File Name Interval Name Top Base Domain Region Format Grid cell size Remarks Neogene_Shelf_Isopach_TWT Neogene Seafloor T1 TWT Shelf "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m The top of this interval was not based of seismic data but on available bathymetric data Paleogene_Shelf_Isopach_TWT Paleogene T1 UK TWT Shelf "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m Late_Cret_Shelf_Isopach_TWT Late Cretaceous UK MK TWT Shelf "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m mid_Cret_Shelf_Isopach_TWT middle Cretaceous MK LK TWT Shelf "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m Early_Cret_Shelf_Isopach_TWT early Cretaceous LK UJ TWT Shelf "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m Late_Jur_Shelf_Isopach_TWT Late Jurassic UJ MJ TWT Shelf "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m Early_Mid_Jur_Shelf_Isopach_TWT Early to Middle Jurassic MJ BPR TWT Shelf "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m Crust_Shelf&CoastalPlain_Isopach_TWT pre-brekup crust BPR Moho TWT Shelf+Coastal Plain "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 5000X5000m "Note that since the top of the interval is the BPR, the thickness of the isopcah includes pre-rift basement rocks, syn-rift strata, Seaward Dipping reflectors, syn-rift magmatic addition to the crust (underplating, intrusions etc.)" Neogene_Shelf_Isopach_Depth Neogene Seafloor T1 Depth Shelf "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m Paleogene_Shelf_Isopach_Depth Paleogene T1 UK Depth Shelf "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m Late_Cret_Shelf_Isopach_Depth Late Cretaceous UK MK Depth Shelf "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m mid_Cret_Shelf_Isopach_Depth middle Cretaceous MK LK Depth Shelf "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m Earl_Cret_Shelf_Isopach_Depth early Cretaceous LK UJ Depth Shelf "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m Late_Jur_Shelf_Isopach_Depth Late Jurassic UJ MJ Depth Shelf "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m Early_Mid_Jur_Shelf_Isopach_Depth Early to Middle Jurassic MJ BPR Depth Shelf "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m Neogene_rise_Isopach_Depth Neogene Seafloor Au Depth Slope and Rise "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m "Isopach interpolation and extrapolation was based on thicknesses measured along the lines and not by substracting structural maps. The TWT thickness at each point alond the seismic line was converted to depth and only then, interpolated into an isopach map. This was done to reduce the accumulation of interpolation errors. Depth conversion procedures are elaborated in a supplamentary document" Paleogene_rise_Isopach_Depth Paleogene AU A* Depth Slope and Rise "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m "Isopach interpolation and extrapolation was based on thicknesses measured along the lines and not by substracting structural maps. The TWT thickness at each point alond the seismic line was converted to depth and only then, interpolated into an isopach map. This was done to reduce the accumulation of interpolation errors. Depth conversion procedures are elaborated in a supplamentary document" Late_Cret_rise_Isopach_Depth Late Cretaceous A* Km Depth Slope and Rise "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m "Isopach interpolation and extrapolation was based on thicknesses measured along the lines and not by substracting structural maps. The TWT thickness at each point alond the seismic line was converted to depth and only then, interpolated into an isopach map. This was done to reduce the accumulation of interpolation errors. Depth conversion procedures are elaborated in a supplamentary document" mid_Cret_rise_Isopach_Depth middle Cretaceous Km Beta Depth Slope and Rise "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 500X500m "Isopach interpolation and extrapolation was based on thicknesses measured along the lines and not by substracting structural maps. The TWT thickness at each point alond the seismic line was converted to depth and only then, interpolated into an isopach map. This was done to reduce the accumulation of interpolation errors. Depth conversion procedures are elaborated in a supplamentary document" Early_Cret_rise_Isopach_Depth early Cretaceous Beta J1 Depth Slope and Rise "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 500X500m "Isopach interpolation and extrapolation was based on thicknesses measured along the lines and not by substracting structural maps. The TWT thickness at each point alond the seismic line was converted to depth and only then, interpolated into an isopach map. This was done to reduce the accumulation of interpolation errors. Depth conversion procedures are elaborated in a supplamentary document" Late_Jur_rise_Isopach_Depth Late Jurassic J1 J2 Depth Slope and Rise "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 500X500m "Isopach interpolation and extrapolation was based on thicknesses measured along the lines and not by substracting structural maps. The TWT thickness at each point alond the seismic line was converted to depth and only then, interpolated into an isopach map. This was done to reduce the accumulation of interpolation errors. Depth conversion procedures are elaborated in a supplamentary document" Early_Mid_Jur_rise_Isopach_Depth Early to Middle Jurassic J2 BPR Depth Slope and Rise "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 500X500m "Isopach interpolation and extrapolation was based on thicknesses measured along the lines and not by substracting structural maps. The TWT thickness at each point alond the seismic line was converted to depth and only then, interpolated into an isopach map. This was done to reduce the accumulation of interpolation errors. Depth conversion procedures are elaborated in a supplamentary document" Neogene_Costal_Plain_Isopach_Depth Neogene Seafloor T1 Depth Coastal plain "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m Ctretated by substracting the structural maps of the top and base Paleogene_Costal_Plain_Isopach_Depth Paleogene T1 UK Depth Coastal plain "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 1000X1000m Ctretated by substracting the structural maps of the top and base Late_Cret_Costal_Plain_Isopach_Depth Late Cretaceous UK MK Depth Coastal plain "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 500X500m Ctretated by substracting the structural maps of the top and base mid_Cret_Costal_Plain_Isopach_Depth middle Cretaceous MK LK Depth Coastal plain "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m Ctretated by substracting the structural maps of the top and base Early_Cret_Costal_Plain_Isopach_Depth early Cretaceous LK UJ Depth Coastal plain "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 500X500m Ctretated by substracting the structural maps of the top and base Neogene_CP+shelf+rise_Isopach_Depth Neogene Seafloor T1 Depth Shelf+Rise+Coastal Plain "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m "The grid is an amaglamation of the coastal plain, shelf and slope and rise isopach grids. Inter-grid interpolation was performed to bridge gaps between the different grids. Following the interpolations, several manual processing steps were carried out: 1) local smoothing of interpretation-related artifacts 2) local smoothing of grids suture lines 3) manual adjustment of the upper lope suture that connects the shelf and slope grids. There, values where set along the slope according to the seismic data. This was done to form a continuous thickness distribution along the slope. 4) manual nulling of the thickness at the locations seamounts that appear on the bathymetric data." Paleogene_CP+shelf+rise_Isopach_Depth Paleogene T1 UK Depth Shelf+Rise+Coastal Plain "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m "The grid is an amaglamation of the coastal plain, shelf and slope and rise isopach grids. Inter-grid interpolation was performed to bridge gaps between the different grids. Following the interpolations, several manual processing steps were carried out: 1) local smoothing of interpretation-related artifacts 2) local smoothing of grids suture lines 3) manual adjustment of the upper lope suture that connects the shelf and slope grids. There, values where set along the slope according to the seismic data. This was done to form a continuous thickness distribution along the slope. 4) manual nulling of the thickness at the locations seamounts that appear on the bathymetric data." Late_Cret_CP+shelf+rise_Isopach_Depth Late Cretaceous UK MK Depth Shelf+Rise+Coastal Plain "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m "The grid is an amaglamation of the coastal plain, shelf and slope and rise isopach grids. Inter-grid interpolation was performed to bridge gaps between the different grids. Following the interpolations, several manual processing steps were carried out: 1) local smoothing of interpretation-related artifacts 2) local smoothing of grids suture lines 3) manual adjustment of the upper lope suture that connects the shelf and slope grids. There, values where set along the slope according to the seismic data. This was done to form a continuous thickness distribution along the slope. 4) manual nulling of the thickness at the locations seamounts that appear on the bathymetric data." mid_Cret_CP+shelf+rise_Isopach_Depth middle Cretaceous MK LK Depth Shelf+Rise+Coastal Plain "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m "The grid is an amaglamation of the coastal plain, shelf and slope and rise isopach grids. Inter-grid interpolation was performed to bridge gaps between the different grids. Following the interpolations, several manual processing steps were carried out: 1) local smoothing of interpretation-related artifacts 2) local smoothing of grids suture lines 3) manual adjustment of the upper lope suture that connects the shelf and slope grids. There, values where set along the slope according to the seismic data. This was done to form a continuous thickness distribution along the slope. 4) manual nulling of the thickness at the locations seamounts that appear on the bathymetric data." early_Cret_CP+shelf+rise_Isopach_Depth early Cretaceous LK UJ Depth Shelf+Rise+Coastal Plain "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m "The grid is an amaglamation of the coastal plain, shelf and slope and rise isopach grids. Inter-grid interpolation was performed to bridge gaps between the different grids. Following the interpolations, several manual processing steps were carried out: 1) local smoothing of interpretation-related artifacts 2) local smoothing of grids suture lines 3) manual adjustment of the upper lope suture that connects the shelf and slope grids. There, values where set along the slope according to the seismic data. This was done to form a continuous thickness distribution along the slope. 4) manual nulling of the thickness at the locations seamounts that appear on the bathymetric data." Late_Jur_CP+shelf+rise_Isopach_Depth Late Jurassic UJ MJ Depth Shelf+Rise+Coastal Plain "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m "The grid is an amaglamation of the coastal plain, shelf and slope and rise isopach grids. Inter-grid interpolation was performed to bridge gaps between the different grids. Following the interpolations, several manual processing steps were carried out: 1) local smoothing of interpretation-related artifacts 2) local smoothing of grids suture lines 3) manual adjustment of the upper lope suture that connects the shelf and slope grids. There, values where set along the slope according to the seismic data. This was done to form a continuous thickness distribution along the slope. 4) manual nulling of the thickness at the locations seamounts that appear on the bathymetric data." Early_Mid_Jur_CP+shelf+rise_Isopach_Depth Early to Middle Jurassic MJ BPR Depth Shelf+Rise+Coastal Plain "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 2000X2000m "The grid is an amaglamation of the coastal plain, shelf and slope and rise isopach grids. Inter-grid interpolation was performed to bridge gaps between the different grids. Following the interpolations, several manual processing steps were carried out: 1) local smoothing of interpretation-related artifacts 2) local smoothing of grids suture lines 3) manual adjustment of the upper lope suture that connects the shelf and slope grids. There, values where set along the slope according to the seismic data. This was done to form a continuous thickness distribution along the slope. 4) manual nulling of the thickness at the locations seamounts that appear on the bathymetric data." Crust_Shelf&CoastalPlain_Isopach_Depth pre-brekup crust BPR Moho Depth Shelf+Coastal Plain "ZMAP+Grid (ASCII), GeoTiff" 5000X5000m The velocity used to convert the TWT thickness to meters is 6.3 km/s