Version: ,1 ID,Database identifier """DN""",Crown identifier """geometry""","Crown geometry (polygon, UTM zone corresponding to NEON AOP data)" """LMAg_m2""",Leaf Mass per area (g m-2) """LMAg_m2_sd""",Standard deviation of LMA estimate (g m-2) """Npct""",Nitrogen percent of leaf mass (%) """Npct_sd""",Standard deviation of Npct estimate (%) """Ppct""",Phosphorus percent of leaf mass (%) """Ppct_sd""",Standard deviation of Ppct estimate (%) centroid,"Centroid of tree crown (point, UTM zone corresponding to NEON AOP data)" """Albedo""",Average Albedo (from NEON-AOP Lv2) """Aspect""",Average Aspect (from NEON-AOP Lv3) """CHM""",Maximum tree height (m) """DTM""",Elevation (m) """LAI""",Average LAI (from NEON-AOP Lv2) """Slope""","Average Slope (degrees, from NEON-AOP Lv3)" """lat""","latitude of tree centroids (degrees, EPGS:4326)" """lon""","longitude of tree centroids (degrees, EPGS:4326)" """Site""",NEON site (4 characters string) """Domain""",NEON domain (3 characters string) """Year""",Year of remote sensing data collection """LMA_95""",LMA upper bound of predictions interval (g m-2) """LMA_5""",LMA lower bound of predictions interval (g m-2) """N_95""",Nperc upper bound of predictions interval (%) """N_5""",Nperc lower bound of predictions interval (%) """P_95""",Pperc upper bound of predictions interval (%) """P_5""",Pperc lower bound of predictions interval (%) """CA""",Crown Area (m2) """DBH"" - ""V2""",Trunk diameter at breast height (cm)