Binary 2D morphologies of polymer phase separation

This dataset contains binary microstructure morphologies representing phase separation in polymer systems.

The dataset was generated through the simulation of a time evolving Cahn -Hilliard equation, describing phase separation in binary polymer blends. Several realizations of the equation were done through
different values of volume fractions and binary interaction parameters. Morphologies were outputted at constant time intervals.

File Format: The dataset is a HDF5 file containing a single dataset named 'morphology'. 

Dataset Size:  34672 images of 101x101 size.(Images stored as flattened row vectors of float values between 0.0 and 1.0)



To read HDFS files, 

Python: Use the H5PY package (https://www.h5py.org/).

Matlab: Use the h5read function (https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/h5read.html)

Note: Supporting utilities will be released soon here. (https://github.com/shahviraj/2d-morphologies-data-utils)
