These files contain genomic data from a cohorte of COVID-19 patients, some of them treated with Tocilizumab and standard therapy and other treated only with standrad therapy. These data have been obtained from an exploratory analysis of genetic associations with the efficacy of Tocilizumab using a sequencing panel of inflammatory genes from ThermoFisher Scientific on an Ion S5XL platform. For more details, please read the paper DurĂ¡n-Sotuela et al 2024 (Frontiers in Pharmacology) Genomic data have been packaged in two blocks of files: 1- A file with the gVCFs of in-depth sequenced samples that correspond to the initial subset of 425 patients. One folder per chip and one compressed gVCF file per sample on each sequencing chip 2- An excel file with the three (selected) genotypes assigned by single base extension assay in the remaining 245 patients 3- A metadata file describing the identification of the sequenced samples as well as the outcome (deceased or not) and Tocilizumab treatment