Published December 1, 2016 | Version 3.0
Project deliverable Restricted

WhoLoDancE: Deliverable 1.6 - HLF definition for the learning scenarios

  • 1. Athena RC


The aim of the WhoLoDancE WP1 is to provide the definition of users’ needs, learning objectives and scenarios to become the basis for the technical specifications that will guide the development of innovative technologies that will advance current learning (formal and informal) practices and approaches for dance teaching. In order to proceed with this work, task T1.6. Definition of High Level Features Required for the scenarios will produce a list of the main categories of High Level Features that should be taken into account for addressing the needs of users within the learning scenarios.

This report presents the methodology and outcomes of T1.6. It includes the lists of the various vocabularies which will be used for describing the different characteristics of movement, mood and context of dance (e.g., syllabi, movement qualities, mood, movement principles, formal vocabularies etc.), and the rationale of selecting specific approaches, among the existing ones.  The aim is to provide a detailed framework for understanding general movement and learning principles, as well as the particularities of individual dance syllabi and promote a deeper understanding of user needs that will lead to a solid and appropriate theoretical framework and technical specifications for the technologies to be developed.

WhoLoDancE focuses on investigating four different dance genres: Contemporary Dance, Ballet, Greek Folk and Flamenco. These four dance genres represent a variety of dance practices that range from academic, historical and theatrical systems of dance (ballet), to traditional art forms of intangible cultural heritage (Greek Folk, Flamenco), and contemporary practices that embrace creativity and experimentation (Contemporary dance). The particular characteristics and syllabi of these dances are examined in this report and relevant HLFs are reported.

Furthermore, the report presents a set of ten Movement Principles which summarize the most fundamental and essential learning objectives, beyond the limitations of each genre, and could summarize the higher level features and embodied concepts that each dance learner deals more or less, in every dance class. This first list of Movement Principles has been validated with the wider community of dancers, dance educators, practitioners and choreographers of different styles through different means.

The movement principles are thoroughly analyzed to present their main characteristics and features. They are complemented with movement qualities as well as a number of common actions that might exist in any movement sequences.

The work reported in D1.6 will be used to guide the learning scenario definition work in D1.4 and the development of appropriate representation models for dance in the context of WP3.



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European Commission
WhoLoDancE – Whole-Body Interaction Learning for Dance Education 688865