Gampsocoris culicinus Seidenstücker, 1948

Figs 9, 11

Material. Altai Republic, the vicinity of the Artybash village, 51º47 '06" N, 87º19'45" E, 472 m a. s. l., 29, 31.07, 03.08.2019, forest edge on the slope of the southern exposure, partially anthropogenically disturbed, on inflorescences of single Asteraceae species, 39 imago, 9 larvae. (V. Golub, V. Soboleva).

Distribution. West–Central Palearctic species. In Western Siberia it was previously recorded from the Kemerovo Province and the Altai Republic, from Eastern Siberia – southern Yakutia.

Ecology. All the material was collected in an open, well-insulated habitat, on the rocky slope of the southern exposure at the margin of the forest, with anthropogenically disturbed soil cover.

Note. The first indication of the species from the Altai Republic (Vinokurov & Golub, 2016) was based on only three specimens collected in the vicinity of Artybash. A relatively high population numbers of this species in 2019 in the same locality allowed us to establish that the species prefers the open habitats in the conditions of the southern taiga of Western Siberia.