{ "name": "bionomia-attributions", "id": "71d46a30-f762-11e1-a439-00145eb45e9a", "licenses": [ { "name": "cc-by-4.0", "path": "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode" } ], "profile": "tabular-data-package", "title": "ATTRIBUTIONS MADE FOR: Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-Malac", "description": "<p>[Spanish]\nEl año 1882 Francesc Martorell donó su colección malacológica al ayuntamiento de Barcelona. Esta fecha enmarca la fundación del propio museo. Desde entonces la colección ha crecido gracias a la contribución de malacólogos como Artur Bofill, Joan B. d'Aguilar-Amat, Lluis Gasull, Baltasar Serradell, Manuel Chía, Joan Rosals, Miquel Bech. La gran mayoría de registros anteriores al siglo XXI son muestras conquiológicas, en seco, mientras que a finales del siglo XX hasta la actualidad predominan muestras de ejemplares enteros conservados en alcohol.</p>\n<p>[English]\nF. Martorell donated his malacological collection in 1882. This date can be considered as the beginning of the formation of the Museum. Since this date, the malacological collection has been increased with the contribution of the malacologists: A. Bofill, J.B. Aguilar-Amat, L. Gasull, B. Serradell, M. Chía, J. Rosals. An aspect peculiar of the collection is represented by samples collected in subterranean environments.</p>", "datasetKey": "71d46a30-f762-11e1-a439-00145eb45e9a", "doi": "https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10585368", "homepage": "https://bionomia.net/dataset/71d46a30-f762-11e1-a439-00145eb45e9a", "created": "2024-08-25T18:14:26+00:00", "sources": [ { "title": "Museu de Ciències Naturals de Barcelona: MCNB-Malac", "path": "https://doi.org/10.15468/pnkuwh" } ], "keywords": [ "specimen", "museum", "collection", "credit", "attribution", "bionomia" ], "image": "https://bionomia.net/images/logo.png", "resources": [ { "name": "users", "description": "List of unique people that have either claimed or been attributed occurrence records through examination of either dwc:recordedBy or dwc:identifiedBy. 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