Journal: GI Title: A coincidence detection system based on real-time software. Author(s): S. Ayuso, J. J. Blanco, J. Medina, R. Gómez-Herrero, O. García-Población, and I. García Tejedor MS No.: gi-2016-15 MS Type: Research article Suplement. Figure 14 Two files with raw data in txt format: - 201509130000h.txt Data from hardware coincidence chain. - 201509130000s.txt Data from software coincidence chain. Fields (delimited by comma): - Upper detector level read from ADC (0-1023) - Lower detector level read from ADC (0-1023) - Time stamp. dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss:ccc (ccc = milliseconds) - Muon flux (muons/min) Raw data must be trated to adjust lower and upper levels. There is a delay between the time stamp data from both files because the clocks were not synchronized. The first and last data in both files correspond to the first and last muon registered respectively. Figure 16. Muons: File FD_201214_150115.txt include data acquired every 20 minutes from muon telescope working in software coincidence from 20/12/2014 to 15/01/2016. The data used to generate the other graphics in figure 12 can be downloaded from the following public sites: - Neutrons: - N, T, V, B: Figure 17b File: DatFig17b.txt Fields (delimited by comma): - PMT1 level read from ADC (0-1023) - PMT2 level read from ADC (0-1023) - PMT3 level read from ADC (0-1023) Figure 17c File: DatFig17c.txt - PMT1 level read from ADC (0-1023) - PMT1 level read from ADC (0-1023) - PMT1 level read from ADC (0-1023) Each data field has been acquired in different experiments with the same PMT.