Published February 28, 2019 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Supplements to "Digital traces of climate risks: assessing the communication impact of Paris resilience strategy".


  • 1. École des Ponts ParisTech


  • 1. École des Ponts ParisTech


These supplements correspond the data used in the PhD thesis : “Digital traces of climate risks: assessing the impact of Paris resilience strategy”, published in 2019 on by Rosa Vicari (HM&Co - École des Ponts ParisTech), under the supervision of Daniel Schertzer (HM&Co - École des Ponts ParisTech).

More precisely the data set corresponds to the corpora and term lists that are used in the analysis (based on advanced text mining and graph representation) of press articles and tweets concerning flood events in France and strategic documents released by public authorities.

The dataset includes the following files:

- Suppl2-2016Parisflood-termlist.csv : the list of terms extracted from the corpus of press articles covering the 2016 Seine River flood.

- Suppl6-Cotedazflood-termlist.csv: the list of terms extracted from the corpus of press articles covering the 2015 Côte-d'Azur flood.

- Suppl7-Corpus-PA-Strategies.csv :  the corpus of strategic documents released by public authorities to cope with flood risk in Paris.

- Suppl8-Term-list-PA-Strategies.csv : the list of terms extracted from the corpus of strategic documents released by public authorities to cope with flood risk in Paris (2003 - 2017).

The following files are not available and cannot be shared for copyright reasons:

- Suppl1-2016Parisflood-corpus.csv : the corpus of press articles covering the 2016 Seine River flood.

- Suppl3-2018Parisflood-corpus.csv : the corpus of press articles covering the 2018 Seine River flood.

- Suppl5-Cotedazflood-corpus.csv : the corpus of press articles covering the 2015 Côte-d'Azur flood.

The following file is not available and cannot be shared for privacy reasons:

- Suppl4 - Tweet corpus - 2016 Paris flood.csv :  the corpus of tweets covering the 2016 Seine River flood.



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