COMMENT Column 1 is the wavelength (microns), COMMENT Column 2 is the flux (F_lambda), COMMENT Column 3 is the error on the flux. COMMENT Warning : This spectrum can contain NaN values. COMMENT COMMENT Please cite Gagne et al. 2015c when using this spectrum COMMENT (BANYAN. VII. : A New Population of COMMENT Young Substellar Candidate Members of Nearby Young Moving Groups from COMMENT the BASS Survey;; COMMENT please verify if ApJ ref. is out yet) COMMENT COMMENT Please add the following acknowledgements if you use this spectrum : COMMENT 1) "This paper includes data gathered with the Infrared Telescope COMMENT Facility, which is operated by the University of Hawaii under COMMENT Cooperative Agreement NNX-08AE38A with NASA, Science Mission COMMENT Directorate, Planetary Astronomy Program.", COMMENT 2) Cite Rayner et al. (2003PASP..115..362R) for the spex camera, COMMENT 3) "This paper has benefitted from the spextool IDL package COMMENT (Cushing et al., 2004PASP..116..362C, COMMENT Vacca et al. 2003PASP..115..389V)." COMMENT COMMENT This data was obtained from the Montreal Spectral Library at : COMMENT COMMENT We would appreciate that you acknowledge this in the following way : COMMENT "This research has benefitted from the Montreal Spectral Library, COMMENT maintained by Jonathan Gagne at COMMENT" SIMPLE = T / Written by IDL: Sat Dec 13 14:36:25 2014 BITPIX = -32 /Real*4 (floating point) NAXIS = 2 / NAXIS1 = 564 / NAXIS2 = 3 / ORIGIN = 'Institute for Astronomy' / TELESCOP= 'NASA IRTF' / INSTRUME= 'SPeX, IRTF Spectrograph' / OBSERVER= 'Jonathan_Gagne' / OBJECT = 'Object_Observed' / I_R_A_FNAME= 'J2329_tell.fits' / TIME_OBS= '07:23:44.079443' / Average UT TIME OF ACQISTION ('') DATE_OBS= '2012-10-26' / UT DATE OF ACQUISITION ('yyyy/mm/dd') ITIME = 100.00000 / INTEGRATION TIME IN SECONDS CO_ADDS = 1 / NUMBER OF INTEGRATIONS NDR = 32 / Number of Non-Destructive Reads SLOWCNT = 20 / Number of Slow Counts TABLE_MS= 512.45200 / msec to clock out array ROTATOR = 277.49000 / Rotator_Mechanical_Angle; pos=554977 POSANGLE= 345.02000 / Average Sky_Position_Angle SLIT = '0.8x15 ' / menu=4,pos=153000 GRAT = 'LowRes15 ' / menu=5,pos=179675 PLATE_SC= 0.15000000 / PlateScale arcsec/pixel RA = '+23:29:04.07 ' / Right Ascension DEC = '+03:29:15.7 ' / Declination HA = '+00:05:59.791250' / Average Hour Angle AIRMASS = 1.0422500 / Average Air Mass EPOCH = 2000.0000 / Epoch MODENAME= 'LowRes15' / Spectroscopy mode FLAT = 'flat75-79.fits' / Flat field image NAPS = 1 / Number of apertures NORDERS = 1 / Number of orders ORDERS = '1 ' / Order numbers START = 460 / Array column of first FITS array column STOP = 1023 / Array column of last FITS array column SLTH_PIX= 100.00000 / Slit height in pixels SLTH_ARC= 15.000000 / Slit height in arcseconds SLTW_PIX= 5.3333300 / Slit width in pixels SLTW_ARC= 0.80000000 / Slit width in arcseconds APPOSO01= '2.95420 ' / Aperture positions (arcsec) for order 01 PSFRAD = 2.2000000 / Optimal extraction PSF radius in arcseconds APRADIUS= 1.0000000 / Aperture radius in arcseconds BGSTART = 2.2000000 / Background start radius in arcseconds BGWIDTH = 2.0000000 / Background width in arcseconds BGORDER = 0.00000000 / Background polynomial fit degree WAVECAL = 'wavecal80-80.fits' / Wavecal file used for wavelength calibration XUNITS = 'um ' / Units of the X axis YUNITS = 'ergss-1cm-2A-1' /Units of the Y axis XTITLE = '!7k!5 (!7l!5m)' / IDL X title YTITLE = '!5f!D!7k!N!5 (ergs s!E-1!N cm!E-2!N !5!sA!r!u!9 %!5!n!E-1!N)' / IDL Y VERSION = 'v3.4 ' / Spextool version RES = 75.000045 / Average spectral resolving power DISPO01 = 0.0036339500 / Dispersion (um pixel-1) for order 01 DAIRMASS= -0.0282500 / Average airmass difference between std and obj HISTORY The output FITS files contain a 3-D array of data consisting ofsets of HISTORY triplet arrays of data for each aperture and each order,where each tr HISTORY iplet is composed of an array for the wavelength,an array for the flux HISTORY , and an array for the error. The tripletsfor each aperture are stacke HISTORY d behind one another, followed bythe triplets for the next order, etc. HISTORY If no orders have beenskipped or deslected in the extraction process, HISTORY the contents ofaperture Y in order X can be found as follows:lambda = HISTORY array[*,0,( X - (smallest order number))*naps + (Y-1)], flux =array[ HISTORY *,1,( X - (smallest order number))*naps + (Y-1)], error =array[*,2,( HISTORY X - (smallest order number))*naps + (Y-1)] Forexample, for an SXD fil HISTORY e with two apertures, the wavelengtharray for aperture 1 in order 3 is HISTORY located in array [*,0,0], theflux is in array [*,1,0] and the error i HISTORY s in array [*,2,0]. Foraperture 2, the wavelength is in array [*,0,1], HISTORY the flux is inarray [*,1,1] and the error is in array [*,2,1]. For or HISTORY der 4,the flux for aperture 1 is in array [*,1,2], while the flux fora HISTORY perture 2 is in array [*,1,3]. For order 5, the fluxes for thetwo aper HISTORY tures are in arrays [*,1,4] and [*,1,5], etc. Thespectra have been co HISTORY rrected for non-linearity. HISTORY HISTORY Xcombspec History HISTORY HISTORY The spectra were combined using a Robust Weighted Mean. The robust HISTORY threshold was 8.00000. The files HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0015.fits, HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0016.fits, HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0017.fits, HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0018.fits, HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0019.fits, HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0020.fits, HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0021.fits, HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0022.fits were combined. HISTORY Aperture 01 Info: The scale factors were determined using order 01. HISTORY The scale factors are 1.00101, 0.999033, 1.00678, 0.952553, 0.991488, HISTORY 1.05226, 0.978646, 1.02393. The median RMS deviation in each order HISTORY is 1.09019. The spectral shapes have been corrected. HISTORY HISTORY Xtellcor History HISTORY HISTORY This spectrum was telluric corrected using the telluric correction HISTORY spectra J2329_tell_tellcor.fits. The B and V magnitudes of HIP116886 HISTORY are 10.1200, and 9.92000 respectively. The velocity shift of Vega is HISTORY 0.000000 km s-1. The Vega model was modified using the IP method. HISTORY The telluric correction spectra for aperture 01 were shifted by HISTORY 0.000000 pixels. COMMENT COMMENT This FITS image contains a 564 by 3 image. COMMENT This spectrum contains 564 data points; COMMENT Dimension 1 is the wavelength (microns), COMMENT Dimension 2 is the flux (F_lambda), COMMENT Dimension 3 is the error on the flux. COMMENT Warning : This spectrum can contain NaN values. COMMENT COMMENT Please cite Gagne et al. 2015c when using this spectrum COMMENT (BANYAN. VII. : A New Population of COMMENT Young Substellar Candidate Members of Nearby Young Moving Groups from COMMENT the BASS Survey;; COMMENT please verify if ApJ ref. is out yet) COMMENT COMMENT Please add the following acknowledgements if you use this spectrum : COMMENT 1) "This paper includes data gathered with the Infrared Telescope COMMENT Facility, which is operated by the University of Hawaii under COMMENT Cooperative Agreement NNX-08AE38A with NASA, Science Mission COMMENT Directorate, Planetary Astronomy Program.", COMMENT 2) Cite Rayner et al. (2003PASP..115..362R) for the spex camera, COMMENT 3) "This paper has benefitted from the spextool IDL package COMMENT (Cushing et al., 2004PASP..116..362C, COMMENT Vacca et al. 2003PASP..115..389V)." COMMENT COMMENT This data was obtained from the Montreal Spectral Library at : COMMENT COMMENT We would appreciate that you acknowledge this in the following way : COMMENT "This research has benefitted from the Montreal Spectral Library, COMMENT maintained by Jonathan Gagne at COMMENT" END SIMPLE = T / Written by IDL: Sat Dec 13 14:36:25 2014 BITPIX = -32 /Real*4 (floating point) NAXIS = 2 / NAXIS1 = 564 / NAXIS2 = 3 / ORIGIN = 'Institute for Astronomy' / TELESCOP= 'NASA IRTF' / INSTRUME= 'SPeX, IRTF Spectrograph' / OBSERVER= 'Jonathan_Gagne' / OBJECT = 'Object_Observed' / I_R_A_FNAME= 'J2329_tell.fits' / TIME_OBS= '07:23:44.079443' / Average UT TIME OF ACQISTION ('') DATE_OBS= '2012-10-26' / UT DATE OF ACQUISITION ('yyyy/mm/dd') ITIME = 100.00000 / INTEGRATION TIME IN SECONDS CO_ADDS = 1 / NUMBER OF INTEGRATIONS NDR = 32 / Number of Non-Destructive Reads SLOWCNT = 20 / Number of Slow Counts TABLE_MS= 512.45200 / msec to clock out array ROTATOR = 277.49000 / Rotator_Mechanical_Angle; pos=554977 POSANGLE= 345.02000 / Average Sky_Position_Angle SLIT = '0.8x15 ' / menu=4,pos=153000 GRAT = 'LowRes15 ' / menu=5,pos=179675 PLATE_SC= 0.15000000 / PlateScale arcsec/pixel RA = '+23:29:04.07 ' / Right Ascension DEC = '+03:29:15.7 ' / Declination HA = '+00:05:59.791250' / Average Hour Angle AIRMASS = 1.0422500 / Average Air Mass EPOCH = 2000.0000 / Epoch MODENAME= 'LowRes15' / Spectroscopy mode FLAT = 'flat75-79.fits' / Flat field image NAPS = 1 / Number of apertures NORDERS = 1 / Number of orders ORDERS = '1 ' / Order numbers START = 460 / Array column of first FITS array column STOP = 1023 / Array column of last FITS array column SLTH_PIX= 100.00000 / Slit height in pixels SLTH_ARC= 15.000000 / Slit height in arcseconds SLTW_PIX= 5.3333300 / Slit width in pixels SLTW_ARC= 0.80000000 / Slit width in arcseconds APPOSO01= '2.95420 ' / Aperture positions (arcsec) for order 01 PSFRAD = 2.2000000 / Optimal extraction PSF radius in arcseconds APRADIUS= 1.0000000 / Aperture radius in arcseconds BGSTART = 2.2000000 / Background start radius in arcseconds BGWIDTH = 2.0000000 / Background width in arcseconds BGORDER = 0.00000000 / Background polynomial fit degree WAVECAL = 'wavecal80-80.fits' / Wavecal file used for wavelength calibration XUNITS = 'um ' / Units of the X axis YUNITS = 'ergss-1cm-2A-1' /Units of the Y axis XTITLE = '!7k!5 (!7l!5m)' / IDL X title YTITLE = '!5f!D!7k!N!5 (ergs s!E-1!N cm!E-2!N !5!sA!r!u!9 %!5!n!E-1!N)' / IDL Y VERSION = 'v3.4 ' / Spextool version RES = 75.000045 / Average spectral resolving power DISPO01 = 0.0036339500 / Dispersion (um pixel-1) for order 01 DAIRMASS= -0.0282500 / Average airmass difference between std and obj HISTORY The output FITS files contain a 3-D array of data consisting ofsets of HISTORY triplet arrays of data for each aperture and each order,where each tr HISTORY iplet is composed of an array for the wavelength,an array for the flux HISTORY , and an array for the error. The tripletsfor each aperture are stacke HISTORY d behind one another, followed bythe triplets for the next order, etc. HISTORY If no orders have beenskipped or deslected in the extraction process, HISTORY the contents ofaperture Y in order X can be found as follows:lambda = HISTORY array[*,0,( X - (smallest order number))*naps + (Y-1)], flux =array[ HISTORY *,1,( X - (smallest order number))*naps + (Y-1)], error =array[*,2,( HISTORY X - (smallest order number))*naps + (Y-1)] Forexample, for an SXD fil HISTORY e with two apertures, the wavelengtharray for aperture 1 in order 3 is HISTORY located in array [*,0,0], theflux is in array [*,1,0] and the error i HISTORY s in array [*,2,0]. Foraperture 2, the wavelength is in array [*,0,1], HISTORY the flux is inarray [*,1,1] and the error is in array [*,2,1]. For or HISTORY der 4,the flux for aperture 1 is in array [*,1,2], while the flux fora HISTORY perture 2 is in array [*,1,3]. For order 5, the fluxes for thetwo aper HISTORY tures are in arrays [*,1,4] and [*,1,5], etc. Thespectra have been co HISTORY rrected for non-linearity. HISTORY HISTORY Xcombspec History HISTORY HISTORY The spectra were combined using a Robust Weighted Mean. The robust HISTORY threshold was 8.00000. The files HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0015.fits, HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0016.fits, HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0017.fits, HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0018.fits, HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0019.fits, HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0020.fits, HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0021.fits, HISTORY C:\Users\JONATHAN\Desktop\proc\spectra0022.fits were combined. HISTORY Aperture 01 Info: The scale factors were determined using order 01. HISTORY The scale factors are 1.00101, 0.999033, 1.00678, 0.952553, 0.991488, HISTORY 1.05226, 0.978646, 1.02393. The median RMS deviation in each order HISTORY is 1.09019. The spectral shapes have been corrected. HISTORY HISTORY Xtellcor History HISTORY HISTORY This spectrum was telluric corrected using the telluric correction HISTORY spectra J2329_tell_tellcor.fits. The B and V magnitudes of HIP116886 HISTORY are 10.1200, and 9.92000 respectively. The velocity shift of Vega is HISTORY 0.000000 km s-1. The Vega model was modified using the IP method. HISTORY The telluric correction spectra for aperture 01 were shifted by HISTORY 0.000000 pixels. END 0.646048 2.34092e-15 5.11971e-17 0.648291 2.62592e-15 4.96542e-17 0.650520 2.67608e-15 4.88169e-17 0.652738 2.57702e-15 4.75986e-17 0.654944 2.56322e-15 4.52879e-17 0.657140 2.24954e-15 4.46473e-17 0.659328 2.07614e-15 4.20652e-17 0.661507 1.71875e-15 3.90555e-17 0.663679 1.54432e-15 3.77260e-17 0.665845 1.49690e-15 3.78586e-17 0.668006 1.37076e-15 3.79610e-17 0.670162 1.35486e-15 3.72727e-17 0.672315 1.44913e-15 3.91139e-17 0.674465 1.36819e-15 3.80452e-17 0.676613 1.37529e-15 3.46632e-17 0.678760 1.38148e-15 3.37266e-17 0.680907 1.49293e-15 3.29171e-17 0.683054 1.48772e-15 3.23097e-17 0.685202 1.55479e-15 3.18733e-17 0.687353 1.68432e-15 3.21065e-17 0.689506 1.76302e-15 3.12524e-17 0.691662 2.00132e-15 3.18051e-17 0.693823 2.17515e-15 3.08466e-17 0.695988 2.45265e-15 3.05038e-17 0.698158 2.74545e-15 3.14071e-17 0.700334 2.99498e-15 2.93226e-17 0.702517 3.17692e-15 2.91771e-17 0.704707 3.05632e-15 3.06150e-17 0.706905 2.88959e-15 2.72952e-17 0.709111 2.63281e-15 2.66768e-17 0.711325 2.31074e-15 2.53047e-17 0.713549 1.99827e-15 2.45598e-17 0.715783 1.86309e-15 2.47013e-17 0.718027 1.84930e-15 2.38820e-17 0.720282 1.99359e-15 2.33985e-17 0.722548 2.24698e-15 2.37691e-17 0.724825 2.60374e-15 2.33754e-17 0.727115 3.00849e-15 2.35745e-17 0.729417 3.44307e-15 2.36726e-17 0.731732 4.00907e-15 2.37818e-17 0.734061 4.53777e-15 2.37335e-17 0.736403 4.97995e-15 2.41136e-17 0.738759 5.37587e-15 2.35651e-17 0.741130 5.77956e-15 2.38795e-17 0.743515 5.98580e-15 2.34283e-17 0.745916 6.22661e-15 2.32054e-17 0.748331 6.44380e-15 2.31235e-17 0.750763 6.66055e-15 2.30294e-17 0.753210 6.86788e-15 2.30613e-17 0.755674 6.76393e-15 2.24009e-17 0.758154 6.72730e-15 2.29182e-17 0.760651 6.37913e-15 2.30852e-17 0.763164 5.78087e-15 2.22292e-17 0.765695 5.06303e-15 2.10967e-17 0.768244 4.42599e-15 2.00025e-17 0.770810 4.17233e-15 2.00270e-17 0.773394 4.08169e-15 1.79567e-17 0.775995 4.09294e-15 1.81180e-17 0.778615 4.31093e-15 1.75135e-17 0.781254 4.47148e-15 1.73112e-17 0.783910 4.71592e-15 1.73711e-17 0.786586 4.87505e-15 1.75647e-17 0.789280 5.15162e-15 1.77810e-17 0.791993 5.39409e-15 1.75528e-17 0.794725 5.71711e-15 1.79003e-17 0.797476 5.97998e-15 1.78534e-17 0.800247 6.31848e-15 1.77244e-17 0.803036 6.83862e-15 1.84607e-17 0.805845 7.29503e-15 1.84312e-17 0.808674 7.90857e-15 1.91599e-17 0.811522 8.34899e-15 1.91532e-17 0.814389 8.60858e-15 1.95976e-17 0.817276 8.73800e-15 1.95867e-17 0.820183 8.91127e-15 1.99914e-17 0.823109 9.00115e-15 2.00139e-17 0.826056 8.86647e-15 1.95876e-17 0.829021 8.78406e-15 1.93351e-17 0.832007 8.66016e-15 1.87374e-17 0.835012 8.57075e-15 1.82250e-17 0.838037 8.39600e-15 1.82105e-17 0.841082 8.00108e-15 1.72928e-17 0.844146 7.61996e-15 1.68107e-17 0.847230 7.25552e-15 1.63560e-17 0.850334 7.07251e-15 1.59777e-17 0.853457 6.94718e-15 1.55978e-17 0.856600 7.02528e-15 1.57230e-17 0.859762 7.21172e-15 1.55605e-17 0.862943 7.65590e-15 1.62912e-17 0.866144 7.78527e-15 1.60791e-17 0.869365 8.10145e-15 1.64497e-17 0.872604 8.40392e-15 1.64810e-17 0.875863 8.75279e-15 1.68565e-17 0.879140 8.82661e-15 1.73577e-17 0.882437 9.12771e-15 1.67642e-17 0.885753 9.48884e-15 1.71839e-17 0.889087 9.55085e-15 1.71566e-17 0.892440 9.14555e-15 1.68171e-17 0.895812 9.50591e-15 1.71408e-17 0.899202 9.68230e-15 1.69622e-17 0.902610 9.99780e-15 1.74505e-17 0.906037 1.01380e-14 1.71067e-17 0.909481 1.06732e-14 1.80622e-17 0.912944 1.08211e-14 1.77301e-17 0.916424 1.09171e-14 1.78100e-17 0.919922 1.09224e-14 1.75611e-17 0.923438 1.10361e-14 1.79663e-17 0.926971 1.07762e-14 1.73043e-17 0.930522 1.08807e-14 1.83137e-17 0.934089 1.09310e-14 1.86962e-17 0.937673 1.07596e-14 1.88105e-17 0.941275 1.04529e-14 1.81117e-17 0.944893 1.04422e-14 1.82368e-17 0.948527 1.04287e-14 1.76623e-17 0.952177 1.06773e-14 1.78619e-17 0.955844 1.08038e-14 1.74402e-17 0.959527 1.09436e-14 1.74674e-17 0.963225 1.12988e-14 1.79722e-17 0.966940 1.18095e-14 1.77235e-17 0.970669 1.15932e-14 1.69453e-17 0.974414 1.18815e-14 1.77691e-17 0.978174 1.16812e-14 1.67007e-17 0.981949 1.20765e-14 1.74146e-17 0.985738 1.14847e-14 1.60282e-17 0.989542 1.19883e-14 1.68315e-17 0.993361 1.10725e-14 1.53043e-17 0.997193 1.11235e-14 1.55942e-17 1.00104 1.06807e-14 1.46675e-17 1.00490 1.10586e-14 1.52228e-17 1.00877 1.09458e-14 1.48868e-17 1.01266 1.16360e-14 1.59790e-17 1.01656 1.16757e-14 1.54341e-17 1.02047 1.20566e-14 1.64717e-17 1.02440 1.15757e-14 1.52398e-17 1.02834 1.22577e-14 1.61067e-17 1.03229 1.15486e-14 1.49439e-17 1.03625 1.24476e-14 1.67461e-17 1.04023 1.15555e-14 1.48191e-17 1.04421 1.27600e-14 1.65895e-17 1.04821 1.19125e-14 1.50726e-17 1.05222 1.30715e-14 1.65880e-17 1.05624 1.22749e-14 1.52483e-17 1.06027 1.24123e-14 1.56928e-17 1.06431 1.20196e-14 1.51829e-17 1.06837 1.24366e-14 1.55477e-17 1.07243 1.22949e-14 1.51296e-17 1.07650 1.28608e-14 1.58446e-17 1.08059 1.23436e-14 1.51167e-17 1.08468 1.24543e-14 1.53943e-17 1.08878 1.18003e-14 1.42627e-17 1.09289 1.22542e-14 1.52514e-17 1.09701 1.14592e-14 1.41996e-17 1.10114 1.21908e-14 1.51750e-17 1.10528 1.19499e-14 1.47018e-17 1.10942 1.20292e-14 1.52846e-17 1.11358 1.13153e-14 1.43506e-17 1.11774 1.12785e-14 1.48982e-17 1.12191 1.08999e-14 1.44377e-17 1.12608 1.08653e-14 1.49455e-17 1.13027 1.06055e-14 1.48015e-17 1.13446 1.05443e-14 1.48788e-17 1.13866 1.04060e-14 1.41710e-17 1.14286 1.06004e-14 1.44556e-17 1.14707 1.04589e-14 1.38446e-17 1.15129 1.05471e-14 1.44694e-17 1.15552 1.07318e-14 1.37331e-17 1.15975 1.11572e-14 1.42432e-17 1.16398 1.11971e-14 1.36520e-17 1.16822 1.17360e-14 1.43836e-17 1.17247 1.13301e-14 1.33586e-17 1.17672 1.17483e-14 1.42076e-17 1.18098 1.11046e-14 1.29529e-17 1.18524 1.14341e-14 1.37738e-17 1.18950 1.10111e-14 1.29443e-17 1.19377 1.17329e-14 1.38879e-17 1.19805 1.07996e-14 1.25653e-17 1.20232 1.15918e-14 1.37022e-17 1.20661 1.07844e-14 1.35618e-17 1.21089 1.13820e-14 1.33663e-17 1.21518 1.08061e-14 1.24925e-17 1.21947 1.13181e-14 1.34739e-17 1.22377 1.11548e-14 1.28477e-17 1.22806 1.14544e-14 1.34581e-17 1.23236 1.07767e-14 1.21459e-17 1.23667 1.22690e-14 1.43572e-17 1.24097 1.10657e-14 1.24287e-17 1.24528 1.15477e-14 1.34836e-17 1.24959 1.06572e-14 1.19671e-17 1.25390 1.14331e-14 1.33114e-17 1.25821 1.03877e-14 1.17126e-17 1.26252 1.12514e-14 1.35390e-17 1.26683 1.01414e-14 1.19451e-17 1.27115 1.04515e-14 1.26444e-17 1.27547 9.98241e-15 1.28099e-17 1.27978 1.05749e-14 1.28083e-17 1.28410 9.72643e-15 1.15353e-17 1.28842 1.00347e-14 1.20649e-17 1.29274 1.02976e-14 1.20263e-17 1.29706 1.14927e-14 1.38650e-17 1.30137 1.00943e-14 1.17226e-17 1.30569 1.08354e-14 1.28520e-17 1.31001 9.79706e-15 1.14144e-17 1.31432 9.99960e-15 1.18874e-17 1.31864 9.43102e-15 1.13438e-17 1.32296 9.62157e-15 1.15720e-17 1.32727 9.24316e-15 1.11341e-17 1.33158 9.29098e-15 1.14806e-17 1.33589 8.54197e-15 1.07055e-17 1.34021 8.19504e-15 1.05448e-17 1.34451 7.82847e-15 1.07268e-17 1.34882 7.63175e-15 1.15237e-17 1.35313 7.45271e-15 1.27078e-17 1.35743 7.08918e-15 1.57441e-17 1.36173 7.06009e-15 1.86930e-17 1.36603 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