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Published January 9, 2025 | Version v0.6.2
Software Open

Book Usage Data Workflows

  • 1. Curtin Institute for Data Science, Curtin University
  • 2. Centre for Culture and Technology, Curtin University
  • 3. Curtin Institute for Computation, Curtin University
  • 4. OAPEN Foundation


Book Usage Data Workflows provides Apache Airflow workflows for fetching, processing and analysing data about Open Access Books. The workflows include: Google Analytics, Google Books, JSTOR, IRUS Fulcrum, IRUS OAPEN, Onix, UCL Discovery and an Onix Workflow for combining all of this data.

Conceptualization: Richard Hosking, Keegan R. Smith, Aniek Roelofs, Kathryn R. Napier, Cameron Neylon, and Lucy Montgomery.
Data curation: Richard Hosking, Keegan R. Smith, Aniek Roelofs, James P. Diprose, Rebecca N. Handcock, Alkim Ozaygen, and Kathryn R. Napier.
Formal analysis: Richard Hosking, Keegan R. Smith, Aniek Roelofs, Rebecca N. Handcock, and Kathryn R. Napier.
Funding acquisition: Cameron Neylon and Lucy Montgomery.
Investigation: Richard Hosking, Keegan R. Smith, Aniek Roelofs, Tuan-Yow Chien, James P. Diprose, Rebecca N. Handcock, Alkim Ozaygen, and Kathryn R. Napier.
Methodology: Richard Hosking, Keegan R. Smith, Aniek Roelofs, Tuan-Yow Chien, James P. Diprose, and Kathryn R. Napier.
Project administration: Richard Hosking, Keegan R. Smith, Kathryn R. Napier, Cameron Neylon, and Lucy Montgomery.
Resources: Richard Hosking, Keegan R. Smith, Aniek Roelofs, James P. Diprose, and Alex Massen-Hane.
Software: Richard Hosking, Keegan R. Smith, Aniek Roelofs, Tuan-Yow Chien, James P. Diprose, and Alex Massen-Hane.
Supervision: Richard Hosking, James P. Diprose, Kathryn R. Napier, Cameron Neylon, and Lucy Montgomery.
Validation: Richard Hosking, Keegan R. Smith, Aniek Roelofs, Tuan-Yow Chien, Rebecca N. Handcock, and Kathryn R. Napier.
Visualization: Visualization: Richard Hosking, Keegan R. Smith, Rebecca N. Handcock, and Kathryn R. Napier.
Writing - original draft: Richard Hosking, Keegan R. Smith, Aniek Roelofs, Tuan-Yow Chien, James P. Diprose, Kathryn R. Napier, and Laura J. Wilkinson.
Writing - review & editing: Richard Hosking, Keegan R. Smith, Aniek Roelofs, Rebecca N. Handcock, Alex Massen-Hane, Kathryn R. Napier, and Laura J. Wilkinson.


The Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative (COKI) is a strategic initiative of the Research Office at Curtin, the Faculty of Humanities, School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry and the Curtin Institute for Data Science, with additional support from the Mellon Foundation and the Arcadia Fund, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin.



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