Published September 15, 2024
| Version v2
Impact of water models on structure and dynamics of enzyme tunnels
- 1-initial_topologies_coordinates.tar.gz
- primary input coordinates and parameter-topology files of all initial systems (LinBwt, LinB32, and Linb86 variants of haloalkane dehalogenase) in OPC and TIP3P water models
- prepared with the tleap module of AMBER18 package
- parm7 and crd formatted
- 2-cap_domain_gate_distances.tar.gz
- datasets with minimum distance calculation between Asp146 and Leu176
- calculated by CPPTRAJ module of AMBER 18 for each performed simulation
- plain text formatted
- 3-protein_trajectories-linbwt.tar.gz
- three replicated 400 ns (20,000 frames, i.e., every second frame) dry production phase trajectories of LinBwt in OPC and Tip3P water models with corresponding parameter-topology files
- produced by pmemd.cuda module of AMBER 18
- netcdf and parm7 formatted
- 3-protein_trajectories-linb32-closed.tar.gz
- two replicated 400 ns (20,000 frames, i.e., every second frame) dry production phase trajectories of closed state LinB32 in OPC and Tip3P water models with corresponding parameter-topology files
- produced by pmemd.cuda module of AMBER 18
- netcdf and parm7 formatted
- 3-protein_trajectories-linb32-open.tar.gz
- two replicated 400 ns (20,000 frames, i.e., every second frame) dry production phase trajectories of open state LinB32 in OPC and Tip3P water models with corresponding parameter-topology files
- produced by pmemd.cuda module of AMBER 18
- netcdf and parm7 formatted
- 3-protein_trajectories-linb86-closed.tar.gz
- two replicated 400 ns (20,000 frames, i.e., every second frame) dry production phase trajectories of closed state LinB86 in OPC and Tip3P water models with corresponding parameter-topology files
- produced by pmemd.cuda module of AMBER 18
- netcdf and parm7 formatted
- 3-protein_trajectories-linb86-open.tar.gz
- two replicated 400 ns (20,000 frames, i.e., every second frame) dry production phase trajectories of open state LinB86 in OPC and Tip3P water models with corresponding parameter-topology files
- produced by pmemd.cuda module of AMBER 18
- netcdf and parm7 formatted
- 4-basic_analyses.tar.gz
- datasets on RMSF, RMSD, RoG, and RDF from the CPPTRAJ module of AMBER 18
- for selected replicas 3x LinBwt, 2x LinB32-closed, 2x LinB32-open, 2x LinB86-closed and 2x LinB86-open
- plain text and PDB formatted
- 5-caver_analyses.tar.gz
- results of tunnel analyses for two replicas of open & closed state each for LinB32 & LinB86 in OPC and TIP3P, and three replicas of LinBWT in OPC and TIP3P
- generated by CAVER 3.0 using "Divide-and-conquer approach" (MethodsX, 10, 2023, 101968)
- comprising csv and pdb formatted: tunnel_profiles.csv and bottlenecks.csv, stripped_system.10001.pdb, v_origins.pdb
- For this and following analyses, the names of the trajectories were modified as follows:
- linbwt_opc1_2 = md1_opc_linbwt; linbwt_opc2_2 = md2_opc_linbwt; linbwt_opc3_2 = md3_opc_linbwt;
- linbwt_tip3p1_2 = md1_tip3p_linbwt; linbwt_tip3p2_2 = md2_tip3p_linbwt; linbwt_tip3p3_2 = md3_tip3p_linbwt;
- linb32-closed_opc1_2 = md1_closed_opc_linb32; linb32-closed_opc2_2 = md2_closed_opc_linb32;
- linb32-open_opc1_2 = md1_open_opc_linb32; linb32-open_opc2_2 = md2_open_opc_linb32;
- linb32-closed_tip3p1_2 = md1_closed_tip3p_linb32; linb32-closed_tip3p2_2 = md2_closed_tip3p_linb32;
- linb32-open_tip3p1_2 = md1_open_tip3p_linb32; linb32-open_tip3p2_2 = md2_open_tip3p_linb32;
- linb86-closed_opc1_2 = md1_closed_opc_linb86; linb86-closed_opc2_2 = md2_closed_opc_linb86;
- linb86-open_opc1_2 = md1_open_opc_linb86; linb86-open_opc2_2 = md2_open_opc_linb86;
- linb86-closed_tip3p1_2 = md1_closed_tip3p_linb86; linb86-closed_tip3p2_2 = md2_closed_tip3p_linb86;
- linb86-open_tip3p1_2 = md1_open_tip3p_linb86; linb86-open_tip3p2_2 = md2_open_tip3p_linb86.
- 6-transport_tools_analyses.tar.gz
- results of comparative analyses for all simulations generated in 5-caver_analyses.tar.gz
- generated by TransportTools 0.9.3
- comprising csv, pdb, plain text and py formatted: configuration file (config_TT.ini), tunnel_profiles (data folder) for all filtered tunnels and bottlenecks (data folder) for all filtered tunnels, statistics (statistics folder) and visualization (visualization folder)
Notes (English)
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- Is described by
- Preprint: 10.1101/2023.04.19.537534 (DOI)