_ReadmeDendroLikeness.txt Mon Sep 9 09:56:19 2024 octavio.martinez (at) cinvestav.mx # To install the R package DendroLikeness you can type # (in one window of your operative system; i.e., a command window) R CMD INSTALL DendroLikeness_1.0.tar.gz # (of course you must be in the directory where that file is). # Alternatively, to install from inside R: # You need to have file "DendroLikeness_1.0.tar.gz" in your current # working directory (use "getwd()"); then the "dir()" command # will show file "DendroLikeness_1.0.tar.gz". # Then you can proceed to install using: # install.packages("DendroLikeness_1.0.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source") # After the package is installed, and within R, use library(DendroLikeness)