Biogenic silicate concentration in sea water samples, collected from the underway supply in the Southern Ocean during the austral summer of 2016/2017, on board the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition. Date files: ace_biogenic_silicate_concentration_in_seawater_underway.csv File header ace_event_number: unique number relating to the deployment of the CTD rosette during the expedition date_time [UTC]: start date and time of the CTD rosette deployment from which the samples were taken in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00 [UTC] latitude [degN]: latitude at which the CTD rosette deployment began [decimal degrees North] longitude [degE]: longitude at which the CTD rosette deployment began [decimal degrees East] depth [m]: depth below the surface from which the seawater sample was taken [m] sample_volume [L]: volume of seawater sampled [litres] ace_sample_number: unique number of the seawater sample within the ACE in the format shipname/ACE/legnumber/projectnumber/julianday[UTC]/eventnumber/PIinitials/projectsamplenumber project_sample_number: unique number of the seawater sample within the project sample_petri_dish_name: name of sample petri dish measurement_date [UTC]: date on which the measurements of biogenic silicate in the seawater sample were made in ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD [UTC] concentration_of_biogenic_silicate [µmol/L]: calculated concentration of biogenic silicate (Bsi) in the seawater sample [µmol/L] standard_deviation_of_biogenic_silicate_concentration [µmol/L]: standard deviation in the calculated concentration of biogenic silicate (Bsi) in the seawater sample [µmol/L] comments: relevant comments about the sampling or sample that may affect the results