Dataset name ------------ river_basin_total Description ----------- The polygon of river basins are derived from "GRDC Major River Basins of the World (MRB). 2nd, revised edition 2020". GRDC Major River Basins of the World (MRB) is an ongoing GIS project of the Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC). It is provided for public use under the condition of full citation and reference to incorporated data from the HydroSHEDS database. The file "readme_river_basin_ID.txt" are attributed with: basin name, continent from which the water comes, sea and ocean into which the water flows. In this database, we provide N surplus of the river basins that are located within the identifier "CONTINENT" = Europe. Note that the N surplus data for the river basins lying at the edges of the study domain have lesser reliability (i.e. outside of European countries e.g. Dead Sea, Pechora etc). "P_sur_total_kg_ha_river_basin_v1.0.csv" contains river basin name (RIVER_BASI), years (1850-2019), mean of 48 P surplus given as kg ha-1 of physical area of river basins yr-1. References: International Hydrographic Organization, IHO (1953): Limits of Oceans and Seas. International Hydrographic Organization, Special Publication No 23, 3rd Edition, IMP, Monégasque - Monte-Carlo, 45 pp. Online available at Lehner, B., Grill G. (2013): Global river hydrography and network routing: baseline data and new approaches to study the world’s large river systems. Hydrological Processes, 27(15): 2171–2186. Lehner, B. (2013): HydroSHEDS technical documentation, version 1.2. World Wildlife Fund US, 1–25. US Geological Survey (2000): HYDRO1k Elevation Derivative Database. USGS EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD. WWF (2013): HydroBasins, World Wildlife Fund. Data online available at Online received in March 2018. WWF (2019): HydroRivers, World Wildlife Fund. Data online available at Online received in February 2020.