Published August 2, 2024 | Version V1
Dataset Embargoed

High-throughput Computational Screening of Hydrocarbon Molecules for Long-wavelength Infrared Imaging


This repository contains datasets associated with the paper titled "High-throughput Computational Screening of Hydrocarbon Molecules for Long-wavelength Infrared Imaging," accepted at ACS Materials Letters Journal.


  1. Optimized XYZ Coordinates: The hydrocarbon molecules' XYZ coordinates, obtained using the B3LYP functional and the 6-31g(d,p) basis set in Gaussian 16 software, used to simulate the IR spectra (including transition energies and absorption intensities) of the molecules.

  2. Broadened Molar Absorptivity IR Spectra: The dataset's IR spectra, broadened using a Lorentzian band shape with a gamma (half-width at half-height) value of 5 cm⁻¹. Molecules with imaginary frequencies have been excluded.

  3. Related SMILES Strings: Contains SMILES strings for these hydrocarbons.

  4. NUMBERS_SMILES.csv: Provides the associated SMILES string for each numerated XYZ coordinate.

For any inquiries, please contact Dr. Maliheh Shaban Tameh at



The files will be made publicly available on February 28, 2025.

Additional details


U.S. National Science Foundation
DMREF: Computational Chemistry to Accelerate Development of Long Wave Infrared Polymers 2118578