
  Group    Mike Hursthouse  
  Operator   Riccardo Montis  
  Sample Owner     
  Local Code   4-APHCLb  
  Formula   C5H7N2Cl1  
  Crystal Colour    Colourless  
  Crystal Habit    Block  
  Crystal Size   0.18 x 0.12 x 0.12 (mm3) 
  Temperature   120(K) 
  Generator   50 (kV)   85 (mA) 
  Primary Solvent     
  Other Solvents     

File Explanations
      SampleCode.hkl - data corrected using  SADABS
      SampleCode_merge_none.hkl - equivalents and friedels kept separate  (See "Final Data Set" table in this report)
      SampleCode.p4p - skeleton p4p file for use with XPREP
      SampleCode.htm - this summary file

Southampton CIF entry fields

_exptl_absorpt_process_details       'SADABS 2007/2 (Sheldrick, G.M., 2007)'

_diffrn_ambient_temperature           120(2)
_diffrn_radiation_wavelength           0.71073
_diffrn_radiation_type                      MoK\a
_diffrn_radiation_source                  'Bruker-Nonius FR591 rotating anode'
_diffrn_radiation_monochromator    'graphite'
_diffrn_measurement_device_type   'Bruker-Nonius Roper CCD camera on \k-goniostat'
_diffrn_measurement_method          '\f & \w scans'
_diffrn_detector_area_resol_mean   '9.091'

'COLLECT (Hooft, R.W.W., 1998)'
'DENZO (Otwinowski & Minor, 1997) & COLLECT (Hooft, R.W.W., 1998)'
#Although determined using DirAx, the cell is refined in the HKL
#package during data reduction
'DENZO (Otwinowski & Minor, 1997) & COLLECT (Hooft, R.W.W., 1998)' 

Software References

Unit Cell Determination using DirAx:
Duisenberg AJM. Indexing in Single-Crystal Diffractometry with an Obstinate List of Reflections. Journal of Applied Crystallography 1992; 25: 92-96.
Duisenberg AJM, Hooft RWW, Schreurs AMM, Kroon J. Accurate cells from area-detector images. Journal of Applied Crystallography 2000; 33: 893-898.

Diffractometer control and strategy calculation using COLLECT:
Hooft RWW. COLLECT data collection software, Nonius B.V., 1998.

Standard Data Reduction using HKL(Denzo & Scalepack):
Otwinowski Z, Minor W. Processing of X-ray diffraction data collected in oscillation mode. Macromolecular Crystallography, Pt A. 1997; 276: 307-326.

Absorption Correction
Sheldrick, G. M. (2007). SADABS. Version 2007/2. Bruker AXS Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Non-Standard Data Reduction using EvalCCD:
Duisenberg AJM, Kroon-Batenburg LMJ, Schreurs AMM. An intensity evaluation method: EVAL-14. Journal of Applied Crystallography 2003; 36: 220-229.

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