HEQ (Health Economics Questionnaire)
The original Health Economics Questionnaire (HEQ) is a comprehensive patient self-completed health economics questionnaire measuring health and social care resource use, medication, absenteeism from work and presenteeism, other productivity impacts as well as socio-demographic background information. It was developed in 2016 based on several years of international experience with within-trial (mental health) economic evaluations and originally implemented in the multi-country European PreDicT study.
Further language versions are also available in Dutch, French, German and Spanish.
Note: All existing versions of the HEQ will not be updated in the future. Instead, we encourage the use of the comprehensive new PECUNIA resource use measurement (RUM) instrument developed as part of the European research project PECUNIA (2018-2021). The PECUNIA RUM is an internationally standardised, harmonised and validated, generic, self-reported modular instrument that measures resource use in all relevant sectors for costing from a societal perspective in the adult population. Further information and access details can be found on https://www.pecunia-project.eu/tools/rum-instrument.
User conditions HEQ
The use of the HEQ is free for non-commercial purposes under CC BY NC and is conditional upon citation of the HEQ in any resulting work/publication as follows:
- Kingslake J, Dias R, Dawson GR, Simon J, Goodwin GM, Harmer CJ, et al. (2017) The effects of using the PReDicT Test to guide the antidepressant treatment of depressed patients: Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial. Trials. DOI: 10.1186/s13063-017-2247-2
- Simon, J & Mayer, S (2016) HEQ (Health Economics Questionnaire), Version 08-09-2016, Department of Health Economics, Center for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1485977
Permission for any HEQ instrument use can be requested by e-mail at dhe@meduniwien.ac.at