Published December 31, 2016 | Version v1
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FIGURE 9 in A new species of Neotropical freshwater stingray (Chondrichthyes: Potamotrygonidae) from the Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil: the smallest species of Potamotrygon


FIGURE 9. Aspects of the skeletal anatomy and dermal denticles and spines of Potamotrygon wallacei n. sp., from radiographs in dorsoventral view. A) Head region (adult male paratype, MZUSP 117806, 367 mm TL). B) Right scapular region (specimen as in A). C) Right pelvic fin and adult clasper (specimen as in A). D) Base of tail region, showing distribution and development of dermal denticles and spines (paratype, MZUSP 117804, adult female, 325 mm TL). E) Tail and pelvic region, showing dermal denticles, spines, and caudal sting (paratype, MZUSP 104962, adult female, 345 mm TL). Abbreviations: ac, angular cartilage; apr, anterior segment of propterygium; at, accessory terminal cartilage; ax, axial cartilage; bp, basipterygium; cs, caudal sting; dm, dorsal marginal cartilage; dt2, dorsal terminal 2 cartilage; fpf, frontoparietal fontanelle; hyo, hyomandibula; mc, Meckel's cartilage; no, nasal opening (nasal aperture); mes, mesoterygium; met, metapterygium; pcf, precerebral fontanelle; pro, propterygium; prp, preorbital process; psc, prespiracular cartilage; scp, scapular process; vm, ventral marginal cartilage; vt, ventral terminal cartilage.


Published as part of De Carvalho, Marcelo R., Rosa, Ricardo S. & De Araújo, Maria Lúcia G., 2016, Zootaxa 4107 (4) on pages 566-586, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4107.4.5,



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