Published September 30, 2016 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Security and Privacy Architecture



BBMRI-ERIC IT ecosystem deals with human material and data as the principal component
and therefore the privacy by design paradigm is very important. Privacy protection comprises
analysis of risks and design of countermeasures, such as appropriate use of privacyenhancing
technologies and security measures.
This document has been written as a Deliverable of the ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC project, describing
risk analysis, architecture of BBMRI-ERIC IT services and how the security and privacy
protection is built into those. It also reuses previous work on Security & Privacy Requirements
published as a milestone of the BBMRI Competence Centre in the EGI-Engage project
(EGI-Engage) project, which have been updated and included as an appendix to this deliverable.



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ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC – implementAtion anD OPeration of the gateway for healTh into BBMRI-ERIC 676550
European Commission