README OF YAHUDU_CHRONOLOGY.CSV / YAHUDU_CHRONOLOGY.XLSX This file presents the chronological distribution of the documents from the village of Yahudu and its surroundings in the Babylonian countryside. It relates to Chapter 4 in Tero Alstola, Judeans in Babylonia: A Study of Deportees in the Sixth and Fifth Centuries BCE. Culture and History of the Ancient Near East. Leiden: Brill. THE DATA DERIVES FROM THE FOLLOWING TEXT PUBLICATIONS A1: Abraham, Kathleen (2005/2006). "West Semitic and Judean Brides in Cuneiform Sources from the Sixth Century BCE: New Evidence from a Marriage Contract from Āl-Yahudu". Archiv für Orientforschung 51, 198–219. A2: Abraham, Kathleen (2007). "An Inheritance Division among Judeans in Babylonia from the Early Persian Period". Meir Lubetski (ed.), New Seals and Inscriptions, Hebrew, Idumean, and Cuneiform. Hebrew Bible Monographs 8. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix, 206–221. B: texts 1-42 edited in Wunsch, Cornelia (forthcoming). Judeans by the Waters of Babylon: New Historical Evidence in Cuneiform Sources from Rural Babylonia in the Schøyen Collection. With Contributions by L. E. Pearce. Babylonische Archive 6. Dresden: ISLET. Information about texts 43–97 in Wunsch (forthcoming) derives from Pearce and Wunsch 2014, xxxviii-xlii. C: Pearce, Laurie E. and Wunsch, Cornelia (2014). Documents of Judean Exiles and West Semites in Babylonia in the Collection of David Sofer. Cornell University Studies in Assyriology and Sumerology 28. Bethesda: CDL. J1–7: Joannès, Francis and Lemaire, André (1996). "Contrats babyloniens d’époque achéménide du Bît-Abî râm avec une épigraphe araméenne". Revue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie orientale 90, 41–60. J8–9: Joannès, Francis and Lemaire, André (1999). "Trois tablettes cunéiformes à onomastique ouest-sémitique (collection Sh. Moussaïeff)". Transeuphratène 17, 17–34. COLUMN CODES OF THE DATASET DOCUMENT: document number (for the abbreviations, see above) DATE: date of writing the document (day-month-year) REGNAL YEAR: the regnal year (of a Babylonian/Persian king) when the document was written (for conventions and abbreviations, see Alstola: Judeans) YEAR: the year when the document was written according to the Julian calendar; however, for the purpose of handling the data, Julian years are matched to the Babylonian calendar and thus begin in the month of Nisannu (March-April) and extend until the end of Addaru (February-March) of the next year. For example, the tenth year of Nabonidus which started on 22 March 546 BCE and ended on 8 April 545 BCE is labeled as 546 in the database. MONTH: month in which the document was written (1-13; 13 indicating an intercalary Addaru) DAY: day in which the document was written (1-30)