(); // } /// /// Trying a new technique - 06/12/17 /// //TElevationCS[x, y] += VolumeChange[x, y]; //if (TElevationCS[x, y] < 0) //{ // TElevationCS[x, y] = 0; //} //TElevationDomain[x, y] = TElevationCS[x, y] + DomainDepthCS[x, y]; //Volume[x, y] = TElevationCS[x, y] * (CellWidth * CellWidth); //if (TElevationDomain[x, y] >= WaterLevel + maxDomainDepth + WDThreshold) //WetDryThreshold) //{ // AboveWater[x, y] = 1; //} //else //{ // AboveWater[x, y] = 0; //} /// /// Trying a new technique - 06/12/17 /// if(VolumeChange[x,y] < 0) { } VolumeChange[x, y] = VolumeChange[x, y] *(CellWidth * CellWidth); Volume[x, y] += VolumeChange[x, y]; TElevationCS[x, y] = Volume[x, y] / (CellWidth * CellWidth); TElevationDomain[x, y] = TElevationCS[x, y] + DomainDepthCS[x, y]; if (TElevationDomain[x, y] >= WaterLevel + maxDomainDepth + WDThreshold) //WetDryThreshold) { AboveWater[x, y] = 1; } else { AboveWater[x, y] = 0; } } } Array.Clear(VolumeChange,0,VolumeChange.Length); } void DepthElevation() { // Recalculate arrays using depths and elevation etc after all material has moved during each iteration int x, y; //StreamWriter SedChange = new StreamWriter ("OUTPUT_FILES/sedchange.out"); for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) { for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) { TElevationCS[x, y] += SedimentChange[x, y]; // Not thinking about eroding the bed etc if (TElevationCS[x, y] < 0) { TElevationCS[x, y] = 0; } TElevationDomain[x, y] = TElevationCS[x, y] + DomainDepthCS[x, y]; Volume[x, y] = TElevationCS[x, y] * (CellWidth * CellWidth); if (TElevationDomain[x, y] >= WaterLevel + maxDomainDepth + WDThreshold) //WetDryThreshold) { AboveWater[x, y] = 1; } else { AboveWater[x, y] = 0; } //SedChange.Write(SedimentChange[x, y] + " "); } //SedChange.Write(Environment.NewLine); } //SedChange.Close(); Array.Clear(SedimentChange, 0, SedimentChange.Length); } // Calculate sediment transport void DetermineAngles() { // Function to determine beach angles for all beach cells from left to right // By convention, the ShorelineAngle will apply to current cell and right neighbor // This function will determine global arrays: ShorelineAngle[], UpWind[], SurroundingAngle[] // This function will use but not affect the following arrays and values: X[], Y[], PercentFull[][], AllBeach[][], WaveAngle // ADA Revised underside, SurroundingAngle 6/03 // ADA Rerevised, 3/04 int i, j, k; // Compute ShorelineAngle[] // Not equal to TotalBeachCells because angle between cell and rt neighbor for (i = 1; i < TotalBeachCells - 1; i++) { if (X[i] > X[i + 1]) // On bottom side of Spit (assuming we must be if going right) { ShorelineAngle[i] = pi - Math.Atan((Y[i + 1] - (AboveWater[X[i + 1], Y[i + 1]])) - (Y[i] - (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]]))); if (ShorelineAngle[i] > pi) { ShorelineAngle[i] -= 2.0 * pi; } } else if ((X[i] < X[i + 1])) { ShorelineAngle[i] = Math.Atan((Y[i + 1] + (AboveWater[X[i + 1], Y[i + 1]])) - (Y[i] + (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]]))); } else if (X[i] == X[i + 1] && Y[i] > Y[i + 1]) // Shore up and down, on right side { ShorelineAngle[i] = -pi / 2.0 + Math.Atan((X[i + 1] + (AboveWater[X[i + 1], Y[i + 1]])) - (X[i] + (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]]))); } else if (X[i] == X[i + 1] && Y[i] < Y[i + 1]) // Shore up and down, on left side { ShorelineAngle[i] = pi / 2.0 + Math.Atan((X[i + 1] + (AboveWater[X[i + 1], Y[i + 1]])) - (X[i] + (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]]))); } } for (k = 1; k < TotalBeachCells; k++) { // Compute SurroundingAngle array // Averaging doesn't work on bottom of spits // Use trick that x is less if on bottom of spit - angles must be different signs as well if ((X[k - 1] - X[k + 1] == 2) && (copysign(ShorelineAngle[k - 1], ShorelineAngle[k]) != ShorelineAngle[k - 1])) { SurroundingAngle[k] = (ShorelineAngle[k - 1] + ShorelineAngle[k]) / 2 + pi; if (SurroundingAngle[k] > pi) { SurroundingAngle[k] -= 2.0 * pi; } } else { SurroundingAngle[k] = (ShorelineAngle[k - 1] + ShorelineAngle[k]) / 2; } } // Determine Upwind/downwind condition // Note - Surrounding angle is based upon left and right cell neighbors and is centered on cell, not on right boundary for (j = 1; j < TotalBeachCells; j++) { if (Math.Abs(WaveAngle - SurroundingAngle[j]) >= 42.0 / radtodeg) { UpWind[j] = 'u'; } else { UpWind[j] = 'd'; } } ShorelineAngle[0] = ShorelineAngle[1]; SurroundingAngle[0] = SurroundingAngle[1]; UpWind[0] = UpWind[1]; ShorelineAngle[TotalBeachCells - 1] = ShorelineAngle[TotalBeachCells - 2]; SurroundingAngle[TotalBeachCells - 1] = SurroundingAngle[TotalBeachCells - 2]; UpWind[TotalBeachCells - 1] = UpWind[TotalBeachCells - 2]; } void DetermineSedTransport() { // Loop function to determine which neigbor/situation to use for sediment transport calcs // Once situation is determined, will use function SedTrans to determine actual transport // This function will call ( which will determine global array: VolumeAcrossBorder[] // This function will use but not affect the following arrays and values: X[], Y[], InShadow[], UpWind[], ShorelineAngle[], PercentFullSand[][], AllBeach[][], WaveAngle int i; double ShoreAngleUsed = 0; int CalcCell; int Next,Last; int Correction; char UpWindLocal; char MaxTrans; int DoFlux; for (i = 1 ; i <= TotalBeachCells - 1 ; i++) { MaxTrans = 'n'; // Is littoral transport going left or right? if ((WaveAngle - ShorelineAngle[i]) > 0) { // Transport going right, center on cell to left side of border // Next cell in positive direction, no correction term needed // This actually shows material moving left!!! CalcCell = i; Next = 1; Last = -1; Correction = 0; DirectionAcrossBorder[i] = 'r'; } else { // Transport going left, center on cell to right side of border // Next cell in negative direction, correction term needed CalcCell = i + 1; Next = -1; Last = 1; Correction = -1; DirectionAcrossBorder[i] = 'l'; } if (InShadow[CalcCell] == 'n') { // Adjustment for maximum transport when passing through 45 degrees // This adjustment is only made for moving from downwind to upwind conditions // purposefully done before shadow adjustment, only use maxtran when transition from dw to up not because of shadow // keeping transition from uw to dw - does not seem to be big deal if (((UpWind[CalcCell] == 'd') && (UpWind[CalcCell+Next] == 'u') && (InShadow[CalcCell + Next] == 'n')) || ((UpWind[CalcCell+Last] == 'u') && (UpWind[CalcCell] == 'd') && (InShadow[CalcCell+Last] == 'n')) ) { MaxTrans = 'y'; } // Upwind/Downwind adjustment Make sure sediment is put into shadows // If Next cell is in shadow, use UpWind condition DoFlux = 1; UpWindLocal = UpWind[CalcCell]; if (InShadow[CalcCell+Next] == 'y') { UpWindLocal = 'u'; } // If coming out of shadow, downwind should be used // HOWEVER - if high angle, will result in same flux in/out problem solution - no flux for high angle waves if ((InShadow[CalcCell+Last] == 'y') &&(UpWindLocal == 'u')) { DoFlux = 0; } // Use upwind or downwind shoreline angle for calcs if (UpWindLocal == 'u') { ShoreAngleUsed = ShorelineAngle[CalcCell+Last+Correction]; } else if (UpWindLocal == 'd') { ShoreAngleUsed = ShorelineAngle[CalcCell+Correction]; } // !!! Do not do transport on underneath 'cause it gets all messed up if ((Math.Abs(ShoreAngleUsed)) > pi/2.0) { DoFlux = 0; } // Send to SedTrans to calculate VolumeIn and VolumeOut if (DoFlux == 1) { SedTrans(i, ShoreAngleUsed, MaxTrans); } //StreamWriter VolAc_File = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/VolAc_File.out"); //VolAc_File.Write(counter + " " + VolumeAcrossBorder[i] + Environment.NewLine); //VolAc_File.Close(); } } DirectionAcrossBorder[0] = DirectionAcrossBorder[1]; DirectionAcrossBorder[TotalBeachCells - 1] = DirectionAcrossBorder[TotalBeachCells - 2]; } void SedTrans(int i, double ShoreAngle, char MaxT) { // This central function will calcualte the sediment transported from the cell i-1 to the cell at i, using the input ShoreAngle LMV // This function will caluclate and determine the global arrays: VolumeAcrossBorder[] // This function will use the global values defining the wave field: // WaveAngle, Period, OffShoreWvHt // Revised 6/02 - New iterative calc for refraction and breaking, parameters revised // Coefficients - some of these are important double StartDepth = 3 * OffShoreWvHt; // m, depth to begin refraction calcs (needs to be beyond breakers) double RefractStep = .2; // m, step size to iterate depth for refraction calcs double KBreak = 0.4; // coefficient for wave breaking threshold double rho = 1020; // kg/m3 - density of water and dissolved matter // Variables double AngleDeep; // rad, Angle of waves to shore at inner shelf double Depth = StartDepth; // m, water depth for current iteration double Angle; // rad, calculation angle double CDeep; // m/s, phase velocity in deep water double LDeep; // m, offhsore wavelength double C; // m/s, current step phase velocity double kh; // wavenumber times depth double n; double WaveLength; // m, current wavelength double WvHeight; // m, current wave height // Primary assumption is that waves refract over shore-parallel contours // New algorithm 6/02 iteratively takes wave onshore until they break, then computes Qs // See notes 06/05/02 AngleDeep = WaveAngle - ShoreAngle; if (MaxT == 'y') { AngleDeep = pi / 4.0; } // Don't do calculations if over 90 degrees, should be in shadow if (AngleDeep > 0.995 * pi / 2.0 || AngleDeep < -0.995 * pi / 2.0) { return; } else { // Calculate Deep Water Celerity & Length, Komar 5.11 c = gT / pi, L = CT CDeep = g * Period / (2.0 * pi); LDeep = CDeep * Period; while (TRUE == 1) { // non-iterative eqn for L, from Fenton & McKee WaveLength = LDeep * Raise(Math.Tanh(Raise(Raise(2.0 * pi / Period, 2) * Depth / g, .75)), 2.0 / 3.0); C = WaveLength / Period; // Determine n = 1/2(1+2kh/sinh(kh)) Komar 5.21 // First Calculate kh = 2 pi Depth/L from k = 2 pi/L kh = 2 * pi * Depth / WaveLength; n = 0.5 * (1 + 2.0 * kh / Math.Sinh(2.0 * kh)); // Calculate angle, assuming shore parallel contours and no conv/div of rays Angle = Math.Asin(C / CDeep * Math.Sin(AngleDeep)); Angle_1[i] = Angle; // Determine Wave height from refract calcs - Komar 5.49 WvHeight = OffShoreWvHt * Raise(CDeep * Math.Cos(AngleDeep) / (C * 2.0 * n * Math.Cos(Angle)), 0.5); if (WvHeight > Depth * KBreak || Depth <= RefractStep) { break; } else { Depth -= RefractStep; } } // Now Determine Transport // eq. 9.6b (10.8) Komar, including assumption of sed density = 2650 kg/m3 // additional accuracy here will not improve an already suspect eqn for sed transport // (especially with poorly constrained coefficients), // so no attempt made to make this a more perfect imperfection VolumeAcrossBorder[i] = (((Math.Abs(1.1 * rho * Raise(g, 3.0 / 2.0) * Raise(WvHeight, 2.5) * Math.Cos(Angle) * Math.Sin(Angle) * TimeStepValue)) /* (CellWidth/100)) / 2)*/)); //if (counter == 0) //{ // StreamWriter SedTrans_FILE = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/SedTrans_FILE.out"); // SedTrans_FILE.Write(counter + " " + VolumeAcrossBorder[i] + Environment.NewLine); // SedTrans_FILE.Close(); //} if (i == 1) { VolumeAcrossBorder[0] = VolumeAcrossBorder[1]; } /// CM bit at the end trying to check scaling! Need to check this... won't make any difference at 100m cells. //VolumeIn/Out is now calculated in AdjustShore //string DepthSedFile = "OUTPUT_FILES/DepthSedTrans.out"; //if (counter == 0) //{ // StreamWriter DepthSedTrans = new StreamWriter(DepthSedFile); // DepthSedTrans.WriteLine(counter + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i] + VolumeAcrossBorder[i]); // DepthSedTrans.Close(); //} //else //{ // StreamWriter DepthSedTrans = File.AppendText(DepthSedFile); // DepthSedTrans.WriteLine(counter + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i] + VolumeAcrossBorder[i]); // DepthSedTrans.Close(); //} //string VolAcrss_File = "OUTPUT_FILES/VolAcrss.out"; //StreamWriter VolAcross = File.AppendText(VolAcrss_File); //VolAcross.WriteLine(counter + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i] + " " + VolumeAcrossBorder[i]); //VolAcross.Close(); } } void FlowInCell() { // This function will determine if sediment transport into a cell is from right, from left, converging into the cell, or diverging out */ // Purpose is to address problems with insufficent sand, fix losing sand problem // Moves from left to right direction // This function will affect and determine the global arrays: FlowThroughCell[] // This function uses TotalBeachCells // Uses but does not affect the global arrays: DirectionAcrossBorder[] int i; double TotalPercentInBeaches = 0; for (i = 1; i <= TotalBeachCells; i++) { if ((DirectionAcrossBorder[i - 1] == 'r') && (DirectionAcrossBorder[i] == 'r')) { // right FlowThroughCell[i] = 'R'; } else if ((DirectionAcrossBorder[i - 1] == 'r') && (DirectionAcrossBorder[i] == 'l')) { // convergent FlowThroughCell[i] = 'C'; } else if ((DirectionAcrossBorder[i - 1] == 'l') && (DirectionAcrossBorder[i] == 'r')) { // divergent FlowThroughCell[i] = 'D'; } else if ((DirectionAcrossBorder[i - 1] == 'l') && (DirectionAcrossBorder[i] == 'l')) { // left FlowThroughCell[i] = 'L'; } //CM added else { } //Total Volumes in beaches!? //TotalPercentInBeaches += (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] + PercentFullRock[X[i], Y[i]]); TotalPercentInBeaches += TElevationCS[X[i],Y[i]]; } if ((DirectionAcrossBorder[TotalBeachCells - 1] == 'r') && (DirectionAcrossBorder[0] == 'r')) { // right FlowThroughCell[0] = 'R'; } else if ((DirectionAcrossBorder[TotalBeachCells - 1] == 'r') && (DirectionAcrossBorder[0] == 'l')) { // convergent FlowThroughCell[0] = 'C'; } else if ((DirectionAcrossBorder[TotalBeachCells - 1] == 'l') && (DirectionAcrossBorder[0] == 'r')) { // divergent FlowThroughCell[0] = 'D'; } else if ((DirectionAcrossBorder[TotalBeachCells - 1] == 'l') && (DirectionAcrossBorder[0] == 'l')) { // left FlowThroughCell[0] = 'L'; } else { // right FlowThroughCell[0] = 'R'; } } void FixFlow() { // Checks and distributes sediment in adjacent cells based on FlowThroughCell[] // Sweeps left to right to check cells where DirectionAcrossBorder='r' (D to R, D to C, R to R, R to C) // Sweeps right to left to check cells where DirectionAcrossBorder='l' (D to L, D to C, L to L, L to C) // This function uses TotalBeachCells // Uses but does not affect the global arrays: FlowThroughCell[], VolumeAcrossBorder[], PFS[][] // reminder--VolumeAcrossBorder[] is always on right side of cell int i; int x, y; double AmountSand = 0; // amount of sand availible for transport (includes amount in cell behind) ////StreamWriter DepthE = new StreamWriter("TEST_FILES/DepthE.dat"); //for (i = 0; i <= TotalBeachCells - 1; i++) for (i = 0; i <= TotalBeachCells - 1; i++) { ActualVolumeAcross[i] = VolumeAcrossBorder[i]; } // Divergent Cells - get the actual volumes across for left and right borders for (i = 1; i <= TotalBeachCells - 1; i++) { // calculate effective depth Depth = InitialDepth + ((Y[i] - InitBeach) * CellWidth * ShelfSlope); Distance = Depth / (ShorefaceSlope - ShelfSlope * Math.Cos(ShorelineAngle[i])); Yintercept = Y[i] + Distance * Math.Cos(ShorelineAngle[i]) / CellWidth; DepthEffective = (InitialDepth + ((Yintercept - InitBeach) * CellWidth * ShelfSlope)); if (DepthEffective < DepthShoreface) { DepthEffective = DepthShoreface; } // set the D's first - left and right border set if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'D') { // Flow from a Divergent cell (to a Convergent cell or a Right cell) if (AboveWater[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]] == 1) { //if (PercentFullRock[X[i], Y[i]] == 0.0) //{ //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] + PercentFullSand[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; //AmountSand = Volume[X[i], Y[i]] + Volume[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]]; AmountSand = CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; //} //else //{ // AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; // AmountSand = (Volume[X[i], Y[i]]); //} } else // I don't know how much I have, just figure it out and give me some sand { //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; //AmountSand = Volume[X[i], Y[i]]; AmountSand = CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; } if ((VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1] + VolumeAcrossBorder[i]) <= AmountSand) { ActualVolumeAcross[i] = VolumeAcrossBorder[i]; ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1] = VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1]; } if ((VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1] + VolumeAcrossBorder[i]) > AmountSand) // divide up proportionally { ActualVolumeAcross[i] = ((VolumeAcrossBorder[i] / (VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1] + VolumeAcrossBorder[i])) * AmountSand); ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1] = ((VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1] / (VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1] + VolumeAcrossBorder[i])) * AmountSand); } } //StreamWriter D_File = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/D.dat"); //D_File.WriteLine(AmountSand); //D_File.Close(); } // Right Cells - get the actual volumes across right borders for R cells for (i = 1; i <= TotalBeachCells - 1; i++) { // calculate effective depth Depth = InitialDepth + ((Y[i] - InitBeach) * CellWidth * ShelfSlope); Distance = Depth / (ShorefaceSlope - ShelfSlope * Math.Cos(ShorelineAngle[i])); Yintercept = Y[i] + Distance * Math.Cos(ShorelineAngle[i]) / CellWidth; DepthEffective = InitialDepth + ((Yintercept - InitBeach) * CellWidth * ShelfSlope); if (DepthEffective < DepthShoreface) { DepthEffective = DepthShoreface; } // Flow from a Right cell (to a Right cell or a Convergent cell) if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'R') { if (AboveWater[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]] == 1) { //if (PercentFullRock[X[i], Y[i]] == 0.0) //{ //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] + PercentFullSand[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; //AmountSand = Volume[X[i], Y[i]] + Volume[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]]; AmountSand = CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; //} //else //{ // //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; // AmountSand = (Volume[X[i], Y[i]]); //} } else // I don't know how much I have, just figure it out and give me some sand { //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; //AmountSand = Volume[X[i], Y[i]]; AmountSand = CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; } if ((ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1] + AmountSand) >= VolumeAcrossBorder[i]) { ActualVolumeAcross[i] = VolumeAcrossBorder[i]; } if ((ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1] + AmountSand) < VolumeAcrossBorder[i]) { ActualVolumeAcross[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1] + AmountSand; } } //StreamWriter R_File = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/R.dat"); //R_File.WriteLine(AmountSand); //R_File.Close(); } // Left Cells - get the volumes across left side of cell for L cells for (i = TotalBeachCells - 1; i >= 1; i--) { Depth = InitialDepth + ((Y[i] - InitBeach) * CellWidth * ShelfSlope); Distance = Depth / (ShorefaceSlope - ShelfSlope * Math.Cos(ShorelineAngle[i])); Yintercept = Y[i] + Distance * Math.Cos(ShorelineAngle[i]) / CellWidth; DepthEffective = InitialDepth + ((Yintercept - InitBeach) * CellWidth * ShelfSlope); if (DepthEffective < DepthShoreface) { DepthEffective = DepthShoreface; } // Flow from a Left cell (to a Convergent cell or a Left cell) if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'L') { if (AboveWater[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]] == 1) { //if (PercentFullRock[X[i], Y[i]] == 0.0) //{ //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] + PercentFullSand[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; //AmountSand = Volume[X[i], Y[i]] + Volume[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]]; AmountSand = CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; //} //else //{ // //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; // AmountSand = (Volume[X[i], Y[i]]); //} } else // I don't know how much I have, just figure it out and give me some sand { //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; //AmountSand = Volume[X[i], Y[i]]; AmountSand = CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; } if ((ActualVolumeAcross[i] + AmountSand) >= VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1]) { ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1] = VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1]; } if ((ActualVolumeAcross[i] + AmountSand) < VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1]) { ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1] = ActualVolumeAcross[i] + AmountSand; } } //StreamWriter L_File = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/L.dat"); //L_File.WriteLine(AmountSand); //L_File.Close(); } ActualVolumeAcross[0] = VolumeAcrossBorder[1]; //////StreamWriter DepthE = new StreamWriter("TEST_FILES/DepthE.dat"); ////for (i = 0; i <= TotalBeachCells - 1; i++) ////{ //// ActualVolumeAcross[i] = VolumeAcrossBorder[i]; ////} //// Divergent Cells - get the actual volumes across for left and right borders //for (i = 0; i <= TotalBeachCells - 1; i++) //{ // //// calculate effective depth // //Depth = InitialDepth + ((Y[i] - InitBeach) * CellWidth * ShelfSlope); // //Distance = Depth / (ShorefaceSlope - ShelfSlope * Math.Cos(ShorelineAngle[i])); // //Yintercept = Y[i] + Distance * Math.Cos(ShorelineAngle[i]) / CellWidth; // //DepthEffective = (InitialDepth + ((Yintercept - InitBeach) * CellWidth * ShelfSlope)); // //if (DepthEffective < DepthShoreface) // //{ // // DepthEffective = DepthShoreface; // //} // // set the D's first - left and right border set // if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'D') // { // // Flow from a Divergent cell (to a Convergent cell or a Right cell) // if (AboveWater[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]] == 1) // { // //if (PercentFullRock[X[i], Y[i]] == 0.0) // //{ // //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] + PercentFullSand[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; // //A AmountSand = Volume[X[i], Y[i]] + Volume[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]]; // AmountSand = (((CellWidth * CellWidth) * MaxDist) + ((Elevation[X[i], Y[i]] - WaterLevel) * (CellWidth * CellWidth))) + // (((CellWidth * CellWidth) * MaxDist) + ((Elevation[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]] - WaterLevel) * (CellWidth * CellWidth))); // //} // //else // //{ // // AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; // // AmountSand = (Volume[X[i], Y[i]]); // //} // } // else // // I don't know how much I have, just figure it out and give me some sand // { // //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; // //A AmountSand = Volume[X[i], Y[i]]; // AmountSand = (((CellWidth * CellWidth) * MaxDist) + ((Elevation[X[i], Y[i]] - WaterLevel) * (CellWidth * CellWidth))); // } // if ((VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1] + VolumeAcrossBorder[i]) <= AmountSand) // { // ActualVolumeAcross[i] = VolumeAcrossBorder[i]; // ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1] = VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1]; // } // if ((VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1] + VolumeAcrossBorder[i]) > AmountSand) // // divide up proportionally // { // ActualVolumeAcross[i] = ((VolumeAcrossBorder[i] / (VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1] + VolumeAcrossBorder[i])) * AmountSand); // ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1] = ((VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1] / (VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1] + VolumeAcrossBorder[i])) * AmountSand); // } // } // //StreamWriter SandAmountFile; // //SandAmountFile = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/SandAmount_File.dat"); // //SandAmountFile.WriteLine(counter + " " + i + " " + FlowThroughCell[i] + " " + AmountSand); // //SandAmountFile.Close(); // // Flow from a Right cell (to a Right cell or a Convergent cell) // if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'R') // { // if (AboveWater[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]] == 1) // { // //if (PercentFullRock[X[i], Y[i]] == 0.0) // //{ // //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] + PercentFullSand[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; // //A AmountSand = Volume[X[i], Y[i]] + Volume[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]]; // AmountSand = (((CellWidth * CellWidth) * MaxDist) + ((Elevation[X[i], Y[i]] - WaterLevel) * (CellWidth * CellWidth))) + // (((CellWidth * CellWidth) * MaxDist) + ((Elevation[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]] - WaterLevel) * (CellWidth * CellWidth))); // //} // //else // //{ // // //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; // // AmountSand = (Volume[X[i], Y[i]]); // //} // } // else // // I don't know how much I have, just figure it out and give me some sand // { // //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; // //A AmountSand = Volume[X[i], Y[i]]; // AmountSand = (((CellWidth * CellWidth) * MaxDist) + ((Elevation[X[i], Y[i]] - WaterLevel) * (CellWidth * CellWidth))); // } // if ((ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1] + AmountSand) >= VolumeAcrossBorder[i]) // { // ActualVolumeAcross[i] = VolumeAcrossBorder[i]; // } // if ((ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1] + AmountSand) < VolumeAcrossBorder[i]) // { // ActualVolumeAcross[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1] + AmountSand; // } // } // //StreamWriter SandAmountFile; // //SandAmountFile = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/SandAmount_File.dat"); // //SandAmountFile.WriteLine(counter + " " + i + " " + FlowThroughCell[i] + " " + AmountSand); // //SandAmountFile.Close(); // // Flow from a Left cell (to a Convergent cell or a Left cell) // if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'L') // { // if (AboveWater[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]] == 1) // { // //if (PercentFullRock[X[i], Y[i]] == 0.0) // //{ // //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] + PercentFullSand[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; // //A AmountSand = Volume[X[i], Y[i]] + Volume[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]]; // AmountSand = (((CellWidth * CellWidth) * MaxDist) + ((Elevation[X[i], Y[i]] - WaterLevel) * (CellWidth * CellWidth))) + // (((CellWidth * CellWidth) * MaxDist) + ((Elevation[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]] - WaterLevel) * (CellWidth * CellWidth))); // //} // //else // //{ // // //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; // // AmountSand = (Volume[X[i], Y[i]]); // //} // } // else // // I don't know how much I have, just figure it out and give me some sand // { // //AmountSand = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]) * CellWidth * CellWidth * DepthEffective; // //A AmountSand = Volume[X[i], Y[i]]; // AmountSand = (((CellWidth * CellWidth) * MaxDist) + ((Elevation[X[i], Y[i]] - WaterLevel) * (CellWidth * CellWidth))); // } // if ((ActualVolumeAcross[i] + AmountSand) >= VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1]) // { // ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1] = VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1]; // } // if ((ActualVolumeAcross[i] + AmountSand) < VolumeAcrossBorder[i - 1]) // { // ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1] = ActualVolumeAcross[i] + AmountSand; // } // } // //StreamWriter AmSand = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/AmSand2.out"); // //AmSand.Write(X[i] + " " + Y[i] + " " + counter + " " + AmountSand + Environment.NewLine); // //AmSand.Close(); //if (counter == 0 || counter % 365 == 0) //{ // StreamWriter VolumeAcrossBorder_File = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/VolumeAcrossBorder.out"); // VolumeAcrossBorder_File.Write(Environment.NewLine); // VolumeAcrossBorder_File.Write(counter + " " + VolumeAcrossBorder[i] + Environment.NewLine); // VolumeAcrossBorder_File.Close(); // StreamWriter ActualVolumeAcross_File = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/ActualVolumeAcross.out"); // ActualVolumeAcross_File.Write(Environment.NewLine); // ActualVolumeAcross_File.Write(counter + " " + ActualVolumeAcross[i] + Environment.NewLine); // ActualVolumeAcross_File.Close(); //} //StreamWriter AmountS_File = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/AmountS_FILE.out"); //AmountS_File.Write(AmountSand + Environment.NewLine); //AmountS_File.Close(); //} } void TransportSedimentSweep() { // Sweep through cells to place transported sediment // Call function AdjustShore() to move sediment. // If cell full or overempty, call OopsImFull or OopsImEmpty() // This function doesn't change any values, but the functions it calls do // Uses but doesn't change: X[], Y[], PercentFullSand[] // sweepsign added to ensure that direction of actuating changes does not // produce unwanted artifacts (e.g. make sure symmetrical int i,ii,sweepsign; if (RandZeroToOne() * 2 > 1) { sweepsign = 1; } else { sweepsign = 0; } for (i = 0; i <= TotalBeachCells - 1; i++) { if (sweepsign == 1) { ii = i; } else { ii = TotalBeachCells - 1 - i; } AdjustShore(ii); //VolumeRecal(); ErodeTheBeach(ii); } } /// /// AdjustShore 1234 - exponentially decay amount of material in each block - problem, each block isn't the same size. /// AdjustShore_Part2 - reduce by % at each block (try 10%, 20%) /// AdjustShore /// void AdjustShore_1234(int i) { // Complete mass balance for incoming and ougoing sediment // This function will change the global data array PercentFullSand[][] // Uses but does not adjust arrays: X[], Y[], ShorelineAngle[], ActualVolumeAcross LMV // Uses global variables: ShelfSlope, CellWidth, ShorefaceSlope, InitialDepth //FIND EFFECTIVE DEPTH, Deff, HERE //Deff = FROM SOLUTION TO: //A*Distance^n = D(X) - OverallSlope*cos(ShorelineAngle[X][Y])*Distance //Where Distance is from shore, perpendicular to ShorelineAngle; //Brad's stuff not being used right now (linear slope for now) : //Xintercept = X + Distance*cos(ShorelineAngle), and n = 2/3. //THEN Deff = D(Xintercept); //FIND "A" FROM DEPTH OF 10METERS AT ABOUT 1000METERS. //FOR NOW, USE n = 1: double DeltaArea; // Holds change in area for cell (m^2) if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'L') { VolumeIn[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; VolumeOut[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; } if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'C') { VolumeIn[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; VolumeOut[i] = -ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; } if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'D') { VolumeIn[i] = -ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; VolumeOut[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; } if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'R') { VolumeIn[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; VolumeOut[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; } DeltaArea = ((VolumeIn[i] - VolumeOut[i]) / 100); //Volume[X[i], Y[i]] += DeltaArea; //DeltaArea = (VolumeIn[i] - VolumeOut[i]); //StreamWriter Volsout = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/Vols2.out"); //Volsout.Write(X[i] + " " + Y[i] + " " + DeltaArea + " " + counter + Environment.NewLine); //Volsout.Close(); //DeltaArea = ((VolumeIn[i] - VolumeOut[i]) / numCells[i]) / 100; //string DeltaAreaFile = "OUTPUT_FILES/DeltaArea.out"; //if (counter == 0) //{ // StreamWriter DeltaAreaSW = new StreamWriter(DeltaAreaFile); // DeltaAreaSW.WriteLine(counter + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i] + DeltaArea); // DeltaAreaSW.Close(); //} //else //{ // StreamWriter DeltaAreaSW = File.AppendText(DeltaAreaFile); // DeltaAreaSW.WriteLine(counter + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i] + DeltaArea); // DeltaAreaSW.Close(); //} //if (numCells[i] < 20) //{ // if (DeltaArea != 0) // { // DeltaArea = DeltaArea/100; // } //} if (DeltaArea != 0) { double firstDeltaArea = DeltaArea / (9000 / CellWidth); //numCells[i]; double[] block_Count = new double[200]; double blockCount = 0; int blocks = 0; Array.Clear(block_Count, 0, block_Count.Length); block_Count[0] = 0; if (double.IsInfinity(TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]]) || double.IsNegativeInfinity(TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]])) { } // if numcells[i] is smaller than this number, the material will be shared between cells and block diffusion will occur if (numCells[i] <= 20) { // // Direction = 1 // if (direction[i] == 1) { int a = 0; int j = 1; // If current cell is above the water, move to the next cell if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]] == 1) { a = 1; } if (numCells[i] - a <= 0) { firstDeltaArea = 0; } else { firstDeltaArea /= numCells[i] - a; } int Count_1 = numCells[i] - a; double leftovers = 0; int z = a; // Give equal amount to the row of original numcells[i] for (int aa = a; aa < numCells[i]; aa++) { if (Y[i] + aa > ymax - 1 || Y[i] + aa < 0) { // ingnore cell leftovers += Math.Abs(firstDeltaArea); goto get_out_1; } if (X[i] < 0 || X[i] > pbEnd - 1) { int stop = 1; } if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + aa] == 0) { Volume[X[i], Y[i] + aa] += firstDeltaArea; } else { leftovers += Math.Abs(firstDeltaArea); } get_out_1: z++; } // how many blocks until we reach 80ish cells? for (blocks = 0; Count_1 < 80; blocks++) { int xHolder = X[i] + blocks + 1; int yHolder = Y[i] + numCells[i] - a; int c, d, e, f, g, h; h = 0; // Right side - top half for (c = 0; c <= (blocks + 1); c++) { if (yHolder + h > ymax - 1 || yHolder + h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_1; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder + h] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_1: blockCount++; } yHolder = yHolder + h - 1; h = 1; // Top Side for (d = 1; d <= ((blocks + 1) * 2); d++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_2; } if (xHolder - h < 0 || xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder - h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder - h, yHolder] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_2: blockCount++; } xHolder = xHolder - h + 1; h = 1; // Left Side for (e = 1; e < (((blocks + 1) * 2) + numCells[i] - a); e++) { if (yHolder - h > ymax - 1 || yHolder - h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_3; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder - h] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_3: blockCount++; } yHolder = yHolder - h + 1; h = 1; // Bottom Side for (f = 1; f <= (blocks + 1) * 2; f++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_4; } if (xHolder + h < 0 || xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder + h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder + h, yHolder] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_4: blockCount++; } xHolder = xHolder + h - 1; h = 1; // Right Side - Bottom part for (g = 1; g <= blocks + 1 + (numCells[i] - a) - 2; g++) { if (yHolder + h > ymax - 1 || yHolder + h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_5; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder + h] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_5: blockCount++; } block_Count[j] = blockCount; blockCount++; j++; } //How many blocks? How much for each block? int posNeg; if ((DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers) < 0) { posNeg = -1; } else { posNeg = 1; } double extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers); // How much material do we have? double totalDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers); // Keep tracks of little bits that are left. double A = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers); // End Amount double P = 1; // Start Amount double t = blocks; // time //double decayRate = Math.Log(A / P) / t; // r, decay rate double decayRate = (Math.Log(A / P)) / t; int emptyflag = 0; blockCount = 0; j = 0; // Now give those active cells some material for (blocks = 0; (totalDeltaArea > 0) && (emptyflag == 0); blocks++) { int xHolder = X[i] + blocks + 1; int yHolder = Y[i] + numCells[i] - a; int c, d, e, f, g, h; j++; h = 0; if (blocks <= t) { //extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs(((totalDeltaArea * decayRate) / 5) / numCells[i]); extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs((totalDeltaArea * decayRate) / numCells[i]); } if (extraDeltaArea == 0) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea; } if ((double.IsInfinity(extraDeltaArea)) || (double.IsNegativeInfinity(extraDeltaArea))) { } // Right side - top half for (c = 0; c <= (blocks + 1); c++) { if (yHolder + h > ymax - 1 || yHolder + h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_1a; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder + h] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder, yHolder + h] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder, yHolder + h] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_1a: blockCount++; } if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } yHolder = yHolder + h - 1; h = 1; // Top Side for (d = 1; d <= ((blocks + 1) * 2); d++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_2a; } if (xHolder - h < 0 || xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder - h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder - h, yHolder] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder - h, yHolder] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder - h, yHolder] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_2a: blockCount++; } if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } xHolder = xHolder - h + 1; h = 1; // Left Side for (e = 1; e < (((blocks + 1) * 2) + numCells[i] - a); e++) { if (yHolder - h > ymax - 1 || yHolder - h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_3a; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder - h] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder, yHolder - h] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder, yHolder - h] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_3a: blockCount++; } if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } yHolder = yHolder - h + 1; h = 1; // Bottom Side for (f = 1; f <= (blocks + 1) * 2; f++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_4a; } if (xHolder + h < 0 || xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder + h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder + h, yHolder] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder + h, yHolder] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder + h, yHolder] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_4a: blockCount++; } if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } xHolder = xHolder + h - 1; h = 1; // Right Side - Bottom part for (g = 1; g <= blocks + 1 + (numCells[i] - a) - 2; g++) { if (yHolder + h > ymax - 1 || yHolder + h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_5a; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder + h] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder, yHolder + h] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder, yHolder + h] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } y_out_5a: blockCount++; } if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } } } // // Direction = 5 // else if (direction[i] == 5) { int a = 0; int j = 1; // If current cell is above the water, move to the next cell if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]] == 1) { a = 1; } if (numCells[i] - a <= 0) { firstDeltaArea = 0; } else { firstDeltaArea /= numCells[i] - a; } int Count_1 = numCells[i] - a; double leftovers = 0; int z = a; // Give equal amount to the row of original numcells[i] for (int aa = a; aa < numCells[i]; aa++) { if (Y[i] - aa > ymax - 1 || Y[i] - aa < 0) { // ingnore cell leftovers += Math.Abs(firstDeltaArea); goto get_out_2; } if (X[i] < 0 || X[i] > pbEnd - 1) { int stop = 1; } if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - aa] == 0) { Volume[X[i], Y[i] - aa] += firstDeltaArea; } else { leftovers += Math.Abs(firstDeltaArea); } get_out_2: z++; } blockCount = 0; // how many blocks until we reach 80ish cells? for (blocks = 0; Count_1 < 80; blocks++) { int xHolder = X[i] + blocks + 1; int yHolder = Y[i] - a; int c, d, e, f, g, h; h = 0; // Right side - top half for (c = 0; c <= (blocks + 1); c++) { if (yHolder + h > ymax - 1 || yHolder + h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_6; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder + h] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_6: blockCount++; } yHolder = yHolder + h - 1; h = 1; // Top Side for (d = 1; d <= ((blocks + 1) * 2); d++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_7; } if (xHolder - h < 0 || xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder - h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder - h, yHolder] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_7: blockCount++; } xHolder = xHolder - h + 1; h = 1; // Left Side for (e = 1; e < (((blocks + 1) * 2) + numCells[i] - a); e++) { if (yHolder - h > ymax - 1 || yHolder - h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_8; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder - h] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_8: blockCount++; } yHolder = yHolder - h + 1; h = 1; // Bottom Side for (f = 1; f <= (blocks + 1) * 2; f++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_9; } if (xHolder + h < 0 || xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder + h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder + h, yHolder] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_9: blockCount++; } xHolder = xHolder + h - 1; h = 1; // Right Side - Bottom part for (g = 1; g <= blocks + 1 + (numCells[i] - a) - 2; g++) { if (yHolder + h > ymax - 1 || yHolder + h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_10; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder + h] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_10: blockCount++; } block_Count[j] = blockCount; blockCount++; j++; } //How many blocks? How much for each block? int posNeg; if ((DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers) < 0) { posNeg = -1; } else { posNeg = 1; } double extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers); // How much material do we have? double totalDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers); // Keep tracks of little bits that are left. double A = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers); // End Amount double P = 1; // Start Amount double t = blocks; // time double decayRate = (Math.Log(A / P)) / t; // r, decay rate int emptyflag = 0; j = 0; blockCount = 0; // Now give those active cells some material for (blocks = 0; (totalDeltaArea > 0) && (emptyflag == 0); blocks++) { int xHolder = X[i] + blocks + 1; int yHolder = Y[i] - a; int c, d, e, f, g, h; h = 0; j++; if (blocks <= t) { //extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs(((totalDeltaArea * decayRate) / 5) / numCells[i]); extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs((totalDeltaArea * decayRate) / numCells[i]); } if (extraDeltaArea == 0) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea; } if ((double.IsInfinity(extraDeltaArea)) || (double.IsNegativeInfinity(extraDeltaArea))) { } // Right side - top half for (c = 0; c <= (blocks + 1); c++) { if (yHolder + h > ymax - 1 || yHolder + h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_6a; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder + h] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder, yHolder + h] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder, yHolder + h] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_6a: blockCount++; } if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } yHolder = yHolder + h - 1; h = 1; // Top Side for (d = 1; d <= ((blocks + 1) * 2); d++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_7a; } if (xHolder - h < 0 || xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder - h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder - h, yHolder] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder - h, yHolder] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder - h, yHolder] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_7a: blockCount++; } if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } xHolder = xHolder - h + 1; h = 1; // Left Side for (e = 1; e < (((blocks + 1) * 2) + numCells[i] - a); e++) { if (yHolder - h > ymax - 1 || yHolder - h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_8a; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder - h] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder, yHolder - h] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder, yHolder - e] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_8a: blockCount++; } if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } yHolder = yHolder - h + 1; h = 1; // Bottom Side for (f = 1; f <= (blocks + 1) * 2; f++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_9a; } if (xHolder + h < 0 || xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder + h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder + h, yHolder] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder + h, yHolder] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder + h, yHolder] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_9a: blockCount++; } if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } xHolder = xHolder + h - 1; h = 1; // Right Side - Bottom part for (g = 1; g <= blocks + 1 + (numCells[i] - a) - 2; g++) { if (yHolder + h > ymax - 1 || yHolder + h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_10a; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder + h] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder, yHolder + h] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder, yHolder + h] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_10a: blockCount++; } if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } } } // // Direction = 3 // else if (direction[i] == 3) { int a = 0; int j = 1; double leftovers = 0; // If current cell is above the water, move to the next cell if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]] == 1) { a = 1; } if (numCells[i] - a <= 0) { firstDeltaArea = 0; } else { firstDeltaArea /= numCells[i] - a; } int Count_1 = numCells[i] - a; int z = a; // Give equal amount to the row of original numcells[i] for (int aa = a; aa < numCells[i]; aa++) { if (Y[i] > ymax - 1 || Y[i] < 0) { // ingnore cell leftovers += Math.Abs(firstDeltaArea); goto get_out_3; } if (X[i] + z < 0 || X[i] + z > pbEnd - 1) { if (X[i] + z < 0) { z = pbEnd - 1; } else if (X[i] + z > pbEnd - 1) { z = 0; } } if (AboveWater[X[i] + z, Y[i]] == 0) { Volume[X[i] + z, Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; } else { leftovers += Math.Abs(firstDeltaArea); } get_out_3: z++; } // how many blocks until we reach 80ish cells? for (blocks = 0; Count_1 < 80; blocks++) { int xHolder = X[i] + numCells[i] - a; int yHolder = Y[i] + blocks + 1; int c, d, e, f, g, h; h = 1; // Top side - Left half for (c = 0; c < ((blocks + 1) + numCells[i] - a - 1); c++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_11; } if (xHolder - h < 0 || xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder - h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder - h, yHolder] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_11: blockCount++; } xHolder = xHolder - h + 1; h = 1; // Left Side for (d = 1; d <= (blocks + 1) * 2; d++) { if (yHolder - h > ymax - 1 || yHolder - h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_12; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder - h] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_12: blockCount++; } yHolder = yHolder - h + 1; h = 1; // Bottom Side for (e = 1; e < (((blocks + 1) * 2) + numCells[i] - a); e++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_13; } if (xHolder + h < 0 || xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder + h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder + h, yHolder] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_13: blockCount++; } xHolder = xHolder + h - 1; h = 1; // Right Side for (f = 1; f <= (blocks + 1) * 2; f++) { if (yHolder + h > ymax - 1 || yHolder + h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_14; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder + h] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_14: blockCount++; } yHolder = yHolder + h - 1; h = 1; // Top Side - Right part for (g = 1; g <= blocks + 1; g++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_15; } if (xHolder - h < 0 || xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder - h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder - h, yHolder] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_15: blockCount++; } block_Count[j] = blockCount; blockCount++; j++; } //How many blocks? How much for each block? int posNeg; if ((DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers) < 0) { posNeg = -1; } else { posNeg = 1; } double extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers); // How much material do we have? double totalDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers); // Keep tracks of little bits that are left. double A = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers); // End Amount double P = 1; // Start Amount double t = blocks; // time double decayRate = (Math.Log(A / P)) / t; // r, decay rate int emptyflag = 0; j = 0; // Now give those active cells some material for (blocks = 0; (totalDeltaArea > 0) && (emptyflag == 0); blocks++) { int xHolder = X[i] + numCells[i] - a; int yHolder = Y[i] + blocks + 1; int c, d, e, f, g, h; j++; if (blocks <= t) { //extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs(((totalDeltaArea * decayRate) / 5) / numCells[i]); extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs((totalDeltaArea * decayRate) / numCells[i]); } if (extraDeltaArea == 0) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea; } if ((double.IsInfinity(extraDeltaArea)) || (double.IsNegativeInfinity(extraDeltaArea))) { } h = 1; // Top side - Left half for (c = 0; c < ((blocks + 1) + numCells[i] - a - 1); c++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_11a; } if (xHolder - h < 0 || xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder - h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder - h, yHolder] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder - h, yHolder] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder - h, yHolder] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_11a: blockCount++; } xHolder = xHolder - h + 1; h = 1; if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } // Left Side for (d = 1; d <= (blocks + 1) * 2; d++) { if (yHolder - h > ymax - 1 || yHolder - h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_12a; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder - h] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder, yHolder - h] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder, yHolder - h] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_12a: blockCount++; } yHolder = yHolder - h + 1; h = 1; if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } // Bottom Side for (e = 1; e < (((blocks + 1) * 2) + numCells[i] - a); e++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_13a; } if (xHolder + h < 0 || xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder + h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder + h, yHolder] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder + h, yHolder] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder + h, yHolder] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_13a: blockCount++; } xHolder = xHolder + h - 1; h = 1; if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } // Right Side for (f = 1; f <= (blocks + 1) * 2; f++) { if (counter == 6) { int stop = 1; } if (yHolder + h > ymax - 1 || yHolder + h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_14a; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder + h] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder, yHolder + h] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder, yHolder + h] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_14a: blockCount++; } yHolder = yHolder + h - 1; h = 1; if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } // Top Side - Right part for (g = 1; g <= blocks + 1; g++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_15a; } if (xHolder - h < 0 || xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder - h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder - h, yHolder] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder - h, yHolder] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder - h, yHolder] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_15a: blockCount++; } if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } } } // // Direction = 7 // else if (direction[i] == 7) { int a = 0; int j = 1; double leftovers = 0; // If current cell is above the water, move to the next cell if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]] == 1) { a = 1; } if (numCells[i] - a <= 0) { firstDeltaArea = 0; } else { firstDeltaArea /= numCells[i] - a; } int Count_1 = numCells[i] - a; int z = a; // Give equal amount to the row of original numcells[i] for (int aa = a; aa < numCells[i]; aa++) { if (Y[i] > ymax - 1 || Y[i] < 0) { // ingnore cell leftovers += Math.Abs(firstDeltaArea); goto get_out_4; } if (X[i] - z < 0 || X[i] - z > pbEnd - 1) { if (X[i] - z < 0) { z = pbEnd - 1; } else if (X[i] - z > pbEnd - 1) { z = 0; } } if (AboveWater[X[i] - z, Y[i]] == 0) { Volume[X[i] - z, Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; } else { leftovers += Math.Abs(firstDeltaArea); } get_out_4: z++; } // how many blocks until we reach 80ish cells? for (blocks = 0; Count_1 < 80; blocks++) { int xHolder = X[i] - a; int yHolder = Y[i] + blocks + 1; int c, d, e, f, g, h; h = 0; // Top side - Left half for (c = 0; c < ((blocks + 1) + numCells[i] - a - 1); c++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_11; } if (xHolder - h < 0 || xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder - h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder - h, yHolder] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_11: blockCount++; } xHolder = xHolder - h + 1; h = 1; // Left Side for (d = 1; d <= (blocks + 1) * 2; d++) { if (yHolder - h > ymax - 1 || yHolder - h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_12; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder - h] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_12: blockCount++; } yHolder = yHolder - h + 1; h = 1; // Bottom Side for (e = 1; e < (((blocks + 1) * 2) + numCells[i] - a); e++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_13; } if (xHolder + h < 0 || xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder + h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder + h, yHolder] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_13: blockCount++; } xHolder = xHolder + h - 1; h = 1; // Right Side for (f = 1; f <= (blocks + 1) * 2; f++) { if (yHolder + h > ymax - 1 || yHolder + h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_14; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder + h] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_14: blockCount++; } yHolder = yHolder + h - 1; h = 1; // Top Side - Right part for (g = 1; g <= blocks + 1; g++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_15; } if (xHolder - h < 0 || xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder - h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder - h, yHolder] == 0) { Count_1++; h++; } else { h++; } y_out_15: blockCount++; } block_Count[j] = blockCount; blockCount++; j++; } //How many blocks? How much for each block? int posNeg; if ((DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers) < 0) { posNeg = -1; } else { posNeg = 1; } double extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers); // How much material do we have? double totalDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers); // Keep tracks of little bits that are left. double A = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - (firstDeltaArea * numCells[i] - a) + leftovers); // End Amount double P = 1; // Start Amount double t = blocks; // time double decayRate = (Math.Log(A / P)) / t; // r, decay rate if (counter == 555 && i == 119) { } int emptyflag = 0; j = 0; // Now give those active cells some material for (blocks = 0; (totalDeltaArea > 0) && (emptyflag == 0); blocks++) { int xHolder = X[i] - a; int yHolder = Y[i] + blocks + 1; int c, d, e, f, g, h; j++; if (blocks <= t) { //extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs(((totalDeltaArea * decayRate) / 5) / numCells[i]); extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs((totalDeltaArea * decayRate) / numCells[i]); } if (extraDeltaArea == 0) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea; } if ((double.IsInfinity(extraDeltaArea)) || (double.IsNegativeInfinity(extraDeltaArea))) { } h = 0; // Top side - Left half for (c = 0; c < ((blocks + 1) + numCells[i] - a - 1); c++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_11a; } if (xHolder - h < 0 || xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder - h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder - h, yHolder] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder - h, yHolder] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder - h, yHolder] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_11a: blockCount++; } xHolder = xHolder - h + 1; h = 1; if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } // Left Side for (d = 1; d <= (blocks + 1) * 2; d++) { if (yHolder - h > ymax - 1 || yHolder - h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_12a; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder - h] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder, yHolder - h] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder, yHolder - h] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_12a: blockCount++; } yHolder = yHolder - h + 1; h = 1; if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } // Bottom Side for (e = 1; e < (((blocks + 1) * 2) + numCells[i] - a); e++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_13a; } if (xHolder + h < 0 || xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder + h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder + h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder + h, yHolder] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder + h, yHolder] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder + h, yHolder] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_13a: blockCount++; } xHolder = xHolder + h - 1; h = 1; if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } // Right Side for (f = 1; f <= (blocks + 1) * 2; f++) { if (yHolder + h > ymax - 1 || yHolder + h < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_14a; } if (xHolder < 0 || xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } } if (AboveWater[xHolder, yHolder + h] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder, yHolder + h] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder, yHolder + h] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_14a: blockCount++; } yHolder = yHolder + h - 1; h = 1; if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } // Top Side - Right part for (g = 1; g <= blocks + 1; g++) { if (yHolder > ymax - 1 || yHolder < 0) { // ingnore cell h++; goto y_out_15a; } if (xHolder - h < 0 || xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { if (xHolder - h < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; } else if (xHolder - h > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; } h = 0; } if (AboveWater[xHolder - h, yHolder] == 0) { if (totalDeltaArea <= extraDeltaArea) { Volume[xHolder - h, yHolder] += totalDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea = 0; emptyflag = 1; h++; break; } else { Volume[xHolder - h, yHolder] += extraDeltaArea * posNeg; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; h++; } } else { h++; } y_out_15a: blockCount++; } if (totalDeltaArea <= 0) { emptyflag = 1; break; } } } } else if (DeltaArea > 0 && numCells[i] > 20) { if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]] == 1) { if (direction[i] == 1) { Volume[X[i], Y[i] + 1] += firstDeltaArea; //Y[i] = Y[i] + 1; } else if (direction[i] == 2) { Volume[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] += firstDeltaArea; //X[i] = X[i] + 1; } else if (direction[i] == 3) { Volume[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; //X[i] = X[i] + 1; } else if (direction[i] == 4) { Volume[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] += firstDeltaArea; //X[i] = X[i] + 1; //Y[i] = Y[i] - 1; } else if (direction[i] == 5) { Volume[X[i], Y[i] - 1] += firstDeltaArea; //Y[i] = Y[i] - 1; } else if (direction[i] == 6) { Volume[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] += firstDeltaArea; //X[i] = X[i] - 1; //Y[i] = Y[i] - 1; } else if (direction[i] == 7) { Volume[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; //X[i] = X[i] - 1; } else if (direction[i] == 8) { Volume[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] += firstDeltaArea; //Y[i] = Y[i] + 1; //X[i] = X[i] - 1; } //Volume[X[i], Y[i]] += 0; numCells[i]--; } else { Volume[X[i], Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; numCells[i]--; } int xHolder; int s = 0; double extraDeltaArea = DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea; // How much material do we have? double totalDeltaArea = DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea; // Keep tracks of little bits that are left. double A = DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea; // End Amount double P = 1; // Start Amount double t = numCells[i]; // time if (numCells[i] <= 0) { numCells[i] = 1; t = 1; } double decayRate = Math.Log(A / P) / t; // r, decay rate if (direction[i] == 1) // Up { for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i]; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; if (j == numCells[i] - 1) { Volume[X[i], Y[i] + j] += totalDeltaArea; } else { Volume[X[i], Y[i] + j] += extraDeltaArea; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 3) // Right { xHolder = X[i]; for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i]; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; if (xHolder + s > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; s = 0; } if (j == numCells[i] - 1) { Volume[xHolder + s, Y[i]] += totalDeltaArea; s++; } else { Volume[xHolder + s, Y[i]] += extraDeltaArea; s++; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 5) // Bottom { for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i]; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; if (j == numCells[i] - 1) { Volume[X[i], Y[i] - j] += totalDeltaArea; } else { Volume[X[i], Y[i] - j] += extraDeltaArea; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 7) // Left { xHolder = X[i]; for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i]; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; if (xHolder - s < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; s = 0; } if (j == numCells[i] - 1) { Volume[xHolder - s, Y[i]] += totalDeltaArea; } else { Volume[xHolder - s, Y[i]] += extraDeltaArea; s++; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } } // int CellCount = 0; // int xHolder; // int s = 0; // // How many cells out does the slope extend (only to a dip in the coastline) // if (direction[i] == 1) // Top // { // for (CellCount = 0; CellCount < numCells[i]; CellCount++) // { // Volume[X[i], Y[i] + s] += DeltaArea; // s++; // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 2) // Top Right // { // for (CellCount = 0; CellCount < numCells[i]; CellCount++) // { // Volume[X[i] + s, Y[i] + s] += DeltaArea; // s++; // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 3) // Right // { // xHolder = X[i]; // //if (AboveWater[xHolder + 1, Y[i]] == 1) // //{ // // Y[i] = Y[i] + 1; // //} // for (CellCount = 0; CellCount < numCells[i]; CellCount++) // { // if (xHolder + s > pbEnd - 1) // { // xHolder = 0; // s = 0; // Volume[xHolder + s, Y[i]] += DeltaArea; // s++; // } // else // { // Volume[xHolder + s, Y[i]] += DeltaArea; // s++; // } // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 4) // Bottom Right // { // for (CellCount = 0; CellCount < numCells[i]; CellCount++) // { // Volume[X[i] + s, Y[i] - s] += DeltaArea; // s++; // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 5) // Bottom // { // for (CellCount = 0; CellCount < numCells[i]; CellCount++) // { // Volume[X[i], Y[i] - s] += DeltaArea; // s++; // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 6) // Bottom Left // { // for (CellCount = 0; CellCount < numCells[i]; CellCount++) // { // Volume[X[i] - s, Y[i] - s] += DeltaArea; // s++; // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 7) // Left // { // xHolder = X[i]; // //if (AboveWater[xHolder - 1, Y[i]] == 1) // //{ // // Y[i] = Y[i] + 1; // //} // for (CellCount = 0; CellCount < numCells[i]; CellCount++) // { // if (xHolder - s < 0) // { // xHolder = pbEnd - 1; // s = 0; // Volume[xHolder - s, Y[i]] += DeltaArea; // s++; // } // else // { // Volume[xHolder - s, Y[i]] += DeltaArea; // s++; // } // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 8) // Top Left // { // for (CellCount = 0; CellCount < numCells[i]; CellCount++) // { // Volume[X[i] - s, Y[i] + s] += DeltaArea; // s++; // } // } } else if (DeltaArea < 0 && numCells[i] > 20) { Volume[X[i], Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; numCells[i]--; int xHolder; int s = 0; double extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea); // How much material do we have? double totalDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea); // Keep tracks of little bits that are left. double A = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea); // End Amount double P = 1; // Start Amount double t = numCells[i]; // time if (numCells[i] <= 0) { numCells[i] = 1; t = 1; } double decayRate = Math.Log(A / P) / t; // r, decay rate if (direction[i] == 1) // Up { for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i]; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; if (j == numCells[i] - 1) { Volume[X[i], Y[i] + j] -= extraDeltaArea; } else { Volume[X[i], Y[i] + j] -= extraDeltaArea; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 3) // Right { xHolder = X[i]; for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i]; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; if (xHolder + s > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; s = 0; } if (j == numCells[i] - 1) { Volume[xHolder + s, Y[i]] -= totalDeltaArea; s++; } else { Volume[xHolder + s, Y[i]] -= extraDeltaArea; s++; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 5) // Bottom { for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i]; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; if (j == numCells[i] - 1) { Volume[X[i], Y[i] - j] -= totalDeltaArea; } else { Volume[X[i], Y[i] - j] -= extraDeltaArea; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 7) // Left { xHolder = X[i]; for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i]; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; if (xHolder - s < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; s = 0; } if (j == numCells[i] - 1) { Volume[xHolder - s, Y[i]] -= totalDeltaArea; } else { Volume[xHolder - s, Y[i]] -= extraDeltaArea; s++; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } } } if (double.IsInfinity(TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]]) || double.IsNegativeInfinity(TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]])) { } } if (double.IsInfinity(TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]]) || double.IsNegativeInfinity(TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]])) { } } void AdjustShore_Part2(int i) { // Complete mass balance for incoming and ougoing sediment // This function will change the global data array PercentFullSand[][] // Uses but does not adjust arrays: X[], Y[], ShorelineAngle[], ActualVolumeAcross LMV // Uses global variables: ShelfSlope, CellWidth, ShorefaceSlope, InitialDepth //FIND EFFECTIVE DEPTH, Deff, HERE //Deff = FROM SOLUTION TO: //A*Distance^n = D(X) - OverallSlope*cos(ShorelineAngle[X][Y])*Distance //Where Distance is from shore, perpendicular to ShorelineAngle; //Brad's stuff not being used right now (linear slope for now) : //Xintercept = X + Distance*cos(ShorelineAngle), and n = 2/3. //THEN Deff = D(Xintercept); //FIND "A" FROM DEPTH OF 10METERS AT ABOUT 1000METERS. //FOR NOW, USE n = 1: double DeltaArea; // Holds change in area for cell (m^2) if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'L') { VolumeIn[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; VolumeOut[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; } if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'C') { VolumeIn[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; VolumeOut[i] = -ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; } if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'D') { VolumeIn[i] = -ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; VolumeOut[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; } if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'R') { VolumeIn[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; VolumeOut[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; } //if (X[i] == xDisplayStart) //{ //} //if (X[i] == pbEnd / 2) //{ // StreamWriter SandOut_File_m = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/SandOut_middle.out"); // SandOut_File_m.Write(counter + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i] + " " + ((VolumeOut[i] / CellWidth) / 2) + Environment.NewLine); // SandOut_File_m.Close(); //} //if (X[i] == xDisplayEnd) //{ // StreamWriter SandOut_File_e = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/SandOut_end.out"); // SandOut_File_e.Write(counter + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i] + " " + ((VolumeOut[i] / CellWidth) / 2) + Environment.NewLine); // SandOut_File_e.Close(); //} //DeltaArea = ((((VolumeIn[i] - VolumeOut[i]) / 100) / 2)); DeltaArea = (VolumeIn[i] - VolumeOut[i]) / (CellWidth * CellWidth); //if (X[i] == 1000 && Y[i] > 250 && hit == 0) //{ // StreamWriter SandOut_File_s = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/SandOut_start.out"); // //StreamWriter Delta_File = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/Delta_File.out"); // ////if (X[i] == 1) // ////{ // //// SandOut_File_s.Write(Environment.NewLine); // //// Delta_File.Write(Environment.NewLine); // ////} // //Delta_File.Write(counter + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i] + " " + DeltaArea + Environment.NewLine); // //Delta_File.Close(); // SandOut_File_s.Write(counter + " " + DirectionAcrossBorder[i] + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i] + " " + (VolumeIn[i] / (CellWidth * CellWidth)) + " " + (VolumeOut[i] / (CellWidth * CellWidth)) + " " + DeltaArea + " " + VolumeAcrossBorder[i] + " " + ActualVolumeAcross[i] + Environment.NewLine); // SandOut_File_s.Close(); // hit = 1; //} if (HaveSinks == 1) { for (int Sx = 0; Sx < SinkX.Length; Sx++) { if (X[i] == SinkX[Sx]) { DeltaArea = 0; } } } int CellCount = 0; double firstDeltaArea; double A2; // End Amount double P2; // Start Amount double t2; double A3; // End Amount double P3; // Start Amount double t3; // time double decayRate1; double averageChange = Math.Abs(DeltaArea / MaxDist); int shortShoreface = 10; if (DeltaArea != 0) { // Delta Area > 0 // if (DeltaArea > 0) { if (numCells[i] < shortShoreface) { //double firstDeltaArea = DeltaArea / numCells[i]; firstDeltaArea = DeltaArea / MaxDist; A2 = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea); // End Amount P2 = 1; // Start Amount t2 = MaxDist; } else { firstDeltaArea = DeltaArea / numCells[i]; A2 = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea); // End Amount P2 = 1; // Start Amount t2 = numCells[i]; // time } if (numCells[i] <= 1) { numCells[i] = 2; t2 = 1; } decayRate1 = (Math.Log(A2 / P2)) / t2; // r, decay rate //double firstDeltaArea = DeltaArea * decayRate1; int jj = 0; if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]] == 1) { if (direction[i] == 1) { if (VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + 1] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + 1] += firstDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 2) { if (VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] += firstDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 3) { if (VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 4) { if (VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] += firstDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 5) { if (VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - 1] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - 1] += firstDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 6) { if (VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] += firstDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 7) { if (VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 8) { if (VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] += firstDeltaArea; } } numCells[i]--; jj = 2; } else { if (VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i]] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; } numCells[i]--; jj = 1; } int xHolder; int s = 0; double extraDeltaArea = DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea; // How much material do we have? double totalDeltaArea = DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea; // Keep tracks of little bits that are left. double A = DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea; // End Amount double P = 1; // Start Amount double t; if (numCells[i] < shortShoreface) { t = MaxDist - jj; // time } else { t = numCells[i] - jj; } double decayRate = (Math.Log(A / P)) / t; // r, decay rate if (direction[i] == 1) // Up { for (int j = jj; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; //if (j == numCells[i] - 1 && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + j] == 0) //{ // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] += totalDeltaArea; //} if (Y[i] + j >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + j] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] < averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] += extraDeltaArea; } } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 3) // Right { xHolder = X[i]; for (int j = jj; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; if (xHolder + s > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; s = 0; } else if (AboveWater[xHolder + s, Y[i]] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] < averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] += extraDeltaArea; } s++; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } // Turn direction to up // Share rest with north going cells, along all X-numcells if (totalDeltaArea > 0) { int k = 1; //int n = 0; // while (totalDeltaArea > 0) // { // for (int m = 0; m < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; m++) // { // extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; // if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) // { // lost += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // break; // } // else if (xHolder + n > pbEnd - 1) // { // xHolder = 0; // n = 0; // } // if (AboveWater[xHolder + n, Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder + n, Y[i] + k] < averageChange) // { // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + n, Y[i] + k] += totalDeltaArea; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + n, Y[i] + k] += extraDeltaArea; // } // } // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // n++; // } // n = 0; // xHolder = X[i]; // k++; // } for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; //if (Y[i] + k < ymax && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0) //{ //if (j == MaxDist - 1) //{ // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += totalDeltaArea; //} if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] < averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += extraDeltaArea; } } k++; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; //} //else //{ // totalDeltaArea = 0; // break; //} } } } else if (direction[i] == 5) // Bottom { for (int j = jj; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; //if (j == numCells[i] - 1 && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - j] == 0) //{ // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] += totalDeltaArea; //} if (Y[i] - j >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - j] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] < averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] += extraDeltaArea; } } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 7) // Left { xHolder = X[i]; for (int j = jj; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; if (xHolder - s < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; s = 0; } //if (j == numCells[i] - 1) //{ // VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] += totalDeltaArea; //} else if (AboveWater[xHolder - s, Y[i]] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] < averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] += extraDeltaArea; } s++; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } //// Turn direction to up //// Share rest with north going cells, along all X-numcells //if (totalDeltaArea > 0) //{ // int k = 1; // int n = 0; // while (totalDeltaArea > 0) // { // for (int m = 0; m < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; m++) // { // extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; // if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) // { // lost += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // break; // } // else if (xHolder - n < 0) // { // xHolder = pbEnd - 1; // n = 0; // } // if (AboveWater[xHolder - n, Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder - n, Y[i] + k] < averageChange) // { // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - n, Y[i] + k] += totalDeltaArea; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - n, Y[i] + k] += extraDeltaArea; // } // } // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // n++; // } // n = 0; // xHolder = X[i]; // k++; // } if (totalDeltaArea > 0) { // Turn direction to up int k = 1; for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; //if (Y[i] + k < ymax && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0) //{ //if (j == MaxDist - 1) //{ // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += totalDeltaArea; //} if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] < averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] = +totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += extraDeltaArea; } } k++; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; //} //else //{ // totalDeltaArea = 0; // break; //} } } } } // // Delta Area < 0 // else if (DeltaArea < 0) { averageChange = averageChange * -1; if (numCells[i] < shortShoreface) { //double firstDeltaArea = DeltaArea / numCells[i]; firstDeltaArea = DeltaArea / MaxDist; A3 = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea); // End Amount P3 = 1; // Start Amount t3 = MaxDist; } else { firstDeltaArea = DeltaArea / numCells[i]; A3 = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea); // End Amount P3 = 1; // Start Amount t3 = numCells[i]; // time } if (numCells[i] <= 1) { numCells[i] = 2; t3 = 1; } decayRate1 = (Math.Log(A3 / P3)) / t3; // r, decay rate //double firstDeltaArea = DeltaArea * decayRate1; // /2 works with DeltaArea/100 if (VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i]] > averageChange) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; } numCells[i]--; int xHolder; int s = 0; double extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea); // How much material do we have? double totalDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea); // Keep tracks of little bits that are left. double A = Math.Abs(DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea); // End Amount double P = 1; // Start Amount double t; if (numCells[i] < shortShoreface) { t = MaxDist - 1; // time } else { t = numCells[i] - 1; } // time double decayRate = Math.Log(A / P) / t; // r, decay rate if (direction[i] == 1) // Up { for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; //if (j == numCells[i] - 1 && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + j] == 0) //{ // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] -= extraDeltaArea; //} if (Y[i] + j >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + j] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] > averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] -= totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] -= extraDeltaArea; } } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 3) // Right { xHolder = X[i]; for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; if (xHolder + s > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; s = 0; } //if (j == numCells[i] - 1) //{ // VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] -= totalDeltaArea; // s++; //} else if (AboveWater[xHolder + s, Y[i]] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] > averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] -= totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] -= extraDeltaArea; } s++; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } //if (totalDeltaArea > 0) //{ // int k = 1; // int n = 0; // while (totalDeltaArea > 0) // { // for (int m = 0; m < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; m++) // { // extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; // if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) // { // lost += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // break; // } // else if (xHolder + n > pbEnd - 1) // { // xHolder = 0; // n = 0; // } // if (AboveWater[xHolder + n, Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder + n, Y[i] + k] < averageChange) // { // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + n, Y[i] + k] -= totalDeltaArea; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + n, Y[i] + k] -= extraDeltaArea; // } // } // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // n++; // } // n = 0; // xHolder = X[i]; // k++; // } //} if (totalDeltaArea > 0) { // Turn direction to up int k = 1; for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; //if (Y[i] + k < ymax && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0) //{ //if (j == MaxDist - 1) //{ // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += totalDeltaArea; //} if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] > averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= extraDeltaArea; } } k++; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; //} //else //{ // totalDeltaArea = 0; // break; //} } } } else if (direction[i] == 5) // Bottom { for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; //if (j == numCells[i] - 1 && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - j] == 0) //{ // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] -= totalDeltaArea; //} if (Y[i] - j >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - j] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] > averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] -= totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] -= extraDeltaArea; } } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 7) // Left { xHolder = X[i]; for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; if (xHolder - s < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; s = 0; } //if (j == numCells[i] - 1) //{ // VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] -= totalDeltaArea; //} else if (AboveWater[xHolder - s, Y[i]] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] > averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] -= totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] -= extraDeltaArea; } s++; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; } //// Turn direction to up //// Share rest with north going cells, along all X-numcells //if (totalDeltaArea > 0) //{ // int k = 1; // int n = 0; // while (totalDeltaArea > 0) // { // for (int m = 0; m < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; m++) // { // extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; // if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) // { // lost += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // break; // } // else if (xHolder - n < 0) // { // xHolder = pbEnd - 1; // n = 0; // } // if (AboveWater[xHolder - n, Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder - n, Y[i] + k] < averageChange) // { // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - n, Y[i] + k] -= totalDeltaArea; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - n, Y[i] + k] -= extraDeltaArea; // } // } // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // n++; // } // n = 0; // xHolder = X[i]; // k++; // } //} if (totalDeltaArea > 0) { // Turn direction to up int k = 1; for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = totalDeltaArea * decayRate; //if (Y[i] + k < ymax && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0) //{ //if (j == MaxDist - 1) //{ // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += totalDeltaArea; //} if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] > averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= extraDeltaArea; } } k++; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; //} //else //{ // totalDeltaArea = 0; // break; //} } } } } } //BlockTooBig: // DeltaArea = 0; } void AdjustShore_reducePertcent1(int i) { // Complete mass balance for incoming and ougoing sediment // This function will change the global data array PercentFullSand[][] // Uses but does not adjust arrays: X[], Y[], ShorelineAngle[], ActualVolumeAcross LMV // Uses global variables: ShelfSlope, CellWidth, ShorefaceSlope, InitialDepth //FIND EFFECTIVE DEPTH, Deff, HERE //Deff = FROM SOLUTION TO: //A*Distance^n = D(X) - OverallSlope*cos(ShorelineAngle[X][Y])*Distance //Where Distance is from shore, perpendicular to ShorelineAngle; //Brad's stuff not being used right now (linear slope for now) : //Xintercept = X + Distance*cos(ShorelineAngle), and n = 2/3. //THEN Deff = D(Xintercept); //FIND "A" FROM DEPTH OF 10METERS AT ABOUT 1000METERS. //FOR NOW, USE n = 1: double DeltaArea; // Holds change in area for cell (m^2) if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'L') { VolumeIn[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; VolumeOut[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; } if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'C') { VolumeIn[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; VolumeOut[i] = -ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; } if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'D') { VolumeIn[i] = -ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; VolumeOut[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; } if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'R') { VolumeIn[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; VolumeOut[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; } DeltaArea = ((VolumeIn[i] - VolumeOut[i]) / (CellWidth * CellWidth)) / 100; if (X[i] == 1000 && Y[i] > 250 && hit == 0) { StreamWriter SandOut_File_s = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/SandOut_start.out"); SandOut_File_s.Write(counter + " " + DirectionAcrossBorder[i] + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i] + " " + (VolumeIn[i] / (CellWidth * CellWidth)) + " " + (VolumeOut[i] / (CellWidth * CellWidth)) + " " + DeltaArea + " " + VolumeAcrossBorder[i] + " " + ActualVolumeAcross[i] + Environment.NewLine); SandOut_File_s.Close(); hit = 1; } if (HaveSinks == 1) { for (int Sx = 0; Sx < SinkX.Length; Sx++) { if (X[i] == SinkX[Sx]) { DeltaArea = 0; } } } int CellCount = 0; double firstDeltaArea; double A2; // End Amount double P2; // Start Amount double t2; double A3; // End Amount double P3; // Start Amount double t3; // time double decayRate1; double averageChange = 10; int shortShoreface = 100; if (DeltaArea != 0) { // // Delta Area > 0 // if (DeltaArea > 0) { firstDeltaArea = DeltaArea / 80; // Give 20% to the first cell if (numCells[i] <= 1) { numCells[i] = 2; } int jj = 0; if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]] == 1) { if (direction[i] == 1) { if (VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + 1] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + 1] += firstDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 2) { if (VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] += firstDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 3) { if (VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 4) { if (VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] += firstDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 5) { if (VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - 1] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - 1] += firstDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 6) { if (VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] += firstDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 7) { if (VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 8) { if (VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] += firstDeltaArea; } } numCells[i]--; jj = 2; } else { if (VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i]] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]] == 0) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; } numCells[i]--; jj = 1; } int xHolder; int s = 0; double extraDeltaArea = DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea; // How much material do we have? double totalDeltaArea = DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea; // Keep tracks of little bits that are left. double A = DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea; // End Amount double P = 1; // Start Amount double t; if (numCells[i] < shortShoreface) { t = MaxDist - jj; // time } else { t = numCells[i] - jj; } double decayRate = firstDeltaArea / 20; // r, decay rate double previousDA = firstDeltaArea; if (direction[i] == 1) // Up { for (int j = jj; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; if (Y[i] + j >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + j] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] < averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] += extraDeltaArea; } } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; previousDA = extraDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 3) // Right { xHolder = X[i]; for (int j = jj; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; if (xHolder + s > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; s = 0; } else if (AboveWater[xHolder + s, Y[i]] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] < averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] += extraDeltaArea; } s++; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; previousDA = extraDeltaArea; } // Turn direction to up // Share rest with north going cells, along all X-numcells if (totalDeltaArea > 0) { int k = 1; for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] < averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += extraDeltaArea; } } k++; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; previousDA = extraDeltaArea; } } } else if (direction[i] == 5) // Bottom { for (int j = jj; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; if (Y[i] - j >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - j] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] < averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] += extraDeltaArea; } } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; previousDA = extraDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 7) // Left { xHolder = X[i]; for (int j = jj; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; if (xHolder - s < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; s = 0; } else if (AboveWater[xHolder - s, Y[i]] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] < averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] += extraDeltaArea; } s++; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; previousDA = extraDeltaArea; } if (totalDeltaArea > 0) { // Turn direction to up int k = 1; for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] < averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += extraDeltaArea; } } k++; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; previousDA = extraDeltaArea; } } } } // // Delta Area < 0 // else if (DeltaArea < 0) { averageChange = averageChange * -1; firstDeltaArea = DeltaArea / 80; // Give 20% to the first cell if (numCells[i] <= 1) { numCells[i] = 2; } if (VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i]] > averageChange) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; } numCells[i]--; int xHolder; int s = 0; double extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea + firstDeltaArea); // How much material do we have? double totalDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea + firstDeltaArea); // Keep tracks of little bits that are left. double A = Math.Abs(DeltaArea + firstDeltaArea); // End Amount double P = 1; // Start Amount double t; if (numCells[i] < shortShoreface) { t = MaxDist - 1; // time } else { t = numCells[i] - 1; } // time double decayRate = Math.Abs(firstDeltaArea / 20); // r, decay rate double previousDA = Math.Abs(firstDeltaArea); if (direction[i] == 1) // Up { for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; if (Y[i] + j >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + j] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] > averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] -= totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] -= extraDeltaArea; } } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; previousDA = extraDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 3) // Right { xHolder = X[i]; for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; if (xHolder + s > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; s = 0; } else if (AboveWater[xHolder + s, Y[i]] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] > averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] -= totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] -= extraDeltaArea; } s++; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; previousDA = extraDeltaArea; } if (totalDeltaArea > 0) { // Turn direction to up int k = 1; for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] > averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= extraDeltaArea; } } k++; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; previousDA = extraDeltaArea; } } } else if (direction[i] == 5) // Bottom { for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; if (Y[i] - j >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - j] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] > averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] -= totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] -= extraDeltaArea; } } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; previousDA = extraDeltaArea; } } else if (direction[i] == 7) // Left { xHolder = X[i]; for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; if (xHolder - s < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; s = 0; } else if (AboveWater[xHolder - s, Y[i]] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] > averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] -= totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] -= extraDeltaArea; } s++; } totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; previousDA = extraDeltaArea; } if (totalDeltaArea > 0) { // Turn direction to up int k = 1; for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) { extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) { lost += totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; } else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] > averageChange) { if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= totalDeltaArea; totalDeltaArea = 0; extraDeltaArea = 0; } else { VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= extraDeltaArea; } } k++; totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; previousDA = extraDeltaArea; } } } } } } void AdjustShore(int i) { // Complete mass balance for incoming and ougoing sediment // This function will change the global data array PercentFullSand[][] // Uses but does not adjust arrays: X[], Y[], ShorelineAngle[], ActualVolumeAcross LMV // Uses global variables: ShelfSlope, CellWidth, ShorefaceSlope, InitialDepth //FIND EFFECTIVE DEPTH, Deff, HERE //Deff = FROM SOLUTION TO: //A*Distance^n = D(X) - OverallSlope*cos(ShorelineAngle[X][Y])*Distance //Where Distance is from shore, perpendicular to ShorelineAngle; //Brad's stuff not being used right now (linear slope for now) : //Xintercept = X + Distance*cos(ShorelineAngle), and n = 2/3. //THEN Deff = D(Xintercept); //FIND "A" FROM DEPTH OF 10METERS AT ABOUT 1000METERS. //FOR NOW, USE n = 1: //// DEBUGGING START //if (counter == 365 &&((i == 88) || (i == 89) || (i == 90) || (i == 91) || (i == 92) || (i == 93) || (i == 94) || (i == 95) || (i == 96) || (i == 97) || (i == 98) || (i == 99) || (i == 100))) //{ // Array.Clear(VolumeChange, 0, VolumeChange.Length); //} //// DEBUGGIN END double DeltaArea; // Holds change in area for cell (m^2) if (i == 0) { //if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'L') //{ // VolumeIn[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; // VolumeOut[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[TotalBeachCells - 1]; //} //else if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'C') //{ // VolumeIn[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; // VolumeOut[i] = -ActualVolumeAcross[TotalBeachCells - 1]; //} //else if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'D') //{ // VolumeIn[i] = -ActualVolumeAcross[TotalBeachCells - 1]; // VolumeOut[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; //} //else if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'R') //{ // VolumeIn[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[TotalBeachCells - 1]; // VolumeOut[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; //} //else //{ //} } else { if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'L') { VolumeIn[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; VolumeOut[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; } else if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'C') { VolumeIn[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; VolumeOut[i] = -ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; } else if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'D') { VolumeIn[i] = -ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; VolumeOut[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; } else if (FlowThroughCell[i] == 'R') { VolumeIn[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i - 1]; VolumeOut[i] = ActualVolumeAcross[i]; } else { if (counter == 0) { FlowZeroCount = 0; } else if (counter == 1) { FlowZeroCount++; } } } DeltaArea = ((VolumeIn[i] - VolumeOut[i]) / (CellWidth * CellWidth)); VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i]] += DeltaArea; // Save results data if (counter % Resuldata_freq == 0 && i == pbEnd - 2) { string filelocation_results; if (autorestart == 1) { Directory.CreateDirectory("OUTPUT_FILES/Run_" + Restart_count + "/Results"); filelocation_results = "OUTPUT_FILES/Run_" + Restart_count + "/Results/"; } else { Directory.CreateDirectory("OUTPUT_FILES/Results"); filelocation_results = "OUTPUT_FILES/Results/"; } if (counter == 0) { StreamWriter Delta_Area = new StreamWriter(filelocation_results + "DeltaArea.out"); Delta_Area.WriteLine(counter + " " + i + " " + DeltaArea + " Counter i DeltaArea"); Delta_Area.Close(); } else { StreamWriter Delta_Area = File.AppendText(filelocation_results + "DeltaArea.out"); Delta_Area.WriteLine(counter + " " + i + " " + DeltaArea); Delta_Area.Close(); } } //// DEBUGGING START //if (counter == 365 && ((i == 88) || (i == 89) || (i == 90) || (i == 91) || (i == 92) || (i == 93) || (i == 94) || (i == 95) || (i == 96) || (i == 97) || (i == 98) || (i == 99) || (i == 100))) //{ // StreamWriter DEBUG_FILE_DELTA = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/DEBUG_FILE_DELTA_" + i + ".out"); // DEBUG_FILE_DELTA.Write(counter + " " + i + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i] + " " + DeltaArea + " " + VolumeIn[i] + " " + VolumeOut[i] + " " + VolumeAcrossBorder[i] + " " + ActualVolumeAcross[i] + Environment.NewLine); // DEBUG_FILE_DELTA.Close(); //} //// DEBUGGING END ////if (DeltaArea > 0) ////{ //// VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + 1] += DeltaArea; ////} ////else ////{ //// VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i]] += DeltaArea; ////} ////int a = 0; ////double TotalDelta = Math.Abs(DeltaArea); ////double DeltaChange = TotalDelta / 10; ////if (DeltaArea < 0) ////{ //// while (TotalDelta > 0) //// { //// if (DeltaChange < TotalDelta) //// { //// VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + a] -= TotalDelta; //// a++; //// TotalDelta = 0; //// DeltaChange = 0; //// } //// else //// { //// VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + a] -= DeltaChange; //// a++; //// } //// TotalDelta -= DeltaChange; //// } ////} ////else if (DeltaArea > 0) ////{ //// while (TotalDelta > 0) //// { //// if (DeltaChange < TotalDelta) //// { //// a++; //// VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + a] += TotalDelta; //// TotalDelta = 0; //// DeltaChange = 0; //// } //// else //// { //// a++; //// VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + a] += DeltaArea; //// } //// TotalDelta -= DeltaChange; //// } ////} ////_____________________________// ////StreamWriter delta = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/delta.out"); ////delta.Write(counter + " " + DeltaArea + Environment.NewLine); ////delta.Close(); /////// /////// PRINT FILES /////// ////if (counter >= 10220) ////{ // //if (X[i] == 800 && hit == 0) // //{ // //StreamWriter SandOut_File_s = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/SandOut_start.out"); // //SandOut_File_s.Write(counter + " " + DirectionAcrossBorder[i] + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i] + " " + (VolumeIn[i] / (CellWidth * CellWidth)) + " " + (VolumeOut[i] / (CellWidth * CellWidth)) + " " + DeltaArea + " " + VolumeAcrossBorder[i] + " " + ActualVolumeAcross[i] + Environment.NewLine); // //SandOut_File_s.Close(); // //hit = 1; // //} ////} /////// /////// Sinks /////// ////if (HaveSinks == 1) ////{ //// for (int Sx = 0; Sx < SinkX.Length; Sx++) //// { //// if (X[i] == SinkX[Sx]) //// { //// DeltaArea = 0; //// } //// } ////} //int CellCount = 0; //double firstDeltaArea; //double A2; // End Amount //double P2; // Start Amount //double t2; //double A3; // End Amount //double P3; // Start Amount //double t3; // time //double decayRate1; //double averageChange = 100; //int shortShoreface = 5; //int sidewaysLimit = 5; ///// ///// If there is material to move... ///// //double firstpercent = 0.01; //double UPpercent = 0.01; //double LRPercent = UPpercent/2; //if (DeltaArea != 0) //{ // /// // /// Delta Area > 0 // /// // if (DeltaArea > 0) // { // firstDeltaArea = ((DeltaArea * firstpercent)); // Give X% to the first cell // if (numCells[i] <= 1) // { // numCells[i] = 2; // } // int jj = 0; // if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]] == 1) // { // if (direction[i] == 1) // { // if (VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + 1] == 0) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + 1] += firstDeltaArea; // } // } // //else if (direction[i] == 2) // //{ // // if (VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] == 0) // // { // // VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i] + 1] += firstDeltaArea; // // } // //} // else if (direction[i] == 3) // { // if (VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] == 0) // { // VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; // } // } // //else if (direction[i] == 4) // //{ // // if (VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] == 0) // // { // // VolumeChange[X[i] + 1, Y[i] - 1] += firstDeltaArea; // // } // //} // else if (direction[i] == 5) // { // if (VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - 1] == 0) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - 1] += firstDeltaArea; // } // } // //else if (direction[i] == 6) // //{ // // if (VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] == 0) // // { // // VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i] - 1] += firstDeltaArea; // // } // //} // else if (direction[i] == 7) // { // if (VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] == 0) // { // VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; // } // } // //else if (direction[i] == 8) // //{ // // if (VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] == 0) // // { // // VolumeChange[X[i] - 1, Y[i] + 1] += firstDeltaArea; // // } // //} // numCells[i]--; // jj = 2; // } // else // { // if (VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i]] < averageChange && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]] == 0) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i]] += firstDeltaArea; // } // //numCells[i]--; // jj = 1; // } // int xHolder; // int s = jj; // double extraDeltaArea = DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea; // How much material do we have? // double totalDeltaArea = DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea; // Keep tracks of little bits that are left. // double A = DeltaArea - firstDeltaArea; // End Amount // double P = 1; // Start Amount // double t; // //if (numCells[i] < shortShoreface) // //{ // // t = MaxDist - jj; // time // //} // //else // //{ // t = numCells[i] - jj; // //} // double decayRate = firstDeltaArea * UPpercent; // r, decay rate // double previousDA = firstDeltaArea; // //if (direction[i] == 1) // Up // //{ // // for (int j = jj; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // // { // // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // // if (Y[i] + j >= ymax) // // { // // lost += totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + j] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] < averageChange) // // { // // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // // { // // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] += totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // extraDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else // // { // // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] += extraDeltaArea; // // } // // } // // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // // } // //} // if (direction[i] == 1) // Up // { // xHolder = X[i]; // for (int j = jj; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // if (Y[i] + j >= ymax) // { // lost += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if (AboveWater[xHolder, Y[i] + j] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder, Y[i] + j] < averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder, Y[i] + j] += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder, Y[i] + j] += decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder, Y[i] + j] += extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // s++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // // Turn direction right/left // if (totalDeltaArea > 0) // { // // Go right // if (WaveAngleIn > -90 && WaveAngleIn < 90) // { // int k = 1; // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - (decayRate/2); // if (xHolder + k > pbEnd - 1) // { // xHolder = 0; // k = 0; // } // else if (AboveWater[xHolder + k, Y[i] + 1] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] + 1] < averageChange) // { // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] + 1] += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] + 1] += decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] + 1] += extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // k++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // // go left // else // { // int k = 1; // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - (decayRate/2); // if (xHolder - k < 0) // { // xHolder = 0; // k = pbEnd - 1; // } // else if (AboveWater[xHolder - k, Y[i] + 1] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] + 1] < averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] + 1] += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] + 1] += decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] + 1] += extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // k++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 3) // Right // { // xHolder = X[i]; // for (int j = jj; ((j < numCells[i]) && (j < sidewaysLimit)) && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // ////extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - (decayRate/2); // if (xHolder + s > pbEnd - 1) // { // xHolder = 0; // s = 0; // } // /// // else if (AboveWater[xHolder + s, Y[i]] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] < averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] += decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] += extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // s++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // // Turn direction to up // // Share rest with north going cells, along all X-numcells // if (totalDeltaArea > 0) // { // int k = 1; // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) // { // lost += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // } // /// // else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] < averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // k++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 5) // Bottom // { // xHolder = X[i]; // for (int j = jj; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // if (Y[i] - j >= ymax) // { // lost += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if (AboveWater[xHolder, Y[i] - j] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder, Y[i] - j] < averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder, Y[i] - j] += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder, Y[i] - j] += decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder, Y[i] - j] += extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // s++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // // Turn direction right/left // if (totalDeltaArea > 0) // { // if (WaveAngleIn > -90 && WaveAngleIn < 90) // Go right // { // int k = 1; // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // ////extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - (decayRate/2); // if (xHolder + k > pbEnd - 1) // { // xHolder = 0; // k = 0; // } // else if (AboveWater[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] < averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] += decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] += extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // k++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // else // go left // { // int k = 1; // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // ////extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - (decayRate/2); // if (xHolder - k < 0) // { // xHolder = 0; // k = pbEnd - 1; // } // else if (AboveWater[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] < averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] += decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] += extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // k++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 7) // Left // { // xHolder = X[i]; // for (int j = jj; ((j < numCells[i]) && (j < sidewaysLimit)) && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // ////extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - (decayRate/2); // if (xHolder - s < 0) // { // xHolder = pbEnd - 1; // s = 0; // } // else if (AboveWater[xHolder - s, Y[i]] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] < averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] += decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] += extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // s++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // if (totalDeltaArea > 0) // { // // Turn direction to up // int k = 1; // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // // // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) // { // lost += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] < averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] += extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // k++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // } // } // // // // Delta Area < 0 // // // else if (DeltaArea < 0) // { // averageChange = averageChange * -1; // firstDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea * firstpercent); // if (numCells[i] <= 1) // { // numCells[i] = 2; // } // if (VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i]] > averageChange) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i]] -= firstDeltaArea; // } // numCells[i]--; // int xHolder; // int s = 0; // double extraDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea + firstDeltaArea); // How much material do we have? // double totalDeltaArea = Math.Abs(DeltaArea + firstDeltaArea); // Keep tracks of little bits that are left. // double A = Math.Abs(DeltaArea + firstDeltaArea); // End Amount // double P = 1; // Start Amount // double t; // //if (numCells[i] < shortShoreface) // //{ // // t = MaxDist - 1; // time // //} // //else // //{ // t = numCells[i] - 1; // //} // time // double decayRate = 0.01; //Math.Abs(firstDeltaArea); // Math.Abs(firstDeltaArea * UPpercent); // r, decay rate // double previousDA = Math.Abs(firstDeltaArea); // if (direction[i] == 1) // Up // { // xHolder = X[i]; // for (int j = 1; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // // // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // if (Y[i] + j >= ymax) // { // lost += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + j] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] > averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] -= totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] -= decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + j] -= extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // s++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // // Turn direction right/left // if (totalDeltaArea > 0) // { // if (WaveAngleIn > -90 && WaveAngleIn < 90) // Go right // { // int k = 1; // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // ////extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - (decayRate/2); // if (xHolder + k > pbEnd - 1) // { // xHolder = 0; // k = 0; // } // else if (AboveWater[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] < averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] -= totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] -= decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] -= extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // k++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // else // go left // { // int k = 1; // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // ////extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - (decayRate/2); // if (xHolder - k < 0) // { // xHolder = 0; // k = pbEnd - 1; // } // else if (AboveWater[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] < averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] -= totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] -= decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] -= extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // k++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 3) // Right // { // xHolder = X[i]; // for (int j = 1; ((j < numCells[i]) && (j < sidewaysLimit)) && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // ////extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - (decayRate/2); // if (xHolder + s > pbEnd - 1) // { // xHolder = 0; // s = 0; // } // else if (AboveWater[xHolder + s, Y[i]] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] > averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] -= totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] -= decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] -= extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // s++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // if (totalDeltaArea > 0) // { // // Turn direction to up // int k = 1; // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) // { // lost += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] > averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // k++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 5) // Bottom // { // xHolder = X[i]; // for (int j = 1; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // if (Y[i] - j >= ymax) // { // lost += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - j] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] > averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] -= totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] -= decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] -= extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // s++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // // Turn direction right/left // if (totalDeltaArea > 0) // { // if (WaveAngleIn > -90 && WaveAngleIn < 90) // Go right // { // int k = 1; // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // ////extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - (decayRate/2); // if (xHolder + k > pbEnd - 1) // { // xHolder = 0; // k = 0; // } // else if (AboveWater[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] < averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] -= totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] -= decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] -= extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // k++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // else // go left // { // int k = 1; // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // ////extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - (decayRate/2); // if (xHolder - k < 0) // { // xHolder = 0; // k = pbEnd - 1; // } // else if (AboveWater[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] < averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] -= totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] -= decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] -= extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // k++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 7) // Left // { // xHolder = X[i]; // for (int j = 1; ((j < numCells[i]) && (j < sidewaysLimit)) && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // ////extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - (decayRate/2); // if (xHolder - s < 0) // { // xHolder = pbEnd - 1; // s = 0; // } // else if (AboveWater[xHolder - s, Y[i]] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] > averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] -= totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] -= decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] -= extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // s++; // } // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // if (totalDeltaArea > 0) // { // // Turn direction to up // int k = 1; // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // { // // // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) // { // lost += totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] > averageChange) // { // //if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || extraDeltaArea < 0) // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea || totalDeltaArea < decayRate) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= totalDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea = 0; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // } // else if ((extraDeltaArea <= 0 && totalDeltaArea > 0) || (extraDeltaArea < decayRate)) // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= decayRate; // extraDeltaArea = 0; // totalDeltaArea -= decayRate; // previousDA = decayRate; // } // else // { // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= extraDeltaArea; // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // k++; // //totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // } // } // } // //if (direction[i] == 1) // Up // //{ // // xHolder = X[i]; // // for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // // { // // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // // if (Y[i] + j >= ymax) // // { // // lost += totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else if (AboveWater[xHolder, Y[i] + j] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder, Y[i] + j] < averageChange) // // { // // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder, Y[i] + j] -= totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // extraDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder, Y[i] + j] -= extraDeltaArea; // // } // // s++; // // } // // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // // } // // // Turn direction right/left // // if (totalDeltaArea > 0) // // { // // if (WaveAngleIn > -90 && WaveAngleIn < 90) // Go right // // { // // int k = 1; // // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // // { // // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // // if (xHolder + k > pbEnd - 1) // // { // // xHolder = 0; // // k = 0; // // } // // else if (AboveWater[xHolder + k, Y[i] + 1] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] + 1] < averageChange) // // { // // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] + 1] -= totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // extraDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] + 1] -= extraDeltaArea; // // } // // } // // k++; // // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // // } // // } // // else // go left // // { // // int k = 1; // // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // // { // // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // // if (xHolder - k < 0) // // { // // xHolder = 0; // // k = pbEnd - 1; // // } // // else if (AboveWater[xHolder - k, Y[i] + 1] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] + 1] < averageChange) // // { // // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] + 1] -= totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // extraDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] + 1] -= extraDeltaArea; // // } // // } // // k++; // // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // // } // // } // // } // //} // //else if (direction[i] == 3) // Right // //{ // // xHolder = X[i]; // // for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // // { // // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // // if (xHolder + s > pbEnd - 1) // // { // // xHolder = 0; // // s = 0; // // } // // else if (AboveWater[xHolder + s, Y[i]] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] < averageChange) // // { // // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] -= totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // extraDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder + s, Y[i]] -= extraDeltaArea; // // } // // s++; // // } // // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // // } // // // Turn direction to up // // // Share rest with north going cells, along all X-numcells // // if (totalDeltaArea > 0) // // { // // int k = 1; // // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // // { // // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // // if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) // // { // // lost += totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] < averageChange) // // { // // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // // { // // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // extraDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else // // { // // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= extraDeltaArea; // // } // // } // // k++; // // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // // } // // } // //} // ////else if (direction[i] == 5) // Bottom // ////{ // //// for (int j = jj; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // //// { // //// extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // //// if (Y[i] - j >= ymax) // //// { // //// lost += totalDeltaArea; // //// totalDeltaArea = 0; // //// } // //// else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - j] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] < averageChange) // //// { // //// if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // //// { // //// VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] += totalDeltaArea; // //// totalDeltaArea = 0; // //// extraDeltaArea = 0; // //// } // //// else // //// { // //// VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] - j] += extraDeltaArea; // //// } // //// } // //// totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // //// previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // //// } // ////} // //else if (direction[i] == 5) // Bottom // //{ // // xHolder = X[i]; // // for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // // { // // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // // if (Y[i] - j >= ymax) // // { // // lost += totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else if (AboveWater[xHolder, Y[i] - j] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder, Y[i] - j] < averageChange) // // { // // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder, Y[i] - j] -= totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // extraDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder, Y[i] - j] -= extraDeltaArea; // // } // // s++; // // } // // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // // } // // // Turn direction right/left // // if (totalDeltaArea > 0) // // { // // if (WaveAngleIn > -90 && WaveAngleIn < 90) // Go right // // { // // int k = 1; // // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // // { // // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // // if (xHolder + k > pbEnd - 1) // // { // // xHolder = 0; // // k = 0; // // } // // else if (AboveWater[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] < averageChange) // // { // // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] -= totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // extraDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder + k, Y[i] - 1] -= extraDeltaArea; // // } // // } // // k++; // // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // // } // // } // // else // go left // // { // // int k = 1; // // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // // { // // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // // if (xHolder - k < 0) // // { // // xHolder = 0; // // k = pbEnd - 1; // // } // // else if (AboveWater[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] < averageChange) // // { // // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] -= totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // extraDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder - k, Y[i] - 1] -= extraDeltaArea; // // } // // } // // k++; // // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // // } // // } // // } // //} // //else if (direction[i] == 7) // Left // //{ // // xHolder = X[i]; // // for (int j = 0; j < numCells[i] && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // // { // // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // // if (xHolder - s < 0) // // { // // xHolder = pbEnd - 1; // // s = 0; // // } // // else if (AboveWater[xHolder - s, Y[i]] == 0 && VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] < averageChange) // // { // // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] -= totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // extraDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else // // { // // VolumeChange[xHolder - s, Y[i]] -= extraDeltaArea; // // } // // s++; // // } // // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // // } // // if (totalDeltaArea > 0) // // { // // // Turn direction to up // // int k = 1; // // for (int j = numCells[i]; j < MaxDist && totalDeltaArea > 0; j++) // // { // // extraDeltaArea = previousDA - decayRate; // // if (Y[i] + k >= ymax) // // { // // lost += totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else if (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + k] == 0 && VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] < averageChange) // // { // // if (totalDeltaArea < extraDeltaArea) // // { // // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= totalDeltaArea; // // totalDeltaArea = 0; // // extraDeltaArea = 0; // // } // // else // // { // // VolumeChange[X[i], Y[i] + k] -= extraDeltaArea; // // } // // } // // k++; // // totalDeltaArea -= extraDeltaArea; // // previousDA = extraDeltaArea; // // } // // } // //} // } //} //// DEBUGGING START //if (counter == 365 && ((i == 88) || (i == 89) || (i == 90) || (i == 91) || (i == 92) || (i == 93) || (i == 94) || (i == 95) || (i == 96) || (i == 97) || (i == 98) || (i == 99) || (i == 100))) //{ // StreamWriter DEBUG_FILE_VolChange = File.AppendText("OUTPUT_FILES/DEBUG_FILE_VolChange_" + i + ".out"); // for (int s = ymax - 1; s >= 0; s--) // { // for (int r = 0; r < pbEnd; r++) // { // DEBUG_FILE_VolChange.Write(VolumeChange[r, s] + " "); // } // DEBUG_FILE_VolChange.Write(Environment.NewLine); // } // DEBUG_FILE_VolChange.Close(); //} //// DEBUGGING END } void ErodeTheBeach(int i) { // This function decreases the amount of sand in each cell of the TotalBeachCell array // by a uniform amount (ErosionRatePerYear) // Changes PercentFullSand[][] // LMV //double PercentEroded = 0.0; //if (InShadow[i] == 'n') //{ // //PercentEroded = ((ErosionRatePerYear * TimeStepValue) / 365) / CellWidth; // PercentEroded = ((ErosionRatePerYear * CellWidth * TElevationCS[X[i], Y[i]] * TimeStepValue) / 365); //} //else if (InShadow[i] == 'y') //{ // PercentEroded = 0.0; //} //// Not enough sand... ////if (PercentEroded > PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]) //if (PercentEroded > Volume[X[i], Y[i]]) //{ // // ...and no rock // if (PercentFullRock[X[i], Y[i]] == 0.0) // { // // ...but there is sand behind that can be stolen // //if (PercentEroded < (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] + PercentFullSand[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]])) // if (PercentEroded < (Volume[X[i], Y[i]] + Volume[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]])) // { // //PercentFullSand[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]] -= PercentEroded - PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]]; // //PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] = 0.0; // Volume[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]] -= PercentEroded - Volume[X[i], Y[i]]; // Volume[X[i], Y[i]] = 0.0; // } // //else if (PercentEroded > (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] + PercentFullSand[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]])) // else if (PercentEroded > (Volume[X[i], Y[i]] + Volume[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]])) // { // Volume[XBehind[i], YBehind[i]] = 0.0; // Volume[X[i], Y[i]] = 0.0; // } // } // else // { // Volume[X[i], Y[i]] = 0.0; // } //} ////normal case, enough sand //else //{ // Volume[X[i], Y[i]] -= PercentEroded; //} } void FixBeach() { ////// Hopefully addresses strange problems caused by filling/emptying of cells ////// Looks at entire data set ////// Find unattached pieces of sand and moves them back to the shore ////// Takes care of 'floating bits' of sand ////// Also takes care of over/under filled beach pieces ////// Revised 5/21/02 to move sand to all adjacent neighbors sandrevt.c ////// Changes global variable PercentFullSand[][] ////// Uses and can change AllBeach[][] ////// sandrevx.c - added sweepsign to reduce chances of asymmetrical artifacts ////// LMV rock fix - do not fix bare bedrock cells //int i, x, y, sweepsign, done, counter; //int fillcells3 = 0; //int Corner = 0; //int ystart; //if (RandZeroToOne() * 2 > 1) //{ // sweepsign = 1; //} //else //{ // sweepsign = 0; //} //for (y = 1; y < ShadowYMax - 1; y++) //{ // for (i = 1; i < pbEnd - 1; i++) // { // if (sweepsign == 1) // { // x = i; // } // else // { // x = (pbEnd - 1) - i; // } // Corner = 0; // // Take care of 'loose' bits of sand // if (Corner == 0) // { // fillcells3 = 0; // // Beach in cell, but bottom, top, right, and left neighbors have some in // if ((Elevation[x, y] != 0.0) && // (Elevation[x, y + 1] > 0) && // (Elevation[x + 1, y] > 0) && // (Elevation[x, y - 1] > 0) && // (Elevation[x - 1, y] > 0) && // (AboveWater[x, y] == 0)) // { // // distribute to partially full neighbors // if ((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] < MaxFillCell) && // ((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) > 0.0)) // //if (((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) < WaterHeight) && // //((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) > 0.0)) // { // fillcells3 += 1; // } // if (((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) < MaxFillCell) && // ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) > 0.0)) // //if (((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) < WaterHeight) && // // ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) > 0.0)) // { // fillcells3 += 1; // } // if (((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) < MaxFillCell) && // ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) > 0.0)) // //if (((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) < WaterHeight) && // // ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) > 0.0)) // { // fillcells3 += 1; // } // if (((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) < MaxFillCell) && // ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) > 0.0)) // //if (((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) < WaterHeight) && // // ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) > 0.0)) // { // fillcells3 += 1; // } // if ((fillcells3 > 0) && (fillcells3 <= 4)) // { // if (((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) < MaxFillCell) && // ((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) > 0.0)) // //if (((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) < WaterHeight) && // // ((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) > 0.0)) // { // PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] += PercentFullSand[x, y] / fillcells3; // } // if (((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) < MaxFillCell) && // ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) > 0.0)) // //if (((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) < WaterHeight) && // // ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) > 0.0)) // { // PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] += PercentFullSand[x, y] / fillcells3; // } // if (((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) < MaxFillCell) && // ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) > 0.0)) // //if (((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) < WaterHeight) && // // ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) > 0.0)) // { // PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] += PercentFullSand[x, y] / fillcells3; // } // if (((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) < MaxFillCell) && // ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) > 0.0)) // //if (((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) < WaterHeight) && // // ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) > 0.0)) // { // PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] += PercentFullSand[x, y] / fillcells3; // } // } // else // { // ystart = ymax - 1; // while (AllBeach[x, ystart] == 0) // { // ystart -= 1; // } // ystart += 1; // PercentFullSand[x, ystart] += PercentFullSand[x, y]; // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.0; // AllBeach[x, y] = 0; // ystart = ymax - 1; // while (AllRock[x, ystart] == 'n') // { // ystart -= 1; // } // ystart += 1; // PercentFullRock[x, ystart] += PercentFullRock[x, y]; // PercentFullRock[x, y] = 0.0; // AllRock[x, y] = 'n'; // if (PercentFullRock[x, ystart] >= MaxFillCell) // //if (PercentFullRock[x, ystart] > WaterHeight) // { // AllRock[x, ystart] = 'y'; // PercentFullRock[x, ystart + 1] += (PercentFullRock[x, ystart] - 1); // PercentFullRock[x, ystart] = MaxFillCell; // } // } // PercentFullSand[x, y] = 0.0; // AllBeach[x, y] = 0; // // If we have overfilled any of the cells in this loop, need to OopsImFull() // if ((PercentFullSand[x, y - 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y - 1]) > MaxFillCell) // { // OopsImFull(x, y - 1); // } // if ((PercentFullSand[x - 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x - 1, y]) > MaxFillCell) // { // OopsImFull(x - 1, y); // } // if ((PercentFullSand[x + 1, y] + PercentFullRock[x + 1, y]) > MaxFillCell) // { // OopsImFull(x + 1, y); // } // if ((PercentFullSand[x, y + 1] + PercentFullRock[x, y + 1]) > MaxFillCell) // { // OopsImFull(x, y + 1); // } // } // } // } // } // // now make sure there aren't any overfull or underfull cells // done = FALSE; // for (counter = 0; counter < 10 && done == 0; counter++) // { // done = TRUE; // for (y = 1; y < ymax - 1; y++) // { // for (x = 1; x < pbEnd - 1; x++) // { // if ((PercentFullSand[x, y] + PercentFullRock[x, y] > MaxFillCell) // || (PercentFullSand[x, y] + PercentFullRock[x, y] < 0.0) // || PercentFullSand[x, y] < 0.0) // { // done = FALSE; // } // if (PercentFullSand[x, y] + PercentFullRock[x, y] > MaxFillCell) // { // OopsImFull(x, y); // } // if (PercentFullSand[x, y] + PercentFullRock[x, y] < -0.000001) // { // OopsImEmpty(x, y); // } // if (PercentFullSand[x, y] < -0.000001) // { // OopsImEmpty(x, y); // } // } // } // } //} } //CM - New Slope void FindAverageShoreface() { // Use the ShorelineAngle[] to find which angle the shoreline is facing // Calculate the local shoreface slope // Calculate which cells will gain/loose material (where the shoreface slope is drawn) int i; int MinDist = 1; //int MaxDist = 20; int[] xSFCell = new int[MaxBeachLength]; // x position of the end of the shoreface slope int[] ySFCell = new int[MaxBeachLength]; // y position of the end of the shoreface slope int[] count = new int[MaxBeachLength]; int j; int k; double TotalX; double TotalY; double XY; double Xsq; double Ysq; Array.Clear(direction, 0, direction.Length); Array.Clear(numCells, 0, numCells.Length); // Direction we are looking in for (i = 0; i <= TotalBeachCells - 1; i++) { //if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < 0.3926991) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= -0.3926991)) //{ // direction[i] = 1; // Top //} //else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < -0.3926991) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= -1.178097)) //{ // direction[i] = 2; // Top Right //} //else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < -1.178097) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= -1.9634954)) //{ // direction[i] = 3; // Right //} //else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < -1.9634954) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= -2.7488936)) //{ // direction[i] = 4; // Bottom Right //} //else if (((ShorelineAngle[i] < -2.7488936) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= -3.15905)) || ((ShorelineAngle[i] <= 3.15905) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= 2.7488936))) //{ // direction[i] = 5; // Bottom //} //else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < 2.7488936) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= 1.9634954)) //{ // direction[i] = 6; // Bottom Left //} //else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < 1.9634954) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= 1.178097)) //{ // direction[i] = 7; // Left //} //else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < 1.178097) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= 0.3926991)) //{ // direction[i] = 8; // Top Left //} //if (ShorelineAngle[i] < 0) //{ // Angle_1[i] = Angle_1[i] * -1; //} if ((ShorelineAngle[i] /*+ Angle_1[i]*/ <= 0.785398) && (ShorelineAngle[i] /*+ Angle_1[i]*/ > -0.785398)) // 0.785...radians = 45o { direction[i] = 1; // Up } else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] /*+ Angle_1[i]*/ <= -0.785398) && (ShorelineAngle[i] /*+ Angle_1[i]*/ > -2.35619449060255)) { direction[i] = 3; // Right } else if (((ShorelineAngle[i] /*+ Angle_1[i]*/ <= 3.141592654) && (ShorelineAngle[i] /*+ Angle_1[i]*/ > 2.35619449060255)) || ((ShorelineAngle[i] /*+ Angle_1[i]*/ <= -2.35619449060255) && (ShorelineAngle[i] /*+ Angle_1[i]*/ >= -3.141592654))) // 3.141...radians = 180o { // CM 07.12.17 - if it's the cell on the end of the spit, it's direction should go right (longshore drift) if (X[i] > X[i + 1] && X[i] > X[i - 1]) { direction[i] = 3; } else { direction[i] = 5; // Down } } else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] /*+ Angle_1[i]*/ <= 2.35619449060255) && ShorelineAngle[i] /*+ Angle_1[i]*/ > 0.785398) // 2.35... radians = 135o { direction[i] = 7; // Left } else { direction[i] = 1; // Up } //else if (ShorelineAngle[i] + Angle_1[i] == 0.785398163397448) //{ // Random rand = new Random(); // int RandNo = rand.Next(0, 2); // if (RandNo == 0) // { // RandNo = 5; // } // else if (RandNo == 1) // { // RandNo = 7; // } // direction[i] = RandNo; //} //else if (ShorelineAngle[i] + Angle_1[i] == -0.785398163397448) //{ // Random rand = new Random(); // int RandNo = rand.Next(0, 2); // if (RandNo == 0) // { // RandNo = 1; // } // else if (RandNo == 1) // { // RandNo = 7; // } // direction[i] = RandNo; //} //else if (ShorelineAngle[i] + Angle_1[i] == 2.35619449060255) //{ // Random rand = new Random(); // int RandNo = rand.Next(0, 2); // if (RandNo == 0) // { // RandNo = 3; // } // else if (RandNo == 1) // { // RandNo = 5; // } // direction[i] = RandNo; //} //else if (ShorelineAngle[i] + Angle_1[i] == -2.35619449060255) //{ // Random rand = new Random(); // int RandNo = rand.Next(0, 2); // if (RandNo == 0) // { // RandNo = 1; // } // else if (RandNo == 1) // { // RandNo = 3; // } // direction[i] = RandNo; //} //if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < 0.3926991) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= -0.3926991)) // +-22.5 //{ // direction[i] = 1; // Up //} //else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < -0.3926991) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= -1.178097)) // -22.5^o - -67.5^o //{ // direction[i] = 1; // Top Right //} //else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < -1.178097) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= -1.9634954)) // -67.5^o - -112.5^o //{ // direction[i] = 3; // Right //} //else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < -1.9634954) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= -2.7488936)) // -112.5^o - -157.5^o //{ // direction[i] = 3; // Bottom Right //} //else if (((ShorelineAngle[i] < -2.7488936) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= -3.14159)) || ((ShorelineAngle[i] <= 3.14159) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= 2.7488936))) // (=-)157.5^o - 180^o //{ // direction[i] = 5; // Bottom //} //else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < 2.7488936) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= 1.9634954)) // 157.5^o - 112.5^o //{ // direction[i] = 7; // Bottom Left //} //else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < 1.9634954) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= 1.178097)) // 112.5^o - 67.5^o //{ // direction[i] = 7; // Left //} //else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < 1.178097) && (ShorelineAngle[i] >= 0.3926991)) // 67.5^o - 22.5^o //{ // direction[i] = 1; // Top Left //} //if ((ShorelineAngle[i] > -0.785398) && (ShorelineAngle[i] < 0.785398) || (ShorelineAngle[i] == -0.785398) || (ShorelineAngle[i] == -2.35619)) // 0.785...radians = 45o //{ // direction[i] = 1; // Up //} //else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < -0.785398) && (ShorelineAngle[i] > -2.35619) || (ShorelineAngle[i] == 2.35619)) //{ // direction[i] = 3; // Right //} //else if (((ShorelineAngle[i] < -2.35619) && (ShorelineAngle[i] > -3.14159)) || ((ShorelineAngle[i] < 3.14159) && (ShorelineAngle[i] > 2.35619))) // 3.141...radians = 180o //{ // direction[i] = 5; // Down //} //else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] < 2.35619) && (ShorelineAngle[i] > 0.785398) || (ShorelineAngle[i] == 0.785398)) // 2.35... radians = 135o //{ // direction[i] = 7; // Left //} //else if ((ShorelineAngle[i] == 0.785398) || (ShorelineAngle[i] == -0.785398) || (ShorelineAngle[i] == 2.35619) || (ShorelineAngle[i] == -2.35619)) //{ // Random rand = new Random(); // int RandNo = rand.Next(1, 5); // ShorelineAngle[i] = RandNo; //} //count[i] = 0; //TotalX = 0; //TotalY = 0; //XY = 0; //Xsq = 0; //Ysq = 0; //XY += ((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth) * (TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]]); //Xsq += Math.Pow(((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth), 2); //Ysq += Math.Pow((TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]]), 2); //TotalY += TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]]; //TotalX += (count[i] + 1) * CellWidth; //count[i]++; // // Average Shoreface Slope // if (direction[i] == 1) // { // k = Y[i] + 1; // while (k < ymax && AboveWater[X[i], k] == 0) // { // XY += ((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth) * (TElevationDomain[X[i], k]); // Xsq += Math.Pow(((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth), 2); // Ysq += Math.Pow((TElevationDomain[X[i], k]), 2); // TotalY += TElevationDomain[X[i], k]; // TotalX += (count[i] + 1) * CellWidth; // k++; // count[i]++; // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 2) // { // j = X[i] + 1; // k = Y[i] + 1; // while (j < pbEnd && j >= 0 && k >= 0 && k < ymax && AboveWater[j, k] == 0) // { // XY += ((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth) * (TElevationDomain[j, k]); // Xsq += Math.Pow(((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth), 2); // Ysq += Math.Pow((TElevationDomain[j, k]), 2); // TotalY += TElevationDomain[j, k]; // TotalX += (count[i] + 1) * CellWidth; // j++; // k++; // count[i]++; // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 3) // { // j = X[i] + 1; // while (j < pbEnd && AboveWater[j, Y[i]] == 0) // { // XY += ((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth) * (TElevationDomain[j, Y[i]]); // Xsq += Math.Pow(((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth), 2); // Ysq += Math.Pow((TElevationDomain[j, Y[i]]), 2); // TotalY += TElevationDomain[j, Y[i]]; // TotalX += (count[i] + 1) * CellWidth; // j++; // count[i]++; // if (j == pbEnd - 1) // { // j = 0; // } // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 4) // { // j = X[i] + 1; // k = Y[i] - 1; // while (j < pbEnd && j >= 0 && k >= 0 && k < ymax && AboveWater[j, k] == 0) // { // XY += ((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth) * (TElevationDomain[j, k]); // Xsq += Math.Pow(((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth), 2); // Ysq += Math.Pow((TElevationDomain[j, k]), 2); // TotalY += TElevationDomain[j, k]; // TotalX += (count[i] + 1) * CellWidth; // j++; // k--; // count[i]++; // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 5) // { // j = Y[i] - 1; // while (j >= 0 && AboveWater[X[i], j] == 0) // { // XY += ((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth) * (TElevationDomain[X[i], j]); // Xsq += Math.Pow(((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth), 2); // Ysq += Math.Pow((TElevationDomain[X[i], j]), 2); // TotalY += TElevationDomain[X[i], j]; // TotalX += (count[i] + 1) * CellWidth; // j--; // count[i]++; // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 6) // { // j = X[i] - 1; // k = Y[i] - 1; // while (j < pbEnd && j >= 0 && k >= 0 && k < ymax && AboveWater[j, k] == 0) // { // XY += ((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth) * (TElevationDomain[j, k]); // Xsq += Math.Pow(((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth), 2); // Ysq += Math.Pow((TElevationDomain[j, k]), 2); // TotalY += TElevationDomain[j, k]; // TotalX += (count[i] + 1) * CellWidth; // j--; // k--; // count[i]++; // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 7) // { // j = X[i] - 1; // while (j >= 0 && AboveWater[j, Y[i]] == 0) // { // XY += ((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth) * (TElevationDomain[j, Y[i]]); // Xsq += Math.Pow(((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth), 2); // Ysq += Math.Pow((TElevationDomain[j, Y[i]]), 2); // TotalY += TElevationDomain[j, Y[i]]; // TotalX += (count[i] + 1) * CellWidth; // j--; // count[i]++; // if (j == 0) // { // j = pbEnd - 1; // } // } // } // else if (direction[i] == 8) // { // j = X[i] - 1; // k = Y[i] + 1; // while (j < pbEnd && j >= 0 && k >= 0 && k < ymax && AboveWater[j, k] == 0) // { // XY += ((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth) * (TElevationDomain[j, k]); // Xsq += Math.Pow(((count[i] + 1) * CellWidth), 2); // Ysq += Math.Pow((TElevationDomain[j, k]), 2); // TotalY += TElevationDomain[j, k]; // TotalX += (count[i] + 1) * CellWidth; // j--; // k++; // count[i]++; // } // } // localSFS[i] = Math.Abs((count[i] * (XY) - (TotalX) * (TotalY)) / (count[i] * (Xsq) - (Math.Pow(TotalX, 2)))); // count[i] = 0; // if (direction[i] == 1) // Top // { // int n = 1; // int s = 1; // while ((Y[i] + s < ymax - 1) && (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + s] == 0)) // { // n++; // s++; // } // count[i] = n; // } // if (direction[i] == 2) // Top Right // { // int n = 1; // int s = 1; // while ((X[i] + s < pbEnd - 1) && (Y[i] + s < ymax - 1) && (AboveWater[X[i] + s, Y[i] + s] == 0)) // { // n++; // s++; // } // count[i] = n; // } // if (direction[i] == 3) // Right // { // int n = 1; // int s = 1; // while ((X[i] + s < pbEnd - 1) && (AboveWater[X[i] + s, Y[i]] == 0)) // { // n++; // s++; // } // count[i] = n; // } // if (direction[i] == 4) // Bottom Right // { // int n = 1; // int s = 1; // while ((X[i] + s < pbEnd - 1) && (Y[i] - s > 1) && (AboveWater[X[i] + s, Y[i] - s] == 0)) // { // n++; // s++; // } // count[i] = n; // } // if (direction[i] == 5) // Bottom // { // int n = 1; // int s = 1; // while ((Y[i] - s > 1) && (AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - s] == 0)) // { // n++; // s++; // } // count[i] = n; // } // if (direction[i] == 6) // Bottom Left // { // int n = 1; // int s = 1; // while ((X[i] - s > 1) && (Y[i] - s > 1) && (AboveWater[X[i] - s, Y[i] - s] == 0)) // { // n++; // s++; // } // count[i] = n; // } // if (direction[i] == 7) // Left // { // int n = 1; // int s = 1; // while ((X[i] - s > 1) && (AboveWater[X[i] - s, Y[i]] == 0)) // { // n++; // s++; // } // count[i] = n; // } // if (direction[i] == 8) // Top Left // { // int n = 1; // int s = 1; // while ((X[i] - s > 1) && (Y[i] + s < ymax - 1) && (AboveWater[X[i] - s, Y[i] + s] == 0)) // { // n++; // s++; // } // count[i] = n; // } int numstep = 1; double extraAmount = 0.1; //newdirection: // How many cells out does the slope extend (only to a dip in the coastline) if (direction[i] == 1) // Top { int n = 1; int s = 1; while ((Y[i] + s < ymax - 1) && (TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i] + s] <= TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i] + (s - numstep)] + extraAmount) && (numCells[i] < MaxDist) && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + s] == 0) { n++; s++; } numCells[i] = n; } else if (direction[i] == 2) // Top Right { int n = 1; int s = 1; while ((X[i] + s < pbEnd - 1) && (Y[i] + s < ymax - 1) && (TElevationDomain[X[i] + s, Y[i] + s] <= TElevationDomain[X[i] + (s - numstep), Y[i] + (s - numstep)] + extraAmount) && AboveWater[X[i] + s, Y[i] + s] == 0) { n++; s++; } numCells[i] = n; } else if (direction[i] == 3) // Right { //if (AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] == 1) //{ // direction[i] = 1; // goto newdirection; //} int n = 1; int s = 1; int xHolder = X[i]; int breakflag = 0; //if (AboveWater[X[i] + 1, Y[i]] == 1) //{ // Y[i] = Y[i] + 1; //} while (n < MaxDist && breakflag == 0) { if (xHolder + s > pbEnd - 1) { xHolder = 0; int pbIt = -2; for (s = 0; (s < 2) && (n < MaxDist); s++) { if ((TElevationDomain[xHolder + s, Y[i]] <= TElevationDomain[pbEnd + pbIt, Y[i]] + extraAmount) && AboveWater[xHolder + s, Y[i]] == 0) { n++; pbIt++; } else { breakflag = 1; break; } } } else if ((TElevationDomain[xHolder + s, Y[i]] <= TElevationDomain[xHolder + (s - numstep), Y[i]] + extraAmount) && AboveWater[xHolder + s, Y[i]] == 0) { n++; s++; } else { break; } } numCells[i] = n; //if (numCells[i] < 5) //{ // direction[i] = 1; // goto newdirection; //} breakflag = 0; } else if (direction[i] == 4) // Bottom Right { int n = 1; int s = 1; while ((X[i] + s < pbEnd - 1) && (Y[i] - s > 1) && (TElevationDomain[X[i] + s, Y[i] - s] <= TElevationDomain[X[i] + (s - numstep), Y[i] - (s - numstep)] + extraAmount) && AboveWater[X[i] + s, Y[i] - s] == 0) { n++; s++; } numCells[i] = n; } else if (direction[i] == 5) // Bottom { int n = 1; int s = 1; while ((Y[i] - s > 1) && (TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i] - s] <= TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i] - (s - numstep)] + extraAmount) && AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] - s] == 0) { n++; s++; } numCells[i] = n; //if (numCells[i] < 5) //{ // direction[i] = 3; // goto newdirection; //} } else if (direction[i] == 6) // Bottom Left { int n = 1; int s = 1; while ((X[i] - s > 1) && (Y[i] - s > 1) && (TElevationDomain[X[i] - s, Y[i] - s] <= TElevationDomain[X[i] - (s - numstep), Y[i] - (s - numstep)] + extraAmount) && AboveWater[X[i] - s, Y[i] - s] == 0) { n++; s++; } numCells[i] = n; } else if (direction[i] == 7) // Left { //if (AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] == 1) //{ // direction[i] = 1; // goto newdirection; //} int n = 1; int s = 1; int xHolder = X[i]; int breakflag = 0; //if (AboveWater[X[i] - 1, Y[i]] == 1) //{ // Y[i] = Y[i] + 1; //} while (n < MaxDist && breakflag == 0) { if (xHolder - s < 0) { xHolder = pbEnd - 1; int pbIt = 1; for (s = 0; (s < 2) && (n < MaxDist); s++) { if ((TElevationDomain[xHolder - s, Y[i]] <= TElevationDomain[0 + pbIt, Y[i]] + extraAmount) && AboveWater[xHolder - s, Y[i]] == 0) { n++; pbIt--; } else { breakflag = 1; break; } } } else if ((TElevationDomain[xHolder - s, Y[i]] <= TElevationDomain[(xHolder - s) + numstep, Y[i]] + extraAmount) && AboveWater[xHolder - s, Y[i]] == 0) { n++; s++; } else { break; } } numCells[i] = n; //if (numCells[i] < 5) //{ // direction[i] = 1; // goto newdirection; //} breakflag = 0; } else if (direction[i] == 8) // Top Left { int n = 1; int s = 1; while ((X[i] - s > 1) && (Y[i] + s < ymax - 1) && (TElevationDomain[X[i] - s, Y[i] + s] <= TElevationDomain[X[i] - (s - numstep), Y[i] + (s - numstep)] + extraAmount) && AboveWater[X[i] - s, Y[i] + s] == 0) { n++; s++; } numCells[i] = n; } if (numCells[i] > MaxDist) { numCells[i] = MaxDist; } } } void RedrawCoastline() { //int i; //int repeat = 1; //int repeat2 = 1; //double celldifference = 0; //int a = 1; //for (i = 0; i <= TotalBeachCells; i++) //{ // //repeat = 1; // //// Acreting // //while (repeat == 1) // //{ // if (TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]] >= maxDomainDepth + WaterLevel + WetDryThreshold) // { // AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]] = 1; // //while (repeat2 == 1) // //{ // celldifference = (CellWidth * a) * Math.Tan((ShorefaceSlope * CellWidth) * (Math.PI / 180)); // if ((TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i] + (a - 1)] >= maxDomainDepth + WaterLevel + (WetDryThreshold * WetDryThreshold))) // { // TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i] + a] = (maxDomainDepth + WaterLevel + WetDryThreshold); // TElevationCS[X[i], Y[i] + a] = (DomainDepthCS[X[i], Y[i] + a] - TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i] + a]); // Volume[X[i], Y[i] + a] = TElevationCS[X[i], Y[i] + a] * (CellWidth * CellWidth); // AboveWater[X[i], Y[i] + a] = 1; // //repeat2 = 1; // //a++; // //if (a + Y[i] >= ymax) // //{ // // repeat2 = 0; // //} // } // //else // //{ // // repeat2 = 0; // //} // } // //Y[i] = Y[i] + a; // //a = 1; // //repeat = 0; // else if (TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]] < maxDomainDepth + WaterLevel + WetDryThreshold) // { // if (TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]] >= maxDomainDepth + WaterLevel - WetDryThreshold) // { // AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]] = 1; // Still remains the coastline cell, it is still above the water, but not completely // //repeat = 0; // } // else if (TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]] < maxDomainDepth + WaterLevel - WetDryThreshold) // { // AboveWater[X[i], Y[i]] = 0; // TElevationCS[X[i], Y[i]] = 0; // TElevationDomain[X[i], Y[i]] = DomainDepthCS[X[i], Y[i]]; // Volume[X[i], Y[i]] = 0; // //Y[i] = Y[i] - 1; // //repeat = 1; // } // } // //} //} } // Sources and Sinks void DoSink() { // Empties of sand any cell that has been designated a sink int s, i; int foundOne = 0; if (HaveSinks == 0 || RandZeroToOne() > Sinkiness) { return; } if (ColumnSinks == 1) // Treat sink as any beach cell at a particular y-value { for (s = 0; s < NumSinks; s++) { for (i = 0; i < MaxBeachLength; i++) { if (X[i] == SinkX[s]) { //PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] = 0.0; Volume[X[i], Y[i]] = 0.0; foundOne = 1; } } } } else { // Treat sink as a specific cell; empty it if it is on the beach for (s = 0; s < NumSinks; s++) { for (i = 0; i < MaxBeachLength; i++) { if (X[i] == SinkX[s] && Y[i] == SinkY[s]) { //PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] = 0.0; Volume[X[i], Y[i]] = 0.0; foundOne = 1; } } } } } void DoSource() { // Adds sediment from external sources to specified cells int s, i; int foundOne = 0; double sandvol; if (ColumnSources == 1) // Treat source as any beach cell at a particular y-value { for (s = 0; s < NumSources; s++) { for (i = 0; i < MaxBeachLength; i++) { if (X[i] == SourceX[s]) { //find initial cell volume from PercentFullSand //PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] = 1; Volume[X[i], Y[i]] += 0.001; foundOne = 1; } } } } else { // Treat source as a specific cell; add some sediment if it is on the beach for (s = 0; s < NumSources; s++) { for (i = 0; i < MaxBeachLength; i++) { if (X[i] == SourceX[s] && Y[i] == SourceY[s]) { ////find initial cell volume from PercentFullSand //sandvol = (PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] * 2500); ////add source sand //sandvol += 100; ////calculate new PercentFullSand //PercentFullSand[X[i], Y[i]] = (sandvol / 2500); //foundOne = 1; // Little fudgey, need to work this out better later Volume[X[i], Y[i]] += (5 * CellWidth * CellWidth); foundOne = 1; } } } } } //Shadow void ShadowSweep() { // Moves along beach and tests to see if cells are in shadow // This function will use and determine the Global array: InShadow[] // This function will use and adjust the variable: ShadowYMax // This function will use but not adjust the variable: TotalBeachCells // Find maximum extent of beach to use as a limit for shadow searching // ShadowYMax = XMaxBeach(ShadowYMax) + 3; // if(ShadowYMax > Xmax) ShadowYMax = Xmax; RCL // Determine if beach cells are in shadow int i; for (i = 0; i <= TotalBeachCells; i++) { InShadow[i] = FindIfInShadow(X[i], Y[i], ShadowYMax); } //ShadowSweep_domain(); } char FindIfInShadow(int xin, int yin, int ShadMax) { //Function to determine if particular cell xin,yin is in shadow //Returns a character 'y' or 'n' to indicate //This function will use but not affect the global arrays: //AllBeach[][] and PercentFull[][] //This function refers to global variables: WaveAngle, ShadowStepDistance double xdistance, ydistance; int xcheck = xin; int ycheck = yin; int iteration = 1; while ((ycheck < ShadMax) && (xcheck > -1) && (xcheck < (pbEnd))) { // Find a cell along the projection line moving against wave direction ydistance = iteration * ShadowStepDistance * Math.Cos(WaveAngle); ycheck = yin + (int)Math.Round(ydistance); xdistance = -iteration * ShadowStepDistance * Math.Sin(WaveAngle); xcheck = xin + (int)Math.Round(xdistance); if (ycheck >= ymax - 1 || xcheck >= pbEnd - 1) { return 'n'; } if (ycheck < 0 || xcheck < 0) { return 'n'; } if ((AboveWater[xcheck, ycheck] == 1) && (((ycheck + 1) > (yin + (AboveWater[xin, yin]) + Math.Abs((xcheck - xin) / Math.Tan(WaveAngle))))) && (xcheck > -1) && (xcheck < pbEnd - 1)) { return 'y'; } // Compare a partially full cell's x - distance to a line projected from the starting beach cell's x-distance // This assumes that beach projection is in x-direction (not too bad) // RCL this could be contributing to the jaggedness...need to take into account the way it's facingor could just ignore partially full cells completely... iteration++; } // No shadow was found return 'n'; //int Shadow_direction = -9999; // 1 = left, 2 = top left, 3 = top, 4 = top right, 5 = right //if (WaveAngle >= 0 && WaveAngle <= 0.261799388) //{ // Shadow_direction = 1; //} //else if (WaveAngle > 0.261799388 && WaveAngle <= 1.309) //{ // Shadow_direction = 2; //} //else if ((WaveAngle > 1.309 && WaveAngle <= 1.6) || (WaveAngle > -1.6 && WaveAngle < -1.309)) //{ // Shadow_direction = 3; //} //else if (WaveAngle >= -1.309 && WaveAngle < -0.261799) //{ // Shadow_direction = 4; //} //else if (WaveAngle >= -0.261799 && WaveAngle <= 0) //{ // Shadow_direction = 5; //} //else //{ //} //int a = 1; //int flag = 0; //if (Shadow_direction == 1) //{ // while (X[xin] - a > 0 && flag == 0) // { // if (AboveWater[X[xin] - a, Y[yin]] == 1) // { // flag = 1; // } // a++; // } //} //else if (Shadow_direction == 2) //{ // while (X[xin] - a > 0 && Y[yin] + a < ymax && flag == 0) // { // if (AboveWater[X[xin] - a, Y[yin] + a] == 1) // { // flag = 1; // } // a++; // } //} //else if (Shadow_direction == 3) //{ // a += 2; // while (Y[yin] + a < ymax && flag == 0) // { // if (AboveWater[X[xin], Y[yin] + a] == 1) // { // flag = 1; // } // a++; // } //} //else if (Shadow_direction == 4) //{ // while (X[xin] + a > 0 && Y[yin] + a < ymax && flag == 0) // { // if (AboveWater[X[xin] + a, Y[yin] + a] == 1) // { // flag = 1; // } // a++; // } //} //else if (Shadow_direction == 5) //{ // while (X[xin] + a > 0 && flag == 0) // { // if (AboveWater[X[xin] + a, Y[yin]] == 1) // { // flag = 1; // } // a++; // } //} //if (flag == 1) //{ // return 'y'; //} //return 'n'; } void ShadowSweep_domain() { // Moves along beach and tests to see if cells are in shadow // This function will use and determine the Global array: InShadow[] // This function will use and adjust the variable: ShadowYMax // This function will use but not adjust the variable: TotalBeachCells // Find maximum extent of beach to use as a limit for shadow searching // ShadowYMax = XMaxBeach(ShadowYMax) + 3; // if(ShadowYMax > Xmax) ShadowYMax = Xmax; RCL // Determine if beach cells are in shadow int i; Array.Clear(InShadow_domain, 0, InShadow_domain.Length); for (int x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < ymax; y++) { { InShadow_domain[x, y] = FindIfInShadow_domain(x, y, ShadowYMax); } } } } double FindIfInShadow_domain(int xin, int yin, int ShadMax) { //Function to determine if particular cell xin,yin is in shadow //Returns a character 'y' or 'n' to indicate //This function will use but not affect the global arrays: //AllBeach[][] and PercentFull[][] //This function refers to global variables: WaveAngle, ShadowStepDistance double xdistance, ydistance; int xcheck = xin; int ycheck = yin; int iteration = 1; while ((ycheck < ShadMax) && (xcheck > -1) && (xcheck < (pbEnd))) { // Find a cell along the projection line moving against wave direction ydistance = iteration * ShadowStepDistance * Math.Cos(WaveAngle); ycheck = yin + (int)Math.Round(ydistance); xdistance = -iteration * ShadowStepDistance * Math.Sin(WaveAngle); xcheck = xin + (int)Math.Round(xdistance); if (ycheck >= ymax - 1 || xcheck >= pbEnd - 1) { return 0; } if (ycheck < 0 || xcheck < 0) { return 0; } if ((AboveWater[xcheck, ycheck] == 1) && (((ycheck + 1) > (yin + (AboveWater[xin, yin]) + Math.Abs((xcheck - xin) / Math.Tan(WaveAngle))))) && (xcheck > -1) && (xcheck < pbEnd - 1)) { return 1; } // Compare a partially full cell's x - distance to a line projected from the starting beach cell's x-distance // This assumes that beach projection is in x-direction (not too bad) // RCL this could be contributing to the jaggedness...need to take into account the way it's facingor could just ignore partially full cells completely... iteration++; } // No shadow was found return 0; //int Shadow_direction = -9999; // 1 = left, 2 = top left, 3 = top, 4 = top right, 5 = right //if (WaveAngle >= 0 && WaveAngle <= 0.261799388) //{ // Shadow_direction = 1; //} //else if (WaveAngle > 0.261799388 && WaveAngle <= 1.309) //{ // Shadow_direction = 2; //} //else if ((WaveAngle > 1.309 && WaveAngle <= 1.6) || (WaveAngle > -1.6 && WaveAngle < -1.309)) //{ // Shadow_direction = 3; //} //else if (WaveAngle >= -1.309 && WaveAngle < -0.261799) //{ // Shadow_direction = 4; //} //else if (WaveAngle >= -0.261799 && WaveAngle <= 0) //{ // Shadow_direction = 5; //} //else //{ //} //int a = 1; //int flag = 0; //if (Shadow_direction == 1) //{ // while (X[xin] - a > 0 && flag == 0) // { // if (AboveWater[X[xin] - a, Y[yin]] == 1) // { // flag = 1; // } // a++; // } //} //else if (Shadow_direction == 2) //{ // while (X[xin] - a > 0 && Y[yin] + a < ymax && flag == 0) // { // if (AboveWater[X[xin] - a, Y[yin] + a] == 1) // { // flag = 1; // } // a++; // } //} //else if (Shadow_direction == 3) //{ // a += 2; // while (Y[yin] + a < ymax && flag == 0) // { // if (AboveWater[X[xin], Y[yin] + a] == 1) // { // flag = 1; // } // a++; // } //} //else if (Shadow_direction == 4) //{ // while (X[xin] + a > 0 && Y[yin] + a < ymax && flag == 0) // { // if (AboveWater[X[xin] + a, Y[yin] + a] == 1) // { // flag = 1; // } // a++; // } //} //else if (Shadow_direction == 5) //{ // while (X[xin] + a > 0 && flag == 0) // { // if (AboveWater[X[xin] + a, Y[yin]] == 1) // { // flag = 1; // } // a++; // } //} //if (flag == 1) //{ // return 'y'; //} //return 'n'; } // Calculate Overwash void CheckOverwashSweep() { // Just a loop to call overwash check founction CheckOverwash // Nothing done here, but can be down when CheckOVerwash is called int i, ii; int sweepsign; if (RandZeroToOne() * 2 > 1) { sweepsign = 1; } else { sweepsign = 0; } OWflag = 0; for (i = 0; i < TotalBeachCells - 1; i++) { if (sweepsign == 1) { ii = i; } else { ii = TotalBeachCells - 1 - i; } // To do test shoreline should be facing seaward // don't worry about shadow here, as overwash is not set to a time scale with AST if ((Math.Abs(SurroundingAngle[ii]) < (OverwashLimit / radtodeg)) && (InShadow[ii] == 'n')) { CheckOverwash(ii); } } } void CheckOverwash(int icheck) { // Step back pixelwise in direction of SurroundingAngle[] to check 'needage' (?) // icheck is passed from CheckOverwashSweep() and is the index of the shoreline cell being checked for overwash // Calls DoOverwash(). 'x' and 'y' hold real-space (floating point) values, and will be mapped onto integer array double slope; // slope of zero goes staight back int xsign; // holder for going left or right alongshore double x, y; // holders for 'real' location of x and y double xin, yin; // starting 'real' locations int xtest, ytest; // cell looking at double xint, yint; // intercepts of overwash line in overwashable cell int NextXInt, NextYInt; // holder vairables for cell to check double Xdown, DistanceDown; // when going to next x cell, what other values double Yside, DistanceSide; // when gpoing to next y cell,other values double checkdistance; // distance of checking line- minimum, not actual width, ends loop double measwidth; // actual barrier width between cells int AllBeachFlag; // flag to see if overwash line has passed over at least one AllBeach cell // convert angle to a slope and the direction of steps // note that for case of shoreline, positive angle will be minus y direcyion if (SurroundingAngle[icheck] == 0.0) { // unlikely, but make sure no div by zero slope = 0.00001; } else if (Math.Abs(SurroundingAngle[icheck]) == 90.0) { slope = 9999.9; } else { slope = Math.Abs(Math.Tan(SurroundingAngle[icheck])); } if (SurroundingAngle[icheck] > 0) { xsign = 1; // check right } else { xsign = -1; // check left } if (AboveWater[X[icheck], Y[icheck] - 1] == 1 // if the cell below is all beach || ((AboveWater[X[icheck] - 1, Y[icheck]] == 1) // or if the cell to the left is all beach && (AboveWater[X[icheck] + 1, Y[icheck]] == 1))) // and the cell to the right is all beach // 'regular condition' // plus 'stuck in the middle' situation (unlikely scenario) { yin = Y[icheck] + AboveWater[X[icheck], Y[icheck]]; xin = X[icheck] + 0.5; } else if (AboveWater[X[icheck] - 1, Y[icheck]] == 1) //if the cell to the left is all beach // on right side { yin = Y[icheck] + 0.5; xin = X[icheck] + AboveWater[X[icheck], Y[icheck]]; } else if (AboveWater[X[icheck] + 1, Y[icheck]] == 1) // on left side { yin = Y[icheck] + 0.5; xin = X[icheck] + 1.0 - AboveWater[X[icheck], Y[icheck]]; } else // underneath, no overwash { return; } x = xin; y = yin; checkdistance = 0; AllBeachFlag = 0; int countno = 0; while ((checkdistance < CritBWidth) && (x > 0) && (x < pbEnd) && (y > 1)) { NextYInt = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(y) - 1); if (xsign > 0) { NextXInt = Convert.ToInt32((int)Math.Floor(x) + 1); } else { NextXInt = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(x - 1)); } // Moving to next whole 'y' position, what is x position? Xdown = x + (y - NextYInt) * slope * xsign; DistanceDown = Raise(((Xdown - x) * (Xdown - x) + (NextYInt - y) * (NextYInt - y)), 0.5); // Moving to next whole 'x' position, what is y position? Yside = y - Math.Abs(NextXInt - x) / slope; DistanceSide = Raise(((NextXInt - x) * (NextXInt - x) + (Yside - y) * (Yside - y)), 0.5); if (DistanceDown < DistanceSide) // Next cell is the down cell { y = NextYInt; x = Xdown; ytest = NextYInt - 1; xtest = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(x)); } else // Next cell is the side cell { y = Yside; x = NextXInt; ytest = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(y)); xtest = Convert.ToInt32(x + (xsign - 1) / 2); } checkdistance = Raise(((y - yin) * (y - yin) + (x - xin) * (x - xin)), 0.5) * CellWidth; if (xtest >= 0 && ytest >= 0 && AboveWater[xtest, ytest] == 1) { AllBeachFlag = 1; } if (xtest >= 0 && ytest >= 0 && (AllBeach[xtest, ytest] == 'n') && (AllBeachFlag == 1)) /*&& !(((Y[icheck] - ytest) > MaxFillCell) || (Math.Abs(xtest - X[icheck]) > MaxFillCell)))*/ // if passed through an allbeach and a neighboring partial cell, jump out, only bad things follow { return; } if (xtest >= 0 && ytest >= 0 && (AllBeach[xtest, ytest] == 0) && (AllBeachFlag == 1)) /*&& (ytest < Y[icheck]) && (((Y[icheck] - ytest) > MaxFillCell) || (Math.Abs(xtest - X[icheck]) > MaxFillCell)))*/ // Looking for shore cells, but don't want immediate neighbors, and go backwards // Also mush pass though an allbeach cell along the way { if (AboveWater[xtest, ytest + 1] == 1) // 'regular condition' - UNDERNEATH, here { yint = (ytest + 1 - AboveWater[xtest, ytest]); xint = xin + (yin - yint) * xsign * slope; if ((xint > xtest + 1.0) || (xint < xtest)) // This cell isn't actually an overwash cell { measwidth = CritBWidth; } else { measwidth = CellWidth * Raise((yint - yin) * (yint - yin) + (xint - xin) * (xint - xin), 0.5); } } else if (AboveWater[xtest - 1, ytest] == 1) // On right side { xint = (xtest + AboveWater[xtest, ytest]); yint = yin - Math.Abs(xin - xint) / slope; if (yint < ytest) // This cell isn't actually an overwash cell { measwidth = CritBWidth; } else { measwidth = CellWidth * Raise((yint - yin) * (yint - yin) + (xint - xin) * (xint - xin), 0.5); } } else if (AboveWater[xtest + 1, ytest] == 1) // on left side { xint = (xtest + 1 - AboveWater[xtest, ytest]); yint = yin - Math.Abs(xin - xint) / slope; if (yint < ytest) // This cell isn't actually an overwash cell { measwidth = CritBWidth; } else { measwidth = CellWidth * Raise((yint - yin) * (yint - yin) + (xint - xin) * (xint - xin), 0.5); } } else if (AboveWater[xtest, ytest - 1] == 1) // 'regular condition' // plus 'stuck in the middle' situation { yint = (ytest + AboveWater[xtest, ytest]); xint = xin + (yin - yint) * xsign * slope; if ((xint > xtest + 1.0) || (xint < xtest)) // This cell isn't actually an overwash cell { measwidth = CritBWidth; } else { measwidth = CellWidth * Raise((yint - yin) * (yint - yin) + (xint - xin) * (xint - xin), 0.5); } } else if (AboveWater[xtest, ytest] > 0) // uh oh - not good situation, no allbeach on sides // assume this is an empty cell { xint = x; yint = y; measwidth = CellWidth * Raise((yint - yin) * (yint - yin) + (xint - xin) * (xint - xin), 0.5); } else // empty cell - oughta fill 'er up - fill max barrier width { xint = x; yint = y; measwidth = CritBWidth - CellWidth; } checkdistance = measwidth; if (measwidth < CritBWidth) { DoOverwash(X[icheck], Y[icheck], xtest, ytest, xint, yint, measwidth, icheck); // jump out of loop OWflag = 1; return; } } countno++; } } void DoOverwash(int xfrom, int yfrom, int xto, int yto, double xintto, double yintto, double widthin, int ishore) { // Given a cell where overwash is needed ,move sediment back // for 'true' overwash based on shoreline angles will change and use PercentFull[][] and AllBeach [][] double BBneed, delBB, delShore; double DepthBB; // holds effective backbarrier depth DepthBB = GetOverwashDepth(xto, yto, xintto, yintto, ishore); // Calculated value of most that backbarrier can move given geometry (true, non-iterative solution) if (DepthBB == DepthShoreface) { BBneed = MaxOver; } else { BBneed = (CritBWidth - widthin) / CellWidth / (1 - (DepthBB / DepthShoreface)); } if (BBneed <= MaxOver) // do all overwash { delShore = BBneed * DepthBB / DepthShoreface; delBB = BBneed; } else // only do overwash to max change) { delShore = MaxOver * DepthBB / DepthShoreface; delBB = MaxOver; } Volume[xto, yto] += delBB * CellWidth * DepthShelf[xto, yto]; Volume[xfrom, yfrom] -= delShore * CellWidth * DepthShelf[xfrom, yfrom]; } double GetOverwashDepth(int xin, int yin, double xinfl, double yinfl, int ishore) { // Rountine finds corresponding overwash depths // OWType = 0 take the depth at neightbor to the backing cell // OWType = 1 geometric rule based upon distance from back to shoreline { int ydepth; double Depth; double BBDistance; // Distance from backshore to next shore double slope; // slope of zero goes staight back int xsign; // holder for going left or right alongshore double x, y; // holders for 'real' location of x and y int xtest = 0; // cell looking at int ytest = 0; // cell looking at int NextXInt, NextYInt; // holder variables for cell to check double Xdown, DistanceDown; // when going to next x cell, what other values double Yside, DistanceSide; // when gpoing to next y cell,other values int BackFlag; // Flag to indicate if hit backbarrier int Backi = -1; // i for backbarrier intersection int i, j; // counters int FoundFlag; // Backbarrier intersection flag double AngleSin, AngleUsed; if (OWType == 0) // Use Cell Depths for overwash depths { ydepth = yin; //Depth = CellDepth[xin, ydepth]; Depth = TElevationCS[xin, ydepth]; while ((Depth < 0) && (ydepth > 0)) { //Depth = CellDepth[xin, ydepth]; Depth = TElevationCS[xin, ydepth]; ydepth--; } if (Depth == DepthShoreface) { Depth = 6.0; } return Depth; } else if (OWType == 1) // Geometric relation to determine depth through intersection of shorefaces // look in line determined by shoreline slope - reuse stepping function (again) { x = xinfl; y = yinfl; if (SurroundingAngle[ishore] == 0.0) { // unlikely, but make sure no div by zero slope = 0.00001; } else if (Math.Abs(SurroundingAngle[ishore]) == 90.0) { slope = 9999.9; } else { slope = Math.Abs(Math.Tan(SurroundingAngle[ishore])); } BackFlag = 0; if (SurroundingAngle[ishore] > 0) { xsign = 1; } else xsign = -1; while ((BackFlag == 0) && (x > 1) && (x < pbEnd) && (y > 1)) { NextYInt = ((int)Math.Ceiling(y) - 1); if (xsign > 0) { NextXInt = ((int)Math.Floor(x) + 1); } else { NextXInt = ((int)Math.Ceiling(x - 1)); } // moving to next whole 'x' position, what is y position? Xdown = x + (y - NextYInt) * slope * xsign; DistanceDown = Raise(((Xdown - x) * (Xdown - x) + (NextYInt - y) * (NextYInt - y)), 0.5); // moving to next whole 'y' position, what is x position? Yside = y - Math.Abs(NextXInt - x) / slope; DistanceSide = Raise(((NextXInt - x) * (NextXInt - x) + (Yside - y) * (Yside - y)), 0.5); // next cell is the down cell if (DistanceDown < DistanceSide) { y = NextYInt; x = Xdown; ytest = NextYInt - 1; xtest = ((int)Math.Floor(x)); } // next cell is the side cell else { y = Yside; x = NextXInt; ytest = ((int)Math.Floor(y)); xtest = ((int)x + (xsign - 1) / 2); } if (AboveWater[xtest, ytest] > 0) { BackFlag = 1; } } // Try to find the i for the cell found // If you have a better idea how to do this, go ahead i = 2; FoundFlag = 0; while ((i < TotalBeachCells - 1) && (FoundFlag == 0)) { if ((Y[i] == ytest) && (X[i] == xtest)) { FoundFlag = 1; Backi = i; } i++; } if (BackFlag == 0) // The search for the backbarrier went out of bounds - not good, assume big = depthshoreface // Periodic B.C.'s should make this not so important { Depth = DepthShoreface; } else { BBDistance = Raise(((yinfl - ytest - AboveWater[xtest, ytest]) * (yinfl - ytest - AboveWater[xtest, ytest])) + ((xinfl - xtest - 0.5) * (xinfl - xtest - 0.5)), 0.5); if (FoundFlag == 0) // The backbarrier intersection isn't on the shoreline // Assume 1/2 of the length applies to this case { Depth = BBDistance / 2 * ShorefaceSlope * CellWidth; } else // Use the fancy geometry thing { AngleUsed = 0; for (j = -1; j < 2; j++) { AngleUsed += SurroundingAngle[Backi + j]; } AngleUsed = AngleUsed / 5; if (Math.Abs(AngleUsed) > pi / 4.0) { AngleUsed = pi / 4.0; } AngleSin = Math.Sin(pi / 2.0 - Math.Abs(SurroundingAngle[ishore] + AngleUsed)); Depth = BBDistance * AngleSin / (1 + AngleSin); } } if (Depth < OWMinDepth) { Depth = OWMinDepth; } else if (Depth > DepthShoreface) { Depth = DepthShoreface; } return Depth; } PauseRun(xin, yin, -1); return DepthShoreface; } } // Misc Equations static double copysign(double x, double y) { if (Math.Sign(x) != Math.Sign(y)) { return x *= -1; } return x; } double Raise(double b, double e) { // Function calulates b to the e power. pow has problems if b <= 0 // Note you can't use this at all when b is negative--it'll be wrong in cases when the answer returned should have been positive, as x^2 when x < 0. if (b > 0) { return Math.Pow(b, e); } else { PauseRun(-1, -1, -1); return 0; } } double RandZeroToOne() { // Returns a random number between zero and one Random rand = new Random(); double RandNo = rand.Next(0, 1000); RandNo = ((RandNo + 1) / 1000); return RandNo; } void ZeroVars() { // Resets all arrays recalculated at each time step to 'zero' conditions int z; int x,y; for (z = 0; z <= (MaxBeachLength-1); z++) { X[z] = -1; Y[z] = -1; XRock[z] = -1; YRock[z] = -1; XBehind[z] = -1; YBehind[z] = -1; XRockBehind[z] = -1; YRockBehind[z] = -1; InShadow[z] = '?'; ShorelineAngle[z] = -999; UpWind[z] = '?'; VolumeAcrossBorder[z] = 0.0; ActualVolumeAcross[z] = 0.0; } } // Save Functions void SaveImageFunct() { int RockCheck = 1; // Need all three to be checked for JPEG - need to sort this later! int SandCheck = 1; // 1 = checked, 0 = not checked int XYCheck = 1; // This is so they can be changed back after updateGraphics_Click_1(updateGraphicsButton, EventArgs.Empty); // Save image // Batch if (autorestart == 1) { m_objDrawingSurface.MakeTransparent(); m_objDrawingSurface.Save("OUTPUT_FILES/Run_" + Restart_count + "/Simulation/" + savefilename + "_" + imageCount + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); } else { m_objDrawingSurface.MakeTransparent(); m_objDrawingSurface.Save("OUTPUT_FILES/Simulation/" + savefilename + "_" + imageCount + ".png", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); } // Output Arrays too... int x, y; imageCount++; } void SaveLineToFile() { //// Saves data line of shoreline position rather than entire array //// Main concern is to have only one data point at each alongshore location //// Save file name will add extension '.' and the TimeStepValue //int y, x, xtop, i; //double xsave; //string fileName = Convert.ToString(counter / SaveSpacing); ////MessageBox.Show("Saving Line to File \n Saving as: " + "TEST_FILES/" + fileName + ".out"); //StreamWriter saveLineFile = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/Simulation/" + fileName + ".out"); //for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) //{ // x = xDisplayStart; // xtop = xmax; // // Step back to where we encounter allbeach // while (AllBeach[x, y] == 0) // { // x -= 1; // } // // If on side of shape, need to average // if (PercentFullSand[x + 2, y] > 0) // { // xtop = x + 1; // while (PercentFullSand[xtop, y] > 0) // { // xtop += 1; // } // xsave = x; // for (i = x + 1; i < xtop; i++) // { // xsave += PercentFullSand[i, y]; // } // } // // Otherwise Regular Beach Condition // else // { // xsave = x + PercentFullSand[x + 1, y]; // } // // note this assumes average of beach locations should be 0.5 percentfull // saveLineFile.Write(xsave - InitBeach + 0.5); //} //saveLineFile.Close(); ////MessageBox.Show("Line file saved!"); } void SaveSandToFile() { ////Saves current AllBeach[][] and PercentFullSand[][] data arrays to file ////Save file name will add extension '.' and the TimeStepValue ////LMV - Save AllRock[][], PercentFullRock[][], TypeOfRock[][] //int x, y; //StreamWriter saveSandFile = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/Sand" + "Sand" + "_" + counter + ".out"); //if (SaveFile == 1) //{ // for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) // { // for (x = xDisplayStart; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) // { // saveSandFile.Write(TypeOfRock[x, y]); // } // } // for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) // { // for (x = xDisplayStart; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) // { // saveSandFile.Write(PercentFullRock[x, y]); // } // } // for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) // { // for (x = xDisplayStart; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) // { // saveSandFile.Write(PercentFullSand[x, y]); // } // } // if (SaveAge == 1) // { // for (y = 0; y < ymax; y++) // { // for (x = xDisplayStart; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) // { // saveSandFile.Write(Age[x, y]); // } // } // } //} ////Array output //if (SaveFile == 2) //{ // for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) // { // for (x = xDisplayStart; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) // { // saveSandFile.Write(TypeOfRock[x, y]); // } // saveSandFile.Write(Environment.NewLine); // } // for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) // { // for (x = xDisplayStart; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) // { // saveSandFile.Write(PercentFullRock[x, y]); // } // saveSandFile.Write(Environment.NewLine); // } // for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) // { // for (x = xDisplayStart; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) // { // saveSandFile.Write(PercentFullSand[x, y]); // } // saveSandFile.Write(Environment.NewLine); // } // if (SaveAge == 1) // { // for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) // { // for (x = xDisplayStart; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) // { // saveSandFile.Write(Age[x, y]); // } // saveSandFile.Write(Environment.NewLine); // } // } //} //saveSandFile.Close(); } void SandOutput() { int x, y; double SandAmount = 0; string MovedSedVolPath = "OUTPUT_FILES/MovedSedVol.dat"; StreamWriter TDomain = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/TDomain.out"); for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) { for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) { //SandAmount += (Volume[x, y]); TDomain.Write(TElevationDomain[x, y] + " "); } TDomain.Write(Environment.NewLine); } TDomain.Close(); StreamWriter SandAmountFile = new StreamWriter(MovedSedVolPath); SandAmountFile.Write(counter + " " + SandAmount + Environment.NewLine); SandAmountFile.Close(); SandAmount = 0; } void WaveOutFile() { StreamWriter WaveFileOutput; if(counter == 0) { WaveFileOutput = new StreamWriter(wavesavename); WaveFileOutput.WriteLine(WaveAngle + " " + Period + " " + OffShoreWvHt); } else { WaveFileOutput = File.AppendText(wavesavename); WaveFileOutput.WriteLine((-WaveAngle * radtodeg) + " " + Period + " " + OffShoreWvHt); //WaveFileOutput.WriteLine(WaveAngle + " " + Period + " " + OffShoreWvHt); } WaveFileOutput.Close(); } void MetaFile() { // Input Wave Distribution StreamWriter metaFile = new StreamWriter("OUTPUT_FILES/metaFile.out"); metaFile.WriteLine("OffShoreWvHt = " + OffShoreWvHt); metaFile.WriteLine("Period = " + Period); metaFile.WriteLine("Asym = " + Asym); metaFile.WriteLine("Highness = " + (1 - Highness)); metaFile.WriteLine("TimeStepValue (counter) = " + counter); metaFile.WriteLine("Duration = " + Duration); metaFile.WriteLine("SlowWeatherCoeff = " + SlowWeatherCoeff); metaFile.WriteLine("FastWeatherCoeff = " + FastWeatherCoeff); metaFile.WriteLine("PercentFineFast = " + PercentFineFast); metaFile.WriteLine("PercentFineSlow = " + PercentFineSlow); metaFile.WriteLine("ErosionRatePerYear = " + ErosionRatePerYear); metaFile.WriteLine("coastrotation = " + coastrotation); metaFile.WriteLine("waveheightchange = " + waveheightchange); metaFile.WriteLine("waveperiodchange = " + waveperiodchange); metaFile.Close(); } void ResultsData() { // // CM - records data used for analysing evolution of the coastline // Each piece of data has it's own file with timestamp // string filelocation_results; if (autorestart == 1) { Directory.CreateDirectory("OUTPUT_FILES/Run_" + Restart_count + "/Results"); filelocation_results = "OUTPUT_FILES/Run_" + Restart_count + "/Results/"; } else { Directory.CreateDirectory("OUTPUT_FILES/Results"); filelocation_results = "OUTPUT_FILES/Results/"; } // Water StreamWriter Water; if (counter == 0) { Water = new StreamWriter(filelocation_results + "Water.out"); Water.WriteLine(counter + " " + Asym + " " + Highness + " Counter asym highness"); Water.WriteLine(counter + " " + WaterLevel + " " + HighWaterHeight + " Counter Tideslow Tidehigh"); Water.WriteLine(counter + " " + SLR + " " + SLRrate + " Counter SLR SLRrate"); Water.WriteLine(counter + " " + maxDomainDepth + " " + WDThreshold + " Counter MaxDomaiDepth WDThreshold"); Water.Write(Environment.NewLine); Water.WriteLine("Counter WaterLevel"); Water.WriteLine(counter + " " + WaterLevel); Water.Close(); } else { Water = File.AppendText(filelocation_results + "Water.out"); Water.WriteLine(counter + " " + WaterLevel + " " + Asym + " " + Highness); Water.Close(); } // Sinuosity StreamWriter Sinuosity; double sinuosity = (double)TotalBeachCells / pbEnd; if (counter == 0) { Sinuosity = new StreamWriter(filelocation_results + "Sinuosity.out"); Sinuosity.WriteLine("Counter Sinuosity"); Sinuosity.WriteLine(counter + " " + sinuosity); Sinuosity.Close(); } else { Sinuosity = File.AppendText(filelocation_results + "Sinuosity.out"); Sinuosity.WriteLine(counter + " " + sinuosity); Sinuosity.Close(); } // Volume Wet-Dry StreamWriter above_water = new StreamWriter(filelocation_results + "above_water.out"); StreamWriter Volume_File = new StreamWriter(filelocation_results + "Volume.out"); int y_it = 0; int x_it = 0; for (y_it = 0; y_it < ymax; y_it++) { for (x_it = 0; x_it < pbEnd; x_it++) { if (AboveWater[x_it, y_it] == 1) { Vol_Dry += Volume[x_it, y_it]; Cells_Dry++; } else if (AboveWater[x_it, y_it] == 0) { Vol_Wet += Volume[x_it, y_it]; Cells_Wet++; } else { } above_water.Write(AboveWater[x_it, y_it] + " "); Volume_File.Write(Volume[x_it, y_it] + " "); } above_water.Write(Environment.NewLine); Volume_File.Write(Environment.NewLine); } above_water.Close(); Volume_File.Close(); StreamWriter Vol_WetDry; if (counter == 0) { StreamWriter cs_elev = new StreamWriter(filelocation_results + "cs_elev.out"); for (int cs_Y = ymax - 1; cs_Y >= 0; cs_Y--) { for (int cs_X = 0; cs_X < pbEnd; cs_X++) { cs_elev.Write(Volume[cs_X, cs_Y] + " "); } cs_elev.Write(Environment.NewLine); } cs_elev.Close(); double starting_pert_cells = 96; // Taking from DEM, need to change if change DEM!! double starting_pert_vol = 149580000; // Taking from DEM, need to change if change DEM!! Start_Vol_Wet = Vol_Wet + starting_pert_vol; Start_Cells_Wet = Cells_Wet + starting_pert_cells; Start_Vol_Dry = Vol_Dry - starting_pert_vol; Start_Cells_Dry = Cells_Dry - starting_pert_cells; Vol_WetDry = new StreamWriter(filelocation_results + "Vol_WetDry.out"); Vol_WetDry.WriteLine("Counter StartCount_Pert StartVol_Pert"); Vol_WetDry.WriteLine(counter + " " + starting_pert_cells + " " + starting_pert_vol); Vol_WetDry.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); Vol_WetDry.WriteLine("Counter CellsWet VolWet CellsDry VolDry"); Vol_WetDry.WriteLine(counter + " " + Cells_Wet + " " + Vol_Wet + " " + Cells_Dry + " " + Vol_Dry); Vol_WetDry.Close(); } else { Vol_WetDry = File.AppendText(filelocation_results + "Vol_WetDry.out"); Vol_WetDry.WriteLine(counter + " " + Cells_Wet + " " + Vol_Wet + " " + Cells_Dry + " " + Vol_Dry); Vol_WetDry.Close(); } // Shoreface Slope (Linear Regression) int xx = 0; double[] SF_Slope = new double[4]; double SF_Average = 0; for (int repeat = 0; repeat < 4; repeat++) { double SumX = 0; double SumY = 0; double SumXY = 0; double SumX2 = 0; double SumY2 = 0; int xcount = 0; int yy = ymax - 2; xx += pbEnd / 5; while (AboveWater[xx, yy] == 0) { xcount++; SumX += CellWidth * xcount; SumY += TElevationDomain[xx, yy]; SumXY += (CellWidth * xcount) * (TElevationDomain[xx, yy]); SumX2 += (CellWidth * xcount) * (CellWidth * xcount); SumY2 += (TElevationDomain[xx, yy] * TElevationDomain[xx, yy]); yy--; } SF_Slope[repeat] = (((xcount * SumXY) - (SumX * SumY)) / ((xcount * SumX2) - (SumX * SumX))); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { SF_Average += SF_Slope[i]; } SF_Average /= 4; StreamWriter SFS; if (counter == 0) { SFS = new StreamWriter(filelocation_results + "SF_Slope.out"); SFS.WriteLine("Counter ShorefaceSlope"); SFS.WriteLine(counter + " " + SF_Average); SFS.Close(); } else { SFS = File.AppendText(filelocation_results + "SF_Slope.out"); SFS.WriteLine(counter + " " + SF_Average); SFS.Close(); } // Local Beach Slope int xxx = 0; double[] B_Slope = new double[4]; double B_Average = 0; for (int repeat = 0; repeat < 4; repeat++) { double SumX = 0; double SumY = 0; double SumXY = 0; double SumX2 = 0; double SumY2 = 0; int xcount = 0; int yy = 3; xxx += pbEnd / 5; while (AboveWater[xxx, yy] == 1) { xcount++; SumX += CellWidth * xcount; SumY += TElevationDomain[xxx, yy]; SumXY += (CellWidth * xcount) * (TElevationDomain[xxx, yy]); SumX2 += (CellWidth * xcount) * (CellWidth * xcount); SumY2 += (TElevationDomain[xxx, yy] * TElevationDomain[xxx, yy]); yy++; } B_Slope[repeat] = (((xcount * SumXY) - (SumX * SumY)) / ((xcount * SumX2) - (SumX * SumX))); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { B_Average += B_Slope[i]; } B_Average = (B_Average / 4) * -1; StreamWriter B_slope; if (counter == 0) { B_slope = new StreamWriter(filelocation_results + "B_Slope.out"); B_slope.WriteLine("Counter BeachSlope"); B_slope.WriteLine(counter + " " + B_Average); B_slope.Close(); } else { B_slope = File.AppendText(filelocation_results + "B_Slope.out"); B_slope.WriteLine(counter + " " + B_Average); B_slope.Close(); } // Net Erosion/Accretion StreamWriter XY_array; if (counter == 0) { XY_array = new StreamWriter(filelocation_results + "XY_array.out"); XY_array.WriteLine("Counter i X Y"); for (int i = 0; i < TotalBeachCells; i++) { XY_array.WriteLine(counter + " " + i + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i]); } XY_array.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); XY_array.Close(); } else { XY_array = File.AppendText(filelocation_results + "XY_array.out"); for (int i = 0; i < TotalBeachCells; i++) { XY_array.WriteLine(counter + " " + i + " " + X[i] + " " + Y[i]); } XY_array.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine); XY_array.Close(); } // Lifecycle of features int flag_lifecycle = 0; int flag_prevpeak = 0; int flag_its = 0; int Peak_count = 0; double CrossShore = 0; // How far into the sea do the features project? double LongShore = 0; // How far/rate of longshore movement for (int Yy = ymax - 3; Yy > 2; Yy--) { for (int Xx = 4; Xx < pbEnd - 2; Xx++) { if (AboveWater[Xx, Yy] == 1 && flag_lifecycle == 0) { CrossShore = Yy; LongShore = Xx; flag_lifecycle = 1; flag_its++; Peak_count = 1; } else if (AboveWater[Xx, Yy] == 1 && flag_lifecycle == 1 && AboveWater[Xx - 1, Yy] == 0 && AboveWater[Xx - 2, Yy] == 0 && AboveWater[Xx - 3, Yy] == 0) { Peak_count += 1; } } if (flag_lifecycle == 1) { if (flag_its == 1 && Peak_count < 3 || Peak_count > flag_prevpeak) { // Look at the next row down // Likely to have caught only one of the peaks, just check! flag_prevpeak = Peak_count; Peak_count = 0; } else if (Peak_count < flag_prevpeak) { Peak_count = flag_prevpeak; break; } else { break; } } } StreamWriter Lifecycle; if (counter == 0) { Lifecycle = new StreamWriter(filelocation_results + "Lifecycle.out"); Lifecycle.WriteLine("Counter CrossShore Longshore Peak_count"); Lifecycle.WriteLine(counter + " " + CrossShore + " " + LongShore + " " + Peak_count); Lifecycle.Close(); } else { Lifecycle = File.AppendText(filelocation_results + "Lifecycle.out"); Lifecycle.WriteLine(counter + " " + CrossShore + " " + LongShore + " " + Peak_count); Lifecycle.Close(); } // Average size of landforms double Landform_size = 0; // Area (number of cells!) double Lanform_volume = 0; // Volume Landform_size = (Start_Cells_Wet - Cells_Wet) / Peak_count; Lanform_volume = (Start_Vol_Wet - Vol_Wet) / Peak_count; StreamWriter LandformSize; if (counter == 0) { LandformSize = new StreamWriter(filelocation_results + "LandformSize.out"); LandformSize.WriteLine("Counter LandformSize LandformVol PeakCount"); LandformSize.WriteLine(counter + " " + Landform_size + " " + Lanform_volume + " " + Peak_count); LandformSize.Close(); } else { LandformSize = File.AppendText(filelocation_results + "LandformSize.out"); LandformSize.WriteLine(counter + " " + Landform_size + " " + Lanform_volume + " " + Peak_count); LandformSize.Close(); } // Above Average Shoreline position // Calculate average position of the shoreline, anything above water, seaward of this line is considered a perturbation int averageY = 0; double Feature_vol = 0; double Feature_cells = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < TotalBeachCells; ii++) { averageY += Y[ii]; } if (TotalBeachCells > 0) { averageY = (averageY / TotalBeachCells) + 1; } for (int y_start = averageY; y_start < ymax; y_start++) { for (int x_start = 0; x_start < pbEnd; x_start++) { if (AboveWater[x_start, y_start] == 1) { Feature_vol += Volume[x_start, y_start]; Feature_cells++; } } } StreamWriter LandformSize_avgShoreline; if (counter == 0) { LandformSize_avgShoreline = new StreamWriter(filelocation_results + "LandformSize_avgShrln.out"); LandformSize_avgShoreline.WriteLine("Counter AverageY TotalLandformSize TotalLandformVol PeakCount Landformsize Landformvol"); LandformSize_avgShoreline.WriteLine(counter + " " + averageY + " " + Feature_cells + " " + Feature_vol + " " + Peak_count + " " + (Feature_vol/Peak_count) + " " + (Feature_cells/Peak_count)); LandformSize_avgShoreline.Close(); } else { LandformSize_avgShoreline = File.AppendText(filelocation_results + "LandformSize_avgShrln.out"); LandformSize_avgShoreline.WriteLine(counter + " " + averageY + " " + Feature_cells + " " + Feature_vol + " " + Peak_count + " " + (Feature_vol / Peak_count) + " " + (Feature_cells / Peak_count)); LandformSize_avgShoreline.Close(); } } void PauseRun(int x, int y, int in_) { // Pauses run until the 'q' key is pressed // Can Print or Plot Out Useful info //MessageBox.Show("Paused"); if (SaveLine == 1) { SaveLineToFile(); } if (SaveFile == 1 || SaveFile == 2) { SaveSandToFile(); } if (NoPauseRun == 1) { return; } //MessageBox.Show("End Pause"); } /*.................................................................................................................*/ //Graphics void drawwater(System.Drawing.Graphics graphics) { Graphics objGraphics; objGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(m_objDrawingSurface); objGraphics.Clear(SystemColors.Control); int x, y; int t = 0; int redcol = 0, greencol = 0, bluecol = 0; int alphacol = 255; double zDEM; double zCalc; // Value to help identify min, max elevation values double zMin = 0.0; double zMax = 10.0; double zRange; double hueMin; double hueMax; double satMin; double satMax; double valMin; double valMax; //Elevation double zElevRange; //Depth double zDepthRange; // Set Graphics Display Size if (xmax <= 0) xmax = 1; //set scaling of graphics - so X bmp pixels to every model pixel. t = graphics_scale; //// Colour PercentFullSand //if (menuItemGraphicsSand.Checked == true) //{ // int b = -1; // int alpha; // for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) // { // b++; // for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) // { // if (PercentFullSand[x, y] > 0.0) // { // alpha = 255; // SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(alpha, 255, 0, 0)); // objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (x * t), ((b - 1) * t), t, t); // } // } // } //} //// Colour Elevation //if (menuItemGraphicsSand.Checked == true) //{ // int ex, wy; // int la = -1; // int alpha = 255; // for (wy = ymax - 1; wy >= 0; wy--) // { // la++; // for (ex = 0; ex < pbEnd; ex++) // { // if (TElevationDomain[ex, wy] > WaterLevel + maxDomainDepth + WDThreshold) // //if(AboveWater[ex, wy] > 0) // { // SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(alpha, 255, 255, 0)); // objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (ex * t), ((la - 1) * t), t, t); // } // else // { // SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(alpha, Color.AliceBlue)); // objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (ex * t), ((la - 1) * t), t, t); // } // } // } //} //int exs, wys; //int las = -1; //for (wys = ymax - 1; wys >= 0; wys--) //{ // las++; // for (exs = 0; exs < pbEnd; exs++) // { // if (DepthShelfMaterial[exs, wys] != DepthShelf[exs, wys] && Elevation[exs, wys] > 0) // { // SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red); // objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (exs * t), ((las - 1) * t), t, t); // } // } //} // Colour Depth if (menuItemGraphicDepth.Checked == true) { int b = -1; hueMin = 225.0; hueMax = 225.0; satMin = 0.00; satMax = 0.95; valMin = 1.00; valMax = 1.00; //First find max, mis and range of DEM if (counter == 0) { for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) { for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) { zCalc = (WaterLevel + maxDomainDepth) - TElevationDomain[x, y]; if (zCalc != -9999) { if (zCalc < zDepthvMin) { zDepthvMin = zCalc; } if (zCalc > zDepthMax) { zDepthMax = zCalc; } } } } } zDepthRange = zDepthMax - zDepthvMin; for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) { b++; for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) { zDEM = (WaterLevel + maxDomainDepth) - TElevationDomain[x, y]; // Hue hue = hueMax - (((zDEM - zDepthvMin) / (zDepthRange)) * (hueMax - hueMin)); // Saturdation sat = (((zDEM - zDepthvMin) / (zDepthRange)) * (satMax - satMin)) + satMin; // Value val = (((zDEM - zDepthvMin) / (zDepthRange)) * (valMax - valMin)) + valMin; if (double.IsInfinity(hue)) { } Color_HSVtoRGB(); redcol = System.Convert.ToInt32(red * 255); greencol = System.Convert.ToInt32(green * 255); bluecol = System.Convert.ToInt32(blue * 255); alphacol = 50; if (AboveWater[x, y] == 0) { SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(alphacol, redcol, greencol, bluecol)); objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (x * t), ((b - 1) * t), t, t); } } } } // Colour Elevation if (menuItemGraphicVolume.Checked == true) { int b = -1; ////Yellow //hueMin = 58.0; //hueMax = 59.0; //satMin = 0.20; //satMax = 0.95; //valMin = 1.00; //valMax = 1.00; //Grey hueMin = 0.00; hueMax = 0.00; satMin = 0.00; satMax = 0.00; valMin = 0.40; valMax = 0.50; //First find max, mis and range of DEM if (counter == 0) { for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) { for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) { zCalc = TElevationDomain[x, y] - (WaterLevel + maxDomainDepth); if (zCalc != -9999 && zCalc > 0) { if (zCalc < zElevMin) { zElevMin = zCalc; } if (zCalc > zElevMax) { zElevMax = zCalc; } } } } } zElevRange = zElevMax - zElevMin; for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) { b++; for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) { zDEM = TElevationDomain[x, y] - (WaterLevel + maxDomainDepth); // Hue hue = hueMax - (((zDEM - zElevMin) / (zElevRange)) * (hueMax - hueMin)); if (double.IsInfinity(hue)) { } // Saturdation sat = (((zDEM - zElevMin) / (zElevRange)) * (satMax - satMin)) + satMin; // Value val = (((zDEM - zElevMin) / (zElevRange)) * (valMax - valMin)) + valMin; Color_HSVtoRGB(); redcol = System.Convert.ToInt32(red * 255); greencol = System.Convert.ToInt32(green * 255); bluecol = System.Convert.ToInt32(blue * 255); alphacol = 100; //if (zDEM == 0.0) //{ // SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50,Color.AliceBlue)); // objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (x * t), ((b - 1) * t), t, t); //} if (AboveWater[x, y] == 1) { //SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(alphacol, redcol, greencol, bluecol)); SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Gray); objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (x * t), ((b - 1) * t), t, t); } //else //{ // SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, Color.AliceBlue)); // objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (x * t), ((b - 1) * t), t, t); //} } } } ////// Colour PercentFullRock ////if (menuItemGraphicsRock.Checked == true) ////{ //// int a = -1; //// for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) //// { //// a++; //// for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) //// { //// if (PercentFullRock[x, y] > 0.0) //// { //// SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.SaddleBrown); //// objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (x * t), ((a - 1) * t), t, t); //// } //// } //// } ////} ////// Colour AboveTideOLD = FALSE ////int c = -1; ////for (y = ymax - 1; y >= 0; y--) ////{ //// c++; //// //for (x = xDisplayStart; x < xDisplayEnd; x++) //// for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) //// { //// // PercentFull Sand //// if (AboveTideOLD[x, y] == false) //// { //// SolidBrush semiTransBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(50, 100, 149, 237)); //// //SolidBrush semiTransBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Turquoise); //// objGraphics.FillRectangle(semiTransBrush, ((x /*- xDisplayStart*/) * t), ((c - 1) * t), t, t); //// } //// } ////} // Colour the X[] Y[] array (beach/tide mark) if (menuItemGraphicsXY.Checked == true) { int d = 0; int e = 0; int f; int g; while (X[d] > -1 && Y[d] > -1 && d < (X.Length - 1)) { f = X[d]; g = Y[e]; SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Blue); objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (f * t), (((ymax - 2) - g) * t), t, t); //if (InShadow[d] == 'y') //{ // SolidBrush brush_red = new SolidBrush(Color.Red); // objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush_red, (f * t), (((ymax - 2) - g) * t), t, t); //} d++; e++; } } // Initial XY if (menuItemGraphicInitialXY.Checked == true) { int d = 0; int e = 0; int f; int g; while (initialX[d] > -1 && initialY[d] > -1 && d < (initialX.Length - 1)) { f = initialX[d]; g = initialY[e]; SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.DarkBlue); objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (f * t), (((ymax - 2) - g) * t), t, t); d++; e++; } } // Shadow if (menuItemShadow.Checked == true) { this.waveAnglePanel.Text = Convert.ToString(WaveAngle * radtodeg); int bb = -1; for (int yy = ymax - 1; yy >= 0; yy--) { bb++; for (int xx = 0; xx < pbEnd; xx++) { if (InShadow_domain[xx, yy] == 1 && AboveWater[xx, yy] == 0) { SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Orange); objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (xx * t), ((bb - 1) * t), t, t); } } } } // RED / GREEN for +- material > 2m if (menuItemGraphicsRock.Checked == true) { int bb = -1; for (int yy = ymax - 1; yy >= 0; yy--) { bb++; for (int xx = 0; xx < pbEnd; xx++) { //if (((PreviousVolume[xx, yy] - Volume[xx, yy]) / (CellWidth * CellWidth)) < -0) //{ // SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Green); // objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (xx * t), ((bb - 1) * t), t, t); // //// Qw Status panel // //this.QwStatusPanel.Text = xx + "," + yy + " : " + ((PreviousVolume[xx, yy] - Volume[xx, yy]) / (CellWidth * CellWidth)); //} //else if (((PreviousVolume[xx, yy] - Volume[xx, yy]) / (CellWidth * CellWidth)) > 0) //{ // SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red); // objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (xx * t), ((bb - 1) * t), t, t); // //// Qs Status panel // //this.QsStatusPanel.Text = xx + "," + yy + " : " + ((PreviousVolume[xx, yy] - Volume[xx, yy]) / (CellWidth * CellWidth)); //} if (Linear_Shoreline[xx, yy] == 1) { SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Green); objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (xx * t), ((bb - 1) * t), t, t); } //else if (AboveWater[xx, yy] == 1) //{ // SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.LightGray); // objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (xx * t), ((bb - 1) * t), t, t); //} //if ((((PreviousVolume[xx, yy] - Volume[xx, yy]) / (CellWidth * CellWidth)) < -0) && AboveWater[xx, yy] == 1) //{ // SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Green); // objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (xx * t), ((bb - 1) * t), t, t); // // Qw Status panel // this.QwStatusPanel.Text = xx + "," + yy + " : " + ((PreviousVolume[xx, yy] - Volume[xx, yy]) / (CellWidth * CellWidth)); //} //else if ((((PreviousVolume[xx, yy] - Volume[xx, yy]) / (CellWidth * CellWidth)) > 0) && AboveWater[xx, yy] == 1) //{ // SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Red); // objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (xx * t), ((bb - 1) * t), t, t); // // Qs Status panel // this.QsStatusPanel.Text = xx + "," + yy + " : " + ((PreviousVolume[xx, yy] - Volume[xx, yy]) / (CellWidth * CellWidth)); //} //else //{ // SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.LightGray); // objGraphics.FillRectangle(brush, (xx * t), ((bb - 1) * t), t, t); //} } } } string drawString1 = "0"; string drawString2 = Convert.ToString(xDisplayStart); string drawString3 = Convert.ToString(xmax); string drawString4 = Convert.ToString(xDisplayEnd); string drawString5 = Convert.ToString(pbEnd); string drawString6 = Convert.ToString(ymax/2); string drawString7 = Convert.ToString(ymax); Font drawFont = new Font("Arial", 5); SolidBrush TextBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); objGraphics.DrawString(drawString1, drawFont, TextBrush, (0 * t), ((ymax-2) * t)); objGraphics.DrawString(drawString2, drawFont, TextBrush, (xDisplayStart * t), ((ymax - 2) * t)); objGraphics.DrawString(drawString3, drawFont, TextBrush, (xmax * t), ((ymax - 2) * t)); objGraphics.DrawString(drawString4, drawFont, TextBrush, (xDisplayEnd * t), ((ymax - 2) * t)); objGraphics.DrawString(drawString5, drawFont, TextBrush, ((pbEnd-(drawString5.Length)) * t), ((ymax - 2) * t)); objGraphics.DrawString(drawString6, drawFont, TextBrush, (0 * t), ((ymax / 2) * t)); objGraphics.DrawString(drawString7, drawFont, TextBrush, (0 * t), ((0) * t)); drawFont.Dispose(); TextBrush.Dispose(); objGraphics.Dispose(); zoomPanImageBox1.Image = m_objDrawingSurface; } void Color_HSVtoRGB() { // Convert HSV to RGB. if (sat == 0) { // If sat is 0, all colors are the same - this is some flavor of gray. red = val; green = val; blue = val; } else { double pFactor; double qFactor; double tFactor; double fractionalSector; int sectorNumber; double sectorPos; // The color wheel consists of six 60 degree sectors // Figure out which sector you are in. sectorPos = hue / 60; sectorNumber = (int)(Math.Floor(sectorPos)); // get the fractional part of the sector. // That is, how many degrees into the sector are you? fractionalSector = sectorPos - sectorNumber; // Calculate values for the three axes of the color. pFactor = val * (1 - sat); qFactor = val * (1 - (sat * fractionalSector)); tFactor = val * (1 - (sat * (1 - fractionalSector))); // Assign the fractional colors to r, g, and b based on the sector the angle is in. switch (sectorNumber) { case 0: red = val; green = tFactor; blue = pFactor; break; case 1: red = qFactor; green = val; blue = pFactor; break; case 2: red = pFactor; green = val; blue = tFactor; break; case 3: red = pFactor; green = qFactor; blue = val; break; case 4: red = tFactor; green = pFactor; blue = val; break; case 5: red = val; green = pFactor; blue = qFactor; break; } } } private void Form1_Resize(object sender, EventArgs e) { zoomPanImageBox1.Height = this.Height - 225; zoomPanImageBox1.Width = this.Width - 20; } private void zoomPanImageBox1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { } private void statusBar1_PanelClick(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanelClickEventArgs e) { // No action } //File Tab private void menuItemFileOpen_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { XmlTextReader xreader; OpenFileDialog ConfigOpen = new OpenFileDialog(); ConfigOpen.InitialDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); ConfigOpen.Filter = "cfg files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.*"; ConfigOpen.FilterIndex = 1; ConfigOpen.RestoreDirectory = false; if (ConfigOpen.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ConfigName = ConfigOpen.FileName; xreader = new XmlTextReader(ConfigName); //Read the file if (xreader != null) { xreader.ReadStartElement("Parameters"); // DEM xreader.ReadStartElement("DigitalElevationModel"); DEMTick.Checked = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(xreader.ReadElementString("DEMTick")); DEMTextBox.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("DEMTextBox"); CompDEMTick.Checked = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(xreader.ReadElementString("CompDEMTick")); NormTick.Checked = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(xreader.ReadElementString("NormTick")); WigglyTick.Checked = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(xreader.ReadElementString("WigglyTick")); BlockTick.Checked = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(xreader.ReadElementString("BlockTick")); ColumnTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("ColumnTB"); RowsTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("RowsTB"); xreader.ReadEndElement(); // Wave Climate xreader.ReadStartElement("WaveClimate"); ManWavTick.Checked = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(xreader.ReadElementString("ManWavTick")); WaveFileTick.Checked = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(xreader.ReadElementString("WaveFileTick")); BinnedTick.Checked = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(xreader.ReadElementString("BinnedTick")); WAngleTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("WAngleTB"); WPeriodTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("WPeriodTB"); WHeightTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("WHeightTB"); WaveFileTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("WaveFileTB"); WALoadTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("WALoadTB"); WPLoadTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("WPLoadTB"); WHLoadTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("WHLoadTB"); xreader.ReadEndElement(); // Tides xreader.ReadStartElement("Tides"); DoTidesTick.Checked = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(xreader.ReadElementString("DoTidesTick")); LowTideTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("WaterHeightTB"); HighTideTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("HighTideTB"); xreader.ReadEndElement(); // Erosion and Weathering xreader.ReadStartElement("ErosionWeathering"); ErosRateTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("ErosRateTB"); PercentFastTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("PercentFastTB"); PercentSlowTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("PercentSlowTB"); RockWeatherTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("RockWeatherTB"); SlowWeatherTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("SlowWeatherTB"); FastWeatherTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("FastWeatherTB"); xreader.ReadEndElement(); // Sources and Sinks xreader.ReadStartElement("SourcesSinks"); SourceTick.Checked = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(xreader.ReadElementString("SourceTick")); ColSourceTick.Checked = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(xreader.ReadElementString("ColSourceTick")); NumSourceTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("NumSourceTB"); XSourceTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("XSourceTB"); YSourceTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("YSourceTB"); SinkTick.Checked = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(xreader.ReadElementString("SinkTick")); ColSinkTick.Checked = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(xreader.ReadElementString("ColSinkTick")); NumSinkTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("NumSinkTB"); SinkinessTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("SinkinessTB"); XSinkTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("XSinkTB"); YSinkTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("YSinkTB"); xreader.ReadEndElement(); // Outputs xreader.ReadStartElement("OutputsTab"); OutputNameTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("OutputNameTB"); SaveFreqTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("SaveFreqTB"); RunLengthTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("RunLengthTB"); xreader.ReadEndElement(); // Description xreader.ReadStartElement("DescripTB"); DescripTB.Text = xreader.ReadElementString("DescripTB"); xreader.ReadEndElement(); xreader.Close(); this.Text = basetext + " (" + Path.GetFileName(ConfigName) + ")"; loadDataButton.Enabled = true; startButton.Enabled = false; } } } private void menuItemFileSave_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { XmlTextWriter xwriter; if ((sender == menuItemFileSaveAs) || (ConfigName == null)) { SaveFileDialog saveAsConfig = new SaveFileDialog(); saveAsConfig.InitialDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); saveAsConfig.Filter = "cfg files (*.xml)|*.xml|All files (*.*)|*.*"; saveAsConfig.FilterIndex = 1; saveAsConfig.RestoreDirectory = false; if (saveAsConfig.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { ConfigName = saveAsConfig.FileName; } } if (ConfigName != null) { //Create a new XmlTextWriter. xwriter = new XmlTextWriter(ConfigName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); //Write the beginning of the document including the document declaration. Standalone is true. //Use indentation for readability. xwriter.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; xwriter.Indentation = 4; xwriter.WriteStartDocument(true); //Write the beginning of the "data" element. This is the opening tag to our data xwriter.WriteStartElement("Parameters"); // DEM xwriter.WriteStartElement("DigitalElevationModel"); xwriter.WriteElementString("DEMTick", XmlConvert.ToString(DEMTick.Checked)); xwriter.WriteElementString("DEMTextBox", DEMTextBox.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("CompDEMTick", XmlConvert.ToString(CompDEMTick.Checked)); xwriter.WriteElementString("NormTick", XmlConvert.ToString(NormTick.Checked)); xwriter.WriteElementString("WigglyTick", XmlConvert.ToString(WigglyTick.Checked)); xwriter.WriteElementString("BlockTick", XmlConvert.ToString(BlockTick.Checked)); xwriter.WriteElementString("ColumnTB", ColumnTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("RowsTB", RowsTB.Text); xwriter.WriteEndElement(); // Wave Climate xwriter.WriteStartElement("WaveClimate"); xwriter.WriteElementString("ManWavTick", XmlConvert.ToString(ManWavTick.Checked)); xwriter.WriteElementString("WaveFileTick", XmlConvert.ToString(WaveFileTick.Checked)); xwriter.WriteElementString("BinnedTick", XmlConvert.ToString(BinnedTick.Checked)); xwriter.WriteElementString("WAngleTB", WAngleTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("WPeriodTB", WPeriodTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("WHeightTB", WHeightTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("WaveFileTB", WaveFileTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("WALoadTB", WALoadTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("WPLoadTB", WPLoadTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("WHLoadTB", WHLoadTB.Text); xwriter.WriteEndElement(); // Tides xwriter.WriteStartElement("Tides"); xwriter.WriteElementString("DoTidesTick", XmlConvert.ToString(DoTidesTick.Checked)); xwriter.WriteElementString("WaterHeightTB", LowTideTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("HighTideTB", HighTideTB.Text); xwriter.WriteEndElement(); // Erosion and Weathering xwriter.WriteStartElement("ErosionWeathering"); xwriter.WriteElementString("ErosRateTB", ErosRateTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("PercentFastTB", PercentFastTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("PercentSlowTB", PercentSlowTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("RockWeatherTB", RockWeatherTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("SlowWeatherTB", SlowWeatherTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("FastWeatherTB", FastWeatherTB.Text); xwriter.WriteEndElement(); // Sources and Sinks xwriter.WriteStartElement("SourcesSinks"); xwriter.WriteElementString("SourceTick", XmlConvert.ToString(SourceTick.Checked)); xwriter.WriteElementString("ColSourceTick", XmlConvert.ToString(ColSourceTick.Checked)); xwriter.WriteElementString("NumSourceTB", NumSourceTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("XSourceTB", XSourceTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("YSourceTB", YSourceTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("SinkTick", XmlConvert.ToString(SinkTick.Checked)); xwriter.WriteElementString("ColSinkTick", XmlConvert.ToString(ColSinkTick.Checked)); xwriter.WriteElementString("NumSinkTB", NumSinkTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("SinkinessTB", SinkinessTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("XSinkTB", XSinkTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("YSinkTB", YSinkTB.Text); xwriter.WriteEndElement(); // Outputs xwriter.WriteStartElement("OutputsTab"); xwriter.WriteElementString("OutputNameTB", OutputNameTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("SaveFreqTB", SaveFreqTB.Text); xwriter.WriteElementString("RunLengthTB", RunLengthTB.Text); xwriter.WriteEndElement(); // Description xwriter.WriteStartElement("DescripTB"); xwriter.WriteElementString("DescripTB", DescripTB.Text); xwriter.WriteEndElement(); xwriter.WriteEndElement(); //End the document xwriter.WriteEndDocument(); //Flush the xml document to the underlying stream and //close the underlying stream. The data will not be //written out to the stream until either the Flush() //method is called or the Close() method is called. xwriter.Close(); this.Text = basetext + " (" + Path.GetFileName(ConfigName) + ")"; } } // Graphics Tab private void menuItemGraphicsRock_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (menuItemGraphicsRock.Checked == true) { menuItemGraphicsRock.Checked = false; } else if (menuItemGraphicsRock.Checked == false) { menuItemGraphicsRock.Checked = true; } updateClick = 1; this.Refresh(); drawwater(mygraphics); } private void menuItemGraphicsSand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (menuItemGraphicsSand.Checked == true) { menuItemGraphicsSand.Checked = false; } else if (menuItemGraphicsSand.Checked == false) { menuItemGraphicsSand.Checked = true; } updateClick = 1; this.Refresh(); drawwater(mygraphics); } private void menuItemGraphicsXY_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (menuItemGraphicsXY.Checked == true) { menuItemGraphicsXY.Checked = false; } else if (menuItemGraphicsXY.Checked == false) { menuItemGraphicsXY.Checked = true; } updateClick = 1; this.Refresh(); drawwater(mygraphics); } private void menuItemGraphicDepth_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (menuItemGraphicDepth.Checked == true) { menuItemGraphicDepth.Checked = false; } else if (menuItemGraphicDepth.Checked == false) { menuItemGraphicDepth.Checked = true; } updateClick = 1; this.Refresh(); drawwater(mygraphics); } private void menuItemGraphicVolume_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (menuItemGraphicVolume.Checked == true) { menuItemGraphicVolume.Checked = false; } else if (menuItemGraphicVolume.Checked == false) { menuItemGraphicVolume.Checked = true; } updateClick = 1; this.Refresh(); drawwater(mygraphics); } private void menuItemGraphicInitialXY_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (menuItemGraphicInitialXY.Checked == true) { menuItemGraphicInitialXY.Checked = false; } else if (menuItemGraphicInitialXY.Checked == false) { menuItemGraphicInitialXY.Checked = true; } updateClick = 1; this.Refresh(); drawwater(mygraphics); } private void menuItemShadow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (menuItemShadow.Checked == true) { menuItemShadow.Checked = false; } else if (menuItemShadow.Checked == false) { menuItemShadow.Checked = true; } updateClick = 1; this.Refresh(); drawwater(mygraphics); } // Scroll Bars private void trackBar1_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e) { contrastMultiplier = contrastFactor[trackBar1.Value]; drawwater(mygraphics); } private void trackBar2_Scroll(object sender, EventArgs e) { magnifyValue = zoomFactor[this.trackBar2.Value]; zoomPanImageBox1.setZoom(); } private void comboBox1_SelectedValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { updateClick = 1; this.Refresh(); drawwater(mygraphics); } // Quick Buttons private void updateGraphics_Click_1(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { updateClick = 1; this.Refresh(); drawwater(mygraphics); } void quitSaveButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { save_data(1,9999); this.Close(); } private void resumeButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { gameClock.Start(); } private void pauseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.updateGraphics_Click_1(updateGraphicsButton, EventArgs.Empty); this.QwStatusPanel.Text = Convert.ToString(WaveAngle); this.QsStatusPanel.Text = Convert.ToString(WaveAngle * (180.0 / Math.PI)); gameClock.Stop(); } private void SeeTabsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.MainWindowTabs.Visible == true) { MainWindowTabs.Visible = false; SeeTabsButton.Text = "See Tabs"; } else if (this.MainWindowTabs.Visible == false) { MainWindowTabs.Visible = true; SeeTabsButton.Text = "Simulation"; } } // DEM private void DEMFileExplorer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string[] DEMLineArray = new string[3]; string[] DEMLineArray2 = new string[2]; int z; int xFromFile; int yFromFile; OpenFileDialog DEMFileName = new OpenFileDialog(); DEMFileName.InitialDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); if (DEMFileName.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { DEMFilePath = DEMFileName.FileName; DEMTextBox.Text = DEMFileName.SafeFileName; Stream fileStream = DEMFileName.OpenFile(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream); for (z = 1; z <= 3; z++) { DEMLineArray[z - 1] = reader.ReadLine(); } // get xmax and ymax from input headers DEMLineArray2 = DEMLineArray[0].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); // Number of Columns int sp = 1; while (DEMLineArray[sp] == "") { sp++; } xFromFile = int.Parse(DEMLineArray2[sp]); DEMLineArray2 = DEMLineArray[1].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); // Number of Rows sp = 1; while (DEMLineArray2[sp] == "") { sp++; } yFromFile = (int.Parse(DEMLineArray2[sp]) / 3); ColumnTB.Text = Convert.ToString(xFromFile); RowsTB.Text = Convert.ToString(yFromFile); fileStream.Close(); } } private void DEMTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DEMTick.Checked == true) { DEMTextBox.Enabled = true; DEMTextBox.ForeColor = Color.Black; DEMBrowseButton.Enabled = true; DEMBrowseButton.ForeColor = Color.Black; CompDEMTick.Checked = false; ColumnTB.ReadOnly = true; RowsTB.ReadOnly = true; ColLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; RowLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(this.DEMTextBox.Text)) { ColumnTB.Text = ""; RowsTB.Text = ""; } else { //Find x and y values for DEM in textbox string[] DEMLineArray = new string[3]; string[] DEMLineArray2 = new string[2]; int z; StreamReader reader = new StreamReader("INPUT_FILES/" + DEMTextBox.Text); for (z = 1; z <= 3; z++) { DEMLineArray[z - 1] = reader.ReadLine(); } // get xmax and ymax from input headers DEMLineArray2 = DEMLineArray[0].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); // Number of Columns int sp = 1; while (DEMLineArray[sp] == "") { sp++; } xmax = int.Parse(DEMLineArray2[sp]); DEMLineArray2 = DEMLineArray[1].Split(new char[] { ' ' }); // Number of Rows sp = 1; while (DEMLineArray2[sp] == "") { sp++; } ymax = (int.Parse(DEMLineArray2[sp]) / 3); ColumnTB.Text = Convert.ToString(xmax); RowsTB.Text = Convert.ToString(ymax); } } else if (DEMTick.Checked == false) { DEMTextBox.Enabled = false; DEMTextBox.ForeColor = Color.Gray; DEMBrowseButton.Enabled = false; DEMBrowseButton.ForeColor = Color.Gray; ColumnTB.Enabled = false; RowsTB.Enabled = false; ColumnTB.ReadOnly = true; RowsTB.ReadOnly = true; ColLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; RowLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; ColumnTB.Text = ""; RowsTB.Text = ""; DEMTextBox.Text = ""; } } private void CompDEMTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CompDEMTick.Checked == true) { NormLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; NormTick.Enabled = true; WigglyLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; WigglyTick.Enabled = true; BlockLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; BlockTick.Enabled = true; InitPertLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; InitPertTick.Enabled = true; PertLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; PertTick.Enabled = true; DEMTick.Checked = false; ColumnTB.Enabled = true; RowsTB.Enabled = true; ColumnTB.ReadOnly = false; RowsTB.ReadOnly = false; ColLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; RowLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; ColLabel.Font = new Font(ColLabel.Font, FontStyle.Bold); RowLabel.Font = new Font(RowLabel.Font, FontStyle.Bold); } else if (CompDEMTick.Checked == false) { NormLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; NormTick.Enabled = false; NormTick.Checked = false; WigglyLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WigglyTick.Enabled = false; WigglyTick.Checked = false; BlockLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; BlockTick.Enabled = false; BlockTick.Checked = false; InitPertLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; InitPertTick.Enabled = false; InitPertTick.Checked = false; PertLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; PertTick.Enabled = false; PertTick.Checked = false; ColumnTB.Enabled = false; RowsTB.Enabled = false; ColumnTB.ReadOnly = true; RowsTB.ReadOnly = true; ColLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; RowLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; ColLabel.Font = new Font(ColLabel.Font, FontStyle.Regular); RowLabel.Font = new Font(RowLabel.Font, FontStyle.Regular); ColumnTB.Text = ""; RowsTB.Text = ""; } } private void NormTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (NormTick.Checked == true) { WigglyTick.Checked = false; BlockTick.Checked = false; InitPertTick.Checked = false; PertTick.Checked = false; } } private void WigglyTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WigglyTick.Checked == true) { NormTick.Checked = false; BlockTick.Checked = false; InitPertTick.Checked = false; PertTick.Checked = false; } } private void BlockTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (BlockTick.Checked == true) { NormTick.Checked = false; WigglyTick.Checked = false; InitPertTick.Checked = false; PertTick.Checked = false; } } private void InitPertTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (InitPertTick.Checked == true) { NormTick.Checked = false; WigglyTick.Checked = false; BlockTick.Checked = false; PertTick.Checked = false; } } private void PertTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (PertTick.Checked == true) { NormTick.Checked = false; WigglyTick.Checked = false; BlockTick.Checked = false; InitPertTick.Checked = false; } } // Waves private void WaveBrowseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog WaveFileName = new OpenFileDialog(); WaveFileName.InitialDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); if (WaveFileName.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { WaveFileTB.Text = WaveFileName.SafeFileName; Stream fileStream = WaveFileName.OpenFile(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream); // Get 1st Wave Angle, Period, Height in file realWave_Content = reader.ReadLine(); realWave_Content = realWave_Content.Replace("\r\n", " "); realWave_Content = realWave_Content.Replace("\t", " "); realWave_Content = Regex.Replace(realWave_Content, @"\s+", " "); realWave_Content = realWave_Content.Trim(); realWave_Split = realWave_Content.Split(' '); fileStream.Close(); WaveAngleIn = Convert.ToDouble(realWave_Split[0]); WavePeriodIn = Convert.ToDouble(realWave_Split[1]); WaveHeightIn = Convert.ToDouble(realWave_Split[2]); WALoadTB.Text = Convert.ToString(WaveAngleIn); WPLoadTB.Text = Convert.ToString(WavePeriodIn); WHLoadTB.Text = Convert.ToString(WaveHeightIn); } } private void WaveFileTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WaveFileTick.Checked == true) { WaveBrowseButton.Enabled = true; WaveFileTB.Enabled = true; WaveFileTB.ReadOnly = false; WaveBrowseButton.ForeColor = Color.Black; WaveFileLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; WALoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; WHLoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; WPLoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; ManWavTick.Checked = false; ManWavLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WAngleLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WPeriodLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WHeightLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WAngleTB.Text = ""; WPeriodTB.Text = ""; WHeightTB.Text = ""; WAngleTB.Enabled = false; WPeriodTB.Enabled = false; WHeightTB.Enabled = false; WAngleTB.ReadOnly = true; WPeriodTB.ReadOnly = true; WHeightTB.ReadOnly = true; UA_WaveTick.Checked = false; UALab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; AsymLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; HighLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; AsymTB.Text = ""; HighTB.Text = ""; AsymTB.Enabled = false; HighTB.Enabled = false; AsymTB.ReadOnly = true; HighTB.ReadOnly = true; // CM - not using this for now //BinnedLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; //BinnedTick.Enabled = true; } else if (WaveFileTick.Checked == false) { WaveBrowseButton.Enabled = false; WaveFileTB.Enabled = false; WaveFileTB.ReadOnly = true; WaveFileTB.Text = ""; WaveBrowseButton.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WaveFileLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WALoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WHLoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WPLoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WALoadTB.Text = ""; WHLoadTB.Text = ""; WPLoadTB.Text = ""; //CM - not using this for now //BinnedLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; //BinnedTick.Enabled = false; } } private void ManWavTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ManWavTick.Checked == true) { ManWavLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; WHeightLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; WPeriodLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; WAngleLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; WHeightTB.Enabled = true; WPeriodTB.Enabled = true; WAngleTB.Enabled = true; WAngleTB.ReadOnly = false; WPeriodTB.ReadOnly = false; WHeightTB.ReadOnly = false; WaveFileTick.Checked = false; WaveBrowseButton.Enabled = false; WaveFileTB.Enabled = false; WaveFileTB.ReadOnly = true; WaveBrowseButton.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WaveFileLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WALoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WHLoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WPLoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; UA_WaveTick.Checked = false; UALab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; AsymLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; HighLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; AsymTB.Text = ""; HighTB.Text = ""; AsymTB.Enabled = false; HighTB.Enabled = false; AsymTB.ReadOnly = true; HighTB.ReadOnly = true; //BinnedTick.Checked = false; } else if (ManWavTick.Checked == false) { ManWavLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WHeightLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WPeriodLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WAngleLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WHeightTB.Enabled = false; WPeriodTB.Enabled = false; WAngleTB.Enabled = false; WHeightTB.Text = ""; WPeriodTB.Text = ""; WAngleTB.Text = ""; } } private void UA_WaveTickTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UA_WaveTick.Checked == true) { UA_WaveTick.Checked = true; UALab.ForeColor = Color.Black; AsymLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; HighLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; AsymTB.Enabled = true; HighTB.Enabled = true; AsymTB.ReadOnly = false; HighTB.ReadOnly = false; WaveFileTick.Checked = false; WaveBrowseButton.Enabled = false; WaveFileTB.Enabled = false; WaveFileTB.ReadOnly = true; WaveBrowseButton.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WaveFileLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WALoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WHLoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WPLoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; ManWavTick.Checked = false; WHeightLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WPeriodLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WAngleLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WHeightTB.Enabled = false; WPeriodTB.Enabled = false; WAngleTB.Enabled = false; WHeightTB.ReadOnly = true; WPeriodTB.ReadOnly = true; WAngleTB.ReadOnly = true; WHeightTB.Text = ""; WPeriodTB.Text = ""; WAngleTB.Text = ""; } else if (UA_WaveTick.Checked == false) { UA_WaveTick.Checked = false; UALab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; AsymLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; HighLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; AsymTB.Text = ""; HighTB.Text = ""; AsymTB.Enabled = false; HighTB.Enabled = false; AsymTB.ReadOnly = true; HighTB.ReadOnly = true; } } /* private void WaveFileTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (WaveFileTick.Checked == true) { WaveBrowseButton.Enabled = true; WaveFileTB.Enabled = true; WaveFileTB.ReadOnly = false; WaveBrowseButton.ForeColor = Color.Black; WaveFileLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; WALoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; WHLoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; WPLoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; BinnedLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; BinnedTick.Enabled = true; ManWavTick.Checked = false; } else if (WaveFileTick.Checked == false) { WaveBrowseButton.Enabled = false; WaveFileTB.Enabled = false; WaveFileTB.ReadOnly = true; WaveFileTB.Text = ""; WaveBrowseButton.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WaveFileLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; BinnedLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; BinnedTick.Enabled = false; WALoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WHLoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WPLoadLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WALoadTB.Text = ""; WHLoadTB.Text = ""; WPLoadTB.Text = ""; } } private void WaveBrowseButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog WaveFileName = new OpenFileDialog(); WaveFileName.InitialDirectory = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); if (WaveFileName.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { WaveFileTB.Text = WaveFileName.SafeFileName; Stream fileStream = WaveFileName.OpenFile(); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileStream); // Get 1st Wave Angle, Period, Height in file realWave_Content = reader.ReadLine(); realWave_Content = realWave_Content.Replace("\r\n", " "); realWave_Content = realWave_Content.Replace("\t", " "); realWave_Content = Regex.Replace(realWave_Content, @"\s+", " "); realWave_Content = realWave_Content.Trim(); realWave_Split = realWave_Content.Split(' '); fileStream.Close(); WaveAngleIn = Convert.ToDouble(realWave_Split[0]); WavePeriodIn = Convert.ToDouble(realWave_Split[1]); WaveHeightIn = Convert.ToDouble(realWave_Split[2]); WALoadTB.Text = Convert.ToString(WaveAngleIn); WPLoadTB.Text = Convert.ToString(WavePeriodIn); WHLoadTB.Text = Convert.ToString(WaveHeightIn); } } private void ManWavTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ManWavTick.Checked == true) { WHeightLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; WPeriodLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; WAngleLabel.ForeColor = Color.Black; WHeightTB.Enabled = true; WPeriodTB.Enabled = true; WAngleTB.Enabled = true; WaveFileTick.Checked = false; BinnedTick.Checked = false; } else if (ManWavTick.Checked == false) { WHeightLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WPeriodLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WAngleLabel.ForeColor = Color.Gray; WHeightTB.Enabled = false; WPeriodTB.Enabled = false; WAngleTB.Enabled = false; WHeightTB.Text = ""; WPeriodTB.Text = ""; WAngleTB.Text = ""; } } private void UA_WaveTickTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (UA_WaveTick.Checked == true) { WaveIn = 0; } } */ // Tides private void DoTidesTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DoTidesTick.Checked == true) { LowTideLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; LowTideTB.Enabled = true; LowTideTB.ReadOnly = false; HighTideLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; HighTideTB.Enabled = true; HighTideTB.ReadOnly = false; } else if (DoTidesTick.Checked == false) { LowTideLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; LowTideTB.Enabled = false; LowTideTB.ReadOnly = true; LowTideTB.Text = ""; HighTideLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; HighTideTB.Enabled = false; HighTideTB.ReadOnly = true; HighTideTB.Text = ""; } } // SLR private void DoSLRTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DoSLRTick.Checked == true) { SLRLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; SLR_TB.Enabled = true; SLR_TB.ReadOnly = false; RateSLRLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; RateSLR_TB.Enabled = true; RateSLR_TB.ReadOnly = false; StepSLR_Lab.ForeColor = Color.Black; StepSLR_Tick.Enabled = true; } else if (DoTidesTick.Checked == false) { SLRLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; SLR_TB.Enabled = false; SLR_TB.ReadOnly = true; SLR_TB.Text = ""; RateSLRLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; RateSLR_TB.Enabled = false; RateSLR_TB.ReadOnly = true; RateSLR_TB.Text = ""; StepSLR_Lab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; StepSLR_Tick.Checked = false; StepSLR_Tick.Enabled = false; } } // Sources&Sinks private void SourceTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SourceTick.Checked == true) { NumSourceLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; NumSourceTB.Enabled = true; NumSourceTB.ReadOnly = false; ColSourceTick.Checked = false; ColSourceLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; ColSourceTick.Enabled = true; XSourceLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; XSourceTB.Enabled = true; XSourceTB.ReadOnly = false; YSourceLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; YSourceTB.Enabled = true; YSourceTB.ReadOnly = false; } else if (SourceTick.Checked == false) { NumSourceLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; NumSourceTB.Enabled = false; NumSourceTB.ReadOnly = true; NumSourceTB.Text = ""; ColSourceLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; ColSourceTick.Enabled = false; XSourceLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; XSourceTB.Enabled = false; XSourceTB.ReadOnly = true; XSourceTB.Text = ""; YSourceLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; YSourceTB.Enabled = false; YSourceTB.ReadOnly = true; YSourceTB.Text = ""; } } private void SinkTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SinkTick.Checked == true) { NumSinkLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; NumSinkTB.Enabled = true; NumSinkTB.ReadOnly = false; ColSinkTick.Checked = false; ColSinkLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; ColSinkTick.Enabled = true; XSinkLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; XSinkTB.Enabled = true; XSinkTB.ReadOnly = false; YSinkLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; YSinkTB.Enabled = true; YSinkTB.ReadOnly = false; SinkinessLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; SinkinessTB.Enabled = true; SinkinessTB.ReadOnly = false; } else if (SinkTick.Checked == false) { NumSinkLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; NumSinkTB.Enabled = false; NumSinkTB.ReadOnly = true; NumSinkTB.Text = ""; ColSinkLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; ColSinkTick.Enabled = false; XSinkLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; XSinkTB.Enabled = false; XSinkTB.ReadOnly = true; XSinkTB.Text = ""; YSinkLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; YSinkTB.Enabled = false; YSinkTB.ReadOnly = true; YSinkTB.Text = ""; SinkinessLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; SinkinessTB.Enabled = false; SinkinessTB.ReadOnly = true; SinkinessTB.Text = ""; } } private void ColSinkTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(ColSinkTick.Checked == true) { YSinkLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; YSinkTB.Text = ""; YSinkTB.Enabled = false; YSinkTB.ReadOnly = true; } else if(ColSinkTick.Checked == false) { YSinkLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; YSinkTB.Enabled = true; YSinkTB.ReadOnly = false; } } private void ColSourceTick_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ColSourceTick.Checked == true) { YSourceLab.ForeColor = Color.Gray; YSourceTB.Text = ""; YSourceTB.Enabled = false; YSourceTB.ReadOnly = true; } else if (ColSourceTick.Checked == false) { YSourceLab.ForeColor = Color.Black; YSourceTB.Enabled = true; YSourceTB.ReadOnly = false; } } private void toolTip1_Popup(object sender, PopupEventArgs e) { } //Debug private void SandOutputButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int x, y; StreamWriter percentSandFile = new StreamWriter("TEST_FILES/percentSand" + counter + ".dat"); percentSandFile.Write(counter + Environment.NewLine); for (y = ymax-1; y >= 0; y--) { for (x = 0; x < pbEnd; x++) { percentSandFile.Write(TElevationDomain[x, y] + " "); } percentSandFile.Write(Environment.NewLine); } percentSandFile.Close(); } } class point { //lat long variables public double xcoord; public double ycoord; double transParallelX = 446.448; double transParallelY = -125.157; double transParallelZ = 542.060; double scaleChange = -20.4894 * 0.000001; double rotX = (0.1502 / 3600) * (Math.PI / 180); double rotY = (0.2470 / 3600) * (Math.PI / 180); double rotZ = (0.8421 / 3600) * (Math.PI / 180); double a = 6377563.396; //airy 1830 semi-major axis double b = 6356256.910; //airy 1830 semi-minor axis double a2 = 6378137.000; double b2 = 6356752.3142; double eSquared = 0; double eSquared2 = 0; double nO = -100000;//northing of true origin double eO = 400000;//easting of true origin double fO = 0.9996012717;//scale factor double latTrue = 49.0 * (Math.PI / 180.0);//latitude of true origin double longTrue = -2.0 * (Math.PI / 180.0);//longitude of true origin double psiHash, MBig, v, v2, v3, nLittle, rho, nSquare = 0; double vii, viii, ix, Tx2, xi, xii, xiia = 0; double helmertX, helmertY, helmertZ, cartX, cartY, cartZ; double Height2 = 0; double finalLati, finalLongi, latiRad, longiRad = 0; double rootXYSqr = 0; double PHI1, PHI2, PHI = 0; public point(double theXcoord, double theYcoord)//constructor { this.xcoord = theXcoord; this.ycoord = theYcoord; } public void transformPoint()//british os to lat long { eSquared = (Math.Pow(a, 2) - Math.Pow(b, 2)) / Math.Pow(a, 2); Height2 = 0; //OSGB36 easting and northing to OSGB36 latitude and longitude (lower left corner of DTM) psiHash = ((this.ycoord - nO) / (a * fO)) + latTrue; nLittle = (a - b) / (a + b); MBig = b * fO * (((1 + nLittle + ((5.0 / 4.0) * Math.Pow(nLittle, 2)) + ((5.0 / 4.0) * Math.Pow(nLittle, 3))) * (psiHash - latTrue)) - (((3.0 * nLittle) + (3.0 * Math.Pow(nLittle, 2)) + ((21.0 / 8.0) * Math.Pow(nLittle, 3))) * Math.Sin(psiHash - latTrue) * Math.Cos(psiHash + latTrue)) + (((15.0 / 8.0 * Math.Pow(nLittle, 2)) + (15.0 / 8.0 * Math.Pow(nLittle, 3))) * Math.Sin(2.0 * (psiHash - latTrue)) * Math.Cos(2.0 * (psiHash + latTrue))) - ((35.0 / 24.0 * Math.Pow(nLittle, 3)) * Math.Sin(3.0 * (psiHash - latTrue)) * Math.Cos(3.0 * (psiHash + latTrue)))); if (Math.Abs((this.ycoord - nO - MBig)) >= 0.01) { while (Math.Abs((this.ycoord - nO - MBig)) >= 0.01) { psiHash = ((this.ycoord - nO - MBig) / (a * fO)) + psiHash; MBig = b * fO * (((1 + nLittle + ((5.0 / 4.0) * Math.Pow(nLittle, 2)) + ((5.0 / 4.0) * Math.Pow(nLittle, 3))) * (psiHash - latTrue)) - (((3.0 * nLittle) + (3.0 * Math.Pow(nLittle, 2)) + ((21.0 / 8.0) * Math.Pow(nLittle, 3))) * Math.Sin(psiHash - latTrue) * Math.Cos(psiHash + latTrue)) + (((15.0 / 8.0 * Math.Pow(nLittle, 2)) + (15.0 / 8.0 * Math.Pow(nLittle, 3))) * Math.Sin(2.0 * (psiHash - latTrue)) * Math.Cos(2.0 * (psiHash + latTrue))) - ((35.0 / 24.0 * Math.Pow(nLittle, 3)) * Math.Sin(3.0 * (psiHash - latTrue)) * Math.Cos(3.0 * (psiHash + latTrue)))); } } v = a * fO * Math.Pow(1 - eSquared * Math.Pow(Math.Sin(psiHash), 2), -.5); rho = a * fO * (1 - eSquared) * Math.Pow(1.0 - eSquared * Math.Pow(Math.Sin(psiHash), 2), -1.5); nSquare = v / rho - 1.0; vii = (Math.Tan(psiHash)) / (2.0 * rho * v); viii = ((Math.Tan(psiHash)) / (24.0 * rho * Math.Pow(v, 3))) * (5 + 3.0 * Math.Pow(Math.Tan(psiHash), 2) + nSquare - 9.0 * (Math.Pow(Math.Tan(psiHash), 2) * nSquare)); ix = (Math.Tan(psiHash) / ((720.0 * rho * Math.Pow(v, 5)))) * (61 + 90.0 * Math.Pow(Math.Tan(psiHash), 2) + 45.0 * Math.Pow(Math.Tan(psiHash), 4)); Tx2 = (1.0 / Math.Cos(psiHash)) / v; xi = (1.0 / Math.Cos(psiHash)) / (6.0 * Math.Pow(v, 3)) * ((v / rho) + (2.0 * Math.Pow(Math.Tan(psiHash), 2))); xii = (1.0 / Math.Cos(psiHash)) / (120.0 * Math.Pow(v, 5)) * (5.0 + (28.0 * Math.Pow(Math.Tan(psiHash), 2)) + (24.0 * Math.Pow(Math.Tan(psiHash), 4))); xiia = ((1.0 / Math.Cos(psiHash)) / (5040.0 * Math.Pow(v, 7))) * (61.0 + (662.0 * Math.Pow(Math.Tan(psiHash), 2)) + (1320.0 * Math.Pow(Math.Tan(psiHash), 4)) + (720.0 * Math.Pow(Math.Tan(psiHash), 6))); latiRad = psiHash - (vii * Math.Pow((this.xcoord - eO), 2)) + (viii * Math.Pow((this.xcoord - eO), 4)) - (ix * Math.Pow((this.xcoord - eO), 6)); longiRad = longTrue + (Tx2 * (this.xcoord - eO)) - (xi * (Math.Pow((this.xcoord - eO), 3))) + (xii * (Math.Pow((this.xcoord - eO), 5))) - (xiia * (Math.Pow((this.xcoord - eO), 7))); v2 = a / (Math.Sqrt(1 - (eSquared * ((Math.Pow(Math.Sin(latiRad), 2)))))); cartX = (v2 + Height2) * Math.Cos(latiRad) * Math.Cos(longiRad); cartY = (v2 + Height2) * (Math.Cos(latiRad) * Math.Sin(longiRad)); cartZ = ((v2 * (1 - eSquared)) + Height2) * Math.Sin(latiRad); helmertX = cartX + (cartX * scaleChange) - (cartY * rotZ) + (cartZ * rotY) + transParallelX; helmertY = (cartX * rotZ) + cartY + (cartY * scaleChange) - (cartZ * rotX) + transParallelY; helmertZ = (-1 * cartX * rotY) + (cartY * rotX) + cartZ + (cartZ * scaleChange) + transParallelZ; rootXYSqr = Math.Sqrt((Math.Pow(helmertX, 2)) + (Math.Pow(helmertY, 2))); eSquared2 = (Math.Pow(a2, 2) - Math.Pow(b2, 2)) / Math.Pow(a2, 2); PHI1 = Math.Atan(helmertZ / (rootXYSqr * (1 - eSquared2))); v3 = a2 / (Math.Sqrt(1.0 - (eSquared2 * ((Math.Pow(Math.Sin(PHI1), 2)))))); PHI2 = Math.Atan((helmertZ + (eSquared2 * v3 * (Math.Sin(PHI1)))) / rootXYSqr); while (Math.Abs(PHI1 - PHI2) > 0.000000001) { PHI1 = PHI2; v3 = a2 / (Math.Sqrt(1 - (eSquared2 * ((Math.Pow(Math.Sin(PHI1), 2)))))); PHI2 = Math.Atan((helmertZ + (eSquared2 * v3 * (Math.Sin(PHI1)))) / rootXYSqr); } PHI = PHI2; finalLati = PHI * (180.0 / Math.PI); finalLongi = (Math.Atan(helmertY / helmertX)) * (180.0 / Math.PI); this.xcoord = finalLongi; this.ycoord = finalLati; } } }