Published December 31, 2015 | Version v1
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Fig. 7 in Miocene small-bodied ape from Eurasia sheds light on hominoid evolution


Fig. 7. Carpal bones. Line drawings of carpal bones in Pliobates cata- loniae gen. et sp. nov. (IPS58443) are shown with those of selected anthropoid genera for comparison. (A to E) Left capitate, in radial (top) and proximal (bottom) views, of Cer- copithecus aethiops (A), Ateles paniscus (B), Pierolapithecus cat- alaunicus (C), Hylobates lar (D), and P. cataloniae (E); gray shading denotes articular areas for the second metacar- pals, and cross-hatching denotes those for the third metacarpal. (F to J) Left hamate, in radial (top) and ulnar (bottom) views, of C. aethiops (F), A. paniscus (G), Pi. catalaunicus (H), H. lar (I), and P. catalo- niae (J). (K to O) Left triquetrum, in proximo- medial (top) and distal (bottom) views, of C. aethiops (K), A. paniscus (L), Pi. catalaunicus (M), H. lar (N), and P. cataloniae (O). Drawings are not to scale.


Published as part of David M. Alba, Sergio Almécija, Daniel DeMiguel, Josep Fortuny, Miriam Pérez de los Ríos, Marta Pina, Josep M. Robles & Salvador Moyà-Solà, 2015, Miocene small-bodied ape from Eurasia sheds light on hominoid evolution, pp. 1-11 in Science 350 (6260) on page 9, DOI: 10.1126/science.aab2625,



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