The Multiple-Model High Resolution Head-Related Impulse Response Database (MMHR-HRIR) Joachim Thiemann, University of Oldenburg, 2017 This directory contains the files comprising the MMHR-HRIR database, a set of recordings of the acoustic path between loudspeakers which are positioned roughly 1.7 m from a Head-and-Torso (HATS) simulator. The loudspeakers were mounted on a movable platform, and recordings were made form points on a sphere with 2 degree spacing in azimuth and elevation. Above 80 degree elevation, the resolution is reduced since the arc between points becomes smaller. The lowest elevation measured (due to the physical setup) is -64 degrees from the equator. There are four HATS that were used for recording impulse responses. - Bruel & Kjaer Type 4128C (BKwHA) - HEAD Acoustics HMSII.2 (Head) - G.R.A.S.~KEMAR (KEMAR) - AG SigProc Custom (DADEC) For all HATS, the responses of the in-ear microphone was recorded, but for the Bruel & Kjaer Type 4128C 6 aditional channels of a behind-the-ear hearing aid were also recorded. Each set of recordings comes in a "full" and "short" version. The short version is trucated at 6.66 ms to remove a reflection caused by the recording setup. The shortened recordings are denoted by "_s" in the filename. The data is distributed as SOFA (Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics, files, with the extension ".sofa". We also provide ".h5" files, which is the same data in a generic HDF5 format. The "loadHRIRnear.m" file is a MATLAB script to read from this format. The HDF5 format is considered deprecated, and should not be used to read the MMHR-HRIR datbase. For citing this data, please use "A multiple model high-resolution head-related impulse response database for aided and unaided ears", by J. Thiemann and S. van de Par, EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2019:9, doi:10.1186/s13634-019-0604-x. The first description of the database can be found in "Multiple model high-spatial resolution HRTF measurements", by J. Thiemann and S. van de Par, in Proc. DAGA 2015. The data and this README are published under the Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) license.