Text, AID "The teacher should have uploaded materials in the class I am taking, but I cannot find any materials on the course.",A001 "I put the material on my page but students cannot see it.",A001 "How can I prevent the students from seeing any materials on "documents" stored for the subjects of the previous semester?",A001 "I cannot find the uploaded material.",A001 "I cannot see the teacher's materials.",A001 "If "notification" and "documents" are made available only to the group selected at the time of creation and "notify by e-mail" is made, will email be notified only to that group? ",A002 "I uploaded documents to a folder that I set as non-display, but when I upload files with the "notify" setting, the folders and files will be emailed to students.",A002 "When creating a notification that can only be viewed by a specific group of students, does an email notification only reach the group's students?",A002 "I want to notify students when I upload the document file.",A002 "What is the function of notifying students about file uploads?",A002 "Can the teacher set the notification function?",A002 "Can only some students be notified about uploaded materials?",A002 "Is the document disclosure setting and notification function not linked?",A002 "Can only the specified student group be informed of the publication of materials?",A002 "Can I set a password for documents?",A003 "Does kibaco have encryption capabilities?",A003 "I want to set the file to open with password authentication.",A003 "Can I upload encrypted files?",A003 "Can I upload files with password settings?",A003 "I want to share the material with all students on kibaco.",A004 "I want to distribute class materials",A004 "I want to pass files to students",A004 "I would like to disclose class slides to students on kibaco.",A004 "Can we disclose lesson materials to students?",A004 "I would like to distribute materials with kibaco prior to the application period, but what should I do?",A005 "Can students download lesson materials before applying for courses?",A005 "When will students be able to view class content in kibaco?",A005 "Can I distribute materials to students who have not taken this?",A005 "Can the course be distributed if the teacher registers the student during the class entry period?",A005 "I want to know how to download document files at once.",A006 "I want to download all the files at once.",A006 "It is troublesome to download one file each time.",A006 "I want to download multiple files at once.",A006 "I want to download many files at once.",A006 "When I open the SJIS text file I put in the document, it is garbled",A007 "The file is garbled and can not be read.",A007 "Where should we use the character code for files placed in kibaco?",A007 "What is the character code specified by kibaco?",A007 "Which character code should I upload the file for?",A007 "I want to let someone upload the file.",A008 "I want other staff to upload files.",A008 "Does class support students have the upload permission?",A008 "I want TA to upload files to the course's resources. ",A008 "Who can upload files?",A008 "I want to give upload authority to non-teachers",A008 "I do not know how to upload a file to the" document "on the class page. ",A009 "Can I upload multiple files at once?",A009 "Where can I upload materials?",A009 "Can I upload files to kibaco?",A009 "Tell me how to upload.",A009 "Can some students set resubmission settings?",A010 "I would like to resubmit only the student who submitted the poor task.",A010 "I would like to have students who submit incomplete assignments resubmit.",A010 "Can I resubmit the assignment after the final acceptance date?",A010 "I have set the resubmission settings for specific students, but they will not be reflected in the overall final acceptance date. Can students resubmit in this state?",A010 "After the deadline, it seems that the resubmission is not possible, but can I do it?",A010 "Can I modify the submission deadline after the final acceptance date?",A011 "I want to be able to submit again the assignments that have been published in the past.",A011 "Can I edit the submission deadline and reset it for submission?",A011 "I would like to change the deadline so that students can submit the task once again",A011 "Can I change the deadline after the deadline?",A011 "I created an assignment but I was contacted by students as they could not see it.",A012 "A test published by the teacher is not displayed.",A012 "I can't see the assignment",A012 "The assignment is not displayed.",A012 "There are no assignments that should have been created",A012 "Files submitted in the past will be updated.",A013 "When a student resubmits an assignment, is it overwritten if the file name is the same?",A013 "I want to keep the previously submitted file.",A013 "Can I save a file with the same name without overwriting it?",A013 "Can I save the submitted file as an alias?",A013 "I would like to copy the assignments created in other courses.",A014 "I want to copy files from other courses",A014 "I want to copy files from other classes",A014 "Can I copy the same task to another class?",A014 "Can I copy all assignments to another course?",A014 "I want to copy assignments from other courses.",A014 "Can I duplicate the created assignments?",A015 "I want to duplicate the assignments",A015 "I want to copy the same assignment again," A015 "Can I copy the assignments?",A015 "Can I duplicate the same assignment?",A015 "I would like to have the staff collect the submissions of the assignment but there is no authority other than TA?",A016 "I want TA to download the issue.",A016 "I want to leave the download of submissions to TA.",A016 "I want the staff to download the submissions",A016 "Can a non-teacher download the task file?",A016 "When I download a folder, I want to delete the internal folder so that I can see all the files in a list.",A017 "Can I get rid of the structure when I download a nested folder?",A017 "Can hierarchical folder structure not be flat?",A017 "There is no folder, I want to export only files.",A017 "I would like to eliminate the hierarchical structure when downloading each folder.",A017 "I would like to receive an email notification when the deadline for the assignment is approaching.",A018 "I want to notify students before the deadline",A018 "Can I set reminder?",A018 "I want to notify students before the deadline.",A018 "I would like to send a reminder of the assignment.",A018 "Are there settings to notify students before the deadline?",A018 "No notification about the assignment has arrived.",A019 "I would like to send a notification email to myself (teacher)," A019 "Can I notify that I changed the content of the assignment?",A019 "I would like to inform students the change in assignment",A019 "I want to be notified of the addition of an assignment",A019 "I cannot submit an assignment even after the assignment deadline has been adjusted.",A020 "The deadline for the assignment is not working",A020 "The submission was completed even after the date and time of the assignment.",A020 "Can't submit assignment",A020 "Can I submit delayed submissions more than once?",A020 "Please let me know how to get the grade list of the assignment.",A021 "Evaluated grades for the task are not reflected in the gradebook.",A021 "I want to know the submission status of the assignment.",A021 "I want to reflect my students’ grades",A021 "When will the grade results be reflected in the gradebook?",A021 "I cannot see the assignments submitted by the students.",A022 "Can't you score the question before the deadline?",A022 "Can student's submissions to assignments not be batch downloaded until the deadline date?",A022 "I created an assignment that imposed text description and file attachment, but I cannot confirm the text content written by the student.",A022 "I cannot grade the assignment.",A022 "A user who said they have taken a test is not ready to check the results.",A023 "I cannot see the results of the students who have taken the test.",A023 "There are no test results for students",A023 "I would like to view saved tests.",A023 "Is it possible to submit my results even with the Save button?",A023 "We received an inquiry from the user who registered for the subject, "I can not answer the test." ",A024 "Students cannot take the test",A024 "Students cannot take a test",A024 "Can't TA get a test?",A024 "The registered student is unable to answer the test.",A024 "I want to check the behavior of the test without being seen by students.",A025 "I want to check the test I created",A025 "I want to check the behavior without releasing the test",A025 "I want to know how to check the test without showing it to the students.",A025 "I want to check the pre-publication test",A025 "I made the students answer the test they created, but they are in a state where they cannot distinguish the students on the screen that confirms the test response.",A026 "Can we make test respondents anonymous",A026 "I cannot confirm which student answered",A026 "Can I set test participant information anonymously?",A026 "Can we create an anonymous survey?",A026 "The questionnaire was conducted but the submitter's name is not displayed, instead the submission ID is displayed.",A026 "I created a Test/Questionnaire, but in the specific test, the student who responded is displayed as a submission ID and can not identify the individual.",A026 "The survey results were anonymous",A026 "I want TA to be able to enter questions to a questionnaire.",A027 "Can staff enter test questions?",A027 "I want TA to enter a problem",A027 "Can TA or staff enter a problem?",A027 "I want to let people without teacher's authority enter a problem.",A027 "I would like to use the problem that TA considered to the test.",A027 "I want to limit the answer to half-width characters in the settings for the test questions.",A028 "I want to limit the input characters when I answer the test.",A028 "Can I only enter full-width characters?",A028 "Can kibaco impose restrictions on input characters?",A028 "Are there any ways to limit input characters?",A028 "I want to keep track of the assignment I created",A029 "Can't automatically create a test from an already created problem?",A029 "I want to automate test creation",A029 "I want to make tests systematically",A029 "Can't we accumulate test problems and output them randomly?",A029 "I created a test in the form of questions from the question pool, but the correct answer set in the question pool is different from the correct answer on the published test.",A030 "Are problems in the problem pool fixed but are automatically reflected in the test I already created?",A030 "Problem pool and test are not linked",A030 "Problem pool fix not reflected in test",A030 "Test has not been modified",A030 "I would like to create a test using the questions entered by the staff.",A031 "The teacher shares the problem pool entered by the TA, but it seems that the teacher cannot share it with others. Should I copy the problem pool once?",A 031 "The TA entered a problem in a subpool of the problem pool but cannot see the subpool from the teacher.",A031 "The TA cannot add a subpool to the problem pool shared by the TA with the teacher.",A 031 "I would like to share the problem pool with other teachers.",A031 "The number of submissions has been set to unlimited in "Test/Questionnaire," but how many delayed submissions can be made? ",A032 "Can I submit a late questionnaire only once?",A032 "How many times can I submit a questionnaire late?",A032 "Can I upload only one questionnaire once after the deadline?",A032 "Can I answer a questionnaire I forgot to submit?",A032 "The "delay tag" when the test is submitted late is not visible in the exported file. ",A033 "I do not know if students delayed when I downloaded the test results.",A033 "Can I mark and download the results of the delayed test?",A033 "I want to keep the delay status in the exported test result file.",A033 "Can I record the delay status in the exported file?",A033 "My browser fell along the way, can I resume the survey?",A034 "Is it okay if I interrupt the questionnaire once?",A034 "I want to save the answer result",A034 "I would like to record the answer once",A034 "Does a questionnaire once interrupted have to be entered from the beginning?",A034 "If the input is interrupted for the questionnaire published as "the person to whom the response URL was sent", can it be resumed?",A035 "Can I enter a continuation even if I interrupt the survey published as "the person to whom the response URL was sent? ",A035 "If I know the URL, and I can answer the questionnaire, can I resume when the session is disconnected?",A035 "I interrupted the survey but I can't resume it.",A035 "The questionnaire in the answer has disappeared.",A035 "When exporting questionnaire responses, numerical responses are treated as strings in the file. I want to limit the numbers.",A036 "When exporting questionnaire responses, some of the responses show "-br-- ". ",A036 "Can you convert the characters in questionnaires to other types with kibaco?",A036 "Can HTML tags be used in questionnaire?",A036 "Is the number in the questionnaire only a string",A036 "Is it possible to correct the questions on the published Test/Questionnaire?",A037 "Can I fix the text of question in the questionnaire published to students?",A037 "I can't fix the question of the questionnaire",A037 "I would like to know how to modify the published questionnaire.",A037 "Can I fix the problems of published questionnaires?",A037 "I exported the test results but I cannot find any questions for the answers.",A038 "Why are there multiple answers for the same student when exporting test results?",A038 "I do not see the question in its result exported as a file.",A038 "The same student answers more than once in the same questionnaire.",A038 "Exported Excel file includes only answers, and there are many answers from the same student.",A038 "Can students modify their answers in Test/Questionnaire?",A039 "For questionnaires that have been published as "persons to whom the URL for the response was sent", can the content already answered be corrected later? ",A039 "Can I correct the results other than resubmitting the questionnaire?",A039 "I would like to change the questionnaire I answered",A039 "I want to fix this because I accidentally closed the browser while answering the questionnaire.",A039 "I want to check the display screen from the student when I set the resubmission setting.",A040 "Can I view files to be disclosed in student mode?",A040 "I want to check the settings of materials from the student's point of view.",A040 "Is there a browsing function in student mode?",A040 "I want to check what the students look like.",A040 "I would like to take over the tests and materials in next year's class.",A041 "Can I use the contents of the test or questionnaire next year?",A041 "Can class content be used in next year's class?",A041 "I want to share the contents of the subject with the teacher who will take over the class in the next fiscal year.",A041 "I would like to use materials etc. even if the year changes.",A041 "I would like to use the seminar course next year.",A042 "I would like to continue using the courses I have created in this year and beyond in the next year.",A042 "I want to use the course across the year.",A042 "I want to use the same course next year.",A042 "I would like to take over the same file in next year's class.",A042 "The file submitted for the assignment (Word file) became a blank state.",A043 "When I tried to upload a file to the "document" an empty file was uploaded. ",A043 "Contents disappear when uploading files on Edge",A043 "File disappears with Microsoft Edge",A043 "I am using an old MacOS, but it appears that files of small size exceed 150 MB and I cannot upload it.",A043 "When I try to upload the document, it is displayed that the capacity is over 150 MB and I cannot upload. The file size does not exceed 150 MB. Operating environment: MacOS 10.6",A043 "I uploaded four PDF files using my Mac laptop and safari, but I get an error and I can't find any materials I could upload.",A043 "Can I upload using a browser other than the recommended environment?",A043 "When submitting an assignment, is there a limit to the file size?",A044 "When I try to upload a document, a warning is displayed and I cannot upload it.",A044 "Is there an upper limit on the amount of files that can be uploaded?",A044 "If the file submitted by the student is an empty file, is it displayed as a 0 KB file on the student confirmation screen?",A044 "We are planning to create an assignment and have 60 students submit files of about several MB during class, but is there a limit on the size of the submitted files?",A044 "How much file space can I upload to the course?",A044 "Can I upload video files as materials?",A045 "I tried uploading the SCORM teaching material file, which is one of the standards for the e-learning system, but it was displayed as "manifest.xml file not found",And uploading failed. ",A045 "What file types can I upload?",A045 "Can I also upload image files?",A045 "I want to know the file format I can upload.",A045 "Not registered on kibaco.",A046 "I'm in charge of the class but I'm not registered to the class.",A046 "I would like to register myself in the class",A046 "Account not created.",A046 "Not associated with the class in charge",A046 "The main teacher was a part-time instructor and was not registered for the course.",A047 "I would like staff to be registered as teachers in the course.",A047 "How can a teacher use kibaco?",A047 "I want to add teachers to my class at kibaco.",A047 "I have an information system ID for education and research, but kibaco is not available.",A047 "I have an information system ID for education and research, but I cannot log in to kibaco.",A047 "Is it necessary to apply to use kibaco?",A047 "Can I apply for the right to use kibaco with the information system ID for education and research?",A047 "How to apply for a part-time teacher to a course subject.",A048 "I will be in charge of classes as part-time lecturers from this year, but I would like to use kibaco. How should I proceed?",A048 "I have had a part-time teacher register for this year's class course, but do I have to apply for the same one in the next fiscal year?",A048 "Can part-time teachers also use kibaco?",A048 "I am currently work for TMU as a part-time lecturer, but do I have to apply right to use kibaco for the next year?",A048 "Because my teaching staff has been replaced, I would like you to unregister the predecessor from kibaco.",A049 "The subjects I am not in charge are shown on the schedule, so please delete them.",A049 "I'm no longer in charge of class, so I want to unregister.",A049 "I want to know how to proceed because I'm out of my charge.",A049 "What information do I need to contact a class manager for deregistration?",A049 "Can special course students make use of kibaco?",A050 "Who can use kibaco?",A050 "How should we do if research students want to use kibaco?",A050 "How do I register for a short stay international student?",A050 "Not a regular student but can he/she use kibaco?",A050 "There is no class",A051 "One student logged in to kibaco, but the registered course does not appear on the tab.",A051 "The class tab is not displayed in the account of the student taking it.",A051 "Students who have registered for the class say that there is no tab for the class.",A051 "Are there any settings to display class tabs?",A051 "Student informed me that the class tab could not be found.",A051 "The subject has not been registered in kibaco and it will not be displayed on timetable.",A051 "I logged in to kibaco but the subjects are not displayed.",A051 "Classes I have registered are not displayed on kibaco.",A051 "I cannot see the classes I have taken on kibaco.",A051 "The teacher told me to look at the kibaco course materials, but there is no course when I log in to kibaco.",A051 "The registered student has been tentatively registered, is there any difference from this registration?",A052 "A research student has not been registered for the course.",A052 "Several students are not connected to class.",A052 "Do graduate students need to apply for additional rights to use kibaco?",A052 "I would like to add students to the class at kibaco.",A052 "A user whose user information has not been set is registered.",A052 "Materials are not uploaded because TA is not registered for the course.",A052 "When will the results of the class registering application be reflected in kibaco?",A053 "Students who registered for the course are not registered for the kibaco course.",A053 "No students have been registered for the subject in charge. When will the students who are taking classes be registered?",A053 "When will students be enrolled in kibaco?",A053 "When can I confirm if I have registered for a course?",A053 "Are students who have been provisionally enrolled in the kibaco course will not be erased as provisionally registered even after the course application period is over?",A054 "I cannot cancel classes I do not register on kibaco.",A054 "Can the teacher delete a student who has been temporarily registered?",A054 "I am tentatively registered student but I want to withdraw.",A054 "I would like to cancel the course without registering it",A054 "The student tried to self-register for the subject but could not self-register for some subjects.",A055 "Can't find course from self-registration screen",A055 "I cannot register myself",A055 "A research student cannot self-register in a subject.",A055 "I want students to have access to kibaco subjects before completing the course registration.",A055 "I would like to cancel the registration from the subject I self-registered.",A056 "Students who were allowed to self-register but who did not register for the course are still provisionally registered. Are there any problems with deleting students?",A056 "I registered for a certain class with kibaco and then registered for the class at Campus Square. Despite having canceled registration for the class at a later date, the binding on kibaco has not been released. It can not be canceled. ",A056 "I would like to cancel my registration, so I want to cancel my registration.",A056 "I would like to know how to cancel the registration of secondary courses",A056 "Are there any ways for teachers in charge of course consolidation?",A057 "Please tell me how to apply for intensive subjects",A057 "I would like to put together classes at the same time with kibaco (I want to consolidate the subjects)",A057 "After subject consolidation, will the test created in the main subject be copied to the secondary subject?",A057 "I want to combine multiple tabs into one.",A057 "I would like to cancel the consolidation of subjects.",A058 "Please restore aggregated lessons",A058 "Please remove private classes",A058 "Please cancel the subject consolidation",A058 "Please cancel intensive courses",A058 "If I consolidate my subjects, it becomes private.",A059 "The subject in charge is "private class". ",A059 "There is a thing called "private class" in the same class name. ",A059 "The aggregated lessons are still displayed.",A059 "I do not know if it is a secondary subject",A059 "If I look at the schedule, there are two classes on the same day and time," A060 "The same course is displayed twice in the kibaco timetable.",A060 "When I registered as a teacher for a class course, there were two classes on the same day and the same time period.",A060 "Multiple classes are displayed on the exact same date and time.",A060 "There are multiple classes displayed on the same day of the week, what should I do?",A060 "If students use the self-registration function in a course with intensive courses, is it necessary to enable the self-registration function in addition to the main subject?",A061 "Are students not accidentally referring to secondary subjects?",A061 "When enrolling in a self-registered course for a consolidated course, is it possible for students to accidentally register for or access a secondary course?",A061 "What happens if the students are self-registering in the secondary subjects when the subjects are aggregated?",A061 "Can students see the contents of the secondary subjects?",A061 "I do not know the ID and password.",A062 "I forgot my kibaco login password, so I want to reissue my password.",A062 "I am a student of Arakawa Campus, but I want to use kibako though I forgot my user ID and password.",A062 "I want to reset my login password",A062 "I am a student at Hino Campus, but I want to use kibako though I forgot my user ID and password.",A062 "I cannot use kibaco",A062 "I want to check student attendance by using kibaco during class.",A063 "I want to get attendance information automatically",A063 "Does kibaco not have the ability to record student attendance?",A063 "I want to automatically manage student attendance.",A063 "I want the system to do attendance management",A063 "Please let me know how to contact students in kibaco.",A064 "I would like to contact students",A064 "What kind of method is good to convey cancellation information to students?",A064 "Are there any ways to contact all students?",A064 "Can I email the students when I create an announcement?",A064 "Can email be sent to provisionally registered students?",A064 "Is there a way to communicate with all students in a student account other than the bulletin board?",A064 "Are there any ways to communicate with everyone in the class?",A064 "I would like to send a message to each student but not send it by email.",A065 "I want to send it to the student's internal e-mail.",A065 "Can we communicate information only to certain students?",A065 "Can I send mail only to designated students?",A065 "I want to send an email to some students, not everyone"., A065 "I would like to send an email to students who have not registered as well.",A065 "The message function does not appear on the screen",A066 "The teacher instructed me to submit the submission via kibaco, but I can not find the message function.",A066 "I tried to use the "message" function to "students" and tried to send an email, but I can not find the "message" function written in the manual. ",A066 "I want to use the message function but can not find the function.",A066 "Where is the message function?",A066 "Can the content exchanged with students in the message function be viewed by other teachers?",A067 "When sending a message to multiple students, I want to send it in a state where the students don't know who was sent to me other than myself.",A067 "When sending a message to multiple students using the message function, will the student's email address be seen by other students?",A067 "Is the message function sent by BCC?",A067 "What happens to the e-mail address displayed when sending messages to multiple students?",A067 "How can I prevent the students from seeing the "notices" of the first semester subjects? ",A068 "Can students who are not enrolled in the subject can view the notice?",A068 "I want to be unable to view the notices that have already expired",A068 "Can I set a deadline to display the notice?",A068 "Who can see the contents of the announcement?",A068 "Can I notify students that I wrote on the bulletin board?",A069 "I want to know what was written on the bulletin board but what should I do?",A069 "I want to be notified when something is written",A069 "I want to be notified by email when a student writes something.",A069 "Does the bulletin board have a notification function?",A069 "Can a new thread on the kibaco bulletin board be created with a student account?",A070 "Can students create threads?",A070 "Who has thread creation authority?",A070 "We want to make it possible for students to create a thread specific to a certain topic freely on the bulletin board.",A070 "Is there a facility for everyone to discuss a topic?",A070 "Can only the users registered in the course read and write to the bulletin board?",A071 "Can people other than the student registered the class also view the content of the bulletin board?",A071 "What is the access authority for the bulletin board?",A071 "Who can read/write the contents of the bulletin board other than the teacher and the student?",A071 "Can anyone freely write to the bulletin board?",A071 "E-mail will be sent when the assignment is submitted, but it will be annoying because it will be sent one by one. Can it be turned off in the settings?",A072 "I want to turn off the notification about the issue.",A072 "Notice is loud.",A072 "I do not want to receive notification emails",A072 "I want to be set not to receive reminders of issues.",A072 "I would like to register a student who went from university to graduated university as a student in the course, but even if the student logs in, the course is not displayed on the timetable or tab.",A073 "Must I register a new study number when you enter the doctoral program?",A073 "Students who are in the master's course cannot see the class.",A073 "Can I register with my previous study number?",A073 "Can I register with my undergraduate study number?",A073 "I would like to change the e-mail address for kibaco registration.",A074 "I would like to change the class notification address to a personally owned address.",A074 "I want to contact Gmail.",A074 "I want to set it to notify Yahoo! Mail.",A074 "I would like to set the default registered address as an off-campus address",A074 "I can not see the previous year's course",A075 "The last year's class tab has disappeared.",A075 "I want to display the contents of the previous year's class.",A075 "The contents of last year can not be seen in the new year.",A075 "I want to display the contents of the same subject in different year.",A075 "Can't create a class wiki?",A076 "I want to search for materials",A076 "I want to share my schedule with my students.",A076 "I want to hide functions I do not use.",A076 "I want to edit the items on the left side of the course screen.",A076 "I would like to distribute files to students, but can I use kibaco outside the university?",A077 "Can I upload documents from home?",A077 "Can I access kibaco from outside the university?",A077 "Can I browse the class materials from other than Tokyo Metropolitan University?",A077 "Can it be used outside the university?",A077 "Can the teacher confirm the log of the resubmission of the assignment?",A078 "Does kibaco have logging capabilities?",A078 "I want to see the log",A078 "I want to see the student's behavior history",A078 "Can a teacher see the log?",A078 "What is the recommended browser?",A079 "Which OS should I use?",A079 "Which browser do I use?",A079 "Tell me the recommended environment.",A079 "Which PC should I use?",A079