Published March 18, 2019 | Version v1.0
Working paper Open

Alleviating $\Lambda$CDM tension in Pantheon in late time quantum cosmology

  • 1. Sejong University


Surveys of the Local Universe show a Hubble expansion significantly greater than $\Lambda$CDM estimates from the Cosmic 
Microwave Background by Planck. This may present a challenge to our application of general relativity to cosmology. 
Such tensions are expected in quantum cosmology, wherein de Sitter space is unstable by dark energy from the cosmological 
horizon ${\cal H}$. We report on a novel probe of late time cosmology in terms of matter density $\omega_m$ estimated over inner intervals $[0,z_{\max}]$. Independent of Planck, Pantheon data over $0<z_{\max}\le2.26$ are found to exclude $\Lambda$CDM by 
$4.3\sigma$. In quantum cosmology, this reduces to $2.5\sigma$. (Published in revised form in MNRAS Letters, 2019,; AAS234 Press Conference,



Preferred citation: Alleviating tension in ΛCDM and the local distance ladder from first principles with no free parameters, 2020, van Putten, M.H.P.M., MNRAS 491 L6, doi:10.1093/mnrasl/slz158



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