Physical and biogeochemical oceanography data from Conductivity, Temperature, Depth (CTD) rosette deployments during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) Data file(s): ace_ctd_CTD20190903CURRSGCMR/cACEYYYYLL_XXX_ct1.csv, ace_bottle_BOTTLE20190903CURRSGCM_hy1.csv File header: EXPOCODE [NO UNITS]: expedition code as per SECT_ID [NO UNITS]: ACE Expedition Leg RUB3YYYYMMDD where RUB3 is the ICES 4 character platform code and YYYYMMDD is the date of departure of the expedition STNNBR [NO UNITS]: ACE station number CASTNO [NO UNITS]: ACE CTD cast number CASTTYPE [NO UNITS]: Indicates downcast or upcast file BOTTOM_DATE [YYYYMMDD]: UTC date of CTD cast at cast bottom [UTC] BOTTOM_TIME [HHMM]: UTC time of CTD cast at cast bottom [UTC] BOTTOM_LATITUDE [N]: Latitude of CTD cast at cast bottom [decimal degrees North] BOTTOM_LONGITUDE [E]: Longitude of CTD cast at cast bottom [decimal degrees East] BOTTOM_DEPTH [METERS]: Depth at CTD cast bottom [meters] DATETIME_UTC [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00]: UTC datetime of CTD cast at cast bottom in ISO8601 format [UTC] LATITUDE [N]: Latitude of CTD cast at cast bottom [decimal degrees North] LONGITUDE [E]: Longitude of CTD cast at cast bottom [decimal degrees East] BTL_DATETIME [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+00:00]: UTC datetime of the bottle firing [UTC] BTL_LAT [N]: Latitude of the bottle firing [decimal degrees North] BTL_LON [E]: Longitude of the bottle firing [decimal degrees East] SAMPNO [NO UNITS]: Rosette position (same as BTLNBR) BTLNBR [NO UNITS]: Niskin bottle number BTLNBR_FLAG_W [NO UNITS]: WOCE Bottle Quality Code CTDPRS [DBAR]: CTD Pressure [decibars] CTDPRS_FLAG_W [NO UNITS]: WOCE CTD Quality Code DEPTH [METERS]: CTD depth [meters] CTDTMP [ITS-90]: CTD temperature as per international temperature scale 1990 [degrees Celsius] CTDTMP_FLAG_W [NO UNITS]: WOCE CTD Quality Code CTDSAL [PSS-78]: Practical salinity CTDSAL_FLAG_W [NO UNITS]: WOCE CTD Quality Code CTDDENS [KG/M^3]: density sigma-theta [kilograms per cubic metre] CTDDENS_FLAG_W [NO UNITS]: WOCE CTD Quality Code CTDSOUND [M/S]: sound velocity [metres per second] CTDSOUND_FLAG_W [NO UNITS]: WOCE CTD Quality Code CTDOXY [UMOL/KG]: Dissolved oxygen concentration [micromol per kilogram] CTDOXYFLAG_W [NO UNITS]: WOCE CTD Quality Code CTDOXYSAT [UMOL/KG]: Dissolved oxygen saturation [micromol per kilogram] CTDOXYSAT_FLAG_W [NO UNITS]: WOCE CTD Quality Code CTDFLUOR1 [MG/M^3]: chlorophyll-a concentration from ECO fluorometer [milligrams per cubic metre] CTDFLUOR1_FLAG_W [NO UNITS]: WOCE CTD Quality Code CTDFLUOR1Q [MG/M^3]: chlorophyll-a concentration from ECO fluorometer corrected for non-photochemical quenching [milligrams per cubic metre] CTDFLUOR1Q_FLAG_W [NO UNITS]: WOCE CTD Quality Code CTDFLUOR2 [MG/M^3]: chlorophyll-a concentration from Sea-Point fluorometer [milligrams per cubic metre] CTDFLUOR2_FLAG_W [NO UNITS]: WOCE CTD Quality Code CTDFLUOR2Q [MG/M^3]: chlorophyll-a concentration from Sea-Point fluorometer corrected for non-photochemical quenching [milligrams per cubic metre] CTDFLUOR2Q_FLAG_W [NO UNITS]: WOCE CTD Quality Code BACKSC [1/M]: particulate backscattering at 700 nm [per metre] BACKSC_FLAG_W [NO UNITS]: WOCE CTD Quality Code PAR [UMOL/M^2/S]: photosynthetically active radiation [micromol per square metre per second] PAR_FLAG_W [NO UNITS]: WOCE CTD Quality Code WOCE CTD Quality Codes are fully explained here: Null values: are filled with value ‘−999’