# Overall label for this simulation

# Short descriptive name
# NOTE: this name is not necessarily unique! Please use the SXS or PRIVATE
# identifier in alternative-names to unambiguously refer to this simulation.
simulation-name = 0229/Lev3

# Other names under which this run has been referenced (e.g. papers)
alternative-names = BFI:RerunAlignedCatalog:0229, SXS:BBH:2103

# Keywords to qualitatively identify this simulation
keywords = 

# Researchers

# Point-of-contact for this waveform.  Usually the person having placed the
# waveform into the repository
point-of-contact-email = nils.fischer@aei.mpg.de

# Researchers who contributed to the generation of this waveform.
# (typically this is the list of authors for publications using this
#  waveform).
authors-emails         = 

# references

# (1) papers describing this particular run (if any)
simulation-bibtex-keys = SXSCatalog

# (2) papers describing the evolution code
code-bibtex-keys = Ossokine:2013zga,Hemberger:2012jz,Szilagyi:2009qz,Boyle:2009vi,Scheel:2008rj,Boyle:2007ft,Scheel:2006gg,Lindblom:2005qh,Pfeiffer:2002wt,SpECwebsite

# (3) papers describing the initial data
initial-data-bibtex-keys = Buchman:2012dw,Lovelace:2008tw,Pfeiffer:2007yz,Caudill:2006hw,Cook:2004kt

# (4) papers describing eccentricity reduction
quasicircular-bibtex-keys = Mroue:2012kv,Buonanno:2010yk,Mroue:2010re,Boyle:2007ft

# Input Parameters for Initial Data

initial-data-type         = BBH_SKS
initial-separation        = 15.8029509113000000
initial-orbital-frequency = 0.0144174973730000
initial-adot              = 0.0001080837290920

# Type of compact object (bh or ns)
object1 = bh
object2 = bh

# t=0 quantities

initial-ADM-energy           =  0.9928594601644527
initial-ADM-linear-momentum  =  -0.0000001964335312, -0.0000000655661401, -0.0000000000043429
initial-ADM-angular-momentum =  -0.0000000000083252,  0.0000000000116402,  1.3318734389247149

# Christodoulou masses at t=0
initial-mass1     =  0.5000000023587706
initial-mass2     =  0.5000000161697290

# dimensionless spins at t=0
initial-dimensionless-spin1 = 0.0000000000001684, -0.0000000000003854,  0.6500000319700850
initial-dimensionless-spin2 = -0.0000000000001380,  0.0000000000001811,  0.2499999987652431

initial-position1 = 7.8904663460491076,  0.0013483095969206, -0.0000000321152924
initial-position2 = -7.9124845652508924,  0.0013483095969206, -0.0000000321152924

# Relaxed quantities

# time at which the relaxed quantities are measured
relaxed-measurement-time = 640.0

# Christodoulou masses at relaxed time
relaxed-mass1    = 0.50000954056
relaxed-mass2    = 0.499994800635

# dimensionless spins, i.e. \chi_i = S_i / M_i^2, at relaxed time
relaxed-dimensionless-spin1 = 3.45817409791e-08, 3.84771039439e-08, 0.649907867401
relaxed-dimensionless-spin2 = -4.15319168059e-08, -1.48748177336e-08, 0.249946337015

# black hole centers at relaxed time
relaxed-position1 = -7.96034961922, -0.9274149222, -2.66033052576e-06
relaxed-position2 = 7.97432776605, 0.916601391665, -2.4632573532e-06

# orbital frequency at relaxation time
relaxed-orbital-frequency = -1.98979739977e-10, 9.71658450186e-11, 0.0151796539354

# info that concerns complete run

# orbital eccentricity and mean anomaly measured at relaxed-measurement-time
relaxed-eccentricity = 0.0001518
relaxed-mean-anomaly = 3.105212

# time when the common horizon is first detected
common-horizon-time  = 6317.18906685

# number of orbits between t=0 common-horizon-time
number-of-orbits     = 23.0816973667

# Remnant properties

# mass of final BH (remnant)
remnant-mass     =  0.935153521227

# dimensionless spin of BH remnant
remnant-dimensionless-spin = -1.01953569412e-08, 9.56917256323e-09, 0.817280359837

# coordinate velocity of remnant
remnant-velocity = -0.000183779984053, -0.000145346152567, 1.16818302746e-08

# Code information

# unique, ordered list of revisions used for the evolution
spec-revisions  = InitialCommit-30836-gf3a46ee

# revision used for the initial data creation
spells-revision = f3a46eeb4445f3fafcae9438518ab49d75d2b4df