TOPICS (following the Research Lifecycle),,CORE LEARNING ELEMENTS ,LEARNING OBJECTIVES (as basis for a LEARNING PLAN),STAKEHOLDER,,,, ,,,,Doctoral Students,Resear- chers,Research Project Managers,Knowledge Managers & Librarians,Funding Agencies Open Science,Open Science Definition,Define the concept of Open Science,Define relevance of OS tools to Reproducibility/Integrity of Research,o,o,o,o,o ,,,Identify OS tools for each step of the Research Lifecycle,o,o,o,o, ,,,Apply OS concepts to your daily research processes,o,o,,, ,,,Discuss OS & Reproducibility role in Innovation & Economic Growth,,o,o,o,o ,Open Reproducible Research,Define relevance to Reproducibility,Identify OS tools for each step of the Research Lifecycle,o,o,o,o, ,,,Define relevance of OS tools to Reproducibility/Integrity of Research,o,o,o,o,o ,,Justify Openness as a Reproducibility Tool,Apply OS concepts to your daily research processes,o,o,,, ,,,Discuss OS role in Peer-Review Process,o,o,,, ,,,Discuss OS & Reproducibility role in Innovation & Economic Growth,,o,o,o,o ,Open Research Data (ORD),Open Big Data,Define Open Big Data concept,,,o,o,o ,,,Identify services based on Open Big Data,,,o,o,o ,,Open Data Definition,Define Open Data,o,o,o,o,o ,,,Demonstrate the advantages of Open Data,o,o,o,o,o ,,Open Data Journals,Identify existing Open Data Journals,o,o,,o, ,,,Prepare a publication for an Open Data Journal,o,o,,, ,,Open Data Standards,Identify existing Open Data Standards,o,o,o,o,o ,,,Use Identifiers for archiving & citing research data,o,o,o,o, ,,Open Data use and reuse,Understand of linked data,o,o,o,o,o ,,,Select & Use licences (e.g. CC) for datasets,o,o,o,o, ,,,Comply with Horizon2020 Open Research Data Pilot,,o,o,o, ,Open Access,Distinguish options for Open Access,Compare Cost/Benefits of Gold and Green Routes,o,o,o,o,o ,,,Choose relevant Route based on your context,o,o,o,, ,,,Comply with Horizon2020 Open Access Mandate,,o,o,o, ,,Recognize the advantages of Open Access,Analyze the social impact of OA,o,o,o,o,o ,,,Estimate the effect of OA on visibility and impact of research results,o,o,,o, ,,,Identify tools and e-infrastructure for OA,o,o,o,o, ,,Reuse existing OA resources,Define the characteristics of an OA publication,o,o,o,o, ,,,Use different OA search portals,o,o,o,, ,,,Interpret content licences and copyright,o,o,o,o, ,Open Science Tools,Identify Open Science Tools,Identify and choose Open Science Tools for your discipline/project,,o,o,o, ,,,Evaluate existing Open Science Tools,,o,o,o, ,,Select existing Open Services,Identify and choose existing Open Services related to Open Science,o,o,o,o,o ,,,Evaluate existing Open Services,o,o,o,o,o ,,Select Open Workflow Tools,Identify and select Open Workflows Tools,o,o,,, ,,,Evaluate existing Open Workflows Tools,o,o,,, ,,Promote outputs of OS projects,Apply lessons learnt for your discipline/project,o,o,o,o,o ,Open Science Evaluation,Identify Altmetrics & Impact,Identify the suit of Altmetrics for future Research Evaluation,o,o,o,o,o ,,,State Pro`s and Con`s of various Altmetrics measures,o,o,o,o, ,,,Interpret OS contribution to Research Evaluation Assessments (e.g. REF 2020),,o,o,o,o ,,Understand Altmetrics & Impact,Use of academic networks scores,o,o,,o, ,,,Discuss OS contribution to Research Evaluation Assessments (e.g. REF 2020),,o,o,o,o ,,Recognize Open Peer-Review Characteristics,Indicate the pros and cons of the Open Peer Review process,o,o,,o, ,,,Critically compare Open vs Closed Peer-Review in your discipline ,o,o,,o, ,Open Science Guidelines,Identify Open Science Guidelines,Analyse existing OS Guidelines,,o,o,o,o ,,,Compare existing OS Guidelines,,,,o,o ,,Apply Open Science Guidelines,Choose a OS Guideline that applies to your discipline/project,,o,,o, ,,,Identify the Guidelines requisites,,o,,o, ,,,Comply with Horizon2020 Open Access Mandate,o,o,o,o, ,,,Comply with Horizon2020 Open Research Data Pilot,o,o,o,o, ,Open Science Policies,Identify Open Science policies,Identify the different types of OS policies,,o,o,o,o ,,Draft Open Science policies,Formulate an OS policy to your discipline/project,,,o,o,o ,,Comply with Horizon2020,Identify the requirements of Horizon2020 Open Access Mandate,,o,o,o,o ,,,Comply with Horizon2020 Open Access Mandate,o,o,o,o, ,,,Comply with Horizon2020 Open Research Data Pilot,o,o,o,o, ,,Monitor Horizon2020 compliance,Define metrics and tools to monitor compliance,,,o,o,o ,,,Report level of compliance,,,o,o,o Research Data Management,RDM Plans,Define RDM Plans,Indicate characteristics of the RDM Plans,o,o,o,o,o ,,,Appraise the characteristics of a RDM plan to your discipline/project,o,o,o,o, ,,Prepare a RDM Plan,Create a RDM Plan,o,o,o,o, ,,,Apply the RDM Plan to your discipline/project,o,o,,, ,RDM Policies,Understand RDM Policies,Identify RDM Policies,,o,o,o,o ,,,Comply with RDM Policies,,o,o,o, ,RDM Services,Identify RDM services,Identify relevant RDM Services,,o,o,o, ,,,Categorize RDM Services ,,o,o,o, ,,Use RDM services,Integrate RDM services in your discipline/project/workflow,,o,o,, ,,,Evaluate & Compare RDM services,,o,o,o, ,RDM Standards,Describe existing RDM Standards,Identify existing RDM Standards,o,o,o,o, ,,,Analyse RDM standards requisites,o,o,o,o, ,,Implement existing RDM Standards,Promote RDM Standards in your discipline/project,o,o,o,o, ,,,Apply existing RDM Standards,o,o,,, ,RDM Tools,Identify existing RDM Tools,Identify existing RDM Tools,o,o,o,o, ,,,Compare RDM Tools,o,o,o,o, ,,Use RDM Tools,Select relevant RDM Tools,o,o,o,o, ,,,Evaluate the use of RDM Tools,o,o,o,o, Legal Issues,Intellectual Property Rights,Definition of copyright,"Define copyright in Open Data, Open Access, Open Science content",,o,o,o, ,,,Define IPR-OS complementarities & conflicts,,o,o,o,o ,,Authors & Publisher rights,Define copyright agreement limits,o,o,o,o,o ,,,Amend a copyright agreement,o,o,o,o,o ,,,Retain Copyright to a publication,o,o,,o, ,,,Apply Green OA to your discipline/project/workflow,o,o,o,o, ,Law,Identify local copyright laws,Understand copyright laws relevant to your discipline,,o,o,o,o ,Licences,Choose appropriate Licences ,Differentiate level of access rights,o,o,o,o, ,,,State types of licences,o,o,o,o,o ,,Apply your licence,Apply licence and apply to your content,o,o,,o, Ethics,Ethics,Define ethical limits,"Define Open Data limitations to clinical data, patient privacy, national security, IPR",o,o,o,o,o ,,Operate within ethical limits,Relate to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI),o,o,o,o,o ,,,Comply with Horizon2020 Open Access Mandate,o,o,o,o, ,,,Comply with Horizon2020 Open Research Data Pilot,o,o,o,o,