Scolopostethus thomsoni Reuter, 1875

Material: Altai Republic, the vicinity of the Artybash village, meadow on the edge of a mixed forest, near a stream, 51º47'47.4" N, 87º17'17.7" E, 526 m a. s. l., 28.07.2019 (E. Aksenenko), 1 male, 2 females.

Distribution. Holarctic species. In Western Siberia it was recorded from the Tyumen and Tomsk Provinces. First record from Altai as a whole. It was previousely recorded from Eastern Siberia without localities indications (Péricart 2001).

Ecology. The species was collected in open moist biotope that corresponds to its ecological requirements as mesophilic and hygrophilic species (Putshkov 1969; Péricart 1999b).