============================================================================= Ni et al. (2018) HSC data products in the Wide Chandra Deep Field-South (W-CDF-S) README File Version 1.0 December, 2018 ============================================================================= ----- GENERAL INFORMATION This is a brief README file for the data products associated with the Ni et al. (2018) research note: "Deep Hyper Suprime-Cam Images and a Forced Photometry Catalog in W-CDF-S", Ni Q., Timlin J., Brandt W.N., Yang G., 2018, RNAAS, in press. Any queries/feedback about these data products should be sent to both Qingling Ni (Penn State University; qxn1@psu.edu) and Dr. John Timlin (Penn State University; jxt811@psu.edu). These data products are available in two separate tar files: * WCDFS_HSC_IMAGES.tar.gz * WCDFS_CATALOGS.tar.gz Below we briefly describe each file within the tar file. To understand these, one should make reference to the Ni et al. (2018) paper described above. Please also see below for a note of explanation about the adopted astrometric reference frame. If we find any small issues with these files, we will continue to improve them. Thus, before using them in a final scientific work, we suggest that you download the latest versions available. ----- DESCRIPTION OF FILES WITHIN THE IMAGE TAR FILE "WCDFS_HSC_IMAGES.tar.gz" W-CDF-S HSC coadded images: * wcdfs_hsc_g_v01.fits * wcdfs_hsc_r_v01.fits * wcdfs_hsc_i_v01.fits * wcdfs_hsc_z_v01.fits W-CDF-S HSC image masks: * wcdfs_hsc_mask_g_v01.fits * wcdfs_hsc_mask_r_v01.fits * wcdfs_hsc_mask_i_v01.fits * wcdfs_hsc_mask_z_v01.fits W-CDF-S HSC weight maps: * wcdfs_hsc_weightmap_g_v01.fits * wcdfs_hsc_weightmap_r_v01.fits * wcdfs_hsc_weightmap_i_v01.fits * wcdfs_hsc_weightmap_z_v01.fits ---- DESCRIPTION OF FILES WITHIN THE CATALOG TAR FILE "WCDFS_CATALOGS.tar.gz" HSC forced photometry catalog in W-CDF-S: * wcdfs_hsc_forcedsrc_v01.fits (table schema described in "schema_wcdfs_hsc_forcedsrc_v01.txt") Optical-IR catalog of sources in W-CDF-S (with 1" matching radius): * wcdfs_servs_video_hsc_v01.fits (table schema described in "schema_wcdfs_servs_video_hsc_v01.txt") The diagnostic plots for the HSC forced photometry catalog: * wcdfs_hsc_rnaas_diagnostic_plots_v01.pdf The published version of the research note: * wcdfs_hsc_rnaas_v01.pdf The list of HSC observations used: * wcdfs_hsc_obs_list_v01.txt ----- NOTE OF EXPLANATION ABOUT THE ADOPTED ASTROMETRIC REFERENCE FRAME The absolute astrometry of the HSC observations was registered to the astrometric frame of the PanSTARRS1 (PS1) PV3 catalog (Magnier et al. 2013). While we have considered systematic offsets during the matching when creating the optical-IR master catalog, the RA, DEC provided are the values reported in the original catalog. Users could manually correct the positions to the frame of Gaia: HSC_RA = HSC_RA + 0.013" HSC_DEC = HSC_DEC - 0.002" VIDEO_RA = VIDEO_RA + 0.134" VIDEO_DEC = VIDEO_DEC - 0.058" SERVS_RA = SERVS_RA + 0.090" SERVS_DEC = SERVS_DEC - 0.023" -----