# Electrophysiology datasets (3 Purkinje cells + experimental parameters) # parameters are given as MATLAB workspace variables; electrophysiology data is in .h5 format 1. "ephys_parameters.mat" contains: - parameters for visual stimuli given in milliseconds - acquisition parameters including sampling frequency - the time base for points to ms conversion * note that there is a delay until the trigger begins for visual stimulus presentation so this is why the time base starts at negative values (trigger is where time == 0) * note that the electrophysiology traces are acquired at 8.33 KHz, so the time base must always be converted from points to ms 2. sample dataset from 3 Purkinje cells with different visual complex spike phenotypes PC1: Purkinje cell with a direction-selective motion onset complex spike phenotype ('group 1') a) PC_type1_DS_motion_onset.h5: the trace from the Purkinje cell recording b) VR_type1_DS_motion_onset.h5: the ventral root recording c) condition_type1_DS_motion_onset.h5: the condition, classified as 1 = 'stimuli' or 0 = 'blank' (spontaneous activity, no visual stimuli) PC2:sample dataset from a Purkinje cell with a direction-selective rotational velocity complex spike phenotype ('group 2') - same structure as for #2 PC3: sample dataset from a Purkinje cell with a luminance complex spike phenotype ('group 3') - same structure as for #2