AID,Text A001,"If you cannot find the documents, please check the following points.

【Student version】
1. Make sure that you are enrolled in the course corresponding to the subject. Usually, you are registered for the course once you applied for the registration. You cannot use the documents before the registration.
2. Ask the teacher in charge of the class to confirm that the availability period of the data is set correctly.

【Teacher version】
1. Please make sure that the documents have been posted to the courses for this fiscal year that correspond to the subjects, not my page. Documents posted on My Page cannot be used except for yourself.
2. Make sure that there are no other courses offered on the same day of the week, time, or class. If you do not consolidate subjects, students may have registered for another subject.
3. Make sure that folders and files are not hidden. If it is hidden, students cannot use it.
4. By setting the availability period of folders and files, you can set the use restriction to students. Make sure that this availability period is set correctly. Students cannot use documents that are out of period." A002,"The instructor in charge of each class can set whether or not to notify by e-mail when creating or uploading documents. Even if the student wants to be notified, the notification will not be received unless the teacher in charge of the class sets it. In addition, by using the group function, it is possible to disclose and notify documents and notices to only some students. In addition, even if it is the document uploaded to the folder set to hide, if you set it to "notify", an email will be sent to the students stating that "folders and files have been prepared"." A003,"kibaco does not have a function to set a password for a file. The files will be disclosed to all students, but if you want to make them available only to some students, you can use the group settings to make them available only to specific students. Another option is to upload an encrypted file, and only let some students know their password." A004,"It is possible by using "document" function. For more information, see the pages 44-46 of the manual for Teacher." A005,"If you register students in courses that correspond to the subjects, you can distribute the materials to students who have not applied for courses. Registration methods include allowing the teacher to register for the student's study number, making the course self-registerable and having the student self-register. Details are pages 31 ~ 34 of the manual for Teacher. In addition, first-year undergraduate students cannot use kibaco until they take an information ethics class in the first class of the Information Literacy Practice I/IA." A006,"Unfortunately there is no batch download feature for documents." A007,"When displaying text files in a browser, the character code for display set in the browser should be used. At this time, if the character code of the file and the display character code of the browser are different, they will be garbled. Match the browser display character code to the file character code. If you find it difficult to match, please download the file. In many browsers, the character code for display is often set to UTF-8, so by uploading the file saved with character code UTF-8, there is a possibility that garbled characters can be avoided. Learn more about file uploads from pages 44 to 46 of the manual for Teacher." A008,"By granting document creation authority to TA/Tutor role, TA/Tutor can upload files on behalf of the teacher. First, create a folder for sharing files in the document function. Next, select 'Edit Folder Permissions' from the drop-down list of this folder, and set the permission checkmark appropriately. The materials need to be prepared by the teacher." A009,"pages 44 to 46 of the manual for Teacher. Upload according to the instructions in 'Distributing materials'." A010,"Even after the deadline, it is possible for the teacher to request specific students to resubmit. The final acceptance date and time set in the resubmission setting will be reflected only for the student, and will not be reflected in the overall final acceptance date." A011,"It is possible to submit an assignment by changing the deadline. Details are pages 55 ~ 59 of the manual for Teacher." A012,"If you cannot find the assignments, check the following points.

【Student version】
1. Make sure that you are registered in the course corresponding to the subject. Usually, you are registered for the course once you applied for the registration. If you are not registered in the course, you will not be able to view and submit assignments.
2. Ask the teacher in charge of the class to confirm that the assignment and submission period for the assignment is correct.

【Teacher version】
1. Make sure that the assignment is not saved as a draft. Students cannot view or submit drafts. Details are pages 55 ~ 59 of the manual for Teacher.
2. Make sure that the assignment disclosure/submission period is set correctly. Students cannot view or submit assignments that are out of period. Details are pages 55 ~ 59 of the manual for Teacher .
3. Make sure there are no additional courses offered on the same day of the week, time limit, or class. If you do not consolidate subjects, students may have registered for another subject." A013,"If the file name is the same, an overwrite confirmation message will be displayed, and the file will be overwritten if submitted as it is. If you want to submit as a separate file, please change the file name beforehand and submit. Details are pages 31 ~ 33 of the manual for Student." A014,"It is possible to copy assignments, documents, notices and Test/Questionnaire to courses of other subjects/classes for which you are in charge. For more details, please refer to pages 35 ~ 40 of the manual for Teacher." A015,"You can duplicate an assignment by clicking 'Duplicate' under the assignment title. Tasks created by duplication will be in draft status, so please edit and use them." A016,"The teacher can change the authority so that users with 'TA/Tutor' authority can download assignment submissions. To change the permission, first, click on 'Permission' in the menu bar, and then on the permission setting screen, add a checkmark to 'Operation for all groups in class' and 'Scoring'. Remember that it is necessary for the teacher to input scoring and results." A017,"Unfortunately, you cannot change the folder hierarchy for downloading." A018,"If you check 'Send reminder email' on the assignment creation screen, you can remind the unsubmitted students by email 24 hours before the due date. In addition, since the assignment submission authority is granted to teachers as a standard, reminder emails will also be sent to teachers. For details, see page 58 of the manual for Teacher and pages 63 of the manual for Teacher." A019,"The teachers in each class can set whether to be notified by e-mail when the addition or modification of the assignment is posted or the notification is posted. Even if the student wants to be notified, the notification will not be received unless the teacher in charge of the class sets it. In addition, since the assignment submission authority is granted to teachers as a standard, notification emails will also be sent to teachers if notifications such as adding tasks are set. For details, see page 58 of the manual for Teacher." A020,"Assignments can be submitted repeatedly until the final acceptance date. In addition, even if the deadline has been extended, if it has already been evaluated, it cannot be submitted for replacement. Details are pages 29-33 of the manual for Student, pages 55 to 59 of the manual for Teacher." A021,"In order to reflect the scoring results for the assignment in the gradebook, it is first necessary to select 'Add an assignment to gradebook' when creating the assignment. Next, scoring results will be reflected in the gradebook by scoring the submitted assignments and returning them to the students. In addition, you can use the 'Submission Status List' to know the submission status of assignments and the scoring results in a list. The submission status list can also be downloaded as an Excel file. For more details, see pages 55-62 of the manual for Teacher." A022,"Students may replace their submissions until the deadline, so it is not possible to review or score submissions of assignments prior to the deadline. If you need to check immediately, page 56 of the manual for Teacher. You can change the deadline settings as described in detail on the page, or use a 'Test/Questionnaire' substitute that can be checked before the deadline." A023,"Test/Questionnaire will not be submitted unless the 'Submit' button is pressed. Please note that pressing the 'Save' button will not result in submission. For details, see pages 34 to 36 of the manual for Student. The teacher cannot confirm the content of the saved status." A024,"If you cannot find the 'Test/Questionnaire', please check the following points.

【Student version】
1. Make sure that you are registered in the course corresponding to the subject. Usually, you are registered for the course once you applied for the registration. If you are not registered in the course, you will not be able to view and answer the 'Test/Questionnaire'.
2. Ask the teacher in charge of the class to confirm that the 'Test/Questionnaire' disclosure/response period is set correctly.

【Teacher version】
1. Please make sure that the 'Test/Questionnaire' set the reading/answer date and reflect the setting. In the case of a draft, students cannot view or respond. For more information, see pages 68 ~ 69 of the manual for Teacher .
2. Make sure that the 'Test/Questionnaire' disclosure/response period is set correctly. Students cannot view or respond to 'Test/Questionnaire' that are out of period. For more information, see pages 68 ~ 69 of the manual for Teacher.
3. Make sure that the user who can respond to the 'Test/Questionnaire' is not set as 'the person who contacted the URL for response'. If it is 'the person who contacted the URL for response', the student cannot view/answer the 'Test/Questionnaire' without notifying the URL.
4. Make sure that there are no additional courses offered on the same day of the week, time limit, or class. If you do not consolidate subjects, students may have registered for another subject.

【TA/Tutor version】
Courses registered as a 'TA/Tutor' can not answer 'Test/Questionnaire'." A025,"You can check how created tests work by pre-view. Details are: pages 94~95 of the manual for Teacher." A026,"In 'Test/Questionnaire', it is possible to anonymize the respondent by setting 'Student identification information' to 'Anonymous scoring only' in 'Scoring' item on the setting screen. If the submission ID is displayed but the name cannot be confirmed, please check if it is set as 'Anonymous scoring only'." A027,"By contacting the system administrator, users registered as 'TA/Tutors' in the course will be able to enter questions on behalf of the teacher. The questions the 'TA/Tutors' have entered will be shared with the teacher using the 'Problem Pool'. It is necessary for the teacher to create and disclose a 'Test/Questionnaire' using this problem pool. In addition, the teacher needs to create the problem." A028,"You cannot restrict input character types on kibaco. If you want to impose restrictions such as entering only single-byte characters, please write a note on the problem statement." A029,"The 'Problem Pool' allows you to accumulate problems and create tests from those automatically selected." A030,"If you modify the 'answers' in the 'Problem Pool' after creating a test, the tests you have already created will not automatically be reflected. Please drop the test and create again." A031,"First of all, sharing pooled problems among teachers is possible by default. If you want to include TA/Tutor as the sharing partner, it is possible by contacting the system administrator. The content of the problem needs to be considered by the teacher, and the subpool can be added only by the teacher who created the problem pool." A032,"Delayed responses can only be made once. For more information, see pages 68 ~ 69 of the manual for Teacher." A033,"Unfortunately, the file that exported the 'Test/Questionnaire' results does not show the 'Delayed' status. The date and time of submission will be described, so please check against the deadline to see if it is delayed." A034,"If you are answering a selected test or questionnaire from the 'Test/Questionnaire' screen, you can save the answer on the way and resume on another occasion. If the URL is notified and answered, it can be saved but cannot be resumed on another occasion. For details, please see page 35 of the manual for Student." A035,"If the method of publishing the questionnaire is 'who contacted the URL for response', even if it can be saved, it can not be resumed at another opportunity. It will be redone from the beginning." A036,"kibaco cannot process strings automatically. Even if there are special characters such as numbers, HTML tags and line feed codes in the answer, they are output as a character string at the time of export. If you want to correct these characters, please process the exported file." A037,"Once you create a 'Test/Questionnaire' and publish it, you cannot modify that question. You need to withdraw it once and publish it again." A038,"When you export 'Test/Questionnaire' results, the file contains only the answers, not the questions. Also, if you run a test or questionnaire that allows multiple answers, the exported file will contain all the answers from your students. Information on the order submitted will be included, so please use the order information to determine the first answer or the last answer." A039,"You cannot modify what you have already submitted in the test or questionnaire. If multiple answers are allowed, please answer again as you can only answer as many times as the deadline. In addition, when the questionnaire is published in the setting of 'anonymous' and 'the person who contacted the URL for an answer', if there are multiple answers, they are treated as if they were answered by different people. For more information, see pages 64 ~ 69 of the manual for Teacher." A040,"It is possible to switch to student authority and check. You can check in detail in the student mode. Details are pages 94 to 95 of the manual for Teacher." A041,"Courses cannot be taken over, but part of the material content can be copied from other courses for which you are in charge, or to other courses. For more details, please refer to pages 35 ~ 40 of the manual for Teacher." A042,"Courses corresponding to the subject cannot be used more than one year, but course content can be copied from last year's course. For more details, please refer to pages 35 ~ 40 of the manual for Teacher." A043,"Two examples of file upload failure have been identified.
1. Uploading may not be possible if you use a browser outside the recommended environment. Please try uploading again using the recommended environment of kibaco.
2. When the file to be uploaded is open, uploading with a specific version of Microsoft Edge may result in an empty file. You will be able to upload successfully by closing the file and uploading again, changing the browser, updating the Edge, etc." A044,"You can upload files of up to 150 MB in one uploading. You can also upload files up to a total capacity of 1GB for each course. If you upload an empty file, it will be displayed as '0KB' as if the file was submitted." A045,"In addition to text files, you can upload to kibaco as long as it is within the capacity limit (for details, see page 44-46 of the manual for Teacher). You can also upload SCORM 2004 format packages (see page 113-115 of the manual for Teacher)." A046,"Teachers who are not listed as a person in charge in the timetable, such as a new teacher, may not have created a user ID for the educational research information system or may not be registered in the course of their course. Even if the teacher in charge changes, that change is not automatically reflected in kibaco, so it may not be registered for the course of the subject in charge." A047,"Please note the following three points when using kibaco.

1. In order to use kibaco, you first need to acquire the ID of 'Information System for Education and Research'. Please apply for the right to use kibaco when you apply for ID acquisition. In addition, teachers who have already acquired an ID may not have acquired the right to use kibaco. In this case, please apply for the right to use kibaco.
2. The teacher in charge of class will be registered to the class course based on the timetable and syllabus. If only the main teacher is listed in the timetable and syllabus, or if the teacher is listed as 'all teachers' (no names of the teachers), not all teachers may be registered in the course. Also, if the part-time teacher is the primary teacher, the full-time teacher will not be automatically registered in the course on the system specifications.
3. Only the year when part-time teacher is changed to full-time teacer may not be registered automatically.

For the cases where teachers are not registered described as 2. and 3, see here." A048,"Part-time teachers can also use kibaco. In order to use kibaco, please acquire the user ID of 'Information System for Education and Research' and apply for the right to use kibaco. For part-time teachers, application for course registration is required for each course each year." A049,"The changes about any class information are not reflected to kibaco as it is based on the information for about one month after starting the new semester. If you are no longer in charge of class, you will need to cancel your registration. To cancel registration, send an application email (subject name, class number, name of teacher to cancel, system ID for education and research of teacher to cancel) to the system management room 2 (replace ● with an at-mark of e-learning-ml ● It is necessary to send the information system ID for education and research from the main teacher, or send it to the CC." A050,"Even if you are not a regular student, you can use kibaco if you have been issued a User ID for 'Information System for Educational Research'. If you are a research student or special course student, and you have not acquired this user ID, please apply first. In addition, the teacher in charge of the class may apply for the class ID and may use the issued ID for the audience and subjects who have taken courses." A051,"If you cannot see the course, please check the following points.
1. Make sure that you are enrolled in the course corresponding to the subject. Usually, you are registered for the course once you applied for the registration.
2. There is a case that there is a class tab in '-continued-' at the top of the screen. You can change the order and number of tabs displayed here. For teachers, see the 'Sort the order of the displayed lesson tabs' and 'set the number of displayed lesson tabs' in the 'screen setting function' section of the manual for Teacher or the manual for Student.
3. Check if 'Class not displayed on tab' is set in 'Display Settings'. If it is set, it will be displayed by setting it to 'Class displayed in tab' (The details are page 15 of the manual for Teacher or page 14 of the manual for Student).
4. kibaco does not show all subjects registered for the course. Please ask the teacher in charge of the class as the class may not display in the case where the teacher who do not use kibaco.
5. If you applied for the course on the day of class, it will not be displayed because it is not reflected in kibaco immediately. It will be reflected the next morning after applying." A052,"For students who have applied for the course, the course status of the 'Class Information' function will be displayed as 'Full Registration'. On the other hand, if the teacher manually registers the student or if the student is registered for the course by self-registration, 'provisional registration' is displayed. You can use the kibaco course even for provisionally registration, but you cannot earn credits if you do not apply separately.
In the following cases, students will remain tentatively registered.
1. Non-regular students such as course students and research students. If it is necessary to change the display to this registration, from the teacher in charge of office work or classes such as the education affairs division or the international affairs division system management room 2 (replace ● with an at-mark of e-learning-ml ●
2. If you create a course on kibaco that is not registered in the clerical information system.

When registering a student as a 'TA/Tutor', give 'TA/Tutor' authority when registering a student in 'Register Students or TA' of 'Class Information' function. Details are pages 31 ~ 33 of the manual for Teacher. The materials need to be prepared by the teacher." A053,"The results of applying for the course will be reflected in kibaco at 5-6 o'clock in the morning. If you apply for the course on the day of the class, it will be reflected the next morning.
In addition, there are subjects that are not displayed in the kibaco timetable, so check the results of the course application with CAMPUS SQUARE instead of kibaco." A054,"If a provisionally registered student applies for a course, it will be changed to full registration the next day. If a provisionally registered student does not apply for the course, it will remain provisionally registered even after the course application period. Class teachers can unregister students from the course for provisionally registration. However, in the following cases, students are still provisionally registered even if they have applied for the course.
1. Non-regular students such as course students and research students. If it is necessary to change the display to this registration, the teacher in charge of the class or office workers of the education affairs division or the international affairs division contacts system management room 2 (replace ● with an at-mark of e-learning-ml ●
2. If you create a course on kibaco that is not registered in the clerical information system.
Students who are officially registered will be canceled from the course only if the students withdraw from the course application." A055,"By enrolling students in courses that correspond to the subjects, students can gain access to the courses even before applying for courses. One of the registration methods is to allow students to self-registration and make them do it for the course. The teacher in charge of each class can set whether or not to self-register for the course. Even if the student wants to self-register, he/she cannot do self-registration unless the teacher in charge of the class sets it. In addition, first-year undergraduate students cannot use kibaco until they take an information ethics class in the first class of the Information Literacy Practice I/IA. For details, see page 34 of the manual for Teacher." A056,"If you apply for a course that you have self-registered, withdrawal from the course application will cancel your registration from the course. In addition, if you do not apply for courses you have registered for self-registration, you can cancel your self-registration by yourself. However, if the teacher in charge of the class consolidates the courses and the self-registered course is a secondary course, the course application will not be canceled even if the course application is withdrawn. If you need to cancel the registration, please contact the system administration room 2 (replace ● with an at-mark of e-learning-ml ●" A057,"In kibaco, a course (class tab) is created for each class number. Even if the courses are offered on the same day of the week, time limit, or classroom, the course is divided into multiple courses in the case that different course numbers are assigned depending on the year of entry or affiliation (undergraduate or graduate school). If you are teaching a course that is divided into multiple courses as essentially the same course, you can organize those courses by applying. This process of summarizing is called subject concentration. By consolidating the courses, you will be able to manage lesson materials, manage student scoring results, etc. with one designated main course. The processing applied to the main subject course is not reflected in the secondary subject course.

The teacher who wants to consolidate subjects see here." A058,"If you consolidate the subjects, you cannot cancel them." A059,"When the subjects are consolidated, 'Subsidiary Classes' will be displayed in the courses of the secondary subjects other than the subjects specified as the main subject. In addition, only the teacher can access the course of the secondary subject, and the student cannot access it. Moreover, the teacher in charge of classes can also hide the tab of the secondary subject course." A060,"At kibaco, a course will be created for each class number. Even if the courses are offered on the same day of the week, time limit, or class, the course is divided into multiple courses in the case that different class numbers are assigned depending on the year of admission or affiliation (undergraduate or graduate school). It is possible to combine the subjects into one." A061,"When subjects are consolidated, students who have been registered as minor subjects will also be automatically enrolled as main subjects. After the subjects are consolidated, they will access the main subjects only. In addition, since the secondary subjects will be hidden from the students after concentration, the students will not accidentally register or access the secondary subjects." A062,"First, if you cannot use kibaco because your password has expired, you can set a new password on TMUNER within two weeks after the suspension. From 'User Menu Login' on TMUNER, click here for 'User Menu Login' to log in and confirm. If you forgot your user ID or password, please see here." A063,"There is no attendance management function in kibaco. You can make a pseudo attendance check by creating a topic on the bulletin board or creating an assignment for attendance management." A064,"There are five ways to communicate information to all students: 'notice', 'bulletin board', 'message', 'class information', and 'wiki.' For the first two functions, a disclosure period can be set to convey information such as cancellation information. In addition, teachers, TAs and students (including provisionally registrations) can be notified by contacting all participants. If you set the option to notify as e-mail, you can notify as e-mail. Information on how to receive classes can use 'class information' and 'wiki'. There are three functions that the students can use to communicate information to the whole class: 'bulletin board', 'message' and 'wiki.' Details of the instruction manual for the bulletin board are pages 85-89 of the manual for Teacher, for more information about the message pages 119-122 of the manual for Teacher, for more information on announcements pages 41-43 of the manual for Teacher, and pages 106 to 109 of the manual for Teacher." A065,"By using the message function, you can send a message to students including provisionally registration in a way such as all students, only specified groups, or only specified (multiple) students. The message is sent and received within kibaco, so if you want to send the message as an e-mail, you need to check 'Send as e-mail.' For details, see pages 119 ~ 122 of the manual for Teacher." A066,"The message function is hidden by default. The procedure for using this function is described in pages 26 to 27 of the manual for Teacher (Described in '2. Add/delete functions' in 'Class Information Function')." A067,"Messages will only be exchanged within kibaco unless 'Send as email' is checked. Even if 'Send as E-mail' is checked, email address information will not be leaked to anyone other than the recipient. Even if you send a message in a batch, it is possible for only students and teachers registered for the corse to receive the message. Thus, students who have not taken this course or teachers who have not registered cannot view the content. When sending a message to multiple students as an email, the email addresses of other students will be displayed. You can create a group of students you want to send, and send the message to that group. If a teacher sends a message to the group, only the name of the group is displayed excluding the individual email addresses of the recipients, so it is possible to prevent email address information disclosure among students." A068,"Only users registered in the course can view the notice. If you set the usage period in the 'Display days limit,' students cannot view the notice before or after the period. The details are pages 41 ~ 44 of the manual for Teacher." A069,"Users who have set 'watch' in the bulletin board menu can notify themselves of writing to the bulletin board." A070,"By default, students can also create new threads on bulletin board. If creation is not possible, the permissions may have been changed." A071,"Only users registered in the course can read and write to the bulletin board. Details are pages 85 to 89 of the manual for Teacher." A072,"The teacher in charge of each class sets the presence or absence of notification and reminding. Please consult your class teacher. Note that nobody can change the settings because kibaco automatically sends an email when you submit an assignment." A073,"If a graduate student performs self-registration, it is necessary to use a new study number issued after entering the graduated university." A074,"The email address registered on kibaco is limited to those issued by the university." A075,"If the school year changes, the class tab of the previous shool year's course will be hidden, but you can access it from the class list on My Page. In addition, display/non-display of the class tab can be set for each user. The details are pages 12~16 of the manual for Teacher or pages 11~15 of the manual for Student." A076,"There is an 'edit function' button in 'Class Information' of the class course. By putting a check for each button in the list, functions such as 'wiki', 'document search', and 'schedule' become available. Unnecessary functions can be hidden by unchecking them. For details, see pages from 106 to 112 of the manual for Teacher." A077,"If you can connect to the Internet, you can use kibaco in places other than our university. All features of kibaco are available. For details, see page 6 of the manual for Teacher or page 5 of the manual for Student." A078,"You cannot see the system log. If there are special circumstances, please contact the system administration room 2 (replace ● with an at-mark of e-learning-ml ●" A079,"Please use Windows 7 ~ 10 and Mac OS X 10.8.5 as the OS.
Please use a browser from IE10 or later for Windows 7 ~ 10, Microsoft Edge, Firefox 24 or later, Chrome, Safari 6.1.6 for Mac OS, Firefox 24 or later, or Chrome.
In addition, there are some functions that cannot be used in IE (touch IE) started from the tile of the start screen of Windows 8."