This text file explains the contents of the data package for the experiments of the project "Tsunamis due to ice masses: Different calving mechanisms and linkage to landslide-tsunamis", conducted in the Delta basin at Deltares in August 2017. Valentin Heller, University of Nottingham, UK. January 2019. ********** Contents ********** 1. Data Storage Report File: DataStorageReport_Heller_Ice_Tsunamis.pdf An HYDRALAB+ standard Data Storage Report in PDF format. 2. Folder: This folder contains some general pictures giving an overview of the experiments in JPG format. 3. Folder: This folder contains the videos in .avi format at reduced resolution taken with a 5 MP PointGrey ZBR2-PGEHD-50S5C-CS camera at 15 Hz of all tests given in Table 4.2 in the Data Storage Report File. 4. Folder: This folder contains the motion sensor data in .txt format (no separator) for all tests given in Table 4.2 in the Data Storage Report File. The position of the motion sensor is given in Table 4.2 in the Data Storage Report File. The columns include the following information: - Column 1: time (s) with t = 0 s at the moment in time when the blocks started to move or touched the water surface - Column 2: global angle (°) relative to x-axis (pitch) - Column 3: global angle (°) relative to y-axis (roll) - Column 4: global angle (°) relative to z-axis (yaw) - Column 5: local acceleration (m/s2) in x-direction - Column 6: local acceleration (m/s2) in y-direction - Column 7: local acceleration (m/s2) in z-direction 5. Folder: This folder contains the wave probe data in .txt format (no separator) for all tests given in Table 4.2 in the Data Storage Report File. The wave probe arrangement is given in Table 3.1 and Figure 2.1 in the Data Storage Report File. The columns include the following information: - Column 1: time (s) with t = 0 s at the moment in time when the blocks started to move or touched the water surface - Column 2-34 (capsizing tests) and 2-36 (all other tests): water surface displacement (m) 6. Folder: This folder contains the post-processed wave probe data in .txt format (no separator) for all tests given in Table 4.2 in the Data Storage Report File. The wave probe arrangement is given in Table 3.1 and Figure 2.1 in the Data Storage Report File. The post-processing steps involved the shortening of each wave probe signal individually to remove reflections from the basin boundaries and low-pass filtering to remove noise (see Section 5 in the Data Storage Report File for details). The columns include the following information: - Column 1: time (s) with t = 0 s at the moment in time when the blocks started to move or touched the water surface - Column 2-34 (capsizing tests) and 2-36 (all other tests): water surface displacement (m) 7. This file: README.txt Explanatory readme ********** Associated Paper ********** The first peer-reviewed paper produced as a result of these experiments can be found here: Heller, V., Chen, F., Brühl, M., Gabl, R., Chen, X., Wolters, G., and Fuchs, H. (2018). Large-scale experiments into the tsunamigenic potential of different iceberg calving mechanisms. Scientific Reports 9:861 ( It contains additional background information, an analysis of the maximum iceberg-tsunami heights, a comparison with landslide-tsunamis, new theoretical expressions for the released iceberg energy for the five iceberg calving mechanisms as well as a spreadsheet with experimental parameters and data. ********** Licence ********** This data package is licensed using the creative commons attributions 4.0 licence ( ********** Embargo Period ********** This data package is available from 10th August 2019.