Published August 1, 2024 | Version 1
Journal article Open

Prof. Dr. Bilsay Kuruç ile Planlama ve Hayata Bakış / Perspectives on Planning And Life with Prof. Dr. Bilsay Kuruç


The interview conducted with Prof. Dr. Bilsay Kuruç, has been covering topics from the history of planning to the societal and technological impacts of energy resources. Prof. Kuruç shared his views on many subjects, from the necessities of planning to the current state of international relations. He explained how societal changes have shifted from collective thinking to individual competition, arguing that true democracy can only be achieved through deep social changes. Prof. Kuruç analyzed the obstacles to Turkey's democratic reform processes and their impact on social structures. He discussed China's "Belt and Road" initiative, Russia's geopolitical strategies, and the influence of the United States on Europe in the context of international relations. He provided insights into China's strategic actions and their effects on global power dynamics. Additionally, he examined Turkey's resistance to economic and political exploitation and the role of the Republic in this resistance.


5-67-76-Bilsay Kuruç ile Söyleşi- Interview with Bilsay Kuruç.pdf

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