#-------------------------------- # Overall label for this simulation #-------------------------------- # Short descriptive name # NOTE: this name is not necessarily unique! Please use the SXS or PRIVATE # identifier in alternative-names to unambiguously refer to this simulation. simulation-name = 0132/Lev2 # Other names under which this run has been referenced (e.g. papers) alternative-names = BFI:q4_7d:0132, SXS:BBH:1625 # Keywords to qualitatively identify this simulation keywords = #-------------------------------- # Researchers #-------------------------------- # Point-of-contact for this waveform. Usually the person having placed the # waveform into the repository point-of-contact-email = mgiesler@tapir.caltech.edu # Researchers who contributed to the generation of this waveform. # (typically this is the list of authors for publications using this # waveform). authors-emails = #-------------------------------- # References #-------------------------------- # (1) papers describing this particular run (if any) simulation-bibtex-keys = Varma:2019csw,Boyle:2019kee,SXSCatalogWebsite # (2) papers describing the evolution code code-bibtex-keys = Ossokine:2013zga,Hemberger:2012jz,Szilagyi:2009qz,Boyle:2009vi,Scheel:2008rj,Boyle:2007ft,Scheel:2006gg,Lindblom:2005qh,Pfeiffer:2002wt,SpECwebsite # (3) papers describing the initial data initial-data-bibtex-keys = Buchman:2012dw,Lovelace:2008tw,Pfeiffer:2007yz,Caudill:2006hw,Cook:2004kt # (4) papers describing eccentricity reduction quasicircular-bibtex-keys = Mroue:2012kv,Buonanno:2010yk,Mroue:2010re,Boyle:2007ft #-------------------------------- # Input Parameters for Initial Data #-------------------------------- initial-data-type = BBH_SKS initial-separation = 14.3541259766000007 initial-orbital-frequency = 0.0167122491080000 initial-adot = 0.0000800041033751 # Type of compact object (bh or ns) object1 = bh object2 = bh #-------------------------------- # t=0 quantities #-------------------------------- initial-ADM-energy = 0.9951976369176274 initial-ADM-linear-momentum = -0.0000000109350356, -0.0000000999320253, -0.0000000015634519 initial-ADM-angular-momentum = 0.3414133861324147, -0.0450459281995741, 0.4448617544132962 # Christodoulou masses at t=0 initial-mass1 = 0.7986771473146546 initial-mass2 = 0.2013228534229176 # dimensionless spins at t=0 initial-dimensionless-spin1 = 0.5067452756084903, -0.0825893383813002, -0.3975531176007288 initial-dimensionless-spin2 = 0.4260208352058195, 0.4759606150557658, -0.3421698980949134 initial-position1 = 2.9099350634835597, 0.0306467489620093, 0.0113699862499896 initial-position2 = -11.4441909131164401, 0.0306467489620093, 0.0113699862499896 #-------------------------------- # Quantities at reference time #-------------------------------- # time at which we deem junk radiation to have sufficiently decayed relaxation-time = 510.0 # time at which the reference quantities are measured reference-time = 510.0 # Christodoulou masses at reference time reference-mass1 = 0.798735222205 reference-mass2 = 0.201346405487 # dimensionless spins, i.e. \chi_i = S_i / M_i^2, at reference time reference-dimensionless-spin1 = 0.516204001992, 0.0542048077888, -0.390074297729 reference-dimensionless-spin2 = -0.0504876408953, 0.64985902299, -0.315971155157 # black hole centers at reference time reference-position1 = -2.36917059279, 1.72105472169, 0.289967248694 reference-position2 = 9.48549188887, -6.68595402897, -1.1895729634 # orbital frequency at reference time reference-orbital-frequency = 0.000423966176242, -0.0024502536847, 0.0173197591266 #-------------------------------- # Info that concerns complete run #-------------------------------- # orbital eccentricity and mean anomaly measured at reference time reference-eccentricity = 0.0007175 reference-mean-anomaly = 3.292325 # time when the common horizon is first detected common-horizon-time = 4834.34477932 # number of orbits between t=0 common-horizon-time number-of-orbits = 18.6479246772 #-------------------------------- # Remnant properties #-------------------------------- # mass of final BH (remnant) remnant-mass = 0.981110698262 # dimensionless spin of BH remnant remnant-dimensionless-spin = 0.215568172135, -0.0358624769176, 0.360396400966 # coordinate velocity of remnant remnant-velocity = 0.000622499459099, 0.000671975604149, 0.00153936138534 #-------------------------------- # Code information #-------------------------------- # version of this metadata file metadata-version = 1 # unique, ordered list of revisions used for the evolution spec-revisions = InitialCommit-30548-g8a39246 # revision used for the initial data creation spells-revision = 8a392465d586c8ca817d062b58522dabb63df692