Seawater salinity sample measurements from the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) Data file(s): ace_18_data_salinity_ctd_20200812.csv, ace_18_data_salinity_uw_20200812.csv, ace_18_data_salinity_other_20200812.csv ACEID [-]: Project specific sample identifier [-] ACEID_SALNTY [-]: Project specific salinity sample identifier [-] LEG [-]: Leg number of ACE expedition [1-3] STNNBR [-]: Station number at which sample was collected or instrument from which it was collected, was deployed [-] CASTNO [-]: CTD cast number from which sample was collected [-] SAMPNO [-]: Project specific sample number [-] BTLNBR [-]: Niskin bottle number or underway (UW) [-] ACEID_EVENT [-]: ACE event number [-] DATETIME [YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00]: Date and time at which sample was collected [UTC] LATITUDE [DEG_N]: Latitude of vessel when sample was collected [decimal degree North] LONGITUDE [DEG_E]: Longitude of vessel when sample was collected [decimal degree East] SAMPDPTH [M]: Approximate sample collection depth below sea level [meter] PRS [DBAR]: Pressure inferred from sampling depth relative to atmospheric standard pressure 1013.25 mbar [decibars] CTDTMP [ITS-90]: Seawater temperature measured by CTD sensor (cast or thermosalinograph) [International Temperature Scale 1990] CTDSAL [PSS-78]: Seawater salinity measured by CTD sensor (cast or thermosalinograph) [Practical Salinity Scale 1978] SALNTY [PSS-78]: Seawater salinity [Practical Salinity Scale 78] SALNTYERR [PSS-78]: Estimated measurement error in SALNTY (does not account for sampling error) [Practical Salinity Scale 78] SALNTY_FLAG_W [-]: Quality flag associated with SALNTY [1-9] SAL_DIFF_CTD [PSS-78]: Difference in seawater salinity: sample minus CTD sensor (cast or thermosalinograph) [Practical Salinity Scale 1978] BTL_DATETIME [YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00]: Niskin bottle closing date and time [UTC] BTL_LAT [DEG_N]: Niskin bottle closing latitude [decimal degree North] BTL_LON [DEG_E]: Niskin bottle closing longitude [decimal degree East] WOCE Water Sample Quality Codes describing the salinity flag ‘SALNTY_FLAG_W’ are fully explained here: Missing values are filled with value ‘−999’