Hellow folks, We hope this file can help understanding how we organized and distributed main data from our study. This shared folder contains DATA and METADATA of the systematic literature review performed. In each folder there are two files of plain CSV format: one containing DATA; and one containing METADATA to allow parsing the DATA file. Note that the METADATA files have the same structure: in the first line is the description of each DATA file columns; and in the second line there is a description of the content format of each column from the DATA file. For example, file "papers_per_year_METADATA" has the following structure: column description;year of paper publication;number of papers published in respective year formating description;integer number;integer number First column of DATA is "year of paper publication" and it is formatted as an "integer number". The DATA CVS files contain only data from which each column content is separated by a ";", which can be parsed based on the respective METADATA. Note that data in this folder is under Creative Commons Licence (CC BY), accordingly to the following terms: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0, thus you are free to: - Share: copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; and - Adapt: remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. Enjoy this data and have a great time!