Published September 13, 2024 | Version v5
Dataset Open

Artifact for "Verifying the Option Type with Rely-Guarantee Reasoning"


This repository contains the dataset and scripts to reproduce Table 1 and Table 2 in the paper "Verifying the Option Type with Rely-Guarantee Reasoning".


Please see for the same information, but listed separately from this README file.

Our scripts are designed for a Unix environment (Linux, macOS, WSL, etc.). They will not work under a Windows command shell.

Our scripts require the following tools:

  • Python 3, version 3.9.6 or later.

  • GNU grep. For macOS, install it as ggrep via the command brew install grep.

    • If not already installed, brew can be installed via the instructionshere

Subject programs

File dataset.txt lists the subject programs.

The subject programs are stored under the following directories:

  • optional-paper-base-repos: all the subject programs with their build files modified to run the Optional Checker.
  • optional-paper-annotated-repos: all the subject programs, with@SuppressWarnings for each true positive and false positive issued by the Optional Checker (scripts count these). It also contains the Optional Checker type qualifiers that we wrote.
  • optional-paper-intellij-repos: all the subject programs with @SuppressWarnings for each IntelliJ warning (so they can be programmatically counted).
  • optional-paper-errorprone-repos: all the subject programs with @SuppressWarnings for each Error Prone warning.
  • optional-paper-spotbugs-repos: all the subject programs with @SuppressWarnings for each SpotBugs warning.


Looking to reproduce all the data in our tables? See reproduce-data.

This repository contains the following scripts:

  • reproduce-data: this script reproduces all the data for our tables.
  • compute-precision-recall-annotations: this script generates Table 1: it computes the values for precision, recall, and the number of human-written, machine-checked annotations used by each tool.
  • count-style-violations: this script generates Table 2: it reports the number of style violations detected by each tool.
  • this is a Python utility used by other scripts as a thin wrapper around grep. You need not use it directly.

All these scripts may be executed from the root of this directory. For example, to generate Table 1:

% ./compute-precision-recall-annotations

Resulting Data

Each script produces the rows of the dataset, excluding the column titles. Below is a brief description of each output .tex file:

  • eval-statistics.tex: generated by the compute-precision-recall-annotations script, maps to Table 1 in our paper. The columns of the data are, in order from left-to-right:
    • Tool name
    • Number of true positives detected by the tool
    • Number of false positives detected by the tool
    • Precision
    • Recall
    • Total number of machine-verified annotations written as a specification across all subject programs.
  • style-violations.tex: generated by the count-style-violationsscript, maps to Table 2 in our paper. The columns are the data are, in order from left-to-right:
    • Tool name
    • Number of violations of style rule 1
    • Number of violations of style rule 3
    • Number of violations of style rule 4
    • Number of violations of style rule 5
    • Number of violations of style rule 6.a
    • Number of violations of style rule 6.b
    • Number of violations of style rule 6.c
    • Number of violations of style rule 7


The implementation of the Optional Checker appears in the implementation directory. This folder contains the following subdirectories:

  • optional: the source code for the Optional Checker's verification logic for the Optional type system.
    • optional/qualifiers: the definitions for each type qualifier from the Optional type system that may be used with the Optional Checker.
  • nonempty: the source code for the Optional Checker's verification logic for the Non-Empty type system.
    • nonempty/qualifiers: the definitions for each type qualifier from the Non-Empty type system that may be used with the Optional Checker.


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Publication: 10.1145/3691620.3695036 (DOI)