Public Repository for Reaserch Data Associated with AGU journal submission 2019WR024932 Corresponding Author: Timbo Stillinger Date: June 3rd, 2019 Contributing Authors: Natalie M. Collar, Jeff Dozier, Dar Roberts Abbreviations: Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance (TOAR) Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager(OLI) Repository contains the following classes of data: Spectral Libraries GeoTIFF Truth Masks Satellite Data Key SPECTRAL LIBRARIES - *SpectralLibrary.csv Comma seperated values with CRLF line breaks Colums for all libraries are: OLI Band 1 TOAR | OLI Band 2 TOAR | OLI Band 3 TOAR | OLI Band 4 TOAR | OLI Band 5 TOAR | OLI Band 6 TOAR | OLI Band 7 TOAR | OLI Band 9 TOAR | Solar Zenith Angle (degrees) The four spectral Libraries are: A snow and a cloud spectral library containg the spectra of every truth mask identifed snow and cloud spectra from the 26 validation landsat scenes. 1.) cloudSpectralLibrary.csv 2.) snowSpectralLibrary.csv Library 3 and 4 are the subsets of the first two spectral libraries which were missclassifed by CFMask. False Positve Cloud Mask pixels that are classifed as Snow in the Truth Masks 3.) falsePositiveCloud_is_Snow_SpectralLibrary.csv False Negative Cloud Mask pixels, that CFMask classifes as snow, that are classifed as Cloud in the Truth Masks 4.) falseNegativeCloud_Classed_Snow_SpectralLibrary.csv TRUTH MASKS - LC8*_truthMask.tif Truth Masks created for this project are stored as uint8 GeoTIFFS file name convention: LC8*_truthMask.tif LC8* = original pre-collection filename of Landsat 8 dataset truth masks were generated from. GEOTIFFS labled with color map and following uint8 values: 0 = not classified; black pixels 1 = snow; turquoiz pixels 2 = cloud; white pixels 3 = neither; orange pixels The USGS truth Masks are referenced by their filenames in their public repository and can be found here: .S. Geological Survey, 2016. L8 SPARCS Cloud Validation Masks. U.S. Geological Survey data release. doi:10.5066/F7FB5146. SATELLITEDATAKEY - satelliteDataKey.csv The key that connectes each Landsat scene, MODIS tile, and truth mask is in satelliteDataKey.csv. Some Landsat truthmasks span two MODIS tiles, in that case their is an entry for each MODIS tile. All truth data was collected with pre-collection Landsat 8 OLI data and retains original precollection sceneID's in filenames. USGS truth masks retian filenames from their public repository (doi:10.5066/F7FB5146) modtile - tile ID of truth data location in MODIS sinusodal grid tile system wrs2 - WRS-2 path and row location of Landsat Data truthMaskFilename - Name of truthMask filename either in this repository or USGS repository LC8_C1 - this row ID's the Collection 1 scenes analyzed to calculate Landsat Error Stats. MODISfile - this row ID's the MOD09GA file from which the qualtiy band cloud mask was assessed.