Published January 9, 2019 | Version 5.0
Project deliverable Open

WhoLoDancE: Deliverable 6.4 - Final Report on the resulting extension and integration of the ASTE engine in WhoLoDancE


The current document describes the tools that have been implemented and integrated for the personalized approach in the WhoLoDancE project.  The personalized approach considers the conceptual framework, needs analysis and other outcomes of WP1, the semantic representation in WP3 and the results of the first formative evaluations of the tools in WP7.

In particular, we describe the WhoLoDancE Educational Platform (WEP), a web-based application, which organises the recordings into meaningful “learning units” such as Courses and Activities, and allows to browse through them depending on the dance genre, movement properties (e.g., principles, qualities, actions, or syllabi), available hardware, focus (e.g., choreographic research vs. learning forms), level of expertise etc. and recommend particular courses based on the profile of the user.  We present the ontology-based architecture, data management approach and ontology (Section 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4) which serves to take advantage of the available metadata, and experts’ annotations of the recordings and create related knowledge that is needed to organise the recordings from an Educational perspective. In Section 2.5 we present in detail an interface and its functionalities, explaining the design decisions and corresponding requirements that are met.

The second part of this deliverable (Section 3) presents the Choreomorphy tool, which allows a personalised view of the pre-recorded movements, using a variety of devices ranging from a desktop viewer to a mixed reality, whole-body interaction experience, depending on the motion sensing and motion capture devices available. Through a simple interface, the user can change in real time avatars, motion effects such as traces, and virtual environments. Section 3.1 and 3.2 present a general description of the Choreomorphy tool and its architecture and setting. Section 3.3 reports on the User Interface while sub-sections 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 present in detail the different avatars, perspectives (cameras) and environments that have been integrated in this tool.  Last but not least, at the end of the main Sections describing WEP and Choreomorphy a brief reference is given to the evaluation and iterative design process, that is mainly described in other deliverables and published papers and summarizes some conclusions about the current state of the tools and potential future enhancements and exploitations.


ASTE (ASsisted TEaching)


D6.4_Final Report on the resulting extension and integration of the ASTE engine in WhoLoDancE_5.0.pdf

Additional details


European Commission
WhoLoDancE – Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education 688865