Published December 4, 2018 | Version 2.0.0
Dataset Open

Replication package for technical lag analysis for the JSEP journal.


This is the replication package for our article "A Formal Framework for Measuring Technical Lag in Component Repositories --- and its Application to npm" submitted for the JSEP journal in 2018.

This replication package requires Python 3.5+ to be installed, and all the dependencies listed in ``requirements.txt``.
They can be automatically installed using ``pip install -r requirements.txt``. 
These experiment were executed on a Linux Ubuntu OS.

To obtain the analysis used in the paper, one should execute ``jupyter notebook`` at the root of this replication package, and open the notebook contained in ``notebooks``.

This replication package contains three folders (i.e scripts, notebooks and data), each folder has a README with a description of what it contains.

The list of all npm package releases and Github repositories with their dependencies was download from the last available dataset of

The data is under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 license.
The source code is under the GNU General Public License.

For any more information about the details of these experiments, please contact:


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European Commission
IODA – Industrial optimal design using adjoint CFD 642959