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Published August 5, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Case Report: Management of Hypoalbuminemia with A Semi-Elemental Egg White Derived Nutrition Formulation



Hypoalbuminemia is generally defined as a serum albumin concentration ≤3.0 g/dl.
Hypoalbuminemia is linked to poor outcomes, including an increase in complications,
regardless of the underlying processes, also reduced short-term and long-term survival
in critical patients. Malnourished patients have high protein needs, and research shows
that providing them enough protein can lower mortality and enhance quality of life.
Egg whites contain all the essential amino acids required, and it has many beneficial
effects on the body. Peptides generated from egg whites maintain the nutritional value
of egg whites and are easily absorbed in the body. We reported three cases studies to
demonstrate the effectiveness of oral administration of egg white passed formulation in
hospitalized patients with hypoalbuminemia and observed that, administration of High
Protein Albumin Formula (Albuwise) is safe and effective in improving serum albumin
level among hospitalized patient with low serum albumin levels


IJMPR-ASD-247043d GP.pdf

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