Published December 27, 2018 | Version v1
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Figure 2 from: Rocha-Méndez A, Sánchez-González LA, Arbeláez-Cortés E, Navarro-Sigüenza AG (2018) Phylogeography indicates incomplete genetic divergence among phenotypically differentiated montane forest populations of Atlapetes albinucha (Aves, Passerellidae). ZooKeys 809: 125-148.

  • 1. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México City, Mexico
  • 2. Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia


Figure 2 A Dated Bayesian maximum clade credibility tree showing phylogenetic relationships among members of Atlapetesalbinucha species. Node bars depict 95% HDP interval, scale bar represents millions of years. Nodal values above branches indicate posterior probabilities/ bootstrap supports of BI/ML. Capital letters depict haplotypes. An asterisk (*) indicate birds representing yellow morphs B Median-joining haplotype network for the concatenated dataset. Each color depicts the geographic provenance of samples: green-northern Chiapas (subspecies albinucha), red-southern Chiapas (subspeciesgriseipectus), blue-El Salvador (subspecies griseipectus), yellow-Honduras (subspecies fuscipygius) and light blue-Colombia (subspecies gutturalis). Each branch represents a single nucleotide change, transversal black lines along branches depict the occurrence of three mutations. Gray dots indicate median vectors inferred for the data.



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