Published July 11, 2024 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Semantics-Aware Status Updates with Energy Harvesting Devices: Query Version Age of Information

  • 1. ROR icon Linköping University


This work focuses on optimizing information freshness and relevance in an IoT status update system with an Energy Harvesting (EH) device. The study introduces the Query Version Age of Information (QVAoI) metric, alongside other semantic metrics, and uses a Markov Decision Process (MDP) to find optimal transmission policies under energy constraints. Results show that all semantics-aware policies show significantly improved performance compared to the greedy policy. The QVAoI-Optimal policy, in particular, demonstrates a significant performance improvement by either providing fresher, more relevant, and valuable updates with the same amount of energy arrivals or reducing the number of transmissions in the system to maintain the same level of freshness and significance of information compared to the QAoI-Optimal and other policies.


Semantics-Aware Status Updates with Energy Harvesting Devices Query Version Age of Information.pdf

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