Field name,Field description Sample ID,Unique identifier for each sample Experiment ID,Unique identifier for each experiment Experiment description,A description of what each experiment was testing Variation ID,Unique identifier for the variation in experimental setup so that the effect of a specific factor could be tested Variation tested,A description of the variation in experimental setup so that the effect of a specific factor could be tested Microbiology Lab Sample ID,A unique identifier for the sample used in the microbiology laborator where the samples were analysed Sample replicate,Replicate number for the sample to which the result refers Depuration Time (hours),Length of time that each sample was depurated Salinity (psu),Salinity of the depuration water Temp (°C),Temperature of the depuration water Proportion of time with light on,The proportion of time that a light source was used during depuration. A value of 1 means that the light was always on 0.5 means it was on for 12 out of 24 hours and 0 means that the light was always off. Water Source,Whether the depuration water was filtered or unfiltered Noro GI (copies/g),Number of norovirus genogroup I genome copies detected per gram of shellfish digestive gland. As tested by RT-qPCR Noro GII (copies/g),Number of norovirus genogroup II genome copies detected per gram of shellfish digestive gland. As tested by RT-qPCR FRNAP-II (copies/g),Number of F specific RNA coliphage genogroup II genome copies detected per gram of shellfish digestive gland. As tested by RT-qPCR FRNAP-II (MPN/g),Most probable number (MPN) of infectious F specific RNA coliphage genogroup II detected per gram of shellfish digestive gland. As tested by an 5x3 MPN and RT-PCR assay. E.coli (MPN/100 g),Most probable number (MPN) of viable E. coli detected per 100 grams of shellfish flesh and intravalvular fluid. As tested by a 5x3 MPN assay. Comments,Any additional comments about each sample