Proppy Corpus 1.0

Version 1.0: March 25, 2019

This file describes the corpus Proppy 1.0. This is the corpus used in the paper "Proppy: Organizing the News Based on Their Propagandistic Content" (see citation section).

The corpus contains 52k articles from 100+ news outlets. Each article is labeled as either “propagandistic” (positive class) or “non-propagandistic” (negative class). The labeling was done indirectly using a technique known as distant supervision, i.e. an article is considered propagandistic if it comes from a news outlet that has been labeled as propagandistic by human annotators.

Data format

We provide the corpus in three tsv files, including training, development, and testing partitions.

The data is tab-separated. Each line represents one article, with the following information:

  1. article_text: the text of the article retrieved via newspaper3k package.
  2. event_location: the geographical location - collected from GDELT.
  3. average_tone: measures the impact of the event - collected from GDELT
  4. article_date: article's publish date - collected from GDELT.
  5. article_ID: GDELT ID , unique among the dataset's articles.
  6. article_URL: the direct URL for the published article in its source website.
  7. MBFC_factuality_label: factuality label for the source from MBFC
  8. article_URL
  9. MBFC_factuality_label
  10. URL_to_MBFC_page
  11. source_name
  12. MBFC_notes_about_source
  13. MBFC_bias_label
  14. source_URL
  15. propaganda_label


The corpus was downloaded using MBFC metadata to identify propagandistic vs non-propagandistic sources. Specific URLs where then gathered with GDELT and contents downloaded with newspaper3k


Please cite the following paper when using this corpus:

A. Barrón-Cedeño, G. Da San Martino, I. Jaradat, and P. Nakov. Proppy: Organizing news coverage on the basis of their propagandistic content. Information Processing and Management 56(5), pp. 1849-1864. 2019

@article{BARRONCEDENO20191849, author = "Barr'{o}n-Cede~no, Alberto and Da San Martino, Giovanni and Jaradat, Israa and Nakov, Preslav", title = "{Proppy: Organizing the news based on their propagandistic content}", journal = "Information Processing & Management", volume = "56", number = "5", pages = "1849 - 1864", year = "2019", issn = "0306-4573", doi = "", url = "", }


Alberto Barrón-Cedeno; Israa Jaradat; Giovani Da San Martino; Preslav Nakov