Published January 9, 2019 | Version 6.0
Project deliverable Open

WhoLoDancE: Deliverable 5.4 - Final release, testing & validation data management platform report


Deliverable “D5.4 Final Release, testing and validation data management platform report” describes the architecture and functional specifications of the final version of WhoLoDancE Movement Library (WML) and Annotation platform, focusing both on the data management infrastructure of the repository as well as the available functionalities and user interface. This deliverable consists the second and final report for the data management platform, following the deliverable “D5.2 Beta Prototype Testing & Validation Data Management Platform Report”, in the first period of the project. The current document reports on the changes and enhancement that have been made to the WhoLoDancE Movement Library, including updates on both back end and front end. One of the major additions to the web-based system is the integration of the extended version of the ontology that was described in “D3.1 Report on semantic representation models” and “D6.4 Final Report on the resulting extension and integration of the ASTE engine in WhoLoDancE”. The ontology serves to further enrich the repository with tags and metadata that are inferred by the annotations experts as well, as domain knowledge.  In addition, during the second period the user evaluation of the user interface and its functionalities, such as browsing, searching and annotating the recordings, has been reported in the deliverables of WP7, but also a relevant paper [3].

Particularly, this deliverable reports on the outcomes of four main tasks of WP5 at the final stage of the project, a) T5.1 Building and deployment of data management platform, b) T5.2 Conceptual Modelling and Annotation of Data, c) T5.3 Data Modelling, integration and management, (although some details concerning data management are described in D5.1 Data Management plan), as well as d) T5.7 Platform testing, validation and maintenance plan specifications.

The main purpose of the WML is to provide access to the repository of the multimodal recordings of the different dance genres through an attractive interface for the end-user. Section 2 provides an overview of the architecture of the platform and Section 3 the specifications of the offered functionalities. The main functionalities provided are: browse, search, view/play and annotate the multimodal recordings. Through this web-based platform the user can browse the recordings by dance genre, and search by using keywords that are included in the metadata of the recordings.

The second part of the document, Section 4, presents the testing and validation activities of the platform that have taken place in the reporting period, as well as a Maintenance plan in Section 5.  The platform has been extensively tested, while the interface has been evaluated at different stages of the project by UI/UX as well as dance experts.  The results have proven that WML is a useful and powerful web-based tool, with rich content and functionalities and that it can be applied in dance education, choreography and research for accessing and enriching movement content.  A maintenance plan is foreseen so that the platform and the interface will be running for at least two years following the end of the project.


D5.4_Final release testing and validation data management platform report_6.0.pdf

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European Commission
WhoLoDancE – Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education 688865