interview,reviewer,status,status_date,due_date,author,department,produce_data,types_data,types_select,types_other,types_notes,metadata_standards,metadata_data_formats,metadata_standard_select,metadata_standard_describe,metadata_notes,access_when_public,access_how_public,access_unauthorized,access_if_sensitive_protections,access_if_retain_IP,access_notes,share_select,share_repository_name,share_other,policies_use_reuse,policies_redistribution,policies_derivatives,policies_notes,archive,archive_select,archive_repository_name,archive_other,archive_duration_yn,archive-duration-text,archive-notes,refer_library_select,refer_library_other,refer_infrastructure_select,refer_infrastructure_other,personnel_select,personnel_other,human_subjects_yn,sensitive_select,sensitive_other,flag_yn,flag_text,final_notes 0,WT,Declined,3/22/12,10/1/11,1,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,5/15/12,12/9/11,2,Ecology,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital databases (e.g. surveys, census data, government statistics),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,Did not mention,,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/31/16,2/4/16,3,Ecology,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata),Biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,,Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,No,,,Did not mention,,"Research computing &/or storage,Institutional Review Board (IRB)",,Did not mention,,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,9/4/12,11/15/11,4,Physics,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,WT,Awarded,7/10/15,9/30/14,5,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML)",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,"As a supplement to: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,Yes (duration),indefinitely,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/1/13,3/26/13,6,Computer Science,Yes,Did not address the issue,Other (specify),did not specify,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,7/16/12,1/13/12,6,Computer Science,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,N/A,Did not address the issue,,Did not specify,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,7/15/15,4/10/15,7,Computer Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Other (describe),no sensitive data,No,, 0,WT,Declined,5/14/13,12/17/12,7,Computer Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/29/14,1/14/14,7,Computer Science,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,Data center or repository (which one?),Google Code archive,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,2/4/15,4/22/14,8,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,7/13/16,11/18/15,9,Computer Science,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Geospatial data (e.g. vector and raster data, shapefiles, geodatabases)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,,DMP not detailed 0,WT,Awarded,8/7/17,8/10/16,9,Computer Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens,Other (specify)",curriculum material for middle schools,,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Yes (describe),"Dublin Core, readme file",,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,,"Institutional repository,On request",ScholarWorks,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Institutional repository,,"Research computing &/or storage,Institutional Review Board (IRB)",,Did not mention,,No,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/22/17,9/28/16,9,Computer Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Geospatial data (e.g. vector and raster data, shapefiles, geodatabases),Biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,Did not address the issue,,"Data center or repository (which one?),Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",bitbucket,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),bitbucket,,No,,,Did not mention,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,6/12/17,12/9/17,9,Computer Science,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Yes (describe),"Dublin Core, Highwire Press",,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,"Data center or repository (which one?),Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",ScholarWorks,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Institutional repository, Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",ScholarWorks,,No,,,Institutional repository,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,8/8/16,3/3/16,9,Computer Science,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Yes (describe),DublinCore/ Highwire Press,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,"Data center or repository (which one?),Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article","ScholarWorks, R package released on CRAN",,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Institutional repository,Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",ScholarWorks,,No,,,Institutional repository,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,1/7/16,4/30/15,10,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Other method (describe)",,presentations/conferences,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Consultations,,Did not mention,,"Principle Investigator (PI),Co-PI",,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,10/7/14,2/4/14,10,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Other method (describe)",,presentations/conferences,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Did not mention,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,"Principle Investigator (PI),Co-PI",,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,9/24/14,1/21/14,10,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Did not mention,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,"Principle Investigator (PI),Co-PI",,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/11/13,12/11/12,10,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital databases (e.g. surveys, census data, government statistics),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,,"On request,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Did not mention,,"Institutional Review Board (IRB),Other (describe)",College of Engineering,Co-PI,,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,9/24/14,2/4/14,11,College of Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,,"Data center or repository (which one?),On request,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",ScholarWorks,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,No,,,Institutional repository,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,Principle Investigator (PI),,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,6/25/14,11/15/13,12,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,N/A,,"Data center or repository (which one?),Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",unspecified,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,No,,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,5/1/12,5/21/12,12,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Other method (describe),,freezers,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,9/2/16,2/16/16,13,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital images or digital copies of images,Non-digital text (e.g. hand-written notes, sketches, figures, paper laboratory notebooks)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"File sharing service (e.g. Dropbox, Box, Google Drive)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),10 years,,Consultations,,College- or department-level support,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,12/21/15,4/15/15,13,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Complete / detailed,,Data center or repository (which one?),"GenBank, Biological Magnetic Resonance Bank, Cambridge Structural Database, PRoteomics IDEntifications (PRIDE) database",,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),"GenBank, Biological Magnetic Resonance Bank, Cambridge Structural Database, PRoteomics IDEntifications (PRIDE) database",,Yes (duration),10 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,9/5/12,5/31/12,13,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital images or digital copies of images,Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Yes (describe),Minimum Information About a Proteomics Experiments (MIAPE),,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"As a supplement to: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,Yes (duration),10 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,5/8/12,6/6/11,13,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,On request",,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Institutional repository,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,12/12/14,8/12/14,13,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,On request",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,6/17/15,1/15/15,14,Earth Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Data center or repository(which one?),Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,On request",Dryad,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),Dryad,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,5/6/16,11/10/15,14,Earth Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Data center or repository (which one?),Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",Dryad/ GitHub,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),Dryad/ GitHub,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,7/25/16,3/16/16,14,Earth Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Data center or repository (which one?),Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,Other method (describe)",Dryad,Workshops,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),Dryad,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,3/31/15,11/10/14,15,Computer Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,"Data center or repository (which one?),Institutional repository,A website or wiki (department, project or personal)","ScholarWorks, Assembla",,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Institutional repository,Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",ScholarWorks,,No,,,Institutional repository,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,9/24/14,4/8/14,15,Computer Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,"Institutional Review Board (IRB),Other (describe)",MSU CS department,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,3/14/12,9/30/11,15,Computer Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,Data center or repository (which one?),"Subversion (SVN), GIT",,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,"Institutional Review Board (IRB),Other (describe)",MSU CS department,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,3/29/17,2/16/16,15,Computer Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Personal or research group website,On request",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/23/12,1/6/12,16,Earth Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens,Non-digital text (e.g. hand-written notes, sketches, figures, paper laboratory notebooks)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,No,,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,5/27/16,11/19/15,17,Physics,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Yes (describe),DublinCore/ Highwire Press,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Did not address the issue,,"Institutional repository,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a thesis or dissertation",ScholarWorks,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,No,,,Institutional repository,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/9/14,10/1/13,18,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,9/20/16,10/13/15,19,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Yes (describe),data dictionaries ,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,"Institutional repository,A website or wiki (department, project or personal),On request",ScholarWorks,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive)",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Institutional repository,,"Research computing &/or storage,Institutional Review Board (IRB)",,Did not mention,,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,12/23/15,7/22/15,19,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Non-digital text (e.g. hand-written notes, sketches, figures, paper laboratory notebooks)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,"Data center or repository (which one?),A website or wiki (department, project or personal),On request",unspecified,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,Principle Investigator (PI),,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,3/25/15,2/17/15,19,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,"Principle Investigator (PI),Graduate Student(s)",,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,5/16/12,7/29/11,20,Electrical & Computer Engineering,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,WT,Declined,7/23/12,1/26/12,20,Electrical & Computer Engineering,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,WT,Declined,11/7/12,5/7/12,21,Physics,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Other (specify),did not specify,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not specify,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete if plan mentions a repo but doesn‰Ûªt describe this info, pick this",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,3/13/12,8/24/11,22,Physics,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Other (specify),did not specify,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/13/15,2/27/15,23,Earth Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML)",,,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,N/A,Did not address the issue,,Other method (describe),,national meetings,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,7/13/15,1/22/15,24,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Non-digital text (e.g. hand-written notes, sketches, figures, paper laboratory notebooks)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,On request,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/1/17,9/9/16,25,Computer Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Data center or repository (which one?),Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",GitHub,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,11/7/14,5/1/14,26,Earth Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Did not address the issue,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),Internet Archive,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,"Principle Investigator (PI),Other (describe)",data manager,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,6/7/16,1/11/16,26,Earth Sciences,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,"Data center or repository (which one?),Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",unspecified,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,6/12/17,8/1/16,26,Earth Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata),Digital images or digital copies of images",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,7/26/13,1/17/13,27,Earth Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,"Data center or repository (which one?),Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",Paleobiology database,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),"Paleobiology database, Museum of the Rockies",,Yes (duration),permanently,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,7/18/12,5/15/12,27,Earth Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,Did not address the issue,,Data center or repository (which one?),"Open Context, The Digital Archaeological Record",,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),"Open Context, The Digital Archaeological Record",,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/8/14,11/15/13,28,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Did not address the issue,,"Data center or repository (which one?),A website or wiki (department, project or personal)","GenBank, ScholarSphere, PRIDE",,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),"GenBank, ScholarSphere, PRIDE",,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,6/7/16,10/20/15,29,Civil Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Yes (describe),DublinCore/ Highwire Press,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Did not address the issue,,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Yes (duration),indefinitely,,Institutional repository,,Other (describe),MSU Center for Biofilm Engineering (CBE),Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,6/20/16,3/17/16,30,Microbiology & Immunology,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,N/A,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,9/12/16,11/2/15,31,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,N/A,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,1/24/17,7/22/16,32,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital images or digital copies of images,Video recordings",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Yes (describe),DublinCore/ Highwire Press ,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,No,,,Institutional repository,,Other (describe),IT Center,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,1/21/16,7/23/15,33,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital images or digital copies of images",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,N/A,Did not address the issue,,Did not specify,,,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,3/30/11,3/1/11,34,Physics,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Other method (describe)",,presentations/conferences,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/5/12,10/31/11,34,Physics,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,3/27/13,10/31/12,34,Physics,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,7/18/12,7/9/11,35,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Other (specify),physical and biological data,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Data center or repository (which one?),Virtual Observatory and Ecology Information System,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),Virtual Observatory and Ecology Information System,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/21/17,10/5/16,36,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"Institutional repository,A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",ScholarWorks,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Other (describe),Information Technology Center,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/20/16,10/5/15,36,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital databases (e.g. surveys, census data, government statistics),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"Institutional repository,A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",ScholarWorks,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Institutional repository,,Research computing &/or storage,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/17/15,11/3/14,37,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,3/29/12,10/7/11,37,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital images or digital copies of images,Non-digital text (e.g. hand-written notes, sketches, figures, paper laboratory notebooks)",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,4/27/12,9/6/11,38,Mathematical Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,Yes (describe),did not provide much information about the data , 0,WT,Awarded,,2014,39,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Non-digital text (e.g. hand-written notes, sketches, figures, paper laboratory notebooks)",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,,"On request,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Did not specify,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive)",,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Did not mention,,"Research computing &/or storage,Institutional Review Board (IRB)",,Principle Investigator (PI),,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,5/4/17,11/1/16,39,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Digital images or digital copies of images,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"As a supplement to: a conference proceedings,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/23/14,11/8/13,39,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Digital images or digital copies of images,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"As a supplement to: a conference proceedings,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,On request",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,9/2/16,1/13/16,40,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital images or digital copies of images,Video recordings",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,4/30/15,7/23/14,40,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital images or digital copies of images,Video recordings",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,6/1/12,6/6/11,41,Ecology,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata),Digital images or digital copies of images,Video recordings",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Institutional repository,Data center or repository (which one?),A website or wiki (department, project or personal),On request","ScholarWorks, Antarctic Master Directory",,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Institutional repository,Data center or repository (which one?)","ScholarWorks, Antarctic Master Directory",,Yes (duration),5 years,,Institutional repository,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,1/9/17,6/1/15,42,Earth Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Geospatial data (e.g. vector and raster data, shapefiles, geodatabases)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"Institutional repository,On request",ScholarWorks,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Yes (duration),indefinitely,,Institutional repository,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,12/24/14,7/16/14,42,Earth Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Yes (describe),DublinCore/ Highwire Press,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Yes (duration),indefinitely,,Institutional repository,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,3/28/14,2/15/14,43,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Other (describe),MSU research team,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/12/12,12/15/11,43,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,Did not address the issue,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,10/2/12,7/3/12,43,Chemical & Biological Engineering,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,WT,Awarded,9/3/14,10/29/13,43,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a thesis or dissertation,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,On request",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Personal or research group website,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/6/15,11/5/14,43,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital images or digital copies of images,Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a thesis or dissertation,On request",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,8/13/15,5/1/15,44,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Did not address the issue,,"On request,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,5/5/15,2/20/14,44,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,3/12/13,10/31/12,44,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,On request",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,6/29/17,11/15/16,45,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens,Video recordings,Non-digital text (e.g. hand-written notes, sketches, figures, paper laboratory notebooks)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,N/A,Did not address the issue,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Other method (describe)",,presentations,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",On request,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,10/2/15,6/21/15,45,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",On request,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,3/16/12,8/24/11,46,Civil Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Geospatial data (e.g. vector and raster data, shapefiles, geodatabases),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,"Institutional repository,A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",ScholarWorks,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Institutional repository,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,Did not mention,,Yes,Human subject data,,Yes (describe),a good DMP, 0,WT,Awarded,8/27/12,11/7/11,47,Psychology,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Did not mention,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,Principle Investigator (PI),,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,5/14/15,8/20/14,48,Physics,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital images or digital copies of images",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,,Did not specify,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 yea,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Co-PI,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,9/12/12,1/6/12,49,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Complete / detailed,,Data center or repository (which one?),National Oceanographic Data Center,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),National Oceanographic Data Center,,No,,,Did not mention,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,6/4/12,10/18/11,50,Physics,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Other (specify),did not specify,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Other method (describe)",,reference handbooks,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,No,,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/24/13,11/7/12,50,Physics,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Other (specify),did not specify,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Other method (describe)",,reference handbooks,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,3/19/15,10/31/14,50,Physics,Yes,Did not address the issue,Other (specify),did not specify,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/20/16,11/2/15,50,Physics,Yes,Did not address the issue,Other (specify),did not specify,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,Other method (describe)",,reference handbooks,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive)",,,No,,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/27/13,1/30/13,51,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Did not address the issue,,Data center or repository (which one?),Protein Data Bank,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Data center or repository (which one?),Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",Protein Data Bank,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/13/13,4/1/13,52,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Other (specify),genomics,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Other method (describe),,preserved samples will be archived in freezers,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/6/14,3/1/14,52,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Geospatial data (e.g. vector and raster data, shapefiles, geodatabases),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Other method (describe),,preserved samples will be archived in freezers,Yes (duration),2-3 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,8/16/16,10/19/15,53,Earth Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Geospatial data (e.g. vector and raster data, shapefiles, geodatabases),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital images or digital copies of images",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,2/18/16,9/3/15,53,Earth Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Geospatial data (e.g. vector and raster data, shapefiles, geodatabases),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Non-digital images",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal),On request",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,2/3/12,9/6/11,54,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital images or digital copies of images",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,5/1/14,10/31/13,54,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital images or digital copies of images",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,5/6/16,4/8/16,55,Physics,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,WT,Declined,12/30/14,8/1/14,56,Psychology,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,,Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),7 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,9/21/16,1/13/16,57,Physics,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,On request,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,"Principle Investigator (PI),Co-PI",,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,9/6/12,11/15/11,57,Physics,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,12/9/16,8/26/15,57,Physics,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,On request,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,3/27/13,8/2/12,58,Ecology,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Geospatial data (e.g. vector and raster data, shapefiles, geodatabases),Biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,the author states the date is not complicated enough to need a metadata standard,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,N/A,,"Institutional repository,On request",ScholarWorks,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,No,,,Institutional repository,,Did not mention,,Post-doc,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,3/27/13,8/2/12,58,Ecology,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,WT,Declined,10/18/11,7/27/11,59,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,No,,,Did not mention,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,Did not mention,,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,9/12/12,1/13/12,60,Mathematical Sciences,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Other (specify),code and software,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not specify,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,Yes (describe),"DMP says code and software date will be generated, but doesn't go into detail ", 0,WT,Declined,4/5/16,10/20/15,61,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Yes (describe),DublinCore/ Highwire Press,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"Institutional repository,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings",ScholarWorks,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Institutional repository,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,7/2/15,11/5/14,61,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Yes (describe),Dublin Core/Highwire Press,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Did not address the issue,,"Institutional repository,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings",ScholarWorks,manuscripts and conference presentations,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Yes (duration),five years,,Institutional repository,,Research computing &/or storage,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,7/9/12,10/18/11,62,Earth Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Yes (describe),ACADIS,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,N/A,,Did not specify,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,5/24/12,8/24/11,63,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata),Non-digital text (e.g. hand-written notes, sketches, figures, paper laboratory notebooks)",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Did not address the issue,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,No,,,Did not mention,,College- or department-level support,,Principle Investigator (PI),,Yes,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/17/12,11/30/11,63,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive)",,,No,,,Consultations,,"College- or department-level support,Technology Transfer Office",,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,7/27/15,8/27/14,63,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata),Non-digital text (e.g. hand-written notes, sketches, figures, paper laboratory notebooks)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,No,,,Consultations,,"College- or department-level support,Technology Transfer Office",,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,7/11/17,1/13/17,64,Earth Sciences,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Geospatial data (e.g. vector and raster data, shapefiles, geodatabases),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Institutional repository,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings",ScholarWorks,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,No,,,Institutional repository,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,12/27/16,7/22/16,65,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,11/30/16,7/21/16,66,Microbiology & Immunology,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital images or digital copies of images",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Yes (describe),DublinCore,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,File sharing service (e.g. Dropbox, Box, Google Drive)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Conference / proceedings,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Institutional repository,,Other (describe),IT Center,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,Yes (describe),a good example, 0,WT,Declined,7/2/13,1/14/13,67,Civil Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata),Audio recordings",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"Institutional repository,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,On request",ScholarWorks,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,6/22/17,10/14/16,68,Education,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Geospatial data (e.g. vector and raster data, shapefiles, geodatabases),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Yes (describe),Darwin Core,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal),Other method (describe)",,Final report,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Data center or repository (which one?),Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",unspecified,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/24/15,1/14/15,69,Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML)",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,Complete / detailed,,Data center or repository (which one?),SCAN,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),SCAN,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,6/29/17,1/13/17,70,Computer Science,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,Data center or repository (which one?),Github,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,2/4/13,1/16/12,71,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,N/A,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/2/16,10/28/15,72,Physics,Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes (describe),"The DMP doesn't state any of the data produced, only that there will be data generated. ", 0,WT,Declined,7/11/16,11/13/15,73,Education,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Video recordings",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Did not mention,,Other (describe),IT Center,"Principle Investigator (PI),Co-PI",,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,8/25/17,3/29/17,73,Education,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,7/15/15,12/18/14,74,Physics,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,WT,Awarded,6/21/13,7/25/12,74,Physics,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,Did not address the issue,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal),On request",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,Wt,Awarded,6/1/12,3/1/12,74,Physics,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,WT,Declined,5/23/13,2/13/13,75,Civil Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Non-digital images",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"As a supplement to: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive)",,,No,,,Did not mention,,Other (describe),Center for Biofilm Engineering,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,1/13/16,4/30/15,76,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,,"Institutional repository,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,On request,Other method (describe)",ScholarWorks,conference presentations,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Institutional repository,,"Research computing &/or storage,Institutional Review Board (IRB)",,Did not mention,,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/2/17,10/17/16,77,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Geospatial data (e.g. vector and raster data, shapefiles, geodatabases)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,Did not specify,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,3/7/16,7/21/15,77,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,N/A,,"Institutional repository,Data center or repository (which one?)","ScholarWorks, Ameriflux",,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Institutional repository,Data center or repository (which one?)","ScholarWorks, Ameriflux",,No,,,Institutional repository,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,6/19/12,10/18/11,77,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Geospatial data (e.g. vector and raster data, shapefiles, geodatabases),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Did not address the issue,,"Data center or repository (which one?),A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",unspecified,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,5/16/13,10/18/12,77,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Yes (describe),ISO 19115,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Did not address the issue,,"Data center or repository (which one?),A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",International Arctic Research Center Data Archive,,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),International Arctic Research Center Data Archive,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,5/30/13,10/31/12,78,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,On request",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,Complete / detailed,"Journal / supplement,Conference / proceedings",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,10/3/16,5/20/16,79,Computer Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Other method (describe)",,presentations,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Did not mention,,College- or department-level support,,Did not mention,,Yes,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,5/16/16,11/18/15,79,Computer Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,File sharing service (e.g. Dropbox, Box, Google Drive)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Did not mention,,Other (describe),Information Technology Service,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,3/22/16,9/30/15,80,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,7/9/12,1/13/12,80,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Electronic laboratory notebook",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,Did not specify,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,10/2/12,2/1/12,81,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital images or digital copies of images,Biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens,Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,Data center or repository (which one?),GenBank,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),GenBank,,No,,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,7/10/17,9/15/16,82,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Data center or repository (which one?),On request","Data Repository and Coordination Center, UCSD",,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Data center or repository (which one?),Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers","Data Repository and Coordination Center, UCSD",,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/11/13,2/15/13,82,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,On request",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,4/25/16,7/22/15,82,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,On request,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,Yes (describe),"May want to interview, but project is somewhat older", 0,WT,Awarded,4/21/15,3/2/15,83,Chemical & Biological Engineering,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,WT,Awarded,1/23/17,9/5/16,83,Chemical & Biological Engineering,No,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0,WT,Awarded,5/13/13,7/27/12,84,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Geospatial data (e.g. vector and raster data, shapefiles, geodatabases),Audio recordings",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,N/A,,"Data center or repository (which one?),A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",GitHub,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,6/1/15,12/4/14,85,Physics,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,Yes (duration),indefinitely,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/17/12,11/18/11,85,Physics,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Yes (describe),"electronic text files, digital file headers, lab notebook records",,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,On request,Other method (describe)",,conference presentations and workshops,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,Yes (duration),indefinitely,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/27/14,12/2/13,85,Physics,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Yes (describe),"digital file headers, electronic text files, lab notebook records",,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,On request",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,Yes (duration),indefinitely ,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/29/15,10/31/14,85,Physics,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,On request",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,Yes (duration),indefinitely,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,3/21/16,10/20/15,86,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital images or digital copies of images",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,On request",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),10 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/29/14,2/20/14,86,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital images or digital copies of images,Video recordings",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Data center or repository (which one?),Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",unspecified,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,3/20/15,4/22/14,86,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,8/31/15,11/5/14,86,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Yes (describe),Matlab,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,On request",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),10 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/19/13,2/19/13,87,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,,"Institutional repository,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,On request",ScholarWorks,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Yes (duration),10 years,,Institutional repository,,Research computing &/or storage,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/14/16,10/20/15,87,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Yes (describe),"DublinCore, Highwire Press",,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,N/A,,"Institutional repository,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,On request",ScholarWorks,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Yes (duration),indefinitely,,Institutional repository,,Other (describe),Information Technology Center,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,2/21/12,7/12/11,88,Ecology,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Geospatial data (e.g. vector and raster data, shapefiles, geodatabases),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,Did not address the issue,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,No,,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,5/13/16,11/16/15,89,Mathematical Sciences,Yes,Did not address the issue,Other (specify),Did not specify,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,2/22/16,10/20/15,90,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital images or digital copies of images",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Yes (describe),DublinCore/ Highwire Press,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,N/A,,"Institutional repository,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",ScholarWorks,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Institutional repository,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive)",ScholarWorks,,Yes (duration),indefinitely,,Institutional repository,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,11/7/16,7/21/16,90,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital images or digital copies of images",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Yes (describe),DUblinCore/ Highwire Press,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,N/A,,"Institutional repository,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",ScholarWorks,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Yes (duration),10 years,,Institutional repository,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,9/13/17,10/20/16,91,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Non-digital text (e.g. hand-written notes, sketches, figures, paper laboratory notebooks)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Data center or repository (which one?),Other method (describe)",unspecified,steel cabinet,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,Yes (describe),a good DMP, 0,WT,Declined,9/24/14,2/20/14,91,Chemical & Biological Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,7/21/14,11/13/13,92,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Other (specify),Experimental and Computational,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,Did not specify,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,9/24/14,2/20/14,92,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,"Principle Investigator (PI),Co-PI,Post-doc,Graduate Student(s)",,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,7/20/16,2/12/16,93,Civil Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML)",,,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Yes (describe),Dublin Core ,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,No,,,Did not mention,,Other (describe),IT Center,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,3/26/13,10/1/12,94,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital images or digital copies of images,Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Did not address the issue,,"Data center or repository (which one?),As a supplement to: a thesis or dissertation",Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Data center or repository (which one?),Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive)",Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,3/24/14,9/30/13,94,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital images or digital copies of images,Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,Did not address the issue,,"Data center or repository (which one?),As a supplement to: a thesis or dissertation",Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Data center or repository (which one?),Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive)",Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 1,WT,Awarded,8/31/15,11/17/14,95,Mathematical Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Yes (describe),BaseSpace,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,6/25/15,1/15/15,96,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens,Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,"Data center or repository (which one?),A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",GenBank,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),GenBank,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,7/14/14,11/15/13,96,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),one year,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,11/15/16,6/3/16,96,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,Data center or repository (which one?),Biological magnetic resonance bank/ Chemical Structure database,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",,Complete / detailed,"Data center or repository (which one?),Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",Biological magnetic resonance bank/ Chemical Structure database,,Yes (duration),1 year,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,6/26/12,1/11/12,97,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,N/A,,On request,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,5/3/17,11/1/16,98,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,On request",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Did not mention,,Other (describe),MSU College of Engineering,Did not mention,,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,10/6/15,4/8/15,98,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,No,,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,On request",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Did not mention,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,Did not mention,,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,3/11/13,9/17/12,99,Mathematical Sciences,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,N/A,,"A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,1/19/12,7/27/11,100,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,Did not specify,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,1/3/13,7/25/12,100,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,Did not specify,,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,3/2/17,8/10/16,101,Computer Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital images or digital copies of images",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Yes (describe),DublinCore/ Highwire Press,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,N/A,,"Institutional repository,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Other method (describe)",ScholarWorks,presentations/conferences,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Yes (duration),5 years,,Institutional repository,,Did not mention,,"Principle Investigator (PI),Graduate Student(s)",,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/30/13,10/31/12,102,Physics,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,6/30/17,11/15/16,103,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,,"Data center or repsitory (which one?),Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Data center or repository (which one?),On request",Biological magnetic resonance bank,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",,Complete / detailed,"Data center or repsitory (which one?),Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",Biological magnetic resonance bank,,Yes (duration),1 year,,Did not mention,,Research computing &/or storage,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,9/30/15,1/22/15,103,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,Other (specify),"structural models, graphs",,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,6/28/13,1/30/13,103,Chemistry & Biochemistry,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,N/A,N/A,,Data center or repository (which one?),"Biological magnetic resonance bank, Protein Data Bank",,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),"Biological magnetic resonance bank, Protein Data Bank",,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/30/15,11/3/14,104,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 years ,,Did not mention,,Other (describe),College of Engineering,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,1/2/13,7/24/12,104,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 years ,,Did not mention,,Other (describe),College of Engineering,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,8/7/17,11/1/16,104,Electrical & Computer Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata),Artistic products",,,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a thesis or dissertation",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Journal / supplement,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/9/13,11/13/12,105,Physics,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital databases (e.g. surveys, census data, government statistics),Digital gene sequences or similar digital renditions of biological, organic, or inorganic samples or specimens",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,2/13/12,8/15/11,105,Physics,Yes,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,A website or wiki (department, project or personal)",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,10/31/12,11/15/11,106,Land Resources & Environmental Science,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Geospatial data (e.g. vector and raster data, shapefiles, geodatabases),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,No,,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Data center or repository (which one?),"IRIS, UNAVCO, VentDB, GenBank, Neotoma",,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Data center or repository (which one?),"IRIS, UNAVCO, VentDB, GenBank, Neotoma",,No,,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Awarded,4/6/17,9/21/16,107,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital databases (e.g. surveys, census data, government statistics),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Yes (describe),"DublinCore, Highwire Press",,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,No,,,Other (describe),IT Center,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,Did not mention,,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,5/20/13,1/14/13,107,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata),Audio recordings",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,N/A,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/11/14,8/28/13,107,Mechanical & Industrial Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Quantitative, tabular data (e.g. spreadsheets, delimited text, SPSS, XML),Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,,"Data center or repository (which one?),On request",unspecified,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,"Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,"Unit-, college- or university-level IT storage/servers",,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Institutional Review Board (IRB),,Principle Investigator (PI),,Yes,Human subject data,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,7/2/13,2/15/13,108,Civil Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Data center or repository (which one?),unspecified,,No,,,Did not mention,,Technology Transfer Office,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,4/2/14,8/28/13,108,Civil Engineering,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital text for qualitative research (e.g. survey transcripts, code books, metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,No,,,Complete / detailed,"Addressed issue, but incomplete",Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,On request",,,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,Did not address the issue,,Did not address the issue,Did not specify,,,Yes (duration),3 years,,Did not mention,,Technology Transfer Office,,Principle Investigator (PI),,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,12/22/14,8/27/14,109,Physics,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata)",,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",No,,,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete",Did not address the issue,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a conference proceedings,Other method (describe)",,presentations,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Personal computer or storage media (e.g. external drive),,,Yes (duration),indefinitely,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,, 0,WT,Declined,7/31/15,6/2/15,110,Physics,Yes,Complete / detailed,"Digital text for quantitative research (e.g. software scripts and codes, descriptive information/metadata),Digital images or digital copies of images",,,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,Yes (describe),DublinCore/Highwire Press,,Did not address the issue,Complete / detailed,Complete / detailed,N/A,Complete / detailed,,"Institutional repository,Through tables, graphs, figures, or otherwise within: a journal article,Other method (describe)",ScholarWorks,presentations,"Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete","Addressed issue, but incomplete ",,Complete / detailed,Institutional repository,ScholarWorks,,Yes (duration),indefinitely,,Institutional repository,,Did not mention,,Did not mention,,No,Did not mention,,No,,